OK-SAFE Accomplishments 2006-2013

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 Inc.  –  Issues  and  Accomplishments  2006-­‐2013  

OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  (Oklahomans  for  Sovereignty  and  Free  Enterprise)  is  a  501c4  Oklahoma  non-­‐
profit  corporation  started  by  13  individuals  in  late  2006  to  address  one  issue:  Preventing  of  
the  arrival  of  the  Trans-­‐Texas  Corridor  (TCC)  transportation  system  into  the  state  of  
This  early  effort  involved  securing  open  records;  conducting  original  research;  publishing  
written  material  on  the  issue;  conducting  town  hall  meetings  to  educate  the  public  on  the  
matter;  and  networking  with  national  media  and  grassroots  organizations  in  Texas  fighting  
the  TTC.    We  lobbyied  the  Oklahoma  Legislature  repeatedly.  
These  efforts  worked.  Awareness  of  the  TCC  was  everywhere  in  Oklahoma,  including  the  
state  legislature.    Legislation  that  would  have  enabled  the  same  type  of  thing  in  Oklahoma  
was  identified  and  stopped.    Our  state’s  long-­‐time  membership  in  NASCO  (North  America’s  
Super  Corridor  Coalition)  was  terminated.    This  not  only  saved  the  state  money,  it  
successfully  stalled  the  efforts  of  that  organization  in  the  state  of  Oklahoma.  
In  hindsight,  it  was  evident  that  our  “citizen  lobbyist”  efforts  caught  the  Oklahoma  
legislature  off–guard.    Legislators  were  more  use  to  seeing  and  hearing  only  from  the  paid  
lobbyists  scurrying  around  the  Capitol.    They  were  not  expecting  a  well-­‐informed  public,  
armed  with  source  documents  and  facts.  
These  early  efforts  established  the  foundation  on  which  to  build  an  organization.    
Since  2007  OK-­‐SAFE  has  expanded  their  focus  to  include  other  issues  of  importance,  
including  Public-­‐Private  Partnerships;  the  REAL  ID  Act;  Fusion  Centers;  Sustainable  
Development;  and  Health  Care  Reform,  aka  “Obama  Care”.    
OK-­‐SAFE  has  matured  as  an  organization.  We  intentionally  conduct  our  own,  original  
research  into  issues.      
We  continue  working  to  educate  others  on  the  issues  of  life,  liberty  and  property.  OK-­‐SAFE  
has  come  to  be  considered  a  sound  source  of  original  research  for  other  grassroots  
organizations.    We  work  well  with  others,  and  have  established  a  successful  network  of  
grassroots  groups  that  lobby  the  Oklahoma  legislature  on  important  issues.      
OK-­‐SAFE  helps  them  do  what  they  do  better.  

OK-­‐SAFE  Research  Issues/Accomplishments  –  2006-­‐2013  

• 2006/2007    
o The  Trans-­‐Texas  Corridor  
§ Including  discovery  of,  original  research  into,  publications  and  
presentations  on:  
• Council  of  the  Americas/North  American  Business  
Committee  North  America  Works  II  Conference,  a  conference  
attended  and  filmed  in  Kansas  City,  MO  in  Dec.  2006  

             OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  –  www.ok-­‐safe.com,  www.exposinghealthcarereform.com   1  

 OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  –  Issues  and  Accomplishments  2006-­‐2013  

NASCO  (North  America’s  Super  Corridor  Coalition).  Attended  

and  filmed  conference  in  Ft.  Worth,  TX  in  2007  
• NAFTA  Superhighway  designation  and  legal  meaning  
• IVHS  (Intelligent  Vehicle  Highway  System)  –  intent  and  
• The  purpose  and  use  of  Radio  Frequency  Identification    
(RFID)  in  vehicles  and  highway  systems  
• The  significance  of  Global  Supply  Chain  Management      
o Hosted  two  Defending  America’s  Sovereignty  Conferences:  In  Tulsa  in  Oct.  
2007,  attended  by  more  than  300  people,  the    second  in  OKC,  attended  by  
more  than  150  people.  
• 2008  –    
o Issued  Position  Paper  on  Public  Private  Partnerships  (PPPs).      
§ Researchers  are  still  using  our  2008  white  paper  on  this  subject,  as  
an  education  tool  to  help  others  understand  this  anti-­‐free  market  
o The  REAL  ID  Act  of  2005  
o Conducted  original  research  into,  published  reports  and  gave  formal  
presentations  on  both  in  Oklahoma  and  at  Freedom  21  National  
conference.  Included  research  into:  
§ The  significance  of  the  collection  of  personally  identifiable  
biometric  information  on  the  people  of  Oklahoma  
§ The  means  of  creating  a  national/international  identification  
card  using  state  issued  drivers  licenses  and  ID  cards  
§ The  capabilities  and  use  of  CCTV  (closed  circuit  TV)  systems  to  
remotely  identify  unsuspecting  persons  
§ Exec.  Dir.  Amanda  Teegarden  participated  in  a  Panel  Discussion  
on  the  REAL  ID  held  at  the  National  Press  Club  in  Washington,  
D.C.  Oct.  2008  
o SuperCorridors  
§ Conducted  original  research  into,  published  reports  and  gave  formal  
presentations  given  in  Oklahoma  and  at  Freedom  21  National  
conference.    Included  research  into:    
• The  use  of  RFID  and  sensors  technology  in  the  U.S.  Highway  
system  and  the  role  they  play  in  the  Global  Supply  Chain  
• The  purpose  and  use  of  electronic  tolling  
• The  purpose  and  use  of  Vehicle  Tracking  and  camera  
technologies,  including  automatic  license  plate  reader  
(ALPR)  cameras  on  highways  and  in  law  enforcement  
o Exec.  Dir.  Amanda  Teegarden  -­‐  Guest  speaker  at  Oklahoma  Wesleyan  
University,  Global  Business  Class,  evening  class.    This  turned  into  an  annual  
event,  thru  2013.  

             OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  –  www.ok-­‐safe.com,  www.exposinghealthcarereform.com   2  

 OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  –  Issues  and  Accomplishments  2006-­‐2013  

• 2009  –    
o Fusion  Centers  
§ Conducted  original  research  into  the  origins  of  the  fusion  center  
concept,  including  their  new  purpose  and  intent  (i.e.  the  elimination  
of  barriers  to  information  sharing  between  federal,  state,  local,  and  
tribal  law  enforcement/justice  agencies)  
• Participated  in  two  tours  of  the  OK  Fusion  Center  in  OKC  
• Conducted  original  research  into  the  significance  of  the  
Global  XML  language,  and  global  data  collection  and  sharing  
• Published  report  and  gave  testimony  on  Fusion  Centers  to  
Kansas  legislative  committee  in  Joplin,  MO    
• Drafted  proposed  legislation  to  cease  funding  of  the  OK  
Fusion  Center    
• Produced  formal  presentation  on  Fusion  Centers,  shown  in  
state  at  two  national  conferences  (2009  and  2010)  
§ Proposed  legislation  prohibiting  RFID  tags  in  the  OK  Drivers  License.    
Bill  made  it  all  the  way  to  the  Governor’s  office  where  it  was  vetoed.  
o Sustainable  Development  
§ Presentation  entitled  Understanding  Sustainable  Development  
created  for  educational  purposes  in  Oklahoma.  
§ OK-­‐SAFE  Hosted  and  Moderated  the  10th  Annual  National  Freedom  
21  Conference  in  Oklahoma  in  August  2009.    More  than  300  people  
attended  in  person;  this  was  the  first  ever  F21  Conference  broadcast  
via  live  streaming.  
§ OK-­‐SAFE’s  original  presentation  on  Fusion  Centers  was  
groundbreaking  and  well-­‐received  at  F21  Conference  
§ Research  continued  connecting  the  above  research  issues  to  
sustainable  development  policies.      
o Began  America  in  the  Balance  radio  show  
§ Hosted  weekly  radio  show  for  4  years  on  Truth  in  Focus  Internet  
o Exec.  Dir.  Amanda  Teegarden  -­‐  Guest  speaker  at  Oklahoma  Wesleyan  
University,  Global  Business  Class,  evening  class.      
• 2010  -­‐  
o Citizen  Involvement  in  the  Legislative  Process  Training  Classes  
§ Began  the  first  in  a  series  of  ½  day  training  classes  on  Citizen  
Involvement  in  the  Legislative  Process,  held  on  Saturdays  in  the  fall  
and  early  winter  before  session  starts.  
§ Well-­‐attended  classes  are  now  conducted  twice  each  year  in  Tulsa,  
OKC,  and  surrounding  areas.  
o Earmarks  for  Technology  Research  Project  
§ Conducted  original  research  on  earmarks  (Congressionally  directed  
funds)  for  technology  companies  in  Oklahoma,  including  but  not  
limited  to:  

             OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  –  www.ok-­‐safe.com,  www.exposinghealthcarereform.com   3  

 OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  –  Issues  and  Accomplishments  2006-­‐2013  

Wave  Technologies,  Inc.  –  Research  found  empty  offices  

located  in  HUB  Zones.  
• Triarii  Scientific,  LLC–  Earmark  recipient  whose  company  
address  was  a  home  in  south  Tulsa,  OK  
• Triton  Scientific,  LLC  –  Earmark  recipient  whose  company  
address  was  a  home  in  Ponca  City,  OK.    Triton  Scientific  was  
acting  Director  for  the  OSU-­‐UML  
o OSU-­‐UML,  the  OSU  University  Multispectral  
Laboratories,  in  Ponca  City,  at  Chilocco  in  Kay  County,  
and  in  Lawton,  is    engaged  in  drone  development  in  
• In  2009,  HB  1468  designated  the  OSU-­‐UML  as  the  state’s  sole  
federal  contract  verifier.    HB  1468  was  authored  Rep.  Mike  
Jackson  of  Enid,  and  Senator  David  Myers  of  Ponca  City,  a  
neighbor  of  Tim  Reynolds,  director  of  Triton  Scientific,  and  
the  firm  acting  as  director  of  the  OSU-­‐UML.  
o Exec.  Dir.  Amanda  Teegarden  -­‐  Guest  speaker  at  Oklahoma  Wesleyan  
University,  Global  Business  Class,  evening  class.      
• 2011  –    
o Government  Modernization/Reinvention  of  Government  
§ Lobbyied  against  the  creation  in  2010  of  the  Oklahoma’s  Chief  
Information  Officer  (CIO)  position,  which  expanded  the  state’s  
Executive  branch.    
§ Found  ties,  through  research  and  open  records,  to  the  NASCIO  
(National  Association  of  State  Chief  Information  Officers)  and  the  
reinvention  of  government  effort  
§ Researched  and  wrote  on  the  state’s  $1M  contract  with  Capgemini,  a  
global  consulting,  outsourcing,  and  technology  corporation.  
o Health  Care  Reform  (“Obama  Care”)  and  Insurance  Exchange  
§ Conducted  original  research  into  and  made  open  records  requests  on  
the  $54  M  Early  Innovator  Grant  for  Oklahoma.  
• Exposed  the  content  and  intent  of  the  Early  Innovator  Grant,  
and  its  clear  connection  to  the  Patient  Protection  and  
Affordable  Care  Act  (“Obama  Care”)  in  the  state  of  Oklahoma.  
• Forced  Oklahoma  Legislators  to  read  the  grant  and  exposed  
the  connection  between  the  proposed  language  creating  an  
Insurance  Exchange.  
• Played  a  significant  role  in  forcing  the  Governor  to  reject  the  
Early  Innovator  Grant  for  Oklahoma,  and  stalled  the  
establishment  of  an  insurance  exchange  in  Oklahoma.  
• Defeated  the  first  of  three  legislative  attempts  to  create  an  
insurance  exchange  in  Oklahoma,  successfully  networking  
with  other  grassroots  groups  in  Oklahoma  to  make  this  
• Shared  our  information  and  source  documents  with  activists  
in  the  state  of  Kansas,  who  went  on  to  successfully  forced  

             OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  –  www.ok-­‐safe.com,  www.exposinghealthcarereform.com   4  

 OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  –  Issues  and  Accomplishments  2006-­‐2013  

that  state’s  rejection  of  their  Early  Innovator  grant,  and  
stalled  the  establishment  of  an  insurance  exchange  in  that  
§ OK-­‐SAFE  was  the  only  grassroots  organization  included  in  the  Joint  
Legislative  Committee  on  Health  Care  Reform,  speaking  at  the  
November  2011  meeting.  
o Citizen  Involvement  in  the  Legislative  Process  Training  Classes  
§ Conducted  in  Broken  Arrow,  Tulsa,  and  Oklahoma  City  
o Exec.  Dir.  Amanda  Teegarden  -­‐  Guest  speaker  at  Oklahoma  Wesleyan  
University,  Global  Business  Class,  evening  class.      
• 2012  –  Health  Care  Reform  
o Guest  speaker  on  Sustainable  Development  at  the  Kansas  State  Rally  at  the  
Kansas  State  Capitol;  speaker  at  subsequent  meetings  in  Kansas  on  same  
o Created  a  single  subject  website  called  Exposing  Health  Care  Reform,  
dedicated  to  exposing  the  truth  about  “health  care  reform”,  and  supplying  
source  documents  for  research  purposes.  
§ Successfully  fought  and  defeated  two  more  legislative  attempts  at  
creating  an  insurance  exchange  in  Oklahoma.  
§ Proposed  legislation  to  terminate  the  Oklahoma  Health  Information  
Exchange  Trust  (OHIET),  implementer  of  health  information  
exchange  technology  systems,  and  promoter  of  electronic  health  
records  (EHRs)  
o Research  conducted  on  Technocracy  and  its  ties  to  sustainable  development  
and  health  care  reform.    Presentation  created.  
o Citizen  Involvement  in  the  Legislative  Process  Training  Classes  
§ Conducted  in  Broken  Arrow,  Tulsa,  and  Oklahoma  City  
o Exec.  Dir.  Amanda  Teegarden  -­‐  Guest  speaker  at  Oklahoma  Wesleyan  
University,  Global  Business  Class,  evening  class.      
• 2013  -­‐    
o Health  Care  Reform  
§ Guest  speaker  on  Technocracy/Sustainable  Development/Health  
Care  Reform  at  Kansas  State  Rally  at  the  Kansas  State  Capitol;  guest  
speaker  in  Hutchinson,  KS  on  same  subject.  
o Citizen  Involvement  in  the  Legislative  Process  Training  Classes  
§ Conducted  in  Broken  Arrow,  Tulsa,  Oklahoma  City,  and  Enid  
o Citizen  Involvement  Training  Class  –  expanded  outreach  
§ Invited  to  conducted  Citizen  Involvement  training  class  at  OU-­‐Tulsa  
Campus  for  adult  doctoral  students  
§ Proposed  legislation  in  OK  to  terminate  the  OHIET  
§ Provided  testimony  to  the  Senate  Health  and  Human  Services  
Committee  on  SB  219.    Bill  defeated  by  a  4/4  vote.  
o Exec.  Dir.  Amanda  Teegarden  -­‐  Guest  speaker  at  Oklahoma  Wesleyan  
University,  Global  Business  Class,  evening  class.      

             OK-­‐SAFE,  Inc.  –  www.ok-­‐safe.com,  www.exposinghealthcarereform.com   5  

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