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Accusing Someone (Menuduh Seseorang)

Accusing Someone is expression when someone said that person did something wrong
although she/he doesn’t know the truth, like stealing.

Expression of Accusing Someone :

It must have been you who did it
(pastilah Kamu yang telah melakukannya)
I think you’re the only person who could have done it
(saya kira hanya kamulah satu-satunya orang yang bisa mekakukannya)
You must be doing something wrong
(kamu pasti melakukan kesalahan)
You must have talked about me behind my back.
You dropped that porcelain glass last night, didn’t you?
You took my magazine, didn’t you?
You had lost all of my data on the computer.

Responses of Accusing :
I’m sorry. It’s my fault
Sorry for my fault
I’m sorry for the things. I’ve done
It’s my responsibility. I’m sorry
No, it wasn’t me
Yes, I did. Sorry for not asking you first.
I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to.
Contoh Dialog Accusing Someone

Dede : Kiki, stop right now?

Kiki : What?
Dede : Did you steal my handphone?
Kiki : No, I do not do that!
Dede : Seriously? But everybody in the class say that must be you! It was your fault
Kiki : What? I never do that! Seriously! You’re such as a lier!! I hate you!
Dede : Huh! How could you run away from all this, and pretended not to know!
Kiki : You do not talk nonsense, prove it Dede!!
Dede : Huh! Sure I will.

Blaming Someone (Menyalahkan Seseorang)

Blaming is when someone said that person did a mistake that should be her/his
responsibility, like choosing wrong way.
Expression of Blaming is an expression that is used to say on somebody the
responsibility for something done (badly or wrongly) or not done.
Expressing Blaming
It was your fault
You are the one to blame
Serves you right
How could you do such a thing?
It’s your mistake/fault.
I think you are to blame.
I think you are the one who could have done it.
Are you out of your mind?
I can’t believe that you did it.
I hope you’re sorry.
I hope you are sorry for….
Serves you right.
What on earth were you thinking?
Someone who accused or blamed usually declines it. The following are the responses
used :
It’s not true
It wasn’t me
You are wrong, I didn’t do it

I ‘m not the one to blame

Contoh Dialog Blaming Someone
Lisa : Hey, you Kiki. Stop!
Kiki : What happened, Lisa?
Lisa : Did you steal my money? You’re the one to blame!
Kiki : It wasn’t me. I didn’t do that.
Lisa : But everybody in my class said you do that. You have to explain about this!
Kiki : Huh! How dare you’re. I never do that suck things.
Lisa : Yeah, but my friends had seen you out of my classroom. It must be you stealing
my money.
Kiki : Prove it, how dare you just accuse and blame me without clear evidence. I will
pay your money if you can prove that suck things!
Lisa : Ok, I will prove that!
Kiki : I will wait for that!

Kalimat Expressing Promise

1. Please accept our thanks in advance./Thanking you in advance.

2. Thank you in anticipation for your kindness/for any information you may be able to give
3. We hope/Hoping that our offer will interest you...
4. We trust that we shall be able to find a favourable solution.
5. You may rest assured that we shall do everything possible to...
6. We shall be pleased to assist you in every way we can.
7. We regret not being able to assist you for the time being.
8. Please accept our most sincere apologies.
Expressing making a Promise and swear

Dialog 1
Andre : Hi, Jen. I was told that I'd fine you here. I want to talk with you.
Jeni : I'm sorry Ndre, I can't, Im verry busy and I have many activity today, I dont have a
time to talk about anyway.
Andre : But I want to apologiezwith you, please forgive me, I know you think I'm a looser
man, but I promise to change my attitude.
Jeni : You said it too yesterday.
Andre : Please Jeni, I swear this time, belive with me!
Jeni : Sorry I have many activity today, I have to go, bye!

Dialog 2
Mikha : Hey ka Ina! Where have you been?
Ka Ina: Just working and shopping.
Mikha : You must be tire ka Ina. What did you buy?
Ka Ina: Yes I am tired. I bought some stuffs for you so you can make me something to eat.
Mikha : Ooh man I am not sure if i can.
Ka Ina : Why? You can do it and it's easy. It's only to make fried bananas.
Mikha : I doubt it. The last time I tried it. It was all burned.
Ka Ina: Come on Mikha! Please! I love you.
Mikha: I am not so sure about your saying. Last time you were mad at me when i made it
because it was all burned.
Ka Ina : I promise it that ever happens again I will not be mad anymore.
Mikha: Pinky promise?
Ka Ina: Yes pinky promise!
Mikha : All right then. Wish me luck! I am going to start now.
Ka Ina : I trust you Mikha. You won't overfry your cooking this time.
Mikha : Do you think you can help me ka Ina?
Ka Ina : Well... let me think!... Ok let 's do it together
Mikha: Awesome!
Ka Ina : After we finish can you do my laundry Mikha?
Mikha : What? You are so mean ka Ina. I am gonna tell bapa tua and mama tua and kaka tua
because you are treating me like a servant.
Ka Ina: Just kidding.

Dialog 3
Tono : Would you accompany me to visit Linda. She is hospitalized.
Rina : What time?
Tono : at 9 o'clock. By the way , are you sure Doni will join us next week?
Rina : I'm sure he will. He promised to join us next week.

Dialog 4
A: I need help preparing for my presentation on Friday.
B: I could help you with that.
A: Are you sure you have the time?
B: I promise you that I have the time to do this. If I didn't, I wouldn't offer to help.
A: What would be the best time for you to help me?
B: Tomorrow night would work for me.
A: Should we just meet here?
B: OK, and I'll bring some information that helped me with my presentation.
A: I'll see you then.
B: See you tomorrow night.

Dialog 5
A: Could you help me prepare for my presentation on Friday?
B: I would love to help you prepare for your presentation.
A: I hate to ask you to do something like that.
B: This will not interfere with my work. I promise you that.
A: When could we get together?
B: I could easily give you some time tomorrow night.
A: Would you like to meet at the coffee house next door?
B: Yes, and could you write down anything you might be having trouble with?
A: I'll come prepared.
B: Goodbye until then. I promise you that you'll do well after we meet.

Dialog 6
A: I am a little nervous about my presentation on Friday.
B: If you would like me to, I could help you with that.
A: Wouldn't that take you away from your project?
B: I have plenty of time to do this. I promise you it won't be a problem for me.
A: Is there a good time for you to help me?
B: If we work on this tomorrow night, you could easily be ready for Friday.
A: How about meeting in my office?
B: That would work out well. Bring any concerns that you might have.
A: Sounds like you'll be able to help me a lot.
B: Don't worry. Everything will go well. I promise!

mengungkapkan keingintahuan (curiosity)

Expressing Curiosity Responding
 I really want to know….
 Ask your teacher about it.
 I’m curious about it.
 Don’t worry. I’ll show you the process.
 I wonder why he did such a foolish thing.
 I don’t know. You’d better ask him.
 It’s very embarrassing. How can it
 Let me tell you about it.
 So am I. Let’s see it together.
 I’m interested to know….

Contoh Dialogue Bahasa Inggris menggunakan expressing curiosity :

Situation 1

Sarah : “I’m so curious about the new student.”

Farhan : “Yeah, me too. Let’s wait for her. She loves coming to the library during the break.”

Situation 2

Khadis : “You look so happy. I’m interested to know what happen to you.”

Sarah : “Sure, Dad. I got the highest score for math again.”

Khadis : “Really? So, congratulation.”

Situation 3

Sarah : “Why are you staring me like that?”

Farhan : “I wonder why you could be smarter than me.”

Sarah : “Because I’m your sister, hehe..…”

Example for the dialogue :

Asep : I wonder if I could fly into the clouds.

Udin : Why not?

Asep : Do you think I could?

Udin : Asep, are you O. K.? You look a little depressed about something ….

Asep : I’m sorry. It’s nothing. I’m just wondering.

Udin : oh, really? C’mon. you can tell me. A penny for your thoughts.

Asep : I am just thinking about our plan to see my parents.

Udin : are you worried about it?

Asep : No, not really worried.

Udin : really? Then how do you feel about it?

Asep : I’m just wondering what my parent’ reaction will be

Udin : you are worried about it, aren’t you?

Asep : Uhmmm… I’ve told you before. They’re a little strange.

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