Math Lesson Plan - Whats My Rule

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What's My Rule

Author: Krystina Heien

Date created: 04/10/2018 7:28 PM EDT ; Date modified: 04/17/2018 5:05 PM EDT

Total Number of Students
Total Students: 24

Area(s) Students Live In Students live in a suburban area with trees and parks near. With
apartment buildings and low income housing.

Free/Reduced Lunch 80% of student population

Ethnicity of Students 10 Hispanic

10 White

2 African American

2 Asian

English Language 3 students are ELL

Two students are at the developing proficiency level. Their first
language is Spanish. They were born in the United States, but
their parents only speak Spanish. Both students can follow
multi-step directions (spoken or written). The students are able
to keep up with their peers in math. However, both students
struggle in reading new material or learning new vocabulary
One student is at the beginning proficiency level. His first
language is Spanish. He has only lived in the United States for
one year. He did not attend Kindergarten and is having
difficulty writing and spelling. He is able to ask simple questions
and restate facts. He is very good at using and understanding
visual cues if needed. He often has difficulty understanding new
vocabulary terms and reading. His math stills are at the same
level as most of his peers.

Students with Special One student with special needs. This student is dyslexic. She does
Needs very well in math, but does not attend to precision. She often writes
the wrong number even if her work shows she understands the
concept. She also has difficulty reading and new vocabulary is
Subject(s) Mathematics

Topic or Unit of Study Function Machines: using Inputs/Outputs

Grade/Level Grade 1



Big Idea & Essential Students use their pervious knowledge of addition and subtraction
Questions with inputs/outputs to find the rule of a function.

Learning Outcome(s)
1. TSWBAT practice and utilize their addition/subtraction skills
through a function machine format.
2. TSWBAT solve function machine problems by looking for the
pattern in the inputs/outputs and finding the 'rule'.
3. TSWBAT create their own function machine by creating their
own rule, choosing their own inputs and finding their outputs.


Standards Display: Collapse All Expand All

CA- California K-12 Academic Content Standards

Subject: Mathematics
Grade: Grade OneBy the end of grade one, students understand and use the
concept of ones and tens in the place value number system. Students add
and subtract small numbers with ease. They measure with simple units and
locate objects in space. They describe data and analyze and solve simple
Area: Algebra and Functions
Sub-Strand 1.0: Students use number sentences with operational
symbols and expressions to solve problems:
Standard 1.1: Write and solve number sentences from problem
situations that express relationships involving addition and

Standard 1.2: Understand the meaning of the symbols +, -, =.

Standard 1.3: Create problem situations that might lead to given

number sentences involving addition and subtraction.

Comments Math Practice Standards:

5. Attend to precision

7. Look for and make use of structure

1. TTW use informal assessment by observing the students during
small group work and individual group work.
2. TTW use formal assessment when collecting and reviewing the
worksheet "What's My Rule?" to ensure students understood
how to find the rule.
3. TTW use formal assessment by collecting the students'
function machines to see if they were able to apply their
knowledge from the lesson and successfully create a rule with
inputs and outputs.



Instructional Materials
(Handouts, etc.) Student math folder (each student has their own in their desk)
Extra warm-up pages
Butcher paper with vocabulary terms
Copy of vocabulary terms and their definitions with pictures for
ELL and special needs students
Function machine and cookie manipulatives for ELL students
Mini white boards
White Board pens for the students
'What's My Rule?' worksheet
Colored paper
Colored pencils


Sequence of Activities Warm-up (10 mins): Individual

1. Before class begins TTW write the warm-up problem on the

2. TSWB seated at their desks and will take out their math warm-
up page for the day. The students keep their warm-up pages in
their math folder (green folder) in their desks.
3. TSWB rounding three numbers (18, 24, 37) and answering the
questions that are associated.
4. TSW practice their rounding skills by following the prompt on
the board.
5. TTW call on students to share their answers on the board to the
warm-up problem.
6. TTW ask the students to give a thumbs-up if they agree.
7. TSW put their warm-up sheet back into their math folder. TTW
collect the warm-up pages at the end of the week.
8. TTWBA to asses the students' knowledge of rounding
informally (thumbs-up) and by collecting the warm-up sheets at
the end of the week.
Introduction (15 mins): Whole Group

1. TTW explain that today we will be discussing function machines

and their 'rules'.
2. TTW review new vocabulary terms (function, input and output)
that will be used during the lesson. TTW have written the
vocabulary terms on a piece of butcher paper before the
3. TTW will fill in the definition of each term with the class.
4. TTW call on three or more students to repeat in their own
words the definition of one or more term(s).
5. After the teacher has gone over the terms, TTW point out the
function machine written on the board that displays a picture
version. Input: 2 cookies, Output: 4 cookies. TTW ask the
students "What do you think happened in the rule box if we
started with 2 cookies and end up with 4 cookies in the
output?" (turn and talk). Call on students to explain their
thinking with their partners.
6. TTW review that when the 2 cookies went into the function
machine the 'rule' added 2 more cookies making the output 4
7. TTW model one more function machine using the cookie
visuals. "If we know the rule is to add 2 more cookies, what
would our output be if we put 4 cookies into the function
machine?" (turn and talk)
8. TTW call on students to share their thinking.
Communication: TTW encourage students to use math related
language and complete sentences when sharing their
9. TTW ask students to, "Give a thumbs-up if you agree with
10. TTW will explain that depending on the rule the output can
11. TTW model, "If we changed the rule to add 4 more, what would
happen now when we put 2 cookies into the function machine?"
Call on a student to explain their thinking.
12. TTW draw a picture in the rule box of 4 cookies being added to
2 cookies (input) and ending up with 6 cookies (output).
13. If the students still seem lost with the cookie example, be
prepared with more examples and pictures (cars or cows) to
show the students.

White Board Work (15 mins): Small Group

1. TSW get out their mini white boards and markers.

2. TTW write four function tables with inputs on one side and
outputs on the other side on the white board. TTW also write
four function machines with a 'rule' box.
3. TTW ask the students to find the rule to both of the functions
with their table groups. Collaboration.
4. SW hold up their white boards once they have found the rule.
TTW check the group's white board and tell them to move to
the next problem if they found the correct answer.
5. TTW circulate the classroom to ensure students are
understanding the concepts. TTW also check in with struggling
6. All groups do not have to finish all four functions if time runs

Worksheet (15 mins): Individual

1. TTW hand out the 'What's My Rule?' worksheet from the

student workbook.
2. TTW do the first problem with the class to ensure the students
are on the right track.
3. TTW give the students the opportunity for independent time to
complete the worksheet. During this time TTW circulate the
classroom to ensure students are understanding the material.
TTW also meet with all three of the ELL students to check their
understanding of the new concepts.
4. Once the students have completed the worksheet TTW have
two students come to the board to share their answer to
number 3 and 4 on the worksheet. TTW ask the presenting
students to use their math language when explaining their
thinking and to draw a model for their problem.
5. TTW ask the class if they agree with the presenting students.
TTW ask the students to give a fist of four. (1-still don't
understand, 2-still need practice but partially understand, 3-
understand but could not teach it to a peer, 4- understand and
could teach it.)
6. TTW collect the worksheet for formal assessment.

Create a Function (20 min): Individual

1. TTW have the students create their own function machine and
rule on a piece of colored paper (back table). Critical
2. TTW explain the students will be creating their own function
machine and rule. TSW create a function with inputs/outputs
and a rule, but the students must write their rule on the back
side of the paper. Their peers are going to try and figure out the
3. TSW pick out a piece of colored paper.
4. TTW explain that the students must first pick their inputs and
then come up with a rule. The last part is to write in the
outputs. TTW write these steps on the board for the students
to reference.
5. TTW give the students individual time to create their function
machines and rules.
6. TTW meet with the ELL students.
7. TTW give the student 15 minutes to complete their functions.
8. Then TTW ask the students to find two other students who are
not sitting next to them and have the two other students try to
solve your function for the rule. (5 mins)

Closure (15min): Whole Group

1. TTW ask the students to return to their seats.

2. TTW ask the students if their peers were able to figure out their
rule. (call one students to share).
3. TTW explain that you can also have functions that are missing
inputs/outputs, but if given the rule you are able to find these
value. TTW point to the function written on the board that is
missing inputs and outputs.
4. TTW ask the students if they can find the missing values. (turn
and talk)
5. TTW call on two or more students to come to the board and
explain their method of thinking with a model.
6. TTW point out similarities/differences in both of the students'
7. TTW show another example and model how to find missing
8. TTW explain that tomorrow for their math warm-up they will
review function machines and finding the rule or missing values.
9. Before the students transition to the next subject TTW ask the
students to give a fist of four if they would be able to find the
missing values of a function table. This will allow the teacher to
assess their understanding and plan for the next day.

Grouping Strategies Whole: The students will receive whole group instruction during the
introduction of the lesson and during the closure of the lesson. The
teacher will explain all directions to the worksheet and the creation
of their own function machine to the whole class.

Small: The students will work in their table groups during white board
time. The students are grouped in tables of four. The students are not
grouped in any order of their math level, they are grouped by their
reading level. The groups have two higher level or medium readers
and two lower level readers. Each group is a mix of genders.

Independent: The students are able to work independently during the

worksheet time. However, they are able to ask for help from their
peers in their table group. The students also work on creating their
own function machine and rule independently.

Differentiated ELL: All three students will be sitting at the table groups in the front
Instruction of the classroom. The beginning proficiency level student with be
grouped with one of the developing proficiency student. These two
students work well together and are able to help each other. Before
the introduction the teacher had given all three students the
vocabulary terms with the definition and a picture. The students will
also receive manipulatives of a cut out function machine with cut out
cookies. The students will be able to move the cookies around and
into the function machine (adding or subtracting cookies inside the
function machine depending on the rule). During white board work
(small group) the teacher will check in with the students. For the
individual worksheet TTW pull the three students aside to work on
the problems together.

Special Needs: This student sits with her table group that has two
students with higher reading levels and one student with medium
reading level. During whole group instruction this student is also
given a vocabulary sheet. During the individual worksheet time she is
instructed to highlight the new vocabulary words that appear on the
worksheet and any other words she does not understand. TTW check
on her during this time and review those words with her. TTW also
check on her while she creates her own function table to ensure she
is on the right track.



Prior to Lesson
The students have already been practicing their
addition/subtraction skills. This is the first day of learning about
function machines.
TTW prepare butcher paper with the vocabulary terms.
TTW prepare all the materials needed for the ELL and Special
Needs students.

Post-Lesson Closure: TSW share their functions with two different students to see
if their peers can figure out their rule. Then the students will come
back to their desks and the teacher will collect the papers. Then TTW
share a input/output table on the board that is missing a few
numbers, but provides the rule. As a class the students will try and
figure out the missing numbers. TTW explain that you can find these
missing values by finding the pattern in the corresponding values you
already have or by applying the rule to the value. TTW assess the
students understanding of the math lesson by asking them to show a
fist of four. This will help the teach plan for the next math lesson
activity. Then TTW explain tomorrow they will review function
machines again as a warm-up.


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