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McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

Revised August 2015

Teacher: Kaitlynn Rowland Date: April 16, 2018

Title of Lesson: The Best Vacation Ever Cooperating Teacher: L. Taylor-Hampton

Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic
Math - Graphs
Student Population
Twenty-six second graders.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to create and solve addition and subtraction problems
that they have created from graphs.
Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills (SOL)

MATH 2.8
TSW create and solve addition and subtraction problems using data from tables, picture
graphs, and bar graphs.

VDOE Technology Standards N/A

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)

The Best Vacation Ever by Stuart J. Murphy, construction paper.

High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)

Check if Used
Strategy Return
Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
Homework & Practice 28%
Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%
Check if Used Strategy Return
Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
Practice by Doing 75%
Discussion 50%
Demonstration 30%
Audio Visual 20%

McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Reading 10%
Lecture 05%
Safety (if applicable)
Potential paper cuts.

(min.) Process Components
*Anticipatory Set
 TTW ask the students to think back to their Spring Break two weeks ago. TTW
5 will ask the students if they stayed or if they went somewhere, if they went
minutes somewhere warm or somewhere cold. TTW make a tally chart and bar graph
based upon the answers.
*State the Objectives (grade-level terms)
1 I can… make a graph.
minute I can… make addition and subtraction problems based on my graph.

*Instructional Input or Procedure

 TTW call the students to the reading rug and read The Best Vacation Ever by
Stuart J. Murphy.
 TTW connect this story back to the Spring Break graph that we’ve made and
explain that we will make a similar one using the facts of the story.
10 – 20  TSW be paired up with a partner and will make either a bar graph, pictograph, or
minutes picture graph out of the tally chart in the book on a piece of construction paper.
 Once they have completed this portion of the activity, they will be guided through
making a math problem with either addition or subtraction.
 TCW review the vocabulary such as in addition, sum, subtract, how many more,
how many left.
 TSW be able to share their sentence with the class, time permitting.
5  TTW model how to make a bar graph, pictograph, and picture graph with the help
minutes of the class.
 TTW model how to write a math problem using appropriate vocabulary. An
example would be: If you added all of the votes together you would have twenty-
six votes.
*Check for Understanding
2–5  TTW ask a few students to give an example of a sentence that uses the
minutes vocabulary that we reviewed.

*Guided Practice
 Done alongside modeling.

McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
*Independent Practice
 TSW will work in pairs to create a graph based upon the votes given in the story
for if the family wanted to stay near or go far, if they wanted to go somewhere
warm or somewhere cold, and if they could bring their kitty or not. It will be up to
the students to decide what type of graph out of the three.
 They will then be instructed to make three math sentences based upon the graph
that they have made. These will be written next to the graph or on the back of the
 Informal formative assessment, as the students are working and presenting their
work, TTW gauge if the students have an understanding of what is being asked of
them or if there is more that we need to work on.
 TCW do a 3-2-1. They will list three things that they have learned, two things that
they found interesting, and one question that they still have.
Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).
Some of the vocabulary will not come easy to the students, to help these students TTW will make a chart with the
students on the vocabulary words that they can have out with them while they work.
Classroom Management Issues (optional)
The class will be called to the reading rug by their group number and dismissed in the same
fashion. Their partner will be the person across from them. For the students who are on the
end of the table or alone by themselves will be paired up with someone close by or will be a
three person group.
Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

Intern Signature Cooperating Teacher Signature Date

McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015

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