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4 ways for changing case in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010

Ekaterina Bespalaya April 25, 2014

The problem is that Excel doesn't have a special option for changing text case in
worksheets. I don't know why Microsoft provided Word with such a powerful feature and
didn't add it to Excel. It would really make spreadsheets tasks easier for many users. But
you shouldn't rush into retyping all text data in your table. Fortunately, there are some good
tricks to convert the text values in cells to uppercase, proper or lowercase. Let me share
them with you.

Excel functions for changing text case

Microsoft Excel has three special functions that you can use to change the case of text.
They are UPPER, LOWER and PROPER. The upper() function allows you to convert all
lowercase letters in a text string to uppercase. The lower() function helps to exclude capital
letters from text. The proper() function makes the first letter of each word capitalized and
leaves the other letters lowercase (Proper Case).

All three of these options work on the same principle, so I'll show you how to use one of
them. Let's take the Excel uppercase function as an example.

Enter an Excel formula

1. Insert a new (helper) column next to the one that contains the text you want to
Note: This step is optional. If your table is not large, you can just use any adjacent
blank column.

2. Enter the equal sign (=) and function name (UPPER) in the adjacent cell of the new
column (B3).
3. Type in the appropriate cell reference in the parentheses (C3) after the function
Your formula should look like this =UPPER(C3) , where C3 is the cell in the original
column that has the text for conversion.

4. Click Enter.

As you can see in the screenshot above, cell B3 contains the uppercase version of
the text from cell C3.

Copy a formula down a column

Now you need to copy the formula to other cells in the helper column.

1. Select the cell that includes the formula.

2. Move your mouse cursor to the small square (fill handle) in the lower-right corner of
the selected cell until you see a small cross.

3. Hold the mouse button and drag the formula down over the cells where you want it to
4. Release the mouse button.

Note: If you need to fill the new column down to the end of the table, you can skip
steps 5-7 and just double-click on the fill handle.

Remove a helper column

So you have two columns with the same text data, but in different case. I suppose you'd
like to leave only the correct one. Let's copy the values from the helper column and then get
rid of it.

9. Highlight the cells that contain the formula and press Ctrl + C to copy them.

10. Right-click on the first cell in the original column.

11. Click on the Values icon under Paste Options in the context menu.

Since you need only the text values, pick this option to avoid formula errors later.

12. Right-click the selected helper column and choose the Delete option from the menu.
13. Pick Entire column in the Delete dialog box and click OK.

Here you are!

This theory might look very complicated to you. Take it easy and try to go through all these
steps yourself. You'll see that changing case with the use of Excel functions is not difficult
at all.

Use Microsoft Word to change case in Excel

If you don't want to mess with formulas in Excel, you can use a special command for
changing text case in Word. Feel free to discover how this method works.

1. Select the range where you want to change case in Excel.

2. Press Ctrl + C or right-click on the selection and choose the Copy option from the
context menu.

3. Open a new Word document.

4. Press Ctrl + V or right-click on the blank page and select the Paste option from the
context menu

Now you've got your Excel table in Word.

5. Highlight the text in your table where you want to change the case.
6. Move to the Font group on the HOME tab and click on the Change Case icon.
7. Pick one of 5 case options from the drop-down list.

Note: You can also select your text and press Shift + F3 until the style you want is
applied. Using the keyboard shortcut you can choose only upper, lower or sentence

Now you have your table with the text case converted in Word. Just copy and paste it back
to Excel.

Converting text case with a VBA macro
You can also use a VBA macro for changing case in Excel 2010 / 2013. Don't worry if your
knowledge of VBA leaves much to be desired. A while ago I didn't know much about it as
well, but now I can share three simple macros that make Excel convert text to uppercase,
proper or lowercase.

I won't labor the point and tell you how to insert and run VBA code in Excel because it was
well described in one of our previous blog posts. I just want to show the macros that you
can copy and paste into the code Module.

If you want to convert text to uppercase, you can use the following Excel VBA macro:

Sub Uppercase()

For Each Cell In Selection

If Not Cell.HasFormula Then

Cell.Value = UCase(Cell.Value)

End If

Next Cell

End Sub

To apply Excel lowercase to your data, insert the code shown below into the Module

Sub Lowercase()

For Each Cell In Selection

If Not Cell.HasFormula Then

Cell.Value = LCase(Cell.Value)

End If

Next Cell

End Sub

Pick the following macro if you want to convert your text values toproper / title case.

Sub Propercase()

For Each Cell In Selection

If Not Cell.HasFormula Then

Cell.Value = _

Application _

.WorksheetFunction _


End If

Next Cell

End Sub

Quickly change case with the Cell Cleaner add-in

Looking at the three methods described above you might still think that there is no easy
way to change case in Excel. Let's see what the Cell Cleaner add-in can do to solve the
problem. Probably, you'll change your mind afterwards and this method will work best for

1. Download the add-in and install it on your computer.

After the installation the new Ablebits Data tab appears in Excel.

2. Select the cells where you want to change the text case.
3. Click on the Change Case icon in the Clean group on the Ablebits Data tab.

The Change case pane displays to the left of your worksheet.

4. Select the case you need from the list.

5. Press the Change case button to see the result.

Note: If you want to keep the original version of your table, check theBack up
worksheet box.

With Cell Cleaner for Excel the changing case routine seems to be much easier, doesn't it?

Besides changing text case Cell Cleaner can help you to convert numbers in the text format
to the number format, delete unwanted characters and excess spaces in your Excel table.
Download the free 15-day trial version and check out how useful the add-in can be for you.

Video: how to change case in Excel

I hope now that you know nice tricks for changing case in Excel this task will never be a
problem. Excel functions, Microsoft Word, VBA macros or Ablebits add-in are always there
for you. You have a little left to do - just choose the tool that will work best for you.

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