AP Spanish 4

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Spanish IV A.P. Language Syllabus

Course overview:
In this course, students will take domination in the Spanish language; with proficiency in integrating
language skills aural materials, the former written process, extensive interpersonal and presentational
speaking and writing practices, and aural comprehension skills through quality, authentic, and level
appropriate audio recordings. They are also further exposed to the world of literature and current events
of Spanish speaking countries through authentic written tests, that develop students reading and
comprehension abilities. Class is conducted completely in Spanish and includes frequently written and
integration of skills with a rigorous review of grammatical structures. Advanced organization and analytic
strategies are taught. Assortments of resources are used to facilitate the learning process.

Textbook and workbook:

Diaz, Jose M., Margarita Leicher-Prieto and Gilda Nissenberg. A.P. Spanish Preparing for the Language
Examination, Third Edition. Boston, MA: Prentice Hall, 2007

Diaz, Jose M., Maria Nadal and Stephen J. Collins. Abriendo paso: Gramática. Boston, MA: Prentice Hall,

Diaz, Jose M., Maria Nadal and Stephen J. Collins. Abriendo paso: Lectura. Boston, MA: Prentice Hall,

Course objectives:
I. Express ideas accurately and fluently in writing.
Improve writing skills through

1. Essay writing. Every unit each student writes a formal, well organized analytic and
persuasive essay of at least 200 words, on an appropriate topic, in reaction to the test or
information discussed or viewed, which is evaluated for its content, organization, range,
and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
2. Other writing task. There are weekly writing activities related to the topics covered. Such
as: writing journal, letters, emails, poems, and dialogues, abstract writing, relative writings
or writing reactions to the articles and lectures.

II. Synthesize vocabulary and structures to broaden understanding in reading newspaper,

magazine articles and literacy pieces with increasing ease in accuracy. Improving reading skills

1. Weekly reading focus on text analysis. Students read and interpret samples of authentic
literary prose and poetry (as a vehicle of language study and expansion as well as emerging
literacy analysis), current topics (newspaper and magazine articles), and communication
(letters and emails).
2. Regarding strategies. The following are employed regularly to help improve reading skills:
SQ3R, thinking maps, word attack skills, effective use of contact skills, Cornell notes and
interactive reading.
3. Research projects. Students use reading strategies and vocabulary knowledge to improve
reading skills when investigation various topic and ultimately to create and to present a
III. Speak with fluency, accuracy in structure and syntax, using a rich vocabulary and appropriate
pronunciation and intonation. Improve speaking skills through

1. Interpersonal language focus. Respond to conversational prompts, such as interviews, voice

mail, asking directions, advice, and story telling, and giving speeches, using rich vocabulary,
accuracy, structure, syntax, and fluency. There is at least one assessment per nine week
cycle which includes oral presentations.
2. Participate daily in class discussion in the target language. Improve vocabulary, fluency,
pronunciation and intonation through directed or free discussions.

IV. Understanding the spoken language both formally and informally in conversation or narrations.
Improve listening skills through

1. Interpreting spoken material. Interpret messages, lectures, and other material spoken using
a variety of regional dialects. Become familiar with pronunciation, dialects and aural
2. Listening to narratives and dialogues to make inferences, predictions and interpret linguistic

V. Expand knowledge and understanding of the practices, perspective, and products of Spanish
and Hispanic cultures through

1. Discussing literary and cultural topics, current event and personal experiences.
2. Incorporating culture in other skills learned. Culture is integrated throughout the years,
connected meaningfully to reading, listening and speaking skills.

VI. Acquire and enrich vocabulary and grasp structures that enable the student to manipulate a
variety of reading and aural materials. Improve vocabulary through

1. Reviewing and broadening vocabulary. Students use methods such as reading,

investigations and listening to a wide range of topics and apply it to speaking and writing.
2. Using idiomatic expressions, cognates, synonyms and antonyms correctly. Learn and apply
in aural and writing exercise the specific uses of idiomatic expressions, cognates, synonyms
and antonyms.
3. Using transitions. Learn and correctly use transition words and expressions related to
written and spoken Spanish. Use transitions to introduce an idea, add another idea, express
and contrasting point of view, emphasizes, give examples, draw conclusions, etc.

VII. Be able to implement a variety of grammatical structures using proper concordances (subject-
verb; subject-adjective; gender-noun agreement, tense agreement, sequence of tenses, correct
mechanics (punctuations, accentuation, syntax, orthography), and superiors language control.
Improve knowledge of grammar through

1. Applying grammatical and syntactic rules, focusing on problematic areas. Generally, the
problematic areas include, but are not limited to tenses and moods (ser vs. estar, preterit, vs.
imperfect, sequences of tenses, commands, complex constructions using the subjunctive,
irregular and spelling-changing verbs, perfect tenses), nouns and the modifiers (direct and
indirect object pronouns, relatives pronouns and adjective placement) and other verbal and
syntactic constructions (the passive voice, reflexives, making comparison, por vs. para,
prepositions, transitions and accentuations, etc.).
2. Implementing / synthesizing a variety of grammatical and syntactic structures in speaking
and writing.

First Semester:
Stress and accentuation rule

Unit #1
Nouns and articles / subject pronouns and prepositional pronouns
Narrations and descriptions in the past
Literature: Continuidad de los parques, Julio Cortázar

Unit #2
Descriptions of our surroundings and differences and similarities
Object pronouns and relatives pronouns
Literature: Cajas de cartón, Francisco Jiménez

Interrogatives and exclamation

Literature: No oyes ladrar los perros, Juan Rulfo
Literature: La viuda de Montiel, Gabriel García Márquez

Unit #3
Narration and description in the present
Indefinite and definite words
Gustar and verbs like gustar

Literature project
Review and final exam

Second Semester:

Unit #4
How to express wishes and obligations
How to express doubt and probabilities
Adverbs and some verbs and expressions to express ideas
Por vs Para
Poetry: Me gusta cuando callas, Pablo Neruda

Unit #5
Narrations and descriptions of the future
Poetry: Proverbios y cantares XXIC, Antonio Machado
Selecciones de verbos sencillos, José Martí

AP Exam Practice

AP Exam Week

Artist Projects
Video Project/Presentations and projects Dates subject to change Revised 2015

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