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Ramon Estrada

America's diversity and religious beliefs

World wide issue


America is involved the most assorted populace on the planet today. It is diverse as far as its

ethnic cosmetics and religious practices. Due to its diversity variety, everyone reverse to

America as a blend, however to state so is a misguided judgment. The idea of a mixture infers

that America isn't made out of one particular or huge culture or ethnicity. Rather, it is comprised

of an assortment of societies that when consolidated, looses what has made it particular and starts

a transformation into something that has lost its unique characteristics, transforming into

something unrecognizable. America ought to be compared to an organic product serving of

mixed greens, one that holds the first nature of the way of life and when blended with different

societies moves toward becoming something much more delightful. Achievement in America as

people does not need to involve the relinquishment of one's social and ethnic personality.

According to ( “Ever since the first days of European settlement

and even before that with the wide variety of Native cultures diversity has been one of the

distinguishing features of religious life in North America.”

History of america's diversity

In America today, many individuals are having a very positive and successful life, because of

how they keep up their social convictions and characters. What's more, in spite of the fact that

the battle to end up a working individual in America might be troublesome, clutching

convictions established in culture have made it difficult for some individuals to make it. At the


point when families have originated from Vietnam or Mexico, dialect is a moment challenge for

them. In spite of the fact that taking in another dialect is a test, it should be possible. What's

more, when that happens, significantly more entryways or potential outcomes are opened.

Despite the fact that dialect can be an issue the qualities and advantages of such Mexican and

Vietnamese families are what encourages people to prevail with regards to taking in the dialect.

Mexican and Vietnamese families cooperate to help each other to guarantee that all individuals

from the family succeed. Support can incorporate cash, lodging, transportation and even

nourishment or help with interpretation. The families cooperate to wind up "fruitful" in America.

This thought of family supporting each other without question is a profoundly established

confidence in such societies.

Personal Experience

I have a friend named Moses who happens to be Muslim. Moses has constantly

mentioned to me the media isn't trusted completely from his point of view because the media

falsely represents his nationality to the world. I believe the media coverage is and always will be

offensive of some sort to people with other ethnicities besides americans, and will be that way

because they grab people's attention with falsely identifying people to others. The media is

missing the big picture with how they perpetrated people of other nationalities to the pubic.

Although many people have different ethnicities from others, but that should not separate them

from everyone else. We as a nation have become diverse and in my opinion it is great to have

people from all over come together to create one big unity. America has become diverse and has

been shaped that way for years, with that being said keeping negativity such as those separating


different ethnicities might to some extent be right, but separating them from the culture they've

grew up in is much different.

History of adaptation in america by Vietnamese families

A particular case of how clutching society character prompts achievement in America can be

seen from the case of the Vietnamese family that comes to America in quest for a superior life.

At the point when the family initially lands in America, they may live in a little flat with another

family. As kids enter school and start to take in the English dialect, guardians are working at

any activity they can discover to give nourishment, attire and sanctuary for everybody in the

family. The family keeps on celebrating conventional Vietnamese occasions and eats customary

sustenances from their country. As work for guardians builds, every family starts to move out

without anyone else, while as yet keeping up the help of the others ( As families

turn out to be much more fiscally free, they help other relatives who are still in require. As

youngsters develop, training is profoundly esteemed and as every kid traverses school and ends

up utilized, they as well, glance back at other relatives to offer help to them with the goal that

they also can accomplish "achievement" in America. At the same time, the family keeps on

commending their Vietnamese conventions, sustenance and dialect.

Comparison of online research and personal experience

My parents have come along way since before I was born and are continuing to till this day. My

parents came from mexico and had my two siblings and I here in america to have a brighter

future. Although they adapted to the american culture and society they have always kept believe


that they would create their own success even if they weren't born in america. Research shows

families fail to achieve if they don't have a helping hand when arriving in a new country, found

on ( Others suggest that ethnicities do not matter to achieve

social role, and their own success not the core beliefs of this such culture and many others in

America are the backbone of the success of individuals. “The idea that success in America is

determined by the individuals losing that sense of culture is unfounded. For many, maintaining

the link to culture has helped them become successful which involves knowing who you are and

where you come from. Continuing to speak their language, dress and eat foods and maintain

their belief rooted in their culture does not prevent success, and instead helps it.”


What I am asserting here is that whether its some ones ethnicities and or an individual's social

role, That should be no reason for america to treat another soul differently. In fact americans

entire population is diverse and has been for years and years to come. Having such diverse

population is a very unique thing to have, despite the negativity america has faced, in my

opinion it's one of the greatest things america has to offer. There has been many misguided

judgements about this particular situation, but the significance of its diversity has made it what it

is today, unique. Every in coming family will face of some sort a difficult time with adapting,

but from my families experience it’s very possible to come out with a positive outcome. To

conclude everything I would like to leave you with a thought/quote mentioned by

(“a Businesses that recruit from a diverse workforce are better able to find

the best and the brightest talent needed to compete in an increasingly competitive economy.”



Center for american progress. The State of Diversity in Today’s Workforce.

ty-in-todays-workforce/. Retrieved March 19, 2018,

Vietnamese Cultural Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from Retrieved March 9, 2018 A

Guide to Children Arriving at the Border: Laws, Policies and Responses. (2016, August 09).

Retrieved March 12, 2018, from

ies-and-responses. Retrieved March 9, 2018 Teacher serve. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from


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