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Leontitinsrone =] é “y oc 0s Man A BOLE —— “nveanenacn ae y a ike i Det 1 m8 pe. 08 Minister's Musings Benefits of Local Church Membership 1 Friendships ‘Most of my life-long friends have developed through a connection toa church family. Whether it was people | knew through church asa child or the parents of children my kids played with of friends | made belonging to varies church activities ~ most of ny current relationships are tied to that church anchor. Making and having friends that share the same beliefs and values help us all navigate tis bizarre world we lve in 2, Opportunities to Make A Difference ‘One ofthe biggest benefits of church membershio I its collective resource that provides opportunities to help ‘others and make a difference. Church volunteer opportunities are available at most churches and these ‘opportunities provide the system and structure ta serve or support a cause, Fr example, my church does disaster relief work and provides the strueture for Volunteers to get involved in helping other people. These kinds of experiences reinforce the Christian call to love and help other people. When we know we make a difference fora cause it gives us Fope fora better world 3. Accountability Belonging to a church provides alevel of accountability for its members. Members that receive good biblical teaching lear to make good deciions, are held accountable by ust showing up and being reminded oftheir core beliefs. The world offers many distractions and contradictions to Christian belies so having a community ‘of people to interact with who thnk the same way helps to reinforce and hold us accountable to biblical principles. 4, Sense of Community (Our fast-paced culture has many of us living in isolation so much that we often lve in neighborhoods and don't even know the people dowa the street. Belonging toa church body provides interactions with other people and creates a socal commrunity. 5, Personal Development {As Christians we are all on a journey of personal, spiritual and ethical development. Whether we are new Christians or have been a Christian fora long time, a dynamic church can offer church leadership, discipleship ‘and spiritual development and growth, 6. Social Events ‘One of the many perks of being part of a church body is the availability of socal events and interactions with ‘others. Whether itis participating ina bile-study, a bby shower, or the Wednesday night potluck dinner — the oppertunities are there to peticipate in church events with friends and other church members It breaks my heart when I speak to people who don't go to church because of some misperceptions about the church experience. It is common for people to get offended or hurt by someone ata church and they decide to boycott the entire institution. Im not suggesting that churches are perfect places with perfect people ~ because they are not ~but|am suggesting that finding a great church that you can call home and make life- long fiends is well worth the time and effort. | challenge you to step up and get involved ifyou have a church and if you don’t have one, find a church get involved and watch your life get tansformed! Article from Patricia Lotich March 11, 2018 Present: Pastor Brien Kohlhuter, Charlie Leaders, carroll Olsen, amanda Murley, Phylisha Wolfe, Bonnie Dollen, Gretchen Cunningham, Tracey Roane, e Richard Daw. No changes to last nesting notes or annual notes in February, Pastor's report 257 miles driven this past month, Confirmation Kids attended Shabbot Service on Feb. 23rd april ueh gone for marriage counseling. Parenting class started this past Monday ond is going well. Mestings are Monday nights from €-Bpm and there is a good-sized group of about @ dozen people. the class sa interactive and helpful. Continuing educatior classes at the end of April again on Fri April 21st @ Sat, April 22nd. this was paid-#40. 2 weddings planned this year? ‘Jacob Price & Kaylee Ausdamore (June) Hailey Larsen @ Cody (August) ‘Treasurer's report epproved. Charlie/Ananda motioned. Motion passed. Chicken dinner for parking lot was a huge success! We paid $1/piece for the chicken from Jeff at Hodge's Smokehouse and everything else was donated. THANK YOU 10 EVERYONE WHO DONATED OR HELPED OUT IN ANY WAY TO MAKE THIS A Huge success! THAN YOO! Estimated total inccne for the chicken dinner was 92,873.00 and the bill was about $400.00 9¢ the estimated profit was about $2400.00. There was oxtra potstoss and coleslaw, Part of the potatoes were donated to the food pantry and the other potatoes along with the coleslaw were taken to Mona's Place by Vivian Dau Senior Recognition tay 1s May 13th. Nolan river and Seth Schroeder will be recogni zed. Carzoll raised question about the mini~church float replica and where to get the lumber to start working on this? He asked if he should go to Avoca or Council Blvffs. ‘Truck was already taken care of to get unber, bat wanted car Zeconmendation on where. Board agreed that St was Hine tO get the lunker in avoca since it vas closer and easier. ‘There was further discussion about the Light at the corner of the pastor's office. Beard voted to remove the flower bed with old railroad ties and the non-working light. 1st motion by Carroll Olsen « 2nd by Gretchen Cunningham. Charlie is looking into putting light outeide on the corner of the church to replace the non-working light so there is Light on the north side of the church by the pastor's office. ‘To make the church ore handicap accessible, we also discussed renoving a pew and then swapping it cut witha shorter one from the choir loft. There is no change to the church, but this requires moving the pews which Would requize some definite strength, Pastor Brian suggested asking 2 couple guys from the fire department to also help with this. Board approved moving the pews so 4 handicap person could sit within the pews (of the churen congregation during worship or other services. Deacon's Mund: $25 vas used to get gas for someone, but no other expense this month. Memorial Fund: paid for camera's and they have been used already. The cameras that were oziginally looked at ware more expensive when we wont to purchase then 20 Pastor Brian found sone that vere comparable in quality and fit the original budgeted price. The new ones ended up being slightly Leas than che original estinate Kerzy hasn't started working on the parsonage kitchen, Easter Sunrise breacfast was discussed and last year we did egg casseroles, Board ayreed to do egg casserole and fruit like last year. Pastor Brian though: six casseroles would be good and would check with Pan banker since she organized it last year. Bonnie was going to get the fruit. lynn Petersen and Charlie Leaders recommended that someone is nesded to help Gayle out with cleaning. There are sone things that she can't do and Would 1ike to have selp with, so they are done. This has been discussed with Gayle so she + exare of having extra help with cleaning. Bonnie Suggested the Crossroads of Nestern TA and she would talk with Megan, 50 she could call and speak to Pastor Brian to seo if this would work. There is no donation accepted and no charge for the helper to come and they could come ones a week for 4 hours, ‘They will dos variety Of cleaning tasks iicluding floors and bathrooms and also clean windows A new vacuum was suygested since it is not working well for downstairs Gnd could also be spdated since it's older. Ananda Hurley offered to check prices on vacuums and a recommendation was made to look into Svark brand since they are fairly reasonable bat do 2 ‘good job. Meeting wae adjourned and Pastor Brian lead the closing prayer. Report prepared by Phylisha Wolfe. Board Meeting: April 15, 2018 Present: Pastor Brian Wohihuter, Charlie Leaders, Caroll Olsen, Amanda Mutley, Phylisha ‘Wolfe, Kaylee Schneckloth, Gretchen Cunningham, Tom Nelson, Richard Dau, Mollie Nelson. ‘No corrections to the minutes for last month, Treasurer's report was reviewed and approved. Pastor's Report: Marriage conference last weekend was good and worth the time to go. Speaker was great and Pastor Brian spoke with a representative about having the speaker come out to doa session of speakin the area, He willbe speaking withthe person later this month hopefully Continuing education in Sioux Falls on Friday & Saturday in late April and wil be talking about ‘changes to UCC about no license and going forward new pastors willbe ordained and then also ‘switching over the current pastors. They are wanting to make this work for UCC in lowa and Pastor Brian ison the committee to help establish the requirements Next Sunday April 2nd isthe recognition for Sunday School teachers and also the last day of Sunday School so there wil be a program by the Sunday School kids. We discussed thoughts about getting agit or giftcard for Marsha, the Sunday School ‘Superintendent. A motion to spend $25 fora gift was motioned by Amanda Murley and 2nd by Kaylee Schneckloth. Approved. Pastor Brian will take care of this. Next Sunday April 2nd wil also be a Youth Talent Sunday so there's no sermon, A few youth will be doing some speeches and music or other talents and any youth can volunteer and just let Pastor Brian know, Events coming up for Pastor Brian include a few weddings and a couple baptisms Confirmation kids wil takea trip on Sat May Sth to visit the American Muslim Institute No vacation days were taken last month. Mission Fun May 13th will be Senior Recognition Day for the two seniors: Nolan Driver and Seth Schroeder. Business: Carroll Olsen replaced sone bulbs that were out in the church and also mentioned there is fixture in the sanctuary that is not working, and needs replaced. A motion to get anew fixture {or $50 or under was motioned by Gretchen Cunningham and 2nd by Tom Nelson. Approved -Another note about the church s that a faucet was lft on in one ofthe upstairs bathrooms for a couple days, so the water bill may be slightly higher next month. -New lights are up onthe sde ofthe bullding by Pastor Brian's office and are working great ‘Amanda Murley presented 3 options for a new vacuum forthe church: Bissell, Oreck Commercial, and a Hoover, Oreck didn't have attachments, so the other two options were discussed and the Bissell was slightly cheaper. This was discussed lat month since the old one Is not working as well and 1eed a bagless forthe cleaning volunteers. After discussing the ‘choices, twas agreed thatthe Bissell was the best choice. ~A motion to purchase the Bissell from Amazon for $73.99 was motioned by Kaylee Schneckloth and 2nd by Carroll Olsen. Approved Pastor Brian wil order the vacuum, -Crossroad!s volunteers came and cleaned for 2 hours last week. They recommended a bagless ‘vacuum and a couple other supplies for cleaning that Pastor Brian will purchase, The pew from the chor lft will be swapped for the handicap seating, but Pastor Brian hasn't made the arrangements te have a couple guys from the fre station come help. He will get this set-up since the pews areso heavy. Parsonage remodel is going wel, and the kitchen cupboards are installed. Countertops are on ‘order and could be in 23 carly a later this week Another note about the td for the parsonage remodel. The origina bid was misread, and the bid is for a total of $5400.00 overall. However, the Memorial Fund has approved up to {$5,000.00 and the remodel itself should be within that range with the current expenses and ‘remaining work tobe done Tree was removed that vas down and the stump needs to be ground up. Pastor Brian will check with Jacob Price and thought it wouldn't be more than $150.00 to remove the stump. The light on the corner flower box wll be taken down, but unsure when this wil be removed. -New members willbe inducted on Sunday May 6th -For the church float replica, Phyisha mentioned that she spoke with Linda Wolfe. she is willing to volunteer and draw a mock window forthe stained glass on the front ofthe church and then We can decide how we want to finish it. A suggestion was made that maybe the Sunday School Kids could help and finish she color onthe front window. “Meeting adjourned with prayer led by Pastor Brian, Prepared by: Phylisha Wolfe Quick update on how insome and borrowing look this year compared to last. A word about financial income. The money part of running a church is simply one way to ‘measure a chutch’s health. Good finances do not equal a healthy church and bad finanees do not equal ar unhealthy church. This page is provided simply to give our chureh family an idea of where we stand financially this year compared to last. Many, ‘many, many wonderful -hings are happening here and will continue to happen with your prayers and support. ‘Minden UCC Church Board Income 2017 Income 2018 $21,053 $19.44 Borrowed 2017 Borrowed 2018 $2,100 $5,800 acs tae noe ind ec thie 1 ai niyo ieona evr ie ile seni bed ‘vance inv See ea ely tn i Crt as 18, aneurin rin on web San ‘wet ee feoewn Sse cree iy ae on eg ec ei eh eon phe epi et ng ed Ee ee ge pt, ite Be ba wea ees ela lee pti : cleat ete Meta eel We Saw yee ee te tors te elie ru ea eee sete ee mn en st Pa ei Ay nto ly si ie to dm yn dS a ae ee ex am, bl els Sa at ote ant i or oe ie oa he Toc Ban en a, sy, se oe ee nt | extuartor cera tn Oaten Int eyo Masca L roee ocr -Marh 2,551 Madan, Terese Ded Ag 7, 2018-Onaty, Masks Satara Ap, 2018-00 AM hed are ois dee Ptr ie an ute Wat Rasasen Malta ‘llasousen Gnaeus Dyson asmusen (nce lyon es alsan ten den ig ag ei yen ii Jala lig rok ei Cieza ines Cnet Mines, oe May Scripture Readings May 6~Acts 10:44-48, Psalm 98, 1 John $:1-6, John. 47 ‘May 13 ~ Ads 1:15-17, 2126, Psalm 1, 1 John 5:9-13, John 1736-19 ‘May 20~ Acts 2:1-21 or Kzekiel 37:1-14, Psalm 104:24-34, 35h, Romans 8:22-27 or 1-21, John 15:26-273 L6:4b-15 ih 6:1-8, Psalm 29, Romans 8:12-17, John 3:1-17 May Usher List June Usher List Dove Fiate Tt om Tom At Kis Br ef & Sher ‘2 Michele Nelson oem sexy me ey teeny Case Vandal “Toa ee shee ihe Vivian Dan yan i Seeder Davia Sto, Carol Olsen Wadted Chanel of Clea | ee , fo helping Pike He ag . ee renal Aauctg pone we, posite! lex oon, = Gale Vaan Me Ftaicy oni 2018 UCC Sunday School Newsletter ‘on Apel22, Sunday Schoo students were recognised during church service {Srthar parte ths yer, Ades oltre year wes show ond seme, asin for teaching. Tis was the st afr Sunday Sebel unl we etme SnSoptember ath HELP! HELP! HELP! HELPI HELP! HELP! HELP! We are looking fr people wiling totam teat nxt ear. With wo teachers per las would nt dvayebe necena fora ese o teach every wee Theteam cu chaces ther oun sneluleand the problem ol someone Fling nat the at inate thot nonin the lesson wows ben ‘linatd, you sr btarested in vountseing aa tear teacher plese fev hire are wondefulto work th and te reser oF thers ana hugs be worth mare than slay! Fy nko freer, Wnty seated ant arendy ame, Novena, ond ave hanging on my fo poren velearod sit ns yearend lik Magoie VanNordstrand holing their new Bises dtoleamngmare nee en. Have fantaicsummer any cal Marsa Grand Superintendent morshoqrandck@yahoo com 2nd 3rd rade students rating the empty tomo sus and resthool—Ist grade geting ready forthe Easter a Hunt Attendance Drawing Winners Mogae Venordand a Baty agp Brocihott Thank You Se much for hosti a Oui parerting classes ot your crHAn | | church and Prwviding a meal to \ | YOR | the Families. We truly agpreaade | ~ | Your partnership-to Her this | Support Service in the Communetty | (nana, thanks, Soya je, Bator Tau Thanks, Mom! "Arhis graduation, a young man taked wh giving a speech began reading rom rome noes Twat tle stout mother andthe wondefl infec ae had fn ty” he sid "She's hing ena of par ‘thood, and Tove her move than words can eer do “The grunts then paused, appeared to srugle amo: ‘ment and lookad up a the audience with amchies Salle "I ealy hed ro read miy moms handing,” he sid. True victory Ta the ony Chistian church, espe inthe Fas ittacame cttorary to ndom se heade of the ey apse with lower | felande The practice was | Ley onowed fom snc | lerwciegtnwhich ch | wreaths symbol vctory and jo Js the winners in Sporting eens wore weet elt th ivmphs, new Chris donned them to repteae the "erown of ie promise to chose who love God (as LD). In athletes, ll partcfpants mast wotk has! acd only ‘one wins. But Chest wn the wctory of alton and bestows ton us asa fe gift Even ou ily to love God ‘sagtftof the Holy Spire And thes nm lini to how san people can "win CHRISTIAN SYMBOL BREE aparenatene Ezra se ‘While Joule fe Peer, pele in may fare lads milo bd he iil reach Ing hi om ative langages, Which fe ‘lowing mode laces, Same B BAltesine SBD EAbanlD CIrscav DENY Just for punt Special dates 7 Brey clendas dye are numbered + Atbolet egin the orl i ard es “Higa pang rr + Repu t obel done 1 Ant bee is cd, marr of pein 1 Dow theme Paolo sing al” 1 Reading wie vorbubing als ou well 1 Mien to ego met sn ran 5 Able tad on om ere ls wo el + Aehcken cos he roe pouley in mason “Tevet wo in sept ouch Eyre + Bale ede bead ecpeson a kneotaow ba ops! ottnaswonap sunny Please place your cars in the offering plate cuhomsrmhal From a worsp bulletin: Surely this resulted in more cards than automobiles! + Nasonal Day of Paper, Mey 3, 2018 1 Avcension, May 10,2018 1 Mother’ Dap, Moy 13,2018 1 Armed Foes Day Mig 1, 2018, 1 Penteose, May 20,2018 “Inever volunteered to cook church ‘suppers untill discovered these.” Sabo can dom hase acti um ox west ‘ ACTIVITIES PAGE VOLUME 40, NUMBER 5 EART. hea Tiss Day aa bgt gt fesse set ny. ossie WORTHY oF OF RESPECT (On Mothers Day, we celebrate ur moms and everything ayant ete wee command cering {Grog aes ote Dy cons ye ebb i ae eie}) tsbempet sem S16 $ Primer Pine “Aan pn (colors) abate aeroped ig + Hole pund Swine What you do: 1. Cutout ew cardstock hares and tape them the a sides, ner the bottom. 2, Paine the entire ja with primer paint Let dey. 3, Paine plotches of acyl pain over the primer Ler dry. Remove the heart shapes 4, Place the te ight in the a. 5, Write a noce that says, “Mom you'r che light of my fe! Punch 3 hole in one comer ofthe note, thread ewine through the AIN 91 fmoworeinag nod papaeeioo poeeprenes sey pop snof axe a sean ano pub tue SK OUD, MEY around the jars neck tvooast66) (aDoETeAT MINDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST. Reespts and Expenses forthe Month of March ‘Balance a Bank March 1,2018 s3901 Income: Envelopes & Laie Offerings ‘12m.0 Sunday School 1050 [Loan fom Bank 300.00 lecronie Tie sas0 ‘Transfer rom Pang Lot 440.00 (Cash fiom Chicken Dance 200.00 (coffee Hour sas Miscellaneous Ever Liles 2100 ‘otal eome § 14.1840 Expenses: ‘ocww, 34500 Salis 408339 ‘Transfer to Mision Fond ‘TrantertoPatkizg Lot Social Secuity~ Medicare itshen Sippies 299 “Travel Expense a3 Insurance —Pastr onal Anmity—Pastor 190.82 (Cure isuance 168350 (Cont Mts Regisation 000 ‘ios —Chuet $96.78 Postage sou? otc Sup 28st opie 12120 Ccuodin Sopples 1120 Church 40.00 Chicken Dinner Expenses 44000 ‘Worship Supple B80 (Chvistian Fa Deparment (the: Cas for Chicken Dinner 200.00 Misetaneous~ Transfert Packing Lot 3996 “Tranteto Mision Fond 20999 “Total Expense: 5 1497039 Balance in Bank March 3, 2018 S 1S267 THE CORNERSTONE NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID WINDEN, TOWA Permit “Pr Return Service Requested Meet Sut 50, 2018 | Spirit! Love! FORGIVE! "Keep THE Spirrr" , a IS hy 'BE YOURSELF Ki) ywwy 5 ca Liou, | iY aly &o, a Shave @ MINDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST _Recsps and Expenses forthe Month of March [Baune in Bank March 12018 $3901 Income: Envelopes & Loot Ofings 72780 Sunday Sehoo! 1050 Loan fom Bak 300.00 letonie Tithe 389380 ‘Transfer rom Patking Lot 40.0 (Cs fiom Chicken Diner 200.00 coffe Hour aes Miscellaneous Ester iis 200 ‘otal income § 16.8608 Expenses: ‘ocwm 345.00 Sales 498339 ‘rane to Mission Fund “Tranfeso Parking Lot Seva Security Medicare ‘Kitchen Suplies 299 ‘Travel pense 1437 surance — Pastor sont Annuity Pastor 1900.82 Church Insurance 1683.50 ‘Conf Mi. Repseaton soo ities Chueh $96.78 Postage sear Office Suplies peat cconiee 12120 custodian Supls 20 arch 4000 Chicken Dianer Expenses 440.00 Worship Supplies 140 (Chvstian Ea. Depatanent (the: Cast for Chicken Dinner 200.00 Missllncous ~ Transfert Parking Lot 3996 ‘Tranter to Mision Fund 209.99 Toul Expenses: 8 1407039 Balance in Bale Match 31, 2018 8 13267 THE CORNERSTONE woN-PROPIE onc. | U,8. Postage PAID MINDEN, OWA Permit #7 Return Service Requested Spirit! Love! FORGIVE! A. "Keer Tae Spier” ey "Be YOURSELF" &/

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