Family's Plea To Find A School For Autistic Boy

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News & Mail  Wednesday, November 23, 2016

8 News

Family’s plea to find a

school for autistic boy
Authorities struggle to supply special education needs for Adam,
11, who suffers from pathological demand avoidance syndrome
by Joshua Smith In a bid to get Adam placed in a school closer to
home, his last day at
A MOTHER is worried that Wolverdene Special School
her disabled son is ‘missing was in Easter 2015, and he
out on so much’ because was deregistered from the
there is not a suitable school school in the September.
place for him. The county council then
After the News & Mail re- tried to give him a residential
vealed that up to 40 children place at Lakeside School in
in Rushmoor with special Chandlers Ford, but the
education needs are not family say after meeting the
currently in school because headteacher they were told
there are no places for them, the school could not cater for
Charlie Desmond decided to Adam’s needs.
share her story. A Rushmoor Borough
Miss Desmond, 30, of Council leisure and youth
Laburnum Road, Aldershot, policy and review panel
has tried to find a suitable meeting on Monday Novem-
school place for son Adam ber 7 heard the borough is
Cook, 11, for years, but due Worried mum Charlie Desmond with her son Adam, 11, Alistair Wilson.
facing a ‘crisis’, with not Licensees Kate Hayden and Paul Warriner, whose pub The Snow Goose, in Fernhill Road, Farnborough, Sean
who has special education needs and no school to go to. AN164408
to his pathological demand enough school places to offer has been named Most Family Friendly Pub in national awards run by Heineken-owned Star Pubs & Bars. Dillow.
avoidance syndrome (PDA) – “We had to be escorted in Andover. This caused disabled children.
part of the autism spectrum –
she has struggled.
Describing PDA, The Nati-
by police from Camberley
when he had an outburst in
McDonald’s as his bun was
problems, though, as Adam
did not like the long journeys
each day as they caused
Now the family is trying to
home school him while they
desperately try to find Adam
Publicans complete turnaround
onal Autistic Society says:
“Individuals share difficulties
with others on the autism
split at the top.”
The family claims Adam
cannot be placed in Henry
anxiety and could lead to an
outburst during the trip.
Mr Grover said: “They had
a school place, and have ex-
tended their search beyond
the Surrey border.
with a change in family fortunes
spectrum in social aspects of Tyndale School as it focuses a bus service to get him down Miss Desmond added: “He Just a year after re-opening beautiful and secure chil- Girls basketball team.
interaction, communication on teaching children with there and the first week or is missing out on so much, he following a massive revamp, dren’s play area in the large The judges of the Star Pub
and imagination. physical disabilities. two was OK but problems can’t go and make friends, the Snow Goose in Farnbor- garden, which also includes a Awards said they were
“However, the central dif- They say he began pre- started arising. Adam was go on school trips, the social ough has beaten competition petting zoo complete with a ‘bowled over’ by the warm
ficulty for people with PDA is school at Deux Chats in getting very anxious about interaction and the routine of from pubs around the snow goose and giant out- welcome customers receive
the way they are driven to Aldershot, which first raised the time – he was leaving getting up every day to go to country to be named the door games such as Jenga. at the pub.
avoid demands and expec- suspicions of his PDA, and here at 7.45am and it’s a one- school. It’s making him suffer Most Family Friendly Pub. A separate area has been Kate and Paul received the
tations. This is because they he then went to Belle Vue and-a-quarter hour journey. and is going to affect him The Fernhill Road boozer created for customers with- prestigious award at a gala
have an anxiety-based need Infant School but due to his “So we had a taxi just for being able to go to college or scooped the title in national out children, so everyone can evening in Liverpool from
to be in control.” condition the school strugg- him but the problem is the university. It’s such a worry awards run by Heineken- feel comfortable. football pundit and broad-
Adam lives with his mum, led to cope. Adam then went journey still takes an hour. what’s going to happen to owned Star Pubs & Bars. The award judges noted caster Chris Kamara.
her partner Adam Grover, 46, to West End School, which “The anxiety goes up and him. We don’t know where to Following a £225,000 re- how Kate and Paul have also Miss Hayden said: “Having
sister Aimee, seven, and bro- placed him in part-time edu- up and up and he also gets turn to.” furbishment of the Snow added a myriad of thoughtful a pub of our own was our
ther Sebastian, 11 months. cation while he also attended violent, but he’s very intelli- A spokesman for the Goose, which transformed it touches inside the pub and big dream; to have won this
Mr Grover said: “With The Linden Education Centre gent and he realised that if he county council, said: “You from a run-down unloved launched community-based award is the icing on the
PDA, some things have to be in Farnborough. takes his seat belt off the taxi will appreciate we are unable pub into a thriving commu- events to ensure families cake. It’s been a real team
spot on and very particular. The family sought a State- driver wouldn’t leave. I end- to comment on the details of nity local, new licensees Kate have a relaxed, enjoyable effort to relaunch the Snow
“Once the idea is in his ment of Educational Needs ed up having to drive him but individual cases. Hayden and Paul Warriner time while there. Goose – our staff have been
brain that something’s not for Adam, and through this if he had an outburst I would “We will always do what have spent the past year in- The pub also sponsors awesome and our customers
right he can’t be persuaded process Hampshire County have to control him while we can to support families vesting time and money into football strips for Rushmoor have provided endless sup-
to have it, it’s an absolute Council placed him in driving, and this could mean and work with them to iden- making it family-friendly. Under-7s and Under-13s as port and feedback – we’re all
impossibility. Wolverdene Special School, holding all four of his limbs.” tify a suitable school place.” The pair have installed a well as kit for the Phantoms chuffed to bits.”

Cold caller alert

after man claims
to have worked
on woman’s roof
POLICE are warning Hart man,” he added.
WITH BEAUTY & PRACTICALITY residents to be on their
guard against cold callers
“Incidents such as these
can easily result in the elderly
after a suspicious incident in or vulnerable parting with
Hartley Wintney. large sums of money for
Officers said an elderly services not finished or not
woman was approached completed to an appropriate
outside her home in Chapel standard.
Row by an unknown man “We advise residents to
between 11.30am and noon not purchase any goods or
Hart district PCSO Nick “Please ensure you re-
To book a no obligation consultation visit: Greenwood, said the man main vigilant within your
told the woman he had communities and be aware
Call: 01252 879 904 Visit our showroom: 32-36 Bell Lane, Blackwater GU17 0NW completed some work on the of any elderly or vulnerable
resident’s roof and she was persons who may have cold
expected to pay him £70. callers at there door or on
Visit Baden Bathrooms at the Inner Peace Interiors showroom. “No work had been com- the property. In the event of
CALL 01252 890555 to make an appointment pleted on the property and any such sightings, please
no money was passed to the call the police on 999.”

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