Baby Grave Vandalism 2

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Fury as vandals trash

another baby’s grave


HAVERHILLNEWS HA | | July 20, 2017 | 3


Another mum’s heartbreak

over son’s vandalised grave

THE mother who discovered

a baby’s grave had been van-
dalised in Haverhill Cem-
etery has spoken out after
finding her own son’s grave
had been attacked on the
same day.
Jade Denzey went to visit
her son Fraizer’s grave on
Friday, July 7, when she dis-
covered it had been trashed
and ornaments stolen.
Last week, the News re-
ported that Melanie Mor-
ris’ son’s grave had been at-
tacked by vandals who stole
pictures and other items.
Jade was visiting her little
boy’s grave to begin prepar-
ing for his birthday on July
29 when she also discovered
the wrecked grave of Mela-
nie’s son Jaydon nearby.
Jade said: “I arrived there
and fell to my knees in dis-
belief. destroyed: Jade denzey found
“I can’t imagine why any- her son Fraizer’s grave vandalised
one would be targeting ba-
bies’ graves.
“That’s my special place. Asked what she would
I couldn’t see him, so to me say to the vandals Jade said:
that grave means every- “Treat them with respect.
thing.” “If it happened to you it
Jade was horrified by the wouldn’t be a nice feeling to
damage to the other grave see your loved one’s grave
and put out an appeal to find like that. I don’t know how
the other baby’s mum. anyone could do this.”
“Basically I found Fraizer’s A petition calling on St
grave the way it was with a Edmundsbury Borough
photo of Melanie’s baby on Council to install CCTV and
it. motion sensor lights in the
“I asked my friend to put cemetery has already at-
the pictures on Facebook tracted 989 signatures.
and Mel responded. I found A spokesman for the coun-
my son’s grave with teddies cil said: “Any consideration
everywhere, flowers all over of CCTV has to balance an
the place and ornaments individual’s right to privacy
broken and they broke a toy in an area where they need
train.” to be allowed to mourn,
Jade said this was the third wanted him to be around against any ongoing issues
time Fraizer’s grave has been other babies. and cost.”
vandalised in just five years. “I thought this is a bit spe- However, Jade said: “I
On this latest occasion, an cifically for babies, they’re wouldn’t care about my pri-
ornament showing a hand the only graves there for ba- vacy, it’s all about Fraizer,
cradling a baby was stolen bies in that part of the cem- not about me. It’s about
and a train that spelled out etery, for him to have com- making sure that this never
Fraizer’s name was smashed. pany, I didn’t want him on happens again and if it does
Jade said: “The ornament his own. people will be caught.”
was very personal to me, I “It was my way of finding Police are appealing for
put it there, it’s exactly what comfort in something that witnesses and information.
he looked like on my scan was the worst time of my Anyone with information
picture. life.” should call Suffolk Police on
“Before this a portion of Jade said the vandalism 101, quoting reference CAD
chips was all over his grave has left her worried about 589 of July 8.
and other ornaments sto- visiting the cemetery.
len.” “I was never the same af-
Frazier was stillborn in ter Fraizer. Every time I go
2012 and since then Jade, there I wonder what will be
from Linton, has found com- there.
fort in visiting his grave. “It’s completely heart-
She said: “It cut me up in- breaking that someone
side. It’s bad enough with his would do that, not just to
birthday coming up but to a grave in general but to a
find that was awful.” baby’s grave. I don’t under-
Jade specifically chose the stand how anyone finds that
cemetery in Haverhill be- entertaining.”
cause part of the graveyard is Melanie also says she
set aside for babies. knows of at least one other
She said: “I could have had grave that has been dam-
him buried in Linton but I aged.

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