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Health and Safety in the Workplace

Complete this worksheet while viewing the infographics

1. Approximately, how many workers die each year in workplace fatalities?________________________

2. Approximately, how many workers die each day in workplace fatalities?________________________

3. Approximately, how many work related injuries/diseases occur in the workplace each year?_________

4. Approximately, how many work related injuries/diseases occur in the workplace each day?_________

5. In 2012, which jurisdiction had the most workplace fatalities?__________________________________

6. In what industry do the most fatalities occur?_______________________________________________

7. In 2012, how many fatalities occurred in that industry?_______________________________________

8. List your rights as an employee

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9. List 8 actions that workers can take to stay safe

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10. Are males or females more at risk of being injured? ____________________________________________

Why/why not? _________________________________________________________________________

11. How many times greater is your risk as a new employee, regardless of age? _________________________

12. What percentage of the working population in Canada suffers from mental health issues? _____________

13. List the 10 effects of mental health problems on individuals

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14. What are two ways in which the workplace is affected when employees are struggling with mental health?
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15. List ten healthy habits for mental fitness

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