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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in the DSM-5

Jonathan S. Abramowitz and Ryan J. Jacoby, Department of Psychology, University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill

Whereas the specific diagnostic criteria for obsessive- pharmacological treatments exist. The recent transition
compulsive disorder (OCD) have changed in only minor from DSM-IV to DSM-5 has a number of clinical and
ways in the transition from DSM-IV to DSM-5, a more research implications, as several key changes have been
substantial change is that OCD is no longer classified as made concerning OCD. The present article begins
an anxiety disorder. Rather, it is now the flagship
with a description of the nature of obsessional prob-
lems—not simply the DSM definition of OCD, but
diagnosis of a new diagnostic category: the obsessive-
rather an evidence-based picture of the fundamental
compulsive and related disorders (OCRDs). In this arti-
features of this problem and the mechanisms that serve
cle, we describe the nature of obsessional problems as
to maintain them. We then transition to a discussion of
determined through empirical research before turning
OCD as it is defined in previous editions of the DSM
to a consideration of how OCD is defined in previous and now in DSM-5, before turning a critical eye
editions of the DSM and in DSM-5. We then critically toward changes that were made as well as noteworthy
consider the DSM criteria, as well as the basis for diagnostic issues that were not changed in the transi-
removing OCD from the anxiety disorders and creating tion. The article closes with a consideration of the
the new OCRD category. Finally, we consider the impli- implications of DSM-5 for clinical practice and research
cations of these changes for clinical practice and where OCD is concerned.
research on OCD.
Key words: behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, THE NATURE OF OBSESSIONAL PROBLEMS

DSM-5, hair pulling, hoarding, nosology, obsessive com- Obsessions

pulsive, obsessive-compulsive disorder. [Clin Psychol Sci Unwanted and distressing intrusive thoughts—often
Prac 21:221–235, 2014] called obsessions—are senseless ideas, images, urges,
doubts, and ideas that the person experiences as repug-
Obsessional problems, and indeed obsessive-compulsive nant, invasive, uncontrollable, guilt-provoking, and
disorder (OCD) as defined in the Diagnostic and Statisti- decidedly persistent (Rachman & Hodgson, 1980).
cal Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), involve a com- Although highly individualized, the general themes of
plex and heterogeneous collection of thoughts, obsessions usually pertain to contamination, responsibil-
behaviors, and their interplay. While the precise ity for causing (or failing to prevent) harm (to oneself or
etiology remains uncertain, the nature and phenome- others), uncertainty, “taboo” topics such as sex, violence,
nology of obsessional problems are well researched and and blasphemy, and the need for order and symmetry.
well understood, and effective psychological and The content of obsessions is typically incongruent with
the person’s belief system and is not the type of thought
one would expect of him- or herself. In fact, it is typical
Address correspondence to Jonathan S. Abramowitz, PhD, for obsessions to cast a menacing shadow on matters the
Department of Psychology, UNC-Chapel Hill, Campus Box person happens to hold most dear (e.g., a devoutly reli-
3270 (Davie Hall), Chapel Hill, NC 27599. E-mail: jabramo
gious person with recurrent blasphemous images, or a

© 2014 American Psychological Association. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., on behalf of the American Psychological Association.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: permissionsuk@wiley.com. 221
highly conscientious person with persistent doubts that Clinical observations of individuals with obsessional
he is responsible for injuring an innocent person). Obses- problems reveal an internal consistency in the themes
sions might be triggered by stimuli in the environment of obsessions and the strategies used to resist such
(e.g., a religious icon or driving a car) or occur without mental intrusions. Research findings support these
an apparent trigger (e.g., the impulse to yell a curse word observations, consistently showing that obsessions and
in a place of worship). Finally, obsessions are subjectively resistance strategies are thematically related (e.g., Abra-
resisted, meaning that they are accompanied by the sense mowitz et al., 2010; McKay et al., 2004): contamina-
that they need to be “dealt with,” neutralized, or alto- tion obsessions often co-occur with washing/cleaning
gether avoided. The motivation to resist is activated by rituals; responsibility obsessions with checking and reas-
the fear that if action is not taken, disastrous conse- surance-seeking rituals; obsessions about order or exact-
quences will likely occur. ness with arranging rituals; and unacceptable “taboo”
violent, sexual, or blasphemous thoughts with mental
Subjective Resistance to Obsessions rituals and more covert forms of resistance. Avoidance
The most conspicuous type of resistance to obsessional behavior can also generally be predicted by the types of
thoughts is compulsive ritualizing. Compulsive rituals are obsessional fears the individual has. For example,
performed deliberately in response to an obsession, someone with obsessional thoughts of harming her
usually with the aim of preventing the feared disaster children is likely to avoid knives and other potential
and/or reducing the associated anxiety or distress (e.g., weapons. These observations underscore the relation-
hand washing for 30 min after touching a possibly con- ship between obsessions and the various forms of sub-
taminated doorknob; Rachman & Hodgson, 1980). jective resistance.
Common compulsive rituals include washing or clean-
ing, checking, or seeking reassurance from others, Maintenance of Obsessional Problems
repeating a routine activity until it “feels right,” order- Although intrusive thoughts are a universal experience,
ing and arranging items, and performing mental rituals people with clinically severe obsessional problems (i.e.,
(e.g., saying a phrase or prayer to oneself). Such rituals OCD) encounter more persistent intrusions that pro-
are usually senseless and excessive in relation to the voke more intense anxiety and distress relative to non-
obsessional fear, and often need to be performed sufferers. They also experience more persistent urges to
repeatedly and according to rules that the person resist their intrusions and expend greater time and
derives on his or her own. energy engaged in such activities. One explanation for
Noncompulsive (i.e., neither rule-bound nor this is that people with clinically significant obsessions
repeated) forms of resistance to obsessions are also catastrophically appraise the meaning and significance
common (e.g., Freeston & Ladouceur, 1997; Ladouc- of the otherwise harmless intrusions (e.g., “thinking an
eur et al., 2000). Examples of this sort of resistance immoral thought is the same as performing an immoral
include purposely distracting oneself from obsessional deed”), leading to distress, greater preoccupation with
thoughts and triggers, trying to suppress (i.e., not think the intrusion, and more intense urges to resist (e.g.,
about) the unwanted thoughts, and brief (covert) “neu- Salkovskis, 1999). Moreover, the very resistance strate-
tralization” strategies such as gripping the steering gies that are deployed in response to intrusions may
wheel more tightly in response to an obsessional paradoxically intensify the intrusion: for example,
thought of driving into opposing traffic. The passive attempted thought suppression, which leads to an
avoidance of obsessional stimuli (e.g., toilets) is also a increase in the thought to be suppressed (e.g., Abramo-
form of resistance to obsessions. Avoidance, however, witz, Tolin, & Street, 2001).
is intended to prevent obsessional thoughts and feared Other resistance strategies, such as avoidance and rit-
consequences from occurring in the first place, whereas uals, maintain obsessional distress by preventing the
neutralizing and other forms of resistance represent reac- correction of the unrealistic catastrophic appraisals
tions to obsessions that have already occurred (Rach- when feared outcomes do not occur. That is, poten-
man & Hodgson, 1980). tially corrective experiences are understood as “near

misses” in which the resistance strategy is perceived as criteria also specify that compulsive rituals are per-
removing a threat (even if there was little danger to formed deliberately and in response to a sense of pres-
begin with). For example, a person who always avoids sure to act, yet usually are perceived as senseless or
knives due to harm-related intrusions fails to learn that excessive. Beginning with DSM-IV (APA, 1994), the
these unwanted thoughts will in all likelihood not lead diagnostic criteria for OCD included the specifier
to committing acts of harm. Similarly, one who com- “with poor insight” to denote when a person did not
pulsively washes his hands following contact with (for most of the time while having the problem) recog-
feared contaminants (e.g., money) will never learn that nize the senselessness of the obsessions or compulsions.
he is unlikely to become ill. Moreover, because resis-
tance strategies often result in immediate short-term Changes in DSM-5
distress reduction (or the temporary removal of the The OCD diagnostic criteria per se have undergone
unwanted thought), they are negatively reinforced and only minor changes from DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5. In
become habitual. This completes a self-sustaining general, the definitions of obsessions and compulsions
vicious cycle that leads to the escalation of intrusions, remain the same, save a few updates. The word
subjective distress, and maladaptive resistance strategies. “impulse,” which was used in the description of obses-
sions in DSM-IV, has been replaced with the word
Insight “urge.” The word “inappropriate,” which was used to
Research and clinical observations also indicate that describe the content of obsessional thoughts, has been
whereas most people at some point recognize that their replaced with the word “unwanted.” Indeed, what is
obsessions are senseless and unrealistic, and that their “inappropriate” varies with factors such as culture, age,
subjective resistance is excessive and unnecessary, this and gender, whereas “unwanted” is a more subjective
type of insight wavers across time (Abramowitz, 2006). and culturally neutral term. As in DSM-IV-TR, the
Moreover, people vary in how convinced they are that presence of either obsessions or compulsions (or both)
their obsessions are senseless, with about 4% of people is required for a diagnosis of OCD, yet the require-
with an OCD diagnosis being extremely strongly con- ment in DSM-IV that individuals recognize that their
vinced that their obsessional fears are realistic (Foa & obsessions and compulsions are senseless and excessive
Kozak, 1995). has been removed in DSM-5.
Another change related to recognition of the sense-
OCD ACCORDING TO THE DSM lessness of OCD symptoms is that the insight specifier
DSM-III Through DSM-IV-TR has been further distilled in DSM-5 to allow for a dis-
The main diagnostic criteria for OCD—the presence tinction between people with (a) “good or fair insight”
of obsessions or compulsions—have been relatively (who recognize that their OCD-related fears are proba-
unchanged since DSM-III (American Psychiatric Asso- bly or definitely not true, or may or may not be true),
ciation [APA], 1980). Through DSM-IV-TR (APA, (b) “poor insight” (who think their fears are probably
2000), OCD was grouped among the anxiety disorders true), and (c) “absent insight/delusional beliefs” (who
and defined by the presence of either obsessions or appear completely convinced that their fears are true).
compulsions (or both) that produce significant distress This change was made with the hope of improving dif-
and cause noticeable interference with various aspects ferential diagnosis by highlighting that people with
of functioning, such as academic, occupational, social, OCD have a range of insight into the senselessness of
leisure, or family settings. “Obsessions” are defined in their symptoms. It also emphasizes that the absence of
the DSM as intrusive thoughts, ideas, images, impulses, insight (or the presence of delusion-like beliefs) can
or doubts that the person experiences in some way as warrant a diagnosis of OCD, and not necessarily
senseless and that evoke affective distress (i.e., anxiety, schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder.
doubt). “Compulsions” are defined as urges to perform Additionally, a tic-related specifier has been included
behavioral (e.g., checking, washing) or mental rituals to distinguish individuals presenting with a blend of
(e.g., praying) in response to obsessions. The diagnostic OCD and tic-like symptoms (or a history of a tic


disorder). Whereas in “typical” OCD, obsessions lead from movement into the OCRD chapter, it remains
to a negative emotional (affective) state such as anxiety unchanged from the DSM-IV-TR, although the name
or fear, tic-related OCD is characterized by a distress- has been updated to “hair-pulling disorder.”
ing sensory (somatic) state such as physical discomfort in
specific body parts (e.g., face) or a diffuse psychological Hoarding Disorder. Hoarding disorder is a new diag-
distress or tension (e.g., “in my head”). Moreover, this nostic entity in DSM-5 and is characterized by difficulty
sensory discomfort tends to be relieved by certain discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of the
motor responses (e.g., head twitching, eye blinking). value others attribute to these possessions. Hoarding was
Such “tic-like” compulsions can be difficult to distin- previously listed as a symptom of obsessive-compulsive
guish from tics as observed in Tourette’s syndrome. personality disorder (OCPD) and often construed as a
The most significant change for OCD in DSM-5, symptom of OCD, although research strongly suggests
however, is the classification of this disorder within the it is distinct from OCD (e.g., Abramowitz, Wheaton, &
DSM; specifically, OCD is no longer considered an Storch, 2008; Frost & Steketee, 2008; Mataix-Cols
anxiety disorder. Along with several putatively related et al., 2010; Pertusa et al., 2010; Wheaton, Abramo-
disorders, OCD is now included in a new category of witz, Fabricant, Berman, & Franklin, 2011).
disorders: the obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
(OCRDs). This change was made primarily to group Excoriation (Skin-Picking) Disorder. Characterized
together disorders characterized by the presence of by constant and recurrent skin picking resulting in skin
obsessive thoughts and/or repetitive behaviors (APA, lesions, excoriation disorder is also a new diagnosis in
2013). That is, increasing research evidence ostensibly DSM-5. The person must have made repeated attempts
demonstrates common threads running through OCD to stop the picking, which causes significant distress or
and these putatively related conditions. The other disor- impairment in functioning.
ders in the OCRD chapter are briefly described next.
We then critically consider the conceptual and empiri- Other Specified and Unspecified OCRDs. According
cal basis for this major classification shift. to DSM-5, other excessive body-focused repetitive
behaviors (e.g., nail biting, lip biting, cheek chewing),
Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Body dysmorphic disor- accompanied by unsuccessful attempts to decrease or
der (BDD) is characterized by preoccupation with an stop them, can be diagnosed using this label. Someone
imagined or minor flaw in one’s own appearance that with obsessional jealousy, which is characterized by
causes significant distress or interference. Although it nondelusional preoccupation with a partner’s perceived
has been moved from the somatoform disorders to the infidelity, would also be given this diagnosis.
OCRD chapter in DSM-5, the diagnostic criteria for
BDD are essentially unchanged from DSM-IV-TR. OCD IN THE DSM-5: A CRITICAL EVALUATION
One exception is that it is now a criterion that repeti- Since before the publication of DSM-IV, some authors
tive behaviors or mental acts are performed in response (e.g., Hollander, 1993) have proposed that OCD be
to the obsession-like preoccupations. A second change removed from the anxiety disorders and grouped with
is the addition of the same insight specifiers as were other OCRDs (sometimes referred to as “OCD spec-
added for OCD. A third change is the addition of the trum disorders”). Thus, the reclassification that took
specifier with muscle dysmorphia, which reflects a presen- place in DSM-5 was not unexpected. In this section,
tation of BDD in which the person is excessively con- however, we present a critical review of some impor-
cerned with not being muscular enough. tant aspects of the DSM criteria, as well as the concep-
tual and empirical basis for the reclassification of OCD.
Trichotillomania (Hair-Pulling Disorder). Charac-
terized by the compulsive urge to pull out one’s hair Diagnostic Criteria for OCD
leading to noticeable hair loss, this problem was previ- Emphasis on “Compulsivity”and Repetition. As
ously classified as an impulse control disorder. Aside reviewed previously, research indicates that the essence

medication for all OCRDs even without proper will be more readily recognized by clinicians in the
empirical support. mental health field and elsewhere, and that more peo-
ple will seek treatment for these problems.
New Markets for SRI Medications. Other than
OCD, the disorders that comprise the OCRD chapter Better Identification of Potential Treatment Nonre-
in DSM-5 do not have any medications that are specif- sponders. Another potentially positive implication of
ically indicated for them. This is primarily because changes to OCD in the DSM-5 is that the new specifi-
there is not sufficient evidence from well-conducted ers could assist with identifying individuals at greater
randomized controlled trials that such medications are risk of nonresponse to both ERP and pharmacological
efficacious for these disorders. Yet as a result of the treatments. Research suggests that poor insight is pre-
OCRD chapter, which now links BDD, hoarding dis- dictive of attenuated response to empirically supported
orders, skin-picking disorder, and hair-pulling disorder treatment for OCD (e.g., Foa, Abramowitz, Franklin,
with OCD, we would anticipate an increase in the & Kozak, 1999). Thus, identification of individuals
prescription rates for medications used in the treatment with very poor insight might lead to the use of more
of OCD—namely, SRIs—for these other problems as intensive treatment regimens, which might be of
well (which is problematic given a lack of evidence of greater benefit. Similarly, individuals with tic-related
their efficacy). OCD are often found to be treatment refractory
(Ferr~ao, Miguel, & Stein, 2009; Franklin, Harrison, &
Improved Psychological Treatment for BDD. If our Benavides, 2012; Mansueto & Keuler, 2005; see Verd-
prediction is correct that treatments used for OCD will ellen et al., 2004, for an exception), and with the addi-
become more widely used for other OCRDs, then the tion of the tic-related specifier in DSM-5, future
use of appropriate psychological treatment of BDD directions can explore potential treatment modifications
stands to increase. That is because similar ERP tech- for improving outcomes with this population.
niques that are effective for OCD are also effective in
the treatment of BDD (e.g., Greenberg & Wilhelm, Implications for Research on OCD
2011). Previously categorized as a somatoform disorder, The new specifiers—three levels of insight and tic-
however, many clinicians overlooked the overlaps related OCD—will have potential implications for
between OCD and BDD in terms of their nature and research. It will be interesting to determine the extent
treatment. BDD, however, is characterized by body- to which these specifications are predictive of phenom-
focused thoughts and preoccupations that are phenom- enology and treatment response. OCD is well known
enologically similar to obsessions in OCD. Moreover, as a heterogeneous condition, yet the heterogeneity is
individuals with BDD deploy subjective resistance commonly considered to occur in the form of obses-
strategies similar to those used in OCD, such as avoid- sional or compulsive themes. It remains to be deter-
ance, checking mirrors and other shiny surfaces, and mined whether results of studies on individuals with
asking for reassurance. As with the analogous strategies nontic-related OCD symptoms extend to those with
in OCD, while these behaviors might reduce physical tic-related OCD. This will help address whether future
defect-related preoccupation in the short term, they OCD studies should include individuals with tic-
maintain the problem in the long run. Thus, ERP is related OCD, or whether it is best to study tic- and
an appropriate intervention (Abramowitz, 2013). nontic-related OCD presentations separately.
To a similar end, it is unfortunate that the DSM-5
Increased Recognition and Attention to Hoarding and does not speak to the heterogeneity of OCD and the
Skin Picking. Hoarding and, to a lesser extent, severe fact that various symptom dimensions have been repli-
skin picking have long been recognized as chronic, cated across the empirical literature (e.g., McKay et al.,
harmful, distressing, and often functionally interfering 2004). These dimensions are characterized by some-
problems. With the inclusion of these problems as new what different psychopathology and treatment response
diagnostic entities in DSM-5, we anticipate that they (McKay et al., 2004). While some researchers continue


(b) OCD and OCRDs have similar associated features gratification that is intrinsically reinforcing (Grant &
(e.g., ages of onset, comorbidity patterns, and fam- Potenza, 2004). Such behavior is not motivated by
ily loading), anxiety reduction or the need to resist intrusive
(c) OCD and OCRDs share brain circuitry abnormali- thoughts. Moreover, not only are there no data to sug-
ties and neurotransmitter abnormalities, and gest that these two classes of repetitive behavior exist
(d) OCD and OCRDs overlap in terms of treatment on a continuum; it is not even clear what kind of data
response profiles. would be required to demonstrate whether such a con-
tinuum exists.
In this section, we critically examine these argu- Available research, in fact, suggests the lack of any
ments, which serve as the basis for the OCRD chapter specific relationship between impulsivity and compul-
in DSM-5. Still later in this article, we will address the sivity for a number of reasons. First, impulse control
ostensible clinical utility of grouping these disorders in disorders occur at rather low rates among people with
the same chapter of the DSM. OCD (Bienvenu et al., 2000). Second, people with
OCD do not necessarily evidence greater levels of
Repetitive Behaviors. The OCRD approach assumes impulsivity than do individuals with other sorts of psy-
that these disorders are linked on a “core repetitive chological disorders (e.g., Summerfeldt, Hood, Antony,
behavior domain” that is characterized by (a) the Richter, & Swinson, 2004). Third, very different treat-
inability to delay or inhibit repetitive behaviors and (b) ment approaches are successful in reducing these two
a continuum from risk aversion (compulsive) to plea- sorts of undesirable behaviors (e.g., Abramowitz &
sure-seeking (impulsive) behavior. Put another way, Houts, 2002). We will address these differing treatment
compulsive disorders characterized by repetitive behav- techniques in more detail later in this article.
iors that reduce or avoid risk and harm (e.g., OCD Another difficulty is that the presence of repetitive
and BDD) are located at one end of this continuum, behaviors has little sensitivity or specificity to the
and impulse control disorders characterized by plea- OCRDs given that (a) some individuals with OCD do
sure-seeking behaviors (e.g., hair pulling, skin picking) not show compulsive behaviors (i.e., so-called “pure
are on the other end (e.g., Hollander, Friedberg, Wass- obsessionals” who primarily use avoidance behavior and
erman, Yeh, & lyengar, 2005). covert neutralizing, rather than compulsive rituals, in
Is the presence of repetitive behavior sufficient for response to obsessions) and (b) repetitive behaviors
aggregating DSM disorders into a single category? Are (both compulsive and impulsive) are characteristic of
compulsivity and impulsivity opposite ends of a contin- many other DSM-5 disorders outside of the OCRDs.
uum of repetitive behavior? Although the idea that dis- For example, illness anxiety disorder (a.k.a. hypochon-
orders can be classified based on the commonality of driasis), many substance use disorders, and gambling dis-
repetitive behaviors may have commonsense appeal, order all involve repetitive behavior as defined in their
what exactly is meant by “compulsivity,” “impulsiv- diagnostic criteria, yet are excluded from the OCRD
ity,” and “continuum” has not been well defined in chapter. Moreover, operational definitions of what con-
this context. As we have discussed, the compulsive stitutes repetitive behavior are lacking. For example,
behavior observed in OCD is performed with the goal some disorders are characterized by the frequent occur-
of resisting (i.e., escaping from or coping with) obses- rence of repetitive behavior (e.g., OCD, hair-pulling
sional thoughts and relieving anxiety or discomfort. It disorder), whereas the primary symptoms of others may
is not gratifying to the individual; rather, it serves a occur less frequently (e.g., hoarding disorder, substance
similar purpose as does avoidance behavior that is often use disorders). Given that the formation of the OCRD
observed in OCD as well as in anxiety disorders such chapter was based in large part on the presence of repet-
as phobias and panic disorder). In contrast, impulsive itive behaviors (e.g., Hollander, 2011), the fact that the
behavior, such as that which characterizes excoriation cardinal characteristic of OCRDs is neither sensitive
and hair-pulling disorders (neither of which involve nor specific to these disorders represents a significant
fear-evoking OCD-like obsessions), is accompanied by problem for this change in DSM-5.

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Knight, & Eccard, 2000; Streichenwein & Thornby, strongly suggest that OCD has more in common with
1995), whereas others have found efficacy (Dougherty, the DSM-5 anxiety disorders than with the other
Loh, Jenike, & Keuthen, 2006). In one well-designed OCRDs, again with the exception of BDD. For exam-
multimodal study, van Minnen et al. (2003) found ple, OCD, BDD, phobias, social anxiety disorder, panic
that both behavioral therapy and waitlist control were disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder all involve
superior to fluoxetine for trichotillomania. Controlled anxiety or fear that occurs in the context of more or
data, however, are lacking regarding other OCRDs less disorder-specific situations or stimuli. Research also
(e.g., excoriation, hoarding). Thus, there are insuffi- shows that in OCD, BDD, and the anxiety disorders,
cient data to support any linkage among putative fear is maintained by the same sorts of exaggerated per-
OCRDs as a function of response to SRIs. ceptions of the probability and severity of harm (in one
The appeal to an overlap in treatment response, form or another) resulting from such stimuli. For exam-
however, is only useful as a basis for grouping together ple, in OCD, fear is triggered by unwanted thoughts
OCD and the other OCRDs if the following three (e.g., of violence) that are misinterpreted as threatening
conditions are met: (a) preferential response to SRIs is (“I might act on the thought”). Analogously, in panic
observed uniformly in OCD and the OCRDs, (b) the disorder, fear is triggered by arousal-related body sensa-
preferential response to SRIs is observed only among tions (e.g., racing heart) that are misinterpreted as
the OCRDs, and (c) SRIs are the best treatment avail- threatening (“I’m having a heart attack”; e.g., Abramo-
able for OCD and OCRDs. Unfortunately, none of witz & Deacon, 2005a, 2005b; Clark, 1999).
these parameters have empirical support. First, whereas There is also phenomenological similarity in how
OCD responds preferentially to SRIs (e.g., over non- people with OCD and those with anxiety disorders use
SRIs; Abramowitz, Taylor, & McKay, 2009), the claim active and passive escape and avoidance strategies when
of a similar preferential response across the OCRDs is confronted with feared stimuli (or the prospect of being
not supported by the data. In particular, few controlled confronted; e.g., Clark, 1999). Examples of such “safety-
studies comparing SRIs and non-SRIs have been con- seeking behavior” include resting to prevent heart
ducted for the other OCRDs; the assertion of prefer- attacks during panic episodes, use of a “safety person” to
ential treatment response in most OCRDs is based on avoid losing control in agoraphobia, drinking alcohol to
open trials that are not adequate for addressing relative reduce fear of social situations by someone with social
efficacy. Second, as we have mentioned, the SRIs are anxiety, and avoidance of disorder-specific feared stimuli
also efficacious (often more so than other classes of psy- across the phobias. These behaviors are all functionally
chotropic medications) in the treatment of numerous equivalent to compulsive rituals and other forms of
mood (e.g., Nemeroff & Shatzberg, 1998) and anxiety active and passive resistance to obsessional thoughts in
disorders (e.g., Boyer, 1995) that are excluded from OCD. Although the excessive avoidance and escape
the OCRD chapter. Third, seemingly overlooked by behaviors in OCD, BDD, and in the other anxiety disor-
those who developed the OCRD chapter is the fact ders might appear topographically diverse (and some-
that CBT—particularly exposure and response preven- times “compulsive” or repetitive in OCD), all are
tion (ERP)—is more effective than any type of medi- phenomenologically linked to a feared stimulus and a
cation for OCD (average symptom reduction rates for belief (i.e., overestimation of threat) characteristic of that
ERP are 60–70%; e.g., Foa et al., 2005; Jenike, 2004). particular disorder. All of this is to point out that the fun-
Moreover, with the exception of BDD, ERP is not damental phenomenology of OCD is threat detection-
effective in the treatment of other OCRDs (e.g., based, and the same as that in the other anxiety disorders.
Campsi, 1995; Cororve & Gleaves, 2001; Greenberg &
Is OCD an Anxiety Disorder? Clinical Practice Implications
Clinical observations and empirical research (e.g., Abra- As clinicians and researchers in the field of OCD, we
mowitz & Deacon, 2005a, 2005b; Barlow, 2002) see the potential for the transition from DSM-IV to


DSM-5 to have a number of implications—both positive presentation of OCD. That is, whereas repetition is
and negative—for the accurate diagnosis, assessment, and often the most readily observable sign of OCD, this
treatment (psychological and pharmacological) of OCD emphasis could lead to overlooking the functional rela-
and the other OCRDs. Some of these implications tionship between obsessions and efforts to reduce this
derive from the OCD diagnostic criteria themselves, distress (e.g., compulsions), which is a key feature of
while others might stem from the creation of the new this problem. As we have discussed, repetitive compul-
OCRD chapter, and indeed, two new diagnoses. sive rituals represent only one class of overt and covert
tactics that patients use to resist their distressing obses-
Misdiagnosis. Even before the DSM-5 officially sional thoughts. The DSM diagnostic criteria overlook
grouped OCD with skin picking and hair pulling, we equally important (yet more covert) tactics such as
commonly received referrals and inquiries from indi- thought suppression, avoidance, and other forms of
viduals with the latter problems seeking treatment for neutralization that are less “compulsive.”
“OCD.” Many had been labeled as having OCD by
another mental health professional who had made the Confusion About Which Treatments for Which Dis-
diagnosis on the basis of the repetitive behaviors alone. orders. We propose that the OCRD chapter and
One concern raised by the lumping of OCD and these inclusion of OCD in the same diagnostic category
impulse control problems within the same chapter in along with problems such as hair pulling, skin picking,
DSM-5 is that more clinicians will overlook the func- and hoarding is likely to lead many mental health cli-
tional differences in repetitive behaviors and give a nicians to offer the same types of treatment for all
diagnosis of OCD (based on the mere presence of repet- OCRDs—even when this might be inappropriate.
itive “compulsive” behavior), as it is the flagship condi- Regarding psychological treatment, ERP for OCD
tion of the DSM-5 chapter. As we discuss later in this was developed from an empirically demonstrated con-
section, such a misdiagnosis could lead to receiving ceptualization of obsessional problems as being charac-
inappropriate treatment. terized by escape and avoidance behaviors that are
Retaining the criterion that either obsessions or performed to reduce inappropriate fear associated with
compulsions be present for a diagnosis of OCD could obsessional stimuli. Because hoarding, excoriation, and
also perpetuate problems with misdiagnosing various hair-pulling disorders involve neither obsessional fears
other sorts of “compulsive” behaviors as OCD. For nor urges to perform behaviors designed to escape or
example, we receive inquiries from individuals who neutralize fear, ERP does not have a place in the
self-diagnose, or have been given a diagnosis of OCD treatment of these problems (Abramowitz, 2013;
by a professional, solely on the basis of their being Mataix-Cols, Marks, Greist, Kobak, & Baer, 2002).
extremely “compulsive” about keeping their home or Skin picking in excoriation disorder, for example, is
car very clean. Such behavior is not motivated by not evoked by obsessional fear, but rather by general
obsessional fears and thus (if pathological at all) is tension, fatigue, or boredom. Similarly, hair pulling in
more likely a sign of OCPD than OCD. Similarly, trichotillomania is not performed to reduce the proba-
individuals with ruminative thoughts (as seen in bility of danger, as is observed with compulsive rituals
depression), repetitive worries (as seen in generalized in OCD. Thus, there are no obsessional fears for
anxiety disorder), or intrusive feelings of jealousy (as which to conduct exposure; instead, habit reversal
described in the Other Specified OCRDs) could also training and stimulus control techniques are effectively
be labeled as having OCD, resulting in further confu- utilized for these conditions (Grant, Donahue, &
sion and misdiagnosis. Odlaug, 2011; van Minnen et al., 2003), methods that
are not used or recommended for OCD. The situation
Overlooking Key Signs and Symptoms. The DSM’s might also be similar for psychotropic medications,
emphasis on the repetitiveness and persistent nature of which have little empirical testing in OCRDs other
obsessions and compulsions could also hinder the clini- than OCD itself. As we discuss next, we anticipate
cian’s assessment and conceptualization of a patient’s that the OCRD chapter will lead to the use of SRI

medication for all OCRDs even without proper will be more readily recognized by clinicians in the
empirical support. mental health field and elsewhere, and that more peo-
ple will seek treatment for these problems.
New Markets for SRI Medications. Other than
OCD, the disorders that comprise the OCRD chapter Better Identification of Potential Treatment Nonre-
in DSM-5 do not have any medications that are specif- sponders. Another potentially positive implication of
ically indicated for them. This is primarily because changes to OCD in the DSM-5 is that the new specifi-
there is not sufficient evidence from well-conducted ers could assist with identifying individuals at greater
randomized controlled trials that such medications are risk of nonresponse to both ERP and pharmacological
efficacious for these disorders. Yet as a result of the treatments. Research suggests that poor insight is pre-
OCRD chapter, which now links BDD, hoarding dis- dictive of attenuated response to empirically supported
orders, skin-picking disorder, and hair-pulling disorder treatment for OCD (e.g., Foa, Abramowitz, Franklin,
with OCD, we would anticipate an increase in the & Kozak, 1999). Thus, identification of individuals
prescription rates for medications used in the treatment with very poor insight might lead to the use of more
of OCD—namely, SRIs—for these other problems as intensive treatment regimens, which might be of
well (which is problematic given a lack of evidence of greater benefit. Similarly, individuals with tic-related
their efficacy). OCD are often found to be treatment refractory
(Ferr~ao, Miguel, & Stein, 2009; Franklin, Harrison, &
Improved Psychological Treatment for BDD. If our Benavides, 2012; Mansueto & Keuler, 2005; see Verd-
prediction is correct that treatments used for OCD will ellen et al., 2004, for an exception), and with the addi-
become more widely used for other OCRDs, then the tion of the tic-related specifier in DSM-5, future
use of appropriate psychological treatment of BDD directions can explore potential treatment modifications
stands to increase. That is because similar ERP tech- for improving outcomes with this population.
niques that are effective for OCD are also effective in
the treatment of BDD (e.g., Greenberg & Wilhelm, Implications for Research on OCD
2011). Previously categorized as a somatoform disorder, The new specifiers—three levels of insight and tic-
however, many clinicians overlooked the overlaps related OCD—will have potential implications for
between OCD and BDD in terms of their nature and research. It will be interesting to determine the extent
treatment. BDD, however, is characterized by body- to which these specifications are predictive of phenom-
focused thoughts and preoccupations that are phenom- enology and treatment response. OCD is well known
enologically similar to obsessions in OCD. Moreover, as a heterogeneous condition, yet the heterogeneity is
individuals with BDD deploy subjective resistance commonly considered to occur in the form of obses-
strategies similar to those used in OCD, such as avoid- sional or compulsive themes. It remains to be deter-
ance, checking mirrors and other shiny surfaces, and mined whether results of studies on individuals with
asking for reassurance. As with the analogous strategies nontic-related OCD symptoms extend to those with
in OCD, while these behaviors might reduce physical tic-related OCD. This will help address whether future
defect-related preoccupation in the short term, they OCD studies should include individuals with tic-
maintain the problem in the long run. Thus, ERP is related OCD, or whether it is best to study tic- and
an appropriate intervention (Abramowitz, 2013). nontic-related OCD presentations separately.
To a similar end, it is unfortunate that the DSM-5
Increased Recognition and Attention to Hoarding and does not speak to the heterogeneity of OCD and the
Skin Picking. Hoarding and, to a lesser extent, severe fact that various symptom dimensions have been repli-
skin picking have long been recognized as chronic, cated across the empirical literature (e.g., McKay et al.,
harmful, distressing, and often functionally interfering 2004). These dimensions are characterized by some-
problems. With the inclusion of these problems as new what different psychopathology and treatment response
diagnostic entities in DSM-5, we anticipate that they (McKay et al., 2004). While some researchers continue


to study the nature and treatment of OCD as if it were in the understanding of BDD, tic-related OCD, and
a homogeneous condition (e.g., Foa et al., 2005), oth- patients with low insight, populations that are under-
ers have begun studying the nature and treatment of researched and are at high risk to be nonresponsive to
individual symptom dimensions to ensure more homo- treatment.
geneous samples (e.g., Summerfeldt, 2004).
Finally, it will be important for investigators not to NOTE
assume that simply because OCD and the other OC- 1. Among people with OCD, comorbidity rates of other
RDs are included in the same chapter that they can be anxiety (and mood) disorders are considerably higher than the
studied as if they are the same condition. As we (and rates of other OCRDs. For example, Nestadt et al. (2001)
others; e.g., Abramowitz & Deacon, 2005a, 2005b; found that 13% of OCD patients also meet criteria for gener-
Storch et al., 2008) have pointed out, there are many alized anxiety disorder, 20.8% for panic disorder, 36% for
social phobia, 30.7% for specific phobias, and 54.1%
important differences in the psychopathology and treat-
for recurrent major depression. Thus, ironically, the argument
ment across the OCRDs that warrant treating these
that OCRDs are related on the basis of comorbidity is actu-
conditions as highly distinct. In particular, many exist- ally much more in line with the view that OCD (and
ing studies of OCD treatment and psychopathology perhaps BDD) should have been classified as an anxiety
include individuals with hoarding. Yet given strong disorder in DSM-5.
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