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Mechanisms Underlying Recovery

of Motor Function After Stroke
Nick S. Ward, MD; Leonardo G. Cohen, MD

troke is the leading cause of long-term disability worldwide and a condition for which
there is no universally accepted treatment. The development of new effective therapeu-
tic strategies relies on a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying recovery of
function. Noninvasive techniques to study brain function, including functional mag-
netic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, transcranial magnetic stimulation, elec-
troencephalography, and magnetoencephalography, led to recent studies that identified some of
these operating mechanisms, resulting in the formulation of novel approaches to motor rehabilitation.
Arch Neurol. 2004;61:1844-1848

Stroke is the leading cause of disability fer to changes in brain networks that carry
worldwide. The value of specific rehabili- behavioral implications over time. The cor-
tation therapies aimed at assisting adapta- tex with its myriad synaptic connections is
tion to impairment is now well recog- the ideal site for plasticity to take place.2
nized, but therapeutic strategies designed Plastic changes can occur at the cortical
to restore function by minimizing impair- level in a number of ways. First, it has been
ment are by comparison poorly devel- repeatedly demonstrated that enriched en-
oped. This review considers the advances vironments and skill learning in adult ani-
made toward understanding how cerebral mals are associated with growth of den-
reorganization following focal damage is re- drites, increases in dendritic spines, and
lated to functional recovery, and how these synaptogenesis.3 Second, long-term poten-
insights might be translated into clinical tiation and long-term depression are mecha-
benefits for patients. nisms of changing synaptic efficacy in hip-
pocampus4 and neocortex under certain
THE BRAIN AS conditions.5 Indeed, motor skill learning in
A PLASTIC STRUCTURE animal models is accompanied by changes
The term plasticity is often used when in the strength of connections within pri-
mechanisms of recovery after focal brain in- mary motor cortex.6 Furthermore, there is
jury are considered. More than 50 years ago, evidence that these mechanisms may op-
Hebb1 postulated that increments in syn- erate in human motor learning as well.7,8
aptic efficacy occur during learning when Third, cortical maps are maintained at least
firing of one neuron repeatedly produces in part by ␥-aminobutyric acid and can be
firing in another neuron to which it is con- altered intentionally by pharmacologic ma-
nected, leading to the notion of plasticity nipulations9 and unintentionally by le-
as a behavioral adaptation (ie, learning) that sions. The link between change in brain
is associated with a change of function at structure and change in behavior is firmly
the level of the synapse. Expressed in a sys- established.
tems framework, the term plasticity may re- Work in animal models has unequivo-
cally demonstrated that focal damage in
Author Affiliations: Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, Institute of adult brains renders widespread cortical re-
Neurology, University College London, London, England (Dr Ward); and Human gions more able to change structure and
Cortical Physiology Section, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and function in response to afferent signals in
Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md (Dr Cohen). a way previously seen in the developing


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Contralesional Ipsilesional
Hemisphere Hemisphere

Figure 1. Brain regions (shown in red) in which there is a negative linear correlation between increases in BOLD (blood oxygen level–dependent) signal during
hand grip and outcome in a group of patients with chronic stroke. The center brain is shown from above (left hemisphere on the left), and then clockwise from top
left, left medial surface, right medial surface, right lateral surface, and left lateral surface.

brain. Activity-driven changes in these regions may be en- Recent studies in monkeys have demonstrated that sec-
hanced by experimental manipulations10 or pharmaco- ondary motor areas have direct projections to spinal cord
logic interventions11 and correlate with functional recov- motor neurons, although they are less numerous and less
ery. These findings are clearly very exciting to clinicians. excitatory than those from M1. Thus, although they may
It is hypothesized that similar injury-induced changes oc- contribute to recovery, it is unlikely that they will com-
cur in the human brain, and that manipulation of these pletely substitute for projections from M1. This view is
processes may provide a means of promoting recovery. supported by a recent functional imaging study per-
Techniques like functional magnetic resonance imaging formed in patients with chronic stroke that demon-
and positron emission tomography, which allow measure- strated a negative linear correlation between outcome and
ment of task-related brain activation with excellent spa- task-related brain activation in a number of secondary
tial resolution; transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), motor areas such as PMd, supplementary motor area, and
a safe, noninvasive way to excite or inhibit the human cor- cingulate motor areas13 (Figure 1). Patients with no re-
tex with high temporal resolution; and magnetoencepha- sidual impairment have relatively normal activation maps
lography and electroencephalography, with even greater compared with controls, while patients with more marked
temporal resolution, allow the study of these changes. impairment recruit larger portions of secondary motor
areas. But do these regions contribute to recovery? Dis-
HOW DOES THE HUMAN BRAIN ruption of ipsilesional PMd14 and contralesional PMd15
RESPOND TO FOCAL INJURY? by TMS increases motor reaction times in patients with
chronic stroke but not controls. Furthermore, TMS to
After focal brain injury resulting in motor deficits, the ipsilesional PMd was disruptive in patients with little im-
degree of damage to corticospinal tract correlates well with pairment,14 while TMS to contralesional PMd was more
motor recovery. He et al12 proposed that interruption of disruptive in patients with greater motor impairment,15
the projections from primary motor cortex (M1) to spi- suggesting functionally relevant recruitment of contrale-
nal cord motor neurons would lead to increased recruit- sional PMd in those with greatest need. In addition, it
ment of secondary motor areas such as dorsolateral pre- seems that some secondary motor areas may take on new
motor cortex (PMd) and supplementary motor area. functions after functional recovery. Ipsilesional PMd in


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contralesional M1 after stroke clearly requires further
5 In the chronic setting, it appears that the damaged brain
will utilize surviving structures and networks that can
generate some form of motor signal to spinal cord mo-
tor neurons. In addition, some areas take on a new role
in motor performance. What such studies do not tell us
is how this reorganized state evolved. Detailed longitu-
dinal functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of
similar patients indicate an initial overactivation in many
primary and secondary motor regions followed by a fo-
cusing toward a normal activation pattern that parallels
recovery.16 Such changes are reminiscent of those ob-
served in the normal brain during motor skill learning.
In brains with lesions, it is likely that surviving ele-
ments of highly preserved neural systems such as those
subserving motor skill learning will be engaged to maxi-
mize functional motor recovery. The degree to which
mechanisms underlying cerebral reorganization are suc-
cessful is likely to depend on the functional integrity of
the remaining areas. The chronicity of the stroke may also
be important, as early lesion-induced cortical hyperex-
1 2 citability seems to facilitate cortical plasticity. Advances
have been made, but a clearer understanding of the mecha-
nisms underlying cerebral reorganization will be re-
Weak Hand quired to develop more effective therapeutic strategies.

Figure 2. Diagram showing possible operational strategies to influence hand POSSIBLE STRATEGIES TO ENHANCE
function (see “Possible Strategies to Enhance the Human Brain’s Response
to Injury” section for details).

It is clear that functionally relevant adaptive changes take

particular seems to behave as an “executive” motor re-
place in the human brain after focal injury. But what drives
gion similar to M1, with task-related activation increas-
these changes? Can we modulate them? The lesson from
ing linearly as a function of increasing force of hand grip
animal models is that manipulation of environmental, be-
in those with incomplete recovery but not in controls.16
havioral, and pharmacologic contexts can influence cere-
Evidence is thus emerging that supports the functional
bral reorganization and consequently the process of re-
relevance of secondary motor area recruitment. Out-
covery of function. How can these lessons be translated
come may be limited in some patients by the degree of
into benefit for patients? From our knowledge of how the
damage to direct corticospinal projections, but recruit-
brain responds to focal injury and how this relates to re-
ment and adaptation of surviving secondary motor areas
covery, we can generate hypothesis-driven approaches to
in both hemispheres may help patients to achieve the best
neurorehabilitation. For example, motor performance of
results.14,15 Although these results are described in pa-
a paretic hand could theoretically be influenced by a num-
tients with chronic stroke, recruitment of secondary mo-
ber of different operational strategies (Figure 2):
tor areas occurs in those with greater deficit in the early
as well as chronic phase after stroke.16 1. Reduction of somatosensory input from the intact
The primary motor cortex (M1) is divided into ante- hand, as in cutaneous anesthesia, leads to performance
rior (Brodmann area [BA] 4a) and posterior (BA4p) improvements in the nonanesthesized hand in healthy
segments. A negative correlation between size of activa- volunteers.19 In patients with chronic stroke, cutaneous
tion and outcome has been reported in ipsilesional ven- anesthesia of the intact hand results in behavioral gains
tral BA4a and BA4p, and in contralesional BA4p but not in the paretic hand that outlast briefly the duration of the
BA4a.13 It seems clear that an intact ipsilesional M1 con- anesthesia20 (indicated by 1 in Figure 2). These findings
tributes significantly to functional recovery,17 but the are consistent with the proposed beneficial influence
role of contralesional M1 is less clear. Despite the fact of immobilization of the intact hand (which reduces
that contralesional M1 is recruited by patients with somatosensory input from the immobilized limb) in
chronic stroke with less than complete recovery, its dis- patients with chronic stroke undergoing constraint-
ruption by TMS does not appear to impair performance induced movement therapy.
of motor tasks with the paretic hand in patients with 2. Increase in somatosensory input from the paretic
various degrees of recovery.17 More significantly, it is hand, eg, by using somatosensory stimulation, may im-
possible that activity in contralesional M1 influences prove motor function21 (indicated by 2 in Figure 2). Mo-
negatively recovery in some patients by contributing tor training of the paretic hand as administered during
to abnormal interhemispheric interactions during rehabilitative treatments also increases somatosensory
voluntary movement of the paretic hand.18 The role of input and results in well-documented behavioral gains.


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3. Anesthesia of a body part proximal to the paretic recovery processes can be substantially influenced by phar-
hand (upper arm, 3 in Figure 2) may become another macologic strategies that influence adrenergic and do-
option to benefit hand motor function.22 In this case, an- paminergic neurotransmission.28
esthesia of regions of the brachial plexus that innervate
It is likely that neuroimaging (functional magnetic
the affected upper limb, but not the affected hand, in pa-
resonance imaging, positron emission tomography) and
tients with chronic stroke results in training-dependent
electrophysiologic (TMS, electroencephalography, mag-
improvements in motor function of the paretic hand, a
netoencephalography) techniques will enhance our un-
finding consistent with the view that the cortical repre-
derstanding of the mechanisms underlying the beneficial
sentation of the paretic hand extended over the nearby
effects of particular interventions. Recent studies have
deafferented upper arm representation.
shown increased task-related activation in affected hemi-
4. Plasticity within the affected motor cortex may be
spheres (eg, in M1 or PMd) and reduced activation in un-
enhanced (4 in Figure 2). Enhancement of the ability of
affected hemispheres after a period of treatment,29-31 but
peri-infarct and nonprimary motor regions of the af-
it remains to be determined whether these results relate
fected hemisphere to respond to motor training or other
to the mechanisms or only the consequences of the reha-
neurorehabilitative interventions may be important. Cor-
bilitative process. Further experiments that test the ef-
tical stimulation can modify activity in the motor cortex
fects of interventions on particular aspects of brain func-
in animals23 and modulates cortical plasticity in hu-
tion, eg, use-dependent plasticity,7 in different patient
mans. For example, TMS synchronously applied to a hu-
groups may help unravel the underlying mechanisms. Such
man motor cortex engaged in a motor training task en-
an approach could allow treatments to be targeted at suit-
hances use-dependent plasticity in the contralateral hand.24
able patients. Furthermore, the timing of an intervention
Overall, these findings suggest that noninvasive cortical
may also be important. For example, modulating atten-
stimulation could represent an adjuvant to motor train-
tion toward a motor task may be more or less beneficial
ing in efforts to recover lost function after cortical le-
depending on the chronicity of the stroke.32
sions like stroke. Consistent with this view, a recent study
In summary, recent studies have started to unveil the
showed that noninvasive cortical stimulation can en-
mechanisms underlying human cortical plasticity and
hance motor function in patients with chronic stroke
its relationship to recovery of motor function after focal
(Friedhelm Hummel, MD, Pablo Celnik, MD, Pascal
brain lesions. On the basis of this increased understand-
Giraux, MD, PhD, Agnes Floel, MD, Wan-Hsun Wu, PhD,
ing, novel interventional strategies are being tested that
Christian Gerloff, MD, and L.G.C., unpublished data,
raise hope for the development of new treatments for
this condition.
5. Activity within the intact motor cortex may be
down-regulated (5 in Figure 2). In addition to local ef-
fects under the stimulated location, cortical stimulation Accepted for Publication: July 16, 2004.
applied to one site can induce distant effects on cortical Correspondence: Leonardo G. Cohen, Human Cortical
function and behavior.25 For example, TMS applied to Physiology Section, National Institute of Neurological Dis-
one motor cortex elicits activation changes in positron orders and Stroke, Bldg 10, Room 5N226, National In-
emission tomographic scans in the opposite motor cor- stitutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20817 (cohen@ninds
tex. Low-frequency repetitive TMS applied to one mo-
tor cortex down-regulates motor cortical excitability in Author Contributions: Drs Ward and Cohen contrib-
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