Morton10 - Interactive PDF

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Project 01
Printing, Packaging, & Exporting

¤ The objective: to demonstrate the ability

to properly save your work. Every project
created in Adobe InDesign should be
packaged to ensure quality consistency
when transferring files from one user to

¤ Students will demonstrate a thorough

understanding of key principles necessary to
properly prepare a project for commercial
printing by saving, preflighting, packaging,
printing, and exporting a supplied file.
¤ This was my first project using the
Adobe InDesign program. After watching
the lecture, I was able to place the files
properly. I then preformed the preflight
process, packaged, printed and exported
the project.
Project 02
Introduce Yourself to the Class

¤ The objective :to practice using

the InDesign skills learned to
introduce themselves to the class.

¤ Students should feel comfortable

creating new documents, changing
page sizes, adding text, using
object tools to make vector art,
and changing fill and stroke colors
after completing this project.

¤ This was a fun project. I really

enjoyed creating little things about
my life. It was tricky at first trying
to figure out the pen tool but with
practice it got easier.
P r o 2-
j Color
e c Poster
t 03
¤ The objective: to
practice using the
InDesign skills we've
learned so far.

¤ Students should
possess a thorough
understanding of SPOT
colors and TINTS, how
to create them, how
to use them, and how
they affect the printing
process. Students
should be becoming
more comfortable with
the InDesign workspace
and creating original
artwork. Students
should be able to
differentiate between
Pantone colors and spot
¤ I put a lot into this
project. It was really
time consuming but I’m
really happy with how it
turned out. I added one
of my favorite quotes
and it really added the
right touch.
Project 04
S u b w ay M a p

¤ The objective: to
explore vector art
creation techniques
within InDesign.
¤ Students will recreate
one of the supplied
subway maps using the
Line and Pen Tools
ONLY to create strokes.
¤ This project was
harder than I thought
it would be. I think it
turned out really well. I
added some fun effects
to the title and other
text squares.
Project 05
Wildlif e P o st er

¤ The objective: to create a wildlife

poster from supplied files.

¤ Students should thoroughly

understand what settings are
necessary for printed graphics and
how to properly format graphics
to possess those setting in Adobe
Photoshop for use in Adobe

¤ This project was harder than it

looks. I struggled with placement of
the pictures and what I wanted to do
with them. I feel that it turned out
well. I’m happy with the background
and colors of the poster.
P r o j e ct 0 6
Kiss C ut Stick ers

¤ The objective: to practice using layers, spot

colors, and the pen tool to design a custom
die-line properly prepared for commercial

¤ Students will understand the process

required to properly prepare artwork for
nontraditional cutting using a die-line.

¤ This was one of my favorite projects. I loved

making these custom die-lines. They consist
of my favorite quote, cute hearts with my
husbands and my initials, and a custom logo
for my husbands business.
Project 07
¤ The objective: to practice making tables and tab sets in Adobe InDesign by
creating a 12-month calendar poster with 12 distinctly different tables/months.
Each month should be constructed independently and be of varying sizes,
colors, patterns, etc…
12 M o nt h C a l e n d a r ¤ This was a fun project. I enjoyed designing each month different. I decided
to use pictures for family birthdays just to add a special touch.
Project 08
4 Pag e Newslet ter

¤ The objective: to practice using basic text skills,

facing pages, the steps necessary to create multi-
page documents, text threading, and styles (object,
paragraph, and character).

¤ I had fun creating this newsletter. I made the

header to look vintage. I chose the light blue
because I love blue. I thought the added weather
was a perfect touch.
¤ The objective: Recreate supplied
sample to the best o f
your ability. The o b j e c t i v e
of the midterm exam is to
test each student’s k n o w l e d g e
and understanding of k e y
InDesign skills learned during
¤ Recreating this sample wasn't as
hard as I imaged it would be. I feel
this assignment was a great way to
show my instructor and myself what
I've learned so far.
Proj ect 09
Book Assembly from Supplied Files

¤ The objective: to understand the process of creating a

complex, multi-chapter book. Students will follow the steps
outlined to create and assemble a multi-chapter book with an
automated table of contents.
¤ This was fun! I really enjoyed putting this book together.
Once I got the hang of it, it was a breeze and the Table of
Contents wasn't too hard either.
Project 10
Inter active PDF P or tfolio

¤ The objective: to create my first Interactive

PDF using the work I've completed so far in ART
1200. This is a personal portfolio of the work I've
completed during this course.

¤ This has been the most enjoyable project thus far. I know
I put more time into it than what was expected but I tend
to be a perfectionist. I really loved looking through the
work I've created again and the progress I've made. I added
these extra designs to this last project to showcase more of
the skills I've learned. I've really loved learning the Adobe
InDesign program and have truly enjoyed this semester.
About Christy Morton
¤ I've been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 18 years. We have 3 children;
15 year old son, 13 and 9 year old daughters. Born and raised in Utah. I decided to pursue
a college degree after being away from school for almost 20 years. My major has changed
many times but I'm leaning toward business administration. My plan is to do as much online
as possible because of my busy life and my chronic illness. SLCC online has been a huge
blessing to me.
¤ This was my 3rd semester at SLCC. I chose to add Adobe InDesign to my course list for
my own benefit. I wanted a class that I could enjoy and use my artistic abilities. Not only
was I able to use my creative abilities but I learned some skills that will help me in my own
business. In fact, one of my projects I designed a new logo for the business. It has since
been printed on T-shirts, stickers, and will be used on a banner that we will use at car
¤ I've enjoyed this course so much that I signed up to take the Adobe Photoshop class
this next semester. I feel that these programs are invaluable in the business world whether
you're a graphic designer or just a small business owner like I am.

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