Tutorial 1A: The People Was

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Tutorial 1A

Cut Vivia Talitha 19716064

Faisal Firdaus 19716322
Anugrah Rizky Harnoko 19716330

Indigenous Knowledge
1. Indigenous knowledge is culture that is unique to a given culture or society. It is the
knowledge that people in a given community have developed over time, and continue to
develop. It is: Based on experience. Often tested over centuries of use. Adapted to the local
culture and environment. Indegenous knowledge is original because it’s produced, grown,
or life, is naturally in a community, not imported from the out group of the people.

2. Indigeneos knowledge is contrast to other knowledge. If other knowledge studied

formally and can be realized, then indigeneous knowledge is done by experiencing. It’s
not written, but there are beliefs in a community that lead them to do something different
from another group of people. For example, we know a time because we know how to red
clocks, as we formally studied about it since we were in our first school. It’s a scientific
knowledge that all of us should ‘follow’, because we live in an era that legalized the way
how to read a time. But it’s not for the tribal, who read time from their experience about
the pole of shadows. They might use huge stone to see where the sun shadows come
aftrer it, and know what time is it. There’s no legalization, and there’s not formally

Fishing with Psychology

1. We found indigenous knowledge in that clip was about the way they gather fishes. The way
they gathered them wasn’t formally studied and it was unique, because they did it from
their own intuitive as they realized fishes has psychology and it could be controlled. It’s
different from another general method of fishing, when people nowadays easily throw
bombs to the sea as they knew lot of people doing that because it’s so easy to gain more
fishes in a time. Those people are different, they use their own knowledge as they
experienced the fishes also have soul.

2. The people was together holding sweet tree with the roots under the surface of the water,
then flush the fish towards the rounded stones made to resemble a pond. The fish are
psychologically feel no wish to go through the roots, but rather choose the path that is more
empty without roots. When unwittingly they’re stuck in artificial ponds, people close the
stones’ gap and began to spear fish with ease.

3. They knew that fishes also have souls as us the human being, and it could be controlled and
deceived. Fishes might not afraid with root, but they knew that fishes will unconscious that
Tutorial 1A

they prefer clear way without obstacles, as fishes also didn’t realize those human around
them wanted to catch them.

4. They did do that because they realized they not supposed to be ambitious to chase the fish
because the fishes might be panic. Moreover, fishes could be expeled as they felt calm and
relax. So they made their own way to catch fishes easily and ‘more human’ based on those
their own beliefs and experience.

Matis Tribe

1. Matis tribe believes that frog posion is good to clear their eyesight. They dump bitter poison
directly into their eyes allegedly in order to improve their vision and enhance the senses, as
the first stage of huntin in the Matis Trial. The next series of trials includes beating and
whippings. The trial concludes with inoculation of the Phyllomedusa bicolor, a small
poisonous frog. After burning an area of the skin, the frog toxin is injected with the use of
a wooden needle. The poison is said to increase strength and endurance, however, these
enhancements must come after the unbearable lightheadedness, vehement vomiting, and
violent relieving of the bowels.

2. Before they hunt, they give poison to an opened wound to provides resilience and strength
when huntin. They hunt by mimicking their preys’ voice. Their favoite prey is monkey,
because they believe that monkey contains many proteins that good for their health. By
sounding like their preys, they can aware of their preys’ position by hearing the replies from
the animals they hunted. They Also using mimicry techniques to blend environment not to
be seen by the preys. Their weapon is a blown bamboo WITH A 4 meter length who issued
an arrow that already smeared with poison. They only need to blow it away to the target,
and it will quitely shooted the target. They don’t use rifle because the sound is so loud, and
it will scared any other preys around them so they won’t catch another prey.

The Awa Guaja

1. The reason that drives Emwi breast-feeds monkey whereas she and her community also
love to eat monkey is because it is a natural way to help often in they needs and if she didn’t
breast-feeding them they would die. Also, The Awa Guaja believes that everything they
take from the forest they have to give back. In this case, they loved to eat the parents so
they have to grow up the child as their responsibility. That’s also the reason why they only
eat wild monkey but keeping the monkey that born with them.

The Bayaka
1. According to Bayaka, honey is a valuable liquid and the best nutrition to give to the family.
Gathering honey isn’t easy, so they will appreciate people who can get it as they stake their
life with it. They manage the bees by the smoking leaves that prepared by one who didn’t
Tutorial 1A

climb to helps the climber, because they know that the bees hate smoke so much and it will
drive them away so the climber will easily take the honey.

2. To get the honey from the tree the Bayaka use a special vine and make a foothold on the
tree while climbing by hitting the tree by ax. Besides his equipment to climb, they also have
to empty the heart of fear and have to brave. Because the Bayaka believe that Bravery
makes a man.

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