A Level Writing Pack Extra Support For Grammar KEY

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Exercise 1: Put the words into the correct order to make a meaningful sentence.
1. years twenty-five I old. am I am twenty-five years old.
2. We from are Peru. We are from Peru.
3. My Zeynep and name a I'm student. is My name is Zeynep and I’m a student.
4. is my book. This This is my book.
5. nice day a today. It's It’s a nice day today.
6. Ozan . brother's name is Her Her brother’s name is Ozan.
7. engineer. Erdinç is an Erdinç is an engineer.
8. My David. name is husband's My husband’s name is David.
9. address new of is top the at letter. My the My new address is at the top of the letter.

Exercise 2: Make sentences in Present Continuous Tense using the prompts below. You can add any
necessary words.
1. I/hate/ live/ Rize/ because/ it/ always/ rain.
I hate living in Rize because it always rains.
2. She/usually/wear/sunglasses.
She usually wears sunglasses.
3. Some students/ drive/ very/ fast/ school/ campus.
.Some students drive very fast at school campus.
4. They/ come/ school/ minibus.
They come to school by minibus.
5. Yeliz/never/cook/ meals/ us/home.
Yeliz never cooks meals to us at home.
6. He/ speak/ two/ language/English/French.
He speaks two languages; English and French.
7. Omer/ play/ computer/ games/ home.
Omer plays computer games at home.
8. Cemre/ go/ bed/ 9/ every/ night.
Cemre goes to bed/ at 9 every night.
9. Dilek/ play/piano/ very/ well.
Dilek/ plays the piano very well.
10. My mother/ do/ all/ the house work/ alone.
My mother does all the house work alone.

11. Even/ best/ students/ make/ mistakes/ final/ exams.
Even best students make mistakes in final exams.


Exercise 3: Make sentences in Present Continuous Tense using the prompts below. You can add any
necessary words.

1. I / read / the book / Tom Sawyer. I am reading the book Tom Sawyer.
2. Jack/ Peter/ work/ late/ today. Jack and Peter are working late today.
3. I/not go/ with/ them/ because/ they/ always/ complain.
I am not going with them because they are always complaining.
4. Why/ not/ you/ do/ your/ homework? Why aren't you doing your homework?
5. Maria/ sit/ next/ Paul. Maria is sitting next to Paul.
6. Whose parents/ wait/ the teacher? Whose parents are waiting for the teacher?
8. We/ not go/ Egypt/ summer holiday.
We are not going to Egypt on summer holiday.
9. I/ can’t/ hear/ what/ you/ say/ because/ everybody/ talk/so loudly.
I can’t hear what you are saying because everybody is talking so loudly.

Exercise 4: Put the words into the correct order to make a meaningful sentence.

1. for glasses. my looking I'm

I’m looking for my glasses.
2. kind you reading? are What book of
What kind of book are you reading?
3. crying? is Pamela Why
Why is Pamela crying?
4. studying Middle Murat East at Technical economics University. is
Murat is studying economics at Middle East Technical University.
5. is laughing? Why everyone
Why is everyone laughing?
6. for me? waiting Are you
Are you waiting for me?
7. are you leaving? When
When are you leaving?
8. the working moment. is John at Arabia Saudi in
John is working in Saudi Arabia at the moment.
9. you? as Is the company Jennifer for same working
Is Jennifer working for the same company as you?
10. Saturday party come? having want next you to I'm do a
I’m having a party next Saturday. Do you want to come?

Exercise 5: Put each verb in brackets into the most suitable tense. Use present simple or present
I work in a large office with about thirty other people. I (1) know (know) most of them quite well. We (2)
spend (spend) most of the day together, so we are good friends. In fact, most of my colleagues are so
interesting that I (3) am thinking (think) of writing a book about them! Take Helen Watson, for example.
Helen (5) runs (run) the accounts department. At the moment, she (6) is going out (go out) with Tom
Ballantine, one of the sales representatives, and they (7) seem (seem) very happy together. But everyone
(except Helen apparently) (8) knows (know) that Tom (9) is always making (always make) eyes at Susan
Porter. But I (10) happen (happen) to know that Susan (11) dislikes (dislike) Tom. “I can’t stand people
who (12) apologize (apologize) all the time!” she told me. And plenty of other interesting things (13) are
going on (go on). For instance, every week money (14) disappears (disappear) from the petty cash box.
When you (15) realize (realize) that someone in your office is a thief, it (16) upsets (upset) you at first.
But I (17) am also trying (also try) to catch whoever it is before the police are called in. I’m not going to
tell you who I suspect (suspect). Well, not yet anyway!

Exercise 6: Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Stuart runs (run) his own photography business. He really enjoys (enjoy) his work as it is also his
favourite pastime. Usually, he works (work) at his shop. He sells (sell) all kinds of photographic
equipment there. This afternoon, he is taking (take) photographs of his friend’s wedding. Next week,
Stuart is flying (fly) to Australia to take some wildlife photographs.

2. Tracy is a stewardess. She wears (wear) a uniform at work. On her days off, however, she dresses
(dress) in a casually elegant way. She prefers (prefer) to wear designer jeans and pullovers with colourful
scarves wrapped around her neck. But tomorrow she is going (go) to a dinner party so she is planning
(plan) to wear something more formal.

Exercise 7: Choose the correct form of the verbs.

Dear Karen,
I’m having/ I have a great time here in England. My university term isn’t starting/ doesn’t start until the
autumn, so I’m taking/ I take the opportunity to improve my English. I’m staying/ I stay with some
English friends. They are owning/ own a farm. On weekdays I’m catching/ I catch a bus into Torquay to
go to language classes. I’m making/ I make good progress, I think. My friends say/ are saying my

pronunciation is much better than when I arrived, and I’m understanding/ I understand almost everything
now. At weekends I’m helping/ I help on the farm. At the moment they’re harvesting/ they harvest the
corn and they’re needing/ they need a lot of help. It’s quite hard work, but I’m liking/ I like it. And I’m
developing/ I develop some strong muscles!
Do you come/ Are you coming to visit me at Christmas? I’m spending/ I spend the winter holiday here at
the farm. My friends are wanting/ want to meet you and there’s plenty of space. But you must bring your
warmest clothes. It’s getting/ It gets very cold in the winter.
Let me know as soon as you’re deciding/ you decide. And tell me what you’re doing/ you do these days.
Do you miss me?

Exercise 8: Complete the text with the present simple or the present progressive of the verbs in
In this picture, my brother and I are at the Local Youth Club
with some friends. I am playing (play) table tennis with my
friend Sally. My brother is sitting (sit) on the floor and he is
reading (read) a book. We usually go (go) to the Youth Club at
the weekends because during the week we have (have) a lot of
homework to do. We meet (meet) our friends there and play
(play) table tennis or board games. I also read (read) books and
magazines, but my brother prefers (prefer) surfing on the
Internet. At the end of every school year, the Youth Club
organises (organise) a camping trip for its members. Each time we spend (spend) a week at a different
place and we visit (visit) all the interesting sights. Isn’t it great?


There are some verbs in English that are not normally used in the Continuous Tense, because they
describe a state rather than an action. They are called state verb, stative verbs or non-progressive verbs.
The verbs that can be used in the Continuous Tense are called action verbs. Some verbs can be both state
and action verbs depending on their meaning.Here are some verbs that are not normally used in
the Continuous Tense.

like prefer mean need

dislike remember seem know
love forget understand belong
hate believe want own
I hate horror films. (I am hating horror films. INCORRECT)
I own a motorbike. (I am owning a motorbike.INCORRECT)

Here are some verbs that can be both state and action verbs depending on their meaning.

Stative Meaning Action Meaning

This soup smells good. He is smelling the soup. ( = sniffing at)
You look awful! He was looking out the window when I saw him.
Can you see me? I'm seeing my dentist this afternoon. ( = meeting,
I see what you mean. (see = understand)

I have two cars. (have = possess, own) I am having my lunch now. (have = eat)
I I think you made a mistake. (think = believe) I am thinking about my mum now. (think =
mental process)
I feel that you are wrong. ( = think) The massage feels great. (The massage has a
pleasant feeling.)
I don't feel well today (I am a little sick.)
I am not feeling well today. (I am a little sick.)

The coffee tastes good.(The coffee has a good I am tasting the cake. (I am trying the cake to see
taste.) what it tastes like.)
Joe is very rude. (He is a rude man.) Joe is being very rude. (Joe is behaving very

Exercise 9: Here are some verbs that can be both state and action verbs Use the verbs in present
simple or present continuous.
a) He……has…………four cars, all of them Rolls-Royces.
b) I……am having……………lunch with my mother tomorrow.
a) What…do...you……think….of Stephen Spielberg’s last film?
b) You are daydreaming. What…are…..you……thinking………about?
a) Something…smells………….good in the kitchen.
b) Why…are……you………smelling…the meat? Do you think it’s gone off?
a) I……see…….what you mean, but I don’t agree.
b) She……is seeing……a solicitor about her aunt’s will.

a) Don’t take any notice of him while he……is being………..childish like that.
b) I have never met an adult who…………is…..as childish as him.
a) A: Are you watching the documentary?
B: Oh yes. Now the mountaineer …is feeling……the rock above her to find a hand-hold.
b) When you are wet, the air temperature……feels…………much lower.
a) I have come to this restaurant twice and I know that this dessert really…tastes……good.
B) A: What’s the chef doing right now? B: He……is tasting……the soup.
a) I have never seen Ann like that. Today she …looks…………very sad.
b) This curious lady…is looking .......out of the window as usual.

Exercise 10: Change the statements to questions using the question word in parenthesis. Check verb
Example: The train arrives at ten o’clock. (what time) What time does the train arrive?
1. The car is across the street from the house. (where)
Where is the car?
2. I like the red blouse, not the blue one. (which)
Which blouse do you like?
3. He studies piano at the university. (what)
What does he study at the university?
4. The man with the white hat is my brother. (who)
Who is the man with the white hat?
5. I don’t get up early because I like to sleep late. (why)
Why don’t you get up early?
6. We have an English class every day. (how often)
How often do you have an English class?
7. They are singing popular songs. (what kind)
What kind of songs are they singing?

Exercise 11: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so the meaning stays
the same.
1. What’s your opinion of Andy’s new painting? THINK
What do you think of Andy’s new painting?
2. Sunrise is at 4:30 tomorrow morning. THE SUN
The sun rises at 4.30.
3. What’s on your mind at the moment? THINK ABOUT
What are you thinking about at the moment?
4. What is the meaning of this word? MEAN
What does this word mean?
5 What time is the train for Nottingham? LEAVE
What time does the train for Nottingham leave?
6. Whose watch is this? BELONG TO
Who does this watch belong to?

Exercise 12: Read the conversation between two students. Then look at the answers below and
write the correct answer in each space.

Lisa: Who is Michelle talking to?

Amy: I can’t see Michelle.
Lisa: You 1. ………..… looking in the right place. She is over there.
Amy: Oh, that’s Adrian. He’s new here.
Lisa: Really? Where 2. ………..… he live? 3. ………..… you know?
Amy: No, I 4. ………..… know anything else about him.
Lisa: What 5. ………..… they talking about, I wonder?
Amy: Well, he 6. ………..… look very interested. He’s got a very bored expression on his face. And
he 7. ………..… saying anything.
a) are b) do c) does d) is
1. a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) isn’t
2. a) are b) do c does d) is
3. a) Are b) Do c) Does d) Is
4. a) aren’t b) doesn’t c don’t d) ’m not
5. a are b) do c) does d) is
6. a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) isn’t
7. a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) isn’t

Exercise 13: Complete the sentences by using the words in parantheses. Use the Simple Present or
Present Progressive.
1. Shhh. The baby (sleep) is sleeping. The baby (sleep) sleeps for ten hours every night.
2. Right now I’m in class. I (sit) am sitting at my desk. I usually (sit) sit at the same desk in class
every day.

3. Ali (speak) speaks Arabic. Arabic is his native language, but right now he (speak) is speaking
4. Our teacher (stand, not) isn’t standing up right now. She (sit) is sitting on the corner of the desk.
5. It’s 6:00 p.m. Mary is at home. She (eat) is eating dinner. She always (eat) eats dinner with her
family around six o’clock.
6. It (rain, not)is not raining right now. The sun (shine) is shining and the sky (be) is blue.
7. (Rain, it) Does it rain in Southern California?
8. Look out of the window. (Rain, it) Is it raining ? Should I take my umbrella?
9. It is 7:30 a.m. and the Wilsons are in the kitchen. Mrs. Wilson (sit) is sitting at the breakfast table.
She (read) is reading the morning paper. She (read) reads the newspaper every morning. Mr.
Wilson (pour) is pouring a cup of coffe. He (drink) drinks two cups of coffee every morning
before he goes to work. There is a cartoon on TV, but the children (watch, not) aren’t watching it.
They (play) are playing with their toys instead. They usually (watch) watch cartoons in the
morning, but this morning they (pay, not) aren’t paying any attention to the TV.
10. Alice (take, not) doesn’t take the bus to school every day. She usually (walk) walks instead. (Take,
you) Do you take the bus to get the school every day, or (walk, you) do you walk ?


Exercise 14: Denise is talking to her friend on the phone. Complete the conversation. Use the past
tense form of each verb in parentheses.

DENISE: Hello, Elenore? I called (call) you this morning. You weren’t (be,not) at home.
I was (be) at the bank. I was (be) there for two hours this morning. First, there
ELENORE: was (be) a long line. Then the teller made (make) a mistake. When I showed
(show) her the mistake, she got (get) angry. Then the bank’s computer didn’t
work (work, not).
How terrible! What did you do (do)?
DENISE: I complained (complain) to the manager.
ELENORE: Did she help (help)?
DENISE: No, she laughed (laugh) and said (say), “Put your money under your
ELENORE: mattress!”
What did you do (do) then?
DENISE: I took (take) all my money out of my account and put (put) it in another bank.
ELENORE: Good for you!


Exercise 15: Make sentences in Simple Past Tense using the prompts below. You can add any
necessary words.

1. William Shakespeare/be born/Stratford-on-Avon/1564.

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon in1564.
2. Father/ send/ William/ local grammar school/1571.
His father sent William to a local grammar school in 1571.
3. When/ he/only/14 years old/he/ leave/ school.
When he was only 14 years old, he left school.
4. He/marry/Anne Hathaway/the daughter/a rich farmer/near Stratford.
He married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a rich farmer near Stratford.
5. Three years later/ Shakespeare/go/ London.
Three years later Shakespeare went to London.
6. 1587/he/became/ a member/ a theatrical company.
In 1587, he became a member of a theatrical company.
7. Around/1590/ he/ begin /write plays.
Around 1590, he began to write plays.
8. There/be/not/female/actors/theatres/those days.
There weren’t female actors in theatres in those days.
9. Boys /play/ all/ female parts.
Boys played all the female parts.
10. Shakespeare/continue/write/about/two/play/a year.
Shakespeare continued to write about two plays a year.
11. He die/a fever/ his birthday/ 1616.
He died of a fever on his birthday in 1616.
12. He/be/the greatest writer/English language.
He is the greatest writer of the English language.

Exercise 16: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the simple past or the past
1. At 6:00 p.m., Bob sat down at the table and began to eat. At 6:05, Bob was eating (eat) dinner.
2. While Bob was eating (eat) dinner, Ann came (come) through the door.
3. In other words, when Ann came (come) through the door, Bob was eating (eat) dinner.
4. Bob went to bed at 10:30. At 11:00 Bob was sleeping (sleep).

5. While Bob was sleeping (sleep), the phone rang (ring).
6. In other words, when the phone rang (ring), Bob was sleeping (sleep).
7. Bob left his house at 8:00 a.m. and began (begin) to walk to class.
8. While he was walking (walk) to class, he saw (see) Mrs.Smith.
9. When Bob saw (see) Mrs.Smith, she was standing (stand) on her front porch. She was holding
(hold) a broom.
10. Mrs. Smith was waving (wave) at Bob when she saw (see) him.


Questions with an auxiliary Questions without an auxiliary

Question Auxiliary Subject Infinitive Subject Verb
What do you read? Who drove the car?
Which skirt did she buy? What happened after the film?
Who did you visit? Which bus goes to the airport?
How many did you see? How many came to the concert?
people people
How much oil did you buy? How much got into the river?

Exercise 17: Write the questions.

1. Who …………………... you? Simon came to see me.
Who came to see you?
2. Who …………………... last night? Julie met Barbara.
Who did Julie meet last night ?
3. What …………………... you …………………... reading? I like reading novels.
What do you like reading?
4. Who …………………...? Joe made the cake.
Who made the cake?
5. How much ……………………? Fifty pounds went missing.
How much money went missing?
6. What …………………...? A cigarette started the fire.
What started the fire?
7. How much ……………………? Doctors earn a lot of money.
How much money do the doctors earn?
8. Who ……………… you? Caroline told me.
Who told you?
9. Which ………………………..? Those flowers look lovely.
Which flowers look lovely?
10. Which ………………………..? They can keep those photos.
Which photos can they keep?
11. How many …………………..? Julie has four children.
How many children does Julie have?
12. How many …………………..? Ten people sent cards.
How many people sent cards?

Exercise 18: Complete the conversations. Use was/were, the past simple (I did etc.) or the past
continuous (was doing etc.) of the verb in brackets.
1. POLICEMAN: What were you doing (you/do) when the accident happened (happen)?
COLIN :I was at the bus-stop. I was waiting (wait) for a bus.
POLICEMAN : Did you see (you/see) the accident?
COLIN :No, because I was reading (read) the newspaper.
2. NICOLA : I telephoned (telephone) you at 9 o’clock last night but you were not at home.
MARTIN : 9 o’clock? I was sitting (sit) in a café, drinking (drink) hot chocolate.
NICOLA : Was Jane with you?
MARTIN : No, she was working (work) in the library.
NICOLA : Where did you go (you/go) after the café?
MARTIN : I went (go) home.
3. MUM : Oh no! My beautiful new plate. What happened?
ANGELA :I’m really sorry, Mum. I broke (break)it when I was washing (wash) it.
MUM : How?
ANGELA : My hands were wet and I dropped (drop) it on the floor.
4. SOPHIE : Did you think (you/think) yesterday’s exam was difficult?
EDWARD :No, not really, but I didn’t write (not/write) very much.
SOPHIE :Why not?
EDWARD :Because I was daydreaming (dream) about my holidays.

Exercise 19: Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous.
A: How 1-) was (be) your trip to Leeds Castle last Saturday? 2-) Did you enjoy (you/enjoy) it?
B: Oh, yes. We 3-) had (have) a great time. It’s a fantastic place, although the staff 4-) closed (close)
part of it just before we 5-) arrived (arrive).
A: Oh, what a pity!
B: Well, yes, but do you know why? A television channel 6-) was making (make) a film about the life
of King Henry VII, and Jeff Springer 7-) was playing (play) the part of the king!
A: How exciting!
B: Yes, it 8-) was (be). The sun 9-) was shining (shine) too, so you can imagine how fantastic the
costumes 10-) looked (look). But something really amazing 11-) happened (happen) on the way
A: Oh? What was that?
B: Well, we 12-) were driving (drive) down the motorway towards London, when suddenly the car 13-)
broke down (break down). Guess who 14-) saw (see) us and 15-) gave (give) us a lift to the service
A: Who?
B: Jeff Springer himself!

Exercise 20: Write questions for the sentences below. The words in bold should be the answer to
your question.
Mrs Brown wants to see Sally. Who wants to see Sally?
John and Kelly are meeting Angela tonight. Who are John and Kelly meeting tonight?
This record costs £ 9. How much does this record cost?
Chris saved a little girl. Who did Chris save?
Clare likes eating. Who likes eating?
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. What did Shakespeare write ?
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. Who wrote Hamlet?
The maths test was difficult. How was the maths test?
Rachel’s grandmother was an actress. Whose grandmother was an actress?
The tiger lives in the jungle. Where does the tiger live?

Exercise 21: Megan wrote a letter to her friend, Janice. The letter got wet, and now Janice can’t
read some parts of it. What questions does Janice ask to get the missing information?

Dear Janice,
Hi! I just moved to 1................... . I left Chicago because 2................... . 3................... moved with
me, and we are sharing an apartment. I got a job in a 4................... . It started 5................... . The people
seem nice. Our apartment is great. It has 6. .................. rooms. .7.................. of the rooms came with
carpeting, but two of them have beautiful wood floors. The rent isn’t too high, either. We each pay $ 8.
.................. a month.We need to buy some 9................... . 10..................’s brother wants to visit her, so we
really need an extra bed.By the way, 11.................. called last Sunday. I also spoke to 12................ . They
want to visit us in 13.................... .Would you like to come too? Is that a good time for you? There’s
plenty of room because 14.................. . Write and let me now.
1-) Where did you move?
2-) Why did you leave Chicago?
3-) Who moved with you?
4-) Where did you get a job?
5-) When did it start?
6-) How many rooms does it have?
7-) How many of the rooms came with carpeting?
8-) How much do you each pay?
9-) What do you need to buy?
10-) Whose brother wants to visit her?
11-) Who called last Sunday?
12-) Who did you speak to?
13-) When do they want to visit you?
14-) Why is there plenty of room?

Exercise 22: Change the verb in brackets into the appropriate tense.

I had (have) a terrible time last Saturday. It was rather cold but quite sunny. So, after lunch I decided
(decide) to walk into town. While I was walking (walk) past a clothes shop I saw (see) a beautiful
pullover in the window. I entered (enter) the store and told (tell) the salesman that I wanted (want) to
buy the pullover. But just as I was paying (pay) I realized (realize) that I had left (leave) my wallet at
home. I felt (feel) so embarrassed. I still wanted (want) the sweater so I walked (walk) home. While I
was walking (walk) it started (start) to rain. I arrived (arrive) home cold, wet and miserable. I took off
(take off) my clothes and got (get) into the shower, but there was no water! Needless to say, last Saturday
was (be) the worst day in my life.

Exercise 23: Fill in the blanks with the simple present, the past simple, the present continuous forms
of the verbs.

a) There was an old man in the park. He saw (see) a young girl with a large dog. He went (go) up to
them and asked (ask) “Does your dog bite? (your dog/bite)? ” “Of course not,” said (say) the girl. The
man smiled (smile) at the dog and held (hold) out his hand, and the dog immediately bit (bite) him.
“Ow! ” he shouted (shout). “You said your dog didn’t bite!” “It doesn’t,” the girl answered (answer).
“That isn’t (not be) my dog!”

b) A man went into a restaurant and ordered (order) lunch. Then the waiter served (serve) the food
and it was (be) terrible! The man couldn’t eat (can/not) eat it. He called (call) the waiter and said
(say) “Waiter, this food is (be) terrible! I want (want) to see the manager.” “Sorry!” the waiter replied
(reply). “The manager went (go) out to have lunch ten minutes ago.”
c) ‘One morning a man found a penguin outside his front door. He took (take) it to the police
station, and the policeman told (tell) him to take it to the zoo. That evening, the policeman came
(come) out of the police station and saw (see) the man and the penguin. They were (be) at the bus
stop. “Hey,” he said (say). “I told (tell) you to take this penguin to the zoo this morning.” “Yes, sir. I
took (take) it to the zoo,” the man replied (reply), “Now we are going (go) to the cinema.”

d) There was a young boy and his father in the car. They were (be) on their way home. The man
turned (turn) left and the driver behind them hooted at them. Then they turned (turn) right, and
another driver shouted (shout) at them. “Are my indicators working (my indicators/ work)?” said the
man, and he stopped (stop) his car. His son got (get) out. Then he turned (turn) on his left indicator
and asked (ask) his son “Tell me. Is it working (it/work) right now?” and his son replied (reply), “No,
yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no.”

Exercise 24: Fill in the blanks with can, can’t, could, couldn’t.
1. “Todd was a very talented child.” “I know. He could play the piano well when he was seven.”
2. Tommy couldn’t tell the time when he was a baby.
3. “Can you fix my computer?” “I don't think that I can fix it but I'll try.”
4. Suddenly all the lights went out. We couldn't see a thing.
5. I learnt to read music as a child. I could read it when I was five.
6. I could play the piano much better when I was a child than I can now.
7. Can you stand on your head?
8. Although she was not very tall, she could reach the book she wanted by standing on a chair.


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