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Detailed Project Report


Suraj Product Limited

For capacity increase by modernization of Mini Blast

Furnace, installation of Ferro Alloys, Induction furnace
with CCM, Rerolling Mill, Iron Power through Tunnel Kiln,
Coal Washery, Ore beneficiation, Cold briquetting, Brick
making and Captive Power Plant

At Village Barpali, Post- Kesramal, Rajgangpur

District Sundergarh (Odisha)

(February 2015)

:: Prepared by ::
Indus Technical and Financial Consultants Ltd.
205, Main Road, Samta Colony Lalit Kumar Singhania
Raipur (CG) 492001 Chief Consultant
Tel: 0771 4266037, 3267187 Email:
Fax: 0771 2254188
S . No. Heading Page No.
1 Executive Summary 1
2 Introduction of project/ Background information 7
2.1 Identification of project and proponent. 7
2.2 Brief description of the nature of the project 9
2.3 Need for the project and its importance to 9
the country and region.
2.4 Demand –Supply Gap 13
2.5 Imports Vs. Indigenous production 16
2.6 Export possibility 16
2.7 Domestic/ Export market 17
2.8 Employment Generation (Direct and 17
Indirect) due to the project
3 Project Description 20
3.1 Type of project including interlinked and 20
interdependent project, if any.
3.2 Location (map showing general location, 22
specific location, and project boundary and
project site layout) with coordinates
3.3 Details of alternate sites considered and the 27
basis of selecting the proposed site,
particularly the environmental
3.4 Size and magnitude of the operation 27
3.5 Project description with process details (a 31
schematic diagram/ flow chart showing the
project layout, components of the project
3.5.1 Manufacturing Process of Sponge Iron 31
3.5.2 Manufacturing process of Pig Iron through 37
Mini Blast Furnace
3.5.3 Process and Process Flow diagram of Iron 42
Ore and other Mineral Ore Beneficaiton
3.5.4 Process and Process Flow diagram of Coal 49
3.5.5 Manufacturing process of reducing metallic 59
mineral ore to metal power such as Iron
Powder through Tunnel Kiln
3.5.6 Process and Process Flow diagram of 66
Mineral Briquetting Plant
3.5.7 Manufacturing process of Ferro Alloys 67
3.5.8 Manufacturing process of Semi finished i.e. 69
Billet through Induction furnace based
Steel Melting Shop with CCM
3.5.9 Manufacturing process of Rerolled steel 72
through Rolling Mill
3.5.10 Process and Process flow diagram of Power 74
generation through CFBC based Power
3.5.11 Process and Process flow diagram of Brick 77
making from waste

3.6 Raw material required along with estimated 83

quantity, likely source, marketing area of
final product/s mode of transport of raw
material and finished goods.
3.7 Resources optimization/ recycling and 92
reuses envisaged in the project.
3.8 Availability of water its source, Energy/ 93
power requirement and source.
3.9 Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid 97
and solid) and scheme for their
Management/ disposal.
3.10 Schematic representation of the feasibility 100
drawing which gives information of EIA
4 Site Analysis 103
4.1 Connectivity 103
4.2 Land Form, Land use and Land ownership 103
4.3 Topography (along with map) 104
4.4 Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non- 109
agriculture, forest, waste bodies (including
area under CRZ)), shortest distance from
the periphery of the project to periphery of
the forest, national park, wild life sanctuary,
eco sensitive areas, water bodies (distance
from HFL of the river) CRZ.
4.5 Existing Infrastructure. 112
4.6 Soil classification 112
4.7 Climatic data from secondary sources. 112
4.8 Social Infrastructure available. 113
5 Planning Brief 114
5.1 Planning Concept (type of Industries, 114
facilities, transportation etc.), Town and
Country Planning/ Development authority
5.2 Population Projection 119
5.3 Land use planning (breakup along with 120
green belt etc.)
5.4 Assessment of Infrastructure Demand 120
(Physical and Social)
5.5 Amenities/ Facilities 121
6 Proposed Infrastructure 122
6.1 Industrial Area (Processing Area) 122
6.2 Residential Area (Non Processing Area) 122
6.3 Green Belt 122
6.4 Social Infrastructure 122
6.5 Connectivity (Traffic and Transportation 122
Road/ Rail/ Metro/ Water ways etc.)
6.6 Drinking Water Management (source and 122
supply of water)
6.7 Sewerage System 123
6.8 Industrial Waste Management 123
6.9 Solid Waste Management 123
6.10 Power Requirement and Supply/ source. 124
7 Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan 125
7.1 Policy to be adopted (Central/ State) in 125
respect of the project affected persons
including home oustees, land oustees and
landless laborers
8 Project Schedule and Cost Estimates 126
8.1 Likely date of start of construction and 126
likely date of completion (Time Schedule
for the project)
8.2 Estimated project cost along with analysis 130
in terms of economic viability of the
9 Analysis of proposal (Final Recommendations) 140
9.1 Financial and social benefits with special 140
emphasis on the benefit to the local people
including tribal population, if any, in the

Figure Heading Page No.
1. District and Tahsil Location 23
2 Location Map of proposed site 24
3 Location and Layout of the Proposed Project 25
4 Road Network for Raw Material and Finished good 26

Appendix Heading Page No.
1 List of Sponge Iron Plants in Odisha 142
2 List of Sponge Iron Plants in Raigarh 147
3 Mahanadi Coal field Limited’s Coal field in 148
4 List of Iron Ore Mines in Odisha 151
5 Estimation of Profit and Loss Account 155
6 Margin Money and Working Capital Calculation 156
7 Cash Flow Statement 157
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


1.1 Name of the Proposed Unit : Suraj Product Limited

1.2 Location : Village- Barpali (Laing),

P.O:- Kesramal
Distt.- Sundergath (Odisha)
PIN 770017

1.3 Office (Regd.) : Village- Barpali, (Laing),

P.O.: Kesramal,
Distt.- Sundergath (Odisha)
PIN 770017

1.4 Name of Promoters :

Shri Yogesh Dalmia (Chairman) (Promoter )
Mrs Sunita Dalmia (Promoter )

1.5 Product Mix, existing Installed Capacity and proposed expansion:

Sponge Iron (DRI Kilns 50 TPD X 3 45000 TPA
Pig Iron (Mini Blast Furnace (23 m3)) 24000 TPA
Iron Ore/ Mineral Ore Briquettes ( 100000 TPA
Cold Briquetting Plant -existing)
Backup power generation (DG set 500 KVA X 3 Nos
installed for Emergency back up) + 320 KVA x1 Nos.
= 1820kVA
Proposed Expansion:

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Pig Iron [Mini Blast Furnace 36000 TPA

(increasing the volume to 40 m3 thus
additional capacity increased by 36000
TPA, thus total capacity become
60000 TPA)]
Iron Ore and Other Mineral Ore 264000 TPA
(Like Manganese; Chrome; Nickel
Ore; etc) Beneficiation Plant input
basis (throughput)
Coal Washery 185000 TPA
Reduced Metal Powder from metallic 60000 MTPA
mineral ores such as Iron Powder and
chrome ore, manganese ore etc.
(through Tunnel Kiln process)
Iron Ore/ Mineral Ore Briquettes 100000 TPA
[Mineral Briquetting Plant (Proposed
capacity addition) (100000 TPA
existing + 100000 TPA proposed =
total 200000 TPA]
Ferro Alloys (25000 TPA) / Pig Iron Ferro Manganese/
(50000TPA) from Submerged Arc Ferro Nickel/ Silico
Furnace (7.5 MVA X 2 Nos) Manganese = 25000
Pig Iron - 50000TPA
Semi Finished Steel [Steel Melting 110000 TPA
Shop (Through Induction Furnace)]
Rerolled Steel [Rolling Mill 100000 TPA
(Structure / Rolled product)]
Captive Power generation (CFBC 8 MW
Power Plant based on washery reject)
Bricks (Brick making from waste) 66000 TPA
Producer Gas plants two numbers for Each 1000 kg/hr or
firing these Kilns 6000 TPA coal
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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

gasification capacity or
3500 Nm3/hr i.e. 21
Million m3 per year
producer gas.

1.6. Number of Shift : Three Shift Basis

1.7 Cost of Project : Existing : 4840.00 Lakhs

Phase-I : 6349.00 Lakhs
Phase-II : 10890.00 Lakhs
Total : 22079.00 Lakhs

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

( Lakhs)
Cost of Project Existing Proposed Total Amount
(In Rs. Lakhs)
Phase-I Phase-II ( Tunnel
(Modernizati Kiln, Ore
on of Blast Beneficiation, Coal
Furnace, Washery, Power
SMS, Rolling Plant, Submerged
Mill and Arc Furnace ( Ferro
expansion of Alloys Plant), Brick
Cold making )
Land & Site 580.00 100.00 680.00
Building & Civil 746.00 849.00 1833.00 3428.00
Plant & 1249.00 3296.00 7642.00 12187.00
Machinery &
Other equipments
Misc. Fixed 1079.00 180.00 145.00 1404.00
Assets auxiliary
Electrical 508.00 625.00 175.00 1308.00
Pollution Control 678.00 500.00 222.00 1400.00
Pre. And 421.00 269.00 690.00
Preoperative Exp.
Contingency 478.00 504.00 982.00
TOTAL :: 4840.00 6349.00 10890.00 22079.00

1.8 Means of Finance :

Means of Finance Total Amount
(In Rs. Lakhs)
EQUITY 6579.00
Equity & reserve and surplus
a) Promoter contribution : 1600.00
b) Venture Capital fund : 1600.00
c) Public Issue : 3379.00

DEBT 15500.00
Term Loan from Bank
TOTAL :: 22079.00
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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

1.9 Capacity Utilisation : @ 60% in I Year

@ 70% in II Year
@ 80% in III Year
1.10 No. of Working Days : 330 Days

1.11 No. of Shifts : 3 Shifts

1.12 Man Power Utilization : Admin Staff : 66 persons

Production Staff : 575 persons
Total : 641 persons

1.13 Implementation Period : 60 Months

1.14 Financial Figures
Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
Cost of Sales 44267.26 52310.73 59197.82
Gross Profit 7761.35 8389.32 10173.66
Operating Profit 1273.50 1337.24 2673.01
Taxation 0.00 0.00 184.25
Net profit after Tax 1204.50 1268.24 2419.76
1.15 Pay Back Period of Term Loan : 8 Years

1.16 Debt Equity Ratio of Term Loan : 2.36 :1

1.17 Break Even Point :

At 80% Utilization : 69.59%
At 100% Utilization : 55.67%

1.18 Average Debt Service : 1.63

Coverage Ratio of Term Loan

1.19 Internal Rate of Return : 19.73%

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

1.20 Consulting Organization :

205,Samata Colony, Raipur(C.G.)

Name of Consultants : Shri Lalit Kumar Singhania

Chief Project Consultant

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


2. 1 Identification of project and project proponent:

The Company “Suraj Product Limited” is a Ltd. Company incorporated
under The Companies Act 1956 with the object to setup an Iron & Steel
Plant and Power Plant.

The Key promoter of the Yogesh Kumar Dalmia, who is a Chartered

Accountant and having the experience in this field of more than 22
years. Other directors is Mrs. Sunita Dalmia having good experience,
and knowledge about the industry. The Dynamic Synergy available
with the promoters is indicated by establishment of an Existing Mini
Blast Furnace and Sponge Iron kilns and proposed Steel Plant along
with Power Plant.

M/s Suraj Product Limited is enjoying the existing production capacity

of 3 Nos.X 50 TPD (45000 TPA) DRI kiln and 2 Nos. of 23 cum.
(24000 TPA Pig Iron) Mini Blast Furnace, and Cold Briquetting plant
of capacity 100000 TPA at located At– Village Barpali (Panchayat
Laing), Post Kesramal, Tehsil Rajgangpur, District Sundargarh, Orissa.

The company proposes to add the following production/generation

capacity as expansion:
Proposed Expansion:
Pig Iron [Mini Blast Furnace 36000 TPA
(increasing the volume to 40 m3 thus
additional capacity increased by 36000
TPA, thus total capacity become
60000 TPA)]
Iron Ore and Other Mineral Ore 264000 TPA
(Like Manganese; Chrome; Nickel
Ore; etc) Beneficiation Plant input
basis (throughput)
Coal Washery 185000 TPA

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Reduced Metal Powder from metallic 60000 MTPA

mineral ores such as Iron Powder and
chrome ore, manganese ore etc.
(through Tunnel Kiln process) for
present calculation Iron Powder from
Iron Ore fines is considered,
Iron Ore/ Mineral Ore Briquettes 100000 TPA
[Mineral Briquetting Plant (Proposed
capacity addition) (100000 TPA
existing + 100000 TPA proposed =
total 200000 TPA]
Ferro Alloys (25000 TPA) / Pig Iron Ferro Manganese/
(50000TPA) from Submerged Arc Ferro Nickel/ Silico
Furnace (7.5 MVA X 2 Nos) Manganese = 25000
Pig Iron - 50000TPA
Semi Finished Steel [Steel Melting 110000 TPA
Shop (Through Induction Furnace)]
Rerolled Steel [Rolling Mill 100000 TPA
(Structure / Rolled product)]
Captive Power generation (CFBC 8 MW
Power Plant based on washery reject)
Bricks (Brick making from waste) 66000 TPA
Producer Gas plants two numbers for Each 1000 kg/hr or
firing these Kilns 6000 TPA coal
gasification capacity or
3500 Nm3/hr i.e. 21
Million m3 per year
producer gas.

Village Barpali ( Panchayat Laing )

Tehsil Rajgangpur
District Sundargarh

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Khasra number 2482/3528, 2497/3529, 2509/3530, 2510/3531,

2496, 2482, 2494, 2481/3080, 376 (P), 2456, 2459,
2451, 2479, 2480, 368, 2524(P),2493, 2454(P),
374,3491,2492, 2500, 2457,2470, 2460,375, 394,
395,2484, 2485, 2486, 2489, 25490, 2501, 2488,
2487, 2523(P), 2483, 2458
Area 45.260 Acre
Source of water Borewell & Pond
Nearest Airport Ranchi about 180 KM
Nearest Railway station Rajgangpur about 10 KM

2.2 Brief description and nature of the project:

The proposed project is expansion project towards backward forward
and parallel integration of mini steel complex consisting of Iron Ore
and Other Metal Ore Beneficiation; Iron Powder, Ferro Alloys,
Induction Furnace, Steel melting Shop and Re rolling Mill, Coal
washery and Power Plant etc..

2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and/or
Steel is one of the most important products of the modern world and is
of strategic importance for any industrial nation. Historically, all
nations during their industrialization phase have been supported by a
strong steel industry of their own. From construction, industrial
machinery to consumer products, steel finds a wide variety of
applications. It is also an industry with diverse technologies based on
the nature and extent of use of raw materials.

India is the 4th largest producer of steel in the world accounting for
production of 81.54 million tons of crude steel in 2013-14. It also holds
the third position in consumption of steel. Thus there is great potential
in steel industry in India.

Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has envisage the growth
of steel sector to attain a production capacity of 300 Million Tonnes by
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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

2020 hence in order to achieve this capacity it is essential to create the

facilities based on local resources to produce steel.

The Honorable Prime Minister has also proclaimed the global

commitment to fight Climate Change; hence the importance of creating
the facilities to achieve highest energy efficiency in core sector
industries is also very essential.

In view of these facts the proposed Steel Complex with Mineral

Beneficiation; Coal Washery; Tunnel kiln based metal ore reduction;
Fine Ore Briquetting Machine capacity expansion; Blast Furnace
Productivity enhancement, and Captive Power Plant with Ferro Alloys
/Pig Iron production; Steel Melting Shop with Re Rolling mill having
hot online re rolling facility becomes a project of national interest as the
proposed technology to produce steel would be one of the most energy
efficient technology in which direct online finished steel production in
the form of TMT or Wire Rod is proposed by avoiding the reheating
fuel required in the conventional rolling mills. , The captive power plant
of 8 MW based on CFBC; is proposed with an intention to utilize
industrial solid fuel waste like char-dolochar and coal middling as well
as washery rejects to produce power. All these technologies make the
project as a better energy efficient project. Due to which a substantial
amount of GHG emission would be avoided or reduced than the
baseline emission.

In addition to these the proposed coal washery is also going to add for
promotion of cleaner technology in which a lower grade coal would be
beneficiated to higher grade coal as result of which better energy
efficiency will be achieved in the existing sponge iron kilns who would
be utilizing high grade beneficiated coal and similarly better energy
efficiency will be achieved in the thermal power plants which would be
utilizing high energy content beneficiated coal. It is reported under a
study that the beneficiated high calorie coal can bring down the GHG
emission by more than 11%; by improving the energy efficiency. This
also results in lower capital cost for handling and transport of fuel and
ash at the non pit head power plants located beyond 1000kms distance.
P a g e | 10

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

It also reduces the cost of fuel transport and reduces the burden of
transport on Railway infrastructure too.

All these technology required to be promoted for securing a better

energy efficiency and safer environment.

A brief note on the GHG emission reduction by the proposed project is

also provided in the relevant section.

Several advantage to the nation with respect to the sponge iron plant
and power plants sector by setting up Coal washery are presented


(A) For Sponge Iron Plants
- Use of hi-grade coal in sponge iron making, can reduce the
prevailing coal consumption of 1.85 MT/MT sponge iron
to less than 1.2 MT coal per ton of sponge iron production.
- The metallization of sponge iron is drastically improved.
- The campaign life of sponge iron kiln is greatly improved.
- Water consumption in cooling of sponge iron in cooler
portion is reduced.
- Waste generation in form of ABC bottom ash and CFBC
bottom ash and ESP dust is reduced.
- The overall productivity of sponge iron plant and steel
plant is improved.

(B) For Power Plants

- Power companies benefit from better efficiency, less coal
consumption, lower transportation cost, lower maintenance
cost, better thermal efficiency, higher plant availability and
less waste disposal cost.
- The country benefits from greater electricity supply and
economic growth.
- Environment benefits – less CO2, ash and better air quality.
P a g e | 11

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

- Reduced load on constrained transportation system rail and

road- giving more coal supply for India.

Strong Environmental Case for Coal Washing

- According to study from US department of Energy, the use
of washed coal reduced CO2 emission by as much as 11%.
- Use of washed coal can increase generation from existing
plants by at least 10% which effectively reduced CO2
- India is likely to be one of the most impacted countries
from climate change.
- According to the IFPRI, India will face the highest number
of climate change related casualties.
- With the implementation of carbon credit, companies using
washed coal would benefit from lower emission and higher
- Washing will lower particulate air pollution- as India
industrializes this will become a major problem.

Mandatory Washing of All Coal:

- Today it is only mandatory to wash coal transported above
1000 KM- enforcement is unclear.
- 100% coal washing should be mandatory within 5-7 years
in the phased manner.
- India has been slower than other countries in implementing
washed coal due to lack of emission standards and a
misleading perception that coal washing adds to the cost of
electricity generation.
- Unwashed coal encourages power companies to operate
inefficient and highly polluting power plant.
- Washed coal encourages the use of efficiency super critical
power plants which are better for the environment and for
India’s goal of more electricity production.

P a g e | 12

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Advantages of the project

• Value addition project by gainful utilization of wastes and
converting intermediate products into End-use product.

• Improved productivity of the existing process.

• Reduced operation cost due to sharing of infrastructures and

manpower with existing unit reducing overhead by almost

• Since the materials handling is similar to existing operation,

synergy of activities will bring economies to the unit.

• Dedicated and experienced workforce available.

• Ready market for the finished products. Easy accessibility to

the thriving markets of Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, UP
and Chhattisgarh form another major locational advantage

• Technology is not new and has already been successful tried

in number of plants.

2.4 Demand-supply cap:

The Scenario of Steel Industry is clearly looking upward and the latest
data on Steel Industry is as follow :-


(Source: Ministry of Steel, Government of India)

• In 2013 the world crude steel production reached 1606 million
tonnes (mt) and showed a growth of 3% over 2012. (Source:
World Steel Association or WSA)

P a g e | 13

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

• China remained the world’s largest crude steel producer in 2013

(779 mt ) followed by Japan (111 mt), the USA (87 mt) and India
(81 mt) at the 4th position.
• WSA has projected Indian steel demand to grow by 3.3% in 2014
as compared to global steel use growth of 3% and Chinese
growth of 3.1%. For 2015, further recovery is projected for
world (3.3%) and India (4.5%) and a slowing down for China
• Per capita finished steel consumption in 2013 is estimated at 225
kg for world and 515 kg for China.

• The Indian steel industry has entered into a new development
stage from 2007-08, riding high on the resurgent economy and
rising demand for steel.
• Rapid rise in production has resulted in India becoming the 4 the
largest producer of crude steel and the largest producer of
sponge iron or DRI in the world.
• As per the report of the Working Group on Steel for the 12 th
Plan, there exist many factors which carry the potential of
raising the per capita steel consumption in the country, currently
at 59.2 kg. These include among others, an estimated
infrastructure investment of nearly a trillion dollars, a projected
growth of manufacturing from current 8% to 11-12%, increase in
urban population to 600 million by 2030 from the current level of
400 million, emergence of the rural market for steel currently
consuming around 10 kg per annum buoyed by projects like
Bharat Nirman, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, Rajiv
Gandhi Awaas Yojana among others.

P a g e | 14

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

• At the time of its release, the National Steel Policy 2005 had
envisaged steel production to reach 110 million tonnes by 2019-
20. However, based on the assessment of the current ongoing
projects, both in greenfield and brownfield, the Working Group
on Steel for the 12th Plan has projected that the crude steel steel
capacity in the county is likely to be 140 mt by 2016-17 and has
the potential to reach 149 mt if all requirements are adequately
• The National Steel Policy 2005 is currently being reviewed
keeping in mind the rapid developments in the domestic steel
industry (both on the supply and demand sides) as well as the
stable growth of the Indian economy since the release of the
Policy in 2005.

Major Objectives of the National steel Policy 2012 are as follows:

a) To attract investments in Indian steel sector from both domestic
and foreign sources and facilitate speedy implementation of
investment intentions on board so far so as to reach crude steel
capacity level of 300 million tonnes by 2025 -26 to meet the
domestic demand fully. \
b) To ensure easy availability of vital inputs and necessary
infrastructure to achieve a projected production level of 275
million tonnes by 2025-26.

Demand Supply gap for Washed Coal:

As discussed above there are numerous advantages of using
washed Coal. Thus looking at the need of Washed Coal in
Sponge iron plants; Super thermal power plants; Super Critical
Power Plants; existing as well as proposed capacity; will require
to wash atleast 25% of Coal produced in India whereas at present
the Coal washing capacity is only about 7% in India. In USA also
P a g e | 15

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

50% of the Coal produced is used only after washing. Thus there
is a great need to create facility for washing of Coal around the
Coal mines.

2.5 Imports vs. Indigenous production

Iron ore is available in abundance in India whereas only non coking
coal is also available in abundance but coking coal is no available in
India. Thus steel production facilities added during last 10 years in
India are well established based on coal based rotary sponge iron kilns.
Prior to implementation of the sponge iron kiln based steel making the
gap between demand and supply was being fulfilled by import of steel.
The Chinese manufacturers are giving tough competition to Indian steel
producers because of their cheaper production cost mainly due to
abundantly available coking coal in their country. Therefore, in order
to face the competition being poised by the Chinese manufacturer it is
important to provide good quality washed coal to existing sponge iron
plants in India and also provide good quality Iron ore / Pellets to the
existing sponge iron plants.

In view of this also the importance for a good quality washery becomes
most essential. The Indian infrastructure sector is likely see a massive
growth due to increasing economic status thus in order to keep the
supply ready to match the demand of construction steel the additional
capacity of TMT steel Bars is most immediate requirement of time.

2.6 Export possibility

Export of Steel is always possible, the Government of India is also
encouraging export of steel, however proposed quantity will be
domestically consumed. The world steel market is for about 1500
Million Tonnes, out of which about 50% is being produced by China,
the global demand even if increased by 2% per annum then it requires
addition of 30 Million Tonnes additional production capacity. Since
China has already reach to saturation level of increasing the production
therefore India has better chance to share the world market by
P a g e | 16

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

increasing it production in a energy efficient manner. The unit being

located in the eastern sector can export the steel to Bangladesh; Bhutan;
and Burma and Nepal also.

2.7 Domestic/ export Markets.

Domestic market with real estate, infrastructure project, industrial
projects are available for purchase of steel which is estimated to be
around 80 million tonnes per annum. The estimated growth in
infrastructure is likely to increase the demand of steel to more than 150
million tonnes by the year 2020. In view of this it is required to make
advance planning for creating the facility and infrastructure to meet this
demand. The domestic market as well as export market both will
require good quality steel, produced with minimum energy
consumption and minimum cost of production. In order to achieve these
objectives the proposed project has been designed to utilize waste
resources to generate power and provides high grade beneficiated coal
to the existing sponge iron plants and steel plants and power plants.

The project has potential to cater to the domestic demand as well as

export demand of steel and to provide washed coal to domestic as well
as export oriented sponge iron / steel plants.

The tunnel kiln based reduced Iron Powder production technology is

likely to open new energy efficiency vista to the steel plants in India; by
which the step of pelletization or sinter can be done away and directly
produces the Reduced Iron Powder in most environment friendly
manner. The same can also be used for experimenting to produce other
reduced metals too. The Ferro Alloys plant will be able to meet the
internal requirement of the Ferro Alloys as well as it is proposed to be
tried to produce Pig Iron on trail basis; in case the trial is successful
then it will be used to transfer the liquid Iron to produce steel in SMS.

2.8 Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the project

The unit will need additional Technical qualified personals for
organizing the production and then several skilled workers for operating
the unit and for working in workshop, etc. Besides all these type of
P a g e | 17

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

workers a large number of additional semiskilled and unskilled workers

will also be required for peripheral activities like transport, logistics,
engineering, Services, commercial services etc. The industry is already
having sufficient man power employed which mostly come from local
areas. Most of these people are already well trained in the existing
process operations. Also a large number of industries are already
located in the region and the Orissa region has slowly and steadily
become a major centre for steel production thus all these skilled and
trained local workers are easily available in the region. Besides the
production staff some more manpower shall be needed for
administrative purposes. The local untrained manpower also will be
trained to slowly take up to the Semiskilled and Skilled tasks. Initially
the unskilled labor will be deployed from local area only. Subsequently
they will be trained to take up higher responsibilities.

The list of likely employment due to project after expansion is given in

table below, as per which following direct employment potential is
likely to be generated:
• Administrative Staff 66 persons
• Production Staff 575 persons
1 President Works 1 150000.00 18.00
2 Vice President Works 4 100000.00 48.00
3 Factory Manager 5 50000.00 30.00
4 Purchase/Sales/ personnel Accounts Officer 8 35000.00 33.60
5 Accounts Assistant 12 20000.00 28.80
6 Clerk 12 15000.00 21.60
7 Peon/ Security/ Drivers 24 7500.00 21.60
66.00 201.60
Add : Benefits 30.00% 60.48
1 General Manager 3 75000.00 27.00
2 Dy. Gen. Manager 6 50000.00 36.00
3 D.G.M. Quality Control 6 50000.00 36.00

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

4 Production Engineer 12 40000.00 57.60

5 Power Plant Engineer 16 40000.00 76.80
6 Steel Plant Engineer 10 40000.00 48.00
7 Sponge Iron Plant Engineers 12 40000.00 57.60
8 Environment; health safety engineers 12 40000.00 57.60
9 Coal Washery Engineer 6 40000.00 28.80
10 Production Foreman 12 30000.00 43.20
11 Production Supervisor 24 20000.00 57.60
12 Electrical Supervisor 15 20000.00 36.00
13 Mechanical Supervisor 15 20000.00 36.00
14 Laboratory attendants 12 15000.00 21.60
15 Workshop Attendant 24 15000.00 43.20
16 Skilled Workers 90 15000.00 162.00
17 Semi-Skill Workers 150 12000.00 216.00
18 Un-Skill Workers 150 9000.00 162.00

575.00 1203.00
Add : Benefits 30.00% 360.90
Sub Total :: 1563.90

GRAND TOTAL :: 641 1563.90

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


3.1 Type of project including interlinked and interdependent projects,

if any.
The project is an Existing Metallurgy project falling under “A”
category. The project already has sponge iron; pig iron manufacturing
trough Iron Ore and Coal, Iron Ore and Coke; It is proposed to add
production of semi finished steel thru induction furnace route along
with setting up a LRF as per the requirement of refining the steel ,in
continuation to which CCM ( Continuous caster) with three strands and
rolling of semi finished steel through rolling mill to finished steel in the
form of TMT/Wire Rod/Structure will be set up. Along with these
products facilities for production of Ferro Alloys through submerged
electric arc furnace is also proposed. In the submerged arc furnace it is
also proposed to carry out the development of technology to produce
liquid iron in the pig iron form and convert the pig iron in liquid stage
along with sponge iron in to steel with the help of induction furnace.
Besides these a wet coal washery is planned to produce beneficiated
coal with reduced ash content for seeking better energy efficiency in
sponge iron and steel making. The circulating fluidized bed boiler with
special provisions to combust high ash content low calorific value
waste fuel like coal middling/ washery reject/ char-dolochar will be
setup to produce power in the 8 MW captive power plant, which shall
primarily be used for captive purpose.

The expansion involves the Modernization of the both the Blast

Furnace from 23 M 3 to 40 M 3 just by changing the BF shell which is
likely to increase the hot metal production substantially ( @
2.5ton/m3/day). In this expansion the following unique features are
also proposed i.e. one to set up tunnel kiln with an objective to carry out
research and development also for reduction of various kinds of Metal
ores to directly reduced metal. It may be in the form of directly reduced
Iron; Or Manganese or Partially reduced Nickel; Chrome or Mineral
Based Pellets. The assessed capacity in terms of Iron is found to be
30000 tonnes in each kiln and two such kilns will provide 60000 TPA
P a g e | 20

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

capacity. The Tunnel kilns will require the producer gas for the thermal
energy so the Coal producer gas plants are proposed. Two producer gas
plants for these two tunnel kilns will be built. These tunnel kilns are
also being setup with a semi commercial intention to carryout
technology development program also. In which reduction of various
metallic mineral through direct reduction process is proposed to be
attempted, as well as trial for producing pellets of iron ore or other
mineral by way of indirect heat transfer through saggers are exposing to
direct flame heat through the carrier trolleys is also proposed. For the
sake of considering the viability the proposed capacity of tunnel kilns in
form of Iron Powder is assessed as 60000 TPA for both the kilns in
total, whereas, the capacity in terms of other mineral reduction may
vary but not likely to beyond 60000 TPA. The fundamental technology
proposed in the tunnel kiln is use of saggers in which reductent and
mineral metal are filled in and pushed in to the staged trolleys in the
tunnel kiln in which around 12000C temperature is maintained for
reduction energy required. The thermal energy in the tunnel kiln is
produced through the producer gas plants proposed in the project.

The second important aspect of this expansion is mineral beneficiation,

in which several types of metallic mineral such as low grade iron ore,
manganese ore, chrome ore, nickel ore and such other ore for alloys
steel or noble metal are proposed to be beneficiated through physical
beneficiation process.

The fundamental principle proposed for beneficiation in the following

1. Separation due to differential breaking behavior for which
crushers of suitable capacity are proposed to be install by which
partial beneficiation of some of the mineral is likely to be taken
up at this stage.
2. Subsequent to the crushing screening with various sized of screen
through vibrating screen is proposed.
3. After the screening, grinding of mineral to a particular fineness
for physical separation of impurities is proposed.

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

4.After grinding of mineral separation of impurities, by way of

washing, froth floatation, hydro-cycloning is proposed.
5. In case of iron ore containing mineral magnetic separation is
6. According to the requirement of beneficiation process SPIRAL
ZIGGER may be installed or the Vibratory Zigger may be
installed, which shall be assessed as per the requirement of the
mineral quality proposed to be beneficiated at the time of actual
implementation of the project activity. For the time being the
calculation are based on beneficiation of low grade iron ore of
hematite nature, banded quartzite nature, magnetite nature.
7. Irrespective of the mineral proposed to be beneficiated, the entire
mineral beneficiation process will be designed at Zero waste
water discharge and 100% utilization of solid waste. The process
will not required any fuel and entire beneficiation process will be
design on the wet water stream. For the sake of present
calculation wet water stream base iron ore beneficiation circuit is
discussed in this DPR.
3.2 Location(map showing general location, specific location and
project boundary and project site layout) with coordinates.
Details of area
State Odhisa
District/ Tehsil Tehsil- Rajgangpur, District- Sundargarh
Village Barapali (Panchayat Laing), Post Kesramal
Khasara No. Private Industrial Land:
Kh. No. : 2482/3528, 2497/3529, 2509/3530, 2510/3531,
2496, 2482, 2494, 2481/3080, 376 (P), 2456, 2459, 2451,
2479, 2480,, 368, 2524(P),2493, 2454(P), 374,3491,2492,
2500, 2457,2470, 2460,375, 394, 395,2484, 2485, 2486,
2489, 25490, 2501, 2488, 2487, 2523(P), 2483, 2458
Area 45.26 Acre
Toposheet No. 72 B/11 and 72 B/12
Geo-coordinates 22013’54”N 84037’22”
- Location Map, Layout, Road Network Map is give below:
P a g e | 22

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Figure :1 : District and Tahsil Location

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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Figure :2 : Location and Layout of Proposed Project

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Figure No.3 : Plant Layout

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Figure-4- Road Network for Raw Material and Finished good


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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.3 Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the
proposed site, particularly the environmental considerations gone
into should be highlighted.
- Not required.

3.4 Size or magnitude of Operation

S. Process Capacity of Proposed Annual Capacity

No. Plant plant Product name
a) Existing
Direct Conventional Sponge Iron 45000.00 TPA
Reduced DRI Kiln 50
Iron TPD X 3 Nos
(Sponge = 150 TPD
Iron) from
al DRI
b) Mini Blast
Existing Pig Iron Pig Iron 24000.00 TPA
PIG Iron production
from Blast capacity 80
Furnace of TPD
23 m3
tion in
Mini Blast Additional Pig Pig Iron 36000.00 TPA
Furnace Iron
Proposed production
PIG Iron capacity 120
from Blast TPD
Furnace of
40 m3 each
Volume in
two BF
become 80

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Total 200 TPD 60000.00 TPD
of Blast
c) Iron
Powder Tunnel Kilsn Iron Powder 60000.00 TPA
and other based Iron
direct Power making
reduced about 100 TPD
metal from x 2 Nos,= 200
ore; Like TPD
e; Chrome;
d) Induction 12 MT X 3 Mild Steel 110000.00 TPA
Melting Nos.Induction Billets
Furnaces Furnace and 1
and LRF No. 25 MT
LRF with
three strand 4
meter X 8
e) Re-rolling Direct hot Re Rolled Steel 100000.00 TPA
mills charging Products like;
facility with TMT; Wire Rod
steel rerolling
mill having
about 300 TPD
f) Power Circulating Electrical 8.00 MW
Plant Fluidized Bed Energy in terms
boiler with 8 of generation
MW STG capacity
based on installed
washery reject

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

g) Coal Wet process Raw Coal input 185000.00 TPA

Washery with heavy Capacity i.e.
media bath raw Coal
with 50 T/hr washing
capacity of capacity
coal washing
h) Existing Cold Briquette Iron ore fines / 100000.00 TPA
Cold of Iron Ore ore waste mineral
Briquetting fines / waste oxides in fine
Plant mineral oxides form cold
in fine form briquettes
approx 300
i) Proposed Cold Briquette Iron ore fines / 100000.00 TPA
Cold of Iron Ore ore waste mineral
Briquetting fines / waste oxides in fine
Plant mineral oxides form cold
in fine form briquettes
approx 300
j) Iron Ore 50.00 TPH two
Beneficiated 264000.00 TPA
and other shift basis
Iron Ore
on plant
k) Ferro Submerged Arc Ferro Alloys; 25000.00 TPA
Alloys Furnace with (Ferro (Based on Silico
plant energy input Manganese/ Manganese)
capacity of 7.5 Silico
MVA each X Manganese/
2Nos. ( Total Ferro Silicon
15 MVA) with a future
Furnace to provision for
produce Ferro producing PIG
Manganese/ Iron)
Ferro Nickel/
Ferro Silicon
with a future
provision for
P a g e | 29

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

producing Pig
l) Brick Fly Ash and Brick/Blocks 66000.00 TPA
making other waste
from waste material based
Brick making
unit of 200

m) DG sets 500 KVA X 3 Electricity 1820 KVA

for No. and 320
emergency KVA X 1 No.
back up total three DG

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.5 Project description with process details: .

3.5.1 Manufacturing Process of Sponge Iron (DRI)

It is available in India as commonly Hematite ore. However,
there are other two types of ore, which are known as Magnetite &

HEMATITE : It’s chemical formula is Fe 2O3. For making

sponge iron, the ore should be lumpy, hard and massive and
should not generate (–) 3mm fines more than 10 to 15% and
(–) 1mm more than 2 to 3% inside the kiln. For making sponge
iron the tumbling index should be (+) 90% but 88% may be
accepted. The abrasion index of iron ore should be less than or
maximum 2%. If the ore is flaky, formed in layers or friable, it
generates lot of fines in the kiln. The fine gets reduced early
when enters the final reduction zone, it tends to melt and stick to
the well of kiln causing accretions.

The other important property of iron ore for making sponge iron
is its deductibility. Since the process of sponge iron manufacture
is solid and gas reaction, the gas should penetrate the ore to take
oxygen from ore. If the deductibility characteristics of iron ore
are good, processing can be done at even a lower temperature and
thus the problems of accretion can be avoided. Due to low
temperature processing, consumption of coal per ton of sponge
iron is also reduced and as a whole the campaign life becomes

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

The ideal iron ore to product sponge iron is as follows :

FeT 65 to 67%.
SiO2 0.7 TO 1.0%.
P 0.05% max.
S 0.01% max.
AL2O 3 0.5 to 1.7%.
MgO 0.02 to 0.03%.
CaO 0.10%.

Physical Property
Tumbling Index More than 88%.
Abrasion Index Less than 2%.
Reductibility 7.00 to 10 hFE minimum.
Size 5mm to 20mm.

The proposed sponge iron plant can also utilize the Iron ore
Pellets, which are now being manufactured by a large number of
iron ore beneficiation cum pelletization plants. A number of
units have already commence production in Odisha and West
Bengal form whom substantial quantity of iron ore pellets is also

2. COAL :
Coal is a combustible solid fuel formed by the burial of partially
decomposed vegetation in past geological ages. The coal used for
sponge iron manufacture should be of the following property :
Volatiles 28 – 32%
Ash 25 – 30%
F.C. 40 – 42%

reactivity character. Lower the volatility lesser is the reactivity.

Higher the volatility higher is the reactivity. But too high
volatility breaks the coal as a result of which the coal gets
powdered and lots to the waste gas stream.
P a g e | 32

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Size of the coal also plays an important role. The size of the coal
to be fed from the feed and side should be of 5-20mm size. 10%
of 20-25mm size can also be tolerable. Bigger size coal
segregates and floats on the bed and gets burnt without going into
the bed.

A given coal products char with certain reactivity. The char

reactivity is defined as the mass rate at which the carbon in char
reacts with available CO2 to from the principal reductant CO
(Carbon-mono-oxide). The char strength is also an important
factor. Same char tends to break down which means loss of

The ash percentage in coal has also direct effects on the

production rate and coal consumption. Since the volume of the
kiln is constant, the total volume Ore and Coal to be fed is
constant. If the ash increases the fixed carbon reduces. When the
fixed carbon reduces extra coal has to be given to make up for the
less fixed carbon.

The property of coal ash is also important as it has direct bearing

on accretion formation. In view of this the washed coal available
from the own coal washery will be used in sponge iron plant.


For the direct reduction of iron ore, the main furnace used is
Rotary kiln. The rotary kiln is a refractory lined vessel on which
several blowers are mounted. From the blowers, air pipes go thru
the shell and refractory, vertically and deliver the required
amount of air, required for the process axially. The kiln has
conical out let and inlet holds the material in the kiln. Kiln is
placed in a slope from feed end side at a slope of 2 ½%.

Iron ore, coal, dolomite/limestone is fed in the weighed quantity

and the kiln is rotated at a speed of about 0.5rpm. A temperature
P a g e | 33

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

between 1000 deg.C to 1050 deg. C is maintained in about 70%

of the kiln length towards discharge end side for required

After the reaction, the product is taken into an indirect cooling

drum cooler. The product is cooled to 100 deg. C and taken for
product separation. The product is separated from the coal ash
and coal char and then taken for final use.

The waste gas from the kiln contain lot of combustibles like coal
volatiles, unused CO, about 10 to 12% carbon particles and lot of
other dust. The gas is taken to an after burner chamber and the
combustibles are burnt is cooled to about 160 deg. C and taken to
ESP for final dust separation, before going to stack via ID Fans.

The construction of kiln and cooler is made in such a way that no

outside air is allowed to go into the system. The outside air if
goes to the kiln, re-oxidizes the product ultimately upsetting the
temperature profile. To avoid this, ID Fan damper is throttled to
maintain +ve pressure in the kiln. The pressure of about +5mm
water column is maintained at kiln firing hood. However,
checking the sponge iron fracture sample checks the setting of
pressure parameter. If the sample shows a re-oxidized periphery
the pressure may be increased.

The rotational speed of the kiln is adjustable as per the feed rate
and percentage of metallization. The % of inclination, rotational
speed, the length of time the material is exposed to atmosphere,
the kiln temperatures are all to be taken into consideration. So the
kiln has three functions :
A. It is a heat exchange.
B. It is a vessel for chemical reaction.
C. It is a conveyor of solids.

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

The kiln is also a reaction vessel. The following reaction takes
place inside the kiln :
3 Fe2O3 2 Fe3O4 6 FeO 6 Fe

The degree of reduction in each step is as follows :

3 Fe2O3 11% 2Fe3O 4 22% 6 FeO 67% 6Fe

The bye product of the above reaction is CO2. This carbon-di-

oxide reacts with carbon from coal to produce Carbon-mono-
CO2 + C = 2 CO

The above reaction is known as Boudouvd reaction. So the

complete reaction is :
CO2 + C = 2 CO
3Fe2O3 + CO = 2 Fe3O4 + CO2

CO2 + C = 2 CO
Fe3O4 + CO = 3 FeO + CO
CO2 + C = 2 CO
FeO + C = Fe + CO2

The hydrocarbon of coal breaks down to hydrogen and carbon.

Some believed that Hydrogen also is used in Rotary Kiln as
reductant. Since most of the kiln operates at +1000 deg. C the
hydrogen being the lighter gas goes up quickly to the vacant
space above the burden and helps in creating temperature.

The process of rate of reduction to final stage is effected by three

main factors viz :

A . Quantity of reductant
B . Temperature
C . Residence time

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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

From the chemical reactions it is seen that as the % of O2 reduces
in the ore, the % of carbon requirement increases. If there is a
shortfall of carbon the reaction proceeds in a reverse way i.e.
From reduction to oxidation. The reduction reaction is
endothermic (absorbs heat) while the oxidation reaction is
exothermic. In the absence of reductant the temperature goes up
and sinter formation, ball formation and accretion starts.

For safe operating of the kiln about 0.45 to 0.50 MT of fixed

carbon is required per ton of total Fe input. Out of this 0.50 MT,
0.27 to 0.29 MT is given from feed end side and rest is given
from kiln discharge end side. For safe operation and consistent
quality, the carbon output per ton of Fe from kiln discharge is
checked hourly and keeping this value at 0.10, final coal
adjustment is done.

As the coal is mixed with iron ore, it passes from feed end side
and air is blown from the blowers into the kiln, the liberated CO
reacts with oxide material. This reaction lowers the temperature
of the bed due to its endothermic nature. It is necessary to
generate sufficient heat before the bed temperature falls. The
gases coming out from the bed are the mixture of decomposed
and partially oxidized fuels. By adding air to these mixtures of
gases, combustion and heat generation takes place and the heat is
radiated to the bed, the mechanism of which has already been
discussed earlier. As regards the temperature profile, the first 20
– 25% is preheat zone where the material is heated up to 850 deg.
C and then to reduction temperature of about 1000 deg. C to 1050
deg. C. Iron ore once reaches 850 deg. C, the surface gets
reduced and generates less fines. So it is required to heat up the
ore to 850 deg. C as quick as possible and 70% of the kiln is
taken to 1000 to 1050 deg. C for reduction purpose.

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

The total residence time of the material in the kiln is a function of
the feed rate and kiln rpm. With each increment in feed rate, the
kiln seed is increased to maintain a constant bed loading in the

3.5.2 Manufacturing process of Pig Iron through Mini Blast

The purpose of a blast furnace is to chemically reduce and
physically convert iron oxides into liquid iron called "hot metal".
The blast furnace in this project is a Mini Blast furnace, steel
stack lined with refractory brick, where iron ore, coke and
limestone are dumped into the top, and preheated air is blown
into the bottom. The raw materials require 6 to 8 hours to
descend to the bottom of the furnace where they become the final
product of liquid slag and liquid iron. These liquid products are
drained from the furnace at regular intervals. The hot air that is
blown into the bottom of the furnace ascends to the top in 6 to 8
seconds after going through numerous chemical reactions. Once a
blast furnace is started it continuously runs for oune to one and
half years with only short stops to perform planned maintenance.
The Process

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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Iron oxides is charged to the blast furnace plant in the form of

raw ore, but pellets or sinter can also be charged. In the present
Mini Blast Furnace the most unique process to charge the
extruded ore fine briquettes has been successfully developed.
This process gives the special environmental advantage to this
Mini Blast furnace and also makes it unique and most energy
efficient too. In future attempts will be made to utilize industrial
wastes containing iron oxide for better utilization of the waste
Another raw material in the iron making process is limestone
and dolomite. crushed and screened to a size that ranges from 0.5
inch to 1.5 inch is charged to become blast furnace flux . This
flux can be pure high calcium limestone, dolomitic limestone
containing magnesia or a blend of the two types of limestone.
Since the limestone is melted to become the slag which removes
sulfur and other impurities, the blast furnace operator may blend
the different stones to produce the desired slag chemistry and
create optimum slag properties such as a low melting point and a
high fluidity.
All of the raw materials are stored in an ore field and transferred
to the stock house before charging. Once these materials are
charged into the furnace top, they go through numerous chemical
and physical reactions while descending to the bottom of the
The iron ore, briquettes, pellets and sinter are reduced which
simply means the oxygen in the iron oxides is removed by a
series of chemical reactions. These reactions occur as follows:
1) 3 Fe2O3 + CO = CO2 + 2 Fe3 O4 Begins at 850° C
2) Fe3 O4 + CO = CO2 + 3 FeO Begins at 1100° C
3) FeO + CO = CO2 + Fe Begins at 1300° C
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FeO + C = CO + Fe

At the same time the iron oxides are going through these
purifying reactions, they are also beginning to soften then melt
and finally trickle as liquid iron through the coke to the bottom of
the furnace.
The coke descends to the bottom of the furnace to the level where
the preheated air or hot blast enters the blast furnace. The coke is
ignited by this hot blast and immediately reacts to generate heat
as follows:
C + O2 = CO2 + Heat
Since the reaction takes place in the presence of excess carbon at
a high temperature the carbon dioxide is reduced to carbon
monoxide as follows:
CO2+ C = 2CO
The product of this reaction, carbon monoxide, is necessary to
reduce the iron ore as seen in the previous iron oxide reactions.
The limestone descends in the blast furnace and remains a solid
while going through its first reaction as follows:
CaCO3 = CaO + CO2
This reaction requires energy and starts at about 1600°F. The
CaO formed from this reaction is used to remove sulfur from the
iron which is necessary before the hot metal becomes steel. This
sulfur removing reaction is:
FeS + CaO + C = CaS + FeO + CO
The CaS becomes part of the slag. The slag is also formed from
any remaining Silica (SiO 2), Alumina (Al 2O3), Magnesia (MgO)
or Calcia (CaO) that entered with the iron ore, pellets, sinter or
coke. The liquid slag then trickles through the coke bed to the
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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

bottom of the furnace where it floats on top of the liquid iron

since it is less dense.
Another product of the iron making process, in addition to molten
iron and slag, is hot dirty gases. These gases exit the top of the
blast furnace and proceed through gas cleaning equipment where
particulate matter is removed from the gas and the gas is cooled.
This gas has a considerable energy value so it is burned as a fuel
in the "hot blast stoves" which are used to preheat the air entering
the blast furnace to become "hot blast".
The remaining gas not burned in the stoves is sent to the
chimney for being flared up. It is proposed to put this gas also
into use for utilizing the available energy in future for the drying
of wet mineral or for some other heating purpose .
In summary, the blast furnace is a counter-current realtor where
solids descend and gases ascend. In this reactor there are
numerous chemical and physical reactions that produce the
desired final product which is hot metal. A typical hot metal
chemistry follows:
Iron (Fe) = 93.5 - 95.0%
Silicon (Si) = 0.30 - 0.90%
Sulfur (S) = 0.025 - 0.050%
Manganese (Mn) = 0.55 - 0.75%
Phosphorus (P) = 0.03 - 0.09%
Titanium (Ti) = 0.02 - 0.06%
Carbon (C) = 4.1 - 4.4%

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Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

The Blast Furnace Plant

At present the liquid pig iron is being casted in Pigs and sold in
market. In future after the Steel melting facilities are created then
the Liquid Iron will be transferred to SMS area for the production
of liquid steel. For this the cast house will be bye passed and the
Laddles will be used for transfer of liquid iron.

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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.5.3 Process and Process Flow diagram of Iron Ore and other
Mineral Ore Beneficiation Plant

Process Flow Chart

Ball Mill (Grinding)

Magnetic Separator

Cyclone (separates
Rinser Mixer(wash

Dewatering Screen
& Final Product
Hopper Screen

with water)

Hopper & Screener
Vibrating screens are used to separate bulk materials in a mixture of
different sized particles. For example sand, gravel, river rock and
crushed rock, and other aggregates are often separated by size using
vibrating screens. Screener one of the unique product or equipment
manufactured and is used for separating the stuff. Screener is compiled
of mainframe, eccentric bock, and screen web, rub spring, electric
motor, coupler and some more.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Ball Mill
- A Ball Mill a type of grinder is a cylindrical device used in grinding
(or mixing) materials like ores, chemicals, ceramic raw materials
and paints.
Ball Mills rotate around a horizontal axis, partially filled with the
material to be ground plus the grinding medium. Different materials
are used as media, including ceramic balls, flint pebbles and
stainless steel balls. An internal cascading effect reduces the
material to a fine powder.
Industrial ball mills can operate continuously fed at one end and
discharged at the other end. Large to medium-sized ball mills are
mechanically rotated on their axis but small ones normally consist of
a cylindrical capped container that sits on two drive shafts (pulleys
and belts are used to transmit rotary motion.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Magnetic Separator:
Hi Gauss magnetic separator will be used for separation of Iron
bearing oxides from the grounded ore. This magnetic separator will
also be useful in beneficiating other metal ores also in which Iron
bearing oxides form an essential impurity which requires to be
removed. The magnetic separation step will be deployed as per the
quality of the mineral being processed. The magnetic separation also
will be done on the wet slurry stage. The outflow of Magnetically
selected sludge will then be passed thru the Rinser to remove the
dissolved clay with the Ores.

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Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Rinser Machine or Sand Washer

- Rinser/Sand washer consists of wide decantation tank in which twin
row bucket wheel arrangement is positioned. The rotating bucket
wheel carries the input sand in the perforated buckets. Due to the
agitation created by moving the material inside the water the fines
gets separated and is carried by the free flowing water through spill
way to the sedimentation tank from where the water is recycled. The
washed material is delivered to dewatering screen which delivers the
washed sand on the conveyor. The good material if any moved along
with water is pushed back into the bucket area by the spiral. The
extracted water from dewatering screen goes back in to the
decantation tank as the dewatering screen is integral part of it.
Specially constructed motor & gearbox ensure reliable maintenance
free operation. The bucket wheel speed can be controlled through
VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) as per the washing quality needed.

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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Cyclone Machine
- In closed circuit grinding system, it features high classification
efficiency and fine over fall fineness under high mine concentration.
(Hydrocyclone)Classification efficiency is higher for 5-10% than
common screw grader. It benefits for enhancing grader
utilizing. Fine materials, in gangue cannot be used as dam materials
during selecting mine. After the classification by cyclone, coarse
granule left in the bottom of dam, fine granule move to the tail of
gangue. (Hydrocyclone) Fine granule graded naturally during the
movement. There is section full of clean water, which can be used
for calling back of water. In the process of filling tail, we utilize
hydro cyclone for grading and concentrating to separate coarse
granule so that to reduce load of filtering machine and to reach at the
best effect. (Hydrocyclone) Use cyclone to finish dam and filling
work so that to solve problems such as leaking mine, sink and over
proof water discharged. So it can receive obvious economic and
social benefit.

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De-Watering Screen
Dewatering is an important process in mineral beneficiation
processing. The purpose of dewatering is to remove water absorbed
by the particles which increases the pulp density. This is done for a
number of reasons, specifically, to enable ore handling and
concentrates to be transported easily, allow further processing to
occur and to dispose of the gangue. The water extracted from the ore
by dewatering is re-circulated for plant operations after being sent to
a water treatment plant. These processes increase in difficulty and
cost as the particle size decreases.

Dewatering screens operate by passing particles over a screen. The

particles pass over the screen while the water passes through the
apertures in the screen. This process is only viable for coarse ores
that have a close size distribution as the apertures can allow small
particles to pass through. Sedimentation operates by passing water
into a large thickener or clarifier. In these devices, the particles settle
out of the slurry under the effects of gravity or centripetal forces.
These are limited by the surface chemistry of the particles and the
size of the particles. To aid in the sedimentation process, flocculants
and coagulants are added to reduce the repulsive forces between the

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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Process Flow Diagram for Iron Ore Beneficiation

- 70% low grade will be more than 1 mm size

Low Grade Ore


Water + Ore
Ball Mill

More than 1
Wet Screen

Less than 1 mm

Recycled to Ball Mill

Ore + Water

Rinser/ Sand Washer

Washed Material
Concentrate Ore with Water/Clay + moisture

. Hydro Cyclone Over Flow

Under Flow water with Iron Ore concentrate

Ore + Water

De-watering Screen

Washed Material Water

+ moisture

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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.5.4 Process and Process Flow diagram of Coal Washery

The selection of Wet Coal washing process depends mainly upon the
following criterion.

Washability Characteristics of input Coal Size and quality Ash and

Moisture requirement of products Indian coal have very high near
Gravity Material (NGM). Presence of high NGM (more than 20 units)
in ROM coal makes the washing of coal very difficult . Hence,
selection of suitable washing process is of paramount importance for
Indian Coal. “Birds” classification of NGM visa-avis suitable washing
process are indicated as below;

NGM Type of Coal Process

0-7 Simple Coal Jig
7-10 Moderate Coal Baths tables spirals
10-15 Difficult to wash
15-20 Very difficult
20-25 Exceedingly difficult
>25 Formidable

From the above table is clear that HY Bath process is the suitable
process for treating high NGM Indian Coal. Moreover from the
efficiency point also the HM Bath process is most suitable process
which gives lowest EQ (Escort probable –means Error probable)
Lowest misplacement .A comparison of EP achievable in various
processes are given below.

HM Cyclone/Bath --- 0.025 to 0.035

Jig --- 0.10 to 0.12
Barrel --- 0.09 to 0.10

The process misplacement which is depicted by the partition curve also

shows minimum misplacement in case of HM clone process. All these
factor contributes to higher yield by HM Bath process which is about
10 to 15% more than jig or Barrel process.
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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Heavy Media Cyclones and Bath.

Although all technologies have its own positives and negatives, the
selection largely depends on typical application for which the coal is
beneficiated and the sensitivity of each of the system. Most of the trials
in India during the past one decade (the period where coal washery
technology started spreading its population) has proved Heavy Media
technology has an edge over all other technologies while dealing with
typical Indian coal. Now, HM barrels are more successful in coking
coal as compared to Power grade coal and cross migration of clean and
rejects are more in percentage as compared to Cyclones and Bath. Also,
it is sensitive to presence of fines in the feed.

It is proven that HM Cyclones/Bath is best suited technology for Indian

coal. Also cyclones can take large feeds and give a fine cut off the
Good and Bad coal. Same is the results found with HM Bath. Cyclones
are sensitive to larger fractions like (+) 50-55 mm but reasonable
percentage of fines won’t create any problems in cyclones. Since
Cyclones will require high end slurry pumps the maintenance cost in a
Cyclone technology can be a little more than any other technology.

Thus we have zeroed in with HM Bath technology due to its consistent

performance, relatively lesser maintenance cost and easy to operate.

It is proposed to procure install and commission a 1.85 LTPY (35 TPH)
coal processing unit for SPL. The 35 tph plant is likely to run in two
shifts for 330 days to cater to the need of the internal requirements of
washed Coal.

The proposed washery shall incorporate the latest designs and the latest
equipments and shall be a heavy media cyclone/bath based coal
beneficiation processing unit.

ROM shall be delivered to the truck dump station via tippers and the
capacity of the truck dump hopper shall be 25tons and above. The truck

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

dump shall be an elevated bunker with access for trucks to unload the
ROM into the hopper.

The nominal size of ROM shall be 0 mm-250 mm.

Dry Screening Section

The crushed raw coal received of size (-) 50 mm will be first fed to dry
screening for separation at 10mm. The undersize of the screen (-)10
mm will be fed on conveyor and it will be mixed with washery reject to
make middling product for use in power plant. The oversize from dry
screening will fall on dry screen discharge conveyor and will go to
washery section for further beneficiation.

Desliming screen circuit

The raw coal entering the preparation plant from the dry coal screening
section will be classified at 0.5 mm on raw coal desliming screen. The
(-) 0.5 mm under size from the desliming screen will report to the
classifying cyclone feed sump for further pumping to classifying

Rotary Breaker:
It is also proposed to set up a Rotary breaker by which it will be
possible to remove the shell and stone to a great extent and the semi
beneficiated coal will be further washed for the improvement of quality.

Deslimed coarse coal washing circuit

The (-) 50 mm (+) 0.5 mm raw coal slurry shall be pumped from heavy
medium cyclone feed sump to heavy medium cyclones. Heavy media
cyclone over flow known as washed coal will undergo for medium
recovery and dewatering by clean coal drain and rinse screen. The clean
coal is then gravitates to centrifuge for dewatering. The reject from the
under flow of the heavy medium cyclones will undergo for medium
recovery and dewatering on reject D&R screen and then to reject
centrifuge to achieve lower moisture in reject product. Both clean coal
and reject are onward disposed by separate belt conveyors.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Deslimed fine coal washing circuit

The (-) 0.5 mm fraction coal will be pumped from the classifying
cyclone feed sump to classifying cyclone. The over flow from the
classifying cyclone will gravitate to thickener. The under flow from the
classifying cyclone will report to high frequency screen. The high
frequency screen overflow is taken as fine coal product. The high
frequency screen under flow will report to the thickener. The thickener
underflow will be pumped to belt press for dewatering of fines. The
dewatered fine from the belt press will join the product from high
frequency screen over flow. Thickener over flow water will be recycled
in the washery for optimum utilization of process water. The belt press
product and high frequency screen over flow joining together will be
onward disposed by belt conveyor on reject conveyor.

Water Recovery Circuit

The refuse thickener shall be used to concentrate the waste slurries and
recover water for reuse in the plant. A flocculent dosing system will be
provided for water clarification. The lamella thickener under flow
slurry will be pumped to belt press for dewatering and producing the
dewatered cake. Filtrate will be re-circulated to the thickener for
optimum utilization of process water.
Make-up water shall be supplied by the customer to supplement
clarified water overflowing the thickener weir. Re-circulated water shall
be pumped from the clarified water sump to the screen sprays, sumps
and distributors within the plant. A separate pump shall provide wash
down water to the refuse belt press.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Magnetite Recovery Circuit

A magnetite recovery system shall be provided. The first portion of the
sinks and floats drain and rinse screens shall collect the medium which
drains from the coal particles. This drained medium shall be taken to
the heavy medium cyclone feed sump for reuse in circuit. To prevent
slimes build-up, bleed lines shall be provided to direct some of the re-
circulated medium to the dilute medium circuit.

A separate pan section under later part of each drain and rinse screen
shall collect the heavy medium which has been rinsed and diluted with
screen spray water. This dilute medium shall be collected in the dilute
medium sump and pumped to one magnetic separator for recovery of
the magnetite. Recovered magnetite from the separators and the fresh
dry magnetite from the raw magnetite storage bin shall be directed to
the heavy Medium cyclone feed sump The tailings from the magnetic
separator shall be piped to raw coal desliming screen for use as sluice
push water.

Specific Gravity & sump level control circuit

The density of medium returning to the Heavy medium Cyclone Feed
sump shall be monitored. when specific gravity of the medium fall
below the set point, dry magnetite shall be added until the medium
gravity reaches the set point, at which time the addition of magnetite
shall cease.

Sump level control shall be maintained via differential pressure

transmitters (DP cells) and auto control valves. A DP cell shall be
mounted on to each process sump. The output of the DP cell shall
operate an auto-electric on/off water valve. When the sump level drops
below the set point, the DP cell shall signal the valve to admit water to
the sump. On reaching set point the DP cell shall signal the valve to

The reject coal from the reject D&R screen is discharged over the
reject coal belt conveyor for suitable stockpiling. The clean coal is
discharged over the clean coal belt con veyor where the clean coal
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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

may be blended with the raw bypass coal if required in the ratio to
give final ash content as required by the end user. The product on
conveyor is carried to a clean coal load out bin which has Clamshell
gate at the discharge for loading coal onto trucks.

The effluent treatment plant consists of one Hi-rate thickener and its
associated flocculent dosing system, underflow sludge carrying pump
and a multi roll belt press.

The effluent from the plant, which reports (Flows) to the hi-rate
thickener is collected in the thickener tank. This tank is dosed with
suitable amounts of flocculent which aids settlement of suspended
solids and helps to give a clearer overflow.

The settled solids are collected at the bottom cone of the thickener tank
by rotating rake arms the height of which can be adjusted if the amount
of solids in the effluents increases.

The solids which are collected in the bottom of the thickener is pumped
using a special centrifugal pump to the multi roll belt press for
reclamation of water. The dried cakes are blended with the rejects.

The overflow of the thickener, which is clear water is pumped back to

the preparation plant for re-circulation.

The proposed plant is a zero effluent plant and the process selected
ensures minimum generation of dust.


The difference in the value of suspended particulate matter, delta (D),
measured between 25 and 30 meter from the enclosure of coal crushing
plant in the downward and leeward wind direction shall not exceed 150
microgram per cubic meter. Method of measurement shall be High
Volume Sampling and Average flow rate, not less than 1.1 cubic meter
per minute, using upwind downwind method of measurement.
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Effluent discharge standards as per CPCB are given below: the
unit shall comply with all these standards.

• The coal washeries shall maintain the close circuit operation

with zero effluent discharge.
• If it becomes necessary to discharge the effluent to sewer /
land / stream, due to some genuine problems like periodic
cleaning of the system, heavy rainfall etc, the effluent shall
conform to the following standards at the final outlet of the
coal washer :

S.NO Parameter Limits

1. pH 5.5 -- 9.0
2. Total suspended Solids 100 mg/l.
3. Oil & grease 10 mg/l.
4. B.O.D at 27oC, 3 days 30 mg/l.
5. COD 250 mg/l.
6. Phenolics (C6H5OH) 1.0 mg/l.


Noise level standards as per CPCB are given below: the unit shall
comply with all these standards.

Operational / working zone--85dB(A) Leq

For other places like office / community place / boundary line--70
dB(A) Leq

The ambient air quality standards in respect of noise as notified under

Environmental (Protection) Rules, 1986 shall be followed at the
boundary line of the coal washery.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


• Water or chemical mixed water shall be sprayed at all strategic coal

transfer points, such as conveyors, loading / unloading points etc. As
far as practicable, conveyors, transfer points, such as conveyor,
loading / unloading points etc. As far as practicable, conveyors,
transfer points etc shall be provided with enclosures and bag filters.

• Crushing / pulverisation of coal should be crushed out in enclosures

fitted with suction arrangement followed by bag filter before the
sucked air is finally emitted through a stack of minimum height of
30 m and conforming to particulate matter emission standard of 150

• Water sprinkling arrangement shall be carried out by fine atomizers /

nozzles or) the coal heaps and on land around the crushers.

• Area in and around the coal washery shall be pucca either asphalted
or concreted.

• Green belt must be developed along the road side, coal handling
plants, residential complexes, office building and all around the
boundary line of the coal washery.

• Coal washery must operate on close circuit.

• Water consumption shall be 1 - 1.5 m3/tonne of coal.

• For the recovery of fine / ultrafine coal particle effectively,

polymeric flocculants in proper doses shall be employed.

• Settling ponds shall be so designed and provided to ensure 90%

removal efficiency.

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• Slurry ponds shall be adequate to take care of the overflows.

• The plant and machinery of the coal washery shall be properly

maintained and shall be fitted with adequate noise abatement

• Chutes in the coal handling plant shall be properly lined.

• Workers shall be provided with ear plugs / Mufflers etc if working

in high noise area.

• Storage bunkers, hoppers, rubber decks in chutes and centrifugal

chutes shall be provided with proper rubber linings.

• Vehicles movement in the coal washery area shall be regulated

effectively to avoid traffic congestion. High pressure horn shall be
prohibited. Smoke emission from heavy duty vehicle should
conform to the standard prescribed under Motor Vehicle Rules,

• Heavy noise generating machinery should be enclosed in noise proof


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Process Flow Diagram for Coal Washery

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3.5.5 Manufacturing process of reducing metallic mineral ore to

metal powder such as Iron Powder through Tunnel Kiln
The process was developed in 1908, which uses coal as a
reductant. The carbothermic reduction of iron ore takes place in
horizontal tunnel kiln.

Reduction mix, consisting of coal or coke fines of the size 3 mm

or below, anthracite, and limestone, is charged with iron ore in
ceramic muffles/saggers. Ceramic saggers give life of about 8-10
heats. For better life (about 100-120 heats) and improved heat
transfer, many plants use silicon carbide (SiC) saggers. The
materials are arranged in alternate layers in the form of
concentric rings within a sagger. Figure 1 depicts the sagger with
iron ore and coal in a concentric manner. Also, in some processes
alternate layers of coal-ore-coal are placed.

Empty Silicon Carbide (SiC) Saggers

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Above Figure shows unfilled SiC saggers. Individual saggers are

then stacked on one above the other. Arrays of such units are
formed above the kiln car. Schematic of the arrangement of the
saggers above the car is shown in Figure 3 (a). Figure 3(b)
depicts the actual photograph of car trolley along with array of
saggers. The plant in which silicon carbide saggers are used, the
empty saggers are first placed one above the other, and then the
concentric feeding of coal and iron ore fines is carried out.

Schematic of arrangement of saggers on the trolley and Stake of

SiC saggers mounted on trolley, entering into tunnel kiln

Car pushing system

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The cars are then pushed through the tunnel kilns. Figure 4 shows
the photograph of car pushing system. The time between two cars
entering the kiln is called the "pushing time". The tunnel kiln
consists of three zones; the preheating zone, the reduction zone,
and the cooling zone. Schematic of the tunnel kiln is depicted in
Figure 5. The kiln cars first travel through the preheating zone,
then through the reduction zone, where the ore is reduced into
iron at a constant high temperature of 1100-1200°C. The kiln
cars are then cooled in the cooling zone of the kiln. It takes
approximately 28-36 hours for a kiln car to travel through a kiln.
The time of travel may vary from plant to plant. The combustion
air flows in the opposite direction of the kiln cars. Cold fresh air
first cools the hot cars and after passing through the reduction
zone, hot exhaust gases preheat the incoming cars before the
gases exit the kilns. Because of concentric feeding of raw
material inside the sagger, the coal ash and sponge iron, a
product, remain separate inside the sagger. The product, thus
formed, can be separated easily. Figure 6 shows the iron powder
in the form of a cylinder.

Schematic of the tunnel Kiln

The efficiency of the iron powder process is defined as the

energy needed for the reduction reactions compared to the energy
added to the system. Large amount of heat demand for the
process is fulfilled by coke mix and natural gas, while the
maximum heat is consumed by the reduction reactions. The
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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

process efficiency of s process is about 40%, which decreases

slightly with decreased pushing time.

Consumption of raw materials and energy per tonne of iron

powder for Hoganas process is as follows :
• Iron ore concentrates : 1350 kg
• Coke : 500 kg
• Lime : 125-130 kg
• Energy consumption : 14.5 GJ

As against the above consumption parameters the raw material

and fuel mix in the proposed Iron Powder plant would be as
• Iron ore concentrates : 1600 kg
• Coal as reductant : 700 kg
• Coal for producer Gas : 200 kg
• Lime : 50 kg

Typical analysis (%) of Hoganas iron powder is,

• Fe (metallic) : 93.0
• Fe (total) : 97.0
• Metallization : 95.9
• C : 0.2
• S : 0.008
• P : 0.012
• Gangue : 1.6

The consumption norms will vary as per the quality of input raw
materials. Instead of coke if coal is used then the quantity will
further increase. With Chinese/anthracite coal the consumption is
about 0.9 to 1.1 tonnes per tonne of iron powder. With Indian
coal, the consumption is expected to be more. However the use of
Washed Coal will ensure that the total consumption of Coal does
not exceed 0.9 tonnes per tonne of Iron powder produced. Out of

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the total coal, 75% will be utilized for iron ore reduction and the
remaining 25% will be used to produce coal gas.

The product of tunnel kiln

Looking at the overall scenario of tunnel kiln process it can be

said that tunnel kiln process is capable of reducing iron ore fines
using coal/coke fines. Consumption of the coal per tonne of
production of iron powder is considered as coal required for
reduction and coal required generating coal gas. With thorough
study of fluid dynamics and proper circulation of the coal gas and
hot air within the kiln helps in improving the thermal efficiency
of the kiln.

Advantages of Tunnel Kiln:

• Low capital investment
• Easy operation and low maintenance cost
• In place of sized graded iron ore, tunnel kiln process uses
iron ore fines, and
• Performance can further be improved by using composite
green pellets.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha) Producer gas Plant:

Two PG plants each with 1000 kg/hour Gassification capacity will be
built for supply of required thermal Fuel energy to the Tunnel kiln;

Producer gas Plant Process:

Producer gas plant is equipments or a combustion furnace in which coal
is fired with steam saturated partially heated up air in insufficient
quantity, so as to provide about 50% of the steochmatric air required for
full combustion, thereby generating a gas which is rich in combustible
gases called producer gas. The plant consist of a rotating ash pan on
which a combustion rotating hearth is installed over which cylindrical
shell with water jacketed cylinder is provided in which the steam
saturated combustion air is fired from the bottom and producer gas is
collected from the top. The coal is charged from the top through a air
sealed continuous feeding device.

The vertical bet of coal forms three layers which is called as

combustion layer, reduction layer and gasification layer.

The combusted ash is discharged from bottom of the ash pan. It is

proposed to setup two number of producer gas plant each with 1000
Kgs/hr coal gasification capacity.

The next generation gasification system are equipped with LTC shaft
and 100% top off take of producer gas conversion system. In which
Low Temperature Carbonization (LTC) is the term for the conversion
of organic substance of volatile matter into carbon and light carbon-
containing compound through low temperature destructive distillation
of feed coal. As about 90% heavy organic compound (sticky tar) of the
total volatile matters of Coal convert in to free hydrogen, carbon and
lighter hydrocarbon (Free Flow Tar) which makes gas free from heavy
hydrocarbon vapor (Sticky TAR).

The objective of new generation gasification is to produce a clean and

consistent quality producer gas of higher calorific value from any grade
of Indian Coal of A to F grade. With this objective in view, a deep
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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

coal– bed has been introduced above the insignificant product gas space
and minimal distillation zone of the single stage gas-producer the
product gas has been diverted fully through this extended coal bed to
come out from the top of the extended shaft at a temperature much
below the cracking temperature of sticky TAR.

The drawing of a producer gas plant is given below:

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.5.6 Process and Process Flow diagram of Mineral Briquetting

The promoter of the company Mr. Y.K. Dalmia has evolved a unique
concept of utilizing fine and waste mineral resources, for which he has
taken assistance of a world renowned machine manufacturer from USA
who has been the business of clay extrusion since the year 1889. The
family having more than 100 years of experience in the subject took up
the challenge to manufacture a iron ore fines cold extrusion type
briquetting machine. The company has installed a machine with
100000 TPA capacity, in which iron ore fines available from steel
plants in the form of flue dust or other type of dust etc. have been tried
and successfully extruded to produce iron ore briquettes for using in the
blast furnace. The process involves addition of small quantity of
additive @2.5% are added and water is added to provide adequate
moisture\ and the mix is then extruded through extruder to form the
cold briquettes. The coke fines can be added to a certain ratio to the
mix as per requirement. The extruded briquettes are left in the shed for
air drying and curing. After about 3 days of air curing, the briquettes are
used for reduction in blast furnace and in future when tunnel kiln is
setup it can be used in tunnel kiln for reduction.

It is proposed to setup one more set of similar extrusion type briquetting

machine for briquetting the iron ore fines or flue dust or blue dust. The
new machine will also be provided with facility to dry out briquetting
of other fine mineral ores. The process is completely a physical process
carried out in ambient temperature and does not involve any fuel or
thermal energy for fusion or binding.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.5.7 Manufacturing process of Ferro Alloys Plant

Standard High Carbon Ferro/Silico Manganese is smelted at
about 1700-1800OC. A conventional Submerged Arc Electric
Furnace achieves this. The three carbon electrodes, partially
submerged in the charge, are supported on hydraulic cylinders for
upward and downward movements to maintain the desired
electrical conditions in the furnace.

The body of the furnace is cylindrical in shape, and is lined with

firebricks, silicon carbide bricks and carbon tamping paste. Two
tap-holes are provided at 120O. Apart for draining out both the
molten alloy and the slag. During the repair works of one of the
tap holes the other will function as standby.

The raw materials are thoroughly mixed in the proper proportion

before being charged into the furnace. Manual poking rods or
stroker car are used for stoking the charge on the furnace top. As
the charge enters the smelting zone, the metal alloy formed by
chemical reactions of the oxides and the reductant, being heavy
gradually settles at the bottom. The slag produced by the
unreduced metal oxides and the flux, being relatively lighter,
floats on the metal alloys surface.

At regular intervals the furnace is tapped. The tap hole is opened

by Oxygen lancing pipe and after tapping is completed, it is
closed by clay plug. The liquid Silicon manganese and the slag
flow the C.I. Pan. The slag being lighter overflows from the C.I.
pan and is taken into the sand mould.

The alloy cake from C.I. pan is removed and broken manually
with hammer to required lump size.

The slag produced in the process is generally free from metal

thus after cooling the slag is shifted to slag dump.
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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

It is also proposed in future to try to produce Pig Iron from

Submerged Arc Furnace by using lower grades Iron Ore and
Magnetite Iron Ores and take the liquid Iron to Induction
Furnaces for production of steel. This when implemented would
bring additional energy efficiency in the Induction Furnaces, by
reduced electricity consumption. Since the exact process is still
not finalized hence the Pig Iron production is not considered at
this point for the sake of financial calculations.

Process Flow Diagram for Ferro Alloys Plant

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Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.5.8 Manufacturing process of semi finished steel i.e. Billet

through Induction Furnace based Steel Melting Shop with
(i) The manufacturing process identified for the proposed unit is one
which is well established and proven and presently being
followed by majority of similar manufacturing units mostly in
small or medium scale sector.

In order to achieve high energy efficiency three numbers of 12

MT capacity Induction Furnaces with higher power input
capacity of .5 MVA each will be setup with completely automatic
charging facility as well as power sharing panel also. Electronic
software will be installed to monitor the input power and
maintaining power factor to almost unity level.

The melting process involves taking sample of Sponge Iron &

Pig Iron; Iron Powder and mild steel scrap, end cutting from
rolling mills or scrap from user units is taken from raw material
storage. This is than tested for its chemical composition and
noted. Before preparation of charge necessary ingredients like
Ferro Manganese, Ferro Silicon etc. are added by weight, Flux is
taken up in crucible and then charge is put into it. Melting of
steel along with other alloying element is accomplished in the
crucible of coreless M.F. Induction Furnace. The high A.C.
Current is passed through the copper oil wrapped around the
outer periphery of crucible. By transformer action the A.C.
Current induces much higher secondary current at 1000 herts in
charge through the coil. Enormous heat it thus developed by
resistance which causes the melting of charge. As soon as the
molten pool is formed very pronounced stirring action in the
molten metal takes place which helps in accelerating the melting.
Deoxidizing agents and sometimes specific alloying elements are
also added at suitable intervals during melting. Melting of
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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

homogenous mass occurs at 1600 C. If necessary superheating up

to 1650 C as done for specific time. After completion of melting
cycle of an hour the homogeneous molten mass is poured
hydraulically into the ladle.

(ii) LRF (Ladle Refining Furnace):

Subsequent to the production of molten steel the production of
quality requires refining of the same for which one Ladle
Refining Furnace with 15 MT ladle will be setup with three
electrode arcing facility with complete provision to carry out de-
sulphurization, if required, and de-phosphorization if required.

The liquid steel containing in the ladle will be brought to LRF

and after due processing of the liquid steel the ladle will be
transferred to CCM.

The slag generated during the Melting as well as refining is

removed manually through BELCHAS (Steel Spatulas)
Accumulated Slag is used for land fill.

(iii) CCM:
The ladle containing liquid steel will be placed on the CCM
platform and continuous casting of hot billet will be carried out in
the same for which one 3 strand CCM with 4 mtr x 8 mtr radius
will be setup, the casting will be done through a highly
automated controlled cooling software governed mechanism by
which the casted billet will be so cooled that the temperature of
billets do not fall below 1050 0C. The case formation in the CCM
mould starts with drop in surface temperature below 15200C, the
liquid metal inside the case contains enough energy for
maintaining the overall temperature of billet for hot online
rolling. In the CCM section hot billet shearing machines will be
installed with each casting strand, so as to facilitate the cutting of
billets to proper length for feeding in to the rolling mill.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.5.9 Manufacturing process of Rerolled Steel through Rolling Mill

1. Raw Material i.e. Billet coming from CCM in red hot condition
is cut either by Gas Cutting or automatic hot billet Shearing
Machine. In the proposed plant automatic hot billet shear
machines are going to be installed with each strand. The gas
cutting facility will be maintained as a backup to the hot billet
shearing machine,

2. After the Billet is cut into required length, then pushed out to
rolling stands for re-rolling. Steel Pieces are rolled through all
stands in order to get required shape of finished goods i.e.
TMT/Wire rod/ Bars. It is proposed to produce TMT bars at
present; however in future the Mills may be used to produce Wire
Rod or Structure also.

3. In case of production of TMT the rolled bars are passed through

the TMT quenching machine and then after quenching of TMT
are transferred to Cooling Bed for Cooling.

4. After Cooling, Wire rod Coils/TMT /Bars are Shifted to

Decoiling machine and after inspection, Bundled are ready for

5. The rerolling capacity of the proposed mill assessed around 20

MT per hour and based on 1 hours availability of liquid metal /
hot billets the estimated daily production capacity will by 300
MT per day.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


Hot Cutting of Raw Material (Billet)

Maintaining temperature above 10500C

Discharge from CCM / Hot Shearing Machine by Roller Conveyor

Passed through Rolls fitted on to the Stand

In case of TMT passed through quenching line

Discharged on the cooling bed after finished stand.

Cooled in the atmospheric condition

Ends are cut

Carried to the finished Yard

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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.5.10 Process and Process flow diagram of Power Generation

through CFBC based Power Plant


A steam power plant continuously converts the energy stored in fossil

fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) or hot gases in to shaft work and ultimately
into electricity. The working fluid is water which is sometime in liquid
phase and sometimes in vapour phase during its cycle of operation.
Power plant is a bulk energy converter from fuel to electricity using
water as a working medium. Energy released by the burning of fuel is
transferred to water in the BOILER (B) to generate steam at a high
pressure and temperature, which then expands in the TURBINE (T) to a
low pressure to produce shaft work. The steam leaving the turbine is
condensed into water in the CONDENSER (C) where cooling water
from air cooled cooling tower carry away the heat released during

The condensed water (condensate) is then fed back to the boiler by the
PUMP (P), and the cycle goes on repeating itself. The working
substance water, thus follows along B-T-C-P path of the cycle
interacting externally. Since the fluid is undergoing a cycle process,
there will be no net change in its internal energy over the cycle and
consequently, the net energy transferred to the unit mass of fluid as heat
during the cycle must equal the net energy transfer as work from the

Using Washery Rejects for Power Generation:

• Ash content in Washery Rejects is generally >50%
• Pulverized coal combustors have limitation in using coal with
Ash >50%
• Technological developments have facilitated using coal with ash
>50% in fluidized bed combustors.
• Principle: the fuel is burnt in fluid bed maintained by blowing air
through and inert bed into which the coal is introduced.

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• Types of Fluidized Bed Combustion Boilers:

• Atmosphere Fluidized Bed Combustors (AFBC)
• Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustors (BFBC)
• Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustors (CFBC)
• Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustors (PFBC)

Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler (CFBC)

In circulating fluidized bed boiler the air velocity is much higher,
causing the inert particles and ahs to blown out of the top of the
boiler. They are then captured by a cyclone and returned to the
bed. The higher air velocity enables the CFBC to cope the larger
capacity and boiler of this type are commonly in use up to 200
MWe. In addition, higher ash coal can be more easily burnt and
the boiler is less sensitive to variation in feed quality.

Flow of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler (CFBC)

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


The steam turbine is a primary mover, which continuously converts the
energy of high pressure high temperature steam supplied by a steam
exhausted to a condenser. This energy conversation essentially occurs
in two steps.

1) The high pressure, high temperature steam first expends in the

nozzles and comes out at a high velocity.
2) The high velocity jets of steam coming out the nozzles,
impinge on the blades mounted on a wheel, get deflected by
an angle and suffer a loss of momentum, which is absorbed by
the rotating wheel in producing torque.

Steam from the turbine is fed from the bottom. By contact, the
steam condenses and the feed water is heated to the saturation
temperature. Dissolved oxygen and carbon di-oxide gases gets
released from the water and leave along with some vapour, which
is condensed back in the vent condenser, and the gases are vented
out. To neutralize the effect of residual dissolved oxygen and
carbon-di-oxide gases in water, sodium sulphite (Na2SO3) is
injected in suitable calculated doses into the feed water at the
suction of the boiler feed pump (BFP)

The mechanical shaft power generated in steam turbine is
converted by the generator in to electricity which is generated at
11 KV. The generated power is then boosted to 33 KV for
internal consumption as well as grid synchronization. The
generated power being mainly for captive use thus the
synchronization at 33 kV is sufficient. However if for any reason
the plant is not able to consume the power then the surplus power
will be exported to the grid at 33 kV itself. The grid connectivity
at 33 kV will be obtained from nearest substation at Rajgangpur.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


3.5.11 Process and Process flow diagram of Brick making from

Fly ash, Lime sand and Gypsum are manually fed into a pan
mixer, where water is added in the required proportion for
intimate mixing. The proportion of the raw material is generally
in the ratio 70% of fly ash, 10% lime, 5% Gypsum and 15%
sand, depending upon the quality of raw material. After mixing
the mixture is shifted to hydraulic/ mechanical presses. The
bricks are carried on wooded pellets to the open area where they
are dried and cured by autoclave machine. The bricks are tested
and sorted before dispatch.

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Flow for Brick making

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Being an integrated steel project, the following equipment will be
installed :

- At all the transfer points, Dust Collector will be installed,

along with the Bag Filter.
- All the conveyor will be fully enclosed.
- Bag filters will be installed at the coal crusher and rotary
breaker in the coal washery area.
- E.S.P. is proposed for control of Air Pollution, in the iron
powder Kilns as well as CFBC
- Bag filter is proposed for Ferro Alloys plant with Air
- Water spraying will control the fugitive emissions in the
entire coal storage area, as well as in the internal open
storage yards.
- For handling of Ash – Pneumatic Ash Handling system will
be installed & the ash will be used as Waste for Land
Leveling, supply to Cement & Brick manufacturers.
- The fly ash silo will be installed at the boundary of unit by
which a gravity ash flow pipe will facilitate immediate
delivery of fly ash to all the bulkers coming in for carrying
fly ash to cement plants.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

List of proposed Air Pollution Control Equipments:

S. Name of Process Type of Emission
No. Equipment controlled
1 Sponge Iron plant ESP Particulate
matter less
than 50
2 Blast Furnaces Bag Filters Particulate
matter less
than 50
3 CFBC power plant ESP Particulate
matter less
than 50
4 Ferro Alloys Plant ESP Particulate
matter less
than 50
5 Iron Powder Kilns, Coal Bag filter Particulate
Crusher, Ore with matter less
beneficiation, Conveyor central dust than 50
System, Loading Hopper, collection mg/m3
Ash delivery point system
6 Iron Ore Beneficiation, Bag filter Particulate
and Coal Washery at with matter less
unloading point, central dust than 50
conveying transfer points, collection mg/m3
hoppers, crushers, screens system
7 Induction Furnace, LRF, Bag filter Particulate

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

CCM area with matter less

central dust than 50
collection mg/m3
8 Coal storage yard/ shed/ Water Particulate
stacker reclaimer sprinkling matter to be
system maintained
less than
150 mg/nm3

Additional measures will be adopted to reduce/control pollution

ƒ Approach roads will be frequently sprinkled with water.
ƒ Most of the materials including coal as well as iron ore will be
stored under covered shed.
ƒ In case of storage of Ore/ Coal in open, it will be covered by
tarpaulins to prevent spread of dust from it during transportation.
ƒ Regular maintenance of vehicles and machineries will be carried
out in order to control emissions.
ƒ Green belt development would be taken up all along the haul
roads, plant premises etc.
ƒ Green belt will also be developed on the sides of approach road.
ƒ Protective appliances will be provided to all the workers exposed
in dusty atmosphere.
ƒ Avoiding overloading of the trucks.
ƒ Workers will be equipped with all personal protective devices
like Gum Boot; hand gloves; Safety helmet; Safety goggles,
earplugs at work place.
ƒ By controlling the speed of the truck.
ƒ Proper gradient of approach roads to reduce cumulative noise.
ƒ Transportation of materials will be limited to day hours only.
ƒ Periodical maintenance of process machinery.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Medical and Health:-

The project proponent shall provide facilities for medical check-
up of its workers and employees through a visiting Physician.
They will also provided first-aid facilities at plant time office. If
necessary and in case of emergency, the medical aid can also be
provided by hospitals situated Rajgangpur which is nearly 5.0
Kms. from proposed plant. Work related health hazard has been
identified. Measures for respiratory disease will be taken by
providing goggles; mask and earplugs. Awareness for malaria
and health Hazard due to dust emission shall be created among
plant workers. Worker health checkup program will be carried
out on Six monthly basis.

Socio Economic Objectives:-

The company shall also participate and support the various social
activities, held in the nearby villages of the plant. It shall take
active part in the social upliftment program like Swachchta
Abhiyaan, skill development program, construction of toilets in
schools, colleges, panchayats, supply of good quality drinking
water, and women empowerment programmes. It will also
support the cultural programs like Jaggannath Puja, Durga Puja
Dusshera occasional Bhandara etc. organized by villagers of
surrounding villages. The company is also committed to
contribute in the upliftment of the population of the nearby
villages. The company shall be maintaining good environmental
atmosphere in the plant premises and taking steps to make further
improvement in this area. The company shall also provide the
employment facility to the local villagers.

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District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.6 Raw material required along with estimated quantity, likely

source, marketing area of final product/s, Mode of transport of
raw Material and Finished Product.

Estimated raw material quantity likely to be source from outside, mode

of transportation are given as below:
Source Mode of
Input MT/Annum traspor-tation
Sized Iron Ore 72000.00 From outside By road
from Outside Iron Ore Mines. through
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
Dolomite 15988.78 From market. By road
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
Silicon Carbide 600.00 From market. By road
saggers through
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
Coke 44950.00 From market. By road
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
Quartz 3125.00 From market. By road
covered truck
For internal use
P a g e | 83

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

covered trucks.
Un Washed Coal 177834.86 From market. By rail/road
(ROM) through
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
Heavy Media 370.00 From market. By road
(Magnetite) through
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
Low grade Iron 264000.00 From outside iron By rail/road
Ore ore mines. through
(list of iron ore covered truck
mines in Odisha is For internal use
provided in transported
Appendix 4) through
covered trucks.
Mn Ore 46700.00 From market. By road
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
Manganese Slag 4670.00 From market. By road
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
Paste 583.75 From market. By road
covered truck

P a g e | 84

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

For internal use

covered trucks.
Cannasters ( Paste 350.25 From market. By road
casings) through
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
LIME 9600.00 From market. By road
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
GYPSUM 1980.00 From market. By road
covered truck
For internal use
covered trucks.
Total= 642752.64
Details of raw material required in various process is given as below:

Sponge Iron Plant (Existing)

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Sized Iron Ore
from Outside 72000.00 0.00 72000.00
Washed Coal 54000.00 54000.00 0.00
Dolomite 1350.00 0.00 1350.00

P a g e | 85

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Iron Powder through Tunnel Kiln

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Beneficiated Iron
Ore 96000.00 96000.00 0.00
Silicon Carbide
saggers 600.00 0.00 600.00
Washed Coal 42000.00 42000.00 0.00
Coal for Producer
Gas 12000.00 12000.00 0.00

Pig Iron through Mini Blast Furnace (Existing)-

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Beneficiated Iron
Ore in the form of
briquetts/ size ore 36000.00 36000.00 0.00
Coke 13200.00 0.00 13200.00
Dolomite 3360.00 0.00 3360.00
Quartz 1250.00 0.00 1250.00

Pig Iron through Mini Blast Furnace (Proposed):-

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Beneficiated Iron
Ore in the form of
briquetts/ size ore 54000.00 54000.00 0.00
Coke 19800.00 19800.00
Dolomite 5040.00 5040.00
Quartz 1875.00 1875.00

P a g e | 86

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

M.S. Billet through Steel Melting Shop, Induction Furnace, LRF:-

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Iron Powder from
Tunnel Kiln 51600.00 51600 0.00
CI / Pig Iron 57600 57600 0.00
Internal Melting
Scrap Used 816 816 0.00
Ferro Alloys 1650 1650 0.00
Coke 275 0 275.00
Consumable for CCM and
Ladle etc Rs per Ton @ Rs.1250.00 /MT
Refining cost at LRF 1500 Rs/MT

Rerolled Steel through Rolling Mill:-

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Hot metal 110000 110000 0.00
Consumable for
CCM and Ladle
etc Rs per Ton @ Rs.800.00 /MT

Captive Power Plant:-

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Char Dolochar 9000.00 9000.00 0.00
Chared Coal 9000.00 9000.00 0.00
Washery reject 12950.00 12950.00 0.00
Coal Middling 46250.00 46250.00 0.00
Coal 1755.16 1755.16 0.00
Dolomite 401.28 0.00 401.28
P a g e | 87

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Coal Washery:-
Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
ROM Coal 177834.86 177834.86
required 0.00
ROM coal 7165.14
required from job 7165.14 (to be provided
provided 0 by Job provider)

Iron Ore briquettes through Cold Briquetting (Existing):-

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Iron ore fine 100000 100000 0
Additive 2500 0 2500

Iron Ore briquettes through Cold Briquetting (Proposed):-

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Iron ore fine 100000 100000 0
Additive 2500 0 2500

Ore Beneficiation Plant:-

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Low grade Iron 264000 0 264000
( Other mineral
Ore not used for
P a g e | 88

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

(Other mineral
may be like
Manganese Ore;
Nickel Ore;
Chrome Ore etc)

Ferro Alloys Plant:-

Raw Material Total Internally Net to be
quantity transferred purchased from
required outside
Mn Ore 46700.00 0.00 46700.00
Manganese Slag 4670.00 0.00 4670.00
Coke 11675.00 0.00 11675.00
Washed Coal (
From Washery) 5837.50 5837.50 0.00
Dolomite 5837.50 0.00 5837.50
Paste 583.75 583.75
Mill Scale 5500.00 5500.00 0.00
Cannasters ( Paste
casings) 350.25 0.00 350.25

Marketing area of final product/s, Mode of transport of Finished


P a g e | 89

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Name of Net Marketing area Mode of

finished quantity Transportation
product available
for sale,
utilizing it
use in
(IN mt)
Sponge 45000.00 Quantity it will be sold to
Iron Induction Furnaces in By road through
nearby area as well as covered truck
Induction Furnaces of For internal use
Chhattisgarh state. transported
through covered
Rerolled 100000.00 All over Odisha, By road through
Products Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh trucks
The demand of Re-rolled
product are huge, the
rerolled steel market is
dealer and distributor
based, thus marketing to
dealer and distributor is
only required, they will
taken care of retail market.
The major market places
are All over Odisha,
Jharkhand, Madhya
Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

Silico 23350.00 Entire Odisha, By road through

Manganese Chhattisgarh in induction covered truck
/ Ferro furnaces and steel plant

P a g e | 90

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Power Surplus As the power plant is Through cables

power implemented for captive for internal
use, thus there will no consumption and
significant quantity of grid connectivity
power available for export at 33 KV
constantly but for technical overhead
reason the grid transmission line
connectivity for export is will be provided
maintained to operate till grid sub-
safely and to export the station at
surplus power. Banbahal.
Fly Ash 66000.00 Internally consumed and By road through
Bricks remaining quantity will be trucks
sold in local market
through brokers etc.

P a g e | 91

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.7 Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if

any, should be briefly outlined.
- Reverse osmosis process will be adopted to minimize the wastage of
water caused due to chemical neutralization process. The entire
quantity of RO backwash will be used in coal washery plant.

- 100% of waste water will be recycled and Zero discharge condition

will be maintained.

- 100% waste low grade coal material generated from beneficiation

process will be used in own power plant or given to nearby CFBC
based power plants or shall be return to the job provider for washing
of coal.

- The fly ash generated shall be given free to cement industry and
remaining ash if any will be given to bricks making units.

- The CFBC bottom ash as well as ABC (After Burning Chamber)

bottom ash will be given to cement plants for iron oxidized
supplementation their process.

- The furnace slag will be given to units for metal recovery.

- The Ferro Alloy slag will be used for road making, as the slag has
good mechanical strength for road making.

- Ferro manganese slag will be used for production of silico


- Char- dolochar from sponge iron plant will be used for power
generation in own power plant.

P a g e | 92

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

- The liquid steel produced will be used in a manner to produce hot

billet suitable for rerolling, thus online hot rerolling practice will be

- The waste water generated from reverse osmosis system will be used
in coal washery.

- Mill scale generated in the rolling mill will 100% be used in ferro
alloys plant.

- It is also proposed in future to produce Pig Iron in sub merged arc

furnace and use the liquid hot metal for transferring in to steel
melting shop (induction furnace) to produce steel. This will greatly
reduce the power consumption in steel melting.

3.8 Availability of water its source, Energy/ Power requirement and

- The project site is situated near to Kansbahal and Mandria, thus as
per hydrological report this area is lying in safe zone, as water tabled
is quite high. Thus industry has already obtained water withdrawal
permission up to 600 m3/day. Thus preferably borewell will be used
as main source of water. The Mandria Dam is just about 4 KM in
South direction and Kansabahal Dam is just about 3 KM South East
direction from the site.

- The daily makeup water requirement in peak situation at 100%

Capacity utilization is estimated to be 750 KL/day out of which 15
KL is estimated for human consumption. The proposed project is
likely to operate at 80% Capacity utilization thus the permission
sought by the unit to draw ground water looks to be adequate.

P a g e | 93

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Estimation of Water Requirement

/Annum Water Required Total Water
(MT/ MW) KL/Ton required
a) Sponge Iron
Plant 45000.00 MT 0.10 KL/MT 4500.00 KL
b) Iron Powder 60000.00 0.10 KL/MT 6000.00 KL
b) Blast Furnace 60000.00 MT 0.10 KL/MT 6000.00 KL
c) Steel
Production 110000.00 MT 0.10 KL/MT 11000.00 KL
d) Power
Production 46334.05 MWH 2.00 KL/MWH 92668.09 KL
e) Ferro Alloys 25000.00 MT 0.15 KL/MT 3750.00 KL
f) Coal washery 185000.00 MT 0.20 KL/MT 37000.00 KL
g) Ore Beneficiation 264000.00 MT 0.20 KL/MT 52800.00 KL
h) Cold
Briquetting Plant 200000.00 MT 0.05 KL/MT 10000.00 KL
i) for Re-rolling Mill complex 100000.00 MT 0.10 KL/MT 10000.00 KL
j) Fly Ash brick Making 5500.00 MT 0.10 KL/MT 550.00 KL
g) Human Consumption considering
641 @ 25 Ltr/day for 330 days 5288.25 KL

f) Misc. for Gardening

workshop etc. 2000.00 KL
241556.34 KL/Year
g) Water cost Rate 25.00 Rs/ KL 60.39 Rs/year

h) Daily required based on 330.00 days 731.99 KL/day

Say= 750.00 KL/day
Hourly requirement

i) 24.00 hrs. 31.25 KL/hr.

Say= 31.00 KL/hr.

P a g e | 94

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Hydrogeology status of State of Orissa:

The State is underlain by diverse rock types ranging in age from
Archaean to Recent. The State can be hydrogeologically sub divided
into consolidated, semi-consolidated & unconsolidated formations. The
consolidated formations include hard crystallines and compact
sedimentary rocks whereas semi-consolidated formations include
weathered and friable Gondwana sedimentaries and loosely cemented
Baripada beds. The unconsolidated formations include laterites and
recent alluvium. The yield of tube wells tapping granite gneisses ranges
between 10-35 m3/hr whereas other consolidated formations, it ranges
between 5-18 m3/hr. The yield of tube wells in semi-consolidated
formations range between 20-115 m3/hr.

Dynamic Ground Water Resources

Annual Replenishable Ground water 23.09 BCM
Net Annual Ground Water 21.01 BCM
Annual Ground Water Draft 3.85 BCM
Stage of Ground Water Development 18 %
Ground Water Development & Management
Over Exploited NIL
Critical NIL
Semi- critical NIL
Ground Water User Maps 30 districts
Artificial Recharge to Ground Water ƒ Area identified for AR: 8095 sq
(AR) km
ƒ Quantity of Surface Water to
be Recharged: 06 MCM
ƒ Feasible AR structures: 569
percolation tanks, 761 converted
percolation tanks, 698 sub
surface dykes, 809 nala contour
P a g e | 95

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

bunds, 679 check dam weir,

1981 water spreading/ flooding
structures, 668 induced recharge,
334 recharge shafts, RTRWH
structures (1 lakh).

AR schemes completed during

IX Plan: 3
Central Ground Water Authority
Area notified for Regulation of ground water development: Nil

Ground Water (1999-2000)

Total Replenishable ground water resources (m ha m/yr) 2.00014

Provision for Domestic, Industrial & other Uses (m ha m/yr) 0.30002
Available Ground Water resources for Irrigation in Net terms 1.70012
m ha m/yr)
Utilizable Ground Water on Resource for Irrigation in Net 1.53009
Gross Draft estimated on prorate basis (m ha m/yr) 0.20447
Net Draft (m ha m/yr) 0.14313
Balance Ground Water Resource future use in net terms (m ha 1.55699
Level of Ground Water Development (%) 8.42

Weighted Average Delta (m) 0.34-0.44

Utilizable irrigation Potential for development ( 4.20258
Source- Central Ground Water Board Website

Power Requirement
Power requirement will be around 32.73 MW and out of which
Captive Power Plant of 8 MW will be built within the project
balance power will be drawn from electricity board (WESCO).
P a g e | 96

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.9 Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme

for their Management/disposal:.
- 100% of waste water will be recycled and Zero discharge condition
will be maintained.
- 100% waste low grade coal material generated from beneficiation
process will be used in own power plant or given to nearby CFBC
based power plants or in case of a job work; shall be returned to the
job provider for washing of coal.
- Char- dolochar from sponge iron plant and Chared Coal from
Tunnel kiln will be used for power generation in own power plant.
- Blast furnace slag will be Sold to Cement Plants as usual or used in
Brick making.
- The fly ash generated shall be given free to cement industry and
remaining ash if any will be given to bricks making units.
- The CFBC bottom ash as well as ABC (After Burning Chamber)
bottom ash and spent heavy media reject will be given to cement
plants for iron oxidized supplementation their process
- The Induction furnace/LRF slag will be given to units for metal
recovery or in case used internally for the same then the ground slag
will be used to making bricks.
- The ferro alloy slag will be used for road making, as the slag has
good mechanical strength for road making.
- Ferro manganese slag will be used for production of silico
- The liquid steel produced will be used in a manner to produce hot
billet suitable for rerolling, thus online hot rerolling practice will be

P a g e | 97

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

- The waste water generated from reverse osmosis system will be used
in coal washery.
- Mill scale generated in the rolling mill will 100% be used in ferro
alloys plant.
Waste for disposal sent Qty. Utilization /disposal
outside: MT/Year method
CFBC bottom Ash 38.42 Given to cement plant for
iron oxide supplementation
Shale & Sand Stone 5550.00 Either returned to job
provider or will be disposed
for road making or land fill
Broken Saggers 600.00 Sold in market
Low Grade Ore 66000.00 To be given to cement
plants like OCL
Fly Ash Bricks 66000.00 Used by metal recovery
plants and land filling
Granulated Blast Furnace 12000.00 To be given to cement plant
Slag or brick plants
Slag Generated due to 20000.00 Used by metal recovery
Ferro Alloys plants and land filling
Non Granulated Induction 2115.00 Used by metal recovery
Furnace Slag plants and land filling
Misc Dust like ESP 600.00 To be given to cement plant
or brick plants
Defective billets, miss-rolls 4683.67 Used by metal recovery
generated plants

Disposal of waste to be carried out outside the plant premises

are as below:
1. The used oil and waste oil estimated to be around 10 KL/year will
be given to authorized recycler having authorization from
competent authority.

P a g e | 98

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

2. The lead acid batter or dry battery will be given to authorized

recycler having authorization from competent authority.
3. E-waste generated from the plant will be given to authorized
recycler having authorization from competent authority.
4. The refractory waste generated from relining of induction
furnace, sub merged arc furnace, sponge iron plant, boiler
maintenance etc. will be given to the refractory units for recycling
located in the state of Odisha.
5. The Broken Saggaers will be sold to Silicon Carbide making units
or may also be sold to Induction Furnaces; it may also be used
internally in Silico manganese making Ferro Alloys plant or in
Induction Furnace.
6. The broken electrodes of sub merged arc furnace shall be used in
induction melting furnace for supplementing carbon requirement.
7. The domestic sewage outflow from toilets will be treated in
septic tank and overflow will be used for green belt irrigation.

There is no other liquid or solid waste likely to be generated.

P a g e | 99

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

3.10 Schematic representations of the feasibility drawing which give

information of EIA purpose

S.No. Process Environment Remediation proposed

Aspect regime affected
1 Change in The possible The Area is already an
land use. greenery on the Industrial area and the
land and natural additional land acquired
recharge is is a barren land area,
affected devoid of vegetative tree
cover and having only the
grass cover. Part of the
land will be covered by
tree plantation to the
extent of 33% of area
being brought under
industrial activity. The
greenery will be taken up
within the plant boundary
and additionally outside
the plant boundary.

The ground water level is

saturated being in the
close water shed of
number of man made
Dams in command area.
Thus recharge is not
affected. The existing
three dams around the
project site compensate
the summer draw down
of water table.
2 Transportation The existing The area is thinly
of material network of populated and not having
P a g e | 100

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

transport gets much transport density.

pressurized There is not going to be
substantial addition in the
transportation load.
3 Land oustee The The land was a barren
occupational land, thus was really not a
resource due to substantial occupational
transfer of land resource for the land
is affected. owners. However the
employment generated
during project will
provide a better
4 Gaseous and Air quality All the steps are proposed
particulate to minimize the emission
Emission to from point sources as
the well as fugitive sources.
atmosphere Thus the standards of
ambient air quality will
be maintained.
5 Discharge of Impact of water Zero discharge is
effluent quality. proposed.
6 Withdrawal of Availability of It is proposed to draw
ground / ground/surface ground water through
surface water water is bore wells and from own
affected. water reservoir (Pond)
during lean period.
7 Operation of Noise regime All the process
equipment equipments will be
and vehicles installed on anti vibration
likely to pad with sufficient
generate provisions to minimize
noise. generation of noise. The
high noise generating
equipment like turbine
and generator will be
P a g e | 101

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

enclosed with noise

suppressing enclosures.
The buildings as well as
boundary wall and green
belt will ensure the
attenuation of noise
outside the boundary
within the prescribed
8 Fire Hazard Risk to the The project site is well
due to storage surrounding isolated and there are no
of fuel etc. habitation. nearby habitats.
However all the
precautions to prevent
fire and all the provisions
to fight fire shall be
9 Employment Socio-economic Priority of employment
to outsiders disparity with will be given to local
local community people, as already
sufficient qualified and
trained local youth area
10 Cultural Local population The promoters proposed
impact feels isolated to employ local masses in
the project hence no such
impact on cultural
diversity is likely to take

P a g e | 102

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

4.1 Connectivity.
The area is located at Village Barpali (Laing), Tehsil-Rajgangpur,
District- Sundergrh, Nearest Railway station Rajgngpur about 10 KM in
W direction and nearest Air port is Ranchi about 180 Km.

The project site can be reached from nearest Rajgangpur through a

road leading to Rourkela. The project well connected to road.

The nearest railways station is in main Howrah Mumbai rail track at

about 5 KM distance.

4.2 Land Form, Land use and Land ownership.

The proposed expansion project is proposed on the existing land and
additional land in total 45.26 Acre Land. This land is available as per
details given below:

Khasara No.: 2482/3528, 2497/3529, 2509/3530, 2510/3531, 2496,

2482, 2494, 2481/3080, 376 (P), 2456, 2459, 2451, 2479, 2480,, 368,
2524(P),2493, 2454(P), 374,3491,2492, 2500, 2457,2470, 2460,375,
394, 395,2484, 2485, 2486, 2489, 25490, 2501, 2488, 2487, 2523(P),
2483, 2458.

The proposed site comprises of barren land devoid of vegetative cover

from trees, and only grass cover is available.

Area Statement for proposed project for different use is as follows:

P a g e | 103

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Area Statement for Proposed Plant After implementation

Area in
Land Use Statement Sq.meter
Green Belt 60400
Road 5400
storage area 9100
open area 9100
Factory Shed 82300
residential 0
Parking 3600
Water Storage 10000
Admin building and Laboratory,
Workshop etc 3200
Total Area 183100

4.3 Topography (along with map)

Geographically the district is not a compact unit and consists to widely
dissimilar tracts of expansive and fairly open country dotted with tree-
clad isolated peaks, vast inaccessible forests, extensive river valleys and
mountainous terrain. Broadly speaking, it is an undulating tableland of
different elevations broken up by rugged hil ranges and cut up by
torrential hill streams and the two main rivers IB and Brahmani. The
general slope of the district is from North to South. Because of this
undulating, hilly and sloping nature of landscape, the area is subject to
rapid runoff leading not only to soil erosion but also to scarcity of water
for both agriculture and drinking purpose.

P a g e | 104

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


1 Topographic Location Latitude - 21º36’ N to 22º32’ N
Longitude- 83º32’E to 85º22’E
(Toposheet No. : 72 B/11 and 72 B/12)
2 Geographical Area 9712 SqKms
(Second largest district in the State
accounting for 6.23% of the total area)
3 Normal Rainfall 1657.1 mm
4 Forest Cover 4232.57 SqKms
(Second largest in the State accounting for
8.53% of the State total )
5 Major River Brahmani
Sankh & Koel – Tributary of Brahmani
IB- Tributary of Mahanadi
6 Major Soil Type Alluvial and Lateritic
(2) DEMOGRAPHY (As per 2011 Census)
1 Population 2,080,664
2 Males 1,055,723
3 Females 1,024,941
4 Density 214 (2011)
5 Sex Ratio (No. of Females per 1000 971
1 Cultivated Land 3,36,000 Hects
High 1,86,000 Hects
Medium 95,000 Hects
Low 55,000 Hects
2 No. of cultivators 1,97,019
3 No. of Agricultural labourers 91,068
4 Average size of operational holdings 1.73 Hects
5 Class-wise number of operational
P a g e | 105

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Class Number
Marginal 65,281
Small 51,767
Semi-medium 35,696
Medium 12,279
Large 984
TOTAL 1,66,007
6 Per capita availability of food grains Qtls.1.55


1 No. of Medical Institutions 85

2 District Headquarters Hospital 1
3 Sub-Divisional Hospital 2
4 Other Hospitals 11
5 PHCs 10
6 CHCs 6
7 UPHCs 2
8 PHC (N) 53
9 MHU 1
10 Ayurvedic Dispensaries 33
11 Homoeopathic Dispensaries 25
12 No. of Sub-Centers 345
13 No. of VHG 324
14 No. of TBA 1619
15 No. of AW Centers 1864

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Project Site

Project Site in Satellite Imagary

Project Site

Project Site in Toposheet

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

The Barhajore River flows from South to North at distance of about 1.5
KM from the project site, and joins the Shankh river after travelling
around 3.5 KM towards East site. The Shankh river flow from West to

The project site is located about 207 meter above MSL whereas the
Shankh river flows around 190 meter above MSL.

The area is plain with moderate slope and having forest cover in small

P a g e | 108

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

4.4 Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non agriculture, forest,

water bodies ( distance from HFL to the river ), CRZ. In case of
notified industrial area, a copy of Gazette Notification should be
given :-
- Existing land use is non-agriculture land. There is no land use plan
notified for this area. However the land use is already converted to
industrial purpose..

Land use pattern of District Sundergarh:


Block W ise Land Utilisation Pattern of Sundargarh District.

Permanent Land
Misc.Tree pastures & put to Barren & Net
Sl. Cultivable Current Other Forest
Block Geo.area crops & other non cultivable area
No waste fallow fallow area
grooves grazing agril. land sown
area uses

1 Hemgir 93238 250 3050 1122 2568 2709 8166 1925 21833 19324

2 Lephripara 64022 733 2024 1639 2092 638 4259 2391 12331 16174

3 Tangarpali 24966 693 1878 919 2786 445 3105 2987 2143 17251

4 Sundargarh 35988 315 1566 900 2869 1076 4697 3256 10128 19176

5 Subdegga 32428 642 1128 3889 3009 4466 1356 1763 6641 16607

6 Balisankara 108476 71 2030 6725 2602 893 1342 4063 10922 18418

7 Bargaon 35661 256 2445 959 2295 692 4380 2291 5883 16314

8 Kutra 31885 141 1090 1947 2859 305 3905 1167 3476 19433

9 Rajgangpur 34897 167 3360 2071 4656 2647 2774 2911 5251 18865

10 Lathikata 74904 22 1550 956 3610 1471 3679 1939 6832 24695

11 Kuarmunda 57672 79 1925 3955 5366 1934 2019 1697 12517 22519

12 Nuagaon 38888 70 1228 1816 2707 2407 4651 2582 2360 27480

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Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)
13 Bisra 22560 12 874 508 1405 115 944 2509 1625 9364

14 Lahunipara 77768 46 1435 3135 2733 3160 4068 2708 8080 19244

15 Bonai 27077 314 985 1756 1939 535 1801 1103 9883 17088

16 Gurundia 125874 86 2144 2783 3146 6741 3862 2875 22394 16779

17 Koida 84940 - 1637 4865 2607 11428 6100 3158 18284 14269

Total 971244 3897 30349 39945 49249 41662 61108 41325 160583 313000

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


% of % of
Area(in Name of the % of the
Agroclimatic Geo.area Name of the Area (in Geo.area Area (in
'000 Blocks AES
zone of the AES '000 ha) of the ha.)
ha) covered zone
dist. dist.

Hemgir 93238 59.10

Subdega, 35988 22.84
Low Rainfall 157551 22.81
Kutra, 31885 18.06
Lateritic Soil
Lephripara 64022 39.14

Tangarpali 24966 15.26

Bargaon 35661 21.80
Medium Rainfall 163557 16.84
Nuagaon 38888 23.80
Red & Black soil
Sundaregarh 35988 14.33

AES-III Balishankara 108476 43.19

High Rainfall 251130 25.85 Kuarmunda 57672 22.96
North Western Plateau

Lateritic Soil Lahunipara 48994 19.52


AES-IV Rajgangpur 34897 22.59


Medium Rainfall Bisra 22560 13.31

169474 17.44
Black & Brown Bonei 27077 15.98
forest Soil Koira 84940 50.12

Lathikata 74904 32.63
High Rainfall
229552 17.06 Gurundia 125874 54.83
Black & Brown
Lahunipara 28774 12.54
forest Soil

Special group of
High Rainfall
Lateritic, Blacvk
& Brown forest

P a g e | 111

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

4.5 Existing Infrastructure

- The proposed project is expansion of a unit in which existing
production capacity of 3 Nos.X 50 TPD (45000 TPA) DRI kiln and
2 Nos. of 23 cum. (24000 TPA Pig Iron) Mini Blast Furnace, and
Cold briquetting plant of capacity 100000 TPA; with the DG back
up with three DG sets is located near village – Village and Post
Barpali (Panchayat Laing), Post Kesramal, Tehsil Rajgangpur,
District Sundargarh, Orissa. The project can be reached by the State
Highway No.10 connecting Rourkela to Sundargarh.
- The industry already has sufficient space for proposed expansion.
- It has already has sufficient water supply sources, electric supply
source, backup DG sets, approach road for connecting to the nearest
State highway and sufficient laboratory facilities as well as all the
amenities required for present and future manpower utilities

4.6 Soil Classification

The climate, vegetation, parent rock, topography and other biotic
factors have considerably influenced the genesis of soil and
consequently great variation in soil type in different parts of the
district has been observed. Red and yellow soils are mostly found
in blocks like Sundargarh, Kutra, Koira and Lephripara, where as
Black soil is distributed in all the blocks, but in small area

4.7 Climatic data from secondary sources

The area falls in regional meteorological laboratory at Bhubneshwar
and the climatologically data available from Meteorological Lab at
Bhubhneshwar, shows that area is under good monsoon coverage with
sever summer and extreme winter having following parameters:
Rainfall Normal (RF) mm Normal Rainy
days (number)
SW Monsoon (June to 1229.2 55.1
NE Monsoon (Oct. to 80.6 4.8
P a g e | 112

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Winter (Jan. to March) 56.0 4.7

Summer (Apr. to May) 56.6 4.4
Annual 1422.4 68.4

At an average temperature of 34.6 °C, May is the hottest month of the

year. In December, the average temperature is 19.3 °C. It is the lowest
average temperature of the whole year.

4.8 Social Infrastructure available

The area falls under village Barpali (Laing)/ Laing at a distance of
about 1 km. The rural area is semi industrialized due to location of the
present industry and a few more sponge iron plants. The Village is
having Primary to Secondary school education with Primary health
Centre also. The nearby town of Rajgangpur provides all the social
amenities related to health; Education and enetertainmnet as well as
religion too.

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

5 Planning Brief

5.1 Planning concept (type of industries, facilities transportation Town

and Country Planning Development authority Classification.

Project concept:
The project is conceptualized in accordance to the present challenge of
minimizing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from core sector of
industries like steel, power, mining etc.

It is known that, India is not having coking coal therefore it largely

depends on imported stock of coking coal to meet out the coke
requirement of blast furnaces, which drains valuable foreign currency
of the nation.

During last 15 years of industrial growth largest capacity addition had

been in steel making through sponge iron route, which was quite
successful in bailing out the nation from wrath of costly steel import if
these facility would have not be created. However, the sponge iron
industry also faced a great limitation of good quality coal from the non-
coking coal mines due to which the energy efficiency of these sponge
iron plants were badly affected and therefore the financial viability also
got badly affected.

It is a known technological limitation in sponge iron making process

that poor quality coal results in to faster accretion in the kiln resulting in
to poorer capacity utilization and frequent breakdowns.

The simplest solution for this is to utilization only high grade coal,
which is obtained from beneficiation of poor grade raw coal available
from Indian mines.

The second problem faced by the sponge iron industry was non-
availability of good quality iron ore at consistent prices. This
bottleneck has been now overcome by inception of a large number of
iron ore beneficiation cum pelletizatioin plant. This has made ample
P a g e | 114

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

availability of well sized and well defined and sustained availability of

proper quality of ore in the form of pellets at much reasonable rates.
However the pelletization process also has certain limitation. The
Promoters have thus proposed to use the available low grade ore for
beneficiation and then use the beneficiated powder ore for the
briquetting and then use this to convert into Iron Powder in Tunnel

In the backdrop of these scenario the project proponent planned to setup

a Ore beneficiation plant; Coal washery; Tunnel Kilns to produce Iron
Powder; with CFBC power; Ferro Alloys and SMS with Rerolling Mill
in the existing mini steel complex already having three sponge iron and
two blast furnaces .
For sponge iron kilns to meet the requirement of good quality coal
setup its own coal washery

Since, the coal washery generates substantial amount of rejects and

middlings which have very low calorific value and disposal of the same
as waste is a national loss of valuable natural resources, therefore, the
promoters decided to setup a power plant of 8 MW based on
Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler which can ensure the use
of not only washery reject but also the char-dolochar from sponge iron

Since the generated power of 8 MW from CFBC would be difficult to

sell in to grid thus it was decided to plan its utilization for captive
purpose by setting up sub merged arc furnace which can withstand to
great fluctuation of power generation. At the same time in order to use
the sponge iron produced it was also decided to create melting facility.
Thus induction furnaces are planned. Since the consultants of the
present project have themselves experienced in direct hot charging of
liquid steel through CCM in to rolling mill therefore establishment of
rolling mill was decided.

P a g e | 115

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

The objective of creating above facilities is to integrate the different

process to achieve highest energy efficiency at the same time utilize all
the available resources as waste also.

The brief concept of planning is integrated manufacturing facility to

produce finished steel, along with captive power generation and coal
beneficiation; to achieve highest energy efficiency and highest resource

In view of these facts and as per globally accepted mandate; that proper
( better) quality of fuel will result in to better energy efficiency in terms
of power generation as well as any process efficiency also. Even
Government of India imposed restriction on the quality of coal to be
used in power plants beyond a certain limit of ash percentage; located
beyond 1000 KM of coal mines.

The smaller capacity Coal washery are found to be financially viable

for captive use thus the promoters have proposed a matching capacity
Washery with input washing capability of 1.85 lakh tonnes per annum
only. The Coal washery will mainly be undertaking beneficiation of
Coal for the own sponge iron plant and Tunnel Kilns.

The following aspects are important for considering the creation of

Coal washing capacity:

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Projected Generation Capacity in India in GW

Projected Coal Demand in India in Million tons

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Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Coal quality: Power sector concerns/Need for Beneficiation

Power plants are designed for a particular coal quality range and
deviation in quality adversely affects the performance and efficiency of
the plant.
The key areas of concern are:
1. Ash in coal – As high as 45%
2. Inconsistency in Quality of Coal
a. Chemical Quality
b. Physical Quality
3. These issues can by and large be addressed y resorting to Coal
4. Need for using beneficiated coal further assumes importance for
compliance to environment requirement which stipulated that power
houses situated beyond 1000 Kms from pithead coal mine must use
coal having less than 34% ash.
5. Besides the foregoing improvement in plant availability/ increased
life and economy in long distance transportation also warrants coal

Coal Washery Scenarion in India

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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Using Washery Rejects for Power Generation:

• Ash content in Washery Rejects is generally >50%
• Pulverized coal combustors have limitation in using coal with
Ash >50%
• Technological developments have facilitated using coal with ash
>50% in fluidized bed combustors.
• Principle: the fuel is burnt in fluid bed maintained by blowing air
through and inert bed into which the coal is introduced.

The area has adequate facilities to transport the small and large quantity
of raw material as well as processed finished products as well as some
solid waste generated in the industry. The Rail net work as well as Road
net work is adequate. The Power transmission lines are also close bye.

Town and Country Planning Development authority Classification

The project falls in rural area bit it is surrounded by a few Industries.

Town and country planning department has already classified land as

5.2 Population Projection.

The existing industry is providing employment to about 280 peoples
and by completing the expansion employment to about additional 400
people. Since the plant is located in the Sundergarh district in which
trained manpower are already available therefore the employment will
be mostly given to local people therefore there is no going to be any
substantial increase in the population of local villages.

However, due to increase economic growth the local youth will get
employed. And additional population influx of around 1000 people in
the 10 KM radius of plant can at best be estimated, which includes the
addition of persons dependent on the job seeking persons.

P a g e | 119

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

5.3 Land use planning (breakup along with green belt etc).
- Around 33 % (i.e. 6.04 Hect) of industrial land will be used for
green belt development. The details of land use planning is as
Area in
Land Use Statement Sq.meter
Green Belt 60400
Road 5400
storage area 9100
open area 9100
Factroy Shed 82300
residential 0
Parking 3600
Water Storage 10000
Admin building and Laboratory,
Workshop etc 3200
Total Area 183100

5.4 Assessment of Infrastructure Demand:

- The proposed project is expansion of a mini steel complex activity
for which no substantial additional infrastructure is required. The
available road network, and natural sources of water supply and
drainage system are adequate.
- However in order to have smooth transport of men and material the
new approach Road between project site as marked in the road map
will be constructed.
- In order to ensure smooth and adequate water supply in additional
borewells will be drilled. As the area is water rich area because of
surrounding dams and river so there is no problem due to drawing of
ground water.
- Only the part of the required power will be generated from captive
power plant and deficient power when required will be drawn from
the existing grid supplying power. For this the existing 33 kV
transmission line will be augmented from Rajgangpur substation to
the Project site.
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Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

- The DG set with about 1820 kVA (500 KVA X3 Nos and 320 KVA
X1 No) capacity is already installed for emergency backup supply to
meet the contingencies of power cut and power failure. Thus no
additional emergency arrangement is required.
- There is no other major infrastructural requirement for the project.

5.5 Amenities/Facilities:
- The project does not require additional large amenities or facilities.
As it already has necessary arrangement for proposed expansion for
meeting water supply for drinking purposes, toilet facilities for
workers as well as inward/outward transport operators, parking
facilities, as well as small canteen for workers and guests. The
septic tank has been built for disposal of domestic effluent
generated. A canteen with rest room is also available for the supply
of tea; snacks; food to the workers and drivers, visitors etc.
Sufficient parking space is already created for the parking of Trucks;
cars etc.

P a g e | 121

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

6. Proposed Infrastructure
6.1 Industrial Area (Processing Area)
Out of the total 183100 Sq.meter area, about 82300 Sq.meter land will
be used for constructing total shed including the existing sheds
remaining area will be for open space as well as road development,
water storage and green belt development etc as given in land use

6.2 Residential Area (Non Processing Area)

There is no residential area proposed in the plant area; as the existing
villages have adequate facilities accommodate the additional manpower
residential requirements. Most of the local people will only be
employed so the need of the additional residential colony in the plant is
not there.

6.3 Green Belt.

A greenbelt in around 60400 Sq.meter area will be planted, having
local species with broad leaves and higher canopy. The ever green
plants will be selected for the purposed of green belt.

6.4 Social Infrastructure:

The project area lies within the district of Sundergarh and Tahsil
Rajgangpur. there is no requirement to built any social infrastructure
within the plant area, however, a small temple already exists and the
infrastructure for amenities to the workers such as kitchen, canteen,
rest room etc are already provided which will be further augmented
with the expansion of the project.

6.5 Connectivity (Traffic and Transportation Road, Rail/Metro/Water

ways etc)
The 1 Kilometer approach road connecting to the road network will be
strengthen to facilitate the movement of material and man.

6.6 Drinking Water Management (Source & Supply of water)

Ground water will be used for supply of drinking water.
The maximum demand of water is assessed to be 750 KL/day.
P a g e | 122

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

6.7 Sewerage system

The project will involve about 641 people employment on three shift
basis however around 100 people additionally may be visiting in project
site as truck drivers or cleaners or visitors etc. thus considering 741
people daily disposing the domestic effluent a septic tank with soak pit
of suitable capacity will be built. There is no need to build a separate
sewage system, as the overflow will be used for irrigation in green belt.

6.8 Industrial Waste/ Solid Waste Management.

100% of Industrial Solid waste will be used in the following manner:

Waste for disposal sent Qty. Utilization /disposal

outside: MT/Year method
CFBC bottom Ash 38.42 Given to cement plant for
iron oxide supplementation
Shale & Sand Stone 5550.00 Either returned to job
provider or will be
disposed for road making
or land fill
Broken Saggers 600.00 Sold in market
Low Grade Ore 66000.00 To be given to cement
plants like OCL
Fly Ash Bricks 66000.00 Used by metal recovery
plants and land filling
Granulated Blast Furnace 12000.00 To be given to cement
Slag plant or brick plants
Slag Generated due to Ferro 20000.00 Used by metal recovery
Alloys plants and land filling
Non Granulated Induction 2115.00 Used by metal recovery
Furnace Slag plants and land filling
Misc Dust like ESP 600.00 To be given to cement
plant or brick plants
Defective billets, miss-rolls 4683.67 Used by metal recovery
generated plants

P a g e | 123

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

6.10 Power Requirement & Supply/source.

The project is not power intensive, thus power requirement will be
around 32.73 MW, which will be met through captive power plant of 8
MW and grid connection and for 1820 KVA emergency DG sets for
backup will be used.

P a g e | 124

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

7 Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan

7.1 Policy to be adopted (Central/ State) in respect of the project
affected persons including home oustees, land oustees and landless
laborers ( a brief outline to be given):
The proposed project does not have any directly displaced persons, due
to acquisition of land. There are also no land oustees or project affected
persons or home oustees, thus R&R plan is not separately prepared for
this purpose. However, the priority for employment will be given to
local persons living in the adjoining villages. In addition to this
promoter will also contribute for the welfare of the people of local

P a g e | 125

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

8. Project schedule & Cost Estimates

8.1 Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion:

The project expansion work is likely to be started immediately after
receive of Environment Clearance and completed in two phases first
phase will take about 1 year and 8 months to complete and second
phase will also take about 2 years to complete. It is hoped that
environment clearance will be granted by October 2015, and the
construction will thus be began from October 2015 itself. However, the
dates cannot be forecasted thus the schedule of implementation is works
out from Zero date to progressive time required in months.

The Schedule of implementation of the Plant is most reasonable time

during which the project can be implemented. This take into account
the time required for various activities i.e. Acquisition of Land,
Detailed Engineering of the Unit including Architectural and Structural
Designs, Civil Construction, Procurement of Equipment and Machinery
including Utilities and Service, Erection of Equipment, Testing and
Trial Runs Etc. While estimating the time for the implementation of the
Project, the time required for all these activities has to be taken into
consideration. The estimates also consider the lead time required for
the equipment delivery, procurement of building materials like cement,
steel etc., time required for getting the Power connection etc. The
estimated time required for each of the major activities has been shown
as per details given below, considering the date of receiving
Environment clearance, from MOEF and from the state Government as
Zero date.

The implementation of the entire project is envisages in two phases, in

first phase Blast Furnace Modernization; Steel Melting Shop, Rerolling
Mill and expansion in Cold Briquetting, will be setup over a period of
18 to 20 months as per estimated schedule given below:

P a g e | 126

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

The implementation schedule of first phase facilities is as given below:

PHASE I : Modernization of Blast furnace; Steel melting Shop with Re

Rolling Mill and expansion in Cold Ore Briquetting Plant.
Commencement Completion
(Month and year) (Month and year)
(i) Acquisition of land 0000 acquired
(ii) (a) Development of land 1 4
(b)Seeking Environment Clearance 1 7
(iii) Civil works -
Factory building 8 14
Machinery foundation 7 9
Miscellaneous civil works 9 14
(iv) Plant and Machinery :
Imported -placement of order
-delivery at site
Indigenous-Placement of order: 4 6
-delivery at site : 10 14
(v) Arrangements for power: 4 8
(vi) Arrangements for water: 4 5
(vii) Erection of equipment 14 16
viii) Commissioning : 16 18
(ix) Procurement of raw material 16 18
(x) Training of personnel : 17 18
(xi) Trial runs : 18 19
(xii) Commercial production: 20

P a g e | 127

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

In the second phase Tunnel Kiln ( Iron Powder) ; Coal beneficiation Plant;
Ore Beneficiation Plant, Power Plant and Ferro Alloys plants will be setup.
But in this phase the production of Iron Powder and Beneficiated Iron Ore
will require further 20 months to complete as per given schedule

PHASE II (A) - Tunnel Kiln and Ore Beneficiation Plant

(Month and year) (Month and year)
(i) Development of land 21 23
(ii) Civil works -
Factory building 23 28
Machinery foundation 27 29
Miscellaneous civil works 29 34
(iii) Plant and Machinery :
Imported -placement of order
-delivery at site
Indigenous-Placement of order: 24 26
-delivery at site : 30 34
(iv) Arrangements for power: 24 28
(v) Arrangements for water: 24 25
(vi) Erection of equipment 34 36
vii) Commissioning : 36 38
(viii) Procurement of raw material 36 38
(ix) Training of personnel : 37 38
(x) Trial runs : 38 39
(xi) Commercial production: 40
However n the second phase the construction and civil work and placement of
orders for setting up Power Plant 8 MW (8 MW from CFBC), Submerged Arc
Furnace ( Ferro Alloys Plant), and Brick making, and Coal Washery, will be
done simultaneously. But due to higher lead time for supply of Boiler and
Turbine it will require further 10 months to complete as per given schedule

P a g e | 128

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

PHASE II (B) - Power Plant, Submerged Arc Furnace , Brick making

plant, Coal Washery
Commencement Completion
(Month and year) (Month and year)
(i) Development of land 21 23
(ii) Civil works -
Factory building 23 28
Machinery foundation 27 29
Miscellaneous civil works 29 34
(iii) Plant and Machinery :
Imported -placement of order
-delivery at site
Indigenous-Placement of order: 24 26
-delivery at site : 26 30
(iv) Arrangements for power: 24 28
(v) Arrangements for water: 24 25
(vi) Erection of equipment 32 36
vii) Commissioning : 35 38
(viii) Procurement of raw material 35 38
(ix) Training of personnel : 36 39
(x) Trial runs : 37 39
(xi) Commercial production: 40

With the above schedule of implementation it is estimated that the proposed

expansion in the plant with complete facilities will be able to start production
by 50th month, if the required land water, power & finance is made available
in time.

We wish the promoters all success and speedy implementation of the

proposed project expansion.

P a g e | 129

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

8.2 Estimated project cost along with analysis in terms of economic

viability of the project.
Cost of Project Existing Proposed Total Amount
(In Rs. Lakhs)
Phase-I Phase-II ( Tunnel
(Modernizati Kiln, Ore
on of Blast Beneficiation, Coal
Furnace, Washery, Power
SMS, Rolling Plant, Submerged
Mill and Arc Furnace ( Ferro
expansion of Alloys Plant), Brick
Cold making )
Land & Site 580.00 100.00 680.00
Building & Civil 746.00 849.00 1833.00 3428.00
Plant & 1249.00 3296.00 7642.00 12187.00
Machinery &
Other equipments
Misc. Fixed 1079.00 180.00 145.00 1404.00
Assets auxiliary
Electrical 508.00 625.00 175.00 1308.00
Pollution Control 678.00 500.00 222.00 1400.00
Pre. And 421.00 269.00 690.00
Preoperative Exp.
Contingency 478.00 504.00 982.00
TOTAL :: 4840.00 6349.00 10890.00 22079.00

Means of Finance Total Amount

(In Rs. Lakhs)
EQUITY 6579.00
Equity & reserve and surplus
d) Promoter contribution : 1600.00
e) Venture Capital fund : 1600.00
f) Public Issue : 3379.00

DEBT 15500.00
Term Loan from Bank
P a g e | 130

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

TOTAL :: 22079.00

Estimation of Power Requirement

Total Power
Annual Per Ton power required per
Production required year in MWh
Sponge Iron 45000.00 100.00 kWh/ton 4500.00 MWh
Induction Furnace with
LRF 110000.00 750.00 kWh/ton 82500.00 MWh
Rolling Mill 100000.00 100.00 kWh/ton 10000.00 MWh
10% lost in auxiliary
Power Plant equipments 6019.20 MWh
Coal Beneficiation 185000.00 40.00 kWh/ton 7400.00 MWh
Ferro Alloys 25000.00 4500.00 kWh/ton 112500.00 MWh
Iron Ore Beneficiation 264000.00 40.00 kWh/ton 10560.00 MWh
Ore Briquetting 200000.00 20.00 kWh/ton 4000.00 MWh
KILN 60000.00 90.00 kWh/ton 5400.00 MWh
Blast Furnace 60000.00 250.00 kWh/ton 15000.00 MWh
Fly Ash brick Plant 66000.00 20.00 kWh/ton 1320.00 MWh
259199.20 MWh

Total Power requirement 32.73 MW

P a g e | 131

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Estimation of Sales ( lacks)

P a g e | 132

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

P a g e | 133

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Estimation of Raw Material ( lacks)

P a g e | 134

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

P a g e | 135

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Projected Balance Sheet

( lacks)

L IA BI LI T IES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

Equity Share Capital

Value 6579.00 6579.00 6579.00 6579.00 6579.00 6579.00 6579.00 6579.00

Reserve & Surplus:

a) Profit & Loss A/c. 1204.50 2447.38 4818.74 5231.50 5004.61 4834.22 4748.51 4767.52

Term Loan 15500.00 13285.72 11071.44 8857.16 6642.88 4428.60 2214.32 0.00

Working Capital Loan 10762.43 12356.30 14095.30 14096.30 14096.30 14096.30 14097.30 14097.30

34045.93 34668.40 36564.48 34763.96 32322.79 29938.12 27639.13 25443.82

AS S ETS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

Fixed Assets.(Net) 19507.11 17434.22 15361.33 13288.44 11215.55 9142.66 7069.77 4996.88

Current Assets 14349.90 16698.30 19048.30 19049.30 19049.30 19049.30 19050.30 19050.30

Deposits/Investments 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00

Cash & Bank Balance 78.92 425.88 2044.85 2316.22 1947.94 1636.16 1409.06 1286.64

T OT AL : 34045.93 34668.40 36564.48 34763.96 32322.79 29938.12 27639.13 25443.82

P a g e | 136

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


Debt Service Coverage Ratio:

D.S.C.R. has been calculated for first 8 years because, the repayment of
term loan gets completed within 7 years in 12 half yearly installments,
after giving 1 years moratorium. The average DSCR has come to 1.63
which shows the sound and surplus position of reparability of term loan
and its interest.
( lacks)

Particular 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

a) Net Profit After
Tax 1204.50 1268.24 2419.76 1763.83 1782.46 1840.11 1926.52 2033.38

b) Interest On Term
Loan 1937.50 1799.11 1522.32 1245.54 968.75 691.97 415.18 138.40

c) Depreciation 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89

TOTAL : 5214.89 5140.24 6014.97 5082.26 4824.10 4604.97 4414.59 4244.67

a) Interest On Term
Loan 1937.50 1799.11 1522.32 1245.54 968.75 691.97 415.18 138.40

b) Installment of
T.L. 0.00 2214.28 2214.28 2214.28 2214.28 2214.28 2214.28 2214.32

TOTAL : 1937.50 4013.39 3736.60 3459.82 3183.03 2906.25 2629.46 2352.72

D.S.C.R. during the

year 2.69 1.28 1.61 1.47 1.52 1.58 1.68 1.80
Average D.S.C.R. 1.63

P a g e | 137

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Break Even Point:

Break Even Point has been calculated in Annexure F-VIII of this report.
Based on III year working i.e., at 80% production level the BEP comes
to 69.59%, thus at 100% production it is estimated to be 55.67%. It
shows that the Unit has much high flexibility and at times of crisis it
can survive with lower capacity running also.
( lacks)


1. Raw Material Consumed 43227.92
2. Utilities 10396.68
3. Wages 1892.32
4. Interest On Working Capital 3523.83
5. Selling Expenses 3657.30
6. Repairs and Maintenance 772.77
7. Salary of Administrative Staff (50%) 158.56
Total :: 63629.37
1. Salary of Administrative Staff (50%) 158.56
2. Administrative Expenses 242.00
3. Depreciation 2072.89
4. Interest On Term Loan 1522.32
Total :: 3995.77
(D) CONTRIBUTION (C-A) 5742.11

P a g e | 138

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Internal Rate of Return:

As shown in Annexure F-X of this report, the Internal Rate of Return
when discounted at 19.73% will be zero in fifteen years. It shows the
financial sound health of the Unit.
( lacks)

0 22079.00 22079.00 22079.00 -22079.00 -22079.00
1 14349.90 14349.90 1273.50 3282.80 2072.89 6629.19 -7720.71 -6176.565 -5939.005
2 2348.40 2348.40 1337.24 3343.65 2072.89 6753.78 4405.38 2819.445 2606.735
3 2350.00 2350.00 2673.01 3284.23 2072.89 8030.13 5680.13 2908.227 2585.403
4 1.00 1.00 2731.66 3007.58 2072.89 7812.13 7811.13 3199.439 2734.894
5 0.00 0.00 2995.45 2730.79 2072.89 7799.13 7799.13 2555.619 2100.533
6 0.00 0.00 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 7787.13 7787.13 2041.350 1613.308
7 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 7787.13 7787.13 1633.080 1241.006
8 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 7787.13 7787.13 1306.464 954.620
9 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 7787.13 7787.13 1045.171 734.323
10 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 7787.13 7787.13 836.137 564.864
11 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 7787.13 7787.13 668.909 434.511
12 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 7787.13 7787.13 535.128 334.239
13 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 7787.13 7787.13 428.102 257.107
14 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 7787.13 7787.13 342.482 197.775
15 3260.23 2454.01 2072.89 34231.99 34231.99 1204.431 668.778

-6731.58 -10989.91
= 4258.33
I.R.R. = 19.73%

On Considering most of the financial parameters and indicating factors,

the Unit shows a very healthy financial pattern.

P a g e | 139

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)


9.1 Financial and social benefits with special emphasis on the benefit to
the local people including tribal population in the area.

On overall assessment of the project with technical and financial

aspects it is concluded that the existing project for production of
Sponge Iron with Pig Iron thru Blast furnaces being expanded by
addition of , Steel melting Shop, Rerolled Steel, Ferro Alloys, Coal
Washery with CFBC Power Plant is technically highly feasible and
financially highly profitable.

The project is of utmost importance as it is going to drastically reduce

the GHG emission & promote sustainable development with a great
saving in energy consumption. In addition the project being located
away from the urban areas will avoid pollution-addition to the densely
populated areas, at the same time promote the growth of the backward

The strength of the project lies on the use of washed coal in DRI
making, and use of thermal energy in liquid steel to maintain re-
rollable temperature in rolling of steel along with Captive Power
Generation technology based on the Waste Coal and Char Dolochar and
the technical strength of the promoters.

The abundance of raw material in surrounding areas at very cheaper

rate will give the company a great financial strength, which is further
substantiated by Captive Power Generation at cheaper rates.

P a g e | 140

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

A sincere approach adopted for the Air Pollution Control and Resource
conservation by recycling the 100% waste water also gives the
additional advantage to the company. Power generation from Waste
Coal will give financial strength to the Company and Protect

The project proponents have decided to give topmost priority for

employment to local people within the plant, and outside the plant in
direct and indirect employments. Out of over 641 people to be
employed the company would be employing more than 250 people
from local area, which would naturally involve tribal people also who
are more than 40% in population and also are now well qualified as
well as competent to take the employment in the proposed industry. The
local population is likely to be benefited by payment of salary and
wages approximately amounting to more than 500.00 Lacs per annum
even on considering about 30% payment to the local community

In view of these factors we fully recommend the project as technically

feasible, environmental safe and financially viable.

We wish the promoters all success and most profitable operation,

Date: 28/01/2015 For, Indus Technical and Financial

Place: Raipur (CG) Consultants Ltd.

[Lalit Kumar Singhania]

Chief Consultant

P a g e | 141

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Appendix. 1 : List of Sponge Iron Plant in Odisha

S. No. Name Of Industry District State
1. Adhunik Metalic Private Limited Rourkela Odisha
2. Aditya Spone & Power Private
Limited Keonjhar Odisha
3. Agrasen Sponge Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
4. Arati Steel & Power Limited Cuttack Odisha
5. Aryan ispat & Power Private Limited Sambalpur Odisha
6. B K Steel & Power Private Limited Keonjhar Odisha
7. B R Sponge & Power Limited Rourkela Odisha
8. Bajrang Sponge Iron Private Limited Rourkela Odisha
9. Beekay Steel & Power Limited Keonjhar Odisha
10. Bhagwati Steels Private Limited Jharsuguda Odisha
11. Bhaskar Steels & Ferro Alloys Sundargarh Odisha
12. Bhusan Power & Steel Limited Sambalpur Odisha
13. Bhushan Steel & Strips Limited Dhenkanal Odisha
14. Bindal Sponge Limited Angul Odisha
15. Brand Alloys Limited Keonjhar Odisha
16. BRG Steel Company Private Limited Dhenkanal Odisha
17. Crakers India Alloys Limited Keonjhar Odisha
18. Deepak Steels & Power Limited
(Topadihi) Keonjhar Odisha
19. Deepak Steels & Power Limited
(Uliburu) Keonjhar Odisha
20. Dinabandhu Steel & Power Limited
(formally yazdani steel and power) Jajpur Odisha
21. Ganesh Sponge Private Limited Angul Odisha
22. Govindam Project Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
23. Grewal Associates Keonjhar Odisha
24. Jagannath Sponge Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
25. Jai Balaji joyti Steel Limited Sundargarh Odisha
26. Jai Hanuman Udyog Limited Jharsuguda Odisha
27. Jai Iron & Steel Limited Sundargarh Odisha
P a g e | 142

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

28. Jai Jagannath Steel & Power Limited

(formally known TR Chemical
Limited) Sambalpur Odisha
29. Jain Steel & Power Limited Jharsuguda Odisha
30. K J Ispat jajpur Odisha
31. Kalinga Sponge Iron Limited Sundargarh Odisha
32. Kaushal Ferro Metal Privae Limited Sundargarh Odisha
33. Khederia Ispat Limited Sundargarh Odisha
34. KJS Ispat (formally known as Hima
Ispat Limited) Keonjhar Odisha
35. Kusum Power Met Private Limited Keonjhar Odisha
36. L.N. Metelic Private Limited Jharsuguda Odisha
37. M S P Sponge Iron Limited Keonjhar Odisha
38. Maa Sakumbari Sponge Private
Limited Sundargarh Odisha
39. Maa Samleshwari Industries Limited Sambalpur Odisha
40. Maa Samleshwari Sponge Iron
Limited Sambalpur Odisha
41. Maa Tarini Industries Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
42. Maa Vaishnvi Sponge Limited Sundargarh Odisha
43. Maa Vision Sponge Limited Rourkela Odisha
44. Mahakali Ispat Sundargarh Odisha
45. Maheshwari Ispat Limited Cuttack Odisha
46. Maithan Steel Limited Jajpur Odisha
47. Mayur Electro Ceramics Private
Limited Mayurbhanj Odisha
48. Meta Sponge Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
49. MGM Steel Limited Dhenkanal Odisha
50. Monika Holding Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
51. MSP Metalic Limited Jharsuguda Odisha
52. MSP Sponge Iron Private Limited Keonjhar Odisha
53. N K Bhojani Private Limited Keonjhar Odisha
54. Narbheram Power & Steel Industries
Limited (formally known as Scaw
Industries) Dhenkanal Odisha
P a g e | 143

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

55. OCL India Limited (SID) Sundargarh Odisha

56. OMDC Limited (SID) Keonjhar Odisha
57. Ores ispat Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
58. Orissa Sponge Iron & Steel Limited Keonjhar Odisha
59. Papuri Engineering & Consultancy
Service Keonjhar Odisha
60. Patnayak Minerals Private Limited Keonjhar Odisha
61. Patnayak Steels & Alloys Keonjhar Odisha
62. Pawanjai Sponge Iron Limited Sundargarh Odisha
63. Pawansut Sponge Iron Privae Limied Jharsuguda Odisha
64. Pooja Sponge Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
65. Prabhu Sponge Iron Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
66. R B Sponge Iron Limited Sambalpur Odisha
67. Rana Sponge Limited Dhenkanal Odisha
68. Rathi Steel & Power Project Limited Sambalpur Odisha
69. Reliable Sponge Sundargarh Odisha
70. Reliable Sponge Iron Private Limited Rourkela Odisha
71. Rexon Strips Sundargarh Odisha
72. Rungta Mines Limited (karakola) Keonjhar Odisha
73. Rungta Mines Limited (Komando) Sundargarh Odisha
74. Sai Shraddha Steel Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
75. Samleshwari Ferro metal Private
Limited Sambalpur Odisha
76. Scan Steels Limited Sundargarh Odisha
77. Seven Star Steels Limited Jharsuguda Odisha
78. Shiv metalic Sundargarh Odisha
79. Shiva Shakti Sponge Iron Limited Mayurbhanj Odisha
80. Shree Hari Sponge Sundargarh Odisha
81. Shree Jagannath Steels & Power
limited Keonjhar Odisha
82. Shree Metalic Limited Angul Odisha
83. Shri Ganesh Metalic Limited Sundargarh Odisha
84. Shri Madhav Ispat Private Limite Jharsuguda Odisha
85. Shri Mahavir Ferro Alloys Private
Limited Sundargarh Odisha
P a g e | 144

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

86. Shristhi Ispat Limited Sundargarh Odisha

87. Shyam DRI Power Limited Sambalpur Odisha
88. Singhal Enterprises Private Limited Jharsuguda Odisha
89. Sita Sponge Iron Limited Sundargarh Odisha
90. SMC Power Generation Limited Jharsuguda Odisha
91. Sponge Udyog Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
92. SPS Sponge Iron Limited Jharsuguda Odisha
93. Sree Metelics Limited Keonjhar Odisha
94. Sri Balaji Metalic Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
95. Sri Ganesh Sponge Iron Limited Keonjhar Odisha
96. Sri Hardev Steel Private Limited Cuttack Odisha
97. Sri Saleswar Ores & Mineral Rourkela Odisha
98. Sumrit Metalic Limited Keonjhar Odisha
99. Suraj Product Limited Sundargarh Odisha
100. Surendra Mining Industrids Private
Limited Sundargarh Odisha
101. Surya Sponge Iron Limited Jajpur Odisha
102. Swastik Ispat Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha
103. Tata Sponge Iron limited Keonjhar Odisha
104. Thakur Prasad Sao & Sons (Formally
known as Estern Seetl & Power
Limited) Jharsuguda Odisha
105. Thakur Prasad Sao & Sons (Formaly
known as Manglam Isapt Private
Limited) Sundargarh Odisha
106. Thakur Prasad Sao & sons Private
Limited (Formerly known as Bajrang
Ispat P. Ltd) Sundargarh Odisha
107. Times Steel & Power Limited
(Previsouly known as Nixon Steel &
Power) Sundargarh Odisha
108. TR Chemical Limited Sundargarh Odisha
109. Utkal Metalic Sundargarh Odisha
110. Vasundhara Metalic Sundargarh Odisha
111. Vedvyas Ispat Limited Sundargarh Odisha
P a g e | 145

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

112. Vikram Steel & Ferro Alloys Private

Limited Sundargarh Odisha
113. Viraj Steel & Energy Limited Sambalpur Odisha
114. Viraja Steel & Power Private Limited
(formally known as shiva metalic
private limited) Cuttack Odisha
115. Visa Steel Limited Jajpur Odisha
116. Vishal Metalic Private Limited Sundargarh Odisha

P a g e | 146

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Appendix 2 : List of Sponge Iron Plant in Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

No. Name Of Industry District State
1. Ambika Ispat (India) Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
2. Anjani Steel Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
3. B. S. Sponge Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
4. Ind Synergy Limited Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
5. Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
6. Maa Kali Alloys Udyog Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
7. Mangala Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
8. Mekko Steel & Power Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
9. Monet Ispat Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
10. MSP Steel and Power Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
11. N.R. Ispat and Power Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
12. Nalwa Sponge Irion Limited Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
13. Navdurga Fuels Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
14. Raigarh Iron Industries Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
15. Raigarh Ispat and Power Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
16. Rameshwaram Steel and Power Pvt.
17. Salasar Sponge and Power Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
18. Scania Steel & Power Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
19. Selino Steel Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
20. Shakambari Steel and Power Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
21. Shivshakti Steel Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
22. Shyam Ispat (India) Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
23. Sidhi Vinayak Sponge Iron Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
24. Singhal Energy P Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
25. Singhal Interprises Pvt. Ltd. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH
26. Sunil Ispat and Power Lts. Raigarh CHHATTISGARH

P a g e | 147

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Appendix.3 : Coal field in Orissa

COALFIELD IN ORISSA (Geological Reserve 75.072 BT as on

01.04.2014 )
Out of 47 Gondawana & 14 Tertiary coalfields for the national inventory of
coal, Orissa state has only two coalfields. Yet its share in the reserve are so far
established in the country amounts to 24.89%( 75.07).

In Terms of spatial spread of prognostical coal bearing area, the

coalfields of the state of Orissa have about 7.6% area (2723
Sq.Km). This goes to illustrate the high ratio of coal to non coal
strata in the two hitherto known coal bearing basin River
coalfield and Talcher coalfield. As a sequel to which threse
coalfields have an added advantage of being accorded most
favoured coalfields status by the nature as far as quarriable
potentiality is concerned.

Historically Talcher coalfield was discovered by Lt. kittoe in 1839

P a g e | 148

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

and lb River coalfield by V.Ball in 1871 yet the real impetus for
resource assesment by systematic exploration efforts was
accorded only in the post nationalisation era of the coal industry
since 1973, the importance of Orissa coalfields further enhanced
due to their vicinity to east coast.

COALFIELD of ORISSA Talcher Coalfield

(Geological Reserve 50.874 BT As on 01.04.2014 )

Talcher Coalfield was first discovered at Gopalprasad in the 1837. Lateron

GSI surveyed and mapped in 1855. M/s East India Prospecting Syndicate in
Talcher Town in 1920 Handidhua Colliary was opened by M/s Villiers Ltd in
1921. NCDC opened mines at South Belanda, Nandira & Jagannath in the
year 1960,1962 and 1972 respectively. After formation of CIL all mines were
in CCL then in SECL before formation of MCL in 1992. Production of coal
raised from 0.91 M.T. in 1972-73 to 63.973 M.T. in 2013-14.

P a g e | 149

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

IB Valley Coalfield
(Geological Reserve 24.198 BT As on 01.04.2014)

IB Valley Coalfield was first discovered by B N Railway while constructing

bridge over lb river in the year 1900. M/S Himgir Rampur Coal company
opened colliery in the year 1909. Many more mines were opened in the year
1940, 1954 and after the nationalization of coal mines the mines came under
WCL. Later on it came under SECL and then under MCL in the year 1992
after its formation. Production of this field was 0.55 M.T. in 1972-73 which
has increased upto 46.467 M.T. in the year 2013-14

P a g e | 150

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Appendix 4 : List of Iron Ore Mines in Odisha

S. No. Name of the Lessees Location of the Lease
1. Deojhar, Kulum &
M/s. Adhunik Metaliks Ltd.
2. M/s Bhanja Mineral(P) Ltd Deojhar
3. M/s Essel Mining & Industries Ltd. Jilling- Langalota
4. M/s Gandhamardan Sponge Iron (P) Ltd. Putuli pani
5. M/s K.N. Ram & Co. Roida - II
6. M/s Kalinga Mining Corpn. Jurudi
7. M/s Kalinga Mining Corpn. Jurudi
8. M/s Kalinga Mining Corpn. Jurudi
9. M/s Kaypee Enterprises Thakurani
10. M/s Mid East Int. Steel Ltd. Roida- 1 (Sidhamath)
11. M/s Mineral Trading Syndicate Bhalubeda
12. M/s Narayani Sons (P) Ltd. Surguturia
13. M/s Narayani Sons (P) Ltd. Laupada
14. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Gandhamardan -B
15. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Khandbandh
16. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Sekradihi
17. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Balda-Palsa-Jajang
18. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Banspani
19. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Gandhamardan-A
20. Unchabali, Balda,
M/s O.M.C. Ltd.
21. M/s O.M.D.Co. Bagiaburu M-Block
22. M/s O.M.D.Co. Kolha-Roida
23. M/s Patnaik Minerals Pvt. Ltd Jaribahal
24. M/s Rungta Sons (p) Ltd. Bandhabeda
25. M/s SAIL Bolani

P a g e | 151

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

26. M/s Sarda Mines (P) Ltd. Thakurani Block-B

27. M/s Sirrajuddin & Co. Balda Block
28. M/s T.B. Lal & Co. Jajang
29. M/s T.B. Lal & Co. Kasia-Kolha-Barapada
30. M/s Tarini Minerals (P) Ltd. Deojhar
31. M/s TATA Steel Ltd. Joda East
32. R.P. Sao Guali
33. S.C. Padhi Gurubeda
34. M/s Essel Mining & Industries Ltd. KasiaÂ
35. Â R.P. Sao Chormalda
36. M/s BPMEL Dalki - KS Group
37. M/s FACOR Ltd. Katasahi Â
38. M/s Kalinga Mining Corpn. Jurudi
39. M/s Kalinga Mining Corpn. Jurudi
40. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Roida-D
41. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Parelipada
42. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Roida-Sidhamath
43. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Dubna
44. M/s Patnaik Minerals Pvt. Ltd Jaribahal (Palsa)
45. M/s Rungta Sons (P) Ltd. Katasahi
46. M/s Sirrajuddin & Co. Gurda
47. M/s TATA Steel Ltd. Manmora
48. M/s TATA Steel Ltd. Guruda & Tringpahar
49. Katasahi, Kolha-
S. N. Paul
50. S.N. DasMohapatra Katasahi-Kolha-Rudkela
51. B.L. Newatia Tikarpada
52. G.P. Behera Jamudiha
53. S.C. Mallick Raduan

P a g e | 152

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

54. B.L. Newatia Madrangjodi

55. M/s D.M. Minerals (P) Ltd. Medinapur
56. M/s Keonjhar Minerals (p) Ltd. Amjore
57. M/s Keonjhar Minerals (p) Ltd. Bhaliadihi
58. M/s Sovan Minerals (P) Ltd. Ambadhara
59. M/s Utkal Minerals (P) Ltd. Nitigotha
60. B.K. Mohanty Parsala
61. Raju V. J. (G.L. Chowda) Chauthia
62. S.N. Mohanty Raruanguda
63. M/s J.K.& K.P. Jhunjhunwala Jaganathprasad
64. M/s HINDALCO Industries Ltd. Maliparbat
65. Panchpatmali (South
M/s NALCO Ltd.
66. Panchpatmali (North
M/s NALCO Ltd.
67. P. Laxmanswamy Udiyaguda
68. P. Laxmanswamy Hatasuku
69. M/s IDC of Orissa Ltd. Ampavalli
70. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Umpavaley
71. M/s V. Gimpex Mining (P) Ltd. Mastiput
72. M.B. Chakra Ramgiri
73. R.R. Mohanty Marthapara
74. M/s Dharampal & Co. Gudiali
75. M/s Hamco Mining &Smelling Goliaguda
76. K.K. Chaurasia Nandabasa
77. Ajit Samantrahy Ramachndrapur
78. Bibhudatta Sahu Kumbharapundigundi
79. D.C. Dagara Hizli
80. K.P. Singhania Chanchabani
81. M/s Arun Udyog Jashipur
P a g e | 153

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

82. M/s J.M. & M.(P) Ltd. Kadadiha

83. M/s Mayur Electro Potteries (P) Ltd. Jamda
84. M/s O.M.C. Ltd. Dumuria
85. P.D. Agrawal Khaprasahi
86. S.K. Allauddin Gadapalasa Block A
87. S.K. Allauddin Gadapalasa Block B
88. S.K. Allauddin Gadapalasa Block C
89. D.C. Dagara Brukhyabhanupur
90. J.K. Choubey Budhrajpahar
91. B. K. Das Kasiabera
92. B.C. Dagara Suleipat
93. B.C. Dagara Bhitaramda
94. D.C. Dagara Ghusuria
95. D.C. Das Maharajpur
96. G.S. Choubey Nangalsila
97. M/s G.S. Mishra & Sons Gorumahisani
98. J.K. Choubey Purunapani-Bhuyanbasa
99. M/s Lal Traders & Agencies (P) Ltd. Badampahar
100. S.A. Karim Ashanbani

P a g e | 154

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Appendix 5 : Estimates of Profit and Loss ( lacks)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
No. Of Working Days 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330
No. Of Shifts 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Installed Capacity 270749 270749 270749 270749 270749 270749 270749 270749
(in tonnes)
Capacity Utilisation 60% 70% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Sales Realization
54859.48 64002.73 73145.98 73145.98 73145.98 73145.98 73145.98 73145.98
Less: Net Excise Duty Payable
2830.87 3302.68 3774.50 3774.50 3774.50 3774.50 3774.50 3774.50
Add: Modvat Receivable 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Sales 52028.61 60700.05 69371.48 69371.48 69371.48 69371.48 69371.48 69371.48
Cost Of Production
a)Raw Material 32420.94 37824.43 43227.92 43227.92 43227.92 43227.92 43227.92 43227.92
c)Salary & Wages 1563.90 1720.29 1892.32 1892.32 1892.32 1892.32 1892.32 1892.32
d)Power and water 7797.51 9097.10 10396.68 10396.68 10396.68 10396.68 10396.68 10396.68
e)Repairs &
maintenance 772.77 772.77 772.77 772.77 772.77 772.77 772.77 772.77
f)Depreciation 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89
g) Pollution control
expenses 210.00 220.00 231.00 242.00 254.00 266.00 279.00 292.00
g) Consumable &
Stores 812.25 812.25 812.25 812.25 812.25 812.25 812.25 812.25
TO T A L : 45650.26 52519.73 59405.82 59416.82 59428.82 59440.82 59453.82 59466.82
Add : Opening Stock of 1383.00 1592.00 1800.00 1801.00 1801.00 1801.00 1802.00
Finished Goods
45650.26 53902.73 60997.82 61216.82 61229.82 61241.82 61254.82 61268.82
Less : Closing Stock of 1383.00 1592.00 1800.00 1801.00 1801.00 1801.00 1802.00 1802.00
Finished Goods
44267.26 52310.73 59197.82 59415.82 59428.82 59440.82 59452.82 59466.82
Cost Of Sales 44267.26 52310.73 59197.82 59415.82 59428.82 59440.82 59452.82 59466.82
Gross Profit 7761.35 8389.32 10173.66 9955.66 9942.66 9930.66 9918.66 9904.66
a) Admn. Staff 262.08 288.29 317.12 317.12 317.12 317.12 317.12 317.12
b) Admn. Expenses 200.00 220.00 242.00 242.00 242.00 242.00 242.00 242.00
Selling Expense 5.00% 2742.97 3200.14 3657.30 3657.30 3657.30 3657.30 3657.30 3657.30
Financial Expenses
a)Intt.On Long Term
Loan 1937.50 1799.11 1522.32 1245.54 968.75 691.97 415.18 138.40
b)Interest on W.C. 1345.30 1544.54 1761.91 1762.04 1762.04 1762.04 1762.16 1762.16
GRA N D TO T AL 6487.85 7052.08 7500.65 7223.99 6947.20 6670.42 6393.76 6116.98
Operating Profit 1273.50 1337.24 2673.01 2731.66 2995.45 3260.23 3524.90 3787.68
Amortization of
Preliminary 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00
Profit before tax 1204.50 1268.24 2604.01 2662.66 2926.45 3191.23 3455.90 3718.68
Taxation 0.00 0.00 184.25 898.83 1143.99 1351.12 1529.38 1685.30
Net Profit after tax 1204.50 1268.24 2419.76 1763.83 1782.46 1840.11 1926.52 2033.38
CSR Expenses as per
companies act 2% 0.00 25.36 48.40 35.28 35.65 36.80 38.53 40.67
Dividend % 0% 0% 0% 20% 30% 30% 30% 30%
Dividend (Withdrawal) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1315.80 1973.70 1973.70 1973.70 1973.70
Surplus during the year 1204.50 1242.88 2371.36 412.76 -226.89 -170.39 -85.71 19.01
Cumulative Surplus 1204.50 2447.38 4818.74 5231.50 5004.61 4834.22 4748.51 4767.52

P a g e | 155

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Appendix 6 : Estimated of Margin Money

( lacks)

PARTICULARS Period 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
(days) Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

Raw Material 30 3242.10 3782.00 4323.00 4323.00 4323.00 4323.00 4323.00 4323.00
Consumables 30 77.30 77.30 77.30 77.30 77.30 77.30 77.30 77.30
Goods-in-process 10 1418.50 1647.00 1876.00 1876.00 1876.00 1876.00 1876.00 1876.00
Finished Goods 10 1383.00 1592.00 1800.00 1801.00 1801.00 1801.00 1802.00 1802.00
Receivables 45 8229.00 9600.00 10972.00 10972.00 10972.00 10972.00 10972.00 10972.00

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 14349.90 16698.30 19048.30 19049.30 19049.30 19049.30 19050.30 19050.30
FINANCE 75.00% 10762.43 12356.30 14095.30 14096.30 14096.30 14096.30 14097.30 14097.30
MARGIN 26.00 3726.00 4342.00 4953.00 4953.00 4953.00 4953.00 4953.00 4953.00

P a g e | 156

Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery, Sponge Iron, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys & Power Plant
Detailed Project Report Suraj Products Limited
Village- Barpali, PO: Kesramal; Rajgangpur
District- Sundergarh (Odisha)

Appendix 7 : Cash Flow Statement ( lacks)

FUND CONST. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
Net Profit before 4487.30 4611.89 5888.24 5670.24 5657.24 5645.24 5633.24 5619.24
taxes with intt.
added back but
after depreciation

Increase in Share
capital 6579.00
Depreciation 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89 2072.89

Unsecured Loan 0.00 Term Loan 15500.00 W.C.Loan 10762.43 1593.88 1739.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

TOTAL : 22079.00 17322.62 8278.66 9700.13 7744.13 7730.13 7718.13 7707.13 7692.13

FUND CONST. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
Increase in Capital
expenditure 21580.00

Increase in 14349.90 2348.40 2350.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

current assets

Deposits/Investments 110.00

Decrease in Term
Loan 0.00 2214.28 2214.28 2214.28 2214.28 2214.28 2214.28 2214.32

CSR Expenses as per companies

act 0.00 25.36 48.40 35.28 35.65 36.80 38.53 40.67
(Withdrawal) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1315.80 1973.70 1973.70 1973.70 1973.70

Interest 3282.80 3343.65 3284.23 3007.58 2730.79 2454.01 2177.34 1900.56

Taxation 0.00 0.00 184.25 898.83 1143.99 1351.12 1529.38 1685.30

TOTAL 21690.00 17632.70 7931.69 8081.16 7472.76 8098.41 8029.91 7934.23 7814.55

Opening Balance 389.00 78.92 425.88 2044.85 2316.22 1947.94 1636.16 1409.06
Net Surplus (A-B) 389.00 -310.08 346.96 1618.97 271.37 -368.28 -311.78 -227.10 -122.42
Closing Balance 389.00 78.92 425.88 2044.85 2316.22 1947.94 1636.16 1409.06 1286.64
* * * * *

P a g e | 157

Blast Furnace Modernization, SMS, Rolling Mill, Ferro Alloys, Power Plant, Ore Beneficiation, Coal Washery and Brick plant

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