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El Rodeo

Thursday, March 22, 2018

El Rancho High School Volume 66. Issue 7

ERHS admin Dons take part in national walkout to protest gun

looks to address violence in wake of Parkland, Florida school shooting
tardy problem solution and we want it now.”
“I know that many people
see our movement as a waste of
time, but I believe that through
unification we can achieve
great things,” said junior Jesus
Delgado. “We, the youth, are
the future of this world, and if
we want things to change, we
must take action.”
Across the nation, hundreds
of students attending Baltimore
Polytechnic Institute walked out
By Bianca Arias and showed their support by lay-
El Rodeo Staff Writer ing down and staying silent for 17
minutes and students attending
Despite the recent Mount Diablo High School broke
tardy assembly, tardiness through locked gates in protest.
at El Rancho continues to The Rio Hondo College
be a significant problem. Sociology class will be host-
ing a march/rally in support of
Now, vice Principal,
gun control on Saturday, March
Mr. Collings and fellow ad-
24th at the parking lot across El
ministrators are working Rancho. Originally started by
on developing a new atten- Dons hold hands in a show of solidarity with the victims of Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting.
@AMarch4OurLives on Twit-
dance initiative to encourage Even though El Rancho bers who were killed during the ter, the event will be from 10
By Devenie Anchondo
students to “Be On Time.” El Rodeo Staff Writer
was scheduled for a lock down campus shooting. About 200 a.m. to 12 p.m. but arrive 15
The initiative will hope- drill at 9:45 a.m., students re- students walked out for a dura- minutes earlier for check-in.
fully be implemented in late In response to a mass shoot- mained determined to walk tion of seventeen minutes, one During the event, the fol-
spring or by the fall of 2018. ing at Marjory Stoneman Douglas out and show their support. minute for each student killed. lowing workshops will be held:
High School in Parkland, Florida The lock down drill ended just Senior Evelin Salas spoke poster making (begins at 9 a.m.),
“We are currently work-
on February 14th where seventeen a few minutes before the na- out during the event, saying, voter registration (Social Security
ing on a plan that will hope- people were killed and seventeen tional walkout was scheduled. “We are not willing to wait for Number and government issued
fully encourage students to were injured, students from El Students walked out at another innocent life to be taken ID needed), and letter writing
realize that having good at- Rancho and students from hun- 10 a.m. in support of gun con- because someone had easy ac- to Congress and to the families
tendance has it’s benefits.” dreds of schools across the coun- trol and in memory of the sev- cess to a gun. We shouldn’t have in Florida who were affected by
“Today, our culture has try participated in the #Nation- enteen Stoneman Douglas High to feel scared about not mak- the school shooting. To RSVP,
somehow adopted the belief alWalkoutDay on March 14th. School students and staff mem- ing it back home. We want a contact
that arriving to school on time
is a choice,” says Mr. Collings.
“There is a problem
Blue team surfs to victory in Don Games
Thursday was the big day.
with many of our students, Don Games began at 7:00 p.m.
and in many cases their par- that night. Both teams flooded
ents, who do not realizing that the gym dressed up accord-
punctual attendance to school ing to their theme; the Blue
is no more a choice than ar- Team were surfers and the Gray
riving to one’s employment Team were dressed for a mas-
querade. The gym was divided
on time. It’s not a choice, it
and each side was decorated.
is a meaningful preparation Ten games were played and
for life after high school.” each team performed a skit. The
Collings emphasizes, blue team secured five wins while
“What many students fail the gray team got four. One game
to grasp, is that arriving to was not counted. The night con-
class on time is one of the cluded with a tie-breaker game
most respectful acts a stu- in which Blue came out on top.
dent can do for a teacher. After this, students joined hands
Perhaps one day, soon to sing the Alma Mater and the
score was announced, with the
I hope, our students will un-
Blue Team emerging victorious.
derstand that this simple “It was a very fun and
gesture of arriving to class great experience getting closer
on time, will reap more ben- The seniors and freshmen joined forces to beat the Gray team. Photo from the Annual Staff to all the juniors and sophomores
efits that they can imagine.” By Sebastian Carcano the skit they would perform the theme for the day was Socs, and creating better relation-
El Rodeo Staff Writer night of the Don Games pep rally. preppy school attire, while the ships,” Alexis Gallegos, sopho-
Activities were held Gray Team’s theme was Greasers. more ASB president and gray
The Don Games were throughout the entire week. Serena Perez, senior presi- team member, said. “I feel as if
in full swing during the week On Monday, both teams dent, said, “[The competition] my team and I tried our best and
of March 12th. The two rivals, went head to head and went was probably my favorite part. It had a good time in the process. I
the Blue Team (consisting of all out decorating their respec- was exciting seeing people step believe we did not disappoint.”
freshmen and seniors) and the tive gates, waking up at 5 am to out of their shells and perform all Julio Ornelas, ASB presi-
Gray Team (consisting of soph- cover the entrances with post- out for their team on that runway.” dent, said, “I am very happy with
omores and juniors) battled it ers and streamers. Students On Wednesday, there the results, it was a close one but
out over the course of the week were encouraged to dress ac- was a food carnival at lunch. our hard work paid off. [The] Gray
in hopes of coming out on top. cording to the day’s spirit week Clubs sold snacks ranging team’s skit was really cute but
ASB started prepping theme: stripes for the Blue Team from ice cream sandwiches to sorry cuties, we run this beach.”
for the event in early February. and solids for the Gray Team orange chicken bowls to po- “Best of luck to next
Members of both teams stayed Tuesday involved a lip zole. The themes of the day year’s blue team and thank
after school almost every day sync competition between the two were Blue Team Rappers you to the judges for giving us
either decorating or practicing teams at lunch. The Blue Team’s versus Gray Team Rockers. that fourpeat,” Ornelas said.
El Rodeo, Pg 2 El Rancho High School Mar. 22, 2018

Andrea Chavez By Leslie Plaza
El Rodeo Staff Writer Advisor
Sporty, smart, and outgoing, Andrea Chavez is the Paul Zeko
stereotypical college-bound student. This senior keeps her- Editor-in-Chief
self busy through clubs and rigorous courses. She’s a mem- Aleksey Soto
ber of Teen Court, CSF, Leos and Key Club. She even takes Copy Editors
college classes at Rio Hondo Community College on top Sebastian Carcano
of AP classes such as AP Stats, AP French, and AP English Alonzo Murrieta
Literature, all while maintaining Principal’s Honor Roll! Leslie Plaza
“Don’t give up on your dreams or your dreams will give Business Manager
up on you” is a quote that always helps Andrea stay moti- Leslie Plaza
vated. She does treat herself by binge-watching her favorite Section Editors
Netflix shows like Grey’s Anatomy in her free time. A fact News
you may not know about her is that she plays the piano and Aleksey Soto
has played for over four years! You can learn more about Discovering Dons
Andrea or maybe DM her on Twitter! (@andreaxchavez) Leslie Plaza
Mariela Michel
By Leslie Plaza
El Rodeo Staff Writer
Taylor Bañuelos is your all-around student ath-
Taylor Bañuelos Meet Your Staff
Karizma Reyes
Bremo Martinez
lete. This quirky blonde has participated in varsity soc- Sports
cer and varsity track and field all while completing AP Sofia Dominguez
classes such as AP Calculus and AP English Literature; Entertainment
in addition, she takes Rio Hondo classes like Speech Kayla Perez
101 and Sociology. Taylor is also a part of ASB as our
2017-2018 Girls Athletics Commissioner! Though rigor- Reporters
ous courses may take a toll on her, Taylor is able to let Devenie Anchondo
out some steam on the soccer field. She has played for Bianca Arias
over 11 years. spending most of her soccer career play- Jennifer Becerra
ing a variety of positions. In addition, Taylor has held her Sebastian Carcano
title as varsity soccer captain for two years! She also en- Sofia Dominguez
joys spending downtime at home on Twitter. Catch up on Franky Leon
Taylor’s busy life through her Twitter! (@Tay_Banuelos) Emily Lopez
Fatima Lopez
Bremo Martinez
Mariela Michel
Alonzo Murrieta
Kayla Perez
Leslie Plaza

Maria Torres
By Mariela Michel
El Rodeo Staff Writer
Karizma Reyes
Aleksey Soto
Selina Torres
Maria Torres is a passionate sophomore tennis player
Photo Editors
and student. She plays tennis whenever she has the chance
Sofia Dominguez
and loves reading a good book in her spare time. Torres
Franky Leon
is passionate about being an active member of the com-
Emily Lopez
munity and does so by participating in community service
Mariela Michel
events such as Trick or Treat for Hunger, Rose Bowl Dec-
Leslie Plaza
orating, and volunteering for the Key Club blood drives.
Aleksey Soto
She is an active participant in clubs such as AVID and
Selina Torres
Key Club. Torres is particularly proud of being awarded El Rodeo is published month-
the pathway to biliteracy award in middle school and feels ly except during vacations by the El
Rancho High School journalism class.
pride just helping as many people as possible. In the fu- The El Rodeo offices are located at
ture, she hopes to continue making amazing memories 6501 S. Passons Blvd., Pico Rivera,
and, hopefully, attend a four-year college when she gradu- CA 90660 in room X-1. The paper is
ates. Torres describes herself as “a weird happy-going girl printed by The Gardena Valley News.
El Rodeo, the student news-
who always tries to keep her head up no matter the issue.” paper of El Rancho High School is an
open, public forum for student expres-
By Mariela Michel
El Rodeo Staff Writer Jacqueline sion and an opportunity to discuss its
audience’s issues of concern. Opinions
expressed are those of the writer and do

not necessarily reflect the position of the
From academic to artistic abilities, Jacqueline Ascenc- school board, administration, sponsors,
io has got it all! Ascencio is an active member of the school parents, student body or advertisers.
with many interests and goals. Ascencio is fluent in Spanish The Editorial Board, which
and English, but hopes to study Portuguese, Italian and con- consists of the editor-in-chief, sec-
tion editors, and assistant editors, will
tinue studying French. She believes learning another language determine the content of El Rodeo.
is a significant accomplishment to being more successful in Student journalists on the El
society. It opens the door for more opportunities and power. Rodeo staff will make every effort to
Ascencio uses her power of multilingualism to tutor other stu- publish following the legal definitions
of libel, obscenity and invasion of pri-
dents in Spanish as well as French. Being an active member of vacy. Consistent with California Educa-
the Academic Decathlon team, California Scholarship Federa- tion Code section 48907, the staff will
tion (CSF), and a former member of the Leos Club, Ascencio refrain from printing material that may
rarely has spare time, but when she does, she expresses her cre- incite students, be a violation of school
regulations or disrupt school opera-
ativity through drawing. She explains how her time in Mr. Chi- tions. At the beginning of each semes-
ang’s art class helped her improve her skills and explore differ- ter, journalism students will be remind-
ent mediums of art. In the future, Ascencio hopes to major in ed of the legal, financial and ethical
criminal justice and forensic biology to .eventually work as a implications of each article they write.
Ed Code 48907 affirms the
crime scene investigator. She is particularly proud of earning a right of high school newspapers to
silver medal in speech for Academic Decathlon and expresses publish whatever they choose, so
gratitude towards her instructors and teammates. “I am literally long as the content is not explic-
the nicest person at El Rancho. Ha as if! Oh honey, I am prob- itly obscene, libelous, or slander-
ous. Also, there shall be no prior
ably one of the sassiest people you will ever meet,” she says. restraint of material prepared for
official school publications except
insofar as it violates this section.
Mar. 22, 2018 El Rancho High School El Rodeo, Pg 3

Ben Barrientez is Simply Irresistible!
By Bremo Martinez
El Rodeo Staff Writer

Ben Barrientez, senior,

is one of El Rancho’s smart-
est and sweetest Dons of all
time. But more importantly,
Ben is simply irresistible!
Ever since attending Ri-
vera Middle School, Barri-
entez has wanted to be in the
Decathlon. This led to him win-
ning first place in the Pentath-
lon. Luckily, Ben was fortunate
enough to be a member of the
Decathlon team at the Ranch.
“Honestly, joining De-
cath was the best part of my
year. I got to know Sebastian
Carcano, Julio Ornelas, and
Andrew Sepulveda, which
were the highlights,” said Ben.
Ben isn’t only dedicated to
his academics. He’s a member
of El Rancho’s band. Barrientez
wished to join band since sopho-
more year because he missed play- Math geek Benjamin Barrientez posing in the Math Club room Photo By Bremo Martinez
ing music. For marching season, Aside from being the next jack of all trades! Even though in khakis and a button up shirt.” news is that he’s always look-
Ben decided to play the tuba when Beethoven, Ben focuses most of Ben has different plans for what His favorite food is cheese ing for a friend to watch The
the band director simply asked: his time on academics. He’s a is ahead of him, he plans to at- because “you can put it in all Wrath of Khan with him!
“who wants to play the tuba?” member of Math Club, Robotics, tend San Francisco State and types of dishes: like salads or a So, next time you find Ben
Now, he plays a baritone Mu Alpha Theta, and is currently major in electrical engineer- good sandwich.” So if you spend strutting down the hallways in his
due to his promise he made taking three AP classes. Ben’s ing after graduating this June. your free time training to become elegant Decathlon cardigan, play-
to the baritone section leader passion for math has also led to When Ben isn’t being the a Jedi or eating cheese, Ben might ing beautiful tunes from a baritone,
which was that he would play him wanting to become a teacher. best he can be around El Rancho’s be a friendly match for you. or solving equations in Francis’
the baritone when he joined Ben’s plans for the future halls, he’s either watching Star I know, Ben Barrien- class, know that you’re witness-
band. Ben’s passion for music are enigmatic, from majoring in Trek or Star Wars, eating, sleep- tez sounds like the man of your ing a simply irresistible Don.
led to him to apply for Whit- music to becoming a teacher or ing or taking a “short walk in the dreams but unfortunately, he
tier College, majoring in music. even an engineer. He’s quite the afternoon at the beach by myself is in a relationship. The good

W.O.S.-Spring Break Plans?

Xavier Marquez: “Practice,
sleep and go to Disneyland.”

Araceli Correa:
“Cry and watch Netflix.”
Alejandro Huezo & Roberto Rodriquez :
Dylan Joseph: “We’re going to Washington D.C. with ASL.”
“I’m just gonna play video games.”

Jakob Diaz:
“Do my missing
and have fun, Jordan Uribe:
hopefully.” “Sleeping, eating, practicing Delilah Fierro:
for drumline.” “I’m going camping on the beach.”
El Rodeo, Pg 4 El Rancho

MEET YOUR 2017-2018

Part three of an ongoing series that will help El Rancho stu

Mr. Jesus Magdaleno Ms. Natasha Maillette Ms. Karen Maldonado Ms. Anna Manzanares Ms. Melody Manzanares

Ms. Sharmane Marron Ms. Betty Martinez Ms. Irene Martinez Ms. Janae Martinez Ms. Leticia Martinez

Mr. Martin Martinez Ms. Rachel Martinez Ms. Christina Mata Ms. Crystal Matias-Olaerts Mr. Coach May

Ms. Valorie Melemdrez Ms. Jasmine Mendoza Ms. Claudio Meza Mr. Mark Montoya Mr. Everett Moore

Ms. Pauline Munoz Ms. Samantha Munoz Ms. Tracey Munoz Ms. Nazarely Narvaez Ms. Nancy Nasouf
High School El Rodeo, Pg 5


udents get to know the names and faces of our amazing staff.

Ms. Elvia Natareno De Mr. Leo Nerio Ms. Gloria Ochoa Mr. Eduardo Golivarez
Mr. Alan Navarro

Mr. Victor Orihuela Mr. Jaime Ozzy Mr. Miguel Paniagua Mr. Alex Pardes Mr. Larry Patino

Mr. Ray Pena Ms. Kristal Perez Mr. Rodney Perez Ms. Ashley Perryman Ms. Adelaida Picon

Ms. Elizabeth Plaza Mr. Ryan Porter Ms. Parvin Qureshi Ms. Rosa Ramirez Mr. David Retana

M. Andrea Reyes Ms. Bernadett Rodriguez Mr. Felix Rodriguez Mr. Manuel Roriguez Ms. Gabriela Rojo
El Rodeo, Pg 6 El Rancho High School Mar. 22, 2018

ASB brings a twist to Sadie Hawkins By Emily Lopez
and Monopoly, taking pictures,
and listening to the silent dj was
El Rodeo Staff Writer really cool, ” says Amberly Re-
cendez, Sadies attendee. “It was
El Rancho hosted its an- crazy seeing everyone jamming
nual Sadie Hawkins Dance on out to different music” says Am-
Friday, March 16, 2018. Dance berly Recendez about the silent
Commissioner, Sarah Navarro, dj. The silent dj allowed attendees
planned the event with the help of to pick one of three stations to lis-
others. Sarah Navarro says “Am- ten to. Sebastian Carcano says “it
berly (Ambo) Recendez helped was a new experience and it was
me come up with the theme. cool being able to change through
She found it in a magazine.” stations depending on my mood.
The theme was Game However, it could’ve been better.”
Night. “My favorite part was “It was really great being
having to incorporate the board able to set up the event, seeing it
games because it was something all come together, and being able
we’ve never done before,” says to enjoy it with peers,” says Car-
Sarah Navarro. Sarah says “I cano. “We shook the dance floor,
danced the whole night and took and played Twister. It was a great
pictures at the photo booth.” game night,” added Cancano.
Pairs were able to battle A great thank you to Sarah
other couples at different board Navarro, Mrs. Senteno-Tapia,
games. Amberly Recendez says, and the rest of ASB for put-
“being with my date was the best ting together the event. It was
Photo by Annual Staff. part. “Playing games, like Uno overall a very successful night.

Teen Read Week April 9-13, 2018

A celebration of reading brought to you by the ERHS Library

All week:
Administrators and counselors will be guest readers in classrooms
Reading quizzes, prizes and awards in classrooms.

Monday, April 9
Come to the Library during lunch and read to a dog! Brought to you by the Library and the ER Animal Advocates.

Tuesday, April 10
Get Lit Players poetry performances during 3rd and 4th periods (main gym).

Wednesday, April 11
Literary Lunch bag Theater in the Little Theater. Brought to you by the ERHS Improv Team.

Thursday, April 12
Mrs. Nelson’s Book Fair 7:30-3:30 in the Library, open all day. Students, cash only please. Staff, credit cards accepted. Young adult and children’s books are available.

Friday, April 13
Staff Coffee, Appetizers and Desserts in the Library beginning at 7:30 a.m. Served by Link Crew literary characters.
Mrs. Nelson’s Book Fair 7:30-3 in the Library, open all day. Students, cash only please. Staff, credit cards accepted. Young adult and children’s books are available.

WASC Committee visits ERHS

By Alonzo Murrieta teers gave a tour of the campus

El Rodeo Staff Writer and showcased numerous pro- held three years ago. Vice Princi-
grams that the school possesses. pal Mrs. Chavez Diaz, was told by
The Western Association For the next two days, the committee that “[We] did not
of Schools and Colleges (WASC) WASC members walked through do [ourselves] justice. [We] did
Committee visited El Rancho the campus and in and out of not brag. [We] did not really rep-
from March 4th to March 6th multiple classes. While on resent everything [we’re] doing.”
for its school review. The WASC duty, the committee members Fortunately, El Rancho has
Committee’s purpose is to visit asked students questions about stepped up their game since then.
schools and colleges around the the school, evaluated teach- Chavez Diaz went on to say that,
nation and evaluate them to see ing, and noted things they liked “this year they came in and said our
if they are considered “cred- and disliked about the campus. Culinary Arts program is amazing
ible.” Schools that are credited To minimize the mark- and that our band was amazing.”
are viewed as reliable with the downs and maximize the posi- Still, a good report isn’t
quality of their outcomes as op- tives, students were asked to the only outcome of the visit. The
posed to schools that are not. behave, while teachers was WASC visit itself is a reminder
On the day that WASC cautioned to stay away from and a learning moment for staff.
arrived ASB, band, student vol- lectures and tests and instead AP Calculus teacher Mr. Francis
unteers, and staff welcomed incorporate activities that they said, “[The visit] does make me
the committee with open arms. would hold in their classroom. reflect and take into account that
After the welcoming, volun- The last WASC visit was I’m making sure to meet the needs
of everybody in my classroom.”
Mar. 22, 2018 El Rancho High School El Rodeo, Pg 7

Boys volleyball
prepares for league
Softball off to a strong start

Girls softball lines up with Head Coach Ralph Del Campo for team pictures. Photo by Sofia Dominguez
By Sofia Dominguez Not only does he bring ex- the girls must work on their the girls is unique. On the field
El Rodeo Staff perience and history to the soft- weaknesses and enhance their they cheer each other on, push
ball program but he also brings strengths. “If I had to say a weak- each other to work hard, and
With a new year and a a strict work ethic and regime. ness that the girls have is getting most importantly they have each
new coaching staff, head coach Coach Ralph says,” I am expect- down on themselves when a mis- other’s backs. Off the field, a lot
Ralph Del Campo and the El ing these girls to get to CIF, we take is made, or we are losing in of the girls are best friends. They
Alex Bermudez serving the ball. Rancho Softball team hope have the talent and the capability a game,” says Coach Ralph. “The trust each other and do many
Photo by: Mr. Crone to improve upon the previous to make it there if we stay focused strengths that the girls have is even activities together. That trans-
season. With a preseason re- and work hard at our game.” though they are down in a game fers over to the field and creates
By Jennifer Becerra cord of seven wins and three He isn’t all talk either. they will battle back till the end a great dynamic,” says Ralph.
El Rodeo Staff Writer losses, CIF hopes are bright. To back up his claim of mak- of the game. They will not give So, show your blue pride
Although it is Coach Ralph ing it to CIF he has been push- up even if they lose,” said Ralph. and support the varsity soft-
The boy’s varsity vol- Del Campos first season as var- ing the girls on and off the field. In addition to accomplish- ball team for their first league
leyball teams season is off to a sity head coach, the player’s “They can have lots of talent, ing these goals through improv- game at home April 10th at
great start with an overall re- aren’t new to him, “I’ve coached but if they don’t also succeed ing the teams game, Coach Ralph 3:15 p.m. against Pioneer. Make
cord of four wins and one loss. half of these girls since they were in the classroom they won’t be believes that the relationships sure to bring some snacks and
The boys hope to make the in tee-ball,” says Ralph. ”I have seeing the field,” says Ralph. amongst the girls have a lot to get ready to cheer on the girls
most out of their season. “Our watched these girls grow up and Coach Ralph believes do with how they play out on the as they take on the Titans!
goals this year are to get the Del become great softball players. that to accomplish these goals, field. “The relationship amongst
Rio League title and make it as
far into CIF as we can,” says Baseball stands undefeated in league Track and field overcomes hurdles
varsity captain Bryan Zepeda.
In hopes to be league By Jennifer Becerra pretty fun,” says junior Melissa
champions, the boys strive for El Rodeo Staff Writer Mayorga, “but now my rela-
improvements during practice. Track season is almost here tionship with my team is very
“We always work hard dur- as the El Rancho Track team con- strong and we’re all united.”
ing practice. We aren’t afraid tinues to practice and prepare for Although it’s still pre-
of making mistakes,” says var- their upcoming meets of the Del season the team has high hopes
sity player Steve Francis, “we Rio League. The team attended for their season. “I feel good
focus on improving every day.” Condor Invitationals at Cal High. about this year, there’s good com-
With every new sea- The Dons have been work- petition but good times are con-
son comes new players, but ing hard and practicing for stantly being raced every day,”
that doesn’t stop them from their upcoming season. “For says Mayorga, “we have a lot of
motivating each other. “Our Dons listening to post-game speech from head coach Patino. practice we do warm ups and new pole vaulters, jumpers, and
chemistry is terrific, we en- throwers which is a great bonus!”
joy each others company,” says By Emily Lopez We are always loud just try-
stretch a lot but it’s never the
E l Rodeo Staff Writer same. We practice hard and long Show your blue pride
Zepeda, “and we aren’t afraid ing to hype up our guys and we
hours, sometimes up to 6 days a at their first meet on March
to tell each other to step it up,” have each other’s back we all
week,” says senior Erika Haro. 22 at the ERHS Football Sta-
With the returning player’s This season the boy’s var- trust each other to the end and
“I joined track because I dium as they take on the San-
strong chemistry and the new sity team currently has a record we just get things done for the needed to stay fit and it looked ta Fe High School Titans!
players developing chemistry, of 2-0 in league and 7-3 overall. most part,” says Omar Sanchez.
the boy’s confidence is great this They have been doing well so far “I feel pretty confident
year. “If we continue to prog- in league. “Our team is doing is about the way we’ll perform this
ress as fast as we have been, I really great. You know we have a season due to our great coaching
believe we will be in conten- lot of talent and everyone is just staff and commitment of the play-
tion for a league title this year,” in sync with each other” says ers,” says Daniel Valles. Daniel
says Francis, “but we have a Varsity player, Omar Sanchez. is proud to call himself a mem-
good chance at winning league.” “I like how close we all are ber of our varsity baseball and
“I haven’t seen a team and the brotherhood we share,” hopes to “keep working hard and
that loves the game as much as says Daniel Valles. The team is win a spot on the field.” He has
this team, we never see volley- very proud of the way they are high hopes for his team and their
ball as a chore we just have fun coming together. “Damian threw future success. “We’re gonna
playing together,” says Francis. a no hitter in the today’s [March win League and then move on
Don’t forget to show your 9th] game and I’m just look- to take CIF!” says Daniel Valles.
support for the boys at their ing forward to league cause we Baseball is a sport to look
next home game on March 27 are going to bring something to out for. Go support them on Fri-
at 3:15 in the main gym against the table,” says Omar Sanchez. day, March 23rd, at their next
South Pasadena High School! The team’s greatest se- home game where they hope to
cret weapon is “our team spirit. remain undefeated in league. Hurdlers get a jump out of the blocks. Photo by Mr. Crone
Mar. 22, 2018 El Rancho High School El Rodeo, Pg 8

Remembering A Wrinkle in Time fails to meet audience’s expectations
The film, in itself, is a bit ship with her hair and that’s what
Stephen Hawking of a disorganized story. Just when makes her character one of the
you think you’ve understood most relatable in the entire film.
what’s going on, the movie will Her struggle to fit in and love her-
throw you a curveball. A Wrinkle self for who she is really stands out
in Time seems to lack a good in the film. Murry is also bullied
flow and it’s pacing is rather odd, by Veronica (Rowan Blanchard),
but its visuals make up for it. a classmate of hers. We later find
The main goal of the group out that the bully has issues too.
is to find Murry’s father, but the Veronica actually suffers from
interstellar travel is what makes an eating disorder and has body
the journey worthwhile. The scen- image issues of her own as well.
Even with star-studded cast, film did not meet audience’s standards.
ery is very CGI based, but it truly These topics are hard to
By Fatima Lopez valed its reign on the box office brings everything life. Creatures discuss especially in a movie that
El Rodeo Staff Writer was none other than Black Pan- and landscapes you could only is aimed at a younger audience,
ther directed by Ryan Coogler. ever see in your dreams were all but DuVernay and the cast do a
By Alonzo Murrieta Disney has, once again, The film centers around brought to life in this movie. At wonderful job of putting that on
El Rodeo Staff Writer dominated the box office this Meg Murry, a young girl who times, the animation did get a bit the big screen. The film, after all,
month with A Wrinkle in Time, explores the cosmos in search too over the top, but like any Dis- is all about love. Whether it was a
The well known theoreti- starring Storm Reid, Oprah Win- of her scientist father. With ney live-action, CGI is a must. daughter’s love for her father or a
cal physicist Stephen Hawking frey, Mindy Kaling, and Reese help from her adopted younger DuVernay’s adaptation girl’s love for herself, that didn’t
passed away on March 14th at Witherspoon. The film, directed brother, Charles Wallace and her of the film features a very di- matter, the main idea that is sup-
the age of 76. According to his by Ava DuVernay, is an adapta- close friend, Calvin, the trio ex- verse cast and the director’s bold posed to be taken away from this
family, Hawking was said to tion of the classic 1962 novel of plore the depths of space mak- choice in making Meg Murry film is that love, no matter what
have died peacefully in his home the same name written by Mad- ing many friends and visiting a biracial girl spoke to many. kind, always defeats the evil.
located in Cambridge, England. eleine L’Engle. It hit theaters ear- many planets along the way. Storm Reid plays Murry so well, If you’re thinking about
Hawking was iconic for lier this month with a 33.3 million The trio has a little help you’d wish the movie explored watching A Wrinkle in Time,
multiple reasons. He contributed dollar debut, slightly lower than from three celestial beings her character more. Reid em- keep this in mind: DuVernay’s
theorems to the theory of gen- what analysts expected it to earn. known as Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. braced the awkwardness of Mur- adaptation of the film vaguely
eral relativity, he had discovered Even though the film didn’t Who, and Mrs. Which (With- ry‘s character and even added a resembles the novel, so if you’re
more about black holes and their do as well as analysts expected, it erspoon, Kaling, and Winfrey, little bit of her own flair to her. looking for an exact and accurate
functions, and he was also the climbed to the second spot on the respectively). Together, they go Not only did DuVernay put version of L’Engle’s story, you’re
author of numerous best sell- box office during its first week- in search of Meg’s father and together an almost all person of going to be disappointed. If you
ing novels such as The Theory end, making it a historic weekend also take down the evil being color main cast, she also tackled just want to watch an adaptation
of Everything and most widely not only for Disney’s studios but simply known as “It.” And yes, issues that we don’t see very of- of a classic novel you might have
known, A Brief History of Time. for African-American directors L’Engle took the famed pronoun ten in film and media. In the film, read as a child, then A Wrinkle in
Hawking’s life began as well. The only film that ri- long before Stephen King did. Meg has a love/hate relation- Time is the right movie for you.
in Oxford, United Kingdom on
January 8th, 1942. As he grew
Take a journey to Hope World in in J-hope’s “Hixtape”
up Hawking did not believe ment with patience and positivity.
himself to be in the best place By Kayla Perez “My fantasy had always
academically. However, this El Rodeo Staff Writer been making a music video and
changed with the years lead- performing with music that I
ing up to his college education. It’s J-hope’s world, we’re had created,” said J-hope in a
Near his time of entering college just living in it. On March recent interview, “I also wanted
Hawking found himself to be 2nd, 2018, BTS member Jung to put my own story to music
intrigued by mathematics, only Hoseok aka J-hope released and share it with the world.”
to later develop a passion for it. his highly anticipated “hix- The 7-tracked mixtape is
At the age of 21, Hawk- tape” entitled Hope World. passionately articulated through
ing was diagnosed with a motor The mixtape instantly a vibrant tone of music as J-hope
neuron disease titled amyotrophic soared to number one on iTunes soundtracks his most cherish-
in over 63 different countries, in- able moments and ambitions in the life of a musician” and as he reminisces about his dream
lateral sclerosis, otherwise known
cluding Canada, Brazil, England, from being a young street-danc- that she wrote the track to show to fly an airplane as a child.
as ALS. After his diagnosis, the
and the United States. Shortly the er to international K-Pop star. the world who J-hope really is. Finally, Hope World
future scientist became discour-
week after, the mixtape rose to “[BTS members] RM and The mixtape continues a ends strong with “Blue Side
aged and had lost all motiva-
#63 on Billboard 200 chart mak- SUGA releasing their own mix- feel-good dance vibe through the (Outro)” in which he describes
tion to continue with his stud-
ing him the highest entry for a tapes was the motivation for my following 4 tracks “P.O.P (Piece as him “melting into a song.”
ies. Being unmotivated to work,
Korean Solo artist on both charts. own project” says J-hope, “I have of Peace) Pt. 1, Day Dream, “When I listen to this
Hawking had pushed through his
Even though the mixtape been and continue to be deeply Base Line, and HANGSANG,” song, good memories come back
depression and regained his pas-
quickly received positive re- influenced by them, from the day which J-hope insights as piec- to me,” says J-hope This song
sion and goal to finish his studies.
sponses and gathered many ac- we began to where we are today.” es of him that are authentic to is about wishing to go back to
Hawking would live on to
complishments, the production The self-representation who he is and who he portrays when I didn’t know anything.”
contribute ground-breaking work
of the mixtape was not always of J-hope’s life is evident from to people through his music. Hopeworld was a day
to singularities. He would then
easy. The mixtape took over 3 the beginning as the mixtape The mixtape takes a deep dream worth the wait and we can
coccidioses four laws of Black
years to make and has been a long opens with it’s self-titled “Hope turn of raw emotion in “Airplane” only hope it doesn’t end here.
Holes. Hawking’s most famous
process but J-hope has always World,” which J-hope de- which feature a snippet of J-hope
accomplishment in science is
endured the tough time-commit- scribes his “first business card and his members singing together
disproving the idea that nothing
could escape black holes. Hawk-
ing countered this theory by prov-
Crossword Puzzle Down:
ing that black holes emit radiation. The first person to deliver 1. 2018 Sadies theme.
Even though he was an correct answers to X-1 wins a prize! 2. Sport that is 2-0 in league and led by captain, Jason Vela.
iconic scientist and diagnosed 3. This month’s Simply Irresistible plays this instrument.
with a fatal disease, Hawk- 4. Latest BTS mixtape.
ing was not an overly-serious 8. Team that won Don Games.
man. When interviewed Hawk- 10. Pizza connoisseur who is infamous for his
ing’s daughter Lucy Hawking footwear.
gave comments on her father’s 11. Assistant Principal of Curriculum.
personality. Lucy would go to
say that Hawking was “an ex- Across:
tremely stubborn” man and even 5. A walkout was staged against ______.
to have a great sense of humor. 6. The week everyone is waiting for.
Given two years to live, 7. Came to visit campus for a week.
Hawking had miraculously 9. Student organization that supports
pushed through for more than freshmen.
50 years with his condition and 12. “A Wrinkle in Time” stars ______.
both posed and answered ques- 13. Scientist who died on Albert Einstein’s birthday.
tions that will forever be influen- 14. Leading the tardy policy at ERHS.
tial to humanity and it’s survival.

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