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Nursing Implication

The OB Nursing rotation sharpens the skills of the students and expands their

knowledge on this concept. The students are molded to be a productive and efficient component

of the country’s health force. The exposure that we had in San Pedro Hospital at San Lorenzo

Ward gave us the privilege to put into action the learning we acquired in school. Being exposed

to ward, we were able to extend our hands to the patients, alleviating their present condition.

Through a cherished nurse-client interaction, we student nurses were not deprived of the

learning we ought and desire to know. We are happy that our skills are not suppressed in the 4

corners of our classrooms, instead the portals to the ward were opened for us and we are given

the chance to change lives.

Given the chance to be educated is one of the most treasurable facts we can be proud

of. In this rotation, it was not only the student nurses who learned and gained knowledge but the

patient was also given the opportunity to change their judgment in relation to their health

practices. We, the JICK group firmly believe that this is also the goal of the Nursing Education,

to transmit information that could promote healthy lifestyle and to maintain stable health

condition to every individual. This goal of Nursing Education was fully achieved through the

collaborative effort of the student nurses and the identified clients. Furthermore, we are

expecting that our clients will also support the health care providers in disseminating health

information for the good of all.

Nursing Education

The nursing education helps the nursing students through the study of post partum

patient to develop their skills and knowledge in dealing and interaction with the patient as the

first important method in order to gain necessary information needed. Student nurses would

start to learn the professional values and attitudes that enable us to practice in an ethically
responsible way. Nursing doesn’t only need knowledge and skills because these are useless if

we don’t possess the right attitudes of a nurse. So, as we are in the ward, we utilize what we

have learned and do it to the maximum of what we learned. However, our school would not be

credited with honour and respect without all the mentors whose patience is always there.

Nursing Practice

A practice is a way of placing into action all resources that we have acquired through

learning. Nursing practices involves the knowledge and skills of the nurse to be able to perform

well in the ward.

Nursing Research

A research helps an individual to be a good, skillful, competitive and intellectual

professional. Nursing Research helps us to be the ideal nurses who can cater the demands of

the present situation of the country. The nursing research does not only base its results on the

secondary materials that are readily available instead, a hands-on method makes the research

more concise and competitive. OB Nursing gave us the chance to make a study which could

contribute to the Nursing Research. Our findings could be of help to the Nursing Research in

such a way that it will serve as a guide to the future researches to be made that aims to improve

the condition of the post partum patients.

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