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Pershing County Alumni Association meeting minutes

Location: Espinoza Bookkeeping

Date: February 27, 2017

Time: 5:15 pm

Attendees: Mackenzie Hodges, Joan Duncan, Karen Wesner, Jerry Atkinson, Frank Fisk, Jim Rowe, and Doreen
Munk. Phone: Jody Bailie.

Agenda items
1. Approval of Minutes: 1/30/17 Minutes Approved: Post minutes to the PCHSAA webpage.

2. Update Association Webpage. Fix errors on name (Buchman) and dates to 2017, post picture of Kent Maher, and
advertise 5K Stampede.

3. Invitations. Invitations will be drafted by Jerry and ready for the printer in Fallon. It is estimated about 1,300 invitations
with will be mailed. In the past about 700 invitations have returned with insufficient address at an expense of postage.
Encourage alumni to update addresses/contact information via the PSHSAA webpage, Facebook, and/or email. Also
encourage class liaisons to update contacts for the Association. To help with labeling and stamping the invitations, it was
proposed/and approved as a community service project with Mackenzie overseeing the volunteers.

4. Event: The Lovelock Community Center has been reserved for June 10, 2017, with fees and insurances paid. Banquet to
begin at 5:30 with cocktails, dinner by 6:30, and dance to follow. After Alumni business, the Grand March will begin
about 8:30 with older Alumni leading the precession to the music “School Days”. Proposed to honor founding family:
Gene Sullivan, and oldest alumni: Rosaline Alves Matis, and Irva Arobio Marcucci.

5. Dinner Bid: A bid came in from VJ, will check with Julie Myers, and none came in from Cowpoke or Black Rock. Jody
and Mackenzie will purchase alcohol via Costco, Sam’s Club, and/or Total Wine and More. Alcohol servers will be

6. Entertainment: It was proposed that the John Dawson Band perform for about $1,800. Will check and contract for
length of time: approximately 9-1:00pm. Kendra Mitchell was approached to photograph pictures of the banquet, awards,
class photos, etc. for the photo booth. Photos can be purchased through Kendra and shared with friends.

7. Decorations: Find and display poster sized pictures of past years. Check with the Marzen Museum for old school photos.
Purchase Red/Black color theme for tables and decorations.

8. 100 Year Committee: Check with committee member Larry Rackley for plans or ideas they wish to include at the
banquet. Work with Pat Rowe for the 100 Years of Lovelock Celebration.

9. 2017 Graduating Class: Mackenzie and Jody will schedule with PCHS to meet with graduating class. Take the Alumni
books to be signed and promote the banquet. Seek applications for Alumni Scholarships.

10. Other: Grads Giving Back: again check on 2016 scholarship recipients and new 2017 scholarships. Send thank you note
to Ray Espinosa for filing tax return.

11. Next Meeting: March 27, 2017 @ 5:15 at Espinoza Bookkeeping.

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