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(3 SKS)

1. Dyah Retno Sawitri, S.T., M.Eng.

2. Nur Indah Fajar Mukti, S.T., M.Eng.
Reactor design uses information, knowledge, and
experience from a variety of areas: thermodynamics,
chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass
transfer, and economics. Chemical reaction
engineering is the synthesis of all these factors with the
aim of properly designing a chemical reactor.
Levenspiel, 1999
The study of chemical reaction engineering (CRE)
combines the study of chemical kinetics with
the reactors in which the reactions occur.
Chemical kinetics and reactor design
are at the heart of producing almost all industrial

It is primarily a knowledge of chemical kinetics and

reactor design that distinguishes the chemical
engineer from other engineers
Fogler, 2006
Contacting pattern or how Kinetics or how fast things happen.
materials flow through and contact If very fast, then equilibrium tells what
each other in the reactor, how early or will leave the reactor. If not so fast,
late they mix, their clumpiness or state then the rate of chemical reaction, and
of aggregation. By their very nature maybe heat and mass transfer too, will
some materials are very clumpy (for determine what will happen.
instance, solids and noncoalescing
liquid droplets.

Output = f(input, kinetics, contacting)

Manufacture of Phthalic Anhydride
(kinetika reaksi (kinetika reaksi
homogen) heterogen) (perancangan
Chemical Engineering Tools
1. Neraca Massa
2. Neraca Energi
3. Kesetimbangan
4. Proses-proses kecepatan
5. Ekonomi
6. Humanitas
Jigsaw Cooperative Learning

1 2 5 6 9 10 13 14
Expert group

3 4 7 8 11 12 15 16

1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8
Home group
9 13 10 14 11 15 12 16
Rencana Pembelajaran
Minggu ke- Pokok Bahasan
1 •Kesepakatan perkuliahan
•Pengantar reaktor kimia: jenis-jenis reaktor
2 Jigsaw Cooperative Learning (JCL) 1 home group dan expert
group: jenis-jenis reaktor
Tutorial 1 Aspen Plus
3 Dasar-dasar pemilihan reaktor
4 JCL 2 home group dan expert group: pemilihan reaktor
Tutorial 2 Aspen Plus
5 Reaktor batch dan semi-batch
Tutorial 3 Aspen Plus
6 JCL 3 expert group: perancangan reaktor batch
Tutorial 4 Aspen Plus
7 JCL 3 home group: perancangan reaktor batch
Tutorial 5 Aspen Plus
Minggu Pokok Bahasan
8 Reaktor alir tangki berpengaduk
9 JCL 4 expert group: perancangan RATB
10 JCL 4 home group: perancangan RATB
Reaktor alir pipa
11 JCL 5 expert group: perancangan RAP
12 JCL 5 home group: perancangan RAP
13 Reaktor Fixed Bed
Tugas Simulasi Reaktor Fixed Bed
14 Reaktor Fixed Bed: presentasi hasil simulasi
1. Fogler H.S., 2006, Element of Chemical Reaction
Engineering, 4th ed.
2. Levenspiel, O., 1999, Chemical Reaction Engineering,
3rd ed.
3. Rase, M.F., 1977, Chemical Reactor Design for Process
Plant, Vol. 1.
4. Smith, R, 2005, Chemical Process Design and
5. Smith, J.M., 1981, Chemical Engineering Kinetics, 3rd
 Tugas di expert group dinilai oleh dosen
 Penjelasan di home group dinilai oleh teman dalam satu group
 Quiz diberikan di setiap materi dan dilaksanakan setiap akhir sesi
JCL home group
 Tutorial Aspen Plus dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Komputasi dan
di akhir sesi terdapat tugas simulasi dengan batas waktu
pengerjaan maksimal 1 minggu.
 Tutorial hanya dilaksanakan sebelum UTS.
 Setelah UTS, simulasi Aspen terintegrasi dalam tugas JCL 4, JCL 5,
dan tugas simulasi fixed-bed reactor.
 UTS, UAS, dan ujian remediasi bersifat buku tertutup.
 Bahan UTS adalah materi pertemuan ke-1 s.d. ke-7
 Bahan UAS adalah materi pertemuan ke-8 s.d. ke-14
 Bahan ujian remediasi adalah materi pertemuan ke-1 s.d. ke-14
 Nilai ujian remediasi hanya mengganti poin untuk UTS dan UAS
 Bagi mahasiswa yang sedang Kerja Praktek, tugas yang harus
dikerjakan adalah tugas yang sama yang diberikan pada expert
group masing-masing dengan jangka waktu yang sama tetapi
dikumpulkan secara individu.
Komponen Penilaian %

Sistem UTS

Penilaian JCL
Simulasi Aspen
Kehadiran 5
A ≥ 75 55 ≤ C+ < 60

72.5 ≤ A- < 75 50 ≤ C < 55

70 ≤ A/B < 72.5 45 ≤ C- < 50

67.5 ≤ B+ < 70 40 ≤ C/D < 45

65 ≤ B < 67.5 35 ≤ D+ < 40

62.5 ≤ B- < 65 30 ≤ D < 35

60 ≤ B/C < 62.5 E < 30

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