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Kisah Nabi Sulaiman

Prophet Sulaiman was a pious Prophet and King. Allah gave miracles to him so that it can
understand the language of the beast and subdue jin nation. He is very authoritative and feared
of all his men.

Once, the Prophet Solomon gathered all his army consisting of humans, animals, and the jin.
They all gathered to meet the invitation of the King in the Royal Court. All kinds of animals,
large and small come to attend the meeting. Once all is checked, then the Prophet Sulaiman
knowing that bird Hud-Hud was not present.

Actually birds this hud-hud was army spy Prophet Sulaiman, who is in charge of running mates
seeking information about what ought to be known by the Prophet Sulaiman. Look at the birds
of delay this hud-hud, the Prophet Sulaiman looks a bit annoyed while asking, “where bird
Hud-Hud, why not yet visible. When the task is very important, namely the search for a new
source of spring water. “ Seeing this, all the forces present did not dare to answer.

While the King Sulaiman to stop talking, all of a sudden bird Hud-Hud came. He seems to run
out of flying distances and at high speed, until he was wheezing.
“O Hud-Hud, don’t you realize your guilt. Do you not know that I now hold a meeting? But
you came too late! “

The “Geez King King. I recently journeyed far up to a country of which you never know. The
country named Kingdom of Saba ‘. The Kingdom was ruled by a woman. The State of this
country are very prosperous. But alas, they worshipped the Sun, “said bird hud-hud recounts
his experience.

But the King Sulaiman does not necessarily trust the news. To prove the truth of the utterances
of the birds hud-hud, the Prophet Sulaiman writes letter, and ask the birds of hud-hud to send
it to the Queen of Saba rulers named Balqis. Because to get to the land of Saba. Bird hud-hud
must strike a very blustery breezes, then the hud-hud asked the birds to King Solomon to wrap
the letter in a golden cover resistant to wind. And finally the hud-hud bird fly towards the land
of Saba.

The bird came to hud-hud in the land of Saba. Arriving there, quietly bird hud-hud letter was
dropped right on the Queen‘s head to make it woke up. He opened the cover of the letter and
read it.
“This letter from Solomon and, indeed, the letter reads, ‘ with the name of Allah, most gracious
and Most merciful. ‘ That ye be not arrogant to me and come to me as those who surrender
themselves. “ (QS An-Naml: 30-31).

That’s the opening sentence of the early written Sulaiman. Next add the King to invite the
Queen Balqis to Islam and stop how to worship worship the Sun. After reading the letter, Queen
Balqis held a meeting with his ministers, to discuss how to deal with the attitudes of the other
kings who dared prevent the Kingdom of Saba ‘ worship of the Sun. All of that is taken care
of by the bird hud-hud with no lag at all, and he set as material for the report to King Solomon.
The bird returned to hud-hud Sulaiman. See bird hud-hud fatigue due to flying in the distance,
the Prophet Sulaiman ever poked his hand so the bird hud-hud could have rested in the hands
of Prophet Sulaiman. He then said, “O hud-hud, convey laporanmu to me!”
Then the bird hud-hud tell everything from the beginning to the Queen open the mail to collect
all of his ministers to discuss what measures would be taken in respect of the letter of the
Prophet Solomon. The Queen asked for the best advice from his ministers. Apparently the
Queen felt the alarmed, when Sulaiman, along with bala his army would attack the land of
Saba. To that end, the Queen Balqis wished to send a Messenger to the Prophet Sulaiman
carrying gifts. Hear the story of the hud-hud, the Prophet Sulaiman else smile.

Eventually a Messenger from the land of Saba went to the Kingdom of Solomon. Envoys were
welcomed hospitably by the Prophet Sulaiman. After hearing the description of the Messenger,
then King Solomon said, “go back to present you these gifts to your queen. Say to him that
God had given me sustenance and wealth are abundant and delicious blesses not given to his
creatures. In addition I was sent as a prophet and his Apostle and was awarded a wide Empire
as well as the kekuasaanku covering the jin and the animals. “

Queen Balqis messengers soon returned to his country and immediately met with his Queen.
While the Queen is aghast to listen to stories about the Kingdom of Solomon and his
Messenger. Secretly Queen Balqis is very like to see up close how the Kingdom of Solomon
in his heart wants to. conquer and rule the Kingdom.

At the time specified, the Queen Balqis bring her palace. They set out towards the Kingdom of
Solomon. Meanwhile Royal spy Sulaiman of jin told the King that no longer Queen Balqis will
come along his chosen warriors. Then King Solomon gathered the jin with the intention of
giving an important task.

The bird came to hud-hud in the land of Saba. Arriving there, quietly bird hud-hud letter was
dropped right on the Queen‘s head to make it woke up. He opened the cover of the letter and
read it.
“This letter from Solomon and, indeed, the letter reads, ‘ with the name of Allah, most gracious
and Most merciful. ‘ That ye be not arrogant to me and come to me as those who surrender
themselves. “ (QS An-Naml: 30-31).

That’s the opening sentence of the early written Sulaiman. Next add the King to invite the
Queen Balqis to Islam and stop how to worship worship the Sun. After reading the letter, Queen
Balqis held a meeting with his ministers, to discuss how to deal with the attitudes of the other
kings who dared prevent the Kingdom of Saba ‘ worship of the Sun. All of that is taken care
of by the bird hud-hud with no lag at all, and he set as material for the report to King Solomon.
The bird returned to hud-hud Sulaiman. See bird hud-hud fatigue due to flying in the distance,
the Prophet Sulaiman ever poked his hand so the bird hud-hud could have rested in the hands
of Prophet Sulaiman. He then said, “O hud-hud, convey your raport to me!”

Then the bird hud-hud tell everything from the beginning to the Queen open the mail to collect
all of his ministers to discuss what measures would be taken in respect of the letter of the
Prophet Solomon. The Queen asked for the best advice from his ministers. Apparently the
Queen felt the alarmed, when Sulaiman, along with bala his army would attack the land of
Saba. To that end, the Queen Balqis wished to send a Messenger to the Prophet Sulaiman
carrying gifts. Hear the story of the hud-hud, the Prophet Sulaiman else smile.

Eventually a Messenger from the land of Saba went to the Kingdom of Solomon. Envoys were
welcomed hospitably by the Prophet Sulaiman. After hearing the description of the Messenger,
then King Solomon said, “go back to present you these gifts to your queen. Say to him that
God had given me sustenance and wealth are abundant and delicious bless not given to his
creatures. In addition I was sent as a prophet and his Apostle and was awarded a wide Empire
as well as your power covering the jin and the animals. “

Queen Balqis messengers soon returned to his country and immediately met with his Queen.
While the Queen is aghast to listen to stories about the Kingdom of Solomon and his
Messenger. Secretly Queen Balqis is very like to see up close how the Kingdom of Solomon
in his heart wants to. conquer and rule the Kingdom.

At the time specified, the Queen Balqis bring her palace. They set out towards the Kingdom of
Solomon. Meanwhile Royal spy Sulaiman of jin told the King that no longer Queen Balqis will
come along his chosen warriors. Then King Solomon gathered the jin with the intention of
giving an important task.
“Who can move the palace of Queen Balqis?” asked the Prophet Sulaiman. “I was able to
move it, before hosting the stand from sitting,” jin replied Ifrit. “If I was able to move it before
the eyes of the master of the flashes,” said pious people of Prophet Sulaiman. At that time also
the throne of Queen Balqis was already in front of the Prophet Solomon. Saw it, the Prophet
Sulaiman straight take bow down and give thanks to God the power of God which had been
shown to him.

He told the genie to build a palace. The floors were made of clear crystal. The walls of fragrant
sandalwood. The roof is made of glass so that light from the Sun can be refracted into the seven
colors. He ordered that the construction of the Palace was resolved as soon as possible before
the Queen Balqis come.

Shortly thereafter, came the Queen Balqis in the Kingdom of Solomon. He suggested that the
troops who are guarding him enough to stop outside the city to keep things unwanted. Queen
Balqis just escorted several people entered the Royal Palace of the Princes of Solomon. He was
really amazed by the splendor and luxury of the Kingdom.
“Well, it was like a throne in my Kingdom?” gumam Balqis Marvel. “Really?“, asked the King
Solomon. “Yes, it’s really just like my palace.”
“Know that the throne is indeed truly yours. This throne to move before you came, “the Prophet
Solomon explains.

Queen Balqis increasingly amazed by the miracle of Sulaiman. Finally at that moment that he
expressed faith in God and leave the old ways, which is the habit of worshiping the Sun.
Hearing this statement, the King Sulaiman was happy. He then invites Queen Balqis
berkeliling-keliling Palace. The Queen again amazed when entering the glass floor that he
thinks the water, so he hurriedly lifted the robe (baju long).
“It goes without lifting your dress, this is not water, but only glass floor” said Sulaiman with a
smile. Since that’s between the Kingdom of Saba, and the Sulaiman work just as well, because
of the faith/same faith. Queen Balqis requires people to embrace the religion of Prophet
Sulaiman Alaihis Salam (Islam). Finally a beautiful Queen Balqis became the Prophet
Sulaiman, and the Kingdom was made one.

Nabi Sulaiman adalah seorang nabi dan raja yang saleh. Allah memberi mukjizat kepadanya
sehingga dapat memahani bahasa binatang dan menundukkan bangsa jin. Beliau sangat
berwibawa dan ditakuti semua anak buahnya.

Suatu ketika, Nabi Sulaiman mengumpulkan seluruh tentaranya yang terdiri dari manusia,
binatang, dan para jin. Mereka semua berkumpul memenuhi undangan sang Raja di
balairung. Semua jenis binatang, besar dan kecil datang menghadiri pertemuan itu. Setelah
semua diperiksa, maka Nabi Sulaiman mengetahui bahwa burung Hud-hud ternyata tidak

Sebenarnya burung hud-hud ini adalah mata-mata pasukan Nabi Sulaiman, yang bertugas
mencari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya tentang apa saja yang patut diketahui oleh Nabi
Sulaiman. Melihat keterlambatan burung hud-hud ini, Nabi Sulaiman terlihat agak jengkel
sambil bertanya,”Di manakah burung Hud-hud, mengapa belum kelihatan. Padahal tugasnya
sangat penting, yakni mencari sumber mata air baru.” Melihat hal ini, semua pasukan yang
hadir tidak berani menjawab.

Manakala Raja Sulaiman berhenti bicara, tiba-tiba burung Hud-hud datang. Tampaknya ia
habis terbang jauh dan dengan kecepatan tinggi, hingga ia tersengal-sengal.

“Wahai Hud-hud, tidakkah kau sadari kesalahanmu. Apakah kau tidak tahu kalau sekarang
aku mengadakan pertemuan? Tapi kau datang terlambat!”

“Ampun baginda raja. Sesungguhnya aku baru saja mengadakan perjalanan jauh sampai ke
suatu negeri yang engkau tidak pernah mengetahuinya. Negeri ini bernama kerajaan Saba’.
Kerajaan ini diperintah oleh seorang wanita. Keadaan negeri ini sangat makmur. Namun
sayang, mereka menyembah matahari,” kata burung hud-hud menceritakan pengalamannya.

Tetapi Raja Sulaiman tidak serta merta mempercayai kabar tersebut. Untuk membuktikan
kebenaran dari ucapan burung hud-hud, Nabi Sulaiman menuliskankan surat, dan meminta
burung hud-hud untuk mengirimkannya kepada sang ratu penguasa negeri Saba yang
bernama Balqis. Karena untuk bisa sampai ke negeri Saba. burung hud-hud harus menerjang
hembusan angin yang sangat kencang, maka burung hud-hud meminta kepada Raja Sulaiman
untuk membungkus surat itu dalam sampul emas yang tahan terhadap angin. Dan akhirnya
terbanglah burung hud-hud menuju negeri Saba.

Tibalah burung hud-hud di negeri Saba. Sesampainya di sana, diam-diam burung hud-hud
menjatuhkan surat itu tepat mengenai kepala sang ratu hingga membuatnya terbangun. Ia
membuka sampul surat itu dan membacanya.

“Surat ini dari Sulaiman dan sesungguhnya surat berbunyi,’Dengan Nama Allah, Maha
Pemurah dan Maha Penyayang.’ Bahwa janganlah kamu sekalian sombong terhadapku dan
datanglah kepadaku sebagai orang-orang yang berserah diri.” (QS An-Naml: 30-31).

Itulah kalimat awal pembuka yang ditulis Sulaiman. Selanjutnya sang Raja menambahkan
untuk mengajak ratu Balqis untuk masuk Islam dan menghentikan cara ibadah menyembah
matahari. Setelah membaca surat itu, Ratu Balqis mengadakan pertemuan dengan para
menterinya, untuk membicarakan bagaimana menghadapi sikap raja lain yang berani
mencegah kerajaan Saba’ menyembah matahari. Semua itu diperhatikan oleh burung hud-hud
tanpa tertinggal sedikitpun, dan ia jadikan sebagai bahan laporan untuk Raja Sulaiman.

Kembalilah burung hud-hud ke Sulaiman. Melihat burung hud-hud kelelahan akibat terbang
dalam jarak jauh, Nabi Sulaiman pun menjulurkan tangannya sehingga burung hud-hud bisa
hinggap di tangan Nabi Sulaiman. Beliau kemudian berkata,”Hai hud-hud, sampaikanlah
laporanmu kepadaku!”

Kemudian burung hud-hud menceritakan semuanya dari mulai sang ratu membuka surat
hingga mengumpulkan semua menterinya untuk membicarakan langkah apa yang akan
diambil sehubungan surat Nabi Sulaiman tersebut. Sang ratu meminta saran yang terbaik dari
para menterinya. Rupanya sang ratu merasa khawatir, bila Sulaiman beserta bala tentaranya
akan menyerang negeri Saba. Untuk itu, Ratu Balqis berkeinginan untuk mengirimkan
seorang utusan kepada Nabi Sulaiman sambil membawa hadiah-hadiah yang menarik.
Mendengar cerita hud-hud, Nabi Sulaiman pun tersenyum.

Akhirnya utusan dari negeri Saba pun pergi ke kerajaan Sulaiman. Utusan itu disambut
dengan ramah tamah oleh Nabi Sulaiman. Setelah mendengar uraian utusan itu, maka Raja
Sulaiman pun berkata,”Kembalilah kamu dengan hadiah-hadiah ini kepada ratumu.
Katakanlah kepadanya bahwa Allah telah memberiku rezeki dan kekayaan yang melimpah
ruah dan mengaruniaiku nikmat yang tidak diberikan kepada makhluk-Nya yang lain. Selain
itu aku telah diutus sebagai nabi dan rasul-Nya dan dianugerahi kerajaan yang luas serta
kekuasaanku meliputi jin dan binatang-binatang.”

Utusan Ratu Balqis segera kembali ke negerinya dan langsung menemui ratunya. Sementara
sang Ratu terperanjat mendengarkan cerita tentang kerajaan Sulaiman dan utusannya. Diam-
diam Ratu Balqis sangat ingin melihat dari dekat bagaimana kerajaan Sulaiman.Dalam
hatinya ingin menaklukkan dan menguasai kerajaan itu.

Pada saat yang ditentukan, Ratu Balqis membawa laskarnya yang terpilih. Mereka berangkat
menuju kerajaan Sulaiman. Sementara itu mata-mata kerajaan Sulaiman yang terdiri dari para
jin memberitahukan kepada sang raja bahwa tak lama lagi Ratu Balqis akan datang bersama
laskar pilihannya. Maka Raja Sulaiman mengumpul para jin dengan maksud memberi tugas

“Siapa yang bisa memindahkan singgsana Ratu Balqis?” tanya Nabi Sulaiman. “Saya
sanggup memindahkannya, sebelum Tuan berdiri dari tempat duduk,”jawab jin Ifrit. “Kalau
saya sanggup memindahkannya sebelum mata Tuan berkedip,” kata orang saleh dari kaum
Nabi Sulaiman. Pada saat itu juga singgasana Ratu Balqis sudah berada di depan Nabi
Sulaiman. Melihat hal itu, Nabi Sulaiman langsung bersungkur sujud dan bersyukur kepada
Allah atas kekuasaan Allah yang telah diperlihatkan kepadanya.

Beliau pun memerintahkan bangsa jin untuk membangun sebuah istanaa yang sangat indah.
Lantainya terbuat dari kristal bening. Dindingnya dari kayu cendana yang harum. Atapnya
terbuat dari kaca sehingga cahaya matahari dapat dibiaskan menjadi tujuh warna. Beliau
memerintahkan agar pembangunan istana itu diselesaikan sesegera mungkin sebelum Ratu
Balqis datang.
Tak lama kemudian, tibalah Ratu Balqis di kerajaan Sulaiman. Ia menyarankan agar para
laskar yang mengawalnya cukup berhenti di luar kota untuk menjaga hal-hal yang tidak
diinginkan. Ratu Balqis hanya dikawal beberapa orang pembesar memasuki istana Raja
Sulaiman. Ia benar-benar takjub dengan kemegahan dan kemewahan kerajaan tersebut.
Berkali-kali mulutnya berdecak kagum dan kepala bergeleng-geleng. Ratu Balqis
dipersilahkan duduk di singgasana yang telah dipersiapkan.

“Wah, rasanya seperti singgasana di kerajaanku?” gumam Balqis terkagum-kagum.

“Benarkah?”, tanya Raja Sulaiman. “Ya, ini benar-benar persis seperti singgasanaku.”

“Ketahuilah bahwa singgasana ini memang benar-benar milikmu. Singgasana ini

kupindahkan ke mari sebelum engkau datang,” Nabi Sulaiman menjelaskan.
Ratu Balqis semakin heran dengan kemukjizatan Sulaiman. Akhirnya di saat itulah dia
menyatakan beriman kepada Allah dan meninggalkan cara lama, yakni kebiasaan
menyembah matahari.

Mendengar pernyataan ini, Raja Sulaiman senag hatinya. Ia lalu mengajak Ratu Balqis
berkeliling-keliling istana. Lagi-lagi ratu dibuat takjub ketika memasuki lantai kaca yang
dikiranya air, sehingga ia buru-buru mengangkat gamis (baju panjangnya).

“Tak usah mengangkat gamismu, ini bukan air, tetapi hanya lantai kaca” kata Sulaiman
sambil tersenyum. Semenjak itulah antara kerajaan Saba dan kerajaan Sulaiman bekerja sama
dengan baik, karena seiman/seagama. Ratu Balqis mengharuskan rakyatnya memeluk agama
nabi Sulaiman Alaihis Salam (Islam). Akhirnya Ratu Balqis yang cantik itu pun diperistri
oleh Nabi Sulaiman, dan kerajaan dijadikan satu.

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