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Custom Keyboard Commands

Decrease Increase
speed speed
` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - 3% + 3% Delete

(Audio Effects)
Tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] Speed / Pitch
Reduce Reduce Left Edge Left Edge
Caps lock a s by Meas. by Section g h j ; Return

Expand Expand
C V <
Right Edge Right Edge
Shift Selection Selection by Meas. bySection b n m / Shift

Alt. (Windows) Alt. (Windows) Fn (Win.)

Play / Stop-and-rewind to “current point”
Control Option Command Command Option Control

Speed/ Pitch Move entire selection left or right Adjust left edge of selection to previous marker
(Audio effects window)
Expand/Reduce selection to nearest Measure markers Adjust right edge of selection to next marker

Expand/Reduce selection to nearest Section markers NOTE: All of these key strokes require the Shift key

Built-in Keyboard Commands

esc 100% 50% 35% 25% ⌘7 ⌘8 ⌘9 ⌘0 – +
Activate speed speed speed speed Decrease Increase Increase Increase Lower Raise
Main win speed speed speed speed Volume
1 2 3 4 5 6 – 3% – 1% + 1% + 3% Volume Delete
Enlarge Enlarge
Next text block q r [ ] | selection selection
(Shift: Previous text)
Show Cue Prev. Next (left edge) (left edge)
Tab Selection w e Backward t y u i o p Marker Marker \
a s Edit selected text block Shift for right edge
Loop A/B Section
Command (Mac) ⌘

Caps lock (toggle) Mark d f g h j k l ; Return
z c b m , . Alt (PC)
Zoom in
Play / Stop
Play Cue Beat Measure Pause (Vert.)
Shift (while held) x Foward v Mark n Mark Rewind pref * / Shift

Alt (Windows) Alt Fn (Win.)

Zoom out Zoom out Zoom in
Play / Stop-and-rewind to “current point” (Horz.) (Vert.) (Horz.)
Control Option Command Command Option Control

© 2008 The ʻPaused playbackʼ point is the vertical black line * Comma (Play/Pause) rewinds by amount
Visit for The ʻCurrent playbackʼ point is indecated with the red triangle set in the Playback tab of preferences.
Transcribe related tutorials and resources.

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