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“Our work with multiplication and division was mind-blowing!
I LOVED learning the various ways to approach
multiplication/division, including using manipulatives and drawing
models. It made more sense to me than anything I had learned in
the past. I have shared stories about this experience with my
class, including how I had to make sense of problems and really
think about how I could solve them. I may not have had the most
efficient method for a particular problem, but by talking with others
and connecting to what they did, I was able to persevere and feel
successful.” Hilary Daigre, 1st Grade Teacher
Gough, Jill. “Committed to Learning #EmboldenYourInnerMathematician.” Experiments in Learning by Doing, 13 Jan. 2018,
“Yes! This class has helped me deepen my learning in math, and
then in turn, deepen the way I teach math for my students. I loved
being able to take the math we did and applying it in my
classroom through number talks, number strings, children’s
literature, and mathematical practices. I always was thinking
deeply about math as soon as I entered the class at 7:15 because
of engaging tasks and conversation with colleagues.”
Caroline Tritschler, Kindergarten Teacher
Gough, Jill. “Committed to Learning #EmboldenYourInnerMathematician.” Experiments in Learning by Doing, 13 Jan. 2018,
Reading Discussion

Read pp. 146-151 Read pp. 175-179

● Examining ● What the Research Says
Mathematical ● Promoting Equity
“Connect Extend Challenge A Routine for Connecting New Ideas to Prior Knowledge.” Visible Thinking, Harvard Project Zero.
Establish Mathematics Goals to Focus on Learning

Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. NCTM, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2014.
Embolden Your Inner Mathematician

Establish Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning.

Effective teaching of mathematics establishes clear goals
for the mathematics that students are learning, situates
goals with learning progressions, and uses the goals to
guide instructional decisions.
Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Leinwand, Steven. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
2014. Print.
Establish Mathematics Goals
To Focus Learning
Principles to Actions

Wilson, Jennifer, and Jill Gough. “I Can Establish Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning.” Easing the Hurry Syndrome, 27
Mar. 2018,
Establish Mathematics Goals
To Focus Learning
Principles to Actions

Gough, Jill, and Jennifer Wilson. “I Can Establish Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning #NCTMP2A #LL2LU.” Experiments in
Learning by Doing, 27 Mar. 2018,
Norm: Demonstrate flexibility

Gough, Jill. "#LL2LU Learning Progressions: SMP." Experiments in Learning by Doing. WordPress,
04 Aug. 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2017. Used with written permission.
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Note
Notice and Wonder

Notice and Note
Embolden Your Inner Mathematician

Implement Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving.

Effective teaching of mathematics engages students in solving
and discussing tasks that promote mathematical reasoning and
problem solving and allow multiple entry points and varied
solution strategies.
Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Leinwand, Steven. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
2014. Print.
Support Productive Struggle
in Learning Mathematics
Principles to Actions

Gough, Jill, and Jennifer Wilson. “I can implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving #NCTMP2A #LL2LU.”
Experiments in Learning by Doing, 27 Mar. 2018.
Embolden Your Inner Mathematician

Use and connect mathematical representations.

Effective teaching of mathematics engages students in
making connections among mathematical representations
to deepen understanding of mathematics concepts and
procedures and as tools for problem solving.
Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Leinwand, Steven. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
2014. Print.
Mathematize Read Alouds
Embolden Your Inner Mathematician

Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse.

Effective teaching of mathematics facilitates discourse
among students to build shared understanding of
mathematical ideas by analyzing and comparing student
approaches and arguments.
Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Leinwand, Steven. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
2014. Print.
Embolden Your Inner Mathematician

Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding.

Effective teaching of mathematics builds fluency with
procedures on a foundation of conceptual understanding
so that students, over time, become skillful in using
procedures flexibly as they solve contextual and
mathematical problems.
Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All
Leinwand, Steven. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
2014. Print.
Show what you have learned...
● I can use 10’s and 1’s on hundred chart.
Number Talks

● I can count back on an open number line.
● I can count up on an open number line.
● I can decompose using place value.
● I can use compensation..
Ways to Antici[ate

Gough, Jill. “Deep Understanding: Visualize, Connect, Comprehend.” Experiments in Learning by Doing, 22 Jan. 2017,
Number Talks Show what you have learned...

● I can decompose a factor into 2 or more addends.

81 x 25 ●

I can factor a factor.
I can round a factor and adjust.
● I can double and half.
Ways to Antici[ate
Ways to Antici[ate
Number Talks Show what you have learned...

338 ÷ 13
Embolden Your Inner Mathematician

Support productive struggle in learning mathematics.

Effective teaching of mathematics consistently provides
students, individually and collectively, with opportunities and
supports to engage in productive struggle as they grapple with
mathematical ideas and relationships.
Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Leinwand, Steven. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
2014. Print.
Support Productive Struggle
in Learning Mathematics
Principles to Actions

Gough, Jill, and Jennifer Wilson. “I can support productive struggle in learning mathematics #NCTMP2A #LL2LU.” Experiments
in Learning by Doing, 27 Mar. 2018,

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