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tern Name: Savannah Sadler

Lesson Title (Subject/Topic: Ancient Greece Contributions

Grade: 3rd
Length of Lesson:45 minutes
Date Taught: March 20th, 2018
In this lesson…
Overview I will show a PowerPoint presentation on the contributions of
Ancient Greece and have the students complete a quizlet.
3.3 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient
Standards of Greece and Rome have influenced the present world in terms of
Learning architecture, government (direct and representative democracy),
and sports.
What is the Parthenon?
What kind of democracy was represented here?
Essential Questions What kind of art did they contribute?

Students will be able to…

Show their knowledge for where the different
Objectives contributions that came from Ancient Greece

Read over history textbook pages 24-27 to know

Necessary Prior everything about the contributions of Ancient Greece for
Knowledge the third grade class must know.
History textbooks, chrome books, smart board
Show pictures of different art, sculptures, and mosaics before
Introduction/Hook I show the students the PowerPoint.
During this lesson I will show the students a PowerPoint that
Instructional Will show the many different contributions of Ancient
Greece, while I was teaching my lesson my cooperating
Activities & teacher was making an anchor chart writing down what I was
Strategies teaching them. After I will ask review questions before they
complete the quizlet.
Key Vocabulary or Mosaics
Concepts Sculptures
The following day the students will be taking an assessment
on the main subjects from this lesson. The assessment will be
Assessments multiple choice and will be around 20 questions. This goes
for almost every history lesson, the focus is not on these
subjects because there is no SOL test for this subject.
I have made a quizlet with some terms from the lesson that
Closure Activity the students will complete. This activity is a group activity
that allows the students to work with each other.
No accommodations necessary
History textbook level 3

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name: Savannah Sadler
Lesson Title (Subecjt/Topc): The Food Chain
Date of Lesson Taught: December 13th, 2017
Cooperating Teacher & School Mrs. Cohen, Luxford Elementary
Grade: 3rd
Time of Day: 11:00

1. What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit
your lesson?
I talked with my CT beforehand and we discussed the different lessons that I could teach for the
next week. She gave me the history textbook and showed me what I could go off of.

2. How did the SOLs and Objectives help focus your instruction?
It helped me know exactly what I needed to teach them and what I needed to base my lesson off

3. What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?

Every part worked just as I thought it would. The children loved the quizlet live that I made for
them to participate in. They are excited by the thrill of working with their friends and trying to
4. What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began?
I actually did not have to make any adjustments for this lesson.

5. How well did you anticipate the materials needed?

The only materials I needed was the textbooks, and they were inside the classroom.
6. How effective was the assessment you chose to use? (If no assessment was used, what
will the future assessment be and how will you gauge its effectiveness?)

The students did well on the assessment, although some of the questions confused them.

7. To what degree do you feel that this lesson was a success? What evidence do you have
for the success of the lesson? (Hint: Student learning is the key to a lesson’s success!)

I feel it was a success because of the scores the students got on their assessments, and how they
knew the answers when we did a review the following day. They usually do pretty well on the

8. How did the time spent preparing for your lesson contribute to its success?
I feel like I could’ve come up with a better lesson if I had more time.
9. If you could do this lesson again with the same students, would you do anything
differently? If so, what?
If I could do anything differently, I would prepare a YouTube video to show them

10. Any last comments/reflections about your lesson?

I can tell that I will be teaching about history in the future because of the amount of fun that I had with
this lesson.

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