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1. Circle the correct option.

a) They am/are/is at school.
b) I am/are/is in ESO.
c) Brazil am/are/is in South America.
d) Camila am/are/is a shop assistant.
e) We am/are/is best friends.
f) He am/are/is from Italy.
2. Complete with AM, ARE or IS.
a) I …………………………….from England.
b) It …………………………….a big school.
c) She ………………………… friend.
d) We ………………………….in London.
e) He ……………………..a student.
f) You ……………………………a tennis player.
g) They …………………………….tall.
h) Tom ………………….a baby.
i) Sue and I ………………………students.
j) They …………………………my parents.
3. Write the negative of the following sentences.
a) She is my best friend. ……………………………………………………………….
b) They are very nice. …………………………………………………………………….
c) We are students. ………………………………………………………………………..
d) I am 20 years old. ………………………………………………………………………
e) He is a policeman. ……………………………………………………………………….
f) You are in the shop. ……………………………………………………………………
g) It is a big cat. ……………………………………………………………………………..
h) Peter and I are happy. ………………………………………………………………
i) Jane and Susan are doctors. ……………………………………………………
j) They are at school. …………………………………………………………………….
4. Complete with AM, ARE or IS to form interrogative sentences.
a) ……………………….it Monday?
b) ………………………they students?
c) ………………………I serious?
d) ………………………she at school?
e) …………………… a doctor?
5. Write the interrogative of these sentences.
a) They are very nice. ……………………………………………………………………..
b) She is tall. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
c) He is a doctor. ………………………………………………………………………………
d) We are happy. ……………………………………………………………………………….
e) I am hungry. …………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Write the affirmative, negative and interrogatives.
a) She ……………………………….tired.
b) They ……………………………teachers.
c) It …………………………..a red car.
d) I …………………………thirsty.
e) We ………………………………from Spain.
7. Choose the correct answer.
1) The bag (be) ________ blue.
A. am B. are C. is
2) It (be) ________ hard.
A. am B. are C. is
3) They (be) ________ young.
A. am B. are C. is
4) Thomas (be) ________ nice.
A. am B. are C. is
5) I (be) __________ a nurse.
A. am B. are C. is

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