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Freshman Wrestler PPE

Highlights: Very healthy collegiate S/A but has L knee p!, is nearsighted, and is pressured to
monitor weight. He will need referrals to a optometrist for an eye exam and consultation with a
nutritionist to create a healthy plan to keep and maintain weight during the season.

FMS screen w/ abnormal findings

Highlight: He has multiple asymmetries with a score of 1 that need addressed before moving on
to other asymmetries or scores that are 2. He has no zeros and doesn’t report pain. His score is less that
14 and is at an increased risk of injury. Once asymmetries with a score of 1 are addressed, working on
shoulder mobility and ASLR will be the main focus. See the Plan section for more detailed plan.

Skin fold/hydration

S/A passed hydration test and had an average Skin fold measurement of: Triceps 3, Supra Ilium
4.1, Sub-scap 3.9

Health goals of pt.

Wants to be able to see better in the classroom.

Wants his left knee to stop bothering him.

Wants a plan to make weight all year.

Needed referrals

Nutritionist: will be able to assist with his goal of eating right and making weight during the
season. As for now being the beginning of the school year we will make an appointment. I will advise
him that a healthy diet should consist of 45-65 %/ of Carbs, 10-35% of Protein, and 20-35% of Fat. He
should also consume around 1,500mg of Salt, 25g of Sugar, and drink 94oz water daily.

Optometrist: He presents signs of nearsightedness. Referring to an optometrist will be able to

provide him with an eye exam, and prescribe contacts as needed to assist with ADLs such as seeing the
screen in class, driving or during practice. This will improve his overall quality of life.


S/A will be referred to the above listed medical professionals to advise and help him with
current conditions. Because he c/o L knee p! we will work on correcting his laterally rotated tibia and
patella, as well as other asymmetries noted in the FMS screen we took. This includes strengthening his
adductors, using orthotics for the pes planus and strengthening his knee joint. Also working on mobility
and stability highlighted by the FMS. We will target the inline lunge and ASLR because they both have
asymmetries with a score of 1 first. After those are corrected we will work on improving his next
asymmetries in the hurdle step and shoulder mobility. We will use the Deep squat to also functionally
measure improvements as the other lower extremity movements allow for a 3 on deep squat. As for his
weight, we will calculate what the lowest weight class he can safely obtain is and work with the
nutritionist to cut and maintain his weight safely. Will continue to reassess S/A progress and set new
goals as needed.

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