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-first Chemist try to classify the substance into 4 groups, include the light & heat into metals & non-

-classification table not accepted bcoz light, heat & a few other compounds were also considered as

-divided the elements into the groups of 3 elements with similar chemical properties

-Each traid,the atomic mass of the middle element is equal to the average atomic mass of the first and
last element.

-not accepted as the traid system was true for some elements only.

<relationship between the chemical properties & the atomic mass of each element.>

-arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass

-Elements with similar properties recurred at every 8 element,known as “Law Of Octaves”

-not accepted bcoz the Law of Octaves was obeyed by the first 17 elements only.

<the existence of a periodic pattern for the properties of elements>

-he plotted graph of the atomic volume against the atomic mass

-conclude that elements with similar chemical properties occupied equivalent positions in the graph.

- found that the properties of the elements formed a periodic pattern against their atomic masses.

- he arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass

-grouped them according to similar chemical properties in vertical column

-left gaps in the table to be filled by undiscovered elements.

-concluded that proton number should be the basic for the periodic change of chemical properties

instead of the atomic mass.

-arranges the elements in order of increasing proton number

-The modern Periodic Table based on the foundation of Henry J.GMoseley.

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