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Cooke 1 Arlene Cooke Emily Litle English Composition I, 121-001 S “February 2018 \ : we Journal #6 My favorite charity has to be UNICEF because they help people all over the world. Basically, what UNICEF does is get cash donations and turn that into food for children that are starving and do not, sufficient nutrition in third world countries. They travel all over the world helping poverty-stricken people with food and clean drinking water. They have even helped people dig wells in their villages to keep a clean supply of water coming to them. There are many countries in which UNICEF helps. 190 of them to be exact. They also help with creating adequate housing for those who need it, They help put up houses in place of huts and help rebuild houses after natural disasters destroy houses. UNICEF doesn’t only do this, in third world countries but in America too, Though the need is far less then many other countries. If | had extra money I believe that I would donate to UNICEF and maybe even volunteer to help feed others. As it is right now however I can barely feed my own. Lol. There is another charity that I am fond of itis called the gentle B’s which is set up for helping people feed their animals. I just leamed about it when I went to ‘Texas when my step mother passed away. It was her favorite charity. They actually offered to pay for her funeral services and everything. An amazing group of people. I would definitely donate to them if I were able to. There are many other charities out there that but I do not believe that they are all credible, I believe that a lot of them are money making organizations who pray on people s kindness. The research I have done shows that UNICEF is a really good organization but you never really know after all I do get most of my information from the internet. As for the gentle b’s I couldn’t find them anywhere to research them I just know that my step mom had dealings with them and that they always were very good to her. Cooke 2 ‘When I win the lottery, I will start my own organization for such things and I will help the people and pets of the world much like UNICEF and the gentle b’s do.

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