Relationship of Clean Water Management and Clean Water Management Attitude To The Community in Jodipan Malang City

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Project Paper
To fulfill the Task Course for Basic Environmental Science
Who Drafted by Dr. Sueb, M. Kes
Presented on Thursday, 26 April 2018

Group 6 Offering I
Mega Berliana (170342615550)
Nadilah Nur A. (170342715521)



April 2018
Mega Berliana, Nadilah Nur Anggraeni, and Dr. H. Sueb, M.Kes

Departement of Biology, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang

Email: and

Abstract. Indonesia is known as a country with high biodiversity with abundant water resources.
Water resources management is indispensable for the community for long-term interests. The
management of water resources must be adapted to the conditions of the regions that have different
characteristics. The paper aims to analyze clean water management in Jodipan Malang City, to
analyze the attitude of clean water management to the community in Jodipan Malang City, and to
analyze the relationship between clean water management and clean water management attitude in
society in Jodipan Malang City. This research uses descriptive correlational method with closed
questionnaire and analyzed using total and category tables. According to the results of the average
analysis of the total results of the questionnaire of clean water management is 3.7667 which
belongs to the high category while the result of the total average analysis of the checklist of the
attitude of clean water management of the local community is 3,8333 which is included in the high
category. The conclusion of the results is between water management and water management
attitude in the community has no relationship (correlation).

Keywords. Management, attitude, water, community, jodipan


Indonesia is known as a country with high biodiversity. Not only are the plant
resources high, but the water resources are also very abundant. Water resources management
is indispensable for the community to be directed to long-term interests. Proper management
of natural resources will improve the welfare of mankind, and otherwise bad management of
natural resources will be bad for humanity (Fauzi, 2004).

Water is part of the abundant natural resources on earth that are very much beneficial
and very needed by everyday people. According to Law no. 11 of 1974, article 1 of the
temporary replacement of Law No. 7/2004 on irrigation states that "Water is all water
contained in and or derived from water sources, both above and below the soil surface, not
included in the sense" it is also mentioned that "water resources are water, water resources,
and water resources contained therein" (Maryono, 2014). In terms of water resources, the role
of the river can not be separated from the management of water resources.

According to Koelzer (1972) in the management of water resources there are several
problems in the use of water that is urban water supply, pollution control, flood control and
drainage, recreation, fish and wildlife, parks and open spaces, Many of these problems have
their origins in growth and population concentration. The community plays an important role
in the management of water resources in their respective areas as the current management of
clean water resources in several places in Indonesia is experiencing a crisis stage this is one
of the impacts of natural resources and insufficient human resources support the availability
of clean water resources. Water management can be made in certain models such as the water
management model located in Bantul Yogyakarta, a community-based water management
model (type C). The most prominent characteristic of this type is that the highest authority in
decision making on all aspects of drinking water is in the hands of community members,
from the initial stage, needs identification, water service, desired service level planning,
technical, implementation of development up to the management. Clean water management is
not only related to administrative, but also related to operational techniques, such as network
maintenance, water and generator sets. Most (75%) household heads need clean water
between 2 - 19.33 m³ (Harjono et al, 2013). Water quality is the level of safety and water
feasibility to be utilized, the results of research on the quality of water states that the low pH
of a water due to sulfuric acid content contained in the waters is high enough. In contrast to

the high pH of a waters can be caused by the high chalk entering the waters (Maniagasi et. al,

Some places in Indonesia often experience a clean water crisis for a considerable
period of time, therefore the need for policy in clean water management, in addition to the
role of the community, here the role of municipal and district governments is needed to
cooperate in overcoming the problem of clean water crisis in some areas in Indonesia, the
initial action that may be done by the city or district government is the management of water
resources in the area of densely populated riverbanks such as in the densely populated area of
Jodipan city of Malang is famous for the spot of recreation, from where the government may
be able to weigh the policy management of water resources around the area considering the
area as a place for recreation. Conditions in Indonesia are not much different from those in
other developing countries. The number of people without access to clean water in 2002 was
only 44.8%, while the population of East Java without clean water was 36.7% (The World
Bank - The Asia Foundation, 2004). By the end of 2004, East Java's piped water service in
urban areas reached 38%, while rural areas were only 5.5% (Masduqi et. al, 2007).

The management of water resources must be adapted to the conditions of the area
which must have different characteristics. This management aims to preserve the ecological
environment, primarily water resources. Another goal is the welfare of the community with
the management of water resources are good and true in the region. Saleh and Rasul (2008)
explained that the management of water resources is an effort to utilize water resources in an
integrated manner with the effort of controlling and preservation.

One of the densely populated areas of interest to study is Jodipan Kota Malang. This
area has been known to many tourists within the city and outside the city because it shows the
aesthetic value is poured in a creativity. Being on the outskirts of the city resulted in this area
is more crowded than other tourist attractions in most rural or unspoiled mountains. From the
observation of slum areas located on the banks of the river Brantas generally have relatively
unfavorable environmental conditions. This is due to the increasing number of houses built
by the people who live there with no adequate spatial planning and public facilities, thus
increasing the problems such as road network system, drainage system, clean water service
and increasing pollution load in Brantas watershed (Rofiana, 2015). The density of residential
area resulting in management of water resources in the area is not maximal, plus this area has
become one of the favorite tourist attractions in Malang. From the various problems our

group will observe in this densely populated area to be able to know the management of its
water resources.

Problem identification

1. How is the management of clean water in Jodipan Malang City?

2. How is the attitude of clean water management in the community in Jodipan Malang

3. Is there any relationship between clean water management and clean water management
attitude to the community in Jodipan Malang City?


1. Analyzing clean water management in Jodipan Malang.

2. Analyzing the management of clean water in the community in Jodipan Malang.

3. To analyze the relationship between clean water management and clean water
management attitude to the community in Jodipan Malang.


1. To know the clean water management in Jodipan Malang

2. To know the attitude of clean water management in the community in Jodipan Malang.

3. To find out the relationship between clean water management and clean water
management attitude in community in Jodipan Malang City.


Clean Water Management

Management according to the Indonesian Dictionary Edition V that is:

1. The process, the way, the act of managing

2. The process of doing certain activities by moving the power of others

3. Processes that help formulate and organizational goals

4. A process that provides control over all matters involved in the implementation and
achievement of objectives

Function management basically refers to the core problems and the same goal, which is
intended for management mechanisms in implementing various activities can achieve the
objectives that have been established with the efficient, effective use. If management or
management is linked to finances or budgets, financial management can be defined as a
process or means of controlling, organizing, organizing, administering and running finances
and budgets (Rahum, A. 2015).

According to the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number: 492 / MEN.KES / PER /
IV / 2010 regarding drinking water requirements, the definition of drinking water mentioned
in article 1 "drinking water is water that goes through health-consumable processing process
and can be directly drunk".

According to Law No. 11 of 1974 article 1 of the temporary replacement of Law No. 7 of
2004 on irrigation states that "Water is all water contained in and or derived from water
sources, both above and below the soil surface, not included in the meaning of" . Water
resources are water and all potentials contained in water, water sources, including irrigation
facilities and infrastructure that can be utilized, but excludes the animal wealth present
therein (Sunaryo et. al., 2005: 19). Conservation of water resources is the effort to maintain
the existence and sustainability of the condition, the nature and function of water resources in
order to always be available in quantity and quality sufficient to meet the needs of living
creatures, both present and future (Sukatiman, 2009).

Currently, some cities in Indonesia are still experiencing development gaps, where the
government pays more attention to development in the economic sector, shopping centers,
tourism and so on. While the development for underprivileged people to date still has not

shown the maximum results and effective. This is indicated by the number of slum
settlements that get less attention from the government, local people or even residents of the
environment itself, especially settlements on the river banks (Fernanda & Kusuma, 2017). In
terms of the environment around the banks of the river, it can be said that water management
is considered still not good because in addition to dense and shabby settlements, water
absorption areas are also reduced so to get a source of clean water is also difficult.

Regarding clean water management, according to Wiyono et. al (2017) there is a

technology of processing groundwater into drinking water at the household scale is as

a. Aeration

Aeration is another term for gas transfer with narrowing of meaning, more
specifically on the transfer of gases (especially oxygen) from the gas phase to the liquid
phase. The main function of aeration in water treatment is to dissolve oxygen into the water
to increase the dissolved oxygen content in water, in the suspended mix of activated sludge in
the bioreactor and release the content of the gases dissolved in the water, and to help stir the
water. In this river water treatment equipment used aerator tray. Namely aerators are arranged
in storied. The purpose of gas transfer in water treatment is: 1. To reduce the concentration of
taste and odorous substances, such as hydrogen sulfide and some organic compounds, by
evaporation or oxidation. 2. To oxidize iron and manganese. 3. Reduce the taste and smell. 4.
To dissolve the gas into the water (such as the addition of oxygen into the groundwater and
the addition of carbon dioxide after water softening).

b. Filtration

Filtration is the separation of solid particles from fluid by passing the fluid through a
filter medium or septum, where the solid is retained. In industry, this filtration covers a
variety of operations ranging from simple screening to highly complex separation. Sand filter
is a filter made of quartz sand material with a diameter of 1 s / d 2 mm which is useful for
filtering non-aqueous materials in the form of algae or algae groups contained in raw water
from the source, so as not to affect the water quality at the end products produced. Carbon
filters are activated carbon as a means of filtering process for the purpose of screening for the
types of materials present in water, such as odors, turbidity, and colors that may arise in raw
water and filtering impurities of a size from 1 to 2 mm. the quality of water produced has met
the standard drinking water standards.

c. Adsorbtion

Adsorption is an event in which the molecule binds from a gas phase or a solution to
the surface of a solid. The molecules bound to the surface are called adsorbat, while the
binding of the adsorbate is called the adsorbent. Adsorption occurs because the molecules on
the surface of solids or liquids that have tensile forces in an unbalanced state tend to be
attracted inward (the adsorbent cohesion force is greater than the adhesion force). Such
tensile gravity imbalances result in solids or liquids used as adsorbents tending to attract other
substances that come into contact with their surfaces.

d. Disinfection

Water passes through a clean pipe to be heated with Ultra violet (UV) rays. Ultra
violet (UV) rays can effectively destroy viruses and bacteria. This UV system depends on the
amount of energy absorbed so that it can destroy the organism contained in the water. If
energy is not high enough, then the material of the genetic organism can not be destroyed.
Benefits of using UV include: 1. Non-toxic or harmless 2. Destroying organic pollutants. 3.
Eliminate odor or taste in water. 4. Requires short contact time (takes a few minutes). 5.
Improve water quality due to organic pollutant disorders. 6. Can kill pathogenic
microorganisms. 7. Does not affect minerals in the water. The disadvantages of using UV
include: 1. UV radiation is not suitable for water with high suspended solids, turbidity, color,
or dissolved organic matter. This material can react with UV radiation, and reduce
disinfection performance. High turbidity levels can make it difficult for radiation rays to
penetrate water and pathogens. 2. Ineffective UV rays against pollutants contain many
organic chemicals, chlorine, asbestos and others. 3. Requires electricity to operate. In an
emergency situation when power failure, it will not work. 4. UV is commonly used as a final
purification in filtration systems. If you want to reduce pollutants such as viruses and
bacteria, it is still necessary to use a carbon to filter or with the osmosis system in addition to

e. Zeolite and activated carbon

Zeolite is also good for sand and activated carbon based on its high cation change
capacity. Sand and activated carbon are not the same as zeolites for cation change capacity.
Zeolites can also absorb heavy metals, smells, coffee, blood, paint, radioactive waste, arsenic,
and other toxic materials that can be found in water. Zeolites can also absorb some parts of
gases such as formaldehyde, chloroform, and carbon monoxide. Zeolite particles also act as

seeds to grow bacterial floc by increasing the movement of bacteria per unit volume.
Advantages of using zeolites in physical screening systems, among others: 1. Can make water
in acidic pH conditions to be more neutral based on the capacity of large cation changes. 2.
Increase the flow rate by gravity and pressure regulating system when compared with filter
system using sand / anthracite media. 3. Screening capacity can increase without additional
cost. 4. Greater hauling capacity on the surface of large areas results in greater capacity as
well. 5. Zeolites can serve as physical screening shields for pathogenic bacteria (bacteria and
spores). Porous carbon, better known as activated carbon, is used as an adsorbent for color
removal, waste treatment, and water purification. Activated carbon will form an amorphous,
largely composed of free carbon and has a deep, hollow, black, odorless, tasteless, and
absorbent surface that is much larger than the carbon that has not yet undergone the
activation process. Activated carbon is a carbon compound, which can be produced from
carbonaceous materials or from charcoal treated in a special way to obtain a wider surface.
The surface area of activated carbon ranges from 300-3500 m 2 / gram and this corresponds
to the internal pore structure which causes the activated carbon to have properties as the
adsorbent. Activated carbon can adsorb certain gases and chemical compounds or selective
adsorption properties, depending on the size or volume of the pores and surface area.

Attitudes of Community Water Management

In the opinion of some experts, attitudes are defined as a feeling that is a favorable or
favored feeling or an unfavorable feeling in an object. According to Raksanagara (2017),
attitude is a readiness or willingness to act and not an implementation of a particular motive.
Changes in natural resource management systems (SDA) from the center to regional
autonomy have an impact on behavior change community. individuals and communities to
freely exploit the land regardless of the impact of environmental damage, long-term
environmental economic values, environmental conditions and environmental governance.
One of the determinants of the success of watershed management is the attitude and
participation of all parties, including the communities living around the watershed. This is
important because they interact intensively with the watershed, so that their impact on
watershed sustainability is considerable (Satriani et. al, 2013). Factors that influence
community attitudes in managing and utilizing the sources of clean water used are influenced
by different things - different. Similarly, the background characteristics of different
communities based on the type of clean water source that he chose. According to
Raksanagara, (2017), there are 5 factors that influence public attitudes in clean water

management, ie community knowledge, the interests of using clean water, the willingness to
manage water so that water can be used properly, environmental barriers, and community

Relationship Between Water Management and Public Attitudes towards Clean Water

Appropriate research in some countries shows that the attitude of management can
affect the intention to use clean water. The importance of clean water use also affects the
attitude of clean water management in accordance with research that shows there is a strong
relationship between an attitude and one's actions to feel important to do the behavior. The
interest in the behavior of managing clean water is the basis of one's consideration to intend
to do something. If he thinks what he will do is important then at a later stage he will have an
intention supported by his attitude, perceived norms, and his personal condition
(Raksanagaraet. al, 2017). It is highly probable that the public has an apathetic attitude
towards clean water management in fact they are also consumers of water in their respective
regions. The attitude of this society has a great impact on other people's awareness to have
conscious attitude of clean water preservation. Community attitudes and awareness greatly
affect management in their respective regions, as with the habitualization of a caring attitude
towards this management also contributes to the state in sustainable water use.

The Profile of Jodipan Malang City

Source: (downloaded March 4, 2018)

Malang is one of the cities in East Java that has residential area as one of the problems
in urban area. Slums are a classic problem that has long been developed in big cities. Slums
have higher population and building density than ordinary villages and are located along the
Brantas River, around railroads, as well as in some other kampongs. Slum areas in Jodipan

Urban Village are classified as slums, with the main problems of slum areas being physical
condition of residential, sanitation, drainage, population density, building density (PU
Malang, 2014).

The settlements in Kelurahan Jodipan directly adjacent to Brantas River. The situation
makes people's bad habits to throw garbage in the river. Household waste that accumulate in
the river make the river flow is not smooth, bad smell, and the scenery is not beautiful. Most
of the families living in Jodipan do not have sanitation. Several good newspapers reported
that the shabby condition prompted the government of Malang City to relocate the residents
to be moved to the flats. In addition, land used by residents to build houses is still a state land
(Wulandari, P.K., 2017).


Types of research

In this research we used correlational descriptive research type with closed

questionnaire and analyzed using total and category mean, N (water management) = 30 and N
(public water management attitude) = 30. Which then tested the relationship between two
variables with NonParametric Correlation. Using descriptive correlational because of
variables of water management including interval scale and attitude variable of water
management in society including interval scale.

Time and Location

Figure 1. Research location (Source: Google maps)

Research location at Tumenggungan Ledok street and Juanda street Kelurahan Jodipan,
Blimbing, Kesatrian, Malang City. The time used in the study started from the preparation of
research framework, consultation, data retrieval, data analysis, and official reporting from
February to March 2018. The data retrieval time is 6, 7, and 8 April 2018.

Population, Sample, Sampling Technique

The population of this study people living in Tumenggungan Ledok street and Juanda
street Kelurahan Jodipan, Blimbing, Kesatrian, Malang with sample as many as 60 people in
Jodipan, Blimbing, Kesatrian, Malang City taken at random or accidental sampling.

Instruments, Tools and Materials

This research instrument is in the form of a closed questionnaire with the name of
questionnaire of clean water management relationship in densely populated area as many as
30 questionnaires with 10 items of statement with answer choice strongly agree / SS, Agree /
S, Neutral / N, Disagree / TS, Strongly Disagree / STS ), scoring for positive statements: SS
score of 5, S = 4, N = 3, TS = 2, STS = 1 (Max score 50 and minimum score 10).

Second, this research also use checklist of attitude of clean water management to local
community 30 checklist with 10 item statement with answer choice for positive statement
always given score 5, often = 4, rarely = 3, sometimes = 2, never = 1.

The Procedures of Collecting Data

1. Creating a questionnaire and check list with the theme of clean water management
relationship and water management attitude to the community as much as 30 pieces
per theme with a total of 10 statements per theme

2. Visiting RT, ask permission, then go to the people's houses one by one

3. Visiting observation sites and randomly selecting people for 60 people to fill out

4. Documenting at Jodipan spot by photographing various important spots, such as

entrance, housing road conditions, public toilets, river basin and houses

5. Collecting results and analyzed using correlation analysis with the result of the
questionnaire and check list

Data analysis

1. Clean water management in Jodipan Malang City is analyzed with total mean of
questionnaire and category Table 1

2. Attitudes of clean water management in the community in Jodipan Malang is analyzed by

the average total of checklist results and category Table 1

3. The relationship between clean water management and clean water management attitude to
the community in Jodipan Kota Malang was analyzed by nonparametric correlation

The categories of each variable refer to the category tables, namely:

Table 1. The Score of Interpretation Criteria

No. Average of score value Criteria

1. 1.00-1.80 Very low

2. 1.81-2.60 Low

3. 2.61-3.40 Medium

4. 3.41-4.20 High

5. 4.21-5.00 Very high

Source: (Riduan and Kuncoro, 2007) dalam Sunarto et. al, 2014.
Clean Water Management
Table 2. Normality Table

According to the results of the analysis with the average total of the results of the
questionnaire of clean water management, obtained a total average of 3.7667. Based on the
category of mean analysis according to (Riduan and Kuncoro, 2007) in Sunarto et. al (2014),
clean water
Table 3. Gender Demographic Table of Clean Water Management
Gender Total Percentage
Male 6 20 %
Female 24 80 %
Based gender demographic table of questionnaire it can be seen that there are 6 male
respondents and 24 female respondents. With a percentage of 20 % of male and 80 % of
Table 4. Age Demographic Table of Clean Water Management
Age Total Percentage
12 1 3,3 %
15 1 3,3 %
16 3 10 %
17 6 20 %
18 5 16,7 %
19 8 26,7 %
21 4 13,3 %
22 1 3,3 %
23 1 3,3 %
Based age demographic table of questionnaire it can be seen that there are
respondents with age 12, 15, 22 and 23 with amount of each 1 and percentage 3,3 %. There
are 3 respondents with age 16 with percentage 10 %. There are 4 respondents with age 21
with percentage 13,3 %. There are 5 respondents with age 18 with percentage 16,7 %. There
are 6 respondents with age 17 with percentage 20 %. There are 8 respondents with age 19
with percentage 26,7 %.
Table 5. Education Demographic Table of Clean Water Management
Education Total Percentage
SD - -
SMP 2 6,7 %
SMA 9 30 %

Sarjana 19 63,3 %
Based gender demographic table of questionnaire it can be seen there is no
respondents with elementary education. There are 2 respondents with junior high school
education with percentage 6,7 %. There are 9 respondents with senior high school education
with percentage 30 %. There are 19 respondents with bachelor education with percentage
63,3 %.
Based on data from the questionnaire of clean water management is as follows:
Table 6. Distributive Tables Of Clean Water Management
Criteria Total Percentage

Very low - -

Low - -

Medium 4 13,3 %

High 12 40 %

Very high 14 46,7 %

From distributive table above, there is no society with very low category, no society
with low category, 13,3% society with medium category, 40% society with high category,
and 46,7% society with very high category.
According to Susilo (2012) explains that community-based water management is a
breakthrough of water management where water resources can be managed together openly,
efficiently, participatory, democratic and social justice. This opinion is consistent with the
opinion of our group that if proper water management for the community then clean water
management in the environment will also be good and profitable for the local community.
appropriate water management and good for the community environment according to our
group there are 5 ie, aeration, filtration, adsorption, disinfection, zeolite and activated carbon.
According to Ibrahim et. al (2016) explains that there was a statistically significant
relationship between overall respondents’ knowledge on household water purification and the
socioeconomic status, and attitude. Good knowledge was higher among respondents with
some form of education. There was also a statistically significant relationship between
respondent’s attitude and practice of household water purification.

Attitudes of Community Water Management
Table 7. Normality Table

According to the result of analysis with the average of total result of checklist of
attitude of clean water management of local community, got the total mean that is 3,8333.
Based on the category of average analysis according to (Riduan and Kuncoro, 2007) in
Sunarto et al (2014), the attitude of clean water management to the community in Jodipan
Urban is classified as high.
Table 8. Gender Demographic Table of Attitudes of Community Water Management
Gender Total Percentage
Male 4 13,3 %
Female 26 86,7 %
Based gender demographic table of questionnaire it can be seen that there are 4 male
respondents and 26 female respondents. With a percentage of 13.3% of male and 86.7% of
Table 9. Age Demographic Table of Attitudes of Community Water Management
Age Total Percentage
18 1 3,3 %
24 1 3,3 %
27 1 3,3 %
28 1 3,3 %
30 1 3,3 %
31 2 6,7 %
32 2 6,7 %
33 1 3,3 %
38 2 6,7 %

40 3 10 %
42 1 3,3 %
43 1 3,3 %
44 1 3,3 %
45 1 3,3 %
47 1 3,3 %
48 1 3,3 %
52 1 3,3 %
53 1 3,3 %
56 1 3,3 %
57 2 6,7 %
60 1 3,3 %
61 1 3,3 %
62 2 6,7 %
Based age demographic table of questionnaire it can be seen that there are
respondents with age 18, 24, 27, 28, 30, 33, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 52, 53, 56, 60, and 61 with
amount of each 1 and percentage 3,3 %. Respondents with age 31, 32, 38, 57, and 62 with
amount of each 2 and percentage 6,7 %. And there are 3 respondents with age 40 with
percentage 10 %.
Based on data from the checklist of the attitude of clean water management in the
community are as follows :
Table 10. Distributive Tables of Water Management Attitude To The Community
Criteria Jumlah Presentase

Very low - -

Low 1 3,3 %

Medium 2 6,7 %

High 14 46,7 %

Very high 13 43,3 %

From distributive table above, there is no society with very low category, 3.3% people
with low category, 6.7% society with medium category, 46,7% society with high category,
and 43,3% society with very high category .
According to research by Putra & Wardani (2017) explain the management of
resources, especially the water conducted by the community support the sustainability of
these resources, the research is in accordance with our research results, the attitude of clean
water management in the community Jodipan including high category which means
community attitude in Jodipan support the management of water resources. According to our
group the attitude of clean water management to the right society will result in a clean and
healthy community environment.
According to research by Coetzee et. al (2016) explains that As far as demographic
characteristics are concerned, comparative analysis of the findings revealed that income
levels, age, and gender appear to play a negligible role in the water-related perceptions and
behaviours of the participants. These findings are consistent with those of Wright et. al
(2012) who found that demographic characteristics and socio-economic status of participants
were unrelated to their perception of drinking water quality.
Relationship of Clean Water Management and Public Water Management Attitude

Table 11. Normality Table

The table above show, N = 30 for Water Management and N = 30 for Local
Community Water Management Attitude which means the number of samples taken is 60.
Given p-value (Asymp Sig. (2-tailed) from the above table is 0.001 for Clean Water
Management and 0.014 for Local Community Water Management Attitudes.
For p-value (asymp) sig (2-tailed) management of clean water is and p-value (attitude
of clean water management in the community (0.001 and 0.014) when compared with the
level of significant α = 0.05) means the test is significant because p-value = (0.001 and 0.014)

˂ (α = 0.05), so it can be concluded the data is not the normal distribution data. One of the
data is not normal, it is calculated by the test Spearman's correlation, along with his
Table 12. Spearman’s Test Table

From the table above can be concluded that between water management and attitude
of water management in society have no relation (correlation), because at P is (0,328)>
Our research of societal attitudes also corresponds to research by Syme, Nancarrow &
Jorgensen (2002) who found that the level of community education is one aspect that
determines the extent to which society has environmental concerns on a wider scale than the
environment in which it lives. In terms of water management in Jodipan region itself is high
as well as the attitude of clean water management in the community.

According to the results of the analysis with the average total of the results of the
questionnaire of clean water management, obtained a total average of 3.7667. Based on the
category of mean analysis, clean water management in Jodipan Urban Village is classified as
high. According to the result of analysis with the average of total result of checklist of
attitude of clean water management of local community, got the total mean that is 3,8333.
Based on the category of mean analysis, the attitude of clean water management in the
community in Jodipan Urban is classified as high. From the correlation table it can be
concluded that between water management and water management attitude in society have no
relation (correlation).


Water resources in Indonesia are very abundant, but in its management is still less
attention. As students, especially biology students, we should pay attention to clean water
management in Indonesia by proposing and implementing proper and appropriate water
management attitude for the environment and people living in the watershed. Examples such
as clean water management using aeration system, filtration, adsorption, disinfection, zeolite
and activated carbon. As a biology student, we can propose an appropriate water management
system and also apply the right and proper water management attitude.

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Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta. Diunduh 30 Januari 2018
Fernanda, F., & Kusuma, A.L. 2017. Kreativitas Masyarakat Kota Malang Dalam
Membentuk Identitas Kota. Seminar Nasional Seni dan Desain: “Membangun Tradisi
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Variable Translation Table

No. Variable Sub variable Indicator Variable How to

Scale measure
1. Clean water a. Aeration Dissolve oxygen Interval Closedque
management b. Filtration into water to for stionnaire
c. Adsorbtion increase dissolved positive
d. .Disinfection oxygen content in statemen
e. Zeolite and water. In this river ts
activated water treatment SS is
carbon equipment used given a
aerator tray. score of
- Separation of the 5, S = 4,
solid particles N = 3,
from the fluid by TS = 2,
passing the fluid STS = 1,
through a filter while for
medium or negative
septum, in which statemen
the solid is ts: STS
retained. is given
- binds molecules a score
from a gas phase of 5, TS
or solution to the = 4, N =
surface of a solid. 3, S = 2,
Ultra violet (UV) and SS =
rays can 1
effectively destroy
viruses and
bacteria. This UV
system depends
on the amount of
energy absorbed
so that it can
destroy the
contained in the
- Zeolite is also
good for sand and
activated carbon
based on its high
cation change
capacity. Sand
and activated
carbon are not the
same as zeolites
for cation change
capacity. Zeolites
can also absorb
heavy metals,
smells, coffee,
blood, paint,
radioactive waste,
arsenic, and other
toxic materials
that can be found
in water. Zeolites
can also absorb
some parts of
gases such as
chloroform, and
carbon monoxide.
Zeolite particles
also act as seeds
to grow bacterial
floc by increasing
the movement of
bacteria per unit
- - Porous carbon or
better known as
activated carbon,
used as adsorbent
for color removal,
waste treatment,
and water
2. The local Factors that  community The Check list
community's influence the knowledge intervals
attitude attitude of the  the interests of for
towards clean community in using clean water positive
water managing and  willingness to statemen
management utilizing the sources manage water so ts are
of clean water used that water can be always
are influenced by used with proper given a
different things. environmental score of
Similarly, the barriers 5, often
background  community habits = 4,
characteristics of rarely =
different 3,
communities based sometim
on the type of clean es = 2,
water source that he never =
chose. 1.

No. Angket :
Tanggal wawancara :
1. Nama :
2. Jenis Kelamin :
3. Umur :
4. Alamat :
5. Pendidikan :
a. Tidak sekolah / tidak tamat SD
b. Tamat SD
c. Tamat SLTP
d. Tamat SLTA
e. Perguruan Tinggi / Akademik
6. Pekerjaan :
a. Petani
b. Pedagang / wiraswasta
c. Pegawai Swasta
d. PNS
e. Buruh
f. Tidak bekerja
Petunjuk Umum Pengisian
1. Bacalah setiap pernyataan dengan seksama dan beri tanda (√) untuk jawaban yang anda
anggap tepat
2. Opsi jawaban dalam kuisioner ini yakni:
SS : Sangat Setuju
S : Setuju
TM : Tidak Memutuskan
TS : Tidak Setuju
STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju

3. Kertas angket yang telah diisi harap dikembalikan kepada peneliti

B. Pengelolaan Air Bersih
No. Pernyataan SS S TM TS STS
1. Aerasi merupakan pengolahan air dengan prinsip
tranfer gas (khususnya oksigen) dari fase gas ke
fase cair. Aerasi tepat untuk digunakan sebagai
teknik pengelolaan air di Jodipan Kota Malang.
2. Pada pengolahan air sungai dengan cara Aerasi
digunakan alat tray aerator. Alat ini cocok apabila
digunakan di Jodipan Kota Malang.
3. Filtrasi atau penyaringan (filtration) adalah
pemisahan partikel zat padat dari fluida dengan
jalan melewatkan fluida itu melalui suatu medium
penyaring atau septum, di mana zat padat itu
tertahan. Filtrasi tepat untuk digunakan sebagai
teknik pengelolaan air di Jodipan Kota Malang.
4. Pada pengolahan air dengan cara Filtrasi
meggunakan sand filter dan carbon filter. Sand
filter berguna untuk melakukan penyaringan
material non air yang berupa algae atau golongan
ganggang-ganggangan yang terdapat dalam air
baku dari sumber.Teknik ini cocok apabila
digunakan di Jodipan Kota Malang.
5. Pada pengolahan air dengan cara Filtrasi
meggunakan sand filter dan carbon filter. Carbon
filter berguna untuk penyaringan seperti bau,
kekeruhan, serta warna-warna yang mungkin
timbul pada air baku dan menyaring kotoran
dengan ukuran antara 1 s/d 2 mm. Teknik ini
cocok apabila digunakan di Jodipan Kota Malang.
6. Adsorpsi merupakan teknik pengelolaan air di
mana terikatnya molekul dari suatu fasa gas atau
larutan pada permukaan suatu padatan. Adsorpsi
cocok apabila digunakan di Jodipan Kota Malang.
7. Disinfeksi adalah teknik pengelolaan air yang
menggunakan sinar UV (Ultra Violet) sebagai
medianya. Ultra Violet (UV) dapat secara efektif
menghancurkan virus dan bakteri. Disinfeksi
cocok digunakan sebagai teknik pengolahan air di
Jodipan Kota Malang.
8. Beberapa keuntungan menggunakan teknik
Disinfeksi adalah tidak beracun atau tidak
berbahaya, menghancurkan zat pencemar organik,
menghilangkan bau atau rasa pada air,
memerlukan waktu kontak yang singkat,
meningkatkan kualitas air karena gangguan zat
pencemar organik, dapat mematikan
mikroorganisme pathogenic, tidak mempengaruhi
mineral di dalam air. Teknik disinfeksi tepat
apabila digunakan di Jodipan Kota Malang.
9. Teknik pengelolaan air dengan Zeolit dapat
menyerap metal berat, bau, kopi, darah, cat,
sampah radioaktif, arsenik, dan bahan – bahan
beracun lain yang dapat ditemukan di air. Zeolit
juga dapat menyerap beberapa bagian gas seperti
formaldehyde, kloroform, dan karbon monoksida.
Teknik ini cocok apabila digunakan di Jodipan
Kota Malang.
10. Teknik pengelolaan air dengan karbon berpori
atau lebih dikenal dengan nama karbon aktif,
digunakan sebagai adsorben untuk
menghilangkan warna, pengolahan limbah, serta
pemurnian air. Teknik ini cocok apabila
digunakan di Jodipan Kota Malang.

No. Angket :
Tanggal observasi :
1. Nama :
2. Jenis Kelamin :
3. Umur :
4. Alamat Rumah :

Observer : Mega Berliana 170342615550

Nadilah Nur A. 170342615521
Petunjuk Umum Pengisian
1. Bacalah setiap pernyataan dengan seksama dan beri tanda (√) untuk jawaban yang anda
anggap tepat
2. Opsi jawaban dalam kuisioner ini yakni:
 Selalu
 Sering
 Jarang
 Kadang
 Tidak Pernah

3. Kertas Check list yang telah diisi harap dikembalikan kepada peneliti
No. Pernyataan Selalu Sering Jarang Kadang Tidak
1. Memahami dan mengetahui ciri-ciri air
bersih dan layak pakai
2. Memahami dan mengetahui cara
mengelola sumber air bersih untuk
keperluan sehari-hari
3. Menggunakan sumber air bersih
sebagai air minum dan berbagai
kebutuhan rumah tangga
4. Menggunakan sumber air bersih
sebagai penunjang fasilitas pariwisata

5. Mengelola sumber daya air sebelum

digunakan dalam kebutuhan rumah
6. Mengonsumsi air minum dari sumber
daya air yang sudah dimasak terlebih
7. Membersihkan timbunan sampah di
sekitar DAS
8. Mengalirkan limbah rumah tangga ke
parit yang jauh dari daerah sumber air
9. Membuang sampah rumah tangga di
lahan yang jauh dari pemukiman dan
10. Menghemat sumber daya air yang
digunakan untuk keperluan rumah
tangga maupun MCK

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