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Results Reports

To display the effectiveness of Franklin Township Middle School West’s CSCP, data will
be collected and analyzed for all curriculum, small group, and Closing the Gap activities. The
most efficient manner to track and analyze this data is Excel templates for each section that
match ASCA domains and standards to each activity. Process, perception, and outcome data
can then be organized for each activity as well to show how many students are being reached
by the activities, the changes in student knowledge and skills about the topics being taught, and
how students are using the knowledge and skills after the activities. In analyzing this data, we
can either prove that what we are doing in the CSCP is effective and worth our time and
resources or we can identify what areas need improvement. This would come through the
implications section of the templates in which the data is considered in relation to program
standards and goals.

The identification of areas of improvement is especially critical because while one lesson may
be shown to be effective for some groups of students or work for other school counselors, the
needs of FTMS West and its population may not necessarily match up as well with the activities
being given. With this information in hand, we can quickly move to find the most efficient use of
our time and greater effectiveness of resources to help all students to our greatest potential. By
laying the activities of this program out with these templates, we can also easily identify any
ASCA domains and standards that are not being utilized within the CSCP.

Some of the process, perception and outcome goals for each activity will be listed as follows:

R-E-S-P-E-C-T Classroom Lesson

Process Data​: All middle school students will receive lesson about respect through their English
classes during the first semester of 2018-2019 school year.

Perception Data:​ Students will have a better understanding of how to demonstrate respect
verbally, visually, and will understand what it feels like to be respected.

A pretest will be administered with the students during the first 2 weeks of school via Google
forms. A post test will be administered to students directly after the lesson via Google forms.

Outcome Data:

Disciplinary infractions related to disrespectful behavior will decrease for the 2018-2019 school

90% of middle school students can name 3 ways that they can show respect to others and 3
ways they receive respect.

1. I have someone in my life that I respect.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

2. What are 2 ways you can show someone respect?

3. What are 2 things someone can do to make you feel respected?

4. One new way you learned to demonstrate respect to someone else is by:

​Before My Volcano Erupts Lesson

Process Data​: Approximately 900 6​th​, 7​th​, and 8​th​ grade students participated in a lesson about
regulating anger. This was done in their Science classrooms in the first trimester of the school
Perception Data​: Students will have a better understanding of how they are feeling and what
they are sensing prior to an emotional burst. Students will also have a better understanding of
cool-down strategies that best fit their needs.
A regulation skills pre-test will be administered prior to the lesson, and a regulation skills
post-test will be given to the students directly after the completion of the lesson.
Outcome Data​: Disciplinary infractions related to disrespectful behavior will decrease for the
2018-2019 academic school year.
75% of middle school students can describe how they are feeling and what they are sensing
prior to an emotional burst. 75% of middle school students can list techniques they can use to
cool down.
Pre-Test / Post- Test
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Unsure 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree
I understand my personal warning signs to an emotional burst.
1 2 3 4 5
I know a cool-down technique that works for me.
1 2 3 4 5
I can effectively communicate how I feel.
1 2 3 4 5

Zones of Regulation Lesson

Process Data:
Process Data should be 100% of students through the use of this classroom guidance lesson.
This would be measured by the number of pre/posttests collected from students. This may not
be 100% because of absence from class on the day of the lesson for any reason.
Perception Data:
Perception data would be collected through a pre/posttest in which students answer the
following questions with a 5 point likert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree:
1) I can usually name the emotions that I am feeling.
2) I can usually figure out what causes me to feel a certain emotion
3) I can usually tell what emotions someone else might be feeling
Outcome Data:
While the objectives of this lesson are primarily perception-based, outcome data could come as
part of a larger unit in which students then are taught how to regulate their emotions once they
have identified them and what they can do when others might be feeling certain emotions. This
outcome data could then come through behavior referrals and detentions/suspensions.

Conflict Management Lesson

Process Data​: All middle school students will receive a lesson about conflict mediation during
one of their classes. These lessons will be taught during the fall semester of the 2018-19
school year.
Perception Data​:
Students will have a better understanding of identifying solutions to conflicts and how to
approach certain situations. Students will also learn how to express points of view, interest, and
acceptable solutions.
A pretest will be administered with the students during the first few weeks of school through
Google Forms.
A post- will be administered to students directly after the lesson via Google forms.
Outcome Data​:
Disciplinary infractions related to disrespectful behavior will decrease for the 2018-2019 school
Post and Pre Survey
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Unsure 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree
I feel confident in my abilities to manage personal conflicts
I feel comfortable talking about conflict with an adult
I understand how my actions affect others
I understand the conflict resolution process

Family Dynamics/Adoption Small Group

Process data:​ Measured by amount of students referred to this small group and engages with
the group. Students can be identified primarily through teacher and parent feedback as well as
behavioral referrals.
Perception Data:​ Students would be administered a pre/post survey on knowledge of identifying
their own life story and feelings, expressing their feelings in a respectful manner, and
interactions with peers and authority figures. The survey would occur with a 5 point likert scale
ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree with the following questions:
1) I usually know how to identify my story and tell about it
2) I usually know identify my feelings and how they may be affected by others
3) I can name 3 different strategies to express myself to others
Perception Data:​ Ideally, this small group would help students to decrease defiant and
disrespectful behavior at home and at school. Outcome data would be related to suspensions
and expulsions relating to defiance and disrespect as well as reports from parents on incidents
of defiant and disrespectful behavior while at home.

Test-taking/Test Anxiety Small Group

Process Data:​ Measured by the amount of students referred to group and engage with the
group. These students can be identified within the group that scored below passing in the
previous ISTEP data.
Perception Data:​ Perception data for this group would primarily be centered around the learning
of skills and strategies to take a test. A pre/post survey could be administered to the group with
5 point likert scale questions ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree with the
following questions:
1) I can name 3 skills to use for overall test-taking
2) I can name 2 skills to use if I am stuck on a question during a test
3) I can name 2 strategies to use if I find myself becoming upset before a test
4) I can name 2 strategies to use if I find myself becoming upset during a test

Calculating Control/Self-Control
Process Data:​ Measured by amount of students that engage with the group.​ ​Tier 2 intervention:
These students are identified for group participation by finding those with 5+ behavior logs or 1
suspension (first group, from Q4 of last school year, second group from Q1, 3rd group from Q2,
4th Group from Q4)
Perception Data: ​Group Effectiveness Survey (PostTest), Pre/Post Google Form (Behavior Change
and Self Control) Survey could be on a 5 point likert scale with the following questions:
1) I can usually identify appropriate behavior for a situation
2) I can name 2 strategies to help me utilize self-control
3) I can identify 2 coping skills to help with a problem
4) I can name someone to ask for help with problem-solving skills
Outcome Data: ​Outcome data can be measured through number of suspensions and expulsions
as well as number of Behavior Logs/Discipline Referrals

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