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This past summer I

was able to partake

AUGUST in a group mission

trip through CWNC

6-11 to Appalachia, West

Virginia. The group
that went consisted
of 11 North Catholic
students along with
three teachers, Mr.
Bayardi, Mrs. Finney,
and Mrs. Haggerty.
We traveled to a a
retreat called Camp
Bosco and during
the course of our
trip we farmed at
CWNC the farm across the
street and donated

the produce we
harvested to the
When I initially signed up for this mission trip I did so for service hours, not much else. I gained
so much more from this mission trip though than I could have ever imagined. I was exposed to
the hard work that goes into working on a small farm. Two of the days we worked consisted of
torrential downpours and four hours of standing out in the cold rain tying tomatoes. The other
days were hot and muggy as we hauled potatoes. It amazed me how long it takes those who
are in need of food to travel for fresh produce and simply something to eat. I was able to travel
to local food banks and deliver the fresh picked produce and learn about the poor of the area.

How it impacted my life:

Going into this experience my faith was strong, but this sparked a fire in my life. During one of our
mountain prayer sessions the analogy was made that looking up into the starry night sky we are
looking at a spec of God’s pupil. We are so small in comparison to Christ. During this mission I also
had a faith experience that put me closer to God than ever before. During a period of Adoration of
relics and confession I was moved to tears for the first time ever in a faithful environment. I felt
touched and as if I had a purpose in God’s plan. This faith experience opened my eyes for the rest
of the trip. When tying tomatoes in the rain I said a prayer per tie, and when it was hot while
picking potatoes I thought of the people who would be given hope through that potato.
Throughout this trip I realized just how small I am in the grand scheme of the world, and how
putting those in need before yourself and listening to the call of God can impact and change your
life forever. I am unbelievably grateful for my mission experience and hope to take what I learned
from this experience into other mission work in the future.

By: Ava Marzo

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