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o Vitals (T-BP-HR-R-Pox: q4- routine, q2- stepdown, q1- ICU)
o Notify MD if T › 101.5, SBP ‹ 90 or › 160, DBP › 100, P ‹ 60 or › 100, R
‹ 12 or › 24, Pox ‹ 93%, UO ‹ 30cc/hr
o Strict I & O’s Notes “SOAP”
o Telemetry (telemetry floor or step-down)
o Catheters (NGT-low cont suction, CT-20 cm suction, foley-
Subjective: Pt complaints. Pain? Tol diet? F/C? N/V? Bowel
function? CP/SOB? OOB/amb?
o Dressing changes / wound care
o Activity (bedrest, c-spine / logroll precautions, up ad lib)
 VS: Tmax (if febrile, note time)/ Tcurrent, BP, HR, R, Pox (on ___ L
o Diet (NPO, NPO x meds p MN, clrs, reg, ADA)
I/O: (including urine, drain outpts- NGT, CT, JP per shift & over
o IVF (NS or LR – resuscitative, D5 ½ NS c 20 KCl – maintenance)
 Imaging / Studies (CXR, US, CT, IR procedures)
 Medications
 Antibiotics
Abd: (include wound, incision, stoma)
 Pain medication
Ext: (vasc if applicable)
 Antihypertensives / cardiac meds
 Insulin sliding scale (if DM)
Assessment/ Plan:
 Home meds
 “___ yo POD#___ s/p __________”
 Prn meds
 GI prophylaxis (pepcid, nexium if NPO)
 Ex:
o Stress ulcer prophylaxis Sucralfate 1gm PFT/NG - Advance diet
q6h Ranitidine 150mg PFT/NG q12h -OR- 50mg - D/c IVF
IV q8h (q24h for renal failure) Protonix 40mg - Cont abx
po/IV qday - Pain control
 - Δ IV → po meds / restart home meds
 DVT prophylaxis (SCD’s, chemoprophylaxis) - F/u labs, cx’s
 Labs (if indicated) in am (CBC, BMP, Mg, coags) - F/u studies (US, CT, ERCP, c-scope)
- For OR today
- D/C home  Discharge pts
- Will discuss plan w/ team, attending  Call consults
 F/u studies (i.e. radiology)
 Pre op pts
 Post op pts
 Chart check for attending notes containing new plans, notes by
consulting services (cardio, pulm, GI, renal)
ROUNDS  OR if assigned cases
 ER/floor consults as they come
AM Rounds
 Get sign-out: call the night interns (ER and floor) for a sign-out of PM Rounds
new pts on the list and any issues re: the floor patients overnight  If time, get vitals, I/O’s
 Pre-rounds  Update team on problems that arose over the day with pts, labs,
 Gather vitals (Tm/Tc, BP, HR, Pox, I/O’s over 24h and last shift) studies, plans
 Examine pt (heart, lung, abdomen, wound, legs)  Will often chart check and post-op as a team
 ** Take down dressings  Get an updated plan for each patient
 Write notes  Tuck the pts in and sign out

 Present succinctly:
 Start with: name/age/co-morbidities/post-op day and procedure
(“Mr. Smith is a 50 yr old with a PMHx sig for HTN, CAD, DM who
is POD #1 s/p lap chole.”)
 Mention: c/o, course O/N, Tm/VSS, pertinent positives on physical,
problems, and plans
 Clarify plan for each pt (advance diet, drop fluids, Δ IV → po meds,
removing tubes, studies, pre- op, D/C)
 Redress wounds

 Floor duties:
 Certify notes
 Orders via computer
 Check/replete labs; order labs for tomorrow
 Pt care (i.e. d/c drains, write TPN, arrange SW)
 Team rounds on floor
 Should be given immediately before or w/in 1 hr of incision
(varies by attending / institution)  Who needs abx prophylaxis?
 Labs YES
 CBC  Pts with prosthetic valves, rheumatic or valvular dysfunction,
 Chem-7 prosthetic vascular grafts
 PT/PTT  In general, dental/oropharyngeal, respiratory, GI, urologic,
 UA gynecologic procedures
 β-HCG  Clean-contam, contam, and dirty all need abx
 Type and screen or crossmatch if needed NO
 EKG (if › 40 yo)  Clean cases (i.e. breast bx, thyroid sx, IHR)- NO abx unless cardiac,
 CXR (if › 40 yo) vascular, ortho, or neurosurg (sx involving groins, grafts, valves,
 Gastroduodenal sx in pts w/ normal gastric acidity and no CA,
PATIENT ASSESSMENT ulcer, bleeding, or obstruction
ORDERS  Urologic sx if urine is sterile

 NPO after MN except meds Wound Classification & Infection Rates
 IVF Category Description (-) (+)
 IV Abx “on call” (better yet, “in holding” or “in OR”) abx abx
 Clarify if anticoagulation needs to be held
 Clarify preop dose of heparin / lovenox, if indicated Clean No infection; resp, GI, GU tract not entered 1-2% 1-2%
(i.e. breast bx, IHR)
 Pts on steroids may require a stress dose before and after surgery
 Ex: Hydrocortisone 50-100 mg prior to sx then q8h for 1-2 days, Clean- Resp, GI, GU tract entered under controlled 6- 3.3%
then taper to baseline based on clinical response Contaminated conditions (i.e. lap chole, elective colon 11%

Contaminated Open fresh accidental wounds, wounds w/ 13- 6.4%

gross spillage (i.e. penetrating abd trauma, 20%
enterotomy during laparotomy for SBO)
Dirty Infected wounds, wounds w/ devitalized tissue 27- 7.1% Anaerobes Flagyl
(i.e. perf’d diverticulitis, necrotaizing fasciitis) 40% Clindamycin

Body Parts / Systems & their Pathogens & Abxs

Body Part / Pathogens Abx Recs BOWEL PREP

Mechanical bowel prep (MBP)

Skin & Soft Tissue GPC, occas GNR Ancef
 For elective colon resections, MBP does NOT decrease / prevent
overall infectious complications, wound infection, anastomotic
Head & Neck GPC, anaerobe Ancef or Clinda
 Vigorous prep can lead to dehydration, electrolyte abnormalities,
Gastric GPC, GNR Ancef
bacterial translocation
Biliary GNR, Ancef, Cefoxitin, or LVQ
 NO MBP: elective colon resection
enterococci  YES MBP: inadequate localization of lesion, possibility of intra-op
Colorectal GNR, anaerobes Ancef / Flagyl, Cefox / Flaygl, LVQ /
Flagyl Prophylactic abx: oral + IV regimen is best
 Often a combo of the following:
Traumatic Wound GPC, clostridia Ancef, PCN G, Zosyn
 Clears for 24-48 hrs; NPO after MN the day before surgery
 PO antibiotics
Vascular GPC Ancef
 Neomycin and erythromycin base (1 gm each) po at 1 PM, 3 PM,
Coverage Needed & Abxs and 11 PM the day before surgery; can substitute 1 gm
metronidazole for erythromycin
Coverage Needed Abx Recs
 Flagyl 500 mg po q 6h for 24h
 IV antibiotics
Gm (+) and some Gm (-) Ancef 1-2 gm IV
 On call/ in holding to cover gram negatives and anaerobes (see
* If PCN allergic Vanco 1 gm IV
or MRSA Clindamycin 600 mg IV

Gm (-) aerobes and LVQ 500 mg /Flagyl 500 mg IV

anaerobes Cefoxitin 1-2 gm IV
Cefotetan (N/A these days)
Zosyn 3.375 gm IV

* If PCN allergic LVQ 500 mg /Flagyl 500 mg IV

Clindamycin 600 mg IV
Be sure to include:
 Diet (NPO usually, lap choles can have clears)
 Pain control (Percocet 1-2 tabs po q 4 hrs prn; Morphine PCA 1mg
q 8 min with no basal infusion)
 Beta-blockade for cardioprotection, if indicated (Metoprolol 5 mg
IV slow push q 6 h with holding parameters i.e. SBP ‹ 110, HR ‹ 65)
 GI prophylaxis (if pt is NPO, give H2-blocker or PPI)
 DVT prophylaxis
 SCD’s
 Chemoprophylaxis (i.e. Heparin 5000 units SQ q8h or Lovenox 40
mg SQ qd) - clarify with attending first
 Incentive Spirometry (nurse to instruct and have pt use 10x/hr
while awake)
 Labs immediately post-op in RR for pts undergoing major surgery
(CBC, BMP, Mg), consider cardiac enzymes, EKG, CXR
immediately postop for high cardiac risk pts
 Labs for am (CBC, BMP, Mg)
 Prn meds (i.e. Zofran 4 mg IV q 6 hr for nausea/vomiting, Tylenol
650 mg po or pr q 4 hr prn for mild pain, HA, temp›101

 Check vitals, urine outputs, drain outputs
 See and examine patient, write a SOAP note
 Note chest, belly (or area of body operated on) exam, wound/
dressing appearance
 Vascular exam if pertinent
 Address pt issues/ complaints (pain, N/V, etc)
 F/u labs, EKG, CXR if they were ordered post-op
 Follow UO closely to ensure adequate resuscitation
LABS  Usually replete when Phos ‹ 2.0
 IV: comes in KPhos or NaPhos (usually give 15-30 mmol diluted in
Ordering Labs 250 mL D5W over 6 hrs)
 If NPO: CBC, BMP, Mg in am  1 mL KPhos = 4.4 mEQ K & 3 mMol phos
 If TPN: daily CBC, BMP, Mg with weekly CMP, with pre-alb &  1 mL NaPhos = 4 mEQ Na & 3 mMol phos
lipids, FSBG q 6h  PO options:
 If infection/ abscess: CBC to trend WC  K-Phos Neutral (tab) = 8 mmol phos : 1.1 mEQ K : 13 mEQ Na
 If bleeding: serial H/H’s q6h  Neutra-phos (capsule/packet) = 8 mmol phos : 7.1 mEQ Na and K
 If on heparin gtt: PTT q6h each; Neutra-phos K = 8 mmol phos : 14.25 mEQ K: no Na
 If on coumadin: PT/INR in am  Phospho-soda (liquid) = 4.15 mmol phos : 4.82 mEQ Na : no K per
 Can usually stop labs if pt on clrs/ reg diet ml
 Skim milk = 8 mmol phos : 5 mEQ K : 3 mEQ Na per cup
Potassium (nl 3.5-5.0)
 Replete when K ‹ 4.0 unless pt is on HD Calcium (nl 8.5-10; ionized 4.4-5.5)
 If NPO → give IV  Not usually repleted unless really low and corrected for albumin
 10 mEQ KCl IV will increase K by 0.1 mMol/L  Ionized Ca more accurate
 Peripheral line: 10 mEQ over 1 hr x ___ times  IV: calcium gluconate 1-2 g IV over 30 min
 Central line: 20 mEQ over 1 hr x ___ times  PO: calcium carbonate 1000-1500 mg po
 If on diet give po
 Can give po (powder, liquid, or sustained release tabs)
 1 mEQ K per inch banana
 Consider KPhos if phos is also low
 Be careful about repleting K on renal patients!

Magnesium (nl 2.0-2.7)

 Replete when Mg ‹ 2.0
 1 gm will increase Mg by 0.1 mg/dL
 Usually give IV Mag Sulfate 1-2 gm over 1 hr
 Mag oxide 400 mg po ~ 2.5 gm IV (can cause diarrhea)
 Remember K will not respond to K replacement if Mg is low


PO Diets
Fluids Ordering
 For resuscitation use isotonic fluids (LR or NS) @ 100-150 cc/hr Common kinds
 Maintenance is D5 ½ NS w/ 20 KCl @ 75-100 cc/hr  NPO: nothing by mouth
 Estimate by weight: 4 cc/kg/hr for 1st 10 kg + 2 cc/kg/hr for 2nd 10  Clears: 500-800 kcal/d (ex: ginger ale, broth, jello)
kg + 1 cc/kg/hr for each kg thereafter (100:50:20 cc/kg/day)  Fulls: 900-1200 kcal/d, high in fat, lactose (ex: milk, creamy soups,
 D5NS is isotonic pudding)
 ½ NS, D5 ½ NS, D5W, D10W are hypotonic  Regular: 1800-2200 kcal/d
 Banana bag = D5 NS w/ 100 mg thiamine, 1 mg folate, 1 amp
multivitamins, give as first bag of IV QD Special diets and indications
 Albumin can also be given to ↑ intravascular volume; use if want  Mechanical soft: dysphagia
to restrict fluid administration (CAD, CHF, renal pts)- check w/ Sr.  Pureed: pts w/o teeth
first  Diabetic/ADA: diabetes
 Salt restricted: HTN, renal disease, CHF
Management  Renal (low Na, K, less protein) +/- fluid restriction
 In general, pt s/p abdominal surgery are initially given resuscitative  Low Residue (low fiber, no foods w/ skins and seeds): active
fluids (NS, LR) while NPO diverticulitis, s/p bowel resection
 After 48 hrs, fluids are changed to D5 ½ NS w/ 20 K  Post-gastrectomy (6-8 small meals): s/p gastrectomy,
 Half / drop rate when starting clrs esophagojejunostomy
 D/C IVF when tolerating reg diet  Post-gastric bypass clears (30 cc’s po q 15min): sugar free jello,
 Do not give LR to renal pts (LR has K in it) or pts w/ liver failure broth, water
(2˚to lactate)  Consider supplements (Ensure, Resource, Carnation breakfast) to
 D10W can be used as a temporary substitute for TPN, but must boost nutritional intake
monitor glucose levels
Electrolytes  In general, diet is advanced with return of bowel fxn (+ Flatus ±
 See on previous page BM)
 If + F/BM → advance to clears
 If tol clears → (± fulls) → reg
 Once on clears, can ↓ IVF (i.e. to 75 cc/hr) and Δ meds from IV →
 Fall back a step if pt does not tolerate advancement
 Varies per attending preference
Tube Feeds
NUTRITION  If the gut works, use it!
 Non-fuctioning GI tract (prolonged bowel obstruction / ileus, IBD,
Indications: for pts with functional GI tract but insufficient oral EC fistula, GI ischemia, severe pancreatitis)
Contraindications: How to calculate
 Bowel obstruction  Protein= 1.0 g/ kg weight/day (if pt stressed, 1.5-2 g/kg)
 Prolonged ileus  Calc non-protein kcals needed: 25 kcal/kg/day (if stressed, 30-35)
 GI bleeding  1/3 of total kcals in form of lipids
 Severe inflammation or enteritis  2/3 of total kcals in carbs
 Severe diarrhea  To calc gms needed of both, divide lipid kcals by 9 and carb kcals
 GI ischemia by 3.4
 Rate: usually in 2 L bag ~ 83 cc/hr x 24 hrs
Administered via: OGT, NGT, Dobhoff, PEG-tube, G-tube, J-tube
Kinds:  Need central access (i.e. triple lumen, PICC) and virgin port
 Standard (1-1.2 kcal/ml; isotonic) = Jevity 1.2, Ensure  Can replete lytes via TPN
 Volume restricted / nutrient dense (1.5-2.0 kcal/ml) = Jevity 1.5,  Check blood glucose q 6 h; cover with ISS or add insulin to the bag
Resource 2.0  Include Pepcid 40 mg in each bag (renal pts only 20 mg)
 Disease specific = Glucerna (diabetes), Nepro (renal failure)  F/u nutrition recs in chart
 Elemental (rapid absorption of nutrients for pts w/ GI impairment)
= Peptamen, Vital

Initiating TFs:
 Start TFs (1/2 or full-strength) @ low rate (20-40 ml/h) and
increase concentration and rate incrementally to goal as tolerated
 If gastric residual high (› 200 cc) → hold TFs and reassess in 1-2 hrs
 Other options: can cycle TFs overnight or bolus TID or QID

See Tubes & Lines for details on insertion & maintenance
NG Tubes
 Pre-op for severely malnourished pts
 Trend character and volume of output q shift
 Make sure it is functioning properly (see “Tubes & Drains")  Have in pockets basic wound care supplies: 4x4’s, tape, scissors
 D/C when bowel function returns (+ flatus)  Pts requiring more complex wound care should have relevant
materials stocked at bedside (i.e. 4x4’s, drain sponges, Kerlex,
Foley Catheters ABD pads, suture removal kits, NS)
 Use urimeter for accurate UO measurements
 D/C when pt is OOB/ambulating Basic Management
 Pts s/p LAR: foley may be left in longer to prevent bladder  Original dressings usually taken down on POD #2, then open to air
distension and protect the low anastomosis  If pt has fever and severe pain at wound site POD #0-2, take drsg
 Pts w/ spinal anesthesia: D/C foley 6 hrs after epidural is pulled down immediately to inspect wound and notify Sr (r/o necrotizing
 Void check 8 hrs after discontinuing foley; if pt does not void, infection i.e. grey, foul-smelling drainage)
straight cath → if UO › 250 cc, leave foley in  Superficial wound infections: d/c a few staples, open the wound,
drain any pus, and pack ± abx
Chest Tubes  Open wounds: pack damp→ dry BID w/ saline-soaked Kerlex
 Trend character and amount drainage (serosang, serous, milky)  Complex wounds/ VACs- consult wound care nurse to coordinate
 Check for the presence or absence of an air leak (kink tubing that care; change VACS 2-3x/week
leads to wall suction and have pt cough hard: + AL if bubbles in the  Necrotic tissue/ ulcers may require sharp debridement; chemical
middle chamber) debridement (i.e. accuzyme) also available
 If no AL → place CT to water seal  Superficial abrasions: Bacitracin
 If still no AL and ↓ drainage (‹ 100 ml/d) → can D/C CT; get f/u CXR  Burns: Silvadene w/ non-adherent gauze (i.e. Adaptic) and Kerlex
to r/o PTX wrap for most (sulfamyalon for better eschar penetration)
 Set up VNA if pt requires wound care after discharge
 Record character and output
 D/C when output low +/- diet
o < 30 cc/24 hrs for 2 consecutive days
 JP drain s/p cholecystectomy: check for bilious output— could
represent bile leak or biliary obstruction
PAIN Assessment
 Leave pancreatic drains in place until after pt is eating
Review History
 Location, quality, severity, timing, provoking / alleviating factors,
WOUNDS & DRESSINGS associated symptoms
** To maximize efficiency, take down dressings/ expose the wound  ___ POD, procedure, diet (? NPO), current pain med regimen (type
during prerounds. After the team evaluates the pt, have supplies ready of medication, dosing, route, frequency)
to redress the wound. The MS/intern not presenting on the next pt  Pain med / narcotic use in the past? What has worked for pt? On
should stay behind and quickly pack/dress the wound. Methadone? (Will need more on top of this post-op)
On Rounds  Allergies, pain med intolerance
 Comorbidities (e.g. renal failure → avoid NSAIDs)
not exceed
3200 mg)
Physical Exam
 Vitals (tachycardic 2° pain? Other abnormalities signaling possible Tylenol #3 Codeine 30 mg + 1-2 tabs po q4- Narcotics:
complication or missed diagnosis?) acetaminophen 300 mg 6h prn - Nausea /
 Focused history including operative site - Drowsiness
Vicodin Hydrocodone 5 mg + 1-2 tabs po q4- - Itching
acetaminophen 500 mg 6h prn - Constipation
(also ES 7.5/750, HP - Respiratory
- Tolerance,
Lortab Hydrocodone 5 mg + 1-2 tabs po q4- dependence,
Tylenol acetaminophen 500 mg 6h prn addiction

 Alone: 650 mg po q4h prn (also 2.5/500, 7.5/500,

 In combination with narcotic (see below)
Percocet Oxycodone 5 mg + 1-2 tabs po q4-
NSAIDs acetaminophen 325 mg 6h prn
 PO (also 2.5/325, 7.5/325,
7.5/500, 10/325, 10/650)
o Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
o Celebrex (selective COX-2 inhibitor)
Oxycontin Oxycodone (10, 20, 40, 10-40 mg po
 IV: Toradol (i.e. ketorolac): 30 mg iv q 6 hrs x 3 days only (extended release) 80, 160 mg) q12h
o give only if nl renal fxn and ↓ bleeding risk; x 3 days only
MS Contin Morphine (15, 30, 60, 15-60 mg po
100, 200 mg) q8-12h

Common PO Pain Medications (~ weakest to strongest) Dilaudid Hydromorphone (2, 4, 8 2-4 mg po q3-
mg) 4h prn
Brand Name Generic Name Dose Adverse Effects
Tylenol Acetaminophen 325 mg 325-650 mg Liver failure  IV (bolus or intermittent prn dosing)
(extra strength 500) q4h prn (do not o Morphine
exceed o Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
o Fentanyl
Advil, Motrin Ibuprofen 200 mg (400, Mild-mod: 400 NSAIDS: GI
 IV PCA (patient-controlled analgesia)
600, 800) mg q4h prn; ulceration, o Titrate to effect by increasing demand dose or decreasing
Acute pain: bleeding, renal lock-out interval
800 mg TID- failure, CV
QID prn (do thrombotic events o Avoid basal / continuous infusion (esp. in narcotic-naïve or
sleep apnea pts) – risk of overdose / over-sedation
o Advantages over IV PCA: better pain relief and respiratory
IV Narcotic Meds and Common Dosing function, opioid-sparing, less sedating
o Disadvantages: insertion risks, catheter-related problems
IV Acute Intermittent PCA (usual starting dose)
Medication (bolus) prn dosing (e.g. dislodgement, infection)
dosing o Side effects
 Hypotension (2° to sympathetic blockade): give
Morphine 4 (2-10) mg 2-4 mg IV q4h 1 mg q 8 min (titration example: volume (IVF)
IV prn ↑ to 1.2-1.5 mg and ↓ interval to
q 6 min)  Spinal headache: supportive care, if persistent,
may need a blood patch
Dilaudid 1-2 mg IV 0.2-0.6 mg IV 0.1-0.2 mg q 8 min  Leg weakness: often b/c infusion rate too high,
q2-3h prn but need to r/o epidural hematoma or abscess if
persistent (notify anesthesia / pain team)
Fentanyl 50-100 mcg 25-50 mcg IV 10 mcg q 8 min  If pt w/ hx dependency, ψ issues, pain not relieved by conventional
IV q1-2h prn
doses, consider a PAIN CONSULT by anesthesia

Other routes
 Transdermal patch (extended release)
o Fentanyl (Duragesic): start at 25 mcg/hr q 72 hr (supplied
in 25, 50, 75, 100 mcg/hr patches)
 Buccal / oro-mucosal (for breakthrough cancer pain in pts taking
equivalent of 60 mg morphine/day)
o Fentanyl (Actiq) lollipop: start at 200 mcg x 1, redose in 15
min if necessary
 Epidural PCA
o Usually a combination of local anesthetic and opioid

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