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Problem-Based Lesson Plan ARTE 301

Title of Lesson: Deconstruction Reconstruction

Teacher: Amal Ghanimah
School: PVO South
Grade Level[s]: 5th and 6th
Date to be Taught: 4/5/18

Big Idea that drives Lesson/Unit:

When it comes to artmaking, divergent thinking is a necessity. Divergent thinking is not a
synonym for creativity, but an essential capacity for creativity. It’s the ability to be able to see a lot of
answers to a possible question and many interpretations of that question. 98% of kindergarteners were
scored at a genius level of divergent thinking and when tested again 5 years later, which is the grades I am
teaching, and 50% scored at a high level. As high schoolers, even a smaller percentage performed at a
high level. Everyone has the ability to divergently think, but as we get older that ability deteriorates, and
something needs to be done to give students a creative outlet to work on their lateral thinking skills.

Key concepts about Big Idea:

 Finding many solutions to one problem
 Interpreting the question or problem given

Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:

 VA:Cr.1.1.1a: Engage collaboratively in exploration and imaginative play with materials.
 Experiment with taking content from many different sources and reinventing them
 VA:Cr1.1.2a: Brainstorm collaboratively for multiple approaches to an art or design
 Creating a narrative with found images

3-4 Essential Questions:

 - How do you make someone else’s work and words your own?
 - How do you turn a phrase into an artwork?
 - How does taking risks expand the creative process?
 - What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks?

Vocabulary Acquisition:
 Reconstruction: a thing that has been rebuilt after being damaged or destroyed.
 Composition: the placement or arrangement of visual elements or 'ingredients' in a work of art.
 Balance: the sense of distribution of perceived visual weights that offset one another.
Key Artistic Concepts:
 Art is used to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions.
 Art materials are tools that help artists communicate thoughts, ideas, and emotions.
 Art thoughts come from those actively searching for them.
 Artists express opinions about people, events, and society
 Visual Representation
 Symbolism
 Collage: cutting, pasting, gluing, tearing
 Reinvention
Artmaking Materials Needed:
 Several Magazines
 Construction Paper (multicolored)
 Thick white paper

Problem-Based Lesson Plan ARTE 301

 Tape
Contemporary/Historical/Multicultural exemplars:
Natalie Reynolds: Deconstruction and Reconstruction of a celestial body

 My own collage examples as well

 DISCUSSION: (5 minutes)
o Schedule: Today is our last day of the collage project.
o I know it is difficult to get rid of art that you have worked so hard on and may have
become attached to, but sometimes destroying things that we are so afraid of messing up
can make something even better than anything that could’ve been planned.
DEMONSTRATIONS: (10 minutes)
o Show personal collage examples
 Demonstrate cutting up a collage and weaving or mixing it up.
o Show Historical/Multicultural exemplars
 DESIGN/WORK SESSION: (20 minutes)
o Take your collage from last week
 -Cut it up in any way that you think can be put back together again. If you have
any creative ideas, just run it by me first!
 -Brainstorm how you want to cut up or deconstruct your collage from last week
in your sketchbook. Once you have your idea, get it approved by me.
 - Reconstruct your collage from last week into a new composition (like the
demo) and it doesn’t have to be a square or flat shape.
 -Add on any images or drawings you’d like to include over the final composition.
o Students will work on reconstructing collages while teacher walks around assisting with
complications when/if necessary.
o Teacher gives 5 and 2-minute time warning.
 CLEAN UP: (2 minutes)
o Put all extra cut outs in Ziploc to keep, recycling, or in your sketchbook
o Put away scissors

Problem-Based Lesson Plan ARTE 301

o Stack Magazines
 CLOSURE: (3minutes)
o -Consider any chances or risks you might have took in portraying the meaning of your
o - How can your interpretation of your phrase play a role in your art?
o - How can collage be used to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions?
o – Does destroying your art make you less afraid to make mistakes?
 ASSESSMENT: [separate from class time]
o Check according to simple rubric
 Students will be graded based on a rubric including concept; effort; construction;
presentation, and open mindedness.

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