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edTPA Lesson Plan

Name Nicholas Giordano (Mr. G)

Lesson #, Lesson Title Lesson number 3 of 3
“Creating our own Central Idea paragraphs”
Date and Day of the Week
Grade Level and Class 6th Grade, Class 602, ELA
Period and Length Period 5, Length 45 mins
Materials Needed Power Point, Elmo projector, Smart board, White board, “prove it”
graphic organizers, loose-leaf, grading rubric.
Standards and Objectives
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a
summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

Learning Objectives:
1. Students will be able to define and apply central idea in their own writing piece
2. Students will successfully include three supporting details in their own writing piece to support their central
message to their readers.
3. Students will be able to identify the central idea using evidence that is used to support their claim
4. Students will be able to express and discuss their thoughts and evidence with their peers through group
5. Students will be able to create their own paragraph that contains a central idea with three supporting details.
6. During peer review students will be able to use both the “WIN” and “Prove it” strategies to identify their
partners central idea and prove their claim by citing three supporting details
Prior Academic Knowledge and Experiences: This lesson occurs at the end of the learning segment. To be
successful with this lesson, students must understand the requirements for a central idea to exist in a body of
writing. They must also be able to create a central idea that is supported by three supporting details. Students
must also be able to use their evidence and information from their graphic organizers to assist them in the
writing process. Students must also use sentence starters and multiple transition words to guide their writing
and help in the editing of their peer’s work. Some students may have misconceptions about how to incorporate
their supporting details into their paragraph. To help these students, I will model on the Elmo projector how to
create a paragraph with a central idea and three supporting details based on my own hobby. Since this is the
final lesson in the learning segment, it requires students to build upon and use the strategies that they have
learned about the central idea and how their must be three or more supporting details for a central idea to
exist. They must apply these strategies into their own created written paragraph on a hobby of their choice.
Comprehensive essay. These strategies can also be built upon and modified for future writing tasks.

Central Focus: Students will be able to identify an author’s central idea and cite supporting evidence to prove
their claim. In addition, at the end of the unit, students will be able to create their own paragraphs including a
central idea and three supporting details on the topic/hobby of their choice.
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Academic Language Demands: Students will write, discuss, edit, justify, and publish un this lesson in order
for them to complete their final assignment on central idea. To be intellectually engaged in this lesson, students
need to understand the different parts of a central idea before they can begin to create their own. The content
specific vocabulary that students will need to know in order to support their understanding of the learning
objectives is ‘Determine, Central Idea, Analyze, Development, Relationship, and Supporting Ideas”. Students
must be able to understand the importance of having supporting details in order for them to complete their
central idea paragraphs for submission. Students will have to create a paragraph consisting of at least five or
more sentences that included three supporting details that lead to a clear central idea of their chose. Students
will also develop their communication and feedback skills at the end of the lesson when students are
evaluating each other work. Students understanding will also be evaluate through a formal assessment of
writing that will have a rubric for students to use when constructing their paragraphs. Their work will be
collected at the end of the period for grading.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks that Support Student Needs

Time Action Rationale


Learning target: I can create my own paragraph including The purpose of this part of
a central idea and three supporting details on the the lesson is to prepare
topic/hobby of my choice. students for their writing
Do now: Find a central theme of any chapter of the lighting assignment. The do now will
8 mins thief, and cite a supporting detail from the chapter that also give them an opportunity
supports your choice. to apply their new skills to a
piece of literature their all
Give students a chance to finish the do now, then have the reading.
class Elicit and discuss their findings.
12 mins Say: in this lesson you’re each going to create your very
own paragraphs that includes a central idea.
Ask: Who can remind me of what a central idea is?
Ask: What can’t a central idea exist without? Hint their needs The purpose of this part of
to be three or more. the lesson is to discuss and
At this point start to go over their assessment. model how to properly write a
Say: Later in the period your all going to get the opportunity paragraph the features a
to write your own paragraphs that contains a central idea. central idea and supporting
Hand out their rubric so that students may reference it details. This part of the lesson
during the modeling activity. is to ensure students are
Say: take a look at the rubric with me class. ready for their formal
Ask: To achieve a perfect score what are some things we assessment.
must include in our paragraphs?
Go over each part of the rubric with the class.
Say: Before we begin, I’m going to model how to create your
own paragraph.
Use the Elmo projector to project a clean piece of paper. Go
through the process of writing and reading your paragraph
aloud to the class as you write it for them see. After you
gone through five sentences, go through a prove it graphic
organizer to check your work over the Elmo projector.
Ask: Were you all able to determine my central idea I wrote
about? Why?
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Writing Activity

10 mins Say: Now that we have gone through the process of The purpose of this part of
creating a central idea paragraph as a class, its time or each the lesson is for students to
of you to create your own. draft their very own
paragraphs featuring a
Say: You’re going to create a paragraph on one of your central idea with three
favorite hobbies. Make sure you follow the rubric to earn the supporting details. This
highest grade possible. assessment will demonstrate
students’ mastery of the unit.
Make sure all students have a piece of loose-leaf and give
them 10 minutes to create their own.

Partner peer review

Say: By now you should each have written your very own
central idea paragraphs.

Say: Now I want you to turn to your partner and swap

10 mins papers. The reason for this part of the
lesson is for students to
Say: At this point I want you all to take five minutes and try practice giving feedback. It
to identify your partners central idea. also provides a way for
students to get to know each
Say: Be sure to use both WIN and Prove it strategies to help other while demonstrating
you with this activity. their understanding of the
After the 5 minutes are up unit.

Say: I want you to turn and talk with your partner and
discuss your paragraphs. Be sure to use your TAG peer
evaluation strategies to provide constructive feedback.

Model proper TAG strategy with cooperating teacher

T- Tell the writer something you liked

A-Ask the writer a question

G- Give the Writer a positive suggestion!

Have them turn and talk for 5 minutes.

Informal During partner practice and independent work, I will assess Learning Objective(s)
Assessment students work through observations. I will ask students Assessed
questions that will require them to justify their choices.

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Formal Students final writing piece for the learning segment will be Learning Objective(s)
Assessment collected and graded per the rubric. Assessed


5 mins Closing Unit

Collect all students wring pieces

Ask: What were some skills and strategies we learned

throughout the unit.

Go over the central idea one last time

Elicit and discussion until bell rings

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