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Learning Management System

A project report has been submitted in the partial fulfillment of degree

Information Technology


I hereby declare that the project report entitled “ Learning Management System ” are
products(books,course. etc) of my own development under guidance of Mr. Awais Ali
and no part has been copied from any published source (Except the references, standard
mathematical or genetic model/equations/formulate/protocol etc.). I further declare that
the work reported in this project has not been submitted by any other either in part or in
full, for the award of any other degree diploma in this university. The university may take
action if the information provided is found in accurate at any stage.

Name: Registration No. Signature:

JAVERIA MEHMOOD 2013-GCUF-01636 ______________________

Amnakanwal 2015-GCUF-22878 _____________________

II|P a g e
You could have left me in darkness,
But you didn’t.
I am grateful
All Praise is Yours


III|P a g e
The purpose of Learning Management System is to automate the existing manual system
by the help of computerized equipment’s and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling
their requirements, so that their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer
period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same. The required software and
hardware are easily available and easy to work with.
Web based application which will be run on all kind of servers. The Learning
Management System is that which manage the study and also increase the collaboration
between students and instructors. Learning management system is a software application
for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of educational
courses or training programs. They help the instructor deliver material to the students,
administer tests and other, track student progress, and manage record-keeping. LMS are
focused on online learning delivery Project will describe the Management System of a
university, college or even a school.
Learning Management System , as described above, can lead to error free, secure,
reliable and fast management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on their other
activities rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus it will help organization in
better utilization of resources. The organization can maintain computerized records
without redundant entries. That means that one need not be distracted by information that
is not relevant, while being able to reach the information.
The aim is to automate its existing manual system by the help of computerized
equipment’s and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that
their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and
manipulation of the same. Basically the project describes how to manage for good
performance and better services for the clients.

IV|P a g e



1.1Importance of Computer:
The blooming technology has taken deep roots in every field now days. Using a
computer, tasks can be done automatically and that will lead to saving the countless hours
that may otherwise have been spent on doing the job manually. The computer has
thoroughly changed the way we witness things. It is one of the most brilliant gifts of
science. Computers are constantly being updated to make our lives better. In fact, the
computer is a wonderful electronic brain that we have come to rely on in our everyday
life. The computer has proved a friend and servant of science, technology and industry. It
is impossible for anyone to imagine a world without high computing environment also it
is the worst nightmare for any organization to imagine its functioning without high end
computerized automated system. Providing maximum facilities and comfort to customers
is the main goal of firm. To achieve this goal modern facilities relating to computers
should have to be provided. No firm without using computers in modern age can be

1.2Computer Based System:

The computer based system includes the computer along with any software and
peripheral devices that are necessary to make the computer functioning properly. It is a
system of interconnected computers that share a central storage system and various
peripheral devices such as a printer, scanner or routers. Each computer connected to the
system can operate independently, but has the ability to communicate with other external
devices and computers. Computer based systems have advantages over manual systems as
they operate exceptionally fast with large storage and work with great accuracy and with
higher accessibility. Increased processing speed allows tasks to be completed more
quickly by fewer people.

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1.3The Existing System (Manual):
It is much important to keep pace with Time and with the Increasing competition
in the market and to stand on the present environment of the modern world. It is very
difficult to handle a large amount of data manually and to achieve the required results.
Currently the user is using the manual system. They record the entries manually on
registers and there is more chance of errors. products(books,course. etc)ivity is usually
lower, particularly in routine or operational situations. It is difficult to make corrections,
if a manual document contains errors or needs updating, it is often necessary to create the
whole document from scratch rather than just a new version. If user wants to get
information about a particular customer, then it is a very difficult and time-consuming

1.4Problem in Existing System

 Inconsistency in data entry, roam for errors, mistaken
 System is dependent on good individuals
 Time consuming and costly to produce result
 Lack of quality

1.5Need For The Project:

The need of this project to provide different facilitiest. In these days with the
Passage of time life is so busy, so clients can purchase any products(books,course. etc)
online. So, the new System is developed keeping in mind the general needs and
requirements of the customer. Also, the developed system should be easy to understand
and matches with the daily requirements of the organization and the client.

1.6Introduction of the System:

Online ticket sale system (Concepts brand) is a business website. The aim of this
website is to sale products(books,course. etc) in a conducive way for the customers. The
users can be able to see the latest tickets of movies and see the price and easy to purchase
this. The Banner of the website is changed by time is the main attraction of this website.
Owing to the wisdom for the user, website has an opportunity to gives his comments
about the products(books,course. etc) as well as website. The Customer can put his
demand order through website.

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1.7 Goals and Objective of New System:

The main objective of the system is to make online shopping system much simpler
and more effective to meet the satisfaction level of customer. The goal of this system is to
introduce the efficient, consistent, reliable and computerized shopping system. Apart
from this, the system aims to provide the advanced security, thus protecting the
confidentially of all information stored in the system and limiting the access control.

1.7.1 Eliminating data redundancy:

In this new system data redundancy is eliminated means that no data will be
repeated again which is written before. No redundancy will occur that’s quality of the
new system.

1.7.2 Flexibility:
System must be capable to meet the desired objective and goals of the
organization. System must be capable to change accordingly to the situation or
requirements of the organization. It must have flexibility in it to change accordingly to
the requirements

1.7.3 User Friendly:

The develop system is very secure and have a great sufficiency effect on the
business.The develop system easy to understand and have the full capability to manage
the system and it can minimize the different data security threats.It can help the managers
to make reports on the efficiency of their showroom business.

1.7.4 Economical:
The new system is economical.There will no stationary expense and work will be
done with minimum manpower. Means that it is too much economical.

1.7.5 Reliable:
There is no any online Payment gateway provided in this portal. So, any company
which would register would not be able to pay online. Payment would be done by
check/case. There are no banners for advertisement on the site.

1.7.6 Time saving:

This system is so much time saving.Saving the time, manpower and stationery by
saving data.

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1.7.7 Efficient:
No delay in availability of information in the system, so decision making is faster
and easier.This system is so much efficient as it performs better and correctly.

1.7.8 Security:
Management System provides a very strong security feature. Only the authorized
users can access the developed system. Hence it provides high level of security to the

No delay in availability of information in the system, so decision making is faster
and easier. User can access easily and can do his work. So, these are the main advantages
of the new system.

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2.1 Functional requirement:

Table 2.1: Requirement Admin Login

Requirement #: Req-01 Requirement Type: Functional

This requirement enables users to login in the system. Admin can

Description: add new products(books,course. etc), delete old
products(books,course. etc) and delete user comments.

Rationale: To Login in system

Originator: Administrator of the system.

Fit Criterion: Admin is login in system.

Customer Satisfaction: Customer Dissatisfaction:

7 3

Priority: 3 Conflicts: Nil

Supporting Materials:

History: NA

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Table 2.2: Requirement Add New products(books,course. etc)

Requirement #: Req-02 Requirement Type: Functional

This requirement enablesAdmin to add products(books,course.

etc) in Database.

Rationale: To Add New products(books,course. etc)

Originator: Administrator of the system.

products(books,course. etc)s(books,course. etc) are successfully

Fit Criterion: added in database than fetch from database and show on front page
of website.

Customer Satisfaction: Customer Dissatisfaction:

7 3

Priority: 3 Conflicts: Nil

Supporting Materials: NA

History: NA

Table 2.3: RequirementDelete products(books,course. etc)

Requirement #: Req-03 Requirement Type: Functional

This requirement enables admin to delete products(books,course.
etc) from form page.

Rationale: To Delete products(books,course. etc)

Originator: Administrator of the system.

products(books,course. etc) is successfullydelete from database and
Fit Criterion:
also from font page.

Customer Satisfaction: 7 Customer Dissatisfaction: 3

Priority: 3 Conflicts: Nil

Supporting Materials: NA

History: NA
Table 2.4: Requirement Delete User order

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Requirement #: Req-04 Requirement Type: Functional

Description: This requirement enables admin to delete user order.

Rationale: To Delete user comments.

Originator: Administrator of the system.

Fit Criterion: The order is successfully deleted from the admin side.

Customer Satisfaction: 7 Customer Dissatisfaction: 3

Priority: 3 Conflicts: Nil

Supporting Materials: NA

History: NA

Table 2.5: Requirement User add order

Requirement #: Req-05 Requirement Type: Functional

This requirement enables user to add order and their point of view
Description: about products(books,course. etc) and request to buy
products(books,course. etc).

Rationale: To Add order

Originator: User of the system.

Fit Criterion: Order is successfully adding by user.

Customer Satisfaction: Customer Dissatisfaction:

7 3

Priority: 3 Conflicts: Nil

Supporting Materials: NA


Table 2.6: Requirement Add item in Invoice

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Requirement #: Req-06 Requirement Type: Functional

This requirement enables user to add products(books,course. etc)

Description: in the invoice and their point of sale about products(books,course.
etc) and request to buy products(books,course. etc).

Rationale: To Add Item in invoice

Originator: User of the system.

Fit Criterion: products(books,course. etc) is successfully add in the invoice

Customer Satisfaction: Customer Dissatisfaction:

7 3

Priority: 3 Conflicts: Nil

Supporting Materials: NA


Table 2.7: Remove item from invoice

Requirement #: Req-07 Requirement Type: Functional

This requirement enables user to remove products(books,course.

etc) from the invoice

Rationale: User remove the products(books,course. etc) item from the invoice

Originator: User of the system.

Fit Criterion: products(books,course. etc) is successfully remove by the invoice

Customer Satisfaction: Customer Dissatisfaction:

7 3

Priority: 3 Conflicts: Nil

Supporting Materials: NA


Table 2.8: Edit item from invoice

Requirement #: Req-08 Requirement Type: Functional

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Description: This requirement enables user to edit it from the invoice

Rationale: To Edit item from the invoice

Originator: User of the system.

products(books,course. etc) is successfully edit item from the
Fit Criterion:

Customer Satisfaction: Customer Dissatisfaction:

7 3
Priority: 3 Conflicts: Nil

Supporting Materials: NA


2.2 Unified Modeling Language (UML):

Unified modeling language has come in to use with the rise of object oriented
development and provides an unambiguous model of the system to be implemented.
UML syntax and notations describes thoroughly and completely that how to use UML in
the context of object oriented application development method (Schmuller, 2004)

2.3 Use Case Model

2.3.1 Use case model (Admin)


Add Product


Delete activity

View user r

Delete user

Figure 2.1: Use Case Model (admin)

2.3.2 Use case model (User)


9|P a g e
Figure 2.2: Use Case Model (User)

2.4 Class Diagram


+ID ()
+Password ()


+Name ()
+Product ()
+Price ()

USER Learning

+Add Order () +Customer Name ()

+Add Name () +Customer Contact ()
+Add Address () +Customer Address ()
+Add details () +Customer Order ()

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2.5 System Sequence Diagram
2.5.1 System Sequence Diagram of the Admin Login


: Admin

1 : enter user name and password()

2 : Verify()

3 : Ok user name and password()

Figure 2.3: System Sequence Diagram of Admin Login

2.5.2 System Sequence Diagram of Add New products(books,course. etc)


: Admin
1: Enter User Id and Password ()

2: Verify ()

3: Ok User is login ()

4: Form is shown ()

5: Enter Product, Price ()

6: verify ()

7: Product are successfully add ()

Figure 2.4: System Sequence Diagram of Add New products(books,course.


11|P a g e
2.5.3 System Sequence Diagram of Access or deny User Order


: Admin
1 : Enter User Id and Password()
2 : Verify()

3 : Ok User is login()
4 : Click on Client Message button()

5 : Show Comments With Delete button()

6 : Click On Delete Button()

7 : verify()

8 : Comments Are successfully deleted()

Figure 2.5: System Sequence Diagram of Delete User Order

2.5.4 System Sequence Diagram ofDelete products(books,course. etc)


: Admin
1: Enter User Id and Password ()
2: Verify ()

3: Ok User is login ()

4: Click on Delete product button ()

5: Show Product delete button ()

6: Click On Delete Button ()

7: verify ()

8: Product are successfully deleted ()

Figure 2.6: SystemSequence Diagram of Delete products(books,course. etc)

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2.5.5 System Sequence Diagram of View User Order


: Admin
1 : Enter User Id and Password()
2 : Verify()

3 : Ok User is login()

4 : Click on client Order Button()

5 : verify()
6 : Show Order with Delete button()

Figure 2.7: System Sequence Diagram of View User Order

2.5.6 System Sequence Diagram of View products(books,course. etc)


: User

1: Open Website ()

2: Show new product ()

Figure 2.8: System Sequence Diagram of View products(books,course. etc)

13|P a g e
2.5.7 System Sequence Diagram of View Order


: admin

1 : Enter User id and password()

2 : verify()

3 : Ok User is Login()

4 : Click on Client Order Button()

5 : Show Order With Delete Button()

Figure 2.9: System Sequence Diagram of View Order

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2.6 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 2.12: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

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2.7 Sequence Diagram (SSD) of each use case
2.7.1 Sequence Diagram of Login

Login Bussiness Logic Login DB


: Admin
1 : Enter User Name And Password()

2 : Enter User Name And Password()

3 : Admin Is Succeessfully Login()

4 : Check User Name And password()

5 : Ok User Name And Password()

Figure 2.13: Sequence Diagram of Login

2.7.2 Sequence Diagram of Add New products(books,course. etc)

GUI Login Business Logic Login DB Add New Product DATABASE

: Admin

1: Enter User Name and Password ()

2: Enter User Name and Password ()

3: Check User Name and password ()

4: Ok User Name and Password ()

5: Show Message Welcome ()

6: Enter brand, price, and picture ()

7: Enter brand, price, and picture ()

8: Inserted Brand, price, Picture ()

9: Show Message Product is inserted ()

10: Show Message Product is inserted ()

Figure 2.14: Sequence Diagram of Add New products(books,course. etc)

16|P a g e
2.7.3 Sequence Diagram of Delete products(books,course. etc)

GUI Login DB
Login Business Logic Delete Product DATABASE

: Admin

1: Enter User Name and Password ()

2: Enter User Name and Password ()

3: Check User Name and password ()

4: Ok User Name and Password ()

5: Show Message Welcome ()

6: Click Delete Button ()

7: Show Product With Delete ()

8: Click Delete ()

10: Inserted Query to delete Product ()

11: Show Message Product Deleted ()

12: Show Message Product Deleted ()

Figure 2.16: Sequence Diagram of Delete products(books,course. etc)

2.7.4Sequence Diagram of Delete Order

GUI Login DB
Login Bussiness Logic Delete Order Order

: Admin

1 : Enter User Name And Password()

2 : Enter User Name And Password()

3 : Check User Name And password()

4 : Ok User Name And Password()

5 : Show Message Welcome()

6 : Click Client Message()

7 : Show Order With Delete()

8 : Click Delete()

10 : Inserted Query to delete Order()

11 : Ok Order Delete()

12 : ShowMessage Order Delete()

Figure 2.16: Sequence Diagram of Delete Order

17|P a g e


There are two main requirements are existing
1. Functional Requirements
2. Non-Functional Requirements
The functional requirements are the functionalities of a system. Getting required
functional requirements is the most important part of software development, so this part
needs proper time and concentration. The online shopping system has different functional
requirements which we have gathered with the help of our supervisor. Some functional
requirements of online shopping system are given below with brief description.
The system would provide access (admin panel) to authorized users. Unauthorized
users can’t get access to the system. The user of the system can get access to the online
shopping system by putting correct username and password.
 End User
Every user should be comfortable of working with computer and net browsing. He
must have basic knowledge of English too. He has must be some knowledge of how
to use any websites.
 Administrator
Administrator is an entity that will manage entire system. An administrator can cover
areas such as database, security and integration. He can view, modify or delete
records. He can do all kind of alterations in the database.
A non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be
used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. Non-functional
requirements are "constraints", "quality attributes", and "non-behavioral requirements.
Non-Functional Requirements includes following.

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3.2.1 Interactive
Our system is very interactive to use, all functionalities and features are visible and
easy to use.
3.2.2 Security
Unauthorized person cannot access system software side and a person with fake ID
& password cannot access any activity.
3.2.3 Portability
We can transfer a system or component of our project from one environment to
another. We can deploy our project in any organization.
3.2.4 Performance
Our display system works 24/7. Our display will not be downgraded while running.
The new system has many implications and has many advantages over the existing
system some of the advantages are:
The primary objectives of the new developed system are to provide speed and
accuracy during data processing and report generation. This system should provide timely
correct retrieval of information in an accurate and efficient manner.
Provide efficient data maintenance and storage for different suppliers the system
must be flexible and capable of adapting to changing environmental conditions.
The data updating can be made in all easy way so that the management in
obtaining any type of report may not face any problems in dealing with it.
New system removes optimum redundancies which are present in the existing
system. So, it has been tried to avoid redundancy as much as possible.
To provide user friendly environment for all users even having basic knowledge
about the system. No specific computer staff was required relevant personal can easily
process further and access the required information.

19|P a g e
Security in a system is very important security provide protecting system data
from deliberate damage accidental damage or access by unauthorized persons. Security is
a very huge problem in the new era. Because of threats we have maintain the security
The database system is more economical and efficient as compared with manual
system. Because in manual system stationary as well as large staff is involved the records
keeping that constitute high cost. Hence database system was very beneficial
User can enter data through forms and this stored in database. We can see this data
in database. We can generate reports from this data.
Everyone wants quick response to his queries because decisions are based on up
to date information. Due to high speed of processing the computerized system takes less
time to access information from database.
In manual system, the process of amendment of record is time consuming and
inefficient process. To remove this drawback, it has been to make many changes in data
whenever it occurs.
The manual system lacks cleanliness because the files which are not regularly
accessible are usually found full of dust. The updating and deletion process also cause a
lot of disorganization and clutter. The computerized system provides a neat and clean

20|P a g e
3.4 System Analysis.
Before I start it the main problem is to understand how to start the project with the solve this issue I visit some websites to understand the logic of the
project some of them are Pakistani websites and others are Indian.

3.4.1 Design.
I want to design my site in the way that any person can easily understand it Design is the
heart of any website today we are living in the era of computer science. So that why I use
a simple design.

3.4.2 Environments:
At the Implementation time is the most critical time of my project because I use php ,html
,css Then I change it to takes valid information of the user and execute systems that
move through the SDLC. Development environment, where developers can work
independently of each other before trying to merge their work with the work of others,

 Common build environment, where merged work can be built, together, as a

combined system,
 Systems integration testing environment, where basic testing of a system’s
integration points to other upstream or downstream systems can be tested,
 User acceptance testing environment, where business stakeholders can test against
their original business requirements,
 products(books,course. etc)ion environment, where systems finally get deployed
to, for final use by their intended end users.
3.4.3 Testing:
At testing level whenever I test my code lots of error and syntax error fatal error occur in
my testing in testing of database to send and retrieve the data.
The code is tested at various levels in software testing, Unit, system and user acceptance
testing often performed. This is a grey area as many different opinions exist as to what the
stages of testing are and how much, if any iteration occurs. Defect testing the failed
scenarios, including defect tracking:
1. Path testing 6. Data set testing
2. Unit testing 7. System testing
3. Black-box testing 8. White-box testing
4. Automation testing 9. User acceptance testing
5. Software performance testing

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3.4.4 Training and transition
Once a system has been stabilized through adequate testing, the SDLC ensures that proper
training on the system is performed or documented before transitioning the system to its
support staff and end users.
Training usually covers operational training for those people who will be responsible for
supporting the system as well as training for those end users who will be using the system
after its delivery to a products(books,course. etc)ion operating environment.
After training has been successfully completed, systems engineers and developers
transition the system to its final products(books,course. etc)ion environment, where it is
intended to be used by its end users and supported by its support and operations staff.
3.4.5 Operations and maintenance
The deployment of the system includes changes and enhancements before the
decommissioning or sunset of the system. Maintaining the system is an important aspect
of SDLC. As key personnel change positions in the organization, new changes will be
implemented. There are two approaches to system development; there is the traditional
approach (structured) and object oriented. Information Engineering includes the
traditional system approach, which is also called the structured analysis and design


For future development, we will first consider all previously assumed options which are
not yet developed. This we can make the website livelier in action, so that can be
considered as popular online job portal website.
At this some future development has to be taken into account, such as a payment system
against a professional resume.
Auto-Generated Mailing System informing both the Job-Seekers and the Recruiters.
SMS-Alert direct phone.
The errors occurred due to failure nature of the website has to be reduce as far possible to
make the site & more user friendly in nature.
This website should be launched in World Wide Web (www) to have the live version
over the internet.
These failures will Emphasis the whole development procedure.

22|P a g e
Learning Management System is the ACCESS based project which is totally based on
database. This is dynamic project which is based on Learning Management System . This
project is the easy platform for the users to get the products(books,course. etc) he wants.
There is also an admin approval system which is place the products(books,course.
etc)s(books,course. etc) of grocery portals.
The whole world is gradually jumping on the paperless economy. Today the world is
become a Global village where everything is online. The computer is like a double –
edged sword. It has the ability to cut as free from routine activities but it can also slice
deeply into profits personal privacy and society in general
 Information is easy to easy to retrieve and is well organized because of graphical
user interface provided by the system.
 System is reliable enough to make timely decisions by detecting authentic user.
No such manual investigation is required as was done in previous system.
 Once the correct voice with specific identification is entered in the database it
remains correct.
 The speed and processing time is quick thus giving better performance and
manipulate correct results.

3.7 Action Plans:

Survey 3 Days

ANALYSIS/Design 9 Days

PHP Coding 11 Days

Error of PHP in Coding 13 Days

Total 5 Weeks

23|P a g e
Front Page:

Figure 1 Front Page

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Admin login

Figure 2

Search The Student

Figure 3:

25|P a g e
Student Record Enter :


Add or edit Time Table :

Figure 4:

26|P a g e
View Subject and Edit

Figure 5:

Admin Panel :

Figure 6: Admin Login

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Admin Profile:

Figure 7: Admin Profile

Admin Picture Setting:

Figure 8: Admin Picture Setting

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Teacher Record:

Figure 9:

29|P a g e
Data Base:
Project Database:

Figure 10: All Database

Items Database:

Figure 11:

30|P a g e
User Manual

In this section I define who to use this project. First of all user view the web
page and check the products(books,course. etc) if user purchase something then
customer first of sign up to him and then login to the web page. Customer select
the item and give order for this item.Salesman complete the order then customer
pay bill through card.Admin add the customer in the customer list.Admin can edit
new item in the products(books, course. etc) list and also delete the item in the
list.Admin add new employee in employee list.Admin also check the sale
report.Admin update the products(books, course. etc) list.custmer receive items
and then pay bill. When the customer order complete then a message sent to the
customer that your order is complete.

1 User Friendly

To provide user friendly environment for all users even having basic
knowledge about the application, no special knowledge is required; one can easily
process further and access the required information.

The software fails or dissatisfied, when it is error prone, when it is difficult to

change and even harder to us, bad things can do happen. We all want to build the
software that makes things better, avoiding the bad things.

The system is user friendly. Anyone with basic knowledge about computer system can
efficiently input, maintain and manipulate data. The system provides user-friendly
messages whenever user or client visit site. A survey was conducted and results showed
that about 95% users were more comfortable than others. The reliability of the system
may be secured by giving regular and guaranteed services to the user

2 Data Entry

Under the proposed application the data entry will through easy way. User can enter
data in simple forms and immediately see results on screen.

3 Time Saving

Everyone wants quick response to his queries because decisions are based on up to
timely date information. Due to high speed of processing, the proposed application

31|P a g e

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