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Common District Assessment Cover Sheet

M.S.A.D. #49
Discipline:​ ​Mathematics

Grade level/Course Title:​ ​Algebra 1

Assessment Title​: ​Algebra 1 (Chapter 1 and Chapter 4 Test) (HSS.ID.B)

Pacing:​ ​Algebra 1 (Quarters 1,2)

Assessment Type:
Algebra 1 Chapter 1 Question 15 Selected Response,
Constructed Response

Algebra 1 Chapter 4 Question 22 (a-d) Selected Response,

Constructed Response

Core Standard:
Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables (CCSS HSS.ID.B)

Assessment Summary: ​These questions ask students to create scatter plots from sets of data,
give the 5 number summaries of the data sets, find the line of best fit and describe the patterns
they see.

Suggested Assessment Time Frame:​ ​Part of an assessment that will take approximately 1 class
period for each test.

Materials and Resources: ​Calculator, graph paper, ruler

Required Prior Instruction:​ Students will get instruction on creating and interpreting
scatterplots, 5 number summaries, and finding lines of best fits.

Suggested Prior Instructional Time:​ 3 class periods

Teacher Directions for Assessment Administration: ​Assessment directions are part of general
test instructions. The tests are not to leave the classroom at any time for security purposes.
Teachers will answer only clarifying questions when students do not understand the directions.
Students may use calculators and other tools indicated above on an independent basis. Any
identified standards questions in which the student does not meet proficiency must be re-assessed
until proficiency is demonstrated.

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