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, : : i a = ll alge gy ll pol pl} C= | ‘TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT | Prepared For ‘OWE: M/S, DUBAELECTLITY AND WATER AUTHORITY PROJECT: PROPOSED PRECAST POOUNDARY WALL PLOT NO. 922 2014 | LOCATION: A YALAMS 2, DUBAT ‘CONSULTANT: DEWA » Eig, Tel Ales Geren Bole? sworn atin Same oem Ta Sani eo ee VM + This mports accreted by Mis. DAC Dubal Municipality Hf y » al alge g yp ll pond pl all CEA | "TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING IMS: DEWA, ‘our Re: psn0207 P.O.BOX.- 564 DATE: 08-03-2017 DUBAL UAE. se fo submit our ste investigaton report on your proposed ‘Boundary Walla he above sie. This report includes field and laboratory test resus adtion to our conclusions and recommendations for design and type cof foundaton, Wie are happy to render our services upon your request and would ike to thank ‘yo for your confidence, Please donot hesitate to cll on us fran aistance ‘nhenover needed, { ‘Dina Pose oma orem Fo Ta oe i 2b Boba anne aeons Fa c2aees ater soa eue ee aa Ea nent tte coreermornemisnes Tae ed a Le a Lill alge g Qa ll po pall Ca ' TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING contents eter of Transmit Table of Contents, Introduction, Purpose of vestigation, ‘Scope of Work Ste Desciption ‘SubeolConitions and Description. Feld and laboratory tess, Discussion. *Enginoetng recommendations. ATTACHMENTS Locaton Pan ‘Borehole Location Pan Borehole logs. Borehole coreation chart. Legend for borehole logs SollRock Dain, Parle size dsibuton, CChomial tox recut, Sulphate and Acid roscianc. Appendte-1 ‘oped. References ‘This report is accredited by MS. Dubai Municipality (DAC) vane cee ates aa shapes uw 1) on on on (02 (02) (03, (03) 4s) 1207 18 s0a20 raz 2 i 80 | sre SAND wih ow comented bande and ite gypaun, 40-155 | 100 | gypsum / Brown, motied grey white, CONGLOMERATE Roddsh brown to brown, SILTSTONE embedded with | embedded with gypsun, [AL the time of investiga, the ground water was not encountered up to the investigated depth of 6.5m, {60/FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTS Ayre rests ‘Standard penetiatlon test (SPT) were conducted regulary at 0.5m itera upto 3.0m ‘and thereafter at 1.0m intvals up te the investigated depth in accordance with tho dling procedure speci in 8S 5990-1900, ‘The (est was cated out using an automatic drop hammer assembly, which ulies an ‘automatic tip mocharism o ralease the weight alin accordance with BS1377, 190 par 8: Tost 3.3 Amd 6264:1995. Results ave presented on borehole os plates 3-8 sr20207 Page 2065 | errs cee cee Te ten a a Se eS ee L —_ ‘TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING + 2 /LAbORATORY rests Soll samples recovered For the boreles dling were subjected to laboratory testing fo Sieve analyses and Chenical analyses. (62.1 SIEVE ANALYSIS ‘total of 12 Nes, Sove analyses were cared out on representative sot eames. Ress ‘are presented on plates 12 - 17. Tests wore cared out in accordance with BS1S77, Part 2:4990 Ard 9027:1096 Tost 9.2 62:21 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Chemical tests were cared out on 6 Nos. representative scl samples. Results ae probented on plate 18 ‘Sulphate and chorde content tess were cared out aosoedance with BS1377, 1990 part 28 Amd 9028: 1996 tess 5.3 and 7.2 respeciney. [ Mohs method was used fr chloe eterminaton instead of Voard’s method as mentioned inthe specications J. pH was ‘etermined as per 851377, 1960 part 3 Amd 8028: 1956, test 95. ‘LAL DISCUSSION ‘The proposed consructon sa Pracast Boundary Wal ‘Based onthe type of sure and te soll conltons encountered, shallow foundations ae ‘considered suitable, ‘The bearing pressure fs evaluated based on both shew and setlement err outined in the procedure for bearing pressure determination (QAP 08 App C) which is based on the references [1] (2), [3]& [9]. Eventhough higher bearing pressure canbe allowed on the basis ofshoarciria, the recommended bearing pressure has beon kod to 170 kN/a* for Isolated / combined footngs of with 4-4m and stip footing to keep the total and ‘ferent settemeonts warn permissbie ims. si20207 Page 3015 ae ee PS peepee a gi os TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING AL ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS ‘AL RECOMMENDED BEARING PRESSURE, ‘An algae bearing pressure of 170 kN can be used for Koleted/ combined footings of width tte or stip foundation placed at 1.0-.5m below th existing ground level. This ‘lowable bearing prescus i obtained using Terzaghi and Pock char. “Estimating allowable bearing pressure for foundations in sand on bast of the results of standard penetration test" and incorporates a ator of stay of atleast 3 onthe uimate bearing pressure. “The loll and diferent sattementa under the above lading are estimated tobe less than 25mm and 10mm rospectely. This should nol cause any rote, Excavations a tho foundaton level should be compacted o atleast 96% ofthe maximum . ry deny ofthe eo using a heavy roller Note: 1. Atthe tine of foundation constuction, this office shall bo contacted to cany out ‘compaction or ater tests if recommanded in our report at random locations selected by us in which ease only a letter of conflmation can bo issued fer tho ‘Sate Besring Pressure and foundation levels 2. For more detalee notes on the limtatons of thse recommendations as well 35 ‘ides to good anginoorng practice hn fundaton level preparation and constuction, ‘Appendix on plates 21 & 22 shal bo refered. ‘AZ /CHLEMICAL. CONDITIONS ‘The reels of chemical analysis presontod on plato 18 show class 2 sulfate conditions as er table 7, b 8) of 85 5328 Pat 1:1997, a copy of which I presented on pate 19 & 2, In iow of severe cmatic conditon inthe gl lass 8 condions sal be assumed for water cement rao and cement content. chloride content is high and therefore adequate precautions should be taken to avoks ‘coosionof see enforcement dve to molsure movements nd chord ingress. Howover, 2s the chioride content inthe above cae ison the higher ste, Ordinary Portland ‘Cement (OPC) is commended instead ofthe Suphaie-esisting Poland Cements (SRC) mentoned inthe above specications svz0207 Page sot ‘| =a ae oa aE nena Wis Poem wom ame Fa eas ann Bae aaa see aes tut ages ei ae ee es ; _F Ll alge g Qa all pod pl @EaA [TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING } ‘turn coaing may beep neko ose et one cay dan once i made with cated supervision and good workmanship. Allemalvely standard ‘equiroments of lecal muncipalty shouldbe et followed. ea ane aneeerneeeitar eee meena ee erent eee icerans ‘Constvtion Inthe Gut Region), BRE Digest as wo as BS 5328 Part: 1997. Checked by Prepared by ‘ABDOULLAH IM. BARAKA) TECHMEAL LABORATORY a ae rsnors _—— Page 5 of 5 fe ecgec ene er ete nal agin ae i a_i —aeen —t e i? - Oe a a y Ll alge g yl pad pt ka ‘TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING LOCATION PLAN a ean f 2 Df pea wv fe an s/20207 PLATE:1 8 ee Pome aoe RI E Sara Ena ogi alga y yal ent pial el QR TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING BOREHOLE LOCATION PLAN. ) otc ta PLTE:2 ja tae mene pers TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING @ Ll alga g 2 yall pe pl Oa = Pre Peal tt SET iste ia ee Pease ee spss] SPE oo shee a | ent =5|5|2 "Ses 7 az] a0 liza BE : arenes) = oa ee ‘TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING a” CEA | Preps roast Bu Wan Pao GTS i Ta ue dat tant age Sasa ne wag Ee op Ll lg g 2p po pl oa [TEGHNIGAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING ) i oe om ee a a ——— Ena ingen ab TERE) jf tan — roma fone rae ro 7 7 Lill gee g degya ll ja yall pg @aA ‘TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING BoRETOLEIDG a Ea = 7 Pen ec ar ala a ET = ia ele] [ifs fs [a] Bepgeommeve ers | eB ldieq!=ule~| pele aa] fae [mf] trem te rotor = arco raes Enobifaphenabb an , . 7 : 7” Ll alge g ay all pe pl ~~ [ TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING | BOREHOLE CORRELATION CHART j | tues Pore foe are Fa | Se Ena bic ae el alge g yl yo ll + OBA TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING LAGE ron ponenoL Locs coment | ey | Rok gay ton Sind penton wth amply Untangle 10 |= ae ecaia ls 360 04s saat Pe eca ec ocae eee tay ef change ma me arg wine nooo wt ym ‘ont sr ue es oie te pam r-rel ane ‘tech tpt 97 eon ptr eon gt Wa a ee 0 ey tn come 0, ub a2 2A ii este le ae Beets ain con 2 eee 3) Tm in one anememsin dombeh emec cne e 2 IE “Of imse cne sddy n n oT it ins iin ee ee fami a hh RP ea on 2 ems ie ist i asa NOTE Te het oo le deen te rac may of ponds alee an BR Besoin pse0ze7 PLATE: 19 Sane — Roba re ems Fa TRS ee eth Beers et ez barns Fa Scns 1 ree raga ae oS nak ogi ‘te wna 7 Lill alga g ail pol pl jl C= F TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING ‘Sulfate. and ac resistance 1S 5908: Part 1: 1997 1 Comen prone ore 7s Mah ing lotr cemen conning BS 4246, i Siereoesnceeereeeennee ‘Ron instore cement conarning BS 73" Sa Seisbeayen Eanencetansec, i nt RT Ty eta win ph ontormig Bs nc ta 4 phy rhe combi ‘Hig tore coment conterming 81cm ot ethan Tsing by ma ot ‘ch or omit Foro cement anfrming oR 2 ahaa cooing 9c ‘2 | rere treat rua a tore en #3 ah bya i cation nde sibningto BE 4037 | cle Ili oon | : Se paver cis cu gh al Forcier 33 sal tins orc oe Canina cone ove 450 am mick Pca punt | Sone ne et /eemet ro en in ‘ereomalcuagtanebern acta | seca rinfund comt ps soca ‘ed bom ak oer eine etme 2 Nota ry aes rs we neyo fn Gale gon hg Sof BS BOUCHE fe Unue la fretted an pesto nyse RETIN Forgan er sits BE Dip The cain i ale a ld ead yore sr0207 PLATE: 20 nak ogee Ll alga g yall pe pl il @A TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING APPENDIX-1 2m long pis mt ene const es gore ats, glen cencn etapa eed 2). Tee are many methods cau the sonable Danng pressure of eg ‘Zelensidesbie'vafons inte vatiee antained by tee ste oartanty ‘arponets Iptostgc o the substace conitna: changing emsrenmental canton ote ga ‘asd enc enperance we nay be aeupnng deren aun otra fat aoe Soe UAE ana be te Ummm & 30 br sao fants an 25 tr {Pe grou wale able reste i expected to vary subject to tascnal vations o ny dlwateg proces he vent Heres tw ateabef etal a Hanapoe Pezometer an ‘rgcon prod af he escnaediavel canbe propery cared ou the resued Segre | ‘rented our repot ince any sieuny sehieung proper compacts, 26 | (Gye ex erator tara shal Bo plese and tempatod sth Yoqted Sop ot ‘Shroacten 1 wna he constucion rae Wee ae leas ‘matra oa 9% in caco of aan red babe The smpacton percentages eas hal be one by cary aut nat canay tents for sch compacta ayer ar Becki Sie Tier ps bed ae’ cLite ried cat locars te Mity of he Pack te sack exzsede im cone penaraton tne (C7) shal be cared ou cnn Te {Saory sting tuto oat ‘mle caring out cetera, sab soared hat no excasie alee i caine to ‘hornoaroy souuures na the press tel be gama utr eanee: Morevey, sate pectoretave tbe ten expt mao was at i S_eeeecee coe Peer eae eats | Eva fstab ae + ell gee g Reel pana pall yl Ca \ TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING ‘Where he foundations ae sued lo ba paced on he exiting ground owl eae i remove et ap sham ay canst snd wet so at sy rae ate 8) Incase tho an vn sti, wih wang fr damon, and the sok {to mire borohles ater aetiono cone arg presse, Incase nara any cay sala shove tn groundwater abl, cre shout be tkan fo avid walt rm acing ts ee by sowing enough dranage af he domeste wate wate ing re ney arena he badog geese otto water om 10) Ris adele to Keo the undatons at fae 1.0m below te nisi ground eel so ‘hat any ltr eneavaio forservon no may nt uadaane he fount 11) considre undesate to place the foundations drt over amarphous aypsun (ut righ coment) ana haces mnman of tomm yer duce spe ater Safi iad nd ipod to tae an 8% oe marry hy Sey of “2 1 case ground provers ae nacssay to be cated out, echnigueesutable er any Pater sesh be eelecta nconauaton wath glace gies 48) caso of any har strata ike sandstene,lision oer rock ype, eof speck Stanton fr oxeavatons f atch sas sna be canoe {4 The recommanations gen in this repo need ot be condor as tha an bron ‘Those recommendations may 30 aero fare ha so parameters perm copending orth Sn requerents and by aeeament win the gesechisl ener svama07 pure: bth Poor abe concn Fe ease ‘Dine stash fags ue Gad nak oi ae Wettenttaae Ll alge g My ill yo pl @A ‘TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING APPENDIX:-2 \ Ba soetecerenatic ne esate een macs {LLBECONMENDED CEMENT TYPES, {hte sr ‘chieede sorts sncouered wows a the ou easone tng {Sharan Grins Poa Cx (OBC) a ea eft chan chon Shoe eo. Construction in the Gul Regien). } Pa AEG te per tc tno ni ee eae eee ee Sheen ae wees eee ~ Toyerepmtcnna tant cote tn Fe eee ee eee rm ee See er ee ete Sere neces a cle See ee ee coe ans ta aw cm eee onced ta he us of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) a ios are occuring leet eo 2 to eabily 2 | + igor contents of chances snd wer contents of eulphsensre susabe, Ades fre proorse iso abe nad ere one or Sscronsn the posany of chro Gh ‘gweorons atscing te rere Cong, ts ecommendaciat he we Suite Resting Prana Cements (SRC) Lower cntonts of bh suphotes and cos re occuring together ‘L.ACCEPETANCELIVITS OF CMLORIDES & SULPHATES: a a ter ee ina {ete hone conan of he waar eno Soncay na stand 800mg Of chloe Bertie ie 09 om + Suates: As por 85:35; so8n: A general ue othe sccepanity of sipates Inet wate fat the sulphate cotom shot ot be escaa ToDdeng Of sup toute per refs. 1.091 BRE Oigest 250 ond CP" To grade cots and orounawater nthe lovee of sulle fone 0.23 tt snete "4.3 git a wal set cond saan PLATE: 23 | by Babe ooo ao Fe SS TRA GETTTGTT | ‘tna Bobo. anaes Fac Senet sani gas staan Gg han nce Ena ct ae Vette “a - cL alga g ay peal pl wll TECHNICAL LABORATORY FOR SOIL & BUILDING MATERIAL TESTING 0 mm | 0) hk 0) hh | © en | (8) Hani Yong Fang © mmm 1) err a6Amc (CARA Pass eme0? Ena cha at REFERENCES “icp of Fann Eagning” Th Ein, Pus Rating ompny undo Alsi Design" out in, ‘eG itor on “Pps a Gets Pape of ois” Seo Ein, ‘eG il crtinl Eaen “rounn Desig a Cosntion™ tn, oom Sot Todd “Foon Eagening nck Seon Bion, Vonooned Real (ote ate ot resin = +i ota teeter “hi Conte Catt tC Rh UATE: 24 LL. ase a OHA |

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