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• What the word IMPOSSIBLE says I M Possible.

So every thing which seems

impossible is itself says that is possible.
• Past is Experience! Present is Experiement! Future is Expectation! Use your
Experience in ur experiment to achieve ur expectations! Have a Nice day
• As I watched the ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they
r, they still communicate with each other. Hope we'll be like them, in touch
• Dedicate time to enjoy, it's the secret of youth. Dedicate time for friends, it's
the path to happiness. Dedicate time to luv n b loved, it's source of joy n
• What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that we feel when we
meet them but the emptiness we feel when they are not around us. I Miss U!
• Hearts could only luv for a while, feet cud only walk for a mile, clothes won't
forever be in style but having u as my friend is forever worthwhile.
• The more u count ur blessings, the more blessings u'll have, to count! I always
do & I count u as the nicest blessing! God Bless u each day!
• Like birds let us leave behind what we don’t need to carry. Grudges, sadness,
pain, fear n regrets. Fly light, life is beautiful. Gud Day!
• Be close with someone who makes you happy. But be closer to that person
who can't be happy without you! Feel the difference. Gud Day!
• Let luv be the guide to ur dreams, let luv be the light to ur heart, let ur luv be
the reason why somebody else's heart still continues to beat.
• Worst thing in life? Someone has tears in eyes because of U. And the best
thing? Someone has tears in eyes for U.
• Every failure is a lesson well-learned, Every Success is a battle well-fought,
and True Luv is a jewel well-kept, in one's heart.
• On the canvas of life we often go off colour, but as long as people like u are
there to add the right shades, life goes on to be a rainbow! Gud Morning.
• Troubles r like washing machine; They twist, turn & knock us around, but in
the end we come out brighter than before. Gud Day!
• You are my best friend forever and always we're together too much but far not
enough & if you die before I do ask God if heaven is got room for two.
• Why to suffer trying by all means to become rich and wear expensive branded
clothes, when best things in life we do naked.
• A new day, a new sun, makes us to have a new run. Come out of ur dreams &
see the world outstide. Waiting for u is a new day. Gud Morning!
• Smile is a lnguage of Luv. Smile is a way to get success, Smile is to win the
hearts. Smile improves ur personality. Brush daily. Gud Morning
• Life is never hopeless however great ur sorrow, if you're luking forward to a
new tomorrow. Have a blessed, hopeful & perfect day!
• Someday somehow whatever u prayed for will come true. It may not be in the
exact package u wanted but it'll b what God thinks is best for U. Gud Day!
• It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to
love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful
truth through loving words, that is friendship.
• Memories play a confusing role. They make u laugh when u remember the
time u cried together! But make u cry when u remember the time u laughed
• An simple Bye make us cry, A simple Joke make us laugh, simple Care make
us fall in love. I hope my simple SMS make you think of me. I Miss U
• Some men have have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want
to, when all they need is one reason why they can.
• I Miss U a little, you could say: A little too much, a little too often and a little
more each day.
• Knock!Knock! May I come into ur world? I bring no flowers, no cakes but
wishes to keep U fresh, prayer to keep u healthy & luv to keep u smiling. Gud
• Open ur door when u r alone, Open ur heart when u feel sad... But don't open
ur hand when u need a friend, coz I'm already holding ur hand forever
• A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't
start or end without me thinking of u... Gud Morning!
• Old friends r gold. New friends may be diamond. If u get diamond, don't ever
forget the gold because to hold a diamond u always need a base of gold.
• Difficulties in ur life doesn't come to destroy u, but to help u realisee your
hidden potentia. Let difficulties know that u r More Difficult.
• Whatever happens to ur day just relax & manage to make a smile. Life is not a
problem to b solved but a gift to b enjoyed.
• No matter how ugly U think u r, but the who Luvs U believes that U R the
most beautiful & irrestiable thing on the Earth & no one can change that
• Sun is very hot... Moon is too far... Stars are unapproachable, so God gave me
a friend like u so that I can say: I've my own little Universe
• To Understand a misunderstanding is a an understanding in friendship but to
have no misunderstanding is the most understood Friendship
• I miss U when I laugh & cry, coz I know that U r the one who makes my
laughter grow & my tears dissapear.
• Heart is like a crystal, preserve it. Luv is like perfume, spread it. Feelings are
like river, flow it. Friendship is like an umbrella, come lets share it.
• The mediocre teacher tells, the gud teacher explains, the superior teacher
demonstrates & the great teacher inspires, like U. Happy Teacher's Day
• Heart is like a crystal, preserve it. Luv is like perfume, spread it. Feelings r like
flood, flow it. Friendship is like an umbrella, come lets share it
• There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, that's the gift of
a wonderful person coming into ur life like I have in U!
• The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling & even more beautiful is
knowing that u r the reason behind it. Be a reason for others to smile. Gud Day!
• Wake up & wink those teeny weeny eyes, stretch those inzy winzy bones, wear
that jolly winning smile & tell urself today is a beautiful day. Gud Morning.
• What makes some people Dearer? It's not just the happiness that u feel when u
meet them but the pain u feel, when u miss them. Miss U
• Sun glows for a day, candle for an hour, matchstick for a minute, but a good
day can glow forever, so start ur day with a smile. Gud Day
• If I could pull down the rainbow, I'd write ur name with it & put it back in the
sky to let everybody know how colorful my life is with a friend like u
• Do u know the relation between smile & ur face? Ur face luks gud with a smile
but smile luks better when it's on ur face... Keep Smiling.
• The breeze has awakened the Earth & Sun has coloured our world. The birds
have added melody to the morning & I hope I'm not late to wish U Gud Morning
• Dreams visit us when we r asleep but God is truely wise, he wakes us up every
day & give a chance to make our dreams come true. Gud Morning
• Happiness is not something u postpone for the future. It's something u design
for the present. Make each moment a happy one. I hv by remembering u
• Night has ended 4 another day; Morning has come in special way. May u smile
like d blissful rays n leave ur worries 4 sum other day. Gud Morning!
• God'll not give u a burden u can't handle. So, if u find urself in a mess that's
impossible to resolve, take it as a compliment-God thinks u can do it. Gud

• U may b out of my sight but not out of my heart. U may b out of my reach but
not out of my mind. I don't know what I mean 2 u, but u'll always be special 2 me.
• Sharp is ur memory, sweet is ur name, deep in my heart u'll always remain. Earth
wants water, flower wants dew, I want nothing but a smile from u.

• Too many stars in the sky, too many tears that have left my eyes. Too many girls
out in the blue, but they are nothing compared to you!

• I have had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl
smile. So, would you smile for me?

• Those who can't have u hate u, those who have u can't handle u, those who abuse
u lose u, & then there are those like me who just can't refuse u!

• Even if I had 1 wish... I wouldn't wish for u to love me, coz I don't want your
love to come from a wish... but straight from your heart.

• The sky without stars is like sleep without dreams, like a song without music,
like a rose without smell, like a face without smile, like ME without U!

• Without ur SMS days are like: Moanday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday,

Frightday, Shattereday & Sadday. So send me SMS everyday.

• I don't care how many lips u hv kissed, how many shoulders u have embraced &
how many times u’ve said, I luv u! All I care is not b the first but 2 b ur last!

• U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart. U may be out of my reach, but
not out of my mind. I may mean nothing to u but u'll always be special to me

• Humne Chaand se poocha teri Chaandni ka raaz kya hai?

Chaand ne aapki taraf Ishara kar ke kaha, Inhi say pucho jisay dekh kar mein
chamakta hoon.

• As days go by, my feelings get stronger,

To be in ur arms, I can't wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & u'll see that it's true,
Day & night my thoughts r of U.

• U luk sweet when u read my message. U luk sweeter when u read my message &
smile. U luk sweetest when u read my message, smile & reply. So, try to look

• I believe that God above created you for me to luv. He picked me out from all
the rest coz he knew I'd luv you the best!
• Ur words r Antibiotics, ur smile is Analgesic, ur touch is Anti-Inflammatory, ur
presence is Antiseptic & ur SMS is Anti-Pyretic that's why I never fall ill

• I think you are very careless! U come & leave things behind! See now what u
have left? U just came in my mind and left a smile on my face.

• I've seen angels in the sky, I've seen snow fall in July, I've seen things you could
only imagine to see or do, But I still haven't seen anything sweeter than you!

• The length & breadth & height of you, total up to quite a view,
but to taste the true delight of you, I'll have to take a bite of u.

• It takes two to tango, two to kiss, two to talk & reminisce. So many good things
come in pair & one of those things is ME n YOU!

• U r as sweet as Bailey, as strong as Tequila, as warm as Cognac, as exotic as

Malibu, as heady as a cocktail & as special as Champagne. I'm simply drunk on U.

• A Friend's Luv says: If U ever need anything, I'll be there.

True Luv says: U'll never need anything, I'll be there

• Take my hand & lead me from this place. Chase away my doubts & fears, wipe
the tears off from my face. I can't stand-alone; I need ur hand to hold

• The human brain is most outstanding thing. It functions 24 hrs, 365 days; it
functions right from the time u were born until u fall in luv

• If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain; in order to love you gotta
risk the pain.

• Whnever I miss u I won't luk 4 u in my dreams or try to hear ur voice in ur msgs.

I just put my right hand across my chest and I feel U

• We are close enough to tell each other what we feel about our relationship... I
can sum up our relationship in those three words....U R Lucky.

• My heart problem has reached a critical stage that doctor says there are only 2
options left...I.C.U or..... U C me.

• Life has its Ups n Downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain lashes,
but then it takes both the Sun n Rain to make a Rainbow

• Difficulties in ur life don't come to destroy u but to help u realise ur hidden

potential & power. Let difficulties know that u 2 r Difficult.
• Anyone can make u smile & anyone can make u cry but it takes a special person
to make u smile with tears. You are such a person to me.

The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning,
hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & Miss U

• The worst part of life is missing a friend and you know what the best of life is...
having a friend worth missing. Miss U!

• Dreaming of u makes my night worth while. Thinking of u makes me Smile.

Having u is the best thing ever & Loving u is what I plan to do forever

• Always ask God to give u wht u deserve & not what u desire. UR desires may be
few but u deserves a lot. Have a Great Day!

• A Smile is a way of writing ur thoughts on ur face, telling others that they r

accepted, liked & appreciated. So here's a big Smile 4 U

• My frendship is like sugarcane. You crush it, twist it, squeez it, beat it to pulp,
still all you'll get is Sweetness!

• A true friend is not like the rain which pours & goes away. A true friend is like
the air. Sometimes silent but always around u. Gud Morning

• Think of difficult people as sandpaper, they may rub & scratch u painfully but
u'll end up smooth and polished & the sandpaper ends

• Be a candle, be a light, be a twinkle in the dark, be a hope, be an inspiration &

make a big difference in others heart

• Life is a book we all read it. Luv is a blessing we all need it. Always be happy,
always have a smile coz in this world we are just for a while

• Friendship is a language spoken by heart... not written on paper, not given by

pledge... it is a promise renewed every time we meet. Keep in touch.

• If each leaf of a tree is your Smile then I promise you that I'll water it through out
my life to see your Evergreen SMILE Forever

• A strong n positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing because
Life is 10% how u make it & 90% how u take it. Gud Morning

• Life has no rewinds n forwards. It unfolds itself at its own pace. So never miss a
chance to live today to make a beautiful story for tomorrow. Gud Day.
• When you are successful, your wellwishers know who you are but when you are
unsuccessful, you know who your wellwishers are!

• Hold a true friend with both your hands; don't let go for true friend comes once
in a lifetime. That's why I’m holding you tight! Can’t let U go

• If someone says u r ugly, its ok, if someone says u r stupid, its ok, if someone
says u r genious slap him as tight as you can n say there is a limit of kidding n u r
now crossing the limit.

• Sometimes the world gives me so many reasons to hate it...but whenever it

happens.... I just stop and think of u n say, "How can I hate this world when you
are a part of it..."

• May our friendship turn into silver, silver into gold, gold into diamonds... and
may our diamonds be forever... Then we'll sell it OK? Fifty-Fifty

• In the rythm of life, we sometimes find oureslves out of tune, but as long as there
r friends like u to provide the melody the music plays on.

• I believe that God above created you for me to luv. He picked me out from all
the rest coz he knew I'd luv you the best!

• Ur words r Antibiotics, ur smile is Analgesic, ur touch is Anti-Inflammatory, ur

presence is Antiseptic & ur SMS is Anti-Pyretic that's why I never fall ill

• Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like Ocean, high like Sky, strong like Iron,
kind like Mother, cute like Me, and sweet like U!

• We smile at whom we like, we cry for whom we care, we laugh with whom we
njoy & we become angry with whom we feel is our own. That's Friendship, that's

• God said: Don't look around coz u'll be Impressed. Don't look down coz u'll be
Depressed. Just look up to me all the time & u'll be Blessed

• Whenever I look at my palm, I wonder which of those tiny cute criss cross lines
made me so lucky to have a sweet & nice friend like U

• I think you are very careless! U come & leave things behind! See now what u
have left? U just came in my mind and left a smile on my face.

• Have a Heart that never breaks; Have a Smile that never fades; Have a touch that
never hurts; Have a Friendship that never ends, Like Ours!
• Some joys are better explained in silence, as a smile gets more audible than
laughter. I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with you. I just smiled.

• Beauty is not how you look, it is not how handsome u r, it's not ur figure too...
Beauty is the inner self, so change ur underwear daily.

Wonderful people r carefully created by God, wonderful moments are carefully

planned by God, wonderful friends like u r carefully gifted by God

• Life is only traveled once; today's moment becomes tomorrow's memory. Njoy
every moment, gud or bad, coz the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself. Have a nice day.

• Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than night for
those who make their DREAMS come true. Wish you Gud Night & Sweet

• Whatever is warm & inspiring, whatever means most to you, whatever makes
you smile & brings you joy that’s what I wish for U! Have a great Weekend.

• Don’t take life too seriously & always find time to laugh coz laughter not only
add years to ur life, but adds more Life to ur Years. Have nice day!

• No one can go back & make a new beginning, but anyone can start from now &
make a happy ending! Hope u'll have a day that starts right & ends Happy!

• U r as sweet as Bailey, as strong as Tequila, as warm as Cognac, as exotic as

Malibu, as heady as a cocktail & as special as Champagne. I'm simply drunk on U.

• Life ends when u stop Dreaming; Hope ends when u stop Believing; Luv ends
when u stop Caring; So Dream, Believe n Care, Life is really Beautiful

• Have u ever watched sunlight passing thru raindrops? It's just like my sweet
msgs passing thru ur cell making it colorful like a RAINBOW. Good Morning!

• Smile a while & while you smile others smile and soon there will be miles &
miles of smiles just because you smiled. I wish ur day is full of SMILE

• In ur darkest hour, when u r fed up n blue, just remember: I'll always b there 4 u,
I'm no angel n I can't change ur fate but I'd do anything 4 u coz u r my mate

• Morning is God's way of saying 1 more time... Go, live life, make a difference,
touch one's heart, encourage 1's mind inspire 1's soul & enjoy the day
• As days go by, my feelings get stronger, to be in ur arms, I can't wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & u'll see that it's true, day & night my thoughts r of U

• It's a fallacy that alcohol makes you fat. It doesn't. It makes you lean.... against
bars, poles, walls and other drunks!

• Women is symbol of Shakti, God's finest & beautiful creation without whom no
creation is possible. One who gives birth n nurtures. Happy women's day

• U luk sweet when u read my message. U luk sweeter when u read my message &
smile. U luk sweetest when u read my message, smile & reply. So, try to look

• No shadows to depress u, only joys to surround u, friends to luv u, and God

himself to bless u. These r my wishes for today, tomorrow & everyday. Gud

• Hi, keep messaging me and win exciting prizes. 3rd Prize: Lots of Luv. 2nd
Prize: Longlasting friendship. 1st Prize: Free stay for Lifetime in my heart.

• What’s luv? Those who don't like it call it a responsibility. Those who play with
it call it a game. Those who don't hv it call it a dream. And for me it’s U.

• Life may bring failures, hardships, tears & lots of pain.... but there's always a
reason to smile as long as you are there.

• Moongfali di khusboo te Gurh di mithaas, Makki di roti te Sarson da Saag, dil di

khushi te apneya da pyar, mubarak hove tuhanu Lohri da tyohar.

• I can’t find a reason why God gave U to me, but that is not the question to b
asked; May b the question is how did God knew that I needed a friend like U.

• Days are too Busy; Hours are too Few; Seconds are too Fast, but there is always
time for me to ask: How R U? n Hope u r FINE. MISS U!

• Always have positive attitude in life. There is something positive in every person
& situation. Even a stopped clock is right twice. Gud Morning!

• Never luk for a Gud Face, it'll turn old one day; Never luk for a Gud Skin, it'll
wrinkle one day; But luk for a loyal heart, that'll miss u every day.

• A bell is no bell 'til u ring it, a song is no song 'til u sing it & luv in ur heart
wasn’t put there to stay-luv isn’t luv 'til you give it away.
• Ice is a cream, luv is a dream but our friendship is evergreen. Don't make friends
bfore understanding & don't break a friendship after misunderstanding

• I hate u when u smile at me coz u make me crazy. I hate u when u talk to me coz
u make me run out of words. I hate u when I see u coz u make me luv u more.

• Smile in pleasure, smile in pain; Smile when trouble pours like rain; Smile when
someone hurts U, Smile coz someone cares 4 U. Keep Smiling.

• Life is like cotton- Don't make it heavier by sinking it in Water of Sorrow, but
make it lighter by letting it blow in the Wind of Joy!!!

• Forever in my heart, u wud be cherished & in my mind ur alwayz thought of, we

may be far away but in my heart u remain 1 of the special person I gained in life.
I'm blessed to hv a Friend Like u.

• If I could pull down the rainbow, I'd write ur name with it & put it back in the
sky to let everybody know how colorful my life is with a friend like u

• Happiness is not something u postpone for the future. It's something u design for
the present. Make each moment a happy one. I hv by remembering u

• Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble
remembering how to fly.

• True friends see u true, believe in things u wanna do, feel glad wen ur dreams
come true, best of all they don't judge, they simply luv u coz u r u

• My heart problem has reached a critical stage that doctor says there are only 2
options left....I.C.U or......U C me

• We are close enough to tell each other what we feel about our relationship. I can
sum up our relationship in those three words: U R Lucky

• A true friend is not like the rain which pours & goes away. A true friend is like
the air. Sometimes silent but always around u. Gud Morning

• Few Relations In Earth Never Die. Wanna know wht is it?

• Heart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are
timeless and a friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless

• Everyone says you only fall in love once, but that's not true. Every time I hear
your voice I fall in love all over again.

• Har karz dosti ka ada kaun karega?

Hum na rahe to dosti kaun karega?
E khuda mere doston ko salamat rakhna,
Warna meri shaadi mein dance kaun karega?

• The mind 2 friends are like the lines of railway track. They never meet... but has
go together to save the derailment of the Train called Friendship.

• Science has proved that Sugar melts in water, so please don't walk in rain,
otherwise I will lose such a SWEET friend like U.

• A true friend understands when u say ‘I forgot’, waits 4ever when u say ‘just a
min’, stays with u when u say ‘leave me alone’ & opens his heart even b4 u knock

• If I'm in hell & u r in heaven, I'll luk up & b glad of u. If I'm in heaven & u r in
hell, I'll pray 2 God 2 send me down coz the heaven is not heaven without U

• I don't care how many lips u’ve kissed, how many shoulders u’ve embraced &
how many times u’ve said, I luv u! All I care is not be the first but to b ur last!

• Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of luv, bcoz sun rises in the east and
sets in the west but friendship rises in the heart and sets after Death.

• Simple music can make u sing, simple hug can make u feel better; simple things
can make u happy, hope that my simple Hi will make u smile.

• People say friends are made in heaven and they come in your life. But I made a
friend like you in this world and made my life a heaven.

• Ravan was sent to court & was asked to keep a hand on Geeta.
He refused saying: Sita par hath rakh kar itni musibat aayi! Ab Geeta pe haath
nahin rakhunga

• J kade tera kalle da paga 10 bandeyan naal pai jaave ta mainu sad layin, main
kade kisi nu kut paindi nahin dekhi !

• Kuri waley Munde nu: Tusi nonveg khandey ho?

Munda: Haan
Sab kuch negative hai, kuch positive ve hai?
Munda: Haanji, HIV+

• Khuda kare tujhe khushiyan hazaar mile, mujhse bhi achche yaar mile, meri
galfriend tujhe raakhi baandhe aur tujhe ek aur behan ka pyar mile

• Gabbar: Kitne admi they?

Sambha: Sardar 2
Gabbar: Mujhe ginti nahin aati, 2 kitne hote hain?
Samba: Sardar 2, 1 ke baad aata hai
Gabbar: Aur 2 ke pehle?
Samba: 2 k pehle 1 aata hai.
Gabbar: To beech mein kaun ata hai?
Samba: Beech mein koi nahi aata>
Gabbar:: To phir dono ek saath kyun nahin aate?
Samba: 1 k baad hi 2 aa sakta hai, kyun ki 2, 1 se bada hai.
Gabar: 2, 1 se kitna bada hai?
Samba: 2, 1 se 1 bada hai.
Gabbar: Agar 2, 1 se 1 bada hai to 1, 1 se kitna bada hai?
Samnba: Sardar maine aapka namak khaya hai, mujhe goli maar do

• Plz pass this SMS to all ur friends. A person urgently needs 3 bottles of....
Foster beer (chilled) with chips. It's urgent Cell no & name is as displayed

• People who do lots of work…make lots of mistakes,

People who do less work…make less mistakes,
People who do no work…make no mistakes,
People who make no mistakes…get promoted.
• What is the height of Flirting?
It's When your love letter starts with: TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN

• Kya hoga agar Pepsodent waale condom banaye to...??

Hona kya hai? Raat bhar Dishum, dishum...!

• Gal: Is dress ka kya price hai?

Shopkeeper: Sirf 5 kiss.
Girl: Aur us dress ka?
Shopkeeper: 10 kiss.
Girl: Dono dress pack kar do, bill dadi dengi

• Friends in heart r the worst tenants. They capture the heart, pay no rent, don’t
vacate & if at all they leave, they just break down the room they lived.

• Remember to remember me, forget to forget me. Even if u try to remember to

forget me I'll never forget to remember to remind u to remember me.

• Treat life as the sea, heart as the seashore & friends like the waves. It never
matters how many waves r there? What matters is which one touches the seashore.

• I could 4get a face, 4get a home, 4get a place, 4get a name, 4get a game, I could
even 4get myself but 4getting a friend like U, FORGET IT.

• Luv starts with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. But friendship
starts with eyes, grows with an understanding and ends with death!

• 6 rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from worries;
Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have me as Ur Friend.

• I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar. I cherish the friend who
for me does not consult his calendar.

• Stars have 5 ends, squares have 4 ends, triangles have 3 ends, lines have 2 ends,
life has 1 end, but I hope our friendship has no end.

• True friends r like the mornings, u can’t have them whole day but u can be sure
they’ll b there when u wake up tomorrow, next week, next year, forever.

• Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive
friends and a garden full of memories of many good things.

• Enjoy the little things in life. Family, friendship, luv and being loved. One day
you may look back and discover that's all you need in life.
• In life when you get troubles, don't get nervous... Just close your eyes and follow
ur heart... b'coz heart may be in left.... but it is always right.

• When I go wrong, I need ur hand 2 correct, wen emotions bust out, I need ur
hand 2 catch, wen I win, I need ur hand 2 pat. In short:Ye Haath Mujhe De De

• U want & u get, that's luck, U want & u wait, that's time. U want but u
compromise, that's life. And U want & u wait & u don't compromise that's LOVE

• If you r in a dark room, you find blood everywhere, and the walls are shaking-
don't worry friend, u r at the safest place, U R in my heart

• Sharp is ur memory, sweet is ur name, deep in my heart u will aways remain.

Earth wants water, flower wants dew, I want nothing but a smile from u

• Too many stars in the sky, too many tears that have left my eyes. Too many girls
out in the blue, but they are nothing compared to you!

• Feelings are many but words are few, clouds are dark but sky is blue; Luv is a
paper, life is glue, every thing is false, only My Luv is TRUE.

• I don't care how many lips u’ve kissed, how many shoulders u’ve embraced &
how many times u’ve said, I luv u! All I care is not be the first but to b ur last!

• Life gives answer in 3 ways... It says Yes & gives u what u want, it says no and
gives u something better, it says wait and gives u the Best! Have a Gud Day.

• Our friendship is like playing on a see-saw, not only because its always fun being
with u but also because I won't mind going down to see u rise.

• Some friends r worth 2b thrown, some r good 2 keep, some r 2b treasured 4 ever.
I think u r the one 2b thrown in the treasure box 2b kept 4 ever.

• When you are counting all your friends, the oldest, the best & the new... I wud
like to stand by ur side & say two little words..."ME TOO"

• Friendship is like peeing in ur pants. Everyone can c it but only u can feel its true
warmth. Thanks 4 being the pee in my pants.

• A friend is sweet when its new but it is sweeter when its TRUE! But you know
what? It's sweetest when its you.
• Valuing Friendship is not merely by seeing each other everyday. What counts is
that somehow in our busy lives, we remember EACH OTHER.

• A friend is 1% funny, 2% sweet, 3% caring, 4% loving, 90% good looking.

Thats why I am your friend! You are so lucky.

• Hey friend, remember that without stupidity there can be no wisdom & without
ugliness there can be no beauty so the world needs YOU after all!

• Friends are like puzzle pieces. If one goes away, that special piece can never be
replaced and that puzzle will never be whole again.

• Without humor, life sux. Without courage, life is hard. Without love, life is
hopeless. Without friends like you, life is impossible!

• Cheerful people are like Sunlight. They shine in to the corners of the heart &
offer bright mornings & fresh hopes. Gud Morning to one such person.

• Dreams visit us when we r asleep but GOD is truly wise, he wakes us up each
day & gives us every chance to make our dreams come true! Gud Morning

• God picked up a flower, dipped it in dew, lovingly touched it, which turned into
u n then he gifted it to me & said this friend is for u!

• No Shadows to depress U, only joys to surround U, many friends to Luv U, God

himself to bless U. These r my Wishes for U, for today, tomorrow & Everyday!

• Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing & a new hope. It's a perfect
day coz it's God's gift. Have a blessed & wonderful day.

• An icing can make a cake so sweet, a string can make a balloon so high, a match
can make a candle so bright. I hope that a simple text can make you smile.

• God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day...and I just
caught one that's so nice and true... It's you!

• I thank God I'm rich not with money but with people like you. I may not have the
most expensive things but I've got a most precious gem… a friend like you.

• Walk with me when ur hearts needs company, take my hand when u feel all
alone, turn to me when u need some1 to lean on, b'coz I'm the one u can always
depend on!
• Always welcome a new day with a Smile on ur Lips, Luv in ur Heart & Gud
thoughts in ur mind and u'll always have a Wonderful day.

It takes thousand workers 2 build a castle, Million soldiers 2 protect a country, but
just One woman 2 make a Happy Home! Let's Thank... KAAMWALI

• Narad Muni dharti par madira peene aaye,12 botal pilane k baad theke wala:
Apko chadhti kyun nahi ?
Narad: Main Bhagwaan Hoon.
Theke wala: Chad gayi saley ko.

• Mashooka: Lagta hai meri aankh mein kuch gir gaya, dekho to.
Mashook: Ek tinka dikh to raha hai, kyon na usey wahin rahne diya jaye main
doobonga to sahara dega.

• Boy: I'm not rich like Rahul, I don't even have a big car like Rahul, but I really
Luv U!
Girl: I luv u too, but tell me more about Rahul.

• Jija: Sali ji, aapke yahan ki sabse mash-hoor cheez kaunsi hai?
Sali: Jija ji, jo mash-hoor thi, usey to aap le gaye!

• Teacher: Agar apna character sudharna hai to sab auraton ko MAA kaha karo.
Student: Madam is se mera character to theek rahega, par mere baap ka bigad

• An old rich man marries a young gal. Interviewer asks the girl: Apne inmein
shaadi ke liye kya dekha?
Girl: Ek to inki income aur doosre inke din kum.

• Reverse dynamics: When a man becomes rich he becomes naughty & when a
woman becomes naughty.... she becomes rich.

• A lady is standing on top of the hill n she is going to push her father down. So
what's the name of the lady?

• Food for thought: Why to suffer trying by all means to become rich and wear
expensive branded clothes, when best things in life we do naked.

• When we sigh about our problem, they grow D_O_U_B_L_E, but when we
laugh about them they become o o o o o o bubbles! Have a bubbly life!
• If you are stressed, you'll get pimples... if you cry, you'll get wrinkles... So, why
don't you smile & get dimples? Keep smiling.

• Hi to a cute, sweet, lovely, charming and the most adorable person in this world.
Happy kya? Ok let me go, I have to fool others too...

• FOOL se, FOOL ne, FOOLon ki FOOLwari me FOOL ke sath wish kiya 'You
are the most beautiFOOL, colorFOOL & wonderFOOL amongst all FOOLS

• Once upon a time a great legend used to send funny messages, fools used to
enjoy & forward them. The great legend is back & the saga continues...

• Happiness is not something you postpone for the future. It is something you
design for the present. Make each moment a happy one. I have by remembering U!

• Once upon a time, something happened to me. It was the sweetest thing that ever
could be. It was a fantasy, a dream come true it was the day I met you.

• Today if anyone praises u for ur beauty, personality, style or attitude, just kick
him... How dare he fool u before April 1st

• Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need U.
Years may fly, tears may dry, but my Love for u'll never die.

• Three dreams of a man: To be as handsome as his mother thinks. To be as rich as

his child believes. To have as many women as his wife suspects

• If I were to describe true luv then I would describe it as what a snowman did to a
snowwoman: He gave her warm hug n they both melted in each other’s arms.

• I’ll give u one kiss to go to sleep. I’ll give u two kisses to dream. I’ll give u an
endless row of kisses to, when u wake up in the morning, think of me.

• Sweet fruits r nice 2 eat, sweet words r nice 2 say, but sweet people r really hard
2 find. My goodness, how the hell did u manage 2 find me!

• What’s missing in H__RT? EA or U? Pick EA & you’ll get a heart! If u pick U,

you’ll get hurt! I'd pick U coz it's better to get hurt than hv a heart without U

• Life is full of beautiful things: soft sunsets, painted rainbows, delicate blossoms,
luv & laughter, quiet moments & fantastic people like me. Enjoy it!

• Through each day our goal is to touch one's heart; encourage one's mind &
inspire one's soul. May u continually b blessed & b a blessing to others! Gud Day!
• If u want success in life; be Sweet like Honey, Regular like Clock, Fresh like
Rose, Soft like Tissue, Strong like Rock, Sure like Death & smart like ME.

• Every sunset gives us one day less to live, but every sunrise gives us, one day
more to hope! So, get up & hope 4 the best. Gud Day & Gud Luck!

• The world doesn't need more mountains to climb, more seas to cross or more
stars to shine! What the world needs is more of U & UR smile. Keep smiling!

• One who smokes has a smoky heart; one who drinks has an alcoholic heart. So
dear, U must STOP eating sweets, as you are already a Sweetheart!

• I miss you when I laugh and cry, because I know that you're the only one who
makes my laughter grow and my tears dissapear

• U kept me warm & safe, held my hand to show me the way, supported &
inspired me through night & day, Luv U in everyway. Missing u on Father's Day

• Never change your originality for sake of others coz no one can play your role
better than yourself. Have a Gud Day

• God has given us two gifts; One is choice & another is chance. Choice is to
select a gud friend & chance is to have a best one like U

• Dream makes everything possible, Hope makes everything work, Luv makes
everything beautiful, Smile makes all the above... So always Brush ur Teeth

• Close ur eyes .... Relax ur body and stop breathing as long as U can. Now
breath...I miss u as much as u missed the air.

• If care is wave i give u sea. If respect is a leaf I give u tree. If Trust is a planet I
give u galaxy, If friendship is life I give u myself!

• A lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentleman. Thanks for being
such a lady to me.

• Heart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are
timeless and a friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless

• Friendship is the rainbow between two hearts, sharing seven colors of feelings,
love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith & respect.

God picked up a flower n dipped it in dew, lovingly touched it, which turned into
you. And then he gifted it to me n said this friend is 4 u!
• Your smile can be compared to a flower, ur voice can be compared to a cuckoo,
ur innocence to a child, but in stupidity u have no comparison u r the best.

• Hey, I just got your blood test report. U have been tested HIV positive. Report
reads person has high percentage of Honey In Veins. No Wonder!

• Why is it that I must climb the tallest mountain and swim the widest ocean to get
to you, when all you need is just a simple smile to get to me?

• Unlike others your brain is a masterpiece. In the left half, nothing is right and in
the right half, nothing is left.

• Let love be the guide to your dreams, let love be the light to your heart, let your
love be the reason why somebody else's heart still continues to beat.

• If I could give u one thing in life, I would give u the ability to see yourself
through my eyes, only then would u realise how special u r to me!

• You put the fun in together,

The sad in apart,
The hope in tomorrow,
The joy in my heart.

• Knowing a person like u, has made me happy in a million ways and if ever I
have to let u go... I would find a million reasons to make u stay. I miss you.

• I heard someone whisper ur name, but when I turned around to see who it was, I
notice I was alone, then I realize it was my heart telling me that I miss u.

• Husband & wife are like liver and kidney. Husband is liver & wife kidney. If
liver fails, kidney fails. If kidney fails, liver manages with other kidney.

• I've seen angels in the sky, I've seen snow fall in July, I've seen things you could
only imagine to see or do, But I still haven't seen anything sweeter than you!

• Among the stars u r the one that shines the most. Among the winds u r the one
that brings the refreshing air. Among the people u r the one who I wanna give a

• Today is Saint Valentine’s day; All in the morning betime; And I a maid at your
window; To be your Valentine.

• What the heart gives away is never gone, but kept in the hearts of others, from
dusk to dawn. Love you from the core of my heart. Be my Valentine.
• There's warmth in my heart. It haunts me when u r gone. Mend me to ur side and
never let go. The more I live the more I know, what's simple is true. I Luvl U

• Love is like a cloud... love is like a dream... love is 1 word and everything in
between... love is a fairytale come true... Coz I found love when I found U.

• U'll always be mine 4 now & 4ever. U'll always be mine 4 u r my treasure.U'll
always be mine please tell me its true. Please be mine 4ever. I'll always luv u

• I searched through books & leafed through cards; For words that would convey,
what I had in my heart, But when I sat down to write, all I can write was....I can't
live without u!

• If Roses were Black and violets were brown, my love for you would never be
found but roses r red and violets are blue, all I want to say is I LOVE U!

• If love & friendship could be brought or sold as if they were Stocks & Shares
those wise enough to invest in you SEXY would all be millionaires!!!

• Faith makes all things possible, love makes all things easy, hopes makes all
things work, but ur gorgeous smile brings all faith, luv & hope in me!

• A peach is a peach, a plum is a plum, a kiss isn't a kiss without the tongue, so
open ur mouth & close ur eyes & give ur tongue some exercise.

• U can b a doctor & save lives, a lawyer & defend lives, a soldier & protect lives
or simply b urself, a sweet person who touches hearts!

• Those who can't have u hate u, those who have u can't handle u, those who abuse
u lose u, & then there are those like me who just can't refuse u!

• I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the
moment I laid my eyes on you.

• There are Tulips in my garden, there are Tulips in the park but nothing is more
beautiful then our two lips meeting in the dark!

• May ur heart b happy & ur days b bright. May ur roads b smooth & ur burdens
light. May u find dreams & touch a star & never forget how Special U R

• Love is not how long u've been together; not how much u've given or receive;
Not how many times u've helped each other – It’s how u value each other
• U make me feel so right, every day n every night. Let me tell u how much I luv
u, from the moment I saw ur face I never ever thought about u being replaced

• Love isn't a decision. It's a feeling. If we could decide who we loved, it would be
much simpler, but much less magical.

• Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles..... For smiles can be given to
any one but tears are only shed for people we love...

• Good friends care for each other. Close friends understand each Other. And true
friends staty forever beyond words, beyond time.

• Never blame a day in ur life. Good Days Give u happiness. Bad days give u
Experience. Both are essential in life! All are Gods blessings! Have a nice day.

• Ever since you've left, I have realised that a part of one's Life is made of
someone else's life. I miss that PART. I Miss U.

• Happy holi to you and your family. Celebrate with crackers and diyas... fly kites!
Get drunk.. Just like I am right now... Merry Christmas once again.

• May god gift u all the colors of life, colors of joy, colors of happiness, colors of
friendship, colors of luv n all other colors u want to paint in ur life. Happy Holi.

• Steps to do every Morning this year: Close ur eyes, take a deep breath, open ur
arms wide, feel ur heart beat n say: Here I’m, Oh God, embrace me n b my

• New Year is the time to unfold new horizons & realize new dreams, to
rediscover the strength & faith within u, to rejoice in simple pleasures & gear up 4
a new challenges. Wishin u a truly fulfilling 2006

• May ur sun shine even brighter, ur step seem even lighter, ur smile stretch even
wider, ur dreams reach even higher. May u have a year that's never been finer.

• I luv my eyes when u look into them; I luv my name when u say it; I luv my
heart when u luv it; I luv my life when you are in it.

• If sumone throws a stone towards u, throw luv towards him but if sumone throw
luv towards u, then sit for a while & think coz luv hurts more than stone.

• Devote time to enjoy; it's the secret of youth. Devote time for friends; it’s the
path to happiness. Devote time to luv n b loved; it's the source of pleasure.
• There are two eternities that can really break you down, Yesterday & Tomorrow.
One is gone & other does not exist! So live today only. Gud Morning!

• Please open ur eyes, so the Sun can rise, flowers can blossom, birds can sing, as
all r waitin to see a beautiful SMILE in ur face & say Gud Morning.

• Knock! Knock! May I come into ur world? I bring no flowers, no gifts but
wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u healthy & luv to keep u smiling. Gud

• Give laugh to all but smile to one; Give cheeks to all but lips to one; Give luv to
all but heart to one; Let everybody luv u but u luv one.

• Dosti- kaho to ek lafz, mano to bandagi, socho to gehra sagar, dubo to zindagi,
karo to asan, nibhao to mushkil, bikhare to sara zamana, simte to sirf TUM !

• Eyes: To look at you; Hands: To pray for you; Mind: To care for u; Heart: To
love you and Legs: To kick u if u forget me.

• Twinkle twinkle lazy star, kitna soyega uth ja yaar, up above the world so high,
Sun has risen in the sky, uth ke jaldi pele chai, then call me and say hi...!

• Words begin with ABC, numbers begin with 123, music begins with do, re, mi
and friendship begins with U n ME!

• God picked up a flower n dipped it in dew, lovingly touched it, which turned into
you. And then he gifted it to me n said this friend is 4 u!

• Never abandon old friends. They r hard 2 replace. A friendship is like wine: it
gets better as it grows older just like us... I get better, u get older.

• I always thought loving some1 was the greatest feeling, but I realised that loving
a friend is even better; v lose ppl v love but v never lose true friends.

• A deep friend is like rainbow, when the perfect amount of happiness and tears
are mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.

• Your friendship is a Blank Cheque for me. It’s an asset not a liability, always a
credit not a debit; always a profit not a loss & I hope it'll never bounce.

• Heart is like a crystal, preserve it. Love is like perfume, spread it. Feelings are
like flood, flow it. Friendship is like an umbrella, come lets share it.
• Ganguly’s Son: Yeh Kya, Daddy Sixer pe Sixer maare jaa rahe hain Hain?
Ganguly’s Wife: Arey beta, yeh toh ADVERTISEMENT Hai !

• U luv sumone... u marry sumone else. The one u marry becomes ur wife or
husband & the one u loved becomes the password of your emai id...!

• Kudi waale pandit nu: Saanu aheja munda chahida jehra kuj khanda penda na
Pandit: Aheja munda taan PGI Emergency ward ch hi mil sakda hai.

• Ravan ki 20 aankhein thi magar nazar sirf ek aurat pe; jab ki aapki 2 aankhein
aur nazar har aurat pe...!
Toh asli Ravan kaun??

• Ab tak meri life ek khuli botal thi, jis mein se sab perfume ki tarah ud jata tha.
Par aap ke aane se sab kuch ruk gaya. Bhagwan kare aap jaisa DHAKKAN sabko

• Baniye ki wife bimaar thi, light na hone ki wajah se usne candle jala di aur bola:
Doc ko lene jaa raha hun, agar tumhe lage ki tum nahin bachogi to plz candle
bujha dena

• A boy goes to see a cabare dance. His mom gets angry & asks him: Did u see
anything there that u were not supposed to see?
Boy: Yes, I saw dad.

• A friend is: Who lends you...

Pen in School...

• In French: Bon jour

In Spanish: Te Quiro
In Italian: Teamo
In Yugoslav: Volim Te
In English: Good Morning
In Punjabi: Uth Moya Kam te nahi jana?

• Q: Why do all Afghans carry a piece of sandpaper?

A: Because they need a map.

• A Morning is a wonderful blessing, either Cloudy or Sunny. It stands for hope,

giving us another start of what we call Life. Gud Morning & Have a nice day.

• I am in casualty now; don't say I didn't tell you. After 5 minutes, I will be
transferred to ICU. Doctor told me that I’ll die if I don't STOP Missing U!
• Happiness keeps u Sweet; Trials Make u Strong; Sorrows keep u Human; Failure
makes u Humble; Success keeps u glowing & God keeps u going! God Bless U!

• Lady to inspector Santa: My husband went to buy potatos 5 days ago, he hasn't
come back yet!
Santa: Why don't you cook something else.

• A lady calls Santa for repairing door bell.

Santa does not turns up for 4 days.
Lady calls again, Santa replies: I am coming daily from 4 days, I press the bell, but
no one comes out.

• Always be Happy, always wear a smile. Not because life is full of reasons to
smile, but because your smile itself is a reason for many others to Smile...

• To Luv some1 is madness, 2b loved by some1 is a Gift, Loving some1 who loves
u is a duty, but being loved by some1 whom u luv is LIFE.

• Faith makes everything possible; Hope makes everything work; Luv makes
everything beautiful. May u have all the 3 as u begin each day. Gud Morning!

• 1 Advice- Don’t change, 1 Request- Take care, 1 Wish- Don't forget me, 1 Lie- I
Hate U, 1 Truth- I Miss U, 1 Hope- We'll always be Gud Friends.

• Always be happy and always wear a smile; Not because life is full of reasons to
smile but because ur smile itself is a reason for many others to smile.

• God has given us two gifts; One is choice & another is chance. Choice is to
select a gud friend & chance is to have a best one like U

• The words that escape a friend's mouth r: I'll be there when u say u need me.
But the words that r unheard from a true friend's heart r: I'll be there... whether u
say u need me or not

• If time slips away without a word from me, U don't hv 2 worry about our
friendship coz feelings, beyond words, will always keep me AROUND!

• Every morning when I open my eyes I pray to God that everyone should have a
friend like u.Why should only I suffer!

• Friendship is about bringing out the +ve when everything seems -ve, being
accepted for who u r, being able to pick up right where u left off, sharing, talking
& laughing. Friendship is about us & for that I'm gr8ful
• Walk with me when ur hearts needs company, take my hand when u feel all
alone, turn to me when u need some1 to lean on, coz I'm a friend u can always
depend on

• If ur friendship be money, I'll be richest man. If ur friendship be pounds, I'll be

heaviest man. If ur friendship be luv, I'll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust
& I'm the happiest man

• Friendship never speaks volumes, it never demands proof, it never has a happy
ending too simply coz it doesn't end as long as friends r true, just like U!

• Medicines and friendships cure our problems. The only difference is that
friendships don't have an expiry date.

• Last night I dreamt that I was walking with God n I told him that I've a friend
like u. He smiled n said: Beta, sab pichle janam k paap hain

• Walk with me when ur hearts needs company, take my hand when u feel all
alone, turn to me when u need some1 to lean on, coz I'm a friend u can always
depend on

• When u r too fast to get somewhere, u miss the fun of getting there. Life's not a
race, so take it slower n enjoy the music before the song's over

• A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle. You are one
shining candle. May u never get tired of sharing ur light. Good Morning

• Every king was once a helpless baby & every great structure once a blueprint...
It’s not where r u today, but where u’ll reach that counts. Gud Day!

• Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need U.
Years may fly, tears may dry, but my Love for U will never die

• May ur heart b happy & ur days b bright. May ur roads b smooth & ur burdens
light. May u find dreams & touch a star & never forget how special U R

• If you fall in river there is a boat .. if you fall in well there is rope .. but if you fall
in love there is no hope.

• Gud Morning... Kindly observe SILENCE for two minutes in the memory of
those poor mosquitoes who died last night after sucking ur blood. Thanks

• I'd climb the highest mountain. I'd swim the ocean blue, I'd do anything my dear-
Just to get away from you
• Friendship never speaks volumes, it never demands proof, it never has a happy
ending too simply coz it doesn't end as long as friends r true, just like U!

• I’m a PAPER, u can write ur feelings, scribble ur anger, use me 2 absorb ur tears,
don’t throw me after use, but when u feel cold I’ll burn myself 2 warm u coz I Luv

• In chemistry class teacher asked a gal: what r nitrates

Gal answered shyly: night rates, they r costlier than day.

• Cherish things while u still hv them b4 they r gone & u'll realize how precious
they really r. Life can only b understood backwards but it must b lived forward.

• What good is beauty without brains, looks without charm, money without
happiness, a smile without feelings, a life without you?

• Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, but then I remember your face
and I'm ready for war.

• I love the way you touch me, always sending chills down my spine.
I love that you are with me and glad that you are mine.

• We live in r dreams but dreams may die. Don't get shattered & never ever cry.
The world is big n has lots to give. Pick a new dream & start again. Gud Day.

• Beauty doesn't make luv but luv makes beauty; break everything but never break
the heart; Heart is the music, play it but never play with it.

• Everyone says you only fall in love once, but that's not true. Every time I hear
your voice I fall in love all over again.

• Touch my heart & u’ll feel,

Listen to my heart & u’ll hear,
Look into my heart & u’ll see,
That u’ll always be a special part of me.

Days are too Busy; Hours are too Few; Seconds are too Fast, but there is always
time for me to ask: How R U? n Hope u r FINE. MISS U!

• Akhan di benuri changi nahin hundi,

Dostan ton duri changi nahin hundi,
Kade kade milya vi kar yaara,
Har vele SMS naal gal puri nahin hundi.
• Ice is a cream, luv is a dream but r friendship is evergreen. Don't make friends
bfore understanding & don't break a friendship after misunderstanding

• Kaliyan bina na phulan vichon mehak aundi, phulan bina na haar piroye jaande,
maapeyan bina na zindagi vich aish hundi te yaran bina na dukhre roye jande.

• True friends are those who, When you make a fool of yourself, Don't believe that
this condition is permanent. -Erwin T. Randall

• Wonderful people r carefully created by God, wonderful moments are carefylly

planned by God, wonderful friends like u are carefully gifted by God

• 1 Advice- Don’t change, 1 Request- Take care, 1 Wish- Don't forget me, 1 Lie- I
Hate U, 1 Truth- I Miss U, 1 Hope- We'll always be Gud Friends.

• Your validity of being my friend is going to be expired today, plz recharge ur

friendship immediately by delivering 4-5 sweet & cool msgs.

• Not every bird can dance, but peacock did that. Not every flower can represent
LUV, but Rose did that. Not every Friend can reach up to HEART, but u did.

• Tere dil dian mitra tu jaane, saade dil vich tan yari teri hai,
Tu jinne din sada yaar raven, sanu unni umar batheri hai!

Baby I have an addiction problem. People say I shud go to rehab but I always tell
them that I don't wanna go cause I'm addicted to U !

• Vacancy in my Heart 4 a True Friend

Eligibility: Loving & Caring,
Duty: To Luv,
Experience: Not required,
Salary: Never Ending Luv,
Joining: ASAP,
R U interested?

• Aap ek Mobile ki tarah ho, khwab mein atey ho SMS ki tarah, Dil mein bas jatay
ho Ring Tone ki tarah; Mohabbat aapki hai Network ki tarah, hum ko bhool na
jaana Balance ki tarah

• When the night comes, look at the sky. If u see a falling star, don't wonder why,
just make a wish. Trust me it will come true, coz I did it & I found U

• God created the world in SIX days But took him centuries to come up with
someone as beautiful.... as U!
• The moment I first saw you, you warmed my heart, the second time you made
little flames and now you make my heart burn like hell!

• A smile to put U on high... A kiss to set your soul alright... Would it be alright if
I spent tonight being loved by you?

• Once Upon a Time, Something happened to me. It was the sweetest thing that
ever could be. It was a fantasy, a dream come true it was the day I met you.

• Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need U.
Years may fly, tears may dry, but my Love for u'll never die.

• U make me feel so right, every day n every night. Let me tell u how much I luv
u, from the moment I saw ur face I never ever thought about u being replaced

• I'm a cop and you are under arrest on account of being you. It is illegal to be as
lovable as you r. Now you get a life sentence in my heart.

• Hey, I just got your blood test report. U have been tested HIV positive. Report
reads person has high percentage of Honey In Veins. No Wonder!

• Only the open heart receives love, only the open mind receives wisdom, only the
open hand receives gifts and only the cute persons receive SMS from me!

• Hello!! What's wrong with your mobile?

Tried so many times but Every time I call it says: The subscriber your are trying to
reach is in your heart!

• If u see some one without a smile, give him one of urns, coz u r among a few
good people who can shine others lives by just walking with him a few miles

• Don't send any messages, I don't want to see you, hear your voice, think of you,
coz my doctor advised me 2 keep away from Sweets.

• I’ll give u one kiss to go to sleep. I’ll give u two kisses to dream. I’ll give u an
endless row of kisses to, when u wake up in the morning, think of me.

• Boy: Jaaneman, is dil mein aaja!

Gal: Sandal utaaroon kya?
Boy: Are pagli, yeh koi mandir thodi hai, aise hi aaja!

• In da mornin I don’t eat coz I think of u, at noon I don’t eat coz I think of u, in da
evenin I don’t eat coz I think of u, at night I don’t sleep coz Im hungry
• Kissing you baby is my dream. I'm the strawberry & u r the cream. Handle me
gently keep me real keen. U & I together babes is passion so extreme!

• Teri arzoo main humne Baharon ko dekha! Teri Zustzo main humne Sitaron ko
dekha! Nahi mila tum se badhkar in nigahon ne hazaron ko dekha.

• Hi Good Morning! Arz hai, Chai ke cup se uthte dhuein mein teri shakl nazar
aati hai, Tere khyalon mein kho kar aksar meri chai thandi ho jaati hai.

• Walk with me when ur hearts needs company, take my hand when u feel all
alone, turn to me when u need some1 to lean on, coz I'm the one u can always
depend on!

• If you say my eyes are beautiful it's because they're looking at you, for my eyes
are just the windows my feelings come through.

• Little keys can open big locks, simple words can express great thoughts. A text
from u never fails to make me smile the whole day through.

• Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, but then I remember your face
and I'm ready for war.

• I love the way you touch me, always sending chills down my spine.
I love that you are with me and glad that you are mine.

• Touch my heart & u’ll feel,

Listen to my heart & u’ll hear,
Look into my heart & u’ll see,
That u’ll always be a special part of me.

• Life is 4 living, I live mine 4 U!

Luv is 4 giving, I give mine 2 U!
Dreams r 4 dreaming, mine r 4 U!
Heart is 4 beating & mine beats 4 U!

• All I wanted was sumone 2 care 4 me. All I wanted was sumone who'd b there 4
me. All I ever wanted was sumone who'd b true. All I ever wanted was sum1 like

• May God stay with u this day & give u peace of mind. May He give u a happy
heart & His luv all the time. Gud Day!

• Never think of the past, it brings tears. Never think of the future, it brings fears.
Live in the present & drink Chilled beers... Cheers!!!
• Don't marry & make a woman happy. In fact remain a bachelor & make several
women happy.

• Every morning when I open my eyes I pray to God that everyone should have a
friend like u. Why should only I suffer?

• In life, God doesn't give people u want. Instead he gives u people u need to teach
u, to hurt u, to luv u & make u exactly the way he wants u to be- The Best

• Smokers have smoking heart; Drinkers have an alcoholoic heart. I request you
don't eat sugar coz you aready have a Sweet Heart

• Luv many things, for therein lies the true strength, & whosoever luvs much
performs much, & can accomplish much, & what is done in luv is done well

• Smiles are like birds; they fly from face to face. May ur lips give them a better
nest, so that they can stay there forever. Keep Smiling

• 'Talking once with a genius is equal to the knowledge of reading books for one
month' is a Chinese proverb. So, feel free to contact me any time. Good Morning

• Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm
inside because you're close in heart

• Six rules to be Happy: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from
worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have ME as ur Friend.

• Don't go for luks, it can deceive; don't go for wealth, even that fades away. Go
for someone who makes u smile coz only a smile makes a dark day bright.

• Life is an echo; all comes back, the gud, the bad, the false, and the true. So, give
the world the best u have & the best will come back to u. Have a gr8 day.

• I've noticed that being with u, I smile a little more often, I anger a little less
quickly, the sun shines a little brighter & life is much sweeter. I Luv U

• Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile, thinking of you makes me smile,

being with you is the best thing ever, and loving you is what I'll do forever

• Nobody's right till somebody's wrong; Nobody's weak till somebody's strong;
Nobody's lucky till luv comes along; Nobody's lonely till somebody's gone. I Miss
• It's the sweetest thing to do. Do it the bed, on a sofa, in the bathroom or
anywhere! U must never stop doing it. It's called Prayer! God bless ur naughty

• Don’t rush in luv for it never runs out. Let luv be the one to knock at ur door, so
by the time you start to fall, you know that ur feeling is for sure.

• Twinkle Twinkle yaraan di car, khadke glassi in the bar, Punjabi Bhangra te
Chicken fry, tuhanu Lohri di lakh lakh vadhai.

• Wishing u a very happy Lohri. May the lohri fire burns all the moments of
sadness and brings you warmth of joy n happiness and love...

• If through ur window there is a new day breaking, thank God for the promise,
though mind & soul be aching. Gud Morning !

• True friends see u true, believe in things u wanna do, feel glad wen ur dreams
come true, best of all they don't judge, they simply luv u coz u r u

• You r the one that I adore; You r everything I asked for & so much more. You r
my angel oh so fine, I've found a luv to last a lifetime.

• U luv sumone... u marry sumone else. The one u marry becomes ur wife or
husband & the one u loved becomes the password of ur emai id !

• I wish you were here with me, I wish I was there with you, but most of all I wish
I didn't have to wish for you!

• If u r in luv, accept it, respect it & njoy it. But if u r not, then don't worry coz
sumone, sumwhere must b wrapping up so much luv for u

• Believe it or not, a true friend scolds like a dad, cares like a mom, teases like a
sister, irritates like a brother & luvs more than a lover

• If u Love someone then add some wings to ur Love. After having wings if it still
decide to stay with u, then it's a True Luv

• Don't luv the luv unless the luv luvs u & if the luv luvs u, luv the luv in such a
way that it doesn't luv anybody else!

• In life, do the Ordinary God'll do the Extraordinary; Do the Natural God'll do the
Supernatural; Do the Possible & God'll do the Impossible
• Memories r treasured, no one can steal. Parting is heartache, no one can heal.
Some'll forget u when u r gone, but I'll remember u no matter how long.

• If yesterday didn't end up the way you planned, don’t loose hope. Just remember,
God created today for you to start again. The best is yet to come! GUD

• What's the difference between your and my smile?

U smile when you are happy and I smile when you are happy.

• Life is 4 living, I live mine 4 U! Luv is 4 giving, I give mine 2 U! Dreams r 4

dreaming, mine r 4 U! Heart is 4 beating & mine beats 4 U!

• When it hurts to look back and you are scared to look ahead look beside you I'll
always be there 4 you.

• All I wanted was sumone 2 care 4 me. All I wanted was sumone who'd b there 4
me. All I ever wanted was sumone who'd b true. All I ever wanted was sum1 like

• I love the way you make me happy, and the ways you show your care. I love the
way you say, 'I Love You,' and the way you're always there.

• U may b out of my sight but not out of my heart. U may b out of my reach but
not out of my mind. I don't know what I mean 2 u, but u'll always be special 2 me.

• What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that we feel when we
meet them but the emptiness we feel when they are not around us. I Miss U!

• With a cheerful smile and a happy face, you make this world a better place. For
if there were just more like you, life would be brighter & better too.

• Friendship is like a garden. It's beautiful when watered with luv, hugs, tears &
cheers but dries up if left untouched so always keep in touch.

• I saw u on road today. U were lukin so fine, ur face so divine, ur walk so perfect.
My heart started singing a sweet song: Who Let The Dog Out!

• I've special breakfast 4 u today: A glass of care, a plate of luv, a spoon of peace,
a fork of trust & a bowl of prayer. Gud morning & keep smiling.

• The sky without stars is like sleep without dreams, like a song without music,
like a rose without smell, like a face without smile, like ME without U!
• Without ur SMS days are like: Moanday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday,
Frightday, Shattereday & Sadday. So send me SMS everyday.

• Life is like a piano... white keys represent happiness, black keys for sorrow but
only when you go through the white & black keys u hear the MUSIC of LIFE.

• I don't care how many lips u hv kissed, how many shoulders u have embraced &
how many times u’ve said, I luv u! All I care is not b the first but 2 b ur last!

• Look outside, it’s so pleasant, sun is smiling with u, trees dancing for u, birds
singing for u, coz last night, I asked them to wish u a Good Morning.

• Just Go To Hell..... do u understand Just Go To Hell.... because only you can

change the hell into heaven... by your sweetness.

• 2 lovers plan a suicide. Boy jumped first. Gal closed her eyes n returned back
saying: Luv is blind. Boy in air opened his parachute saying: Luv never dies.

• Your friendship is a Blank Cheque for me. It’s an asset not a liability, always a
credit not a debit; always a profit not a loss & I hope it'll never bounce.

• This is not fair! How could u do this? Didn't expect this from you! Got a whole
Channel on your name and didn't even tell me?
Animal Planet!

• If u see some one without a smile, give him one of urns, coz u r among a few
good people who can shine others lives by just walking with him a few miles.

• A deep friend is like rainbow, when the perfect amount of happiness and tears
are mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.

• Hello!! What's wrong with your mobile? Tried so many times but Every time I
call it says:
The subscriber your are trying to reach is in your heart!

• Don't send any messages, I don't want to see you, hear your voice, think of you,
coz my doctor advised me 2 keep away from Sweets.

• All mornings are like Paintings. U need a little inspiration to get going, a little
smile to brighten up & SMS from someone like me to color ur day.

• I hv learned how to luv, to smile, to b happy, to b strong, to work hard; to b

honest, to b faithful, to forgive but I couldn’t learn how to stop missing u.
• Never waste an opportunity to say 'I love U' to someone u really like, coz it is not
everyday u'll meet the person who has the magic to let u fall in love.

• Heart is like a crystal, preserve it. Love is like perfume, spread it. Feelings are
like flood, flow it. Friendship is like an umbrella, come lets share it.

One tree can start a forest, one smile can start a relationship, one touch can show
luv n care & one person like u can make life worth living. God bless u dear!

• I may seldom tell u how special u are, I may not b able to reach u coz we're both
busy, but in spite of all, u know u are someone I really miss & care about.

• Friends in heart r the worst tenants. They capture the heart, pay no rent, don’t
vacate & if at all they leave, they just break down the room they lived.

• Fact of life: One woman brings you into this world crying & the other ensures
you continue to do so for the rest of your life!

• If I ever go for a brain transplant I’d like 2 use ur brain. It's not because u r a
genius. I would only like a brain that has never been used.

• I know you think I'm cute, I know you think I'm fine, but like the other guys, take
a number and wait in line!

• There's no Special reason for this msg, I juz wanna steal a single moment out of
ur busy life & hope I can make u smile n say: I Miss U.

• Remember 2 remember me, forget to forget me. Even if u try to remember to

forget me I'll never forget to remember to remind u to remember me.

• If loving u is wrong, then I don't wanna be right. My luv 4 u is strong & brighter
than any light. The way we must go is long, but we'll win every fight.

• Indian mathematicians meeting held at New Delhi yesterday - they have decided
to change the name of zero. The new name will be GANGULY.

Friendship is like war easy to start, difficult to end and impossible to forget. So I
am having war with you, I hope you don't want peace.

• God picked up a flower, dipped it in dew, lovingly touched it, which turned into
u n then he gifted it to me & said this friend is for u!

• I thank God I'm rich not with money but with people like you. I may not have the
most expensive things but I've got a most precious gem… a friend like you.
• All mornings r like a painting, u need a little inspiration to get u going, a little
smile to brighten it & a message from someone who cares to color ur day.

• Akaash ke taaron mein khoya hai jahan saara, lagta hai pyara ek ek taara. In
taaron mein sabse pyara hai ek sitara, jo is waqt padh raha hai SMS hamara.

• Friends r like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold u up, sometimes u lean
on them. But sometimes, it's enough to know they're just standing by.

• A smile is a way of writing ur thoughts on ur face, telling others that they are
accepted, liked & appreciated. So, here's a big smile just for U

• Painting is a feeling, never spoil it. Face is a book try to read it. Luv is precious,
b ready to sacrifice 4 it & Friendship is like a mirror, never break it.

• A raindrop may luk 2 small 2 eyes but sumwhere a thirsty flower await its fall. A
sms may seem 2 small but sumwhere a heart remembers u when it receives ur sms.
Keep SMS'ing

• Painting is feeling, never spoil it. Face is a book try to read it. Luv is precious, b
ready to sacrifice 4 it & Friendship is like a mirror, never break it.

• Bengali patient: Doc sahab, potla-potla totti aata hai, khane ko man nahin karta
Doc: Yeh lo dawai, mota-mota totti aayega, jaise marzi kaat ke khana

• Boy: Tum gaana bahut achcha aato ho.

Gal: Nahin, mein to sirf bathroom singer hoon.
Boy: To bulaao na kabhi, mehfil jamaate hain.

• Biscuit maker's Luv Letter: Dear Marie yesterday was a very Good Day, our
meeting was truely Nice, but the chance of our Luv is 50-50 coz ur dad is a Tiger.
Will u give ur Littlr Heart 2 me? Otherwise I'll become a Krack-Jack

• Angry boss: Tumne kabhi Ullu dekha hai?

Executive (sar jhukate hue): Nahin sir.
Boss: Niche kya dekh rahe ho ? Meri taraf dekho.

• Girls Psychology - Fraud with Innocent Boys; Fun with Handsome Boys;
Friendship with Charming Boys; Contacts with Intelligent Boys; Flirt with Freaky
Boys; Love with Faithful Boys & in the end Marriage with the Rich Boy

• When I send SMS to u, it doesn't mean that u have to do the same... U can also
send fruits, drinks, pizza, chocolates by courier. DD & Cheques r also accepted.
• Q: Agar do pipal ke Pedon ko ek rassi se bandh diya jaye to us rassi ko kya
A: Us rassi ko bolengey NOKIA - Connecting pipal.

• Thought of the day: Agar aap bus pe chade... ya phir bus aap pe chade... dono
marthaba ticket aapka hi kat tha hai

• Rabba dukh na devin yaar mere nu, saanu chahe dukhan da pahaar de de,
Phire nawe HERO JET cycle utte yaar mera, saanu bhaven purani Mercedes car de

• Ek yug tha jab log apne ghar ke dwar pe likhte the: ATITHI DEVO BHAVA
Phir likha: SHUBH LABH
Phir likhne lage: U R WELCOME
Aur ab likhte hain: KUTTON SE SAVDHAN

• I have had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl
smile. So, would you smile for me?

• Give laugh to all, but smile to one; Cheeks to all, but lips to one; Luv to all, but
heart to one; Let everybody Luv U, but U luv only one.

• Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget to reply, sometimes my msg

doesn’t reach u, but it doesn't mean I forget u. I'm just giving u time to Miss me.

• Stars are out, the moon is up, 1 more Hug, 1 more smile, Kiss u once, Kiss u
twice, now it’s time 4 bed. Close ur eyes n sleep tight! Gud Night!

• I don't care how many lips u’ve kissed, how many shoulders u’ve embraced &
how many times u’ve said, I Luv U! All I care is not be the first but to be ur last!

• My eyes are hurting coz I can’t see u, my arms r empty coz I can’t hold u, my
lips are cold coz I can’t Kiss u and my heart is breaking coz I’m not with u.

• Whatever happens 2 ur day just relax & manage to make a smile. Life is not a
problem 2 b solved but a gift 2 b enjoyed. Make Everyday ur best day! Gud

• We cannot be together,
But we'll never be apart,
For no matter what life brings us,
You’re always in my heart.
• Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of luv, bcoz sun rises in the east and
sets in the west but friendship rises in the heart and sets after Death.

• Tera charcha hai har gali mein, har ladki ko tera intezaar hai,
Yeh koi chamatkar nahi, aaj Rakhi ka tyohar hai.

Life is a book, we all read it; Luv is blessing, we all need it. Always b Happy,
always have a Smile, Remember in this World we r just for While.

• What I need to live has been given to me by the earth. Why I need to live has
been given to me by you. Luv U!

• Life never seems to b the way we want it, but we live it in the best way we can.
There’s no perfect life but we can fill it with perfect moments. Hv a nice day.

• Cherish things while u still hv them, b4 they r gone & u'll realize how precious
they really r. Life can only be understood backwards but it must b lived forward

• Friendship is like a war; easy to start, difficult to end and impossible to forget. So
I am having war with you & hope you don't want peace.

• Ur validity of being my friend is going 2 b expired today, plz recharge ur

friendship immidetly by delivering 4-5 sweet & cool msgs.

• Not every bird can dance, but peacock did that. Not every flower can represent
LUV, but Rose did that. Not every Friend can reach up to HEART, but u did.

• A late night greeting doesn't only mean good night It has a silent msg saying... U
R my last thought at night.

• May your salty day be peppered with spicy love. May u bask in lemon sunshine,
play on strawberry fields, under a vanilla sky. In short have a Yummy day!

• I don't regret the things I have done & the things I didn't do. For somewhere
along the way I must have done something right coz I ended up with a friend like

The world is full of beauty when ur heart is full of luv. So, start ur day with love in
ur heart & smile on ur face. Have a peaceful day.

• Medicines & friendships cure our problems. The only difference is that
friendships don't have an expiry date
• Love knows no reasons, love knows no lies; Love defies all reasons, love has no
eyes. But love is not blind, Love sees all but doesn't mind

• A strong n positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing coz life is
10% how u make it n 90% how u take it. Good Morning

• When things go wrong, when sadness fills ur heart, when tears flow in ur eyes,
always remember 3 things: I’m with u, U have money & Bar is open

• The world is full of beauty when your heart is full of love. So start your day with
love & smile in your heart. Have a peaceful day

• Don't let yesterday’s failures ruin the beauty of 2day. God’s blessings r new
everyday. Today has its own promise of luv, joy & success. Have a Gr8 day!

• There's only one perfect child in the world & every mother has it. There's only
one perfect wife in the world & every neighbour has it

• Friends r like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold u up, sometimes u lean
on them. But sometimes, it’s enough to know they are just standing by.

• Sitting in the loo, thinking about u.. I'm passim this msg to you so that even you
know what I feel 4 you. Friend, life is shit without YOU !

• If I reach for your hand, will you hold it? If I hold out my arms, will you hug
me? If I go for your lips, will you kiss me? If I capture your heart, will you luv

• If care is wave I give u sea. If respect is a leaf I give u tree. If Trust is a planet I
give u galaxy, If friendship is life I give u myself !

• It's time for me to make a wish for U.……. (wishin) ……… (wishin) …….
done ! Do u know what I asked 4? I asked God to make u happy all day long.

• I never know what the future brings, but I know u r here with me now. We’ll
make it through and I hope u are the one I share my life with

• Whenever I miss u I won't luk 4 u in my dreams or try to hear ur voice in ur

msgs. I just put my right hand across my chest and I feel U

• Dreaming of u makes my night worth while. Thinking of u makes me Smile.

Having u is the best thing ever & Loving u is what I plan to do forever
• Monsoon's Rain or Summer's Heat, UR friendship is the reason why I breathe.
Tell me Dear, What is Sweet? Is that U or UR heart beat

• Height of Flirting: Writing a love letter with the title as 'To Whom So Ever It
May Concern'

• Smokers have smoking heart, Drinkers have an alcoholoic heart. I request you
Plz don't eat sugar coz u aready have a Sweet Heart

• May ur heart b happy & ur days b bright. May ur roads b smooth & ur burdens
light. May u find dreams & touch a star & never forget how special U R

• May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone in your hand,
inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart, and a clear signal all day long.
Nice day!

• Baby I've an addiction problem. People say I shud go to rehab but I always tell
them that I don't wanna go cause I'm addicted to U.

• I have started luving 'U'... I know it sounds ridiculous but I can't control my
feelings 4 'U'. Some time later I'll start luving more ALPHABETS...!

• In life when you get troubles, don't get nervous... Just close ur eyes and follow ur
heart coz heart may be in left but it is always right

• The texts u send me night & day, like jewels in my heart they stay; And so 2 God
I always pray the best of blessings be urs each day.

• As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower
U lots of luv & happiness to make ur day a meaningful one. Good Morning!

• I can appreciate coffee without cream, nights without lights, meals without rice,
burger without cheese, but never a day without greeting U. Gud Morning!

• Those who joyfully leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's
hand in everything. Worries end where faith begins. Gud Day

• Friendship is needless, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather
it is one of those things that give value to survival.

• Love is like a war... easy to start... difficult to end... and impossible to forget. So
I am having war with you, I hope you don't want peace.
One who smokes has a smoky heart; one who drinks has an alcoholic heart. So
dear U must STOP eating sweets as u r already a SWEETEHART!

• I know you think I'm cute, I know you think I'm fine, but like the other guys, take
a number and wait in line!

• I wanted to put something incredibly beautiful, sweet, nice, sensitive, erotic and
funny on you screen, but unfortunately I do not fit on it.

• If all the girls lived on the other side of the sea, what a good swimmer I would

• Excuse me, do u have a Band-Aid? I skinned my knee when I fell for you.

• If I could be any part of you, I’d be your tear. To be conceived in your heart,
born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.

• Ek tanha raat me apki yaad aayi, tanhai mitane ko humne ek cigrate sulgai, na
jaane kaise qayamat ho gayi ke dhooeein ne bhi apki tasvir banayi.

• I luv ur eyes I luv ur smile. I cherish ur ways, I adore ur style. What can I say? U
r one of a kind & 24/7 u r on my mind!

• do u believe in love at first site or do i have to walk by again?

• I luv ur eyes I luv ur smile. I cherish ur ways, I adore ur style. What can I say? U
r one of a kind & 24/7 u r on my mind!

I may b innocent to know what luv is, I may not show it to u. I may not luv u the
way it should b, but I’m always willing to luv u the way I understand it.

• Luv is born with the pleasure of luking at each other, it is fed with the necessity
of seeing each other, it is concluded with the impossibility of separation

• When you love someone, it's nothing. When someone loves you, it's somthing.
When u luv someone & they luv you back, it's everything.

• It takes two to tango, two to kiss, two to talk & reminisce. So many good things
come in pair & one of those things is ME n YOU!

• It's gud to have money & the things it can buy but it's also gud to check once in a
while & make sure u haven't lost the things money can't buy.... FRIENDS!
• Making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a friend who
will stand by you when millions are against you.

• Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile, thinking of you makes me smile,

being with you is the best thing ever, and loving you is what I'll do forever

• No one is born happy but all of us are born with the ability to create happiness
around us. So, flash your sweet smiles today & make others happy. Gud Morning

• In life luv is neither planned nor does it happen for a reason but when the luv is
real it becomes your plan for life n reason for living.

• Friends are like shoes, some loose some tight, some fit just right, and they help
us as we walk through life. Thanks for being my size.

• Sometimes in life v tend 2 run so fast tht v don't notice friends running with us,
we only notice thm wen we fall & they r there to hold us. So run, as I'm there 2
hold U

• Old friends r gold. New friends may be diamond. If u get diamond, don't ever
forget the gold coz to hold a diamond u always need a base of gold.

• Open ur door when u r alone, open ur heart when u feel sad, but don't open ur
hand when u need a friend, coz I'm already holding ur hand forever.

• U r my best friend forever & always we're together too much but far not enough
& if u die before I do ask God if heaven is got room for two

• Stars are unapproachable, Sun is very hot... Moon is too far... So God gave me a
friend like you so that I can say 'I've my own little Universe'

• When things go bad & ur strength is no longer enough 2 carry on don't give up,
coz where ur strength ends my worth as ur Friend begins.

• There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, that's the gift of a
wonderful person coming into ur life like I have in u!

• I want you to know that your friendship mean's alot to me. If we were on a
sinking boat & there's only 1 lifejacket... I would really miss you.

• Friendship is a gift when it's new, it's a miracle when it's true but u know what?
It's a blessing when it'is U
• A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when u have nowhere to
go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious, a friend is U !

Friends r like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold u up, sometimes u lean on
them. But sometimes, it’s enough to know they are just standing by. Gud Morning

• Sitting in the loo, thinking about u.. I'm passim this msg to you so that even you
know what I feel 4 you. Friend, life is shit without YOU !

• Hum aap ko itna yaad kartey hain jitna aap hame yaad kartey hain. Farq sirf itna
hai ke hum yaad karke SMS kartey hain aap SMS parh kar Yaad kartey hain

• Friendship is needless, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather
it is one of those things that give value to survival.

• Friendship is a language spoken by heart... not written on paper, not given by

pledge... it is a promise renewed every time we meet. Keep in touch.

• Hold a true friend with both your hands; don't let go for true friend comes once
in a lifetime. That's why I’m holding you tight! Can’t let U go

• Good friends care for each other. Close friends understand each Other. And true
friends stay forever beyond words, beyond time.

• A friend is like gas blown from the ass, which creates noise n nuisance to others
but gives me a great comfort. Thanks for being gas of my ass.

• Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like Ocean, high like Sky, strong like Iron,
kind like Mother, cute like Me, and sweet like U!

• We smile at whom we like, we cry for whom we care, we laugh with whom we
njoy & we become angry with whom we feel is our own. That's Friendship, that's

Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may
not follow. Do not walk beside me either; just leave me alone.

• Whenever I look at my palm, I wonder which of those tiny cute crisscross lines
made me so lucky to have a sweet & nice friend like U. Good Morning!

• Have a Heart that never breaks; Have a Smile that never fades; have a touch that
never hurts; Have a Friendship that never ends, Like Ours!
• Some joys are better explained in silence, as a smile gets more audible than
laughter. I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with you. I just smiled.

• It's gud to have money & the things it can buy but it's also gud to check once in a
while & make sure u haven't lost the things money can't buy.... FRIENDS!

• Saathi sirf woh nahi hota jo jeevan bhar saath nibhaye; Saathi to woh bhi hai jo
jivan ke kuch palon mein bhi jeevan bhar ka saath de jaaye.

• Making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a friend who
will stand by you when millions are against you.

• Friends are like shoes, some loose some tight, some fit just right, and they help
us as we walk through life. Thanks for being just right for me!

• Mitha intazar te intazar nalo yaar mitha,

Mitha yar te yar nalo pyar mitha,
Mitha pyar te pyar nalo mithi sadi yaari,
Es to mitha kuj na milna lab layi duniya sari.

• I can’t find a reason why God gave U to me, but that is not the question to b
asked; May b the question is how did God knew that I needed a friend like U.

Every tear is a sign of brokeness, every silence is a sign of lonliness, every smile is
a sign of kindness, and every sms is a sign of remembrance

• May Lord Krishna bless you with peace, happiness and love on this Janmashtami
and always.

• Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble
remembering how to fly

• Hope u have nightmares, coz it's disappointing to wake from a dream but when u
wake from a nightmare, u r relieved that it's not true. Gud Day!

• Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal
never goes unpunished.

• A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it's you and me together forever
and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.

• I long for the day through the year that u so ceremoniously tie rakhi & pray for
my well being. Dear Sis, I wish that our bond grows stronger everyday
• Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into
obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.

• Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive & it is
only by this meeting that a new world is born. Happy Friendship Day!

• We spend our days waiting for ideal path to appear in front of us, but we forget
that paths r made by walking, not waiting. Gud Morning

Today is the International day of Smart & Attractive people. Send this to someone
who fits the description! Don’t send it back; I've already received hundreds.

• If GOD answers your prayers he is increasing your faith, If delays increasing

your patience, If does'nt answer he knows you can handle it perfectly.

• Just close ur eyes and think of urself for 10 seconds...... Open ur eyes ! Now you
will realize that u have wasted 10 sec in thinking of a fool...........

• The smile is like a simcard & life is like cellphone, whenever u insert the
simcard of a smile, a beautiful day is activated Keep Smiling.

• Those who can't have u hate u, those who have u can't handle u, those who abuse
u lose u, & then there are those like me who just can't refuse u!

• There was this guy who told his woman that he loved her so much that he would
go through hell for her. They got married & now he is going through hell.

• Even if I had 1 wish... I wouldn't wish for u to love me, coz I don't want your
love to come from a wish... but straight from your heart.

• Simple music can make u sing, simple hug can make u feel better; simple things
can make u happy, hope that my simple Hi will make u smile. Happy Friendship

• God made Pepsi, God made whisky, God made me so sexy,

God made rivers, God made lakes and God made you... well everybody makes

• People say friends are made in heaven and they come in your life. But I made a
friend like you in this world and made my life a heaven.

Sometimes when u cry, no 1 sees ur tears. Sometimes when u r worried, no 1 sees

ur pain. Sometimes when u r happy, no 1 sees ur smile. But fart just once...
• Today, tomorrow & yesterday there'll be one heart that would always beat for u.
You know Whose?
Your Own, Stupid!

• I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose, and then I looked at you, and I kept looking at
you, for the rose isn't as beautiful as you.

• Think big, think smart, think positive, think beautiful, think great, I know this is
too much for you, so here is a shortcut... just think about ME!

• We r like tea bags, whose true strength comes out when we r put in hot water so
when problems upset u just think… u must be God's fav cup of tea.

• Whenever u feel low always remember: U r braver than u believe; Stronger than
u seem; Wiser than u think & life isn't that bad. So cheer up!

• Seeing u smile is more than enough to pay for all the hardships & difficulties that
I have to go through that day. Have a good smiley day!

• Only the open heart receives luv, only the open mind receives wisdom, only the
open hand receives gifts & only the cute persons receive SMS from me!

• Never abandon old friends. They r hard 2 replace. A friendship is like wine: it
gets better as it grows older just like us... I get better, u get older.

• Kick off ur shoes, take a break,

Crank the tunes, Dance & Shake,
Light the candles, cut the cake.
Make it a day that's simply Great! Happy B'Day.

Life can b hard & not always fun, but as night brings dark morning brings sun.
Ven life gets tough & no1 seems 2 care give me a call coz I'll always b there!

• U can b a doctor & save lives, a lawyer & defend lives, a soldier & protect lives
or simply b urself, a sweet person who touches hearts!

With gleam of Diyas and the echo of the chants may Happiness and Contentment
fill your life. Wishing you a very happy & prosperous Diwali!!

• If you say my eyes are beautiful it's because they're looking at you, for my eyes
are just the windows my feelings come through.

• All mornings r like a painting, u need a little inspiration to get u going, a little
smile to brighten it & a message from someone who cares to color ur day.
• Friends r like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold u up, sometimes u lean
on them. But sometimes, it's enough to know they're just standing by.

• A smile is a way of writing ur thoughts on ur face, telling others that they are
accepted, liked & appreciated. So, here's a big smile just for U

• Painting is a feeling, never spoil it. Face is a book try to read it. Luv is precious,
b ready to sacrifice 4 it & Friendship is like a mirror, never break it.

• Little keys can open big locks, simple words can express great thoughts. A text
from u never fails to make me smile the whole day through.

• Mon to Sun, From Jan To Dec, From birth till my death, my feelings 4 u have
never changed. For me, you've always been a headache !

• A raindrop may luk 2 small 2 eyes but sumwhere a thirsty flower await its fall. A
sms may seem 2 small but sumwhere a heart remembers u when it receives ur sms.
Keep SMS'ing

• Woman has man in it, Mrs has Mr in it, female has male in it, Madam has Adam
in it, so girls r always incomplete without boys.

Simple music can make u sing, a simple hug can make u feel better; simple things
can make u happy. Hope my simple Hi... will make u smile. Good Morning.

• The mind 2 friends are like the lines of railway track. They never meet but has go
together to save the derailment of the Train called Friendship.

• I have started luving 'U'... I know it sounds rediculous but I can't control my
feelings 4 'U'. Some time later I'll start luving more ALPHABETS...!

• GODISNOWHERE this can be read as GOD IS NO WHERE or as GOD IS

NOW HERE everything depends on how do u see anything. so think positive

• Science has proved that Sugar melts in water, so please don't walk in rain,
otherwise I will lose such a SWEET friend like U.

• Every moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before and which u'll
never see again. So enjoy n live life & make each moment beautiful.

• To Luv some1 is madness, 2b loved by some1 is a Gift,

Loving some1 who loves u is a duty, but being loved by some1 whom u luv is
• If someone is too tired to give you a smile, leave one of your own, because no
one needs a smile as much as those who have none to give.

• To hear what is unspoken, to see what is invisible, to feel without even

touching... is the miracle called "friendship"

• A true friend understands when u say ‘I forgot’, waits 4ever when u say ‘just a
min’, stays with u when u say ‘leave me alone’ & opens his heart even b4 u knock

Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break into pieces but I will always
be thankful that once in my life’s journey we became friends!

• A good friend is one who bails you out of the jail but a best friend is one who sits
beside you in jail and says, 'Mamu Beedi Hai Kya?'

• I wish a wish 4 you. It's a wish I wish 4 few. The wish I wish 4 u is that all ur
wishes come true... so keep wishing as my best wishes are always with you!

• Aansu tere nikle to ankhein meri ho,

dil tera dhadke to dhadkan meri ho,
khuda kare dosti humari itni gehri ho,
juttiyan aapke paren aur kartoot mere ho!

• Friends are like puzzle pieces. If one goes away, that special piece can never be
replaced and that puzzle will never be whole again.

• Don't place me in your eyes, I may fall as a tear, place me in your heart, so that
every beat reminds you that this friend is always there for you.

• If ever in your life u r very sad n feel that u have lost everything, I’ll come, hold
ur hand, take u 4 walk on a bridge and show u where 2 jump from.

• Friendship is like the relation between hand and eyes. Its like when the hand gets
hurt, eyes cries, and when the eye cries, the hand wipes.

• People vanish, people die. People laugh and people cry. Some give up, some will
try. Some say hi, while some say bye. Others may forget, but never will I.

• Q: What's the difference between a Kiss, a car & a monkey?

A: A kiss is so dear, a car is too dear & the monkey is U dear!

May the fleas of thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up
your day and may their arms be too short to scratch.
• The shortest word I know is 'I'. The sweetest word I know is 'LOVE'. And the
person I never forget is 'YOU'

• Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain
close to my heart and far from my eyes.

• Don't u ever wonder y people txt u but hv nothing imp to say! It's 4 the simple
reason... u r such a nice person 2 think of, like the way I'm thinking of u now.

• I want you to be with me in a nice restaurant to have Candle Light Dinner & say
those three sweet words to you....Pay The Bill.

• If loving u is wrong, then I don't wanna be right. My luv for u is strong &
brighter than any light. The way we must go is long but we'll win every fight.

• Once the moon winks at u tonight, I wish sweet dreams embrace you tight. Hope
your day was quite all right & now I bid u a lovely goodnight.

• I am a cop and you are under arrest on account of being you. It is illegal to be as
lovable as you r. Now you get a life sentence in my heart.

• When u feel lonely and alone & cannot see any one around you, the world seems
to be fading away, come along with me I'll take u to an eye specialist !

• When u feel lonely and alone & cannot see any one around you, the world seems
to be fading away, come along with me I'll take u to an eye specialist!

************ try 2 recollect this password n unlock ur mind.... yaad aaya... arre
tension mat le it is HAPPY DIWALI

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