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The real face of Kashmir

By Chanchal

A short story

The real face of Kashmir

“Tied his hand, tied his hand, tied his

hand, hurry” Ahmed, a man with an AK
47 in his hand tell to his other four
Ahmed “hey you lieutenant Fayaz, don’t
try much to untied yourself ”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “who are you people?
Why you abduct me from my home?”
Ahmed “We are the revolutionaries,
freedom fighter of Kashmir”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “Freedom fighter of
Kashmir? Kashmir is already free”.
Ahmed “No, it is not free. We are slave
Lieutenant Fayaz “someone has made
you people fool. We have freedom”.

Ahmed “no, someone has made you

fool. We have no freedom. We are slave
Lieutenant Fayaz “no, you are wrong.
See, we have elections here. We chose
and give vote for electing the chief
minister of state. We have the schools
and education for kids”.
Ahmed “stop your bullshit. They are
just tolls for making us fools”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “then, what you want?
Do you want to give guns into the hands
of the Kashmiri’s children, instead of
Ahmed “but we are not free. It is our
land. I want my nation. We want our
nation, a different nation, so we should
do, what we want to do”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “it is our nation. It
gives every freedom to do what we
want. Look at me, I have cracked the
NDA exam (National defence
Academy), and I have become the

officer in Indian Army. Anybody can do

anything in my country and I am proud
of it”.
Ahmed “you are coward and gutless.
You should fight with us for the
freedom of our country. But, you have
joined Indian Army and fighting for
them against us. You should feel
ashamed of this. How can you forget
that, these Indians attacked us in 1947
and occupied our land?”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “listen, first I am
proud Indian Army soldier, and second
is, I am proud Kashmiri. Because, I am
not blind and deaf like you people. They
were Pakistanis, who attacked on
beautiful land called Kashmir. They
were Pakistanis, who raped our women
and looted us in 1947”.
Ahmed “you are lying”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “I am not lying. It is
truth and you know that very well. You
know this too, that it was India who

came for saving us, when our King Hari

Singh called India to save us. Then
Indian Army saved our women and our
family from these Pakistanis”.
Ahmed “No, it was Pakistan, who saved
us and it is Pakistan, who is helping us in
this war”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “haaa, how fool you
people are. I cannot imagine. If Pakistan
really cares about you. Then why, it gives
weapon in your hand?”.
Ahmed “it is helping us to free our land
and it raises the voice of Kashmiris in
United Nation”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “ha ha ha”.
Ahmed “why you are laughing?”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “because, it was India,
who went to the United Nation for us.
Pakistan is making fool of you people”.
Ahmed “We are not fool. You have
heard the wrong stories. It is the only
country who has given our rights”.

Lieutenant Fayaz “that’s why, I had told

you, go and study. Because this is all lie.
Roam all the world and ask anybody,
they all will tell the truth. And the truth
is, they were Pakistani Pathans, who
attacked us and looted our property,
raped our women and occupied our
land. Indian Army had fought against
Pakistanis and saved us. Then, Mr.
Nehru, that time Prime Minister of
India, went to the United Nation for our
rights and some part of our land. Which
is still occupied by the Pakistan”.
Ahmed “you are in Indian Army, that’s
why you are saying this”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “no, I am saying this
because, I know the truth”.
Ahmed “so you know this truth also
that, India gave the promise to give us
one chance for voting (Plebiscite), to
decide, we want to live with India or live
as an independent Country. Why it has
not given us yet?”.

Lieutenant Fayaz “Because some part of

our land is still in Pakistan, which is
called Pakistan occupied Kashmir. India
went to the UN for this and UN has
told the Pakistan to withdraw its troops.
So, then, both side of Kashmir will
become one. Then, voting will happen
but Pakistan does not want this. It just
wants to destroy the India by using you
people, that’s why, it has never
withdrawn its troops from here”.
Ahmed “they have brain washed you”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “are you mad? How
can you say that? You tell me, “it is India
or Pakistan, who has given the promise
to give us voting right”.
Ahmed “India”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “so, What Pakistan is
giving you? Have you ever think about
this? hmm only guns, no education. Has
it ever give any opportunity to any
Kashmiris for growing? Hmm tell me,
don’t look me like this, tell me”.

Ahmed “Their people are supporting us.

Pakistan is caring those people in
Pakistan occupied Kashmir”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “really? If it really
cares about us. Why it has given
Shaksgam valley and other lands, which
are part of our Kashmir to China? Has
it ever asked to any Indian Kashmiri or
Pakistan occupied Kashmiris before
giving us our land to third country? If it
is really cares about us or our land, why
it has given our land to someone? But it
is India my dear friend, who has gone to
the UN against this for our land and
Now, tell me this, you know well, China
is making road under OBOR (One Road
One Belt) in Pakistan occupied
Kashmir, without asking Kashmiris or
India. Am I right? Has Pakistan ever
asked you or anybody before letting
China to building roads?”.
Ahmed “what? I…… I”.

Lieutenant Fayaz “you don’t have any

word, because you know that. It is not
the fight for freedom. It is the fight
between two religion people”.
Ahmed “I am Muslim and Pakistan is
Islamic country. We should unite with it.
We will be safe there and we will get the
more Islamic rights there”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “a country called
Pakistan, will give you rights, where
Muslims are killing other Muslims, just
because other are Shia Muslims, not
Sunnis. People all over the world call it,
terrorist nation. Pakistanis are killing
their own people in Baluchistan. They
are killing Muslims in Sindh. Sunni
Muslims are killing Shia Muslims.
Osama bin laden is their hero. What will
it give you?”.
Ahmed “that is the other matter.
Kashmiris are raising their voice for
independent country and Pakistan is
helping us. we know this only”.

Lieutenant Fayaz “some people are

raising this issue because they don’t
know the truth”.
Ahmed “it is not about truth or lie. It is
all about people. If some people are not
happy, and they want independent
country, then they should have”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “Country does not run
like this. Don’t divide yourself in the
name of religion. Don’t ask a different
country in the name of religion.
Some people asked and got the land,
now see their condition, I am talking
about Pakistan.
We have everything here. We have
schools, educations, sports, government
jobs and vast opportunities in business
world. People are becoming singers,
artist and actors. People recognise us
and our great country India as an
emerging super power. We have respect,
otherwise go to any country in middle
east and they don’t have any future. We

have the great future. What else we

want? hmm”.
Ahmed “so, you know everything”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “ya, I know”.
Ahmed “that’s why, we have kidnapped
you. You are risky man. you are not
good for us. I have tried to convince you
to left the Indian Army, but I have failed
in it”
Lieutenant Fayaz “so, you were playing
game with me? not only with me, but
you people are playing game with all
Ahmed “if Kashmiris join the Indian
Army. We will not achieve our goal. You
are educated. You know everything very
well. This is jihad not fight for freedom.
You have to die Lieutenant Fayaz. If
you live, others will follow you, they will
ask the Pakistan to follow the UN’s
words, they will get their land back and

Kashmir will become the heaven. I hope

you have understood”.
Lieutenant Fayaz “don’t make fool of
Kashmiris. Your leaders’ children are
studying in Europe and driving the
Audi. Try to understand. They are using
you. Don’t make this heaven a hell……
hah…. Don’t be the puppet”.
Ahmed “I am giving you last warning,
accept my proposal, I will leave you, join
Lieutenant Fayaz “it is war front for me.
I am ready to die. I am not afraid of it. I
am a soldier and I will die happily. But
remember one thing, my death will not
go in vain. My death will be message for
all Kashmiris to know the difference
between you people and me”.
Ahmed “Stop it, shut your mouth. Join
Lieutenant Fayaz “Jai hind (Long live

Lieutenant Ummer Lieutenant Fayaz Parray

was the 23-year-old Indian Army Officer in
2nd battalion; Rajputana Rifles, he went to his
home in Kashmir for attending the relative’s
weeding. He was on his holidays and unarmed,
at the time of abduction. He was shot twice by
the terrorist on 9th may 2017 in Shopian,
Jammu and Kashmir. He got the guard of
honour on his home town. India salutes his
bravery and will not forget his sacrifice for the
Jai Kashmir, Jai Bharat, Jai hind.

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