HACCP Standard

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‘Roguirements fora ILACCD Based Hod Safe Stem SPECIFICATION . REQUIREMENTS FORA HACCP BASED FOOD SAFETY SYSTEM we National Board of Experts - HACCP Compiled by the The Netherlands. = 1G paRPOSES ‘The Hague, the Netherlands: 3rd Version, September 2002 CCVD-HACCP. September 2002 (revision 3) page 1 of 3, Rguiremente fe 3 HACCP based Hoel Safe Stem This is the authorised English translation of the specification “Eisen vaor een op HACCP gebaseerd voedselveiligheids-systeem” (3" version, September 2007), being one of three documents which regulate the Certification Scheme for operational HACCP based food safety systems. The two other documents: the “Cenification Regulations” and the "Regulations for the National Board of Experts ~ HACCP” are also published by the National Board of Experts ~ HACCP. Certifying Bodies operating the Certification Scheme for operational HACCP based food safety systems have to comply with the “Requirements for Certification Bodies”. also established and published by the National Board of Experts - HACCP. The Certification Scheme for HACCP based Food Safety Systems is maintained by the National Board of Experts - HACCP. Centification/Registration of HACCP based Food Safety Systems on the basis of the preceding versions of this specification has been accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) since 1997, Copyright 2002 National Board of Experts - HACCP Price: EURO 23,00 (excluding V: T). part of this publication may be reproduced and/or published in any form, by means of printed matters, photocopy. microfilm, recording or any ather method or technology, without preceding written approval by the National Board of Experts - HACCP. National Board of Experts - HACCP. Secretariat: P.O. Box 93202, 2509 AE, The Hague. The Netherlands. Web site: foodsafetymanagement.info € mail: info@ foodsaferymanagement.info CC¥D-HACCP, September 2002, (revision 3) page? of 3, Reguinements fovea TLACCP based Hoa Saf System CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION SCOPE of APPLICATION REFERENCE DOCUMENTS TERMS and DEFINITIONS HACCP SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS, 3.1 Management responsibility Policy ‘Scope of the HACCP system Task. Responsibilities, Authorities HACCP team(s) Resources Management review 5.2 Product Information Product Characteristies Intended use $3) ess Information Flow Diagrams Layout Control and Verification of Process Information 34 35 ard Analy sis| Hazard identification HACCP analy is (risk) 36 ntrol Measures Specific Control Measures General Control Measures 3.7 Parameters and Critical Limits 3.7.1 Critical process and product parameters 5.7.2 Target values. action-limit values and critical limits 5.8 Monitoring and Measuring 5.9 Corrective Actions 5.10 Validation 3.11 Verification 5.12 Documentation and records 5.12.1 Documents and document control 5. Records ANNEX I: PRE-REQUISITE PROGRAM (PRP) ANNEX II: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE “REQUIREMENTS” AND CODEX GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION OF HACCP 9 20 u 34 %6 CC\D-HACCP, September 2002. (revision 3) page 3 of

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