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Quarterly Newsletter No.

96 April - June 2018

Quarter in Focus
The most important IPS activity during the
reported quarter was a high-profile international
seminar on the topic of Pluralism vs
Exclusionism: The Case of Rising Extremism in
India. The event featuring more than a dozen
national and international experts on the
subject highlighted at length the consequent
intensifying environment of exclusionism
targeting minorities in the neighboring country,
and its implications for regional and world
politics. The IPS team was able to generate
much-needed discourse on the issue in the
academic, policy and diplomatic circles in
‘Pluralism vs Exclusionism: The Case of Rising Extremism
The quarter also witnessed IPS hosting Seyed in India’
Kamal Kharazi, former foreign minister of Iran Expressing deep concerns over the seminar ‘Pluralism vs Exclusionism: The Case
and head of its’ Strategic Council on Foreign aggravating environment of extremism in of Rising Extremism in India’ which was
Relations, who stressed that Iran and Pakistan India, experts from Pakistan and abroad organized by Institute of Policy Studies (IPS),
should make concerted effort to foster regional censured the promotion of exclusionism in the Islamabad on February 22, 2018.
peace. garb of nationalism under the present Indian The event, which had Raja Zafar-ul-Haq,
Other important deliberations during the quarter government’s tenure. leader of the house, Senate of Pakistan, as
included a policy dialogue on Afghan refugees They were speaking at the international the chief guest, was addressed as keynote
in Pakistan, a roundtable discussing Continued on Page 02
geo-economics as a determinant of Pakistan’s
foreign policy, a gathering of experts reviewing Iran and Pakistan should work together for regional peace:
the proposed draft of Pakistan’s National
Education Policy, and a deliberation urging for Kamal Kharazi
the preparation of learned minds to avail the Appreciating Pakistan’s neutral stance over Regional and
opportunities coming with the fourth industrial Yemen conflict, Seyed Kamal Kharazi, the Global Scenario:
revolution. head of Strategic Council on Foreign A Perspective
In addition, while a session at the Institute Relations and former foreign minister of Iran from Iran’ which
stressed upon on the resolution of Kashmir stressed that Pakistan and Iran should join was organized
issue as per UN recommendations, hands and work together to ensure regional by Institute of
participation in an international conference on and global peace. Policy Studies
the issue to further its viewpoint was also well He was addressing the session ‘Emerging (IPS), Islamabad Seyed Kamal Kharazi
received. on March 26,
Continued on Page 02
There have been several of workshops
organized by IPS LEAD – the Learning, ‘The Dynamics of Fourth Industrial Revolution:
Excellence and Development program of the
Institute – imparting knowledge to the Opportunities for Pakistan’
participants over the topics of media Terming mining of opportunities unfolding with the fourth
management and crisis communication, the reservoirs of industrial revolution age.
research communication skills, policy research, population’s They were speaking at the seminar ‘The
social media and youth volunteerism. brainpower as the Dynamics of Fourth Industrial Revolution:
need of time, the Opportunities for Pakistan’, which was
Two publications: Islam’s Political Order: The speakers at a
Model, Deviations and Muslim Response and organized by Institute of Policy Studies (IPS),
seminar urged for Islamabad, on February 16, 2018, in
Kamiyab Zindagi 3: Sehatmand Rawaiyya preparation of continuation of its series of programs on the
Apnaiye, were brought forth by IPS Press open and learned subject of ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’.
during the period, whereas a brief based on the minds in order to
session ‘Afghan Refugees in Pakistan’ was also Dr Gulfaraz Ahmed benefit from the The session was chaired by Mirza Hamid
published. Continued on Page 03

‘Afghan Refugees in Pakistan: A Policy Dialogue’ 'Dynamics of India-Pakistan

A session titled 'Dynamics of India-Pakistan
Relation' was addressed by Syed Iftikhar
Gilani, a renowned Indian journalist who is the
bureau chief of Daily News and Analysis
(DNA), India, and Murtaza Shibli, a prominent
british-kashmiri journalist, on February 23,
2018. Held at IPS with it's research team, the
session aimed at studying the turbulent nature
of bilateral relations between the two
countries from variegated perspectives.

IPS' governing body meeting

A periodic meeting of IPS' governing body
was held at the Institute's premises on March
Brig (r) Ishaq Khan and Amb (r) Ayaz Wazir 31, 2018. Presided by DG-IPS Khalid Rahman
Majority of policy analysts at a roundtable held be based on perceptions and reactions; a lot of and participated by Fasih Uddin, former chief
at IPS on January 26, 2018 rejected the idea of research and policy dialogues was needed to economist, Planning Commission of Pakistan,
forceful repatriation of millions of Afghan address this issue of critical national and Amanullah Khan, former president,
refugees from Pakistan calling it unwise and regional importance, he emphasized. Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and
harmful for the national interest. Industry (RCCI), Justice Dr Fida Mohammad
General (retd) Asad Durrani, former ISI chief, Khan, Maulana Abdul Haq Hashmi, Mehmood
Khalid Rahman, director general of IPS, was of said that it was not in the interest of Pakistan to Ahmed, Abrar Ahmed Magoon, IPS' GM
the opinion that it is simply not possible to send repatriate millions of Afghans forcefully and Operations Naufil Shahrukh and the Institute's
back 2.4 million registered and an unknown ruin the investment of four decades. Two executive team, the sitting looked at and
number of unregistered refugees currently generations of them have been born here and discussed various matters of managerial and
residing in the length and breadth of the majority of their youth have hardly seen their administrative nature.
country without a comprehensive plan and native areas, he added.
research-backed policy. There may be fifth-columnists among them but
He said, that there were two views about the it is better that they stay here and are tracked
presence of Afghan refugees in Pakistan: one instead of being sent back to do whatever they
considering them an asset and the other a want against Pakistan with impunity, Durrani
liability. However, the issue must not be seen in suggested.
black and white as there were many grey areas For detailed report, visit:
in it with several shades. Decisions should not

Continued from Page - 01 Continued from Page - 01 ‘Pluralism vs Exclusionism: The Case of Rising
Iran and Pakistan should work Extremism in India’
together speaker by Ambassador (r) Abdul Basit, former seen in light of human rights, Zafar-ul-Haq,
2018. The session was chaired by Shamshad Pakistani High Commissioner to India, while addressing the seminar’s inaugural
Ahmad Khan, former foreign secretary of alongside Ambassador (r) Zamir Akram, session, despised the Indian technique of
Pakistan. It was attended by a number of former Ambassador (r) Salman Bashir, Ambassador (r) promoting partisanship in the name of
diplomats, former secretaries, academicians, Jalil Abbas Jilani , Dr Syed Rifaat Hussain, Dr nationalism stating that while many countries
intellectuals, as well as Iranian ambassador to Waqar Masood Khan, Dr Junaid Ahmad, Dr were fighting against their own problems of
Pakistan H.E. Mehdi Honardoost and other Mujeeb Afzal, Iftikhar Gilani, a prominent Indian exclusionism, India – which claims to be the
officials from the Iranian embassy. journalist and the chief of national bureau, Daily largest democracy and portrays itself as a
News Analysis (DNA), Murtaza Shibli, a secular state – keeps on fueling exclusionism
Kharazi was of the view that any cooperation of
British-Kashmiri journalist, Ye Hailin, director, by oppressing its minorities which dominantly
Iran with India can never be against Pakistan,
Center for Regional Security Studies, School of include Sikhs, Dalits, and especially Muslims.
much the same way no Pakistan alliance with
Advanced International and Areas Studies, East Even the Muslims in Indian-occupied Kashmir
Saudi Arabia can be against Iran. He said that
China Normal University (ECNU), China, Syed were persistently being repressed for over
every country strives to serve its own interests
Muhammad Ali, international security expert, Air seventy years, he added.
but its increasing relations with India were not
Commodore (r) Khalid Iqbal, DG-IPS Khalid Haq pointed that the saddest part of the
going to hurt Pakistan in any way.
Rahman, and Irfan Shahzad, research fellow at phenomenon was that all of this was happening
He said that Pakistan and Iran enjoyed cultural, IPS. under the governance of Indian Prime Minister
religious, geographical and historical ties and
The sessions of the day-long event were Modi, whose leadership as a torch-bearer of
even their interests were not much dissimilar
attended by a galaxy of representatives from Hindutva has set the exclusionism in full swing.
from each other.
civil society, diplomatic circles, government For detailed report, visit:
For detailed report, visit:
officials, media and academia.
regional-peace-kamal-kharazi/ Calling exclusionism a matter that should be hindutva-extremism/


Review meeting of the draft National Education Policy Kashmir issue must be resolved
in accordance with UN Security
Council resolutions
Terming Kashmir issue as one of the oldest
disputes in UN whose fate still hangs in
jeopardy even after 70 years, the speakers at
a session held at IPS urged the global body to
play a more eloquent role in resolving the
matter in line with its self-discerned solution.
Held on January 23, 2018, the session ‘UN
resolutions on Kashmir: an insight’ was chaired
by Ambassador (r) Tajammul Altaf, and
addressed by DG-IPS Khalid Rahman and M
Abdul Qadeer, research associate, Strategic
L-R: Prof Rao Jaleel Ahmed, Mian Muhammad Akram and Mansoob Zaidi Studies Institute Islamabad (SSII).
An assembly of senior academicians, Lahore, Dr Qazi Sultan Mehmood, assistant Presenting his understanding of the matter,
researchers and intellectuals at IPS reviewed professor, Hazara University, Prof Muhammad Abdul Qadeer shared that according to the
the draft of National Education Policy (NEP) for Ibrahim, Dr Shahzad Iqbal Sham, and Shagufta UNSC resolution of 1948, the fate of Kashmir
Pakistan, which was proposed under Ministry of Omar from International Islamic University, was to be decided over UN-supervised
Federal Education and Professional Training, Islamabad (IIUI), among others. plebiscite. Soon after the resolution, the
conditions for holding a plebiscite were also
Government of Pakistan in 2017, and is After analyzing the scheme from varied angles laid. The implementation of the resolution,
expected to be ratified by all the four provinces including the goals, objectives and key areas of however, has been lingering ever since as
in the ongoing year with some refinement. education policy and different forms of India has consistently found ways for its delay.
Held on January 5, 2018, the meeting was education prevalent in the country, the For detailed report, visit:
attended and participated by well-known esteemed gathering generally endorsed the
academicians from across Pakistan including approach adopted in devising the much awaited
Mian Muhammad Akram, president, policy – whose earlier framework dates back to
Tanzeem-e-Asatiza Pakistan, DG-IPS Khalid 2009 even before the devolution of powers to
Rahman, Prof Rao Jaleel Ahmed, associate provinces following the 18th constitutional
professor, School of Social Sciences and amendment – albeit sharing ideas and
Humanities, University of Management and suggestion for its further amelioration.
Technology (UMT), Dr Abdus Sattar Abbasi, For detailed report, visit:
head, Centre of Islamic Finance at COMSATS
Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), -policy-pakistan-2017/
M Abdul Qadeer and Amb (r) Tajammul Altaf
‘Pakistan and its Neighbors: A Foreign Policy Analysis’ Continued from Page - 01
to serve its national interests, Amb (r) Tajammul ‘The Dynamics of Fourth Industrial
said that the country’s geographical positioning Revolution’
offered great potential for economic uplift if the Hasan, former secretary, Ministry of Water
political expediencies were overcome. He and Power, member IPS-National Academic
viewed that the economic security of the Council and chairman, IPS Steering
country should become the main pillar for Committee on Energy, Water and Climate
national security and foreign policy, with the Change; and addressed by Dr Gulfaraz
initiatives like CPEC, SCO, CASA1000, TAPI, Ahmed, former Federal Secretary,
Dr Adnan Sarwar and DG-IPS Khalid Rahman and IP synergizing with economic growth. Petroleum, and DG-IPS Khalid Rahman.
The former envoy – who carried out diplomatic Speaking of approaching opportunities for
Establishing that a strong economy is a services for Pakistan in various countries for
precursor for robust security, the speakers at a Pakistan in the wake of fourth industrial
over 35 years – also shared his opinion about revolution, Dr Gulfaraz said that the world is
seminar viewed that Pakistan’s relationships, the country’s relations with neighboring
especially with the neighboring countries, standing at the brink of a revolution that will
countries while linking Pakistan’s stability with fundamentally alter the way we live, and this
should be determined by its economic interests regional peace.
and not only by the political ones. transformation will be unlike anything the
The former diplomat regarded CPEC as the key humanity has ever experienced before.
The session titled ‘Pakistan and its Neighbors: area to focus in Pakistan’s foreign policy, with Though we are not sure how this new
A Foreign Policy Analysis’ was held at IPS on considerable attention needed to be paid in the revolution will eventually unfold, it is very
February 8, 2018. It was chaired by Dr Adnan areas of governance, political reforms, human much clear that our response towards it
Sarwar, HoD, International Relations, National resource development and capacity building. should be integrated, comprehensive, and
University of Modern Languages (NUML), involve all the stakeholders.
Islamabad, and addressed by Ambassador (r) For detailed report, visit: For detailed report, visit:
Tajammul Altaf and DG-IPS Khalid Rahman.
Urging to utilize Pakistan’s location strategically -avail-fourth-industrial-revolutions-opportunities/

Sharing Insights

‘Media Trends, Media’s Depiction of Pakistan, and its Impact’ IPS represented in int’l
Pakistani media conference on Kashmir
on the other hand
was not able to
realize this
impact so far
mainly due to the
influence of
external elements
over it. In
comparison, he
added, the UK DG-IPS Khalid Rahman participated in an
media reports international conference titled ‘The Kashmir
domestic matters Dispute: Past, Present and the Future’ on
as per its February 27, 2018.
A session titled ‘Media Trends, Media’s discretion and adheres firmly to the
Depiction of Pakistan, and its Impact’ was guidelines provided by the government when The three-day conference organised by
held at IPS on March 21, 2018 with a view to it comes to the matters pertaining to National University of Modern Languages
enlighten the Institute’s team over the international affairs. (NUML), which was held from February 27 to
subject. March 1 at the University’s auditorium, was
Pointing at the reasons behind the persistent
jointly organized by three departments of the
The session was addressed by Zahoor negative portrayal of Pakistan in international
Ahmed Niazi, a renowned journalist who has university – Department of International
media, Ahmed Niazi said that the Indian lobby
served as the editor of Jang, London, and is was much more active in global media arena Relations, Department of Pakistan Studies, and
now heading Minhaj-ul-Quran International. compared to Pakistanis and hence was able the Department of Governance and Public
to project its narrative much efficiently. Policy. DG-IPS chaired the second session of
Ahmed Niazi was of the view that the majority
the first day which was themed ‘Kashmir
of the battles today were being fueled by and For detailed report, visit:
Dispute: Psycho-Social, Environmental and
legitimized through media propaganda.
Water Issues’.

MoU with Department of Law, IPS signs MoU with Xinhua News Agency, China
Bahria University, Islamabad
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was
signed between IPS and the Department of
Law, Bahria University (BU), Islamabad, on
March 9, 2018, for entering into a formal
arrangement aiming at the publication of
selected papers – which are to be presented in
the National Conference on International
Humanitarian Law 2018 to be held on
September 26-27, 2018 under the auspices of
Bahria University, Islamabad and International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) – in IPS’
flagship journal Policy Perspectives.

An agreement between IPS and Xinhua News agency has started blending its news and
Agency was signed on March 8, 2018 for the electronic media coverage with one another,
subscription of the latter’s English news alongside extending its English news
service. coverage reach via its wire services.
It is pertinent to mention here that Xinhua For detailed report, visit:
News Agency, which was founded in 1931, is
now one of the most prestigious national -china/
news agencies in China. Recently, the

Workshop on ‘Crisis Communication and Media Handling’ ‘Youth Volunteerism and

A two-day workshop on ‘Youth Volunteerism and
ICT4Governence’ was organized by IPS LEAD –
the learning, excellence and development
program of IPS – in collaboration with PYCA –
Pakistan Youth Change Advocates – on January
15-16, 2018.
The workshop aimed at capacitating and
empowering University’s youth on the use of
innovative, accessible and inclusive ICTs/mobile
technology enabled solutions in order to promote
democratic governance values for efficient public
IPS LEAD – the Learning, Excellence and Company, at Hub, Balochistan on February services, transparency and accountability.
Development Program of IPS – in 27, 2018.
collaboration with Bridge PR, organized a The workshop was facilitated by IPS LEAD
one-day training workshop on ‘Crisis associate Yasir Masood Afaq, Naufil
Session on ‘Conflict Reporting’
Communication and Media Handling’ for the Shahrukh, IPS’ GM Operations and Zeshan IPS LEAD, in collaboration with Riphah Institute of
plant management team of Hub Power Jafri, CEO, Bridge PC. Media Sciences (RIMS), organized a session on
‘Conflict Reporting’ at the latter’s premises on
Session with alumni of NDU Government and Public February 23, 2018.
Policy department The session was addressed by Syed Iftikhar
Gilani, a prominent Indian journalist who is the
The main bureau chief of Daily News and Analysis (DNA),
objective of the New Delhi.
session —
conducted by
‘Journey from Human to
DG-IPS Khalid Artificial Intelligence’
Rahman - was A session on ‘Journey from Human to Artificial
to build capacity Intelligence’ was held at IPS as part of its team
of the MPhil development program on January 2, 2018.
degree holders The session was addressed by Engr Waseem
in public policy Asrar Ahmed, an AI expert and former faculty
research to member of HIIT, Hamdard University and NED
make use of University, Karachi, who apprised the participants
their research about the journey from human to artificial
theses to intelligence and other future technologies.
IPS LEAD – the Learning, Excellence and produce publishable research papers in
Development Program of IPS – hosted a ‘Policy Perspectives’, the flagship journal of
session to brainstorm research ideas for the IPS – Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad. ‘Social Media and Policy
alumni of the department of Government & It was decided that the GPP-NDU Alumni Research’
Public Policy, National Defence University Association and IPS will jointly form a working
(NDU), Islamabad, under its initiative of An insightful session
group of the Alumni members and IPS faculty on ‘Social Media and
‘Indigenizing Policy Research in Pakistan’, on which will hold monthly seminars to meet its Policy Research’ was
February 13, 2018. objectives. organized by IPS
LEAD on March 16,
2018 as part of the
Institute’s team
Workshop on ‘Research Communication Skills’ development
A workshop on ‘Research Communication the participants with the fundamental aspects The session, which
Skills’ was held at IPS on January 1, 2018 as and practical details of the art of research was facilitated by renowned entrepreneur
part of its team development program. communication, most importantly sharing and tech guru Rehan Allahwala, shed light
how to identify, shape and package the key on using social media as a research tool as
The session was conducted by Dr Najam well as on utilizing the power of social
Sheikh, an expert on research outreach and message from one’s research in a way that networking platforms by engaging
communication having an experience of over makes it more interesting, distinctive and policymakers, concerned institutions and
eye-catching for the reader. other stakeholders in policy dialogue,
30 years under his hat. The expert apprised academic research, advocacy and outreach.

Islam’s Political Order: The Model, Deviations and Muslim Response IPS’ brief
The central led to the shift from the caliphate to monarchy. Afghan Refugees in Pakistan
theme of this While the following two chapters discuss the
book relates to difference between the caliphate and monarchy, A Policy Dialogue
the nature of the the change that the monarchy caused and the
Islamic caliphate way the caliphal fall led to schismatic
and its makeup. polarization and conflicts among the Muslims,
How did it followed by the ulama’s effort to bridge the
actualize itself in cleavages wrought by the change in the system
the first century of governance as typified by Imām Abū
of Islam? What Ḥanīfah’s and Imam Abū Yūsuf ’s works.
were the causes Today, when an ongoing debate is taking place
that led to its shift on the nature of Islamic state, “political Islam”
to monarchy? and relation between state and “religion”, this
And finally when research work of the Mawlana provides a Based on a policy dialogue ‘Afghan Refugees
the change did resume of how the Qur’an and the Sunnah of in Pakistan’ held at IPS on January 26, 2018,
take place, what the Prophet (pbuh), visualize a modern Islamic
was the the seminar brief advises key points to
state. formulate the Afghan refugee repatriation
Ummah’s reaction to this change? To explain
this, all the pertinent Ayaat (verses) of the --- policy around, instead of adopting an ad-hoc
Qur’an that have relevance to the primary Author: Sayyid Abu’l A‘la Mawdūdī approach which has seen the deadline
political issues have been compiled in the work Translation: Tarik Jan extending for the 6th time up to March 31,
to enable the readers to have a glimpse of the 2018.
Islamic state that the Qur’an wants to have. Editor: Dr Anis Ahmad
The second chapter deals with the principles of Language: English For detailed report, visit:
Islamic governance in the light of the Qur’an, Year: 2018
the Sunnah, and the precepts and sayings of Pages: 284
the prominent Ṣaḥābah (raḍi Allahu ‘anhuma).
Price: PKR750, USD20 (Hardback) Forthcoming
The third chapter speaks of the distinguishing
characteristics of the pious caliphate as known PKR450, USD12 (Paperback) The upcoming book
in the history. For publication details, visit: Hydro-diplomacy:
The fourth chapter delineates the causes that Preventing Water
War Between
Kamiyab Zindagi 3: Sehatmand Rawaiyya Apnaiye Pakistan and India,
authored by Ashfaq
The publication series ‘Kamiyab Zindagi’ is all those short Mahmood, a former
about changing behavior and developing speeches of Khalid federal secretary,
personality. Learning through events we witness Rahman, Director ministry of water &
ourselves and which we hear from others to General, Institute of power, describes
which we are a part of … and those which we Policy Studies (IPS), the ups and downs
come across while going through history or Islamabad, which being faced in
regular readings; they give a special dimension were prepared for managing the
transboundary water relations between
to our thoughts and happenings in the ‘Raushni’ – his Pakistan and India since the independence of
perspective of time and individual and collective program on Radio the two countries in 1947. It analyes the recent
behaviors. Pakistan. water issues between the two countries and
Just like its predecessors, the third publication --- brings out that the current deteriorating trend
of the ‘Kamyab Zindagi’ series, titled of water relations may result in a war between
Author: Khalid the two nuclear countries in not too distant a
‘Sehatmand Rawaiyya Apnaiye (Adopt Healthy Rahman future. The author believes that such a
Behaviour)’, comprises articles written in a situation can be prevented through
Binding: Hardback
light-manner aimed at the improvement of imaginative hydro-diplomacy and explains the
behavioural aspects of our lives, starting from ISBN: 978-969-448-166-1 course of action in this regard.
our thoughts, our relations with elders, children Year: 2018 ---
and other people in life, and finally Pages: 216 Author: Ashfaq Mahmood
contemplating upon our habits and lifestyles Binding: Hardback
with a view of leading a successful life. Price: PKR500, USD8
ISBN: 978-969-448-170-8
The articles collected in the book are basically
For publication details, visit: Pages: 320 Price: PKR900, USD15

Institute of Policy Studies: Nasr Chambers, Plot No. 1, Commercial Centre, MPCHS, E-11/3, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Ph: +92 51 843 8391-3, Fax: +92 51 8438390, Email:, Web:,
Editor: Naufil Shahrukh, Asst. Editor: Farhan Syed, Layout: Asif Taimuri

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