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Tender proposal by:

Alpha Translating & Interpreting Services Ltd

Tender for the provision of Interpreting,
Translation and Transcription Services
Tender Ref: 138244
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

Contents Page

1. Tenderer’s Submission Requirements (Schedule 2)

2. Compliance to Specification at Schedule B

3. Form of Tender

4. Sub-Contractors List

5. Completed Annex A to Schedule 2

6. Annex 2 to Schedule B (Client Locations Covered)

7. Pricing Schedule (Schedule C)

7.1.1. Cancellation Policy Proposal

7.1.2. Part 1 - Interpreting Services
7.1.3. Part 2 - Translation fees
7.1.4. Part3 - Transcription Services
7.1.5. Part 4 - Ancillary Services


Appendix 1 Financial Statements

Appendix 2 Scottish Based Linguist Lists

Appendix 3 General Linguist List

Appendix 4 Scoring System

Appendix 5 List of Translators

Appendix 6 Language List (Schedule B Annex 1)

Appendix 7 Policies (Equal Opportunities and Health & Safety)

Appendix 8 Copies of Insurance Certificates

Appendix 9 Translation Process Diagram

1- Tenderer’s Submission Requirements (Schedule)
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)



1.1 The following information MUST also be included in the tender response,
failure to provide all of this information will result in the tender being disqualified:

a) Bank Details including name, address and the telephone number of the
account manager

Bank Name:

Account Name: Alpha Translating & Interpreting Services

Account / Sort Code:

Account Manager:


b) One copy of your organisations audited accounts and the accounts of

your group for the last 2 years in English and in UK Sterling together
with the details of any significant changes since the last year end.
Copies of the accounts should be signed and dated by directors and
auditors (preferably scanned if being submitted electronically)

Copies of audited accounts are attached at Appendix 1.

1.2 In addition tenderers must provide a yes or no answer to the following:

a) Is the organisation bankrupt or being wound up, having its affairs

administered by the court, or have you entered into an arrangement with
creditors, suspended business activities or any analogous situation
arising from similar proceedings under national laws
or regulations?

b) Is the organisation the subject of proceedings for a declaration of

bankruptcy, for compulsory winding-up or administration by the court
or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings
under national laws or regulations?

c) Has any employee whom you would propose to use to deliver this
service been convicted of an offence concerning his professional
conduct by a judgement which has
the force of res judicata 1?
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

d) Has any employee whom you would propose to use to deliver this
service been guilty of misrepresentation in supplying or failing to sup
the information that may be required
in this Section?

e) Has any employee whom you would propose to use to deliver this
service been guilty of grave professional misconduct, proven by any
means which the contracting authorities can justify?

f) Has the organisation failed to fulfil obligations relating to the payment

of social security contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of
the United Kingdom or the country in which it is established?

g) Has the organisation failed to fulfil obligations relating to the payment

of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the United Kingdom
or the country in which it is established?

A matter already settled in court

1.3 Tenderers should provide details of the numbers of staff they employ and their
annual turnover.

Alpha current full time team consist of 12 office staff. Alpha’s staff turnover is
minimal with last person departing due to relocation in 2007.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)


2.1 - Tenderers must provide an overview of their organisation and identify where t
contract will fit into the management structure and other contracts. Details of the
proposed management structure for this contract should be provided including an
organisation chart and management profile for the Account Management Team.
(Management profiles should contain details of experience and qualifications pertinent
to this contract and not exceed ½ page A4 per profile)

An overview of Alpha demonstrates our ability to respond to this tender is the result of
various factors, including the sound business ethos and practices built on our experiences
gained over the last 12 years as Scotland’s leading linguistics supplier, interpreting, translating
and transcription.

This service delivery history includes

• our specialised relations with the Scottish Criminal Justice Sector (COPFS, SCS and
various police forces ) dating back to 1997
• on going formal relations with four police forces, Lothian & Borders, Tayside, Central,
and Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary

Alpha’s internal organisation and management structures developed through the 12 years
experience including:

• the creation of a customised IT system consistently upgraded to meet clients’ needs and
service delivery requirements
• a dedicated in house work force including qualified linguists
• a team of consultants, and qualified, experienced linguists, sourced-supplied throughout
Scotland to our eclectic group of clients across the public, private, statutory and ngo

• Depending on clients’ requirements, levels of required security checking and authorisation

from clients we have access to linguists out with Scotland.

• This is consolidated by Alpha’s pioneering initiative: 24 hour-365 day, person to person


The expediential growth and retention in our client base has been matched and underpinned
by the in house business investment guided by Alpha’s (current) business plans.

We are capable of incorporating this tender as and when it goes ‘live’ meeting new clients’
needs without disruption to existing clients. This is our standard working practice based on the
skills of the ‘account management team’, in house staffing, linguists and IT - systems.

Here follows the account management team - profiles:

(General Manager and Account Team Manager).
profile is contained in 2.2, as the proposed principal point of contact.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

Alpha’s flowchart is attached herewith.

Tender Title
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.2 - The proposed principal point of contact should be named and a one page (A4)
provided to include a complete working history, and relevant professional skill
qualifications including length of service in your organisation. Details of all ot
contracts they are responsible for must be provided. If the tenderer is shortlisted, the
Authority will require to meet the nominated Account Management Team, prior to the
contract being awarded.

) has overseen all Alpha’s operations since 2002, and will be

the principal pint of contact for this contract. He is assisted by three departmental heads
covering Interpreting, Translation and Administration. Each departmental head is supported
by other staff in their department. There is further contracted consultancy support for client
relations, strategic planning, human resources and IT systems.

Current client portfolio management includes: SCS, COPFS, 4 contracted police forces,
Scotland and Moray Council.

As General Manager delegates to and manages his staff, i.e. department heads,
on a supervised, timed structure that includes daily reporting mechanisms building into
weekly-monthly reporting structures that monitor clients’ portfolios

one page CV is attached here with.

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

CV details for

Current Post Nov. 2002 – To Date

Brief Details:
• Management of all company operations; Business development
• Account management; Supervision and recruitment of office staff
• Financial management and budgeting including overseeing all accounts
• Management of linguist recruitment; Business management and planning
• Customer services management
• Devising relevant operational procedures and its documentation
• Overall service delivery management of all clients

Previous Posts

March – August 2002 Edinburgh

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.3 - A) Tenderers must provide an executive summary of their proposal. It m

include (as a minimum) an overview of your understanding of the Specification a
your organisation’s proposed approach and plans for satisfying and supporting
requirements and pricing arrangements. This summary should be for each of th
services described. (max 2 page A4)

Alpha’s Executive Summary follows here:

1- Experience:

Alpha’s practical experience and knowledge commenced 12 years ago, based in Edinburgh,
now our head office, with a secondary office in Glasgow.
Our 12 year history specialising in serving the two main collaborative partners COPFS and
SCS, as well as other major stakeholders in the Scottish CJS, i.e. 4 contracted Scottish police
forces, and defence agents formed our initial core business base.
We were ranked no 1 supplier to COPFS 2007-08, have consistently and continue to supply all
49 SCS Courts, gained and maintained 4 contracted relationships with: Lothian and Border
Police, Tayside Police Force, Central Scotland Police Force, Dumfries & Galloway
Constabulary. We continue to supply the other Scottish Police Forces as and when requested.
This practice of meeting service delivery needs has enabled us to grow year on year , with an
expanding, eclectic client based across the UK in the first instance. our client base
encompasses the statutory, private, public and ngo-voluntary sectors.

Demonstration of the growth within the client base other than COPFS/ SCS would include
the addition and retention of 4 Scottish Police Forces, London Olympics, Moray Council and
Islington Council.
The year on year growth of our ability to service the client base can be evidenced in client
request figures.

In the calendar year period, first quarter Jan- March inclusive for 2009 alone Alpha has
successfully responded to client requests numbering in excess of 7,000 across the 3 disciplines:
interpreting, translating and transcription.

2- Good Practice:

such business development ensuring client satisfaction is based on sound policies and
practices. in the main this can be demonstrated via:
a/leadership and management
c/quality and availability of linguists within Scotland in the first instance
d/overall quality performance

a/leadership and management: Managing Director, himself a fully

qualified interpreter and translator with practical working experience in Scotland continues to
provide leadership and direction to his organisation. This is complimented by a dedicated work
force, headed up by the general manager . The working practices and
structures ensure quality management, delegation, reporting and accountability based on
forward planning contained within Alpha regularly updated Business Plans.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

b/ Staffing: recruitment, training and retention of quality staff members is a key

feature of stability and growth. Alpha’s full time staff reflects this, e.g full time
linguists; identified departments, with Department Heads e,g. Interpreting,
Translating, Accounts

Our Policy Portfolio serves as a base line of good practice, consistently reviewed. Such
policies, e.g Equal Opportunities Policy, Health and Safety at Work, Environmental Policy are
governed by appropriate legislation. Alpha has one resident consultant and two others,
specialising in IT, HR and Client Relations, Public Sector. Alpha has employed the services of
Peninsula Business Services Ltd (GB) in regards good practice and policies within the scope of
existing and proposed legislation.

c/ Quality and Availability of linguists:

this is crucial to successful service delivery since demand is neither static not always pre
determined. We have a rigorous recruitment strategy, based on minimum standards as
demonstrated in the Baseline Personnel Security Standard. All linguists must have and
maintain Disclosure Scotland Enhanced certification (on an annual basis) Alpha believes that
training and retention of linguists requires at minimum, forward planning, and inward
investment based on ‘demand’ form clients. Alpha has built on basic procedures that now
include in house induction delivered by qualified trainers to Module 1, DPSI/slo standards,
has set up and is committed to maintaining a subsidised DPSI/slo course annually with
external invigilators. Our in house IT systems maintain e portfolios of linquists enabling quick
identification of their qualifications, cpd, assignment history and current availability. Our
innovative and pioneering 24-7/365 person to person telephone hot line ensures flow of
information between Alpha – clients, Alpha –linguists ensuring overall swift responses to

d/ overall quality performance

This has been developed and maintained through year on year growth and progress via the
leadership and management of Alpha in the first instance, which has ensured the meeting of
clients’ criteria, needs and requirements in this specialised field of service delivery. Each clients
identified and agreed Quality Plan ensures that the client defines and agrees the overall
approach to how the assignment will be managed and allows the client to provide input into
the overall management-quality-delivery-completion process.

Alpha operates under current Letters of Commitment from IiP Scotland, BS5750 and the
Bureau of Accreditation: ISO 9002 -2008. We anticipate that we will achieve full accreditation
within one calendar year.

We are accredited Members of

ITI Institute of translation and interpreting
ATC Association of translation Companies
IOL membership, in-house/ linguists individual members of Institute of Linguists
Alpha is currently seeking accreditation with The EN-15038 European Quality Standard for
Translation Services.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.3 - B.) Tenderers must provide a statement of how they will meet the requiremen
from the outset of the contract award. This statement should be for each of th
services described. (max 2 page A4)

Alpha has been for many years, and is currently, the leading supplier of translating and
interpreting services to the CJS. As a consequence, our systems have been developed and
refined on the basis of practical experience. Relevant experience to this tender includes, two
years ranked number one supplier to COPFS and being a major supplier to the SCS covering
courts throughout Scotland. We fully understand the requirements of this sector and have
developed systems to be fully aligned with CGCope partners’ requirements. Having provided
full coverage of each of the three services described, both to COPFS and SCS, we are
therefore in a very strong strategic and operational position to deliver on this collaborative
tender from the outset.

Our ability to manage all three services of the collaborative tender from the outset is based in
the first instance on our existing well equipped operational capabilities. Alpha has been
managing fast paced growth in all three service requirements since it was established. As we
have already identified areas for possible growth in volume of the company’s services, such as
this tender, we have laid strong foundations for this growth. We have developed through
sound business planning, a wide range of flexible resources. This includes well trained staff
who have been with the company several years, experience of recruiting and training new
members of staff, a range of consultants who are available for extra time inputs, linguists on
our books currently surplus to requirements and a bespoke IT system. Added to this, are
robust operational procedures, a stable network of support contacts, for example, linguists
who could be contracted as “in house” and could contribute to increased operational demands
– at short notice, thus allowing us to respond immediately to an increased output and capacity
to deliver. This setup therefore is ideal for high volume procurement as in this collaborative
tender. In addition to our capabilities of full service delivery; our specific experience of
managing COPFS’ (first ever) contract for two years whilst also supplying services to the
majority of SCS locations is a major element of our ability to meet all requirements from the

However, even given the above, we have developed contingency plans to meet all
requirements of the collaborative partners. These are noted below.

Noted at point 2.7 below, are further implementation plans taking it from the short term, mentioned here, into
the medium term.

Identified Initiatives include:

Client Relations
Early meetings will be scheduled with the key client contacts to develop appropriate
implementation plans and to ascertain their exact requirements. Implementation plans will be
shared and a timeline will be agreed.

We would propose that meetings be held every two weeks with the collaborative clients and
Alpha’s account manager for the first three months, followed by monthly or quarterly
meetings as appropriate.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

Recruitment - Office Staff

It has been identified, that three additional operational staff will need to be recruited
compliment the current team. This recruitment would be initiated immediately after the aw
of contract, however, suitable candidates have already been identified and discussions w
them indicate they would be available to start within two weeks of the award, albeit as
temporary appointments prior to an open recruitment of permanent staff.

These are linguists who because of their experience of working for us, are familiar with our
clients and their overall linguistic requirements.

Recruitment - Linguists
Alpha has always advocated volume based procurement in particular for the CJS sector, as the
sole driver for improving quality and therefore, will appoint full time linguists in frequently
requested languages. There linguists already identified who would welcome this opportunity.

Adverts in national newspapers and in targeted local areas, will appear within two weeks of the
tender award to invite additional linguist registrations for free lance work.

Open days will be organised for recruitment of linguists which will focus on areas distant from
the Central Belt.

Training & update

CPD will be increased for current office staff to facilitate them taking on extra responsibilities.

Relevant new and updated documentation will sent to all linguists ensuring adherence to the
new monitoring form for COPFS/ SCS clients.

IT Configuration

Whilst our systems are easily customized and are already configured in accordance with main
collaborative partners; SCS & COPFS’ requirements, any additional changes for current and
new clients will be installed without delay ensuring consistent supply of services from the
contract commencement date. Internal discussions to manage this change and increase in
demand have already commenced and IT staff are scheduled and reserved for relevant dates.

Management Overview and Strategy

Whilst internal meetings have taken place for forward planning, following an award, further
meetings will take place immediately to discuss the way forward and to implement necessary
plans of action giving due care and attention to all aspects of operations, client relations,
service delivery, impact on current setup and staffing.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.4 - Tenderers must confirm compliance with all areas of the Specification
completing the Compliance Schedule at the end of Schedule 2. Any areas that can
be met must be identified within the Compliance Schedule and an assessment of th
impact on the service provision given.

Alpha confirms compliance with all areas of the Specification. We have completed and
attached the said Schedule at point no 2 of our tender proposal.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.5 - Tenderers must state any assumptions made in putting together their proposal.
(max ½ page A4)

Alpha’s service delivery planning in reference to this tender has been developed on the basi
our practical experience and knowledge of servicing the two main collaborative partners
COPFS and SCS, as well as other major stakeholders THE CJS, i.e. Scottish police forces.
Our forward planning takes into account both qualitative and quantitative aspects, based on
our familiarity with requirements and trends, national and local, with regards to:

ƒ numbers of assignments per day/ month/ year

ƒ short notice assignments
ƒ number of cancellations
ƒ not exceeding current general trends
ƒ multiple requests for same language/s at the same time
ƒ and/or at the same location
ƒ languages requested in general
ƒ as well as seasonal variations, whilst known to us, are assumed to remain the same.

General other assumptions are:

A/ Majority of interpreting assignments will be requested in the central belt of Scotland

B/ Languages engaged will remain more or less same

C/ No major changes in the employment law in general and in specific hourly pay rates

D/ Inflation rate will not increase much more than the general rate

E/ No political-social-economic-environmental upheavals abroad leading to unexpected

(unplanned) influx of peoples
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.6 - Tenderers must outline any perceived risks in meeting any area of
Specification. Risks should be assessed in terms of impact and likelihood. Mitigat
actions must be identified

Risks have been identified as

• IT Systems collapse

Impact would be operational set back

Mitigation includes: daily systems back up and roll back processes, system safety
control measures, appropriate staff management, training-re training, additional
system set up

• Urgent increase in demand in any one language

Impact would be on client service delivery

Mitigation includes: contingency planning based on access to additional-reserve

linguists, regular recruitment, pre planning with clients to identify pre emptive
strategic working, networking contacts with other professional agencies.

• Theft break in to office premises (Edinburgh H O and Glasgow office)

Impact would be security

Mitigation includes consistent review of office security/systems and maintained

surveillance via contracted security company.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.7 - Tenderers must provide an implementation plan, with activities and minim
required timescales for completion following contract award including transitio

Alpha’s Implementation Plan is based on our experiences and practices to date : for example
our ability deliver to multiple clients in the very recent past: 2007 & 2008 to COPFS as No 1
ranked preferred option, all SCS courts and 4 Police Forces.
This did not detract from our abilities to continue to serve other existing clients and
accommodate new clients in 2008.
In addition to the urgent short term initiatives listed at point 2.3 B, we have below listed
additional plans prescribed at this stage. It is no doubt that as the contract matures we will plan
and execute further response measures in line with need.

The Plan includes the following areas:

Client Relations

In addition to direct contact with the Contract Manager , regular meetings will
continue with clients for smooth implementation. Management information will be a regular
feature of any client meeting and within six months good working relations and client
confidence will be firmly established.

Throughout the contract; in additional to general progress, any service delivery issues will be
recorded on Alpha’s systems and will be shared at any meetings.

Following the account manager’s personal involvement in all basic operations during the first
three months of the contract, all department heads and their relevant staff will be fully briefed
to handle all day to date operational requirements, although he will be available for any trouble
shooting of required.

Daily progress reports will be generated and monitored by the account manager, to keep a
close overview of service delivery.

Office staff recruitment

Following the three additional operational staff being appointed on a temporary basis, open
full time recruitment to these posts will have been completed. Additional staff can and will be
appointed as need arises.

Linguist Recruitment/ Retention

By the end of the first three months, we will have identified the full time linguists required for
the frequently requested languages. Appointments will be made during the following three

Inline with our current practice, regular work will be offered to linguists that cannot be
engaged on a fulltime basis, to encourage CPD. An internal exercise for specific prioritisation
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

by language/linguist has already commenced and the final plan is scheduled to be in place
the end of July 2009.

Traditional methods of recruitment including specific adverts in national newspape

websites specifically in local areas will appear in early July 2009, and given it is the holiday
period these will be continued overt the next three months.

Recruitment open days will be organised in areas beyond the Central Belt, starting in August

Additional incentives will be offered to linguists with higher qualifications and/ or rare
language linguists. Internal assessment of the exact nature of incentives will be carried out in
the first quarter of the contract duration.

Training & update

In addition to points mentioned in 2.3 above,

During the first quarter and continuing beyond, Alpha will provide DPSi training. The capacity
will be increased during the first six months and we will aim to offer DPSi courses in non-
central belt areas within the same period. These will continue to be subsidised by Alpha

A DPSi online/ distant learning based course will be started within the first six months.

“Introduction to Interpreting” course will continue be offered in Edinburgh twice a year and
four other sessions in non-central belt areas per year, will be ready to start early in 2010.

General investment in development and training of linguists in rare languages will be

continued on an ongoing basis.

Alpha will explore the possibility of Diploma in Translation to be held in Central Belt during
the first six months and if feasible implement in the first half of 2010.

As current practice, specific induction courses on occupational standards will be designed and
offered to all new linguists, minimum 2 each year in addition to the introduction to the
interpreting course planned to run on 6 monthly bases.

IT System

The IT system will be further developed on an ongoing basis to enhance its innovative
functions e.g. for interpreting assignments it has been configured to target linguists with
DPSi/ and local vicinity of the client location.

Further configurations will be made after dialogue with key clients following their
identification during the first six months and implemented without delay. This may include for
example, special features such as secure online submission of requests and online update/
review of assignment history including access to invoice history. There will follow an on going
review of refinements and improvements.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

A facility is being piloted and will be live within 2009, for online submission will also incl
submission of relevant paperwork such as documents to be translated, audio files to
transcribed and any other assignment paperwork thus reducing fax/ postage costs and
avoiding unnecessary use of paper therefore increasing environmental friendly processes.

Alpha already holds a large database of PF/ VIA documents which assist in reusing already
translated documents to reduce costs for further similar translation requests. This database can
be further upgraded by adding more relevant documents for future reduction in charges.
Further dialogue can also take place for innovative use of technology which features Alpha to
hold all PF/ VIA or any other clients’ general templates allowing the client to simply provide a
name of the target recipient whilst Alpha can translate and forward the translation on behalf of
the client reducing administrative time of our clients and postage costs to Alpha.

Management reports are provided as a basic feature of our IT systems, specific new
requirements can be extracted as per each clients as required.

Our website will also feature a general guideline on services provided with details of basic
delivery process from initial request to final delivery. Any other bespoke per client
information can also be provided online.

The system currently holds a log of all assignments, completed, cancelled, void and invoicing
history. Any delivery issues are also recorded, this information and any other information can
be shared in management meetings and enhanced as required.

Linguist Forum/ Collaborative Events

A linguist forum will be launched (estimate – early 2010) to identify any issues and share good
practices, adding to linguist development. This will go on line after the first round of new
recruitment and induction so there can be a transfer of skills/knowledge between more
established linguists and those newly recruited.

One innovative pilot event that will bring together translators/transcribers to

identify/discuss/exchange good practice-issues and enable the practitioners to meet and
engage with commissioning clients. It should be noted that our practice in the past has been to
engage with other stakeholders-clients in a collaborative manner for such an event and we
would wish to do so again early in 2010.

Expansion of premises

Alpha has already identified offices premises nearby which it could add to its current base.
These could be secured immediately following award of contract and could be made ‘ready’
within one month.


Full accreditation with IIP Scotland and British Accreditation, 9001-2008 will be achieved
early in 2010.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.8 - Tenderers must describe how the account manager (referred to in Section 11.1
Schedule B) will meet the requirements of the specification

The Managing Director of Alpha Translating is with internal operati

managed by , General Manager.

will lead the overall delivery and management of the account in relation to this
tender. This will be met via

• Direct, regular management, support and supervision of department heads, inclusive of

staff cpd.
• This covers : i/Interpreting, ii/Translating & Transcription, iii/Accounts and IT iv/Office

This overview management structure will address

• linguists’ portfolios, incl of cpd
• assignment-project progress based on daily, weekly monthly processes and procedures of
monitoring and evaluation

will use the office practices, process, and procedures to ensure

• regular monitoring evaluation - information analysis - statistical data -written reports

• are generated in time and dispatched to the appropriate named person-s from the
collaborative partners to facilitate regular review meetings.
• will head up and attend these face to face meetings accompanied by
required-relevant staff. Alpha has participated and can continue to participate in other
forms of review meetings, e.g video conferencing.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 - A/ Tenderers should provide evidence of their organisations practi

experience in providing Interpreting Services.

Alpha’s practical experience has been gained over the last 12 years: with dedicated speciali
in the cjs Scotland in the first instance. This has brought added value and experiences to the
generic service we provide across the public, private and ngo sectors. In addition, our generic
services are now delivered across the UK.

• Examples within interpreting include: having secured three, consecutive 3 year tenders with
L& B Police, (we are in our 8th consecutive year) and formal working relations with
Tayside, Central and Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary.
• We currently supply all SCS courts, as we have throughout our 12 year history. In 2007 &
2008 were ranked No 1 for (formal) COPFS service provision. The latter built on our
earlier experiences with COPFS from Alpha’s commencement in 1997.

Other sector clients that can demonstrate the depth and breadth of our experiences include,
but not exclusively:

• various departments within NHS Scotland, visitscotland, Edinburgh International Film

Festival, various local authorities, e.g. East Ayrshire Council, North Ayrshire Council,
Edinburgh City Council, Moray Council and Islington Council.

• various ngo sector clients, including BCDP/Black Community Development Project and
CBP/Council British Pakistanis.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 - B/ Tenderers should detail how they will remain flexible to the needs
individual Collaborative Partners whilst maintaining a consistency in levels of servic

On a very basic level, linguistic service provision is a specific business case example
….supply must meet demand, and demand will fluctuate, not least on a day to day basis, but definitely with
an expanding client base.

Alpha has a demonstrable history of this expanding client base year on year, and then the
ability to retain clients over a long period of time, e.g. as identified above.
Alpha is confident is has the capacity to maintain and develop service levels according to
existing clients’ needs, whilst continuing our practice of being appointed by new clients,
meeting their needs without detriment to existing clients.

Needs and requirements cannot be met through a one size fits all approach but are met
through inward investment that includes
• developed and developing customised IT systems
• office practices that are based in our ‘live’ policy portfolio, ( Health and Safety At Work:
Environmental Policy: Equal Opportunities Policy)
• and trained staff, including f/time DPSI/slo interpreters and translators.

Early on, Alpha identified the strategic need to

• undertake yearly reviews complete with KPIs implemented via a regularly reviewed
business plan.

Areas identified with Business Planning include:

• recruit linguists to meet numerical demand
• forward plan if and when identified need is demonstrated, e.g. recruitment of Polish,
Bulgarian, Lithuanian linguists for influxes e.g. EU expansion.

The expanding client base has enabled the business case to be addressed via both inward
investment, and external networking. Examples include

ƒ working with f/e colleges and institutes

ƒ establishing-delivering independently assessed DPSI/slo courses, with direct
impact on quality of linguists.

Examples of ability to be flexible to need would be our ability to work with various law
agencies and forward plan prior to the G8, ensuring availability of ‘teams’ of linguists in
various languages & locations without detrimental impact on any of our other clients.
Specialist projects that included project manager, 8 Arabic linguists and 2 Urdu linguists all
f/time for two months have been completed without dropping our general consistency levels.

Regular strict monitoring of performance levels (a regular feature of internal business management
ethos) immediately reflects and necessitates urgent attention to areas of concern.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 - C/ Tenderers should provide details of the Scottish based interpreters on

databases and their locations e.g. 4 x Inverness, 3 x Glasgow etc

A linguist list with details of our Scottish based linguists is attached at Appendix 2.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 – D/ Tenderers should state what arrangements they intend to put in place
provide the interpreting service should local provision not be available

Alpha’s electronic systems are configured to enable identification of appropriately train

experienced, ‘vetted’ linguists on a locality – area basis.

• This enables us to ‘match’ linguists to clients’ requirements, e.g. distance from place of
assignment, travel time, and any other pre determined contractual requirements.
• If the identified linguist does not meet the client’s ‘locality’ definition (e.g. travel time,
outwith a specific mileage radius), Alpha has access to registered, qualified, experienced
linguists across Scotland, and then, beyond.
• These (other locality) linguists would then be identified, and discussed with the client prior
to any appointment.
• This builds on our ability to recognise a need such as : local recruitment. Future plans as
explained in fuller detail in the appropriate sections, and if appointed, take in the need to
implement (local) training in localities, and not assume a ‘central belt’ attitude. Beyond our
own e based systems and networks we are complimented by industry connections across
the UK.

A recent example was our ability to supply an Igbo speaker from England to ours SCS client in
the north of Scotland. There are no Igbo speakers located in Scotland with the required skills.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 - E/ Tenderers should confirm they can provide national (Scotland) cover
(including the Highland and Islands).

Alpha confirms that it does provide and therefore can continue to provide national – Scottish
– coverage, including the Highlands and Islands.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 - F/ Tenderers should provide details of the level of qualification and experie
of the interpreters on your databases, for example, the total number of interpreters a
the number of interpreters who are qualified with the Diploma in Public Serv
Interpreting (DPSI) and the particular option of the qualification they hold (Note:
largest area of demand for this service provision will be within the Scottish Legal
Sector), the number of interpreters who have experience in court work and languages

A linguist list with details of qualifications is attached at Appendix 3.

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 - G/ With reference to the quality aspect of the provision of this service, i
important that Tenderers describe how your organisation will raise the level of
numbers of DPSI qualified and court experienced interpreters, over the period of
resultant contract. This response may include proposed value-added deliverables a
services not already specified in the Specification.

Alpha’s meetings and discussions in regards to improving quality in this service provision date back to
our inception, we have pioneered the debate and dialogue to identify the actual drivers for increasing
quality in the fluid/ ad hoc interpreting industry of Scotland. Whilst a number of short term and long
term action plans can be instigated but in reality the volume business as offered in the tender provides
the real opportunity for any one agency to make a real impact on quality. We therefore welcome this
opportunity and detail some of our plans in regards to increasing the number of DPSi linguists and
court experienced interpreters in Scotland.

1- Appointment of fulltime linguists. Guaranteed work in full time status, a secure

financial base is the single most attractive incentive for any linguist to take on further

2- Prioritisation of qualified linguists. We will continue our current practice to prioritise

DPSi qualified linguists as these will be our first choice for all assignments

3- Regular work for qualified/ committed linguists. In the absence of DPSi linguists,
other linguists enrolled in DPSi will be offered majority of work, only in the absence of
these two any other suitable linguist will be assigned any work. To increase in our priority
ranking to obtain more work this practice will directly compel linguists to acquire DPSi.

4- Direct financial incentive. Qualified linguists will be given a higher pay rate. Rare
language linguists will also be secured with additional incentives where required.

5- DPSi training. Alpha will continue to run its DPSi course which was attended by 19 of
linguists this year and is run by the most experienced DPSi trainers in Scotland.

6- Subsidised DPSi course. Alpha has a history of investing and sponsoring linguists for
DPSi training, it will continue to do so by offering an extremely subsidised course

7- Course Timings. Linguists interested in attending DPSi are generally not able to attend
courses in day time, we will therefore arrange the course to be delivered at times that will
not impinge on linguists earning potential.

8- Course Locations/ Distant Learning. Several options to attend DPSi training are
available in central belt of Scotland, we will therefore explore the possibility of hosting
DPSi courses in other locations. Alpha will also offer DPSi training course on distant
learning basis for linguists who are unable evening classes due to other commitments and
linguists based in remote locations with no local DPSi centres.

9- Introduction to Interpreting Course. In line with current plans we will continue to run
Introduction course. It will also be offered at various locations in Scotland to increase
basic knowledge of interpreting standards and encourage DPSi training.

10- Training Material. Alpha made considerable contribution to the development of s DVD
in conjunction with COPFS & SCS in the year 2008/09, we will continue to input in any
such projects Additionally, we will distribute this DVD free of charge to linguists new and
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

experienced. Alpha has a comprehensive library of training material, we will circulate

codes of conduct and good practice guidelines to linguists in line with current practice.

11- Web material. Alpha has planned number initiatives for the use of online facilities
envisages that it will be able to offer a number of informative material online.

In addition to the above initiatives, Alpha will throughout the duration of contract will (and as general
practice) explore all other possibilities to increase number of DPSi linguists and court experienced
interpreters in Scotland. Progress reports and updates on outcome will be shared in client meetings.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 - H/ Tenderers should provide evidence of their plans for the Continu
Professional Development for interpreters

Alpha will continue with formal induction of new linguists and the commencement of the
year long DPSI/slo training. 2009-2010

• Once appointed, Alpha would formalise and increase the existing in house sessions with
linguists (currently once yearly)

Additional benefit from this would include such formalised sessions (up to twice yearly in
the first instance) being run by experienced, independent trainers and (- as current -) Alpha

• Alpha would continue to support linguists (e.g. paying attendance fees) in attending
training/awareness raising sessions set up by clients. This builds on our past experiences,
e.g. with COPFS/West of Scotland (2008 – current 2009)

• Alpha is currently streamlining specific sections of its web site to enable linguists to
post/exchange information/questions-answers/ about day to day experiences and

• Alpha is currently seeking to formalise and extend its working relationship with
counselling-support agencies. The latter is a service that is offered to linguists should they
require to discuss/de stress in relation to specific emotional instances. Alpha staff debrief
and discuss assignments on a professional basis, but recognise that this does not extend to
emotional support. e.g. sensitive, emotive issues such a child abuse, rape. Whilst this is not
a frequent requirement, the ‘scope of engagement and discussion’ has to be clearly defined
and safe guarded not least, nor exclusively, in relation to security issues.

• Alpha will continue to dialogue and discuss (in various arena with existing and new
stakeholders) in relation to the identification, standardisation and ‘equivalency’ of linguistic
qualifications, as well as identification and standardisation of post qualification training and
retraining with a view to improving quality of service provision.

• stringent recruitment processes are planned for general, specific and urgent requirements

• strict adherence to office and client specific procedures in particular allocation of linguists

• All CPD plans are met and sessions on targeted training and ongoing feedback take place

• daily and monthly audits are carried out including individual project updates and progress
assessment reports are generated regularly

• each complaint is appropriately addressed with due care and will personally monitor and
review each complaint
In summary will ensure all business specific and client related plans are implemented
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 - I/ Tenderers must provide contact details for two referees for work within
last two years that is similar or the same to that required in this service. Details of
information required are held at Annex A to Schedule 2. Note that contact will
made with referees without further reference to you.

Annexe A to Schedule 2 has been duly completed and is attached at point 5 of out tender
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.1 - J/ Tenderers should provide details of the methodology used for selection a
allocation of interpreters for assignments. Details should include whether a manua
electronic system is used, any scoring mechanism used and information about
grade (or level of responsibility) of the person within your organisation who signs
the final choice of interpreter. Details should be supplied of the procedures and
guidance that are in place when the agency has insufficient number of interpreters of
the type requested, to supply competing requests from one or more of the collaborative

Note: The phrase "grade (or level of responsibility of person)" refers to the admin
officer within your organisation who selects the interpreter - or the manager who
authorise the decision.

Selection and allocation of interpreters is strictly based on the clients’ criteria.

This is demonstrated by our prioritising of qualified – experienced –location of linguists.

Alpha’s electronic data base of interpreters shows a standard set of information that includes:
• Personal information: residence: public/private transport; availability; security level-s.

• First (spoken) language, other languages: qualifications: experiences; assignment history:

cpd history.

• The assignment history includes details of requesting clients: assignment accepted/rejected;

assignment locations: day / night timings of assignments: length of assignments: outcomes
and any proviso, e.g. female linguist: does not wish to attend rape cases.

This standard set of information, prioritised via qualifications enables rapid identification of
‘first available, suitably qualified-experienced-location based linguist.

These portfolios are regularly reviewed and updated by the interpreting manager and discussed
with the General Manager as part of regular support and supervision sessions (Interpreting
Manager- General Manager)


• i/The data base will be searched for the most appropriate linguist to meet client criteria.
This is undertaken by one of the two interpreting coordinators. If the data base matches an
interpreter with client criteria, the client will be verbally informed of availability/suitability
of linguist/s identified. This will be undertaken by the interpreting coordinator and
‘logged’. The decision to accept this linguist lies with the client, and the interpreting
coordinator will confirm with the client in writing: letter/fax/email.

• ii/If the client decides to request ‘another’ linguist, and not the linguist offered by the co-
ordinator, the Interpreting Manager would be informed and the Interpreting Manager
would then liaise directly with the client: the search pattern via the e based database would
be repeated. The Interpreting Manager will sign off allocation after discussion – agreement
with the client (with written confirmation)
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

• iii/All new assignment-requests are logged at the end of the working day by
coordinators and on occasion (as noted above) by the Manager.

• iii/This fits within the daily process of the identification-updating: a/ ‘new assignme
requested’; b/‘assignments completed’ and c/‘assignments on going’. Interpreting
coordinators (2) complete these schedules per day, and are sent to the Interpreting

• iv/The Interpreting Manager will review this and then forward daily reports to the General
Manager, This daily logging-updating enables ‘at a glance’ overview of
assignments, their progress and allocation – availability of interpreters

• A Scoring System based on each linguist’s skills (qualifications and experience) is a basic
feature of our IT system. An extremely useful tool that assist in automated prioritisation of
linguists from our database.

A copy of internal scoring system is attached at Appendix 4.

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.2 - A/ Tenderers should provide evidence of their organisations practical

experience in sourcing and placing translators and transcribers in this area of

Alpha’s experience of servicing clients in regards to translation and transcription services

ranges from private individuals, corporate commercial companies, health related organisations
and organisations from the public sector and specifically legal sector. Our linguist database
therefore is composed of translators/ transcribers with a diverse skill set and experience base
with qualifications that include MSc in translations, Diploma in Translations and PhD in
Philology. In addition to traditional methods, we regularly acquire qualified translators from a
number of websites such as ITI, IOL, Translators Café and Proz .Com.

Our experience of providing translating and transcription services covers the Company’s
twelve years and includes translations of thousands of documents and transcription of
thousands of hours. Alpha is a member of ITI (Institute of Translating and Interpreting)
and ATC (Association of Translating Companies) and adheres to their regulations.

Our experience includes provision of translation services to clients that include: e.g. COPFS &
SCS, Law Society, Scottish Legal Services Ombudsman, Scottish Children’s Reporter
Administration, London Olympics, Microsoft, Rolls Royce, HEBS, Scottish Enterprise, Career
Scotland, Scottish Parliament, HM Customs & Excise, Standard Life, BBC Scotland, Bank of
Scotland, Edinburgh Film Festival, Scottish Daily Record, FC Barcelona, various NHS
hospitals and several universities.

Short of volumes of literature our translation requests spasm almost every type of document
(too long to list but relevant to this contract would include:

All types of Legal documents of any nature including: witness statements, legal notices,
certified and notarised translations as well as Police reports, interviews and statements.

ƒ Newsletters ƒ Software localisation

ƒ Annual progress reports ƒ Technical manuals
ƒ Tenders & other business bids/ ƒ Tender documents
contracts ƒ Police Reports/ interviews
ƒ Financial reports and other Accounts ƒ Technical specifications
related material ƒ Various certificates such as marriage,
ƒ Health & safety guides and medical birth and educational diplomas
reports ƒ General reports
ƒ Industry Magazines ƒ Professional and personal
ƒ Legal documents of any nature correspondence which includes
ƒ Operating manuals letters, emails and all other methods
ƒ Media, related including press releases of communication
ƒ Manufacturing Guides ƒ Leaflets and guides
ƒ Certified/ notarised translations ƒ Community reports
ƒ Academic reports ƒ Technical specifications
ƒ Scientific reports Research reports ƒ Training material
ƒ Software localisation ƒ Transcription translation
ƒ Website localization
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

ƒ Training manuals ƒ Professional and personal

ƒ Tender documents correspondence which includes
ƒ Police Reports/ statements letters, emails and all other methods
ƒ Leaflets and guides of communication
ƒ Community reports
ƒ Training manuals

A large of number of relevant dual and single language transcriptions in various formats e.g.
cassette/ CD have been provided for:

Police interviews
Various police investigation recordings
Surveillance recordings
Mobile phone voice and video recordings

Above have included a number of extremely high profile work, clients in this area feature HM
Customs & Excise for fraud investigations, Central Scotland Police for terrorism related
material and Scottish Parliament for investigation and formal hearings involving parliament

Each translation project is assigned to a linguist in accordance to its specifics by matching

skills of identified translators/ transcribers. On most occasions, translations are passed to
translators that:

¾ possess relevant qualifications and skills including experience of translating similar

¾ are native speakers of the target language
¾ have a proven track record

Our office staff and linguists have been exposed to a varying client base with specific and
individual requirements, including diverse terminology/ jargon. This has equipped them with a
valuable knowledge of the language needs of a wide variety of industry / sectors. Our office
staff, having grown in number, now specialise in different industry sectors. We maintain
communication with clients for new or complex wording/ acronyms/ terms/ statements; to
avoid any ambiguities and inaccuracies.

Each translation/ transcription is proofread and double proofread if required. Internal

processing setup maintains and logs all documentation at each stage from request, translation,
proofreading, internal checking and final delivery.

Our IT system’s innovative features also include our “translation index tool” also known as
translation memory tool, whereby for contracted clients any previous translations are reused
for future similar or same translations. This function is regularly engaged in processing
requests for COPFS/ VIA offices, a large number of same letters/ documents are re-requested
for different recipients.

Within the scope of progress around e-technology, translators need not be based in
Scotland/UK with the obvious time restrictions that would apply. Alpha has successfully
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

established a translating hub with translators across the world, able to respond irrespective
the UK time.
Such an innovation has enable Alpha to reconfigure certain translation costs accordingly
this is reflected in the costings (quoted).

Alpha is acutely aware of security and vetting issues and where appropriate ensures that first
call for translators will go to appropriately qualified (recognised), vetted Scottish based
Depending on client requirements (e.g. turn about time, sensitivity of documentation) if we
believe that a translator out with Scotland/UK is our preferred suggestion, this will be
communicated to the client for final decision.

Below are some examples reflecting our experience in complex projects:

Example 1:

Recently several evidence material, court documentation and witness statements totalling to
38,176 words were translated in 5 days for an extremely sensitive case involving child abuse.

Example 2:

Recently, a regular client for voice-over projects requested a document to be translated into 4
languages and also requested it be provided in audio files, targeting 4 communities/ languages
using 4 different voices (2 of each gender). The document was very complex and of medical/
care nature, clarification was sought for several words. Linguists had to conduct individual
researches for accurate terminology on internet etc.

For one of the communities’ to be targeted the client required a Bengali written translation and
Sylheti dialect for the voice-over part. This posed a complication as there is no written script
for Sylheti, it is only a spoken language, the written version is Decan. However, to meet
client’s requirements a suitably skilled multi lingual Bengali project manager/ translator/ voice
artist was sourced in to assist with the project and also to identify suitable Sylheti artists.
Finally, a written translation was developed in Bengali/ Decan and to meet the voice-over
requirements the translation was then changed into Sylheti using phonetics and adding accents
to the Decan translation. This Sylheti version was then discussed and agreed amongst other
voice over artists; final approved version was used for audio files. The said project manager
was fully involved in the entire project including management of voice-over process and final

Examples listed above demonstrate our insight into the translation anomalies, our robust
systems/ processes and project management capabilities for dealing with complicated and
non-standard language requirements such as accents and colloquial issues and our capabilities
on the basis of our experience.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.2 - B/ Tenderers should detail how they will remain flexible to the needs
individual Collaborative Partners whilst maintaining a consistency in levels of servic

Alpha both expects and witnesses linguistic service provision fluctuating, not least on a day to
day basis, but definitely with an expanding client base.

Alpha has a demonstrable history of this expanding client base year on year, in all sectors, inclusive of
translations and transcriptions. Alpha does not differentiate been departments, and therefore, can demonstrate
the ability to retain clients over a long period of time, e.g. as identified immediately above in 2 2.9 a.

Alpha is confident that it has the continuing capacity to maintain and develop service levels
according to existing clients’ needs, whilst being appointed by new clients to meet their needs
without detriment to existing clients.
Needs and requirements cannot be met through a one size fits all approach, but are met

• inward investment that includes developed and developing customised IT systems

• office practices that are based in our ‘live’ policy portfolio, ( e.g. Guidelines for Translators,
Guidelines for Proof Readers, Confidentiality Agreement)
• trained staff, including f/time Dip Trans and DPSI/slo translators.

Such IT investment is particularly relevant in the fast changing e-technology that is prominent
in translation-proof reading: such as a standard setting via identification and installation of
language packages, and subsequent compatibility with translators

Early on, Alpha identified the strategic need to undertake yearly reviews complete with KPIs
implemented via a regularly reviewed business plan.
This includes the need to attract – recruit translators – transcribers to meet numerical demand
and to forward plan when identified need is demonstrated, e.g. recruitment of Polish,
Bulgarian, Lithuanian linguists for potential influxes at specific times, e.g. EU expansion.

The expanding client base has also produced the added value external networking. The latter
includes working with f/e colleges and institutes to establish and deliver independently
assessed DPSI/slo courses, with direct impact on quality of linguists.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.2 - C/ Tenderers should provide details of the level of qualification and experie
of the translators and transcribers you provide, for example, the total number
translators and transcribers and the number of translators and transcribers on y
databases who are qualified with the Diploma in Translation (Dip Trans), the num
of transcribers who are qualified with the ‘standard English Braille’ qualification and
also with qualifications similar to RNIB's DAP (Digital Audio Production) manual
standards, the number of translators and transcribers who have experience in court
work and languages spoken (Note: currently the largest area of demand for this service
provision will be within the Scottish Legal Sector).

A list of translators in our access is attached at Appendix 5. Alpha will be outsourcing Braille
transcription services.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.2 – D/ With reference to the quality aspect of the provision of this service, i
important that Tenderers describe how your organisation will raise the level of
numbers of (Dip Trans) qualified and experienced translators and the numbers
qualified and court experienced transcribers, over the period of any resultant contra
This response may include proposed value-added deliverables and services not already
specified in the Specification.

A concentration of translation assignments will raise the opportunity for translators to gain the
required additional experiences and earnings whilst recognising the potential for on going
work. This coupled with Alpha’s continued study time and financial support will see new Dip
Trans candidates. Alpha successfully supported two new Dip Trans candidates in 2007

• Once appointed, Alpha would formalise and increase the existing in house sessions with
linguists (currently once yearly) Additional benefit from this would include such formalised
sessions (up to twice yearly in the first instance) being run by experienced, independent
trainers and ( - as current - ) Alpha staff. This will be formalised into an Introduction to
Dip Trans and form part of linguists study time.

• Alpha would continue to support linguists’ participation in training/awareness raising

sessions set up by clients. In the main, such sessions have tended to be provided for face
to face interpreters. Alpha has undertaken pioneering work previously, so, if appointed,

• Alpha will run one pilot event in the first calendar year that will bring together
translators/transcribers to identify/discuss/exchange good practice-issues and enable the
practitioners to meet engage with commissioning clients. This will focus on clients’
requirements, including Dip Trans qualification requirements.

• Alpha is currently streamlining specific sections of its web site to enable linguists to
post/exchange information/questions-answers/ about day to day experiences and

• Alpha will continue to dialogue and discuss (in various arena with existing and new
stakeholders) in relation to the identification, standardisation and ‘equivalency’ of linguistic
qualifications, as well as identification and standardisation of post qualification training and
retraining with a view to improving quality of service provision.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.2 - E/ Tenderers should provide evidence of their plans for the Continu
Professional Development for translators and transcribers.

Once appointed, Alpha would

• allocate time with their current in house Dip Trans staff to carry out specific review and
support sessions for translators and transcribers

• formalise and increase the existing in house sessions with translators and transcribers
(currently once yearly) Additional benefit from this would include such formalised sessions
(up to twice yearly in the first instance) being run by experienced, independent trainers
and ( - as current - ) Alpha staff

• continue to support translators and transcribers attending training/awareness raising

sessions set up by clients

• run one pilot event in the first calendar year that will bring together
translators/transcribers to identify/discuss/exchange good practice-issues and enable then
to meet engage with commissioning clients. Our practice in the past has been to engage
with other stakeholders-clients in a collaborative manner, and we would wish to do so
again (Awareness Raising Session: Hamilton: 2006, inputted to design and delivery with:
COPFS/SCS/WSREC/Cardonald College, interpreters – translators)

Alpha is currently streamlining specific sections of its web site to enable translators and
transcribers to post/exchange information/questions-answers/ about day to day experiences
and practices.

Alpha will continue to dialogue and discuss (in various arena with existing and new
stakeholders) in relation to the identification, standardisation and ‘equivalency’ of linguistic
qualifications, as well as identification and standardisation of post qualification training and
retraining with a view to improving quality of service provision.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.2 - F/ With reference to the five levels of turnaround for translators and transcrib
Schedule B para 3.6.5. It is envisaged that occasionally there will be requirements
large scale work that cannot be fitted within these timescales: for example, a 500 p
document to be transcribed and translated, involving design work. Tenderers sho
advise their parameters or limits for such large scale work

Alpha has a proven track record in ‘bulk’, volume of translation and transcription requirements as
well as printing/ design requirements.

We can accommodate any specific translation/ transcription/ design requirements: bulk and single
requirements: via additional assistance e.g. by sourcing-in additional staff/ linguists, as and when
required. Our network of contacts including for example: members of Association of Translation
Companies and members of ITI. Alpha has also built a network of contacts in the print and design
industry which include multi-national companies that are able to accommodate any specific and/ or
large scale request.

In specific reference to turn around time for a single project we can manage a 10,000 word translation
in one day if required. Design and print services for a 500 page document can be completed in 5 days,
complex design requirements may take longer.

Alpha has also built in contingency planning for sudden increase in volume of work, whether increase
is seasonal or project based.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.2 - G/ Tenderers must provide contact details for two referees for work within
last two years that is similar or the same to that required in these services. Details
the information required are held at Annex A to Schedule 2. Note that contact will
made with referees without further reference to you. . Annexe A to Schedule 2 has b
duly completed…

Referee names have been provided at Annex A to Schedule 2, attached at point 5 of our
tender proposal.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.3 - Electronic Transfer of Documents – Translation, Transcription

a. Tenderers will need to demonstrate how they will make maximum use
electronic means for the transfer of documents. Tenderers should explain h
this will be achieved, stating the technologies, media and methods they intend to
deploy. Tenderers should also explain how they will address the issues of
(i) security and (ii) typeface for non-western European languages

1- It is already Alpha’s standard practice to maximise the use of e-based facilities for the
transfer of documents.

Once a client identifies that they wish to transfer documents, they may do so over the email
system direct to Alpha, or at their choice, they may request a secure password-link that will
enable them to upload the material into a specific (pass word secured) Alpha’s online account.

This is not accessible to all Alpha staff, but is pass word secured to the translation-
transcription department.

2- Internally each staff member is pass word secured for initial access to the generic system
and then their own (pass word secured) appropriate portal, e.g ‘named - user file’

The global Alpha electronic system is not universally accessible to all staff: certain portals
remain accessible to only certain senior staff members. Some are exclusively accessed by the
General Manager,

The uniquely customised IT systems and soft ware provide a full range of technological
processes in the areas of: pass word secure identity / monitored access management / leading
to a unified communications system

3- As well as the obvious requirements of security, the unique system has been devised to
promote mobility through the various portals with simplified, user(staff) - friendly connectivity
features, e.g. information retrieval, information analysis, cross referencing. The latter is
‘layered’, e.g. cross referencing of linguists and their allocation to

Typeface requirements:
Alpha continues to seek out and identify the most appropriate and up to date language-
packages-software. These have to be compatible to the most widely used applications, such as
Microsoft, Apple, to maintain standards, and ensure compatibility with translators’ soft ware.
Alpha regularly provides translations in various formats. However, the most commonly used formats
are: Word. / PDF. / PEG. / Bit. / Bmp. / Tiff.

Translations supplied electronically are fully printable which also allows the client the choice of printing
either a part of, or the complete document. Alpha’s core staff is also complemented by IT staff for any
additional issues.

4- Alpha is exploring an online option for clients to submit assignments, track progress and
run basic reports.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.9.3 - B/ Tenderers should provide a process flow diagram to illustrate the proc
from receipt of order to delivery.

A copy of the process diagram is attached at Appendix 9.

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.10 - Tenderers should confirm which of the languages in Schedule B Annex 1 t

can provide. Tenderers should complete and return this Annex.

A completed Schedule B Annex 1 is attached at our appendix 6.

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.11 - Tenderers must provide details of what additional languages they can provide

A comprehensive list of languages that Alpha can cover for interpreting assignment
attached at Appendix 3 and for translating requirements a list is attached at appendix 5.

Please note Alpha can source in additional linguist via its network of contacts.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.12 - Tenderers should provide a statement explaining how they will source suita
interpreters for any additional language required.

Alpha believes that in the first instance we have an exceedingly broad, Scottish based bank
linguists (in the first instance, and then beyond) due to the successful implementation of our
recruitment strategies.

• Considering linguists drift in and out of availability (due to the freelance nature of work) in
order to monitor resource levels; our monthly meetings regularly feature reports and
analysis of the number of linguists available in our database. Any irregularities or possible
gaps that may lead to drop in service levels are immediately addressed.

• In the event of a linguist not being available in the Scotland, we believe that our
communications and dialogue with clients could ensure linguists from being identified
from outwith Scotland: northern England for example and via our net work of
linguists/agencies. This however is solely dependent on the clients’ criteria and budget
constraints, in the first instance.

We would like to emphasise however that once a linguist is identified in an ‘additional

language’, e.g uncommon, infrequently used, we make strenuous efforts to remain in contact
with that linguist to ensure their retention - availability.
As referred to elsewhere that if appointed, we would increase the ‘recruitment drive processes’.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.13 - Tenderers must identify how their organisation intends to ensure t

interpreting, translation and transcription service levels are achieved and maintain
irrespective of geographic location, while meeting the evolving needs of
Collaborative Partners. (max 1 page A4)

Alpha’s experiences to date demonstrate our ability to maintain service levels as identified and
required by clients. Current examples would include our capabilities of responding to regular
requests from COPFS, SCS, and Scottish based police forces without detriment to any one, or
to any of our other clients.

• ‘Levels-patterns-success rates’ are a regular feature in our monitoring evaluation meetings

with clients.
• The information is supplied to the client prior to the meeting, in a format of their choice.
• The various information formats are designed to meet client needs and can and do vary
from client to client.

These meetings cover all aspects of our service delivery: in the wider sense but with regard to
client specific ‘locality’.

It should be noted that Alpha always has, and will continue to place major emphasis on client
satisfaction on a day to day basis via the client – day to day contract manager.
We regard this as addressing any issues that may arise, as they arise, and not to be left to a
(future) meeting.

Service delivery therefore includes (for example)

• Generic recruitment strategies
• Additional activities in regards recruitment may be identified on a locality basis to
address a locality issue
• Open Days: organisations across Scotland have held ‘open days’ to promote public
awareness and engagement; to break down barriers, and facilitate wider access.

Alpha would continue to co operate / promote such events, to assist the organisations and at
the same time, raise awareness, encourage net working potential, and seek out potential
Our participation to date includes Open Days with police forces, various SCS and COPFS

Training: Alpha already carries out induction and training in Edinburgh and has identified our
commitment in the Implementation Plan/Forward Planning section to explore and instigate
localised training outwith the central belt.

Our previous experience in this has involved clients such as police forces, SCS, COPFS, f/e
colleges and linguistic institutes, e.g. IOL, Institute of Linguists. It would be our intention to
continue to involve such clients/stakeholders.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

• Unique 24 hour, 365 day service:

Alpha does respond to out of office hours request via a dedicated, person to person serv
An example of additional support in this area, and in the event of night call outs, where pu
transport would be at a minimum or non existent, (linguist access to private car would be a
preferred first option) is that Alpha has a secure car hire – with - driver facility for linguists.
There is also the question of linguists’ safety at night (and alone in a car) whereby this service
could be deployed.
This could be extended to day time call outs, in geo localities where public transport (cost
effective, first option) is not deemed appropriate (time related and availability)
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.14 - Tenderers must confirm that they would provide back-to-back service levels w
any sub-contractors to the contract. Particular reference should be made to areas
geographic difficulty, in relation to consistency of service for all Collaborative Partn
If appropriate, tenderers must provide details of any previous experience as eithe
main contractor or a sub-contractor. Alpha is confident that we can they would provide
back-to-back service levels with any sub-contractors to the contract.

As part of our contingency plans to meet any specific requirements or to manage any
unexpected increase in one demand we have a network of subcontractors known to us. All
subcontractors are required to comply and follow our standards and procedures. We confirm
that we will continue to engage with other language agencies in any areas of difficulty ensuring
that service levels are not dropped.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.15 - Tenderers should provide details of which of the services they intend
subcontract and how much of these services do you intend to subcontract.

Braille is not part of our service portfolio and therefore all Braille transcription requireme
will be subcontracted.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.16 - Tenderers must provide information on the policies and procedures they have
place to ensure that all work undertaken for the Collaborative Partners is to agr
standards and how this is built into different aspects of the work. Information must
included on how your organisation would assess the particular requirements o
Collaborative Partner and relate to your management of Interpreting, Translation and
Transcription services during assignments.

Alpha operates a complete policy portfolio for all staff, linguists, and consultants within the
scope of the policy refer and relates to Service Delivery.

This is covered in various policies:

• The Policy Portfolio is discussed with each linguist individually at the time of registration,
and one to one induction with Alpha staff. It is further covered at the time of group
induction carried out by Alpha staff and independent, experienced trainers.
• Each linguist must sign and adhere to the overall contents of the Policy Portfolio.
• Any and each client may request specifics be introduced to cover linguists when on
assignments with the client.
• This is incorporated accordingly, either as a stand alone for that client and that client’s
assignments, or as generic good practice to be observed/operated at all times for all clients.

The policy portfolio is a base-line of good practice - standards for staff, consultants, and
within the scope of the policy relates to ‘service delivery’.

• The portfolio is reviewed on a regular basis.

• Reference to the various components of the Portfolio are referred to in individual support
supervision sessions (staff-management) as and when required. E.g. the office manager
brought it to the attention of senior management for the need for and introduced an
Environmental Policy against which targets could be identified, set and monitored.

It is anticipated that a new client coming on stream would require us to assess their
requirements through various step - processes:

a/ we would demonstrate our service delivery capabilities via our eclectic service, inclusive of

b/we would request information such as: their anticipated need based on previous experience.
The latter would of course identify any specialisms (sector specific, language specific, and the

b-1/we could offer approximate figures/usage based on our own service experiences, e.g. a
like for like service should the client not have a previous history of working with a linguistic
service provider

Having received the appropriate information, Alpha could then make an assessment of need
and respond within an agreed time span.
The assessment of need would lead to identification of added benefit.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

• One stand alone example might be: the potential to customise translated documents fr
one geographical area to another with minimum change.
• This would affect turn about time (as minimum).

Each project/larger assignment/ (i.e. not a single call out) will be addressed via a Project
Delivery plan/Quality Plan designed and agreed with the client.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.17 - Tenderers must outline their procedures for managing complaints or proble
and detail the escalation procedures in place for the Collaborative Partners at both
operational and contractual level in line with section 10 and 11 of the Specificati
(max 1 page A4)

Alpha operates a Policy Portfolio that includes an Equal Opportunities Policy reviewed
on an annual basis. This policy states that:
…’Alpha Translating and Interpreting Services Limited (Alpha) is an organisation committed
to the promotion of equal opportunities and anti discriminatory practices. Alpha’s primary role
is to provide and promote professional translating and interpreting services, in order to assist
public and private organisations meet their legal obligations by providing services in an
equitable manner’ ..and within the Scope of the Policy due regard is paid to ‘employment’
and ‘service delivery’ with the commitment that: Alpha will monitor and keep under
review the effectiveness of this policy in its entirety on an annual basis, inclusive of
complaints, both written and verbal

The operational detail is: Problem Resolution and Escalation Procedures

Alpha complies with all feedback requirements as identified and required by clients, on
completion of assignments/operations. A record of this is maintained for our benefit. Our
bespoke IT system requires a completion report to ensure closure of an assignment or
Debriefing of linguist(s) post assignment can be either face-to-face in our main office or in

Alpha has a ‘complaints procedure’ with separate complaint forms specific to service delivery
for both interpreting and translating.

ƒ As part of this overall procedure, we record and monitor all complaints, whether
formal or informal.
ƒ If the initial complaint is verbal this will be investigated and a verbal response
provided. If the issue cannot be resolved, the next step would be to request the
complaint in writing, detailing the perceived complaint.
ƒ The process includes: written acknowledgement of the complaint within 3 working
days of receipt, initial feedback within 15 days, with conclusion within 30 days if
possible. Reasons not to meet these deadlines must be intimated to the complainant
before the deadline in question.
ƒ If this does not provide resolution, a meeting will be arranged to include the MD
(wherever possible) to resolve outstanding issues.
These all contribute to Alpha striving for excellence in all aspects of its service

Contractual details are:

In the first instance, we comply with ‘ Terms and Conditions of Contract’ (or similar) as
identified and set out by clients.

Alpha would expect that our service delivery and good practice would prevent clients from
ever having to invoke (any) relevant clause or specifics such as, default, failure to perform, and
then resort to (any) dispute resolution period.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

To date, we have not had any client invoke any form of formal complaints procedure over
12 years.

• We ensure a close but open working relationship between: the client and the Gen
Manager, The General Manager is lead officer at/for monitoring,
evaluation and review meetings with clients. Between the day to day management overview
which can identify and address any issues, and the regular review meetings which are
‘formally-noted’ to identify and address issues as they arise, then issues – problems’ are

• The client is kept up to date with the progress of the assignment/project, and any issues
that may arise which might then impact on service delivery on a day to day basis by the
relevant, department head.
• If at any stage the client were to express dissatisfaction during an assignment/project this
would be brought to the notice of the General Manager, and the
assignment/project would then be directly managed by the General Manager, shadowed by
the departmental manager.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.18- Tenderers should detail how they will maintain a Help-Desk facility to prov
assistance to customers, information on ordering procedures, and advice and guida
on translation and transcription questions. Tenderers should also indicate whet
they host a website giving information about this and other services that are provide

Alpha pioneered Scotland’s first linguistic, person to person 24 hour/365 day service, i.e
access to an individual, not an answer machine, and continues to run this service.
This ensures that if out of office hours queries were to arise, answers would be provided,
without the need for the client to wait for the office to re-open to access a staff member.

• Alpha’s office staff regularly receive requests for ‘information’, ‘help requests’ ,
‘clarification’, e.g. difference between translation and transcription, or between an
interpreter and translator.
• All staff can and do provide information. This is initially responded via the office manager
and her office assistant-s.
• If appropriate it will be channelled to the other/appropriate department/staff.
• Alpha runs a dedicated email address, i line. Specific email accounts
can be offered to each clients

Our web site is updated regularly.

We hope to introduce: a secure, inter active, question – answer board; and an area in which to
‘post’ observations/good practice and the like for both clients and linguists.
We will also introduce (at the next updating) up front information that captures the essence of
(and differences between) interpreting, translating and transcription.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.19 - Tenderers should detail how they will maintain a 24 hours, 7 days a w
reservation line for receiving short notice requests on interpreting services e.g. reque
made by the police on behalf of one of the collaborative partners.

Alpha pioneered Scotland’s first linguistic, person to person 24 hour/365 day service, i.e
access to an individual, not an answer machine, and continues and will continue to run this
integral service.

• This was primarily brought about for specific clients, especially police forces (night time
call outs).
• This has the added value of ensuring linguistic representation (follow up – next morning)
in courts.
• Alpha continues to operate this service, and is not unique to the cjs.
• The person to person service (out of normal office hours) ensures that if (out of office
hours) queries were to arise, answers would be provided, without the need for the client to
wait for the office to re-open to access a staff member.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.20 - Tenderers must provide details of your standard procedures for monitori
evaluating and maintaining quality of service and for ensuring timely and accur
delivery of contracts (Section 4 of Schedule B refers).

To ensure good practice, achieving and sustaining standards requires that various factors be
identified and regarded, including:

Office staff skills: we bring in a range of required skills, practices, experiences,

Procedures: Policies and practices are in place, referred to, in relation to staff, service delivery,

Management overview includes regular supports for ongoing monitoring and evaluation.
Supervision from line managers is in place, up to and including the participation of the
Managing Director.

Alpha’s consultants bring a range of required skills, practices and experiences with specific
regard to IT, HR and Scottish Business Sector. Peninsula Business Services Ltd (GB) has been
appointed by Alpha in regards good practice within the scope of existing and proposed
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.21 - The Tenderer shall as part of their tender submission provide details of th
quality plan which shall set out the steps to be taken to ensure delivery of the requi
level of performance (Section 4 of Schedule B refers)

Key areas in respect of quality will be:

a. Quality plan;
b. Internal systems and procedures;
c. Quality of resources including sub-contracted translators and transcribers;
d. Quality of monitoring, reporting and corrective actions including measuring
user satisfaction, provision of a complaints mechanism, and a process for
dispute resolution;
e. Quality of induction of users
f. Continuous improvement strategy
g. Independent quality measurement tools employed, e.g. EFQM IiP BS etc

The identification of a Quality Plan/Project Delivery Plan is a stand feature of Alpha’s work
especially in regards larger projects.
The Quality Plan is identified by the General Manager in conjunction with the
appropriate staffing the first instance, and is discussed with the client. The discussions
form part of the inception meeting/s and (any) setting up time, if so stipulated by the

This provides the client with the overall approach to how the assignment will be managed and
allows the client to provide input into the overall management-quality-delivery-completion

Once agreed with the client, the Quality Plan needs to be successfully executed, updated,
referred to (internally) and related back to the client at pre determined stages, e.g. monitoring,
evaluation and review meetings, to ensure that the overall management-quality-delivery-
completion processes are completed as agreed.

Internal systems and procedures are governed by our Policy Portfolio, e.g. Equal
Opportunities Policy, Health and Safety at Work:

Staff receive regular support and supervision sessions, to determine their progress in relation
to their work programs/plans.

Daily processes are in place, e.g. to record and up date: a/new assignment requests received,
update-progress of on going assignments, closure of assignments.

(all of ) This contributes to the overall processes-procedures that are monitored, regulated on
daily, weekly, monthly basis, and set in relation to clients requests: short, mid and longer term
assignments-projects, and e.g. KPIs for staff and ‘business’. Departmental heads and the

Three external consultants have been appointed in relation to HR, IT, the Scottish Business
Sector. With regards good practice within the scope of existing and proposed legislation that
could impact on any aspect of our service delivery Alpha is covered and advised by Peninsula
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

Alpha operates under current Letters of Commitment from IiP Scotland, BS5750 and
Bureau of Accreditation: ISO 9002 -2008
We anticipate that we will achieve full accreditation within one calendar year.

We are accredited Members of

ITI Institute of translation and interpreting
ATC Association of translation Companies
And individual staff and linguists have their own individual memberships, e.g. with
IOL/Institute of Linguists

Alpha is currently seeking accreditation with The EN-15038 European Quality Standard for
Translation Services.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.22 - Tenderers must describe your quality assurance and control procedures a
whether your organisation has sought accreditation under any recogni
accreditation scheme and the outcome.


Alpha currently operates with Letters of Commitment from IIP Scotland and Bureau of
We anticipate that we will achieve full accreditation within one calendar year.

We are accredited Members of

ITI Institute of translation and interpreting
ATC Association of translation Companies
And individual staff and linguists have their own individual memberships, e.g. with
IOL/Institute of Linguists

We aim to establish long term working relationships with clients, which we believe can
only be developed and maintained through provision of a consistently high standard
service delivery. Alpha’s business development strategies, organisational structure,
investment planning, linguist recruitment - retention, and ‘future planning’ are all designed to
achieve client satisfaction through high quality service delivery.

In addition to the fulltime in-house staff, with managerial and departmental

responsibilities, Alpha engages several consultants to enhance aspects of the
company’s operations. This includes areas of human resources, policy development,
operational protocols, quality management and key client liaison as well as
accountancy and IT services.

There are procedures in place to ensure high levels of monitoring and evaluation to sustain
quality of service delivery. Examples of these are:

ƒ Stringent recruitment processes ensure only suitably skilled linguists are engaged.

ƒ Alpha maintains on overview of CPD of staff and linguists to enhance their skills,
ultimately enhancing the quality of their work. (please refer to section “CPD and
linguist support system” of section A “Alpha’s Profile” for details of more
information of our work in the CPD area)

ƒ Each department (interpreting, translation and office management) has

departmental heads reporting to the MD through face-to-face and team meetings.

ƒ The IT configurations ensure all operations are inter linked through secure – in
house work flow processes, i.e. recording, processing, monitoring & tracking
through to completion, outcomes & closure. This includes comprehensive
information and report retrieval systems to include, for example: frequency of use;
eployment, and specialisms of individual linguists. It is also
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

used to record CV details, training requirements, and note changes such as train
undertaken and registration such as Disclosure Scotland.

ƒ It is essential company practice, that departmental heads establish and maintain

close communication with linguists especially during assignments through to
completion. Debriefing, face to face or written, at the end of assignments is normal
practice. In addition, assignment closure ensures effective administration, e.g.
feedback to commissioning clients and invoice processing.

ƒ All assignments are allocated to a named person of our in-house staff, to ensure
qualitative outcomes.

ƒ Meetings take place with clients to review working processes, and to enhance
working practices.

Alpha complies with all feedback requirements as identified and required by clients, on
completion of assignments/operations. A record of this is maintained for our benefit. Our
bespoke IT system requires a completion report to ensure closure of an assignment or
Debriefing of linguist(s) post assignment can be either face-to-face in our main office or in
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.23 - Tenderers should provide details of how they will provide the managem
information required within section 9, Schedule B of the Specification including
example of the format.

Management Information is designed and delivered to meet client’s needs.

This would be discussed at an Inception Meeting/S, defined in the Quality Plan and agreed
with the client

• An example would be: quarterly review meetings with information material emailed one
working week in advance of the meeting. Or dispatched as required by the client

• From our two year’s experience with COPFS, 2007-2008, Alpha can supply secretariat
facilities via our Office manager

It should be noted that customised design and delivery of information formats are offered as
standard practice to new clients as they come on stream.

• This means that we can offer ‘examples’ for clients to consider. From experience however
with existing clients, we are aware that over the period of engagement, needs change and
our systems are therefore adaptable.

A live example of management reporting style is attached herewith.

COPFS Usage Analysis – Interpreting Services (Alpha)
Information related to coverage during January, February and March 2008


Areas covered: 11

Offices covered: 29

Languages covered: 28

All Assignments given to Alpha: 460


Total number of interpreting assignments given: 421

Interpreting assignments covered: 336

Assignments cancelled: 76

Assignments cancelled at short notice: 9


Total citations: 39

Witnesses Cited: 16

Cancelled Citations: 23

Glasgow, 178

Grampian, 15
Lothian Borders, 51

Argyle & Clyde, 17

Lanarkshire, 15
Central, 17

Dumfries 2 Fife 3
Ayrshire, 11 Highlands & Islands, 8
Tayside, 19

Ayrshire Central Lothian Borders Glasgow Grampian Argyle & Clyde Lanarkshire Highlands & Islands Fife Dumfries Tayside


Polish 120
Arabic 8
Bengali 3
100 Bulgarian 1
Cantonese 15
Mandarin 8
Czech 6
Dari 1
Farsi 10
French 6
Hindi 5
Hungarian 4
Kurdish 8
Kurdish (Surani) 6
Latvian 4
Lithuanian 12
Polish 120
Portugese 5

Urdu 37
Punjabi 28

Punjabi 28
Pushto 2
40 Romanian 8
Russian 5
Serbian 1

Slovak 16
Cantonese 15

Lithuanian 12
Kurdish (Surani) 6

Slovak 16
Romanian 8 Somali 1
Latvian 4

Spanish 2
Mandarin 8

Kurdish 8

Turkish 10
Portugese 5
Farsi 10

Tamil 4
Hungarian 4

Tamil 4
Russian 5
French 6
Arabic 8

Bengali 3

Czech 6
Bulgarian 1

Serbian 1

Spanish 2
Somali 1
Turkish 10
Hindi 5

Pushto 2

Urdu 37
Dari 1

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.24 - Tenderers must provide examples of management information with reference

Section 9.1 of Schedule B that their organisation currently supplies to ot
organisations, detail any innovative practices they can offer and explain how this
added value for current clients.

All of our main, longer term contracts/assignments have had and still require regular
management information to be supplied for the purposes of monitoring, evaluation, reviews.
This is designed around client requirements and is ‘delivered’ in the format of their choice, in
the time line as determined by the client.

Our experiences clearly indicate that this is a ‘live’ area with clients.
Alpha frequently re adjusts, re designs formats during the life of a contract, to meet evolving

Innovative Practices
Alpha’s unique position is such that within the cjs alone Alpha currently collates our own service
delivery figures per client. (e.g. COPFS, SCS and various police forces)
This includes as minimum: usage, languages used, and ‘locations’.
Collaborative partners could, depending on, information sharing criteria and data protection, have collated
figures from across Scotland from the service provider, Alpha.
This would compliment their own statistical information gathering
This would lead to information sharing, resource identification based on identified need and costed on an
informed basis

Sector partners, e.g. cjs, may see the (long term) benefit of unified forms/methodologies/
This would not be unique to the cjs, but could be applied elsewhere.

Enhanced information gathering – statistical analysis could inform future developments across
Scotland, with a view to appropriate resource allocation and budgeting for the (collaborative)

An example of a format in the regard is attached at point 2.23.

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.25- Tenderers must indicate which of the content options (either eCatalogue
punch out) for e-procurement that they could provide (see section 12.12
Specification) and detail any experience that their organisation has in facilitating su
a solution. (max 1 page A4)

Alpha’s IT systems have necessary compatibility and agility settings to either be synchronised
with external systems or accept data packets. Our IT consultants have developed and
implemented a number of e-commerce solutions for their clients, with their support and/or
any additional resources Alpha believes it will be able to fully co-operate with Collaborative
Partners to support e-commerce solutions.

Any changes brought in will be on the basis of client preferences and therefore Alpha will
liaise with each Collaborative Partner to ascertain their requirements.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.26 - Tenderers must indicate which of the connection options for e-procurement t
they could provide (see section 12.13 of Specification) and detail any experience t
their organisation has in facilitating such a solution. (max 1 page A4)

Further to point 2.2.6 Alpha’s IT systems have necessary compatibility and agility settings to
either be synchronised with external systems or accept data packets. Our IT consultants have
developed and implemented a number of e-commerce solutions for their clients, with their
support and/or any additional resources Alpha believes it will be able to fully co-operate with
Collaborative Partners to support e-commerce solutions.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.27 - Tenderers must indicate which of the payment options outlined in section 12
of the Specification they can facilitate. The tenderer should use this question
propose innovative and progressive e-commerce solutions (e.g. self billing, electro

In line with the most preferred method by our clients we are currently geared to accommodate
either paper or e-submission of invoices. Payments to Alpha are generally made via BACS
followed by an e-remittance or paper remittance. We are currently exploring a number of e-
procurement options and will work with our clients before any to ensure that any change is
inline with their requirements.

In 2009 Alpha will be launching a fully secure online web based facility allowing clients to
submit assignments, upload relevant paperwork, track progress and access basic finance and
management reports.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.28 - Tenderers must identify their organisation’s Unique Selling Point (USP) in ter
of attracting good quality Interpreters, Translators and Transcriptionists which s
their organisation apart from others offering similar services. (max 1 page A4)

We are proud at our high levels of linguist recruitment and retention levels. Retention of
linguists has only been possible due to a number of factors e.g. but not limited to:

ƒ excellent/ realistic pay structure

ƒ prioritisation of more work for qualified linguists
ƒ regular work for qualified linguists
ƒ prompt early payment system (even if our invoices are unpaid)
ƒ informative/ practical good practice guidelines
ƒ induction programmes
ƒ training/ induction programmes
ƒ sponsorships for DPSi training
ƒ provision to an excellent DPSi training programme that is held on weekday evenings
not impinging their day time earning potential
ƒ our friendly and experienced office staff offering maximum support on various day to
day issues, travel guidance and 24 hour access/ assistance

Alpha will be launching an online timesheet submission facility in 2009 to provide additional
ease in submitting timesheets and other relevant documents such as monitoring forms for
courts. We will be launching a distant learning DPSi programme to assist linguists in remote/
non central belt areas as well as those who cannot attend courses on evenings due to other
non-changeable commitments.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.29 - Tenderers must describe how their organisation would maximise opportuni
for sharing best practice across the Collaborative Partners.

Alpha is in the unique position of having already worked with and continuing to work with the
major stakeholders in the cjs, plus a generic client base across the statutory, public, private, ngo
sectors: Scotland, with in roads into England and Northern Ireland.

Alpha is aware of and adheres to the varying codes, policies and practices as required by
Equally however, we are aware of the disparity between clients, their standards, practices and
on occasion awareness.

Certain Codes (of Practice/Conduct), methodologies (ordering – invoicing) could be offered-

shared - standardised across collaborative partners.

• This would lead to the establishment of base line standards across collaborative partners
• This could then be monitored and evaluated within clients to demonstrate their
compliance with specific target, legislation, e.g. RRAct as amended 2000
• This would (further) lead to information sharing, e.g. language needs-trends pan Scotland
down to localised levels
• This would lead to budget-resource allocation based on awareness and trend patterns.
• On going reviews, outcomes identifying the need for changes could ensure a driving up of
standards within service delivery.
• The additional impact however would be felt within the collaborative partners: their
practices and their engagement with their client-constituents-consumers.

Alpha is proposing that if successful, then in the first calendar year Alpha would seek to assist
collaborative partners to design and deliver the first ever, Scottish event that would bring
linguists together with clients. Smaller scale events were primarily locality specific.
Clients have always acknowledged and recorded benefit from such events:
raised awareness
and direct insight into service provision beyond contact with ‘the agency’.

Alpha has experience of and will continue to

• input into partners training-awareness programmes:
• the design and creation of training tools
• and plans the upgrading of its web site into an inter active web site offering the
opportunity to pose questions, receive answers and find ‘at a glance information’.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

2.30 - Any information requested in any part of this document, but not includ
elsewhere should be given under this heading. The Tenderer is free to prov
additional information, e.g. Proposed Value-added Deliverables and Services
already specified in the Specification. These should be kept separate from that wh
is specifically requested. NIL since incorporated into the appropriate sections

As a concluding addition to individual statements, we would like it noted that at Alpha we

have a stable workforce who have developed excellent working relationships, respecting each
staff member’s unique contribution. This “Alpha spirit” extends to its relations with the wide
body of linguists it engages and its wide range of loyal clients.

The qualifications of individual staff have been noted in CV’s but collectively they represent a
high level of academic achievement married to sound operational experience. The diverse
nature of these achievements complements each other and makes for a talented and closely
bonded team. This is especially important in a highly pressured business and one which offers
a 24/7 service. Alpha has always had the ambition of supplying the services now brought
together under this collaborative tender and its award would fulfil that ambition and fuel its
further success.

CV details have been covered elsewhere reflecting that our staff bring an exclusive and unique
mix of talent and expertise in both business management, recruitment, policy development
and linguistic experience/ qualifications. It is inevitable therefore that any tender applications
and proposals offered have been assessed from all possible aspects of service delivery.
Additionally, such team will undoubtedly make qualified, sound and safe contributions
including investments in enhancing client relations, working practices and future trends/
directions of language industry in Scotland.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)



3.1 - Tenderers must detail their organisation’s experience of applying the Baseline
Personnel Security Standard (or equivalent standard), including how they carry out
appropriate checks. In addition, detail experience of using the Disclosure Scotland
process and if any a higher level of security clearance.

Staff are recruited in line with good practice and legal requirement.
Alpha utilises the services of two, Edinburgh based consultants and is covered and advised by
Peninsula Business Services ltd (GB) Staff and consultants are governed by the same
Disclosure Scotland requirements.

All Scottish based linguists must have Disclosure Scotland Enhanced. These are
reviewed/renewed annually.

We also recognise and accept CRB’s from linguists living in England, and refer to Access
NI/enhanced for linguists based in Northern Ireland.

Alpha believes that a number of other jurisdictions out with the UK offer a similar service in
respect of their nationals or residents, and we are currently seeking ways to access such

At time of registration Alpha seeks to establish and then confirm with linguists their
identity, employment history-3 years, national insurance number, nationality immigration
and if appropriate criminal records (i.e. unspent)

Linguists are encouraged to provide rapid access points (e.g. telephone/email/fax) as far as
possible to expedite information gathering on our part.

Written confirmation is required and forms the initial part of each individual portfolio staff,
linguists, consultants.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

3.2 - The Contractor must provide a secure and confidential translation a

transcribing facility. Tenderers should detail the safeguards and measures proposed
deal with materials carrying a security or confidential classification and otherw
sensitive documents, including but not limited to IT security procedures.

Our customised IT systems are configured with:

Firewalls, pass word secured, usp, in house, on line back ups, in house expertise and 24-7 IT
consultants on call.

We ensure at the inception meeting/commencement that our systems and clients systems are

All translators must inform – demonstrate to Alpha exactly what their IT systems comprise.

If a client agrees to a courier, our contracted courier Eagle Courier, operates under IIP, ISO
9001 2000, and is a member of NCA/National Courier Association and FTA/Freight
Transport Association.
If a client does not agree to use of a courier, then Alpha’s staff / staff cars are employed to
courier materials.

Premises have been secured under contract through one company throughout: Castle
Security. This company operates under BS5750 and ISO 90002.

Locked files/cabinets and on site storage rooms, are not universally available to all staff.
It light of e based technology and a move to a paperless office, Alpha can demonstrate less
paper file generation. All paper work is shredded before uplift.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

3.3 - Tenderers must outline the methods that their organisation would employ to m
the required timelines and handle urgent requests for Interpreting Translation a
Transcription services. Please refer to section 7 of the Specification. (max ½ page A

In the first instance, as Alpha currently manages a number of client contracts which require
services 24 hours, 365 days a year; our systems have been developed accordingly to ensure that
we can manage requests at extreme short notice. Exact request and delivery process can be
established with each Collaborative Partner for specific projects/ requests but in general;
clients can contact Alpha 24 hours/ 365 days a year, person to person, to request any of the
contracted services for same day or on extreme urgent basis. Our office based out of office
hours staff are fully trained and experienced to assist in short notice requests.

Secondly, our comprehensive operational infrastructure supported by an extensive database of

linguists including our network of contacts can be called upon immediately. Our linguists are
immediately available and ready to commence at any time, ensuring a constant and consistent
service delivery. Alpha has a history of contracting on call linguists. We recognise in the CJS
sector for example, interpreting assistance is often requested at extreme short notice, in
particular from Police forces. The ability to respond, respond swiftly and deliver the required
service in a qualitative and sustained manner is a strong element in our success rate and client

Thirdly, Alpha has also built in contingency plans for any unexpected increases in demands or
those urgent requests that cannot be met by our regular recourses. These include access to
other agencies and utilising our tried and tested methods of recruitment.

This therefore, demonstrates ability of our systems/ infrastructure and emergency responsive
measures (developed on the basis of experience) to manage urgent requests.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

3.4 - Tenderers must demonstrate that their organisation has effective and rob
diversity and equality policies in place and how these are implemented in practi
Provide one copy of the organisation’s Equal Opportunities policy statement and
arrangements that are in place to ensure compliance with current UK Equal
Opportunities legislation. This should cover, but not be limited to, the Disability
Discrimination Act 2005, Race Relations Amendments Act 2006 and Equality Act

‘Alpha recognises that employment legislation has significantly affected the rights given to
employees and workers, both statutory and contractual from recruitment through to and
inclusive of termination. The role and function of personnel and hr management in its entirety
(e.g. but not exclusively in relation to and scope of other ‘legislation’) requires to be
monitored, evaluated and reviewed. With regards good practice within the scope of existing
and proposed legislation, Alpha is covered, advised, updated accordingly by Peninsula Business
Services Ltd (GB)

A copy of our Equal Opportunities policy is attached at Appendix 7.

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

3.5 - Tenderers must provide one copy of the organisation’s Health & Safety pol
statement and arrangements that are in place to ensure compliance with UK Health
Safety legislation, in particular the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and T
Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999. NOTE: If a Tender
submitted from consortia and/or involves sub-contractors, one policy only will be
required and all consortia members/sub-contractors will be required to adhere to the
single policy. Please find here a copy of our Health and Safety at Work Policy.

Alpha recognises that employment legislation has significantly affected the ‘rights’ given to
employees and workers, both statutory and contractual from recruitment through to and
inclusive of termination. The role and function of personnel and hr management in its entirety
(e.g. but not exclusively in relation to and scope of other ‘legislation’ inclusive of Health and
Safety at Work) requires to be monitored, evaluated and reviewed. With regards good practice
within the scope of existing and proposed legislation, Alpha is covered, advised, updated
accordingly by Peninsula Business Services Ltd (GB).

A copy of our Health & Safety policy is attached at Appendix 7

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

3.6 - The Authority expects suppliers to fully comply with their obligations in resp
of relevant legislation and other regulatory requirements applicable to the type
Goods, Services or Works being provided. Whilst specific legislation such as the R
Relations Amendment Act, the various Employment Equality Regulations, Health
Safety, COSHH or environmental regulations, etc may be specifically mentioned in
this ITT you should provide a response to the following question in terms of
compliance with all legislation and regulatory requirements:

a) In the last three years, has your organisation been subject to any formal
investigation, or has any finding been made against your organisation by any court or
tribunal or in comparable proceeding in any other jurisdiction in respect of alleged or
actual breach of legislation? Your response should highlight any known pending
infraction cases.

b) If the answer is yes (to the previous question), what steps have you taken as a result
of that finding.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

3.7 - Tenderers must indicate the steps their organisation has undertaken, or take
ensure the observance of legislative and statutory provisions by their employees a
any sub-contractors proposed by them for the performance of any services result
from this tender.

Any supplier or organisation which has been the subject of an adverse ruling, or is
suspected of having failed to meet its legal obligations, may be excluded from future
competition or bidding for contracts until such time as they can demonstrate that
appropriate remedial action has been taken

Alphas employees, and are strictly governed by the raft of Policies contained within their
Policy Portfolio, as are their consultants and linguists. With regard to good practice within the
scope of existing and proposed legislation, Alpha is covered and advised Peninsula Business
Services Ltd GB. Within the scope of the Policy there is clear reference and application to
’service delivery’
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)



4.1 - Tenderers must confirm that they hold the necessary Employer’s Liability, Public
Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance as outlined in the Terms & Conditions.
Copies of the relevant documentation must be provided.

Alpha confirms that we hold the necessary Liability

Details of insurance policies:

Copies of insurance certificates are attached at Appendix 8

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

4.2 - Any contract resulting from this procurement will be subject to the Terms a
Conditions of Contract (Schedule A). Tenderers must confirm that, if their proposa
short listed after evaluation, they agree to contract with the Authority on th
conditions. The Authority reserves the right to reject a tender without furt
consideration where Tenderers have not indicated compliance. Alpha agrees to these

Alpha agrees to the said contract conditions.

Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

4.3 - Tenderers must provide comprehensive detail on how their organisation

contribute to the creation of improved cost savings and value for money across
Scottish central government sector.

Alpha’s approach to our contributions to the creation of improved cost savings and value for
money are based around

Alpha’s unique position: the informed practice basis over 12 years which has brought us to the
position of being able to offer a cost effective service that is reflective of a unified, pan
Scottish service. This will be held, financially for the three year period, but with the added
value of the demonstrable ability to provide, maintain and further develop a quality service that
will continue to evolve to meet client needs.

1/Within the cjs alone Alpha currently collates our own service delivery figures per client. (e.g.
COPFS, SCS and various police forces)
This includes as minimum: usage, languages used, and ‘locations’.
1a/Collaborative partners within the scope of the Scottish central government could,
depending on, information sharing criteria and data protection, has collated figures from
across Scotland from the service provider, Alpha.

1b/This would compliment their own statistical information gathering

And would lead to information sharing, and future resource identification based on identified
need and costed on an informed basis

Sectorial partners, e.g. cjs, would see the (long term) benefit of unified forms/methodologies/
1c/This would not be unique to the cjs, but could be applied elsewhere to other collaborative
1d/Good practice could be replicated for individual partners.
1e/Good practice could be disseminated across sectors.

2/Resource allocation for collaborative partners:

Enhanced information gathering – statistical analysis would inform future developments
across Scotland, with a view to appropriate resource allocation and budgeting for the
(collaborative) partners on both a sectorial and individual client basis. Budget resource
allocation would be from the informed base, as well as the potential for a cross referred
informed base.

If we break this down, Alpha specifically works with all clients enabling them to establish
Ii/a best practice regime (for the client) in respect of using our service provision to maximum
benefit, e.g. commencing with ‘placing a request’ through to ‘closure’. This ‘work’ takes place
at the inception meeting/start of our engagement, but from experience, Alpha realises that this
is a ‘live’ issue and (from practice-experience) this is an area that Alpha revisits with clients at
monitoring evaluation review meetings.

ii/Many organisations already operate systems that may benefit ‘another’ and Alpha can assist
in the sharing of good practice, e.g. a single point of contact (within the client’s organisation),
rocedures’ : email, fax, letter: use of request forms with the
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

appropriate information criteria (which would assist in the identification of the appropr
linguist). This would include issues relating to monitoring, evaluation, and follow through
invoicing – closure.

iii/Alpha is not a training organisation, but has a history of working with clients on (clients’) in
house training-awareness raising sessions. We have inputted to the design and delivery of such
events, via: Alpha’s senior staff, linguists and consultants, e.g. for Lothian and Borders Police.
Alpha has undertaken the same in relation to the creation of training ‘tools’, e.g. for COPFS
dvd (current – not yet launched). In turn, we invite clients to input to our in house induction
and DPSI/slo courses. Whilst this is for the implied benefit of linguists, clients acknowledge
that this form of engagement is beneficial to them and their understanding of linguists

iv/Our web site is updated regularly. We hope to introduce: a secure, inter active, question –
answer board; and an area in which to ‘post’ observations/good practice and the like for both
clients and linguists. We will also introduce (at the next updating) up front information that
captures the essence of ( and differences between) interpreting, translating and transcription.

we are working towards a paper-less office with (even further enhanced) e technology
we have planned for the continued development via our on going business planning
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

4.4 – A/ Tenderers must provide proposals on service credits, against the service
levels, at schedule B Annex7.

We are familiar with and fully recognise the importance and relevance of service credits.

To make a qualified proposal on service credits, we would require a full understanding of

the exact follow up procedures that relate to the circumstances when the contractor is not
able to meet any requirements.

An example of this would be:

a/if the winning contractor is not able to engage a local linguist, would the client then go
to another agency (in some sort of framework?) and engage the first linguist offered by the
2nd agency, irrespective of the location of that linguist,

b/or having realised that the second agency is also not offering a local linguist , would the
client then return to the contracted agency to go for a (offered) non-local option.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss further in this regard at the interview/
contract inception.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

4.4 - B) In addition tenders must detail the number of qualified interpreters (DPS
legal) you will provide for years 1 to 3 of the contract period. Note: This figure sho
increase year on year. Schedule B Annex 7, numbers 5 to 7 refer.

A comprehensive list of linguists including DPSi qualified is attached at Appendix 3. Separate

from the fact that linguists drift in and out of availability to be able to quote any exact
numbers core data on the exact number of assignments to be met is required in order that a
matching exercise can be done in comparison with our database. A number of initiatives have
been identified through this tender document to increase the number of DPSi linguists. Alpha
initially envisages at least 60 more DPSi registrations in the next year and so on.
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

4.5 - Tenderers must complete and return the, Compliance to Specification check
held at Annex C to Schedule 2.

Completed compliance check list is attached at point 2 of our proposal document.

2- Compliance to Specification at Schedule B
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)


Yes No Comments
Glossary of Terms Understood 9
1 Background Understood 9
2 Overview of Understood 9
3 Scope of Requirement Understood 9
4 Quality Understood 9
5 Qualifications and Understood 9
Experience & Comply
6 Hours of Work Understood 9
& Comply
7 Security Understood 9
& Comply
8 Locations Understood 9
& Comply
9 Management Understood 9
Information & Comply
10 Complaints Understood 9
& Comply
11 Contract Management Understood 9
& Comply
12 Service Levels Understood 9
& Comply
13 Invoicing/Order Understood 9
Placement Procedures & Comply
14 Continuous Understood 9
Improvements & Comply
15 Transitional Understood 9
Arrangements & Comply
16 Transition After Expiry Understood 9
& Comply
17 Travel and Subsistence Understood 9
& Comply
Annex 1 Languages Understood 9
Annex 2 Location SCS/COPFS Understood 9
Annex 3 Collaborative Partners Understood 9
Annex 4 Code of conduct Understood 9
Annex 5 Attendance/Monitoring Understood 9
Annex 6 Purchase Order Process Understood 9
Annex 7 Service Levels and Understood 9
Service Credits
Annex 8 e Procurement List Understood 9
3- Form of Tender
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

POINT 3 Schedule 3
Please sign below to acknowledge formal acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Contract specified in
Invitation to Tender Ref.: CASE 138244

We, the undersigned, having considered the documents listed below and subject to and upon the Terms and Conditions of
Contract contained in the said documents, offer the provision of the “Services” at the prices entered in the Tender.

1. The Invitation to Tender Letter

2. Schedule 1 Instructions to Tenderers
3. Schedule 2 Tenderer’s Submission Requirements
4. Schedule 3 Form of Tender
5. Schedule 4 List of proposed subcontractors
6. Schedule A Terms and Conditions of Contract
7. Schedule B Specification
8. Schedule C Pricing Document

Our Tender includes the above list of items and the following:
9 appendices have been attached in support of our submission
____________________________________________________________________ ( Tenderer to complete as

The Authority is not bound to accept this or any Tender for this project, however, any Contract that may result from this
Tender will be subject to Scots Law and the Tenderer hereby irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts.

This Tender remains open for consideration for 6 MONTHS from the date fixed for receiving Tenders.

We understand that the lowest priced Tender will not necessarily be accepted.

By submitting a Tender, we acknowledge that our Tender is a bona fide Tender, intended to be competitive, and that we
have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the Tender by or under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with
any other person.

Dated this __18 May____________________ day of _____2009_______________________

Signature Name:

Duly authorised to sign Tenders for and on behalf of:

Name of Tenderer Alpha Translating & Interpreting Services Ltd



It must be clearly shown whether the Tenderer is a limited liability company, statutory corporation, partnership, or single
individual trading under his own name. Tenders received after the above time and date will not normally be considered.

Name of Contact for this Tender

Position General Manager

Tel No: Emai

Fax No.
4- Sub-Contractors List
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

POINT 4 Schedule 4

List of proposed sub-contractors

The following is a list of the names and addresses of all sub-contractors whom the Tenderer
proposes to use in the direct provision of the Services.

Service Provided Name & Address

Alpha will only be subcontracting Braille transcription work. A

subcontractor will be appointed per project according to the
specifications of each client and each project requirements.

End of Schedule 4
5- Completed Annex A to Schedule 2
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

POINT 5 Details of Referees as requested at paragraph 2.9.1i and 2.9.2g

Schedule 2
1. Referee Organisation Scottish Courts Service

Contact Name

Title Sheriff Clerk Edinburgh & Peebles and

Sheriffdom Business Manager

Address S.C Edinburgh

27 Chambers Street Edinburgh EH1 1LB

Telephone No.

Service Provided
Interpreting and Translating Services
Period of Contract
Approximate Vale

2. Referee Organisation Lothian & Borders Police

Contact Name

Title Chief Inspector

Address Lothian & Borders Police

Force Headquarters
Fettes Avenue
Edinburgh EH4 1RB

Telephone No.

Service Provided Interpreting, Translation and Transcription

Period of Contract Third 3 year contract

Approximate Vale
6-Annex 2 to Schedule B (Client Locations)
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

POINT 6 Annex 2 to Schedule B

We can confirm that we can provide services to and all of the clients/ locations as listed at
Annex 2 Schedule B.
7- Pricing Schedule
Tender Ref: 138244 (Interpreting, Translation & Transcription Services)

POINT 7.1.1 Cancellation Policy and Minimum Charge

Cancellation/Minimum charges will be applicable as follows:

1. If a job is cancelled with less than 24 hour notice before the assignment time but before the
linguist has commenced his/her journey, .

a. If the linguist has already purchased the ticket or has made any accommodation
reservations the cancellation charges for such bookings will be chargeable

2. In the scenario when the linguist has commenced his/her journey or has arrived at the venue
of the assignment, minimum two hour fee will be chargeable

3. Once the linguist has arrived at the venue of the assignment, a minimum charge of will
be applicable, irrespective of the duration of the assignment. This would generally apply to
scenarios such as (but not limited to) when the case is either cancelled or is dealt with in less
than .

Note: Above conditions are applied to encourage better planning and to avoid last minute
cancellations, potentially leading to linguists not being able to be engaged in alternative
assignments. Alpha is happy to remove these charges after a 6 month review from the
commencement date of the contract, subject to a sufficient decrease in number of cancelled

Alpha has history of waiving such charges and will continue to do so particularly in the
instances where the cancelled linguist was offered an alternative assignment.
Schedule C - Pricing Schedule
Part 1 - Interpreting Services

Company Name Alpha Translating & Interpreting Services Ltd

Prices for Interpreting any language into English:

Rate 1 - for all attendance Monday - Friday 0800 - 1800 hrs.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
13 Jul 2009 to 13 Jul 2010 to 13 Jul 2011 to
12 Jul 2010 12 Jul 2011 12 Jul 2012
Fixed Price Per Fixed Price Fixed Price
Hour £ Per Hour Per Hour
Type of Interpreting (Ex VAT) £ (Ex VAT) £ (Ex VAT)

1 Face to Face (up to 5 days)

Face to Face (in excess of 5 days, ie
2 6 days plus)

Rate 2 - for all attendance Monday - Friday 1800-0800 hrs and weekends.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
13 Jul 2009 to 13 Jul 2010 to 13 Jul 2011 to
12 Jul 2010 12 Jul 2011 12 Jul 2012
Fixed Price Per Fixed Price Fixed Price
Hour £ Per Hour Per Hour
Type of Interpreting (Ex VAT) £ (Ex VAT) £ (Ex VAT)

3 Face to Face (up to 5 days)

Face to Face (in excess of 5 days, ie
4 6 days plus)


1. All prices quoted shall be a fixed hourly rate and are fully inclusive of all costs, overheads and
profit associated with the provision of the services.

2. Prices shall be exclusive of VAT.

3. Any price variations for the Option Year 4 will be subject to agreement with the Authority.
Prices may increase or decrease (through improved efficiencies or deflation, etc). Any increases
in prices shall not exceed the percentage change in the Office of National Statistics’ Consumer
Prices Index (CPI) (or another such index specified in the Product Listing) between the
Commencement Date and the first Price Review Date or between the preceding Price Review
Date and the applicable Price Review Date (as appropriate).
4. The Contractor must provide an interpreter from within a 70 mile radius of the place of
assignment, unless prior written approval is obtained from the Collaborative Partner. If the
Collaborative Partner agrees, then additional and relevant travel and subsistence costs may be
claimed in accordance with Annex 1 to this schedule. All hourly rates quoted should therefore
include all travel expenses up to the first 70 miles.

5. The Contractor should note that prior written approval may be given in the Purchase Order
Form where the assignment is in a particular rural location.

6. Where the Contractor has received an urgent request for services by telephone in accordance
with clause 3.4.2 or 3.4.3 of Schedule B, approval for any travel in excess of the 60 mile radius is
automatically given if required.

7. Fees will not be paid until the interpreter has filled in the Collaborative Partner's
monitoring/attendance form and the Collaborative Partner is satisified that the services have been
carried out to their satisfaction.
Schedule C - Pricing Schedule
Part 2 - Translation Services

Company Name Alpha Translating & Interpreting Services Ltd

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

13 July 2009 to 13 July 2010 to 13 July 2011 to
12 July 2010 12 July 2011 12 July 2012
£ per 1,000 words £ per 1,000 words £ per 1,000 words
Translation Types (Ex VAT) (Ex VAT) (Ex VAT)
1 Information only
2 For Publication/Technical/Marketing
3 Proof Reading


1. The Price listed is for 1,000 translation words. The price will be applied pro rata against the translated
document word count.
2. The price per language covers translation into and out of English.
3. All prices quoted shall be a fixed price and are fully inclusive of all costs, overheads and profit
associated with the provision of the services.
4. Prices shall be exclusive of VAT.

3. Any price variations for the Option Year 4 will be subject to agreement with the Authority. Prices may
increase or decrease (through improved efficiencies or deflation, etc). Any increases in prices shall not
exceed the percentage change in the Office of National Statistics’ Consumer Prices Index (CPI) (or another
such index specified in the Product Listing) between the Commencement Date and the first Price Review
Date or between the preceding Price Review Date and the applicable Price Review Date (as appropriate).
Schedule C - Pricing Schedule
Part 3 - Transcription Services

Company Name Alpha Translating & Interpreting Services Ltd

Year 1 13 Year 2 Year 3

Jul 2009 to 12 13 Jul 2010 to 13 Jul 2011 to
Jul 2010 12 Jul 2011 12 Jul 2012
Transcription Types £ (Ex VAT) £ (Ex VAT) £ (Ex VAT)
Transcription (Text to Text)
1 Fixed Price per page
Listening Time (Speech to Text)
2 Fixed Price per page
3 Fixed price per CD (to include P&P)
4 Fixed price per DVD (to include P&P)
5 ISDN (No charge)
6 FTP Server (No charge)
7 Email (No charge)
Audio Cassettes
Fixed Price per audio cassette (to
8 include P&P)
Video Cassettes
Fixed Price per video cassette (to
9 include P&P)
ZIP Discs
10 Fixed Price per disc (to include P&P)
Large Print Colour
11 Fixed Price per 1000 words
Large Print Black and White
12 Fixed Price per 1000 words

1. All prices quoted shall be fixed price and are fully inclusive of all costs, overheads and profit
associated with the provision of the services.
2. Prices shall be exclusive of VAT.
3. Any price variations for the Option Year 4 will be subject to agreement with the Authority. Prices
may increase or decrease (through improved efficiencies or deflation,etc). Any increases in prices
shall not exceed the percentage change in the Office of National Statistics’ Consumer Prices Index
(CPI) (or another such index specified in the Product Listing) between the Commencement Date and
the first Price Review Date or between the preceding Price Review Date and the applicable Price
Review Date (as appropriate).
Schedule C - Pricing Schedule
Part 4 - Ancillary Services

Company Name Alpha Translating & Interpreting Services Ltd

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

13 Jul 2009 to 12 13 Jul 2010 to 13 Jul 2011 to
Jul 2010 12 Jul 2011 12 Jul 2012
Ancillary Services £ (Ex VAT) £ (Ex VAT) £ (Ex VAT)
Artwork for A4
1 Fixed Price per page
Artwork for A5
2 Fixed Price per page
Artwork for Gatefold
3 Fixed Price per page
Artwork for Posters
4 Fixed Price per page
5 Fixed Price per graphic
Multilingual Design
6 Fixed Price per hour
Preparing PDFs for Print
Fixed Price per hour (if required,
price to include formatting/
7 typesetting fee)
Preparing PDFs for Web
Fixed Price per hour (if required,
price to include formatting/
8 typesetting fee)
9 Fixed Price per hour
Fixed Price per hour (only
applicable if excessive
10 preparation is required)
11 Fixed Price per hour
12 Fixed Price per page
Braille or other tactile or touch
13 Fixed Price per 1,000 words
Front Page Colour
14 Fixed Price per page
Logo on Braille
15 Fixed Price per logo
16 Fixed Price per copy
Proof Reading
Proof Reading
17 Fixed Price per hour
Terminology Advice
18 Fixed Price per request

1. All prices quoted shall be fixed price and are fully inclusive of all costs, overheads and profit
associated with the provision of the services.
2. Prices shall be exclusive of VAT.
3. Any price variations for the Option Year 4 will be subject to agreement with the Authority.
Prices may increase or decrease (through improved efficiencies or deflation, etc). Any increases
in prices shall not exceed the percentage change in the Office of National Statistics’ Consumer
Prices Index (CPI) (or another such index specified in the Product Listing) between the
Commencement Date and the first Price Review Date or between the preceding Price Review
Date and the applicable Price Review Date (as appropriate).
Appendix 1

Alpha Translating and Interpreting Ltd

Accounts 2006

Accounts removed as part of redaction

Appendix 1

Alpha Translating and Interpreting Ltd

Accounts 2007

Accounts removed as part of redaction


List 1

This list indicates the number of linguists per language in each region of Scotland e.g.
3 Polish in Central Scotland. Relevant qualifications are also indicated.

List 2

This list indicated the umber of linguists per language and per location e.g 3 Polish in
Inverness. Relevant qualifications are also indicated.
List of linguists based in Scotland per language

Following is a list of linguists based in Scotland. The list reflects number of linguists in each region of

Please note the following key used for this list;

• Relevant Qualifications include

• New registration

• Skilled – Mix of linguists that have some experience of court work. Some linguists may also
have some qualifications.

• DPSI – Linguists that hold full DPSI qualifications

• Part DPSI – Linguists that hold Letter of Credit from Institute of Linguists

• DPSI in Progress – Linguists that are currently enrolled for DPSI

Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Abkhazian 1
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Afrikaans 4
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2
New Registration 2
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 1

Albanian 5
Skilled 3
Central Scotland 2
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 2
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 1

Amharic 8
Skilled 4
Central Scotland 4
New Registration 4
Central Scotland 4

Arabic 72
Central Scotland 7
Part DPSI 1
Central Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 3
Central Scotland 2
Northern Scotland 1
Skilled 26
Central Scotland 24
Northern Scotland 2
New Registration 35
Central Scotland 29
Northern Scotland 6

Argentinian 1
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Armenian 2
DPSI in Progress 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 1

Page 1 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Armenian Skilled Central Scotland 1

Azerbaijani 5
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 3
Central Scotland 2
Northern Scotland 1

Bahdini 1
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1

Bajuni 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Basque 2
New Registration 2
Central Scotland 2

Belarusian 7
Skilled 5
Central Scotland 4
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 2
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 1

Belgian 1
Skilled 1
Northern Scotland 1

Bengali 22
Central Scotland 3
Northern Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 3
Central Scotland 3
Skilled 8
Central Scotland 8
New Registration 7
Central Scotland 4
Northern Scotland 3


Page 2 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Bete 0 0

Bosnian 4
Skilled 4
Central Scotland 4

Bulgarian 32
DPSI in Progress 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 12
Central Scotland 10
Northern Scotland 2
New Registration 19
Central Scotland 12
Northern Scotland 7

Burmese 2
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2

Cantonese 51
Central Scotland 10
Northern Scotland 1
Part DPSI 2
Central Scotland 2
DPSI in Progress 2
Central Scotland 2
Professional Membership 1
Northern Scotland 1
Skilled 11
Central Scotland 11
New Registration 24
Central Scotland 21
Northern Scotland 3

Catalan 17
Skilled 8
Central Scotland 8
New Registration 9
Central Scotland 9

Chiluba 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Chinese 33

Page 3 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Chinese DPSI Central Scotland 5
Northern Scotland 1
Part DPSI 3
Central Scotland 3
DPSI in Progress 2
Central Scotland 2
Skilled 8
Central Scotland 8
New Registration 14
Central Scotland 12
Northern Scotland 2

Chinese Keija 1
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1

Chinese Mandarin 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Coptic 1
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1

Croatian 6
Skilled 6
Central Scotland 6

Czech 53
Central Scotland 2
DPSI in Progress 2
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 1
Professional Membership 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 9
Central Scotland 8
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 39
Central Scotland 33
Northern Scotland 6

Daccan 1
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Danish 5

Page 4 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Danish Skilled 4
Central Scotland 4
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Dari 11
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 4
Central Scotland 4
New Registration 6
Central Scotland 6

Dutch 19
Central Scotland 4
Northern Scotland 2
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 11
Central Scotland 6
Northern Scotland 5

Estonian 9
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2
New Registration 7
Central Scotland 4
Northern Scotland 3

Farsi (Afghan) 19
Central Scotland 6
Part DPSI 2
Central Scotland 2
Skilled 11
Central Scotland 11

Farsi (Persian) 35
Central Scotland 6
Part DPSI 2
Central Scotland 2
Skilled 11
Central Scotland 11
New Registration 16
Central Scotland 15

Page 5 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Farsi (Persian) New Registration Northern Scotland 1

Fijian 2
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2

Filipino 7
Skilled 6
Central Scotland 6
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Finnish 8
Skilled 5
Central Scotland 5
New Registration 3
Central Scotland 3

Flemish 6
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 1
Skilled 1
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 3
Northern Scotland 3

French 467
Central Scotland 14
Northern Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 2
Central Scotland 2
Professional Membership 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 24
Central Scotland 20
Northern Scotland 3
CSouthern Scotland 1
New Registration 425
Central Scotland 359
Northern Scotland 66

Fujianese 1
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Gaelic 5

Page 6 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Gaelic Skilled 5
Central Scotland 3
Northern Scotland 2

Galician 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Gan 1
Part DPSI 1
Central Scotland 1

Georgian 2
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

German 143
Central Scotland 3
DPSI in Progress 1
Central Scotland 1
Professional Membership 2
Northern Scotland 2
Skilled 35
Central Scotland 32
Northern Scotland 3
New Registration 102
Central Scotland 67
Northern Scotland 35

Greek 13
Skilled 7
Central Scotland 6
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 6
Central Scotland 4
Northern Scotland 2

Gujarati 4
Skilled 3
Central Scotland 3
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Gurmukhi 5

Page 7 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Gurmukhi DPSI Central Scotland 2
Skilled 3
Central Scotland 3

Hakka 5
Central Scotland 2
Part DPSI 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2

Hebrew 5
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2
New Registration 3
Central Scotland 3

Hindi 111
Central Scotland 21
Skilled 15
Central Scotland 14
CSouthern Scotland 1
New Registration 75
Central Scotland 60
Northern Scotland 15

Hindko 1
Central Scotland 1

Hokkien 1
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Hunanese 1
Part DPSI 1
Central Scotland 1

Hungarian 45
Central Scotland 2
Skilled 9
Central Scotland 8
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 34
Central Scotland 20

Page 8 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Hungarian New Registration Northern Scotland 14

Italian 190
Central Scotland 5
DPSI in Progress 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 31
Central Scotland 29
Northern Scotland 2
New Registration 153
Central Scotland 128
Northern Scotland 25

Japanese 22
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 13
Central Scotland 12
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 8
Central Scotland 7
Northern Scotland 1

Kannada 1
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1

Kazakh 4
New Registration 4
Northern Scotland 4

Kikongo 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Kishmiri 1
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Konkani 1
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Korean 9
Skilled 4
Central Scotland 4
New Registration 5

Page 9 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Korean New Registration Central Scotland 5

Kurdish 26
DPSI in Progress 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 9
Central Scotland 9
New Registration 16
Central Scotland 16

Kurdish Badini 2
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Kurdish Kurmanji 7
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2
New Registration 5
Central Scotland 5

Kurdish Sorani 22
Part DPSI 1
Central Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 6
Central Scotland 6
New Registration 14
Central Scotland 14


Latin 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Latvian 30
Central Scotland 2
Skilled 7
Central Scotland 6
CSouthern Scotland 1
New Registration 21
Central Scotland 14

Page 10 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Latvian New Registration Northern Scotland 7

Lingala 14
DPSI in Progress 3
Central Scotland 3
Skilled 3
Central Scotland 3
New Registration 8
Central Scotland 8

Lithuanian 42
Northern Scotland 2
DPSI in Progress 3
Central Scotland 3
Skilled 13
Central Scotland 9
Northern Scotland 4
New Registration 24
Central Scotland 18
Northern Scotland 6


Macedonian 6
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2
New Registration 4
Central Scotland 4

Malay 15
DPSI in Progress 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 4
Central Scotland 4
New Registration 10
Central Scotland 10

Malayalam 9
Skilled 4
Central Scotland 4
New Registration 5
Central Scotland 3
Northern Scotland 2

Malaysian 7

Page 11 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Malaysian New Registration 7
Central Scotland 7

Mandarin 115
Central Scotland 10
Northern Scotland 4
Part DPSI 2
Central Scotland 2
DPSI in Progress 5
Central Scotland 5
Skilled 20
Central Scotland 18
Northern Scotland 2
New Registration 74
Central Scotland 64
Northern Scotland 10

Marathi 5
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1
New Registration 4
Central Scotland 2
Northern Scotland 2

Min 1
Central Scotland 1

Mirpuri 4
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 1
CSouthern Scotland 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Mongolian 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Montenegrin 1
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1

Ndebele 1
New Registration 1

Page 12 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Ndebele New Registration Central Scotland 1

Nepalese 14
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 3
Central Scotland 3
New Registration 10
Central Scotland 9
Northern Scotland 1

Norwegian 25
Skilled 6
Central Scotland 5
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 19
Central Scotland 14
Northern Scotland 5

Papiamento 1

Pashto 21
Central Scotland 5
Skilled 6
Central Scotland 6
New Registration 10
Central Scotland 9
Northern Scotland 1

Polish 192
Central Scotland 7
Part DPSI 6
Central Scotland 6
DPSI in Progress 10
Central Scotland 8
Northern Scotland 2
Professional Membership 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 34
Central Scotland 27
Northern Scotland 7
New Registration 134
Central Scotland 106
Northern Scotland 28

Page 13 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist

Portuguese 115
Central Scotland 3
Part DPSI 3
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 2
Skilled 18
Central Scotland 18
New Registration 91
Central Scotland 75
Northern Scotland 16

Potohari 1
Central Scotland 1

Punjabi 133
Central Scotland 22
Skilled 22
Central Scotland 21
CSouthern Scotland 1
New Registration 89
Central Scotland 82
Northern Scotland 7

Romanian 43
Central Scotland 2
Part DPSI 1
Central Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 4
Central Scotland 4
Skilled 10
Central Scotland 9
CSouthern Scotland 1
New Registration 26
Central Scotland 20
Northern Scotland 5
CSouthern Scotland 1

Romany 17
Central Scotland 2
Part DPSI 1
Central Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 4

Page 14 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Romany DPSI in Progress Central Scotland 4
Skilled 10
Central Scotland 9
CSouthern Scotland 1

Russian 231
Central Scotland 9
Northern Scotland 3
Part DPSI 3
Central Scotland 2
Northern Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 2
Central Scotland 2
Professional Membership 3
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 2
Skilled 49
Central Scotland 38
Northern Scotland 9
CSouthern Scotland 2
New Registration 162
Central Scotland 122
Northern Scotland 40

Rwandan 1
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1

Sanskrit 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Saraiki 3
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Selhyti 2
New Registration 2
Northern Scotland 2

Serbian 8
Skilled 6
Central Scotland 5
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 2

Page 15 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Serbian New Registration Central Scotland 2

Serbo-Bosnian 1
Skilled 1
Northern Scotland 1

Serbo-Croat 21
Skilled 10
Central Scotland 9
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 11
Central Scotland 11

Shona 8
Skilled 3
Central Scotland 3
New Registration 5
Central Scotland 5

Sindhi 2
Skilled 2
Central Scotland 2

Sinhalese 19
Skilled 13
Central Scotland 11
Northern Scotland 2
New Registration 6
Central Scotland 6

Slovak 40
Central Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 2
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 1
Professional Membership 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 6
Central Scotland 6
New Registration 30
Central Scotland 26
Northern Scotland 4

Slovenian 2
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1
New Registration 1

Page 16 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Slovenian New Registration Central Scotland 1

Somali 21
Central Scotland 2
Skilled 8
Central Scotland 8
New Registration 11
Central Scotland 11

Spanish 383
Central Scotland 13
Northern Scotland 1
Part DPSI 1
Northern Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 7
Central Scotland 7
New Registration 360
Central Scotland 320
Northern Scotland 40

Swahili 22
Skilled 9
Central Scotland 9
New Registration 13
Central Scotland 13

Swedish 36
Skilled 16
Central Scotland 15
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 20
Central Scotland 18
Northern Scotland 2

Swiss German 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Sylheti 3
Central Scotland 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Central Scotland 1
Skilled 1

Page 17 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Sylheti Skilled Northern Scotland 1

Tagalog (Filipino) 6
Skilled 6
Central Scotland 6

Taiwanese 14
Central Scotland 2
Skilled 3
Central Scotland 3
New Registration 9
Central Scotland 9

Tajik 1
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1

Tamil 28
Skilled 12
Central Scotland 10
Northern Scotland 2
New Registration 16
Central Scotland 12
Northern Scotland 4

Telugu 4
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1
New Registration 3
Central Scotland 2
Northern Scotland 1

Thai 9
Skilled 5
Central Scotland 5
New Registration 4
Central Scotland 4

Tigrinya 3
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1
New Registration 2
Central Scotland 2

Turkish 56
Central Scotland 1

Page 18 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Turkish DPSI in Progress 3
Central Scotland 2
Northern Scotland 1
Skilled 13
Central Scotland 13
New Registration 39
Central Scotland 36
Northern Scotland 3

Turkmen 2
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Ukranian 27
Central Scotland 1
Northern Scotland 1
Skilled 13
Central Scotland 10
Northern Scotland 2
CSouthern Scotland 1
New Registration 12
Central Scotland 10
Northern Scotland 2

Urdu 156
Central Scotland 20
Skilled 26
Central Scotland 25
CSouthern Scotland 1
New Registration 110
Central Scotland 100
Northern Scotland 10

Uzbek 2
Skilled 1
Northern Scotland 1
New Registration 1
Northern Scotland 1

Valencian 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Vietnamese 6

Page 19 of 20
Languages Covererd (Scotland based linguists only) - Language order A - Z
Language Relevant Qualifications Region Count of Linguist
Vietnamese Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1
New Registration 5
Central Scotland 5

Welsh 1

Wolof 6
Skilled 3
Central Scotland 3
New Registration 3
Central Scotland 3

Wu 1
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1

Xiang 1
Part DPSI 1
Central Scotland 1

Yiddish 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Yoruba 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Yugoslavian 2
Skilled 1
Central Scotland 1
New Registration 1
Central Scotland 1

Zulu 1

Grand Total 3504

Page 20 of 20
List of linguists based in Scotland per region

Attached is a list of linguists in our database indicating their relevant


Please note the following key used for this list;

• Relevant Qualifications include

• New registration

• Skilled – Mix of linguists that have some experience of court work. Some
linguists may also have some qualifications.

• DPSI – Linguists that hold full DPSI qualifications

• Part DPSI – Linguists that hold Letter of Credit from Institute of Linguists

• DPSI in Progress – Linguists that are currently enrolled for DPSI

Linguist Locations (Scotland only)

Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists

Central Scotland 2980
Aberdour 1
Swahili 1
Skilled 1

Airdrie 10
French 2
New Registration 2
Hindi 1
Hindko 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Malay 1
New Registration 1
Pashto 1
New Registration 1
Potohari 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Alloa 3

Page 1 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Alloa Polish 3
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 2

Armadale 2
Lithuanian 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Russian 1
DPSI in Progress 1

Ayrshire 17
Czech 1
New Registration 1
French 2
New Registration 2
German 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Lithuanian 1
New Registration 1
Pashto 1
New Registration 1
Polish 2
New Registration 2
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1

Page 2 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Ayrshire Russian 2
New Registration 2
Spanish 2
New Registration 2
Ukranian 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Balerno 1
French 1
Skilled 1

Bargeddie 2
Pashto 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1

Bathgate 7
Bulgarian 1
Skilled 1
Hindi 1
New Registration 1
Polish 3
New Registration 3
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1

Page 3 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Bathgate Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Bearsden 3
French 1
New Registration 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Bellshill 2
Arabic 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Filipino 1
Skilled 1

Bishopbriggs 3
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Blackbridge 1
Italian 1
Skilled 1

Page 4 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland
Blackridge 1
Italian 1
Skilled 1

Bo'ness 4
Czech 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1
Slovak 1
New Registration 1
Ukranian 1
Skilled 1

Bonnyrigg 2
Lithuanian 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 1

Bothwell 2
French 1
New Registration 1
German 1
New Registration 1

Bridge of Allan 4

Page 5 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Bridge of Allan Hungarian 1
Lithuanian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Bridge of Earn 1
German 1
Skilled 1

Broxburn 1
Tagalog (Filipino) 1
Skilled 1

Burntisland 2
Polish 1
Skilled 1
Spanish 1
Skilled 1

Clackmananshire 2
Russian 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Page 6 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Clydebank 2
Bulgarian 1
Skilled 1
Farsi (Persian) 1
New Registration 1

Coatbirdge 3
French 1
New Registration 1
German 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Coatbirdge 1
French 1
New Registration 1

Cumbernauld 7
German 1
New Registration 1
Greek 1
New Registration 1
Malay 2
New Registration 2
Spanish 2
New Registration 2
Swedish 1

Page 7 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Cumbernauld Swedish New Registration 1

Cupar 2
Russian 1
Skilled 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Currie 1
Dutch 1

Dalgety Bay 5
Bulgarian 1
Skilled 1
Japanese 1
Skilled 1
Macedonian 1
Skilled 1
Mandarin 1
Skilled 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Darvel 2
French 1
New Registration 1
Latvian 1

Page 8 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Darvel Latvian New Registration 1

Dollar 2
German 1
Skilled 1
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1

Dunblane 4
Bulgarian 1
DPSI in Progress 1
French 2
New Registration 2
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1

Dunblane 2
Japanese 1
New Registration 1
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1

Dundee 1
Mandarin 1
Skilled 1

Dunfermline 20
Arabic 1

Page 9 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Dunfermline Arabic Skilled 1
Chinese 1
New Registration 1
French 3
Skilled 2
New Registration 1
Italian 1
Skilled 1
Japanese 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 4
Skilled 3
New Registration 1
Sindhi 1
Skilled 1
Spanish 1
Skilled 1
Swedish 1
New Registration 1
Turkish 1
Skilled 1
Urdu 3
Skilled 3

Dunferrmline 2

Page 10 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Dunferrmline Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Duns 13
French 2
New Registration 2
Lithuanian 1
New Registration 1
Portuguese 8
Skilled 4
New Registration 4
Russian 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Dysart 1
Lithuanian 1
New Registration 1

East Ayrshire 2
German 1
New Registration 1
Latvian 1
New Registration 1

Page 11 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland East Kilbride 9
Arabic 1
New Registration 1
Dari 1
Farsi (Persian) 1
New Registration 1
French 2
New Registration 2
German 1
New Registration 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 2
New Registration 2

East Lothian 5
French 2
New Registration 2
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 2
New Registration 2

Edinburgh 1417
Afrikaans 2
Skilled 2
Albanian 1

Page 12 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh Albanian New Registration 1
Amharic 3
Skilled 2
New Registration 1
Arabic 19
Skilled 8
New Registration 8
Armenian 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Bahdini 1
Skilled 1
Basque 1
New Registration 1
Bengali 10
DPSI in Progress 3
Skilled 5
New Registration 1
Bosnian 2
Skilled 2
Bulgarian 7
Skilled 3
New Registration 4
Burmese 2
Skilled 2
Cantonese 22

Page 13 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh Cantonese DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 5
New Registration 10
Catalan 11
Skilled 7
New Registration 4
Chinese 10
DPSI in Progress 2
Skilled 3
New Registration 3
Chinese Keija 1
Skilled 1
Chinese Mandarin 1
New Registration 1
Croatian 2
Skilled 2
Czech 21
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 5
New Registration 13
Danish 3
Skilled 3
Dari 1
Skilled 1
Dutch 2

Page 14 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh Estonian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Farsi (Afghan) 6
Skilled 3
Farsi (Persian) 7
Skilled 3
New Registration 1
Fijian 2
Skilled 2
Filipino 4
Skilled 4
Finnish 3
Skilled 3
Flemish 1
French 200
Professional Membership 1
Skilled 8
New Registration 185
Gaelic 1
Skilled 1
Georgian 1
New Registration 1
German 44

Page 15 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh German DPSI 3
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 15
New Registration 25
Greek 6
Skilled 4
New Registration 2
Gujarati 1
Skilled 1
Gurmukhi 3
Skilled 3
Hakka 1
Hebrew 1
Skilled 1
Hindi 42
Skilled 7
New Registration 27
Hungarian 17
Skilled 5
New Registration 11
Italian 90
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 16
New Registration 69

Page 16 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh Japanese 13
Skilled 9
New Registration 3
Korean 7
Skilled 3
New Registration 4
Kurdish 4
Skilled 2
New Registration 2
Kurdish Badini 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Kurdish Kurmanji 4
Skilled 1
New Registration 3
Kurdish Sorani 3
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Latin 1
New Registration 1
Latvian 8
Skilled 3
New Registration 3
Lithuanian 9
DPSI in Progress 2
Skilled 3

Page 17 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh Lithuanian New Registration 4
Macedonian 2
New Registration 2
Malay 5
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 2
New Registration 2
Malayalam 1
Skilled 1
Malaysian 4
New Registration 4
Mandarin 58
DPSI in Progress 4
Skilled 11
New Registration 38
Marathi 1
Skilled 1
Min 1
Mirpuri 1
Ndebele 1
New Registration 1
Nepalese 10
Skilled 2
New Registration 7

Page 18 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh Norwegian 11
Skilled 2
New Registration 9
Pashto 2
Skilled 2
Polish 83
BPart DPSI 4
DPSI in Progress 6
Skilled 12
New Registration 55
Portuguese 57
BPart DPSI 1
Skilled 11
New Registration 43
Punjabi 42
Skilled 5
New Registration 29
Romanian 17
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 5
New Registration 9
Romany 8
DPSI in Progress 1

Page 19 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh Romany Skilled 5
Russian 84
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 17
New Registration 60
Sanskrit 1
New Registration 1
Saraiki 3
Skilled 2
New Registration 1
Serbian 4
Skilled 3
New Registration 1
Serbo-Croat 13
Skilled 6
New Registration 7
Shona 6
Skilled 2
New Registration 4
Sinhalese 5
Skilled 2
New Registration 3
Slovak 13
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 3
New Registration 8

Page 20 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh Somali 4
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Spanish 206
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 4
New Registration 193
Swahili 9
Skilled 3
New Registration 6
Swedish 25
Skilled 12
New Registration 13
Sylheti 2
DPSI in Progress 1
Tagalog (Filipino) 4
Skilled 4
Taiwanese 11
Skilled 2
New Registration 7
Tajik 1
Skilled 1
Tamil 3
Skilled 2

Page 21 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Edinburgh Tamil New Registration 1
Telugu 1
New Registration 1
Thai 8
Skilled 4
New Registration 4
Tigrinya 1
Skilled 1
Turkish 33
DPSI in Progress 2
Skilled 10
New Registration 21
Turkmen 1
Skilled 1
Ukranian 8
Skilled 5
New Registration 3
Urdu 54
Skilled 6
New Registration 39
Wolof 6
Skilled 3
New Registration 3
Wu 1
Skilled 1

Eskbank 2

Page 22 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Eskbank Polish 1
Skilled 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Falkirk 14
Hungarian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Italian 1
Skilled 1
Lithuanian 1
Skilled 1
Mongolian 1
New Registration 1
Norwegian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Romanian 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1
Serbo-Croat 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Swedish 2

Page 23 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Falkirk Swedish Skilled 1
New Registration 1

Fife 37
Bosnian 1
Skilled 1
Bulgarian 2
New Registration 2
Croatian 1
Skilled 1
Czech 1
Skilled 1
French 6
New Registration 6
German 1
Skilled 1
Hindi 1
Italian 1
Skilled 1
Macedonian 1
New Registration 1
Nepalese 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Pashto 2
New Registration 1

Page 24 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Fife Portuguese 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 4
New Registration 3
Russian 2
New Registration 2
Serbo-Croat 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Slovak 1
Skilled 1
Slovenian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 2
New Registration 2
Urdu 4
Skilled 1
New Registration 3

Galashiels 2
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Romanian 1
New Registration 1

Glasgow 960

Page 25 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Afrikaans 1
New Registration 1
Albanian 1
Skilled 1
Amharic 5
Skilled 2
New Registration 3
Arabic 30
BPart DPSI 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 6
New Registration 18
Azerbaijani 3
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Bajuni 1
New Registration 1
Basque 1
New Registration 1
Belarusian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Bengali 5
Skilled 1
New Registration 3
Bulgarian 9

Page 26 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Bulgarian Skilled 3
New Registration 6
Cantonese 15
BPart DPSI 1
DPSI in Progress 1
New Registration 9
Catalan 6
Skilled 1
New Registration 5
Chiluba 1
New Registration 1
Chinese 12
BPart DPSI 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 6
Czech 13
Professional Membership 1
Skilled 1
New Registration 11
Danish 1
Skilled 1
Dari 8
Skilled 3
New Registration 5
Dutch 6
New Registration 6

Page 27 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Estonian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Farsi (Afghan) 11
BPart DPSI 2
Skilled 6
Farsi (Persian) 22
BPart DPSI 2
Skilled 6
New Registration 11
Finnish 3
New Registration 3
French 123
DPSI in Progress 2
Skilled 4
New Registration 109
Galician 1
New Registration 1
Georgian 1
Skilled 1
German 36
Skilled 7
New Registration 29
Greek 2
Skilled 1

Page 28 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Greek New Registration 1
Gujarati 1
Skilled 1
Gurmukhi 2
Hakka 2
BPart DPSI 1
Hebrew 2
New Registration 2
Hindi 37
New Registration 26
Hungarian 6
Skilled 1
New Registration 5
Italian 49
Skilled 5
New Registration 43
Japanese 2
New Registration 2
Kikongo 1
New Registration 1
Korean 1
New Registration 1
Kurdish 22
DPSI in Progress 1

Page 29 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Kurdish Skilled 7
New Registration 14
Kurdish Kurmanji 3
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Kurdish Sorani 19
BPart DPSI 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 5
New Registration 12
Latvian 8
Skilled 2
New Registration 6
Lingala 13
DPSI in Progress 3
Skilled 2
New Registration 8
Lithuanian 6
Skilled 2
New Registration 4
Macedonian 1
New Registration 1
Malay 5
Skilled 1
New Registration 4
Malayalam 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1

Page 30 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Malaysian 3
New Registration 3
Mandarin 25
BPart DPSI 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 1
New Registration 17
Marathi 2
New Registration 2
Mirpuri 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Montenegrin 1
Skilled 1
Nepalese 1
New Registration 1
Norwegian 4
Skilled 2
New Registration 2
Pashto 9
Skilled 2
New Registration 4
Polish 39
BPart DPSI 2
Professional Membership 1

Page 31 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Polish Skilled 5
New Registration 30
Portuguese 21
Skilled 1
New Registration 19
Punjabi 46
Skilled 1
New Registration 34
Romanian 13
BPart DPSI 1
DPSI in Progress 2
Skilled 3
New Registration 7
Romany 6
BPart DPSI 1
DPSI in Progress 2
Skilled 3
Russian 46
BPart DPSI 2
Skilled 6
New Registration 36
Serbian 1
New Registration 1
Serbo-Croat 1
New Registration 1

Page 32 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Sinhalese 6
Skilled 5
New Registration 1
Slovak 12
Professional Membership 1
Skilled 1
New Registration 10
Somali 16
Skilled 6
New Registration 9
Spanish 90
New Registration 86
Swahili 10
Skilled 4
New Registration 6
Swedish 4
Skilled 2
New Registration 2
Swiss German 1
New Registration 1
Taiwanese 3
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Tamil 11
Skilled 5
New Registration 6

Page 33 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Telugu 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Tigrinya 2
New Registration 2
Turkish 15
Skilled 1
New Registration 13
Turkmen 1
New Registration 1
Ukranian 4
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Urdu 51
Skilled 1
New Registration 40
Valencian 1
New Registration 1
Vietnamese 5
New Registration 5
Yiddish 1
New Registration 1
Yoruba 1
New Registration 1
Yugoslavian 1

Page 34 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Yugoslavian New Registration 1

Glasgow 17
Cantonese 1
New Registration 1
Czech 1
New Registration 1
Farsi (Persian) 1
New Registration 1
French 3
New Registration 3
German 1
New Registration 1
Hindi 1
New Registration 1
Italian 2
New Registration 2
Lithuanian 1
New Registration 1
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 2
New Registration 2
Slovak 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1

Page 35 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glasgow Urdu New Registration 1

Glenrothes 21
Arabic 2
Skilled 2
Bengali 1
Skilled 1
Cantonese 3
Skilled 3
French 1
Skilled 1
Lingala 1
Skilled 1
Polish 1
Skilled 1
Punjabi 1
Skilled 1
Russian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Rwandan 1
Skilled 1
Shona 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Swahili 1
Skilled 1
Tagalog (Filipino) 1

Page 36 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Glenrothes Tagalog (Filipino) Skilled 1
Thai 1
Skilled 1
Ukranian 1
Skilled 1
Urdu 1
Skilled 1
Vietnamese 1
Skilled 1

Greenock 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1

Gullane 1
French 1
New Registration 1

Hamilton 22
French 2
New Registration 2
Hindi 2
New Registration 2
Kannada 1
Skilled 1
Malayalam 4
Skilled 2
New Registration 2

Page 37 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Hamilton Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1
Sinhalese 4
Skilled 3
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1
Tamil 5
Skilled 2
New Registration 3
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Hawick 2
French 1
New Registration 1
Latvian 1
New Registration 1

Helensburgh 2
Korean 1
Skilled 1
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1

Irvine 2

Page 38 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Irvine French 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Johnstone 2
Lithuanian 1
Skilled 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Kennoway 3
Arabic 1
Skilled 1
Somali 1
Skilled 1
Urdu 1
Skilled 1

Kilbarchan 1
Bengali 1

Kilwinning 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Kinghorn 3

Page 39 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Kinghorn Bengali 1
Skilled 1
Hindi 1
Skilled 1
Urdu 1
Skilled 1

Kingskettle 1
German 1
Skilled 1

Kinross 1
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1

Kirkcaldy 41
Arabic 4
Skilled 4
Cantonese 1
Skilled 1
Chinese 1
Skilled 1
Coptic 1
Skilled 1
Dutch 1
Skilled 1
Farsi (Afghan) 1
Skilled 1

Page 40 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Kirkcaldy Farsi (Persian) 1
Skilled 1
Hakka 1
Skilled 1
Hindi 3
Skilled 3
Hungarian 1
Skilled 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Lithuanian 1
New Registration 1
Pashto 1
Skilled 1
Polish 2
Skilled 2
Portuguese 1
Skilled 1
Punjabi 7
Skilled 7
Romanian 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1
Sindhi 1
Skilled 1
Slovak 1
New Registration 1

Page 41 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Kirkcaldy Spanish 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Turkish 1
Skilled 1
Urdu 6
Skilled 6

Kirkintilloch 3
Dari 1
New Registration 1
Pashto 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Kirknewton 2
French 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Lanarkshire 6
Estonian 1
New Registration 1
French 1
New Registration 1
Norwegian 1

Page 42 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Lanarkshire Norwegian New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 2
New Registration 2

Larbert 2
French 1
New Registration 1
Lithuanian 1
New Registration 1

Larkhall 1
Estonian 1
New Registration 1

Lauder 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Leigh 4
German 1
New Registration 1
Hebrew 1
New Registration 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1

Page 43 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Leigh Russian New Registration 1

Leslie 2
Polish 1
Skilled 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Leven 16
Cantonese 2
Skilled 2
Chinese 2
Skilled 2
Finnish 1
Skilled 1
Hakka 1
Skilled 1
Malay 1
Skilled 1
Mandarin 2
Skilled 2
Pashto 2
Skilled 1
Punjabi 1
Spanish 2

Page 44 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Leven Spanish New Registration 1
Urdu 2
Skilled 1

Linlithgow 5
Farsi (Afghan) 1
Skilled 1
Farsi (Persian) 1
Skilled 1
Polish 3
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 1
New Registration 1

Livingston 15
Czech 1
Skilled 1
Italian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Polish 2
New Registration 2
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Romanian 1
DPSI in Progress 1
Romany 1

Page 45 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Livingston Romany DPSI in Progress 1
Russian 2
Professional Membership 1
Skilled 1
Serbo-Croat 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Slovak 1
Skilled 1
Ukranian 1
Skilled 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Livingston 10
Hindi 1
New Registration 1
Hungarian 1
New Registration 1
Malay 1
New Registration 1
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1
Polish 2
New Registration 2
Romanian 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1

Page 46 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Livingston Russian New Registration 1
Ukranian 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Loanhead 1
Gujarati 1
Skilled 1

Markinch 1
German 1
Skilled 1

Melrose 2
French 2
New Registration 2

Menstrie 2
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Methil 9
Chinese 1
Skilled 1
Hindi 2

Page 47 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Methil Hindi Skilled 2
Punjabi 3
Skilled 3
Urdu 3
Skilled 3

Midlothian 10
French 1
New Registration 1
Hindi 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
Skilled 1
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 2
New Registration 2
Russian 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 2
New Registration 2

Montrose 2
French 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1

Page 48 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Montrose Spanish New Registration 1

Motherwell 7
Latvian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Sinhalese 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Tamil 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1

Musselburgh 3
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Romanian 1
Skilled 1
Romany 1
Skilled 1

Newburgh 4
Bulgarian 1
Skilled 1
Macedonian 1
Skilled 1

Page 49 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Newburgh Russian 1
Skilled 1
Yugoslavian 1
Skilled 1

North Ayrshire 1
German 1
New Registration 1

Paisley 15
Albanian 1
Skilled 1
Arabic 1
New Registration 1
Belarusian 1
Skilled 1
Chinese 1
New Registration 1
Croatian 1
Skilled 1
Czech 1
New Registration 1
French 2
New Registration 2
Hungarian 1
New Registration 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1

Page 50 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Paisley Mandarin 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1
Slovak 1
New Registration 1
Swahili 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Partick 2
French 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Peebles 4
French 2
New Registration 2
Italian 1
Skilled 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Penicuik 5
Czech 1
New Registration 1

Page 51 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Penicuik French 1
New Registration 1
German 1
Skilled 1
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1
Slovak 1
New Registration 1

Perth 22
Arabic 1
Skilled 1
Cantonese 1
New Registration 1
Czech 1
New Registration 1
Dutch 1
Finnish 1
Skilled 1
French 3
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Gaelic 2
Skilled 2
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Polish 3

Page 52 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Perth Polish New Registration 3
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1
Slovak 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 3
New Registration 3
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Pitlochry 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Pittenweem 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Prestwick 9
Cantonese 1
BPart DPSI 1
Chinese 1
BPart DPSI 1
French 1

Page 53 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Prestwick French New Registration 1
Gan 1
BPart DPSI 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Mandarin 2
BPart DPSI 1
New Registration 1
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Prestwick 2
Hunanese 1
BPart DPSI 1
Xiang 1
BPart DPSI 1

Ratho 3
French 1
New Registration 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Renfrewshire 2

Page 54 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Renfrewshire Russian 2
New Registration 2

Rosyth 4
Arabic 1
Skilled 1
Belarusian 1
Skilled 1
French 1
Skilled 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Roxburghshire 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Saint Andrews 12
Arabic 1
New Registration 1
Croatian 1
Skilled 1
French 2
New Registration 2
German 2
New Registration 2
Greek 1
Skilled 1

Page 55 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Saint Andrews Mandarin 1
Skilled 1
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1
Serbian 1
Skilled 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Selkirk 4
French 3
New Registration 3
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

South Queensfery 2
French 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Stevenston 3
Belarusian 1
Skilled 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Page 56 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Stevenston Ukranian 1
Skilled 1

Stirling 33
Armenian 1
Skilled 1
French 5
Skilled 1
New Registration 4
German 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Hebrew 1
Skilled 1
Hindi 1
Skilled 1
Hungarian 1
New Registration 1
Italian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Japanese 1
Skilled 1
Latvian 1
New Registration 1
Lithuanian 3
Skilled 1
New Registration 2

Page 57 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Stirling Mandarin 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Norwegian 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Portuguese 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 1
Skilled 1
Russian 5
New Registration 5
Spanish 1
New Registration 1
Turkish 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1
Skilled 1

Strathaven 1
Chinese 1
New Registration 1

Strathkinness 3
Bosnian 1
Skilled 1

Page 58 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland Strathkinness Croatian 1
Skilled 1
Serbian 1
Skilled 1

Tibbermore 2
Czech 1
New Registration 1
Slovak 1
New Registration 1

Tillicoultry 1
Czech 1
New Registration 1

Tranent 1
German 1
Skilled 1

Troon 2
French 2
New Registration 2

Tullibody 1
Russian 1

West Calder 2

Page 59 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland West Calder French 1
Skilled 1
German 1
Skilled 1

West Lothian 15
Czech 1
New Registration 1
Filipino 1
Skilled 1
French 2
New Registration 2
Hindi 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Russian 2
New Registration 2
Spanish 2
New Registration 2
Tamil 1
New Registration 1
Turkish 1
New Registration 1
Ukranian 1
New Registration 1

Page 60 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Central Scotland West Lothian Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Whitehall 1
French 1
New Registration 1

Whiteinch 3
German 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Wishaw 6
French 1
New Registration 1
Russian 2
New Registration 2
Slovak 1
New Registration 1
Ukranian 2
New Registration 2

Northern Scotland 505

Aberdeen 146
Abkhazian 1

Page 61 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Aberdeen Abkhazian New Registration 1
Albanian 1
Skilled 1
Arabic 5
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 1
New Registration 3
Bengali 4
New Registration 3
Bulgarian 1
New Registration 1
Cantonese 2
Professional Membership 1
New Registration 1
Chinese 1
New Registration 1
Czech 1
New Registration 1
Daccan 1
New Registration 1
French 24
Skilled 1
New Registration 23
German 9
Skilled 1
New Registration 8
Greek 2

Page 62 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Aberdeen Greek Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Hindi 7
New Registration 7
Hungarian 4
New Registration 4
Italian 11
Skilled 2
New Registration 9
Japanese 1
Skilled 1
Kazakh 3
New Registration 3
Kishmiri 1
New Registration 1
Latvian 2
New Registration 2
Lithuanian 3
New Registration 3
Malayalam 1
New Registration 1
Mandarin 8
New Registration 5
Marathi 1
New Registration 1
Polish 4
Skilled 1

Page 63 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Aberdeen Polish New Registration 3
Portuguese 6
BPart DPSI 2
New Registration 4
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Romanian 1
New Registration 1
Russian 11
Skilled 1
New Registration 10
Selhyti 2
New Registration 2
Slovak 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 21
BPart DPSI 1
New Registration 19
Sylheti 1
Skilled 1
Tamil 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 3
New Registration 3

Alness 4
Bulgarian 1

Page 64 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Alness Bulgarian New Registration 1
French 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Alyth 3
Czech 2
DPSI in Progress 1
Skilled 1
Slovak 1
DPSI in Progress 1

Angus 5
French 2
New Registration 2
Hungarian 1
Skilled 1
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1
Ukranian 1
Skilled 1

Arbroath 3
Azerbaijani 1
Skilled 1

Page 65 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Arbroath German 1
Professional Membership 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Ardgay 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1

Ardgay 1
French 1
New Registration 1

Argyll 2
French 1
New Registration 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1

Aviemore 5
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Russian 3
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Uzbek 1
Skilled 1

Page 66 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Balloch 3
French 1
New Registration 1
German 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Banff 2
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1

Beauly 4
French 2
New Registration 2
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Berchin 1
Hungarian 1
New Registration 1

Blackburn 2
French 1

Page 67 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Blackburn French New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Boat of Garten 3
Dutch 1
New Registration 1
German 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Buckie 2
Bulgarian 2
New Registration 2

Caithness 2
German 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1

Dingwall 8
French 2
New Registration 2
German 1
Skilled 1
Portuguese 1

Page 68 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Dingwall Portuguese New Registration 1
Russian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Ukranian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1

Drumnadrochit 3
Danish 1
New Registration 1
German 1
New Registration 1
Swedish 1
New Registration 1

Dundee 91
Albanian 1
New Registration 1
Arabic 3
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Argentinian 1
New Registration 1
Bulgarian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Cantonese 1

Page 69 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Dundee Cantonese New Registration 1
Chinese 1
New Registration 1
Czech 3
New Registration 3
Estonian 2
New Registration 2
French 9
New Registration 9
German 5
New Registration 5
Gujarati 1
New Registration 1
Hindi 6
New Registration 6
Hokkien 1
New Registration 1
Hungarian 4
New Registration 4
Italian 6
New Registration 6
Kazakh 1
New Registration 1
Latvian 2
New Registration 2
Lithuanian 2
New Registration 2
Malayalam 1

Page 70 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Dundee Malayalam New Registration 1
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1
Marathi 1
New Registration 1
Pashto 1
New Registration 1
Polish 5
DPSI in Progress 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Portuguese 4
New Registration 4
Punjabi 2
New Registration 2
Romanian 2
New Registration 2
Russian 8
New Registration 7
Sinhalese 1
Skilled 1
Spanish 5
New Registration 5
Tamil 3
Skilled 1
New Registration 2
Telugu 1

Page 71 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Dundee Telugu New Registration 1
Urdu 4
New Registration 4
Uzbek 1
New Registration 1

Dundee 3
Arabic 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 1
New Registration 1

Elgin 4
Polish 2
Skilled 2
Russian 1
Professional Membership 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Elgin 10
Dutch 1
New Registration 1
Estonian 1
New Registration 1
Flemish 1

Page 72 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Elgin Flemish New Registration 1
German 1
New Registration 1
Italian 2
New Registration 2
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Punjabi 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1
Swedish 1
New Registration 1

Ellon 1
French 1
Skilled 1

Evanton 2
Belarusian 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Findhorn 1
Greek 1
New Registration 1

Page 73 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Foress 16
Azerbaijani 1
New Registration 1
Bulgarian 2
New Registration 2
Dutch 1
New Registration 1
Farsi (Persian) 1
New Registration 1
Flemish 1
New Registration 1
German 2
New Registration 2
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Japanese 1
New Registration 1
Norwegian 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 3
New Registration 3
Turkish 1
New Registration 1

Foress 2
French 1

Page 74 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Foress French New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Forfar 2
Turkish 2
DPSI in Progress 1
New Registration 1

Forres 10
Dutch 1
New Registration 1
Flemish 1
New Registration 1
French 2
New Registration 2
German 5
New Registration 5
Italian 1
New Registration 1

Forsyth 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Fort Augustuas 2
French 1
New Registration 1

Page 75 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Fort Augustuas Italian 1
New Registration 1

Gardenston 3
French 1
New Registration 1
Italian 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Inverness 79
Afrikaans 1
New Registration 1
Czech 2
New Registration 2
French 10
New Registration 10
Gaelic 1
Skilled 1
German 6
Skilled 1
New Registration 5
Hindi 2
New Registration 2
Hungarian 4
New Registration 4
Italian 1

Page 76 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Inverness Italian New Registration 1
Konkani 1
New Registration 1
Latvian 2
New Registration 2
Lithuanian 3
Skilled 2
New Registration 1
Norwegian 2
New Registration 2
Polish 14
Skilled 2
New Registration 12
Portuguese 3
New Registration 3
Punjabi 2
New Registration 2
Romanian 1
New Registration 1
Russian 11
Professional Membership 1
Skilled 2
New Registration 8
Sinhalese 1
Skilled 1
Slovak 2
New Registration 2
Spanish 5

Page 77 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Inverness Spanish New Registration 5
Tamil 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Turkish 1
New Registration 1
Urdu 2
New Registration 2

Inverurie 3
Lithuanian 1
Skilled 1
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Invraray 3
Dutch 1
Flemish 1
French 1

Isle of Islay 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Page 78 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland
Isle of Mull 1
Lithuanian 1
Skilled 1

Isle of Skye 3
Gaelic 1
Skilled 1
Polish 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1

Kingussie 4
French 1
New Registration 1
German 1
New Registration 1
Latvian 1
New Registration 1
Nepalese 1
New Registration 1

Kingussie 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Lairg 1
French 1

Page 79 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Lairg French New Registration 1

Lossiemouth 2
French 1
New Registration 1
German 1
New Registration 1

Lumphannan 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Monifieth 4
Cantonese 1
Chinese 1
Mandarin 2
New Registration 1

Moray 1
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1

Morayshire 2
German 1
New Registration 1

Page 80 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Morayshire Polish 1
New Registration 1

Mosstodloch 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1

Muir of Ord 5
Belgian 1
Skilled 1
Dutch 1
Skilled 1
Flemish 1
Skilled 1
French 1
New Registration 1
Portuguese 1
New Registration 1

Nairn 3
Filipino 1
New Registration 1
German 1
New Registration 1
Hungarian 1
New Registration 1

Newport on Tay 3

Page 81 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Newport on Tay Bulgarian 1
Skilled 1
French 1
Skilled 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Newtonmore 3
Dutch 1
New Registration 1
French 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Orkney 1
Swedish 1
Skilled 1

Paisley 6
Mandarin 2
Skilled 2
Russian 1
Skilled 1
Serbian 1
Skilled 1
Serbo-Bosnian 1
Skilled 1

Page 82 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Paisley Serbo-Croat 1
Skilled 1

Peterhead 3
Lithuanian 2
Russian 1

Plockton 2
Norwegian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1

Potterton 1
Russian 1
BPart DPSI 1

Ross-Shire 4
French 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1
Spanish 1
New Registration 1

Page 83 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Roy Bridge 1
Romanian 1
New Registration 1

Stonehaven 2
Russian 1
Ukranian 1

Stornoway 1
Norwegian 1
New Registration 1

Sutherland 3
French 2
New Registration 2
Italian 1
New Registration 1

Tain 2
German 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1

Ullapool 2
Belarusian 1

Page 84 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Northern Scotland Ullapool Belarusian Skilled 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Wick 8
Cantonese 1
New Registration 1
Fujianese 1
New Registration 1
German 1
Professional Membership 1
Mandarin 1
New Registration 1
Polish 1
New Registration 1
Russian 1
New Registration 1
Slovak 1
New Registration 1
Ukranian 1
New Registration 1

Southern Scotland 12
Dumfries 9
Hindi 1
Skilled 1
Mirpuri 1
Skilled 1

Page 85 of 86
Linguist Locations (Scotland only)
Region Location Language Relevant Qualifications No. of linguists
Southern Scotland Dumfries Punjabi 1
Skilled 1
Romanian 2
Skilled 1
New Registration 1
Romany 1
Skilled 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1
Ukranian 1
Skilled 1
Urdu 1
Skilled 1

Pinwherry 1
French 1
Skilled 1

Stranraer 2
Latvian 1
Skilled 1
Russian 1
Skilled 1

Grand Total 3497

Page 86 of 86

List 1:

This list indicates the number of linguists according to each qualification and relevant
language e..g. 3 DPSi Polish

List 2:

This list indicates details of qualifications that linguists hold on our database.
List of linguists by qualifications and language

Attached is a list of linguists in our database with their relevant qualifications.

Please note the following key used for this list;

• Relevant Qualifications include

• New registration

• Skilled – Mix of linguists that have some experience of court work. Some
linguists may also have some qualifications.

• DPSI – Linguists that hold full DPSI qualifications

• Part DPSI – Linguists that hold Letter of Credit from Institute of Linguists

• DPSI in Progress – Linguists that are currently enrolled for DPSI

List of Linguists by qualifications and Language

Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Linguists

DPSI 1333
Albanian 11
Arabic 58
Armenian 4
Azerbaijani 1
Basque 1
Bengali 16
Bulgarian 7
Cantonese 63
Catalan 2
Chinese 49
Croatian 12
Czech 32
Danish 4
Dari 9
Dutch 15
Farsi 36
Finnish 3
Flemish 2
French 156
Galician 1
Georgian 2
German 61
Greek 8
Gujarati 7
Gurmukhi 5
Hakka 2
Hebrew 1
Hindi 39
Hindko 1
Hungarian 10
Icelandic 1
Indonesian 2
Italian 63
Japanese 8
Korean 1
Kurdish 11
Latvian 3
Lithuanian 8
Macedonian 1
Mandarin 73
Mangolian 2

Page 1 of 8
List of Linguists by qualifications and Language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Linguists
DPSI Marathi 1
Mirpuri 4
Nepalese 1
Norwegian 2
Persian 3
Polish 80
Portuguese 5
Potohari 1
Punjabi 47
Pushto 5
Romanian 23
Russian 100
Serbian 8
Sinhalese 1
Slovak 11
Slovenian 1
Somali 3
Spanish 132
Swahili 2
Sylheti 3
Taiwanese 2
Tamil 5
Thai 6
Turkish 29
Ukranian 11
Urdu 54
Vietnamese 2

DPSI in Progress 55
Arabic 3
Armenian 1
Bengali 3
Bulgarian 1
Cantonese 2
Chinese 2
Czech 2
French 2
German 1
Italian 1
Kurdish 1
Kurdish Sorani 1
Lingala 3
Lithuanian 3
Malay 1

Page 2 of 8
List of Linguists by qualifications and Language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Linguists
DPSI in Progress Mandarin 5
Polish 10
Romanian 4
Russian 2
Slovak 2
Spanish 1
Sylheti 1
Turkish 3

Part DPSI 29
Arabic 1
Cantonese 2
Chinese 3
Farsi 1
Gan 1
Hakka 1
Kurdish Sorani 1
Mandarin 2
Persian 1
Polish 7
Portuguese 3
Romanian 1
Russian 3
Spanish 1
Xiang 1

Professional Membership 668

Albanian 8
Algerian 2
Arabic 28
Arabic (Algerian) 2
Belurussian 2
Bengali 10
Bosnian 3
Bulgarian 5
Cantonese 10
Catalan 1
Chichewa 1
Chinese 11
Chinese Chiu Chow 1
Croatian 2
Czech 10
Dari 7
Dogari 1

Page 3 of 8
List of Linguists by qualifications and Language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Linguists
Professional Membership Dutch 7
Farsi 15
Finnish 3
Flemish 3
French 74
Georgian 1
German 36
Greek 5
Gujarati 7
Hakka 1
Hebrew 4
Hindi 13
Hindko 1
Hungarian 3
Ilocana 2
Indonesian 1
Italian 33
Japanese 21
Korean 1
Kurdish Sorani 5
Latvian 2
Lingala 2
Lithuanian 4
Maltese 1
Mandarin 17
Mauritian Creole 1
Mirpuri 5
Moldovan 9
Moldovian 1
Nepalese 1
Pahari 1
Pangasinan 3
Pashto 2
Pidgin English 1
Polish 23
Portuguese 32
Potohari 1
Punjabi 18
Romanian 17
Russian 50
Serbian 5
Slovak 8
Somali 2
Spanish 61

Page 4 of 8
List of Linguists by qualifications and Language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Linguists
Professional Membership Swahili 1
Sylheti 6
Tagalog (Filipino) 1
Tamil 2
Thai 1
Tshiluba 1
Turkish 23
Ukranian 3
Urdu 18
Vietnamese 3
Yiddish 1
Yoruba 1

Skilled 797
Afrikaans 1
Akan 1
Akwaibom 1
Albanian 3
Alcholi 1
Amharic 5
Arabic 25
Armenian 1
Azeri 2
Bahdini 3
Balochi 1
Belgian 1
Belurussian 6
Bengali 8
Bosnian 4
Bulgarian 12
Burmese 2
Cantonese 12
Catalan 8
Chinese 9
Chinese Keija 1
Coptic 1
Creole 2
Croatian 6
Czech 9
Danish 5
Dari 4
Dinka 1
Dutch 3
Efik 1

Page 5 of 8
List of Linguists by qualifications and Language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Linguists
Skilled Estonian 5
Farsi 10
Fijian 2
Filipino 6
Finnish 5
Flemish 1
French 34
Gaelic 5
Georgian 3
German 46
Greek 10
Gujarati 3
Gurmukhi 3
Hakka 3
Hausa 1
Hebrew 3
Hindi 15
Hunanese 1
Hungarian 9
Igbo 1
Indonesian 1
Italian 31
Japanese 14
Kannada 1
Kikongo 1
Kikuyu 1
Kinyarwanda 2
Kisii 1
Korean 4
Krio 1
Kurdiah Kurmanji 3
Kurdish 11
Kurdish Badini 1
Kurdish Sorani 6
Lao 2
Laotian 1
Latvian 8
Laur 1
Lingala 3
Lithuanian 15
Luo 1
Macedonian 2
Malay 4
Malayalam 4

Page 6 of 8
List of Linguists by qualifications and Language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Linguists
Skilled Mandarin 21
Mandika 2
Mirpuri 2
Montenegrin 1
Nepalese 5
Norwegian 6
Persian 1
Polish 34
Portuguese 19
Punjabi 22
Pushto 6
Romanian 10
Russian 50
Rwandan 1
Saraiki 2
Serbian 6
Serbo-Bosnian 1
Serbo-Croat 11
Shona 3
Sindhi 2
Sinhalese 13
Slovak 6
Slovene 1
Somali 9
Spanish 7
Swahili 9
Swedish 22
Sylheti 1
Tagalog (Filipino) 6
Taiwanese 4
Tajik/Tajiki 1
Tamil 12
Telugu 1
Thai 7
Tibetan 2
Tigrinyia 1
Turkish 13
Turkman 1
Twi 2
Twi 1
Ukranian 13
Urdu 26
Uzbek 1
Vietnamese 3

Page 7 of 8
List of Linguists by qualifications and Language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Linguists
Skilled Wolof 3
Wu 1
Yiddish 1
Yugoslavian 1

Grand Total 2882

Page 8 of 8
Attached is a list of interpreters in our database indicating their qualifications.

Please note the following key used for this list;

ƒ Relevant Qualifications include

ƒ New registration

ƒ Skilled – Mix of linguists that have some experience of court work. Some linguists may
also have some qualifications.

ƒ DPSI – Linguists that hold full DPSI qualifications

ƒ Part DPSI – Linguists that hold Letter of Credit from Institute of Linguists

ƒ DPSI in Progress – Linguists that are currently enrolled for DPSI

List of interpreters on our database indicating their qualifications
Language Linguist Relevant Qualifications Detailed Qualificatons

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Rating Attributes
Native/Non native Qualifications DPSI Option Experience
2 Native DPSI (same language) Scottish Law Extensive+legal sector

3 Native DPSI (same language) Scottish Law Moderate+ legal sector

Native DPSI (same language) Health/Local Government Extensive+legal sector
Native Letter of Credit(1A&1B same language) Scottish Law Extensive+legal sector

4 Native DPSI (same language) Health/Local Government Moderate+ legal sector

Native Letter of Credit(1A&1B same language) Scottish Law Moderate+ legal sector
Native Letter of Credit(1A&1B same language) Health/Local Government Extensive+legal sector

5 Native Relevant Qualifications+ Descretion Extensive+legal sector

Non-Native DPSI (in other language) Scottish Law Extensive+legal sector in same language
Non-Native Letter of Credit (1A& 1B in other language) Scottish Law Extensive+legal sector in same language

6 Native No Relevant Qualifications Extensive+legal sector+ descretion for other sectors

Native Relevant Qualifications Moderate+ legal sector
Non-Native DPSI (in other language) Health/Local Government Extensive+legal sector in same language
Non-Native Letter of Credit (1A& 1B in other language) Health/Local Government Extensive+legal sector in same language

7 Native No Relevant Qualifications Extensive+any sector

Anyone from Category 8 with descretion

8 Native No Relevant Qualifications Moderate+any sector experience

Non-Native DPSI (in other language) Scottish Law Moderate+legal sector in same language
Non-Native DPSI (in other language) Health/Local Government Moderate+legal sector in same language
Non-Native Letter of Credit (1A& 1B in other language) Scottish Law Moderate+legal sector in same language
Non-Native Letter of Credit (1A& 1B in other language) Health/Local Government Moderate+legal sector in same language
Non-Native No Relevant Qualifications Extensive+legal sector in same language

9 Native Basic Skills Extensive+Anysector

10 Native

List 1:

List 1 indicates linguist numbers according to qualification in each language e.g. 3

Polish with Diploma in Translations

List 2:

A general list from our database of translators indicating details of general and
specialist qualifications held by our translators.
List of translators by qualifications and language
Following is a list of translators in each language with their qualifications.

Please note the following key used for this list;

• Relevant Qualifications include

• New registration

• Experienced – Mix of linguists that have some experience of translation. Some linguists
may also have some qualifications.

• DPSI – Linguists that hold full DPSI qualifications

• Part DPSI – Linguists that hold Letter of Credit from Institute of Linguists

• DPSI in Progress – Linguists that are currently enrolled for DPSI

List of Translators by qualifications and language

Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Relevant Qualifications

Diploma in Translation 112
Arabic 7
Cantonese 2
Catalan 1
Czech 7
Danish 2
Dari 1
Estonian 1
Farsi 2
Finnish 2
French 4
German 10
Greek 4
Hungarian 1
Indonesian 1
Italian 10
Japanese 5
Mandarin 1
Norwegian 5
Polish 15
Portuguese 13
Punjabi 1
Romanian 2
Russian 1
Slovenian 1
Spanish 2
Swedish 2
Thai 1
Turkish 1
Ukranian 2
Urdu 4
Yiddish 1

DPSI 1092
Albanian 10
Arabic 45
Armenian 4
Azerbaijani 1
Basque 1
Bengali 16
Bulgarian 7
Cantonese 59

Page 1 of 7
List of Translators by qualifications and language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Relevant Qualifications
DPSI Catalan 2
Croatian 12
Czech 27
Danish 4
Dari 8
Dutch 14
Farsi 30
Finnish 3
Flemish 2
French 135
Galician 1
German 59
Gerogian 2
Greek 6
Gujarati 7
Hindi 12
Hindko 1
Hungarian 9
Icelandic 1
Indonesian 1
Italian 61
Japanese 6
Korean 1
Kurdish Sorani 1
Latvian 3
Lithuanian 8
Macedonian 1
Malay 1
Mandarin 62
Mangolian 2
Marathi 1
Nepalese 1
Norwegian 2
Persian 3
Polish 69
Portuguese 4
Punjabi 12
Pushto 3
Romanian 21
Russian 94
Serbian 8
Slovak 11
Somali 3
Spanish 131

Page 2 of 7
List of Translators by qualifications and language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Relevant Qualifications
DPSI Swahili 2
Sylheti 3
Taiwanese 1
Tamil 4
Thai 5
Turkish 28
Ukranian 10
Urdu 49
Vietnamese 2

Part DPSI 15
Arabic 1
Cantonese 2
Farsi 1
Mandarin 2
Persian 1
Polish 1
Portuguese 2
Romanian 1
Russian 3
Spanish 1

DPSI in progress 29
Arabic 3
Armenian 1
Bengali 2
Bulgarian 1
Cantonese 2
Czech 2
French 1
Lingala 3
Lithuanian 3
Malay 1
Mandarin 3
Romanian 3
Slovak 2
Turkish 2

Professional Membership 460

Albanian 1
Algerian Arabic 4
Arabic 18
Belarussian 2
Bengali 5

Page 3 of 7
List of Translators by qualifications and language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Relevant Qualifications
Professional Membership Bosnian 3
Bulgarian 5
Cantonese 8
Catalan 1
Chichewa 1
Croatian 1
Czech 9
Dari 6
Dogari 1
Dutch 7
Farsi 9
Finnish 3
Flemish 2
French 42
Georgian 1
German 28
Greek 5
Gujarati 7
Hindi 7
Hindko 1
Hungarian 3
Ilcano 1
Indonesian 1
Italian 28
Japanese 21
Korean 1
Kurdish Sorani 5
Latvian 2
Lingala 1
Lithuanian 4
Maltese 1
Mandarin 12
Mauritian Creole 1
Moldovan 6
Nepalese 1
Pangasinan 2
Polish 9
Portuguese 17
Punjabi 8
Pushto 2
Romanian 11
Russian 38
Serbian 4
Slovak 8

Page 4 of 7
List of Translators by qualifications and language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Relevant Qualifications
Professional Membership Somali 2
Spanish 48
Swahili 1
Sylheti 5
Tagalog (Filipino) 1
Tamil 1
Thai 1
Turkish 17
Ukranian 3
Urdu 13
Vietnamese 3
Yoruba 1

Experienced 284
Afrikaans 1
Akwaibom 1
Albanian 1
Amharic 5
Arabic 10
Azeri 1
Belarussian 5
Belgian 1
Bengali 2
Bosnian 4
Bulgarian 7
Burmese 2
Cantonese 1
Catalan 6
Coptic 1
Croatian 2
Czech 5
Danish 2
Dari 2
Dutch 5
Efik 1
Estonian 3
Farsi 7
Fijian 2
Filipino 5
Finnish 4
Flemish 2
French 15
Gaelic 5
Georgian 3

Page 5 of 7
List of Translators by qualifications and language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Relevant Qualifications
Experienced German 26
Greek 9
Gujarati 3
Hindi 5
Hungarian 4
Igbo 1
Italian 8
Japanese 6
Kannada 1
Korean 2
Kurdish Badini 1
Kurdish Kurmanj 3
Kurdish Sorani 2
Latvian 3
Lithuanian 6
Macedonian 3
Malay 4
Malayalam 4
Mandarin 2
Montenegrin 1
Nepalese 4
Norwegian 4
Polish 1
Portuguese 5
Pushto 1
Romanian 1
Serbian 2
Shona 3
Sinhalese 7
Slovene 1
Somali 3
Spanish 1
Swahili 3
Swedish 12
Taiwanese 4
Tamil 8
Telugu 1
Tigrinyia 1
Turkish 3
Ukranian 2
Urdu 5
Uzbek 1
Vietnamese 2
Wolof 3

Page 6 of 7
List of Translators by qualifications and language
Relevant Qualifications Language Count of Relevant Qualifications
Experienced Yugoslavian 1

Grand Total 1992

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List of translators by qualifications and language
Following is a list of translators in each language with their qualifications.

Please note the following key used for this list;

• Relevant Qualifications include

• New registration

• Experienced – Mix of linguists that have some experience of translation. Some linguists
may also have some qualifications.

• DPSI – Linguists that hold full DPSI qualifications

• Part DPSI – Linguists that hold Letter of Credit from Institute of Linguists

• DPSI in Progress – Linguists that are currently enrolled for DPSI

List of translators on our database indicating their qualifications
Language Linguist Relevant Qualifications Detailed Qualifications

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√ 19
√ 1
√ 43
√ 1
√ 11
√ 340
√ 20
√ 8
√ 3
√ 1
√ 1
√ 4
√ 10
√ 50
√ 19
√ 94
√ 2
√ 116
√ 479
√ 2
√ 68
√ 269
√ 115
√ 27
√ 1
√ 287
√ See Arabic
√ 74
√ 67
Farsi (Afghan)
√ 177
Farsi (Persian)
√ 186

Flemish 211
√ 884
√ 1
√ 1
√ 3
√ 256
√ 173
√ 42
√ 8
√ 7
√ 1
√ 13
Hindi √ 237
Hungarian √ 151
Icelandic √ 6
Igbo √ 1
Indonesian √ 29
Italian √ 462
Irish Gaelic √ 3
Japanese √ 193
Kannada √ 1
√ 5
√ 2
√ 1
√ 2
√ 1
√ 1
√ 30
√ 1
√ 27
Kurdish (Kurmanji) √
√ 1
√ 76
√ 1
√ 27
√ 129
√ 1
√ 16
√ 70
√ 10
√ 11
√ 196
√ 2
√ 6
√ 1
√ 1
√ 12
Mongolian √ 11

Nepali √ 19

Norwegian √ 138

Papiamento 0

Pashto √ 27

Polish √ 474

Portuguese √ 401

Punjabi √ 291

Romany √ 55

Romanian √ 153

Russian √ 558
Scottish Gaelic √ 9
Serb-Croat √ 44

Seychelles-Creole √ 2

Shona √ 10

Sinhalese √ 21

Slovak √ 69

Slovenian √ 17

Somali √ 29

Spanish √ 652

Swahili √ 27

Swedish √ 76

Sylheti(Bengali) √ 11

Tagalog √ 7

Tajik √ 2

Tamil √ 36
Telugu √ 4

Thai √ 33
Tibetan √ 2

Tigrinya √ 5

Twi √ 3

Turkish √ 262

Turkmen √ 2

Ukrainian √ 44

Urdu √ 294

Uzbek √ 8

Vietnamese √ 22

Welsh √ 8

Wolof √ 6

Wu √ 1

Xiang √ 1

Yoruba √ 2

Yiddish √ 3

Zulu 0
Translating & Interpreting Services Ltd
18 Haddington Place

Health, Safety & Welfare At Work Policy


Alpha Translating and Interpreting Services Ltd (Alpha) is an organisation committed

to ensuring that it operates a Health, Safety & Welfare at Work Policy, which meets
statutory requirements.
Alpha regards the promotion of Health, Safety & Welfare at Work in accordance with
the requirements of the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act as a mutual objective for
paid staff and freelance linguists as far as is reasonably practical.
It is therefore Alpha’s policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent
personal injury and or damage to property.
Alpha believes that health, safety and welfare at work are extremely important for its
employees and free lance linguists, and as far as reasonably practicable, will take
this into account in the provision of equipment, working practices, and the office
Alpha will ensure that a copy of this policy is distributed to all employees.

It should be noted that Alpha operates a no smoking policy throughout its premises,
applicable to employees, freelance linguists and all visitors to its premises.

In particular Alpha has a responsibility:

• To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, taking account of
all statutory requirements.

• To provide all necessary training and instructions to enable employees to perform

their work safely and efficiently.

• To ensure that free lance linguists are made aware as far as is reasonably
practical of health and safety as relates to their free lance status & undertakings
whilst on (any) assignment for Alpha.

• To maintain constant and continuing awareness in health, safety & welfare

matters applicable to Alpha’s activities, in particular by consulting and involving
employees when necessary.

• To ensure the provision of adequate facilities for employees’ health, safety &
welfare at work.
Employees have a duty to co-operate in the operation of this policy:

• By taking reasonable care for the health, safety & welfare of themselves and of
other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions whilst at work.

• By complying with all statutory provisions or duties relevant to their work.

• By not interfering with or abusing anything that is provided for their health, safety
and or welfare.

• By reporting incidents that have led to or may lead to injury or damage.

• By adhering to Alpha’s health, safety & welfare at work procedures

• By assisting in the investigation of any accidents and /or incidents, with the object
of introducing new/other/improved measures to prevent re-occurrence

• By participating in reviewing & monitoring the practices & procedures for health,
safety and welfare at work.

Alpha undertakes to review the practices and procedures for Health, Safety &
Welfare at work and will make such arrangements as is necessary for their

As on going at regular intervals:
November 2004: an internal health and safety review
May 2005: requirement for a named first aider with updated training
November 2005: Alpha’s HR & Personnel Management Consultants, , be
considered to undertake a health, safety & welfare at work audit with a view to
advising on any-all subsequent outcomes
November 2006: an internal health and safety review
November 2007: an internal health and safety review
November 2008: an internal health and safety review

With regards to good practice within the scope of existing (and proposed)
legislation, and with specific regards to Health, Safety and Welfare at
Work, Alpha is covered and advised by
Translating & Interpreting Services Ltd
18 Haddington Place
Edinburgh EH7 4AF



™ Implementation Date: July 2002

™ Review Date: July 2003 and annual thereafter
™ All of Alpha’s Codes, Policies, Practices, Guidelines and
Agreements are available in larger print and other scripts.

Part A - Statement
Alpha Translating and Interpreting Services Limited (Alpha) is an organisation
committed to the promotion of equal opportunities and anti discriminatory
practices. Alpha’s primary role is to provide and promote professional
translating and interpreting services, with particular focus on ‘community
languages’ in order to assist public and private organisations meet their legal
obligations by providing services in an equitable manner.

In employment, Alpha declares that its policy is to redress the balance, as

far as is lawful, in favour of all minorities and disadvantaged groups including,
but not exclusively, black people, women, disabled people and persons
irrespective of sexual orientation, age and religion.
Given the nature of Alpha's work, it has a core of full time staff and a large
number of people engaged on a freelance basis.
In policy development & service delivery, it is our aim to develop and
implement anti-racist & anti discriminatory strategies and positive action
programmes and to promote these throughout our spheres of influence. As it
is policy to engage interpreters whose first language is that of the language
needed for interpretation & translation into and from English, it follows that
our freelance workers will reflect a wide variety of ethnicities and

Part B – The Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to:

All staff employed by Alpha.

All freelance workers, consultants and professional services engaged from

time to time or on a retained basis.

All volunteers (paid and non-paid) and placements.

Part C – Implementation
1/Employment procedures and practices will be undertaken strictly in
accord with the following and all other relevant legislation:

- Race Relations Act 1976

- Human Rights Act 1998
- Race Relations Amendment Act (2000)
- Employment Equality (Religion & Belief) Regulations 2003
- Sex Discrimination Acts (1975 & 1985)
- Equal Pay Act (1970)
- Disability Discrimination Act (1995)
- Disability Discrimination Act (1995) Employment Provision
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974)

Alpha will monitor and keep under review its procedures and practices
to assess the impact of the policy in the following areas:

- Job descriptions/person specifications

- Wording, presentation and media used for advertising
- Response to advertising
- Short listing from returned application forms
- Interview assessments
- Offers of employment (paid and non-paid)
- Acceptance of offers
- Numbers of leavers and reasons for leaving
- Access & Uptake of training opportunities (internal) and further
education (external)
- Complaints, written & verbal
- Existing staff

To implement this Equal Opportunities Policy, Alpha accepts that it needs to

promote and facilitate the following initiatives by training for all involved in
the selection and recruitment procedure on:

- Interview Techniques
- Codes of Practice
- Recruitment & Selection Procedures
- Discipline & Grievance Procedures
- Probationary Periods
- Terms & Conditions of Employment
- Dismissal
- Leave Arrangements
- Re-grading
- Deployment Patterns

Alpha will ensure:

That discussion and in-service training will be undertaken for staff and
management to combat sexual and racial harassment at work.

That procedures and practices reflect the cultural and religious needs of its

That as far as possible, Alpha will facilitate special needs training as defined
by any employee to combat his/her disability.

That as far as possible, premises are suitably adapted to meet the needs of
disabled employees and client groups.

2/Service Delivery

Alpha will monitor and keep under review:

- Individual & ad hoc assignments, enquiries and requests through to

- monitoring forms and processes as required, instigated by, and agreed
between named clients & Alpha
- complaints, both written and verbal

Part D– Procedures
1/Complaints of Harassment Against Paid Staff

Where an individual is subjected to harassment the individual concerned

should ask the perpetrator to stop, making it clear that such behaviour is
unwanted and unacceptable.

If the harassment persists, the individual concerned will make a written

complaint to the managing director, and send a copy to the perpetrator. The
complaint should contain a list of the instances of harassment to date.

If the harassment still does not cease, despite the informal involvement of the
managing director, the grievance procedure will be invoked.

If the complaint is against the managing director, the complainant should

consider the involvement of a third party, such as a union, union
representative, lawyer, CAB.

2/ Disciplinary Action

Where a complaint of sexual harassment is substantiated, disciplinary action

will be taken against the perpetrator. The provisions outlined in the
disciplinary procedures will apply.

PART D1 - Statement On Sexual Harassment

A – Statement

This statement is intended to supplement Alpha's Equal Opportunities Policy.

For the purposes of this statement, both direct and indirect sexual
harassment can lead to disciplinary action being taken against the

Sexual harassment undermines any attempts to achieve equality. It causes a

worker to feel threatened, humiliated and patronised, interferes with job
performances, undermines job security and creates an intimidating, degrading
and repressive environment.

B – Definition

1. Direct Sexual Harassment is defined as “any unwanted and repeated

sexual comment, look, suggestion or physical contact that a person
finds objectionable and offensive. It can range from unwanted
suggestions, pinching, grabbing, hugging, patting, kissing, staring,
brushing against and touching, through to verbal abuse, physical
violence and rape”.

2 Indirect Sexual Harassment is defined as “pressure to harass by third

parties with the purpose of covering up harassment, continuing the
harassment or extending the harassment”.

PART E - Problem Resolution and Escalation

Alpha complies with all feedback requirements as identified and
required by clients, on completion of assignments/operations. A
record of this is maintained for our benefit. Our bespoke IT system
requires a completion report to ensure closure of an assignment or

Debriefing of linguist(s) post assignment can be either face-to-face in

our main office or in writing.

Alpha has a ‘complaints procedure’ with complaint forms specific to
service delivery for both interpreting and translating.

- As part of this procedure, we record and monitor all complaints,

whether formal or informal.
- If the initial complaint is verbal this will be investigated and a verbal
response provided. If the issue cannot be resolved, the next step
would be to request the complaint in writing, detailing the perceived
- The process includes: written acknowledgement of the complaint
within 3 working days of receipt, initial feedback within 15 days, with
conclusion within 30 days if possible. Reasons not to meet these
deadlines must be intimated to the complainant before the deadline in
- If this does not provide resolution, a meeting will be arranged to
include the MD (wherever possible) to resolve outstanding issues.

These all contribute to Alpha striving for excellence in all aspects of its service

C – Scope of the Statement

This policy applies to:

All staff employed by Alpha.

All free lance workers, consultants and professional services engaged from
time to time or on a retained basis.

All volunteers (paid and non-paid) and placements.

D – Non-discriminatory Services

Alpha has a detailed Equal Opportunities Policy, which strives to ensure that
its services are provided in a non-discriminatory manner. Its full time staff is
made up of mixed ethnicities with a majority coming from ethnic minorities, it
is mixed gender and has one person who is registered disabled. Its freelance
workers come from a wide variety of European, African and Asian ethnic
groups and nationalities. All workers, full time and freelance are sensitised to
the nature of the work they are doing, its professional requirements and the
need for the highest codes of conduct to deliver their work in a non
discriminatory manner. This is reflected in contractual agreements where &
when applicable.

Part F – Review
1. Alpha's management will monitor and review the effectiveness of this
policy in its entirety on an annual basis.

2. Alpha's management will monitor and keep under review the impact of
this policy in the following areas, but not to the exclusion of others if
and when appropriate:

2a Employment:
- probationary periods
- terms and conditions of employment
- dismissal
- leave arrangements
- re-grading
- deployment patterns
2b Service Delivery
2c Procedures

In line with requirement, this Policy was reviewed in:

July 2003
November 2004
November 2005
November 2006
November 2007
November 2008

Alpha recognises that employment legislation has significantly

affected the rights given to employees and workers, both statutory
& contractual, from recruitment through to and inclusive of
Thus the role and function of personnel & human resource
management in its entirety also requires to be monitored, evaluated
and reviewed.

With regards to good practice within the scope of existing (and

proposed) legislation, Alpha is covered and advised by

Following is a general graphical layout of the internal translation
procedure, including quality assurance. Process for complex
projects is designed on project by project basis:

Original source document received by the Project Manager and having

agreed the work plan, output requirements and method of delivery with the client


Proof Reader

Double proof reading is carried

out for high profile and
Additional proofreaders are complex material
also engaged for complex
projects Translator

Project Manager & IT/ Desktop Publishing Staff

Final copy delivered to the client

The Project Manager monitors the whole process until completion, in order to ensure
only a high quality service is delivered.

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