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ee) PN ETLN Ty March-April 2017 #12 Astrology around the Globe elfrurs -1031py suit Retrograde Kiss Sie Infinity isan Alexandria i-Base Project INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April issue INF#12 2017 Vietor Olliver (UK) — Associate from The Astrological Journal AA GB Sharon Knight (UK) — Associate from APAL Frank C. Clifford (UK) - Associate from The London School of Astrology Wendy Stacey (UK) - Associate from Mayo School of Astrology and AA GB Jadranka Coie (UK)— Associate from The Astrological Lodge of London Mandi Lockley (UK) ~ Associate from Academy of Astrology UK Athan J. Zervas (Greece) — Associate for Art & Design INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 Editor’s letter "Bring Love To A World Of Suffering"... Venus entered 0° Pisces (January 3rd, 2017 GMT-7:46:28am). On January 30" (which is the day of my birthday) Venus started her shadow period at 26° Pisces, (because during her retrograde motion she will "travel" from 13° Aries to 26° Pisces). This is the place of her exaltation (27° Pisces). She is the happiest at 27 Pisces!!! Venus starts retrograde motion soon, on March 4th (at 13° Aries, as I have said already), and she will be retrograde until April 14th (she will go retro to 26° Pisces). On May 19th, she will leave her shadow, crossing over 13° Aries again. So, we can say that from 30th January until 19th May we may have important events in relationships. It will be Venus shadow period, which could be good for a secret affair, it could be good 10 "keep" your love life from public, but also for relationships from past lives, but also for healing time... ! must add that during her retrograde motion the most important event is her meeting with the Sun (so called "lower conjunction"). This meeting will be around 4° Aries 59" ie. 5° Aries (25th March, 2017). In Draconic chart, this conjunction will be around 1° -2° Scorpio (Via Combusta). This ttme will ask from us to Bring Love to a World of Suffering, because Via Combusta speaks about it-here only Love could bring Light. On 11th Feb 2017, when we had the lunar eclipse at 22° Leo, Venus was at 5° Aries! At the same degree, she will make her "lower conjunction” with the Sun on 25th March! So, this eclipse already speaks about a meeting of two lovers! On 26th Feb 2017, when there was the solar eclipse at 8° Pisces, Venus was at 12° Aries30’, She will start her retro motion from 13° Aries on 4th March 2017! In the meantime, progressed Sun of INFINITY Astrological Magazine (1.A.M.) will touch 0° Gemini and tears (29 ° Taurus - Pleiades) will be our past Take a look in your chart. With Love, Smiljana, | INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 Contents: eu dae © u 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 21. 28, “Roman Holiday”Retrograde Venus in Aries 2017 & Me - Smiljana Gavranti¢ (6) INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Athan J, Zervas - INFINITY, ETERNITY, IMMORTALITY AND OTHER STORIES... - Smiljana Gavranvi¢ (12) INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH LeAnn Lacy - HEALING SOUL, MIND & BODY - Smiljana Gavranéié (18) Why are astrologers so GHASTLY * to each other? — Victor Olliver (23) INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Melanie Reinhart ~ Smiljana Gavranéi¢ (28) Burning down the house: Annual events using Profections — Athan J. Zervas (36) Disasters & Mercury Retrograde ~ Alan Annand (44) INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Hakan Kirkoglu — ASTROSUMMER CAMP 2017 Crete, (Greece) — Smiljana Gavrantic (50) Is Pallas Athena the Astrologer’s Asteroid? — Christina Rodenbeck (54) Opening windows and connecting times: An astrological view on a past life regression — Tania Daniels (56) THE GREEK DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: (AND THE TRUE NATIONAL HOROSCOPE OF MODERN GREECE) ~ Thomas Gazis (66) Venus Retro Spread — Kim Buckley (70) LaLa Land ~ This is the Dream — Mandi Lockley (75) ‘Venus Retrograde and Redemption - LeAnn Lacy (79) The Immortal Horoscope: Can transits still affect our natal chart after we have died? — Wendy Stacey (81) The Difference between Transits and Progressions in Relationship Astrology- Part 2 — Margaret Gray & Armand Diaz (91) INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Victor Olliver: How Madame Arcati Taught Me How To Cross Dress ~ Smiljana Gavranéi¢ (95) A short article looking at the likely chances of Le Pen winning the next French Elections in April 2017 — Sharon Knight (101) ‘Moon Days in Hawai’ — Linea Van Hom with Liz Dacus (113) A SCENARIO OF EVENTS FOR 2018-2020 — Marguerite dar Boggia (123) ‘The Chariot - Major Areana ~ Tara Aal (128) 2017: the year’s Moondark ~ Anne Whitaker (130) ‘Venus - Eric Meyers (134) Will we stay in Equador until the end of the mission in 2014? ~ Tania Daniels (137) The Twilight — Smiljana Gavraneic (139) 2017 February Eclipses report — Rod Chang (144) INFINITY HOROSCOPE - Natalie Delahaye (151) ‘March & April 2017 Infinity Horoscopes — Cassandra Tyndall (157) INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 IX Astrological Conference, Perugia, Italy Ist - 2nd July 2017 - ISAR Italy SPEAKERS Meskalila Nunzia Coppola, Franceska Furino, Smiljana Gavrancié, Chiara Gelmetti, Maria Magi Fillipo, Philip Graves, Oddi Gioia www. Wade Caves, Milla Basso, Lucia Bellizia, David Cochrane, INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 “Roman Holiday” Retrograde Venus in Aries 2017 & Me Smiljana Gavrancié When I was born (January 30", 1980) progressed Moon of Ancient Rome was at 9° Aquarius 1”, My natal Sun is at 9° Aquarius 16°, At the same time, secondary progressed 8" house of Ancient Rome was at 15° Cancer 39°, My natal Moon is at 15° Cancer 43 Ifyou decide to spend the time of retrograde Venus in Aries in 2017 in Rome (Italy) or to enjoy one of the prettiest realizations of worlds’ cinematography — “Roman Holiday” — do it, by all means. In this, movie one of the most loved and most charismatic actresses in the world — Audrey Hepburn appeared in a movie for the first time. Her partner was the great Gregory Peck. The whole movie was filmed on authentic locations in Rome, and it brought an immense popularity to both actors and the city. If you are one of those who love this movie, do a reminiscence of all the beautiful places of this story. Audrey won the Academy Award Oscar for the best actress. ‘Audrey Hepburn has in her chart Venus retrograde at 22° Aries 47°, in close conjunction with fixed star Baten Kaitos (constellation Cetus), so in this movie she is the “chained princess”, just like the myth says. She feels “bad” in the role of the princess of some undetermined country and wished to leave that role. This star represents the intestines of the sea monster, the whale, and here we have the story of Andromeda, who is saved by Perseus from the role of the princess. In her adventures through the eternal Rome, Audrey suddenly meets Gregory Peck, who plays an American journalist who falls in love with her. The movie was realized on August 27, 1953, and secondary Ascendant of Audrey was at 22° Aries 14” in conjunction with her natal retrograde Venus. 6 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 “T feel you” In order to be complete, for our soul to feel whole, we all unconsciously search that other half that is the opposite of us, but still so needed for us to be in harmony with ourselves. So I give priority here to oppositions, for they confirm what I have just said. ‘This text speaks of the importance of the axis 15° Cancer/15° Capricorn, the axis related to Jupiter's exaltation and fall within the zodiac! Draconic horoscopes always speak of the memory our soul carries from the previous incarnation, and it is a lunar horoscope. In Draconic horoscope Audrey has Moon at 15° Capricom, while the draconic Moon of Gregory Peck is across the way, at 15° Cancer. This is exactly MC/IC axis in their Composite Chart — 15° Cancer/15° Capricom, but also in their Davison horoscope On the other hand, in Dwadasamsa chart (which also speaks of the previous life), Audrey has the axis of lunar nodes across 15° Capricorn (the North Node)/1S° Cancer (the South Node), while Gregory has in Dwadasamsa chart the Pluto at 15° Cancer! These are very strong signs that these two people need each other, and exactly in the eternal Rome, to fill their souls with memories of the previous incarnation and to achieve internal completeness. The axis 15° Cancer/15* Capricom is powerful and I relate it to the 4th energy center, the Anahata Heart center, the place we learn to be close with ourselves, the place we touch the love within, the place we connect all our opposites. But, I find 15° Cancer at yet another spot. It is the Venus return of Gregory Peck for 1953. In that chart there is conjunction of Sun and Mars exactly at 15° Cancer. Even the secondary axis of lunar nodes of the Old Rome was at 15° Capricorn (the North Node)/15° Cancer (the South Node) in that 1953. For that same year, in the horoscope of the Venus return of the Old Rome, Uranus was at 15° Cancer, while in the chart of Old Rome Venus is at 29° Pisces retrograde, and it symbolizes the “lost princess” in Rome played by Audrey Hepburn in “Roman Holiday" In her Draconic chart, at 29° Pisces there is Jupiter, the ruler of her Moon at 6° Pisces 27° and natal Moon carries all memories of the soul 7 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 “I see you” When we talk about Jupiter, there is another important spot in Zodiac — the axis 29° Cancer/29° Capricorn, Why? At 29° Cancer we have the shift from dark to light, two eyes are being connected there (Moon and Sun are related to our eyes), between eyebrows, so we call this place our Third Eye or 6th energy center (chakra). From this place the Zodiac sends the message “I You" This is extremely strong axis, here we change our beliefs and then the circumstances also change. At the time of realization of the movie “Roman Holiday”, in August 1953, secondary Moon of Audrey Hepburn was at 29° Capricorn, while across from it, at 29° Cancer was the secondary Venus of Italy, Also at 29° Cancer, Audrey has in antiscia chart (the mirror) the Mercury, the ruler of her intercepted Virgo in 7th house (relations), while at the same degree, 29° Cancer, is the Venus degree of Gregory Peck in antiscia chart, but also his natal Neptune — all this is depiction of the “lost princess”, and the very shift from 29° Cancer to 0° Leo is depiction of her great change, for she changes her belief’ (gives up the role of the princess), in order to change the circumstances, Secondary Moon of Italy was at 0° Aquarius (just finished crossing 29° Capricorn), while the secondary Mercury of Italy was at 14° Cancer 45°- in allowed orb of +30” with 15° Cancer! Mercury is in the chart of Italy the ruler of 10th house and speaks of the country’s reputation, while Venus rules 7th house (diplomatic relations), but itis also essential signifier for a girl, so in this case it clearly represents Audrey as the “lost princess” in Rome in 1953 If we look at Venus return of Audrey Hepbum for 1953, we find the Venus elevated in 10th house, which is certainly promising and brings her success, while the Moon in that chart is at 7° Virgo. The interesting thing here is the following: Audrey has in her natal chart the Moon at 6° Pisces 27° her antiscia chart retrograde Venus is at 7° Virgo. And so, we came to another axis, axis 7° Virgo/7° 59° there is Antiscia Sun of the Old Rome while in Pisces, yet another opposition... I must add that at 6° Virg (natal Sun is at 23° Aries 01°, very close to retrograde Venus of Audrey at 22° Aries 47°) INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 Me... Interesting... I have the Moon at 15° Cancer. Further on, my natal axis IC/MC is across 7° Pisces/7° Virgo, while my natal axis 3/9 goes across 29° Capricom/29° Cancer. In antiscia chart, my Fortuna is at 15° Cancer, while in draconic chart it is across the road, at 15° Capricorn, at the same spot as the midpoint of my Sun and Neptune (which might depict of some actor from the past). I also must add that at 7° Virgo there is the midpoint of my Mars and the North Node (future), Mars rules my Ascendant, my Sth, but also my 12th house, Both Sth and 12th houses are related to the previous life, while the present 12th house is actually our death, our end in the past life (as 8th house - death, from Sth house), so from 7° Virgo I create in this life the future, but also from that spot the “past speaks” INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 awe we a Finally, in my Dwadasamsa chart (the horoscope of the past life) the Sun is at 21° Taurus where my natal Descendant is, At the same spot, at 21° Taurus, Gregory Peck has natal Moon (soul), but also the progressive Sun in August 1953, when the movie “Roman Holiday” saw the light of the day. This 21° ‘Taurus protects us all, for itis the place of the North Node (future) of Audrey Hepburn... Of course, now it is not difficult to conelude that the South Node of Audrey is at 21° Scorpio, the spot of my Ascendant, so this actress is simply “eating” me... It is very deep karmic relation between the two of us that changes me a lot, for the South Node “swallows” like the hook and I have the strong need to be “swallowed” because I feel it brings me the change. On the other hand, my South Node is at her Ascendant, only confirming how much connected we are, Retrograde Venus on March 4, 2017 Venus starts its retrograde motion on March 4, 2017 (09.09 am GMT), and in that moment, Uranus will be at 22° Aries, in conjunction with retrograde Venus of Audrey Hepburn. If we look at the Antiscia chart for that moment, we see the Moon at 0° Leo just have crossed 29° Cancer, and Uranus at 7° Virgo. But, in Dwadasamsa chart for that moment we see the Venus at 7° Virgo as well. Isn’t this more than beautiful? So many analogies... and February eclipses at 22° L.eo and 8° Pisces are just initiators. Audrey, Gregory, Rome and me. Chart sources: ‘The Book of World Horoscopes; Nicholas Campion eww. astro com = INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 Smiljana is the editor, founder and owner of INFINITY Astrological Magazine. She obtained het astrological education at the Institute for Astrological Research and Education “Johannes Kepler” in Belgrade, where she graduated in October 2010, defending her thesis in Mundane Astrology “European Union — In Varietate Concordia” (united in diversity) and oblained the status ofa graduated Astrologer Researcher. In February 2011 she met requirements to work as an Astrologer Consultant and in March of the same year, she became an International Ceified Professional Aswologer (ISAR CAP). Smuiljana is a member of ISAR (Intemational Society for Astrological Research) and of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. During the academic 2010/11 within the post-graduate level she studied Hermetic Astrology. In addition to consultations with the clients, Smiljana finds eret inspiration in research work, ‘which she presents in her astrological texts. A special emphasis input on finding significant degrees inthe Zodiac for a specific country in the area of Mundane Astrology or a significant degree for relations between two persons in the Astrology of Relations. In her search for responses to the question as to why something (or someone) is happening to us, Smuljana also practices Karmic Astrology, as well asthe Astrology of Archetype (Fixed stars, mythology), Smiljna studied Intemational law and Lav of International Organizations at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade. She interrupted her studies atthe las year (in 2006) and since then, she exclusively dedicated her life to self-study of astrology. Her writings have appeared in The Astrological Journal, and on The Mountain Astrologer blog and ISAR’s Intemational Astrologer Smiljana was a speaker at 1wo KAPA conferences in Serbia (‘REGULUS IN VIRGO”, November 2011 and “CHIRON’S MESSAGES”, November 2013). INTERNATIONAL LECTURES: [In September 2015 she was a speaker at online interational astrological conference CINASTRO 2015, Brazil. Her topic was “Russia and 19° Libra”. Krishnamurtt Institute of Astrology, Kolkata, India, was published Smuljana’s article about Russia and 19° Libra during its conference in January 2016, Smilana was a speaker at The AA’s 48th Annual Conference. The AA’s 48th Annual Conference "Building Bridges and Expanding Our Horizons” took place 9th ~ 11th September 2016 at Wyboston [Lakes near Cambridge, UK. Her lecture was: URANUS IN TAURUS 2018. During her visit to UK, Smiljana gave a alk in the Astrological Ladge of London, too (19h September, 2016). 9th Astrological Conference in Perugia, aly, Ist-2nd July, 2017 ‘0 infinityastrolagiculmaguzine com won janagavrancie Meet Angela Loem Magazine g — an artist in INFINITY Astrological Angela Loenning is an artist bom in Athens, Grecee. She studied graphic design at WAES in London, England, She took oil painting and life drawing lessons in Kensington and Chelsea Callege in London, England. She has patieipated in various exhibitions and is delighted to contribute to INFINITY ‘You can find her art at: www artbyangelal! In our interview with Melanie Reinhart we used Angela's painting — dress (page 28) aa | INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH Athan J. Zervas INFINITY, ETERNITY, IMMORTALITY AND OTHER STORIES... Smiljana Gavrancié (Bs a a INFINITY: Hello, Athan! We are so happy for this interview. Athan is a Greek male given name, which means “eternal life" or "immortal". I was so impressed when I found this because my name, ‘Smiljana, means the same. We are both Scorpio rising with the Moon in Cancer. How do you think this conneets with INFINITY? ATHAN: Hi and Cancer Moon but let us not forget the intriguing connection of our Suns through contra-antiscia too, Athan is a short for Athanasios (that is the given name actually) and it ‘means immortal indeed. He who does not die. ‘The feminine form translates as immortality. Needless to say of course that you are stuck with me for an awfully long spell of time. Usually the short forms of the name in Greek omit the initial ‘A and as I was growing older, that made me sad because every time I was called it felt like a decapitation. No Medusa active in my chart but I guess the feeling had to imply my Sun-Saturn-Uranus stressful game that plays out in my natal chart. At a certain point, I insisted that I was called by my given name in its entirety, but it was too long for people or I ‘guess it sounded too formal. I became obnoxious by insisting and Iam certainly not known for my diplomacy but my Saturn on my MC was pleased. A lazy friend of mine came up with Athan, because she was bored to utter all: five syllables of the gi miljana, I am happy too. Both Scorpio rising sn name and so Athan was born, Letter A in Greek is a prefix meaning a) the negation of 12 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 something or the lack of it and b) the common origin of something, something of the same group. Prefix a- in this case gives a copulative meaning to the word. You can notice the first use in English too. Words like atypical, asymptomatic, apolitical and the like make use of prefix a- as a negation or as a lack of the base-word’s meaning. 1 do not know whether the second use has passed in the English Tanguage, but when I scream aaaaargh, I always think of myself invoking something rather than expelling energy. That’s me of course. Ok, back to the question now! Infinity is a word used in mathematics for a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number (I can taste the copulative meaning of a- in the word). We can analyze and break down in pieces a birth chart in order to bring forth both assumptions and valid conclusions by the isolated planetary elements, But all elements must be synthesized back to the natal chart because the natal chart is a greater unit than the elements it consists of. A natal chart is a planetary picture of Infinity, Being immortal and eternal, me both are parts stuck together and that Infinity will be the death of us. \s that we INFINITY: Your middle name is Jason. Jason was a hero in Greek mythology, the leader of the Argonautic Expedition in the quest of retrieving the Golden Fleece. Jason’s wife was Medea (a witch) They met when Jason and the Argonauts arrived in Colchis to claim the famous Golden Fleece from the king. She fell in love with him and told him she would help him to take hold of the Golden Fleece, under the condition that he would take her along with him on the Argonautic Expedition. I took a look in progressions of Greece Democracy chart for your birthday (25th April, 1977) and I found secondary progressed Asc of Greece Democracy at 1S Cancer (Jupiter exaltation), secondary progressed MC at 27° Pisces (Venus exaltation) close to your natal Mars at 28° Pisces (the ruler of your Asc) and secondary progressed Moon at 11° Scorpio (Uranus exaltation degree). 1 am sure you know that around 14° -15° Cancer we have constellation Canopus-the second brightest star in the night-time sky after Sirius. Also, I would link 15 Cancer to the goddess Diana. In “Discovery of Witches,, by Deborah Harkness (a book that I know both of us loved) Diana is a character portraying a famous, powerful witch, How do you feel this myth in your life? ATHAN: It is funny how Colehis, the birth town of Medea, sounds similar to Khalkis, my birth town. [live in Athens for the past twelve years but I ‘guess at some point I will have to return back home for my own quest. 1am sure that this is true forall of us. At some point we go back to our roots in > {| order to find meaning or to make amends or even to reclaim what rightfully belongs to us Its the eyclical merry-go-round theme of the profeetions and of life itself, you could say. Jason and Medea has always been one of my favourite stories in the Greek mythology timeline and I have seen a handiul of films portraying Medea in many different colours. 1 do not think of the myth as a love story gone bad though (the douche bag of a husband leaves wile, wife seeks revenge). I think of it asthe eternal Anima/Shadow conflict and the integration of the female element in the male environment and vice- versa Jason is a hero and all heroes have a solar affinity, Medea was a sorceress having a lunar affinity. But ‘Medea’s lineage goes back to Helios, the Sun, as he was her grandfather. So, she really is a solar person that has been in touch with the female aspect. Of course, she had to do that since she was a woman However, if she really wanted to flee out of her town, I am sure she could have found numerous ways to do so; she was a witch after all. She wanted to be on a solar quest herself and she made a straightforward deal with Jason 13 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 That is a straightforward manly thing to do. I give you this and I want that in return. I mean she could have made Jason fall in love with her (she was a witch, right?) and she would have him drooling all over the Golden Fleece, right? But, no! She kept to her Anima and she tried to get in touch with her Animus in a positive way. She did not negate her lunar aspect/Womanhood; she used it to reach to her solar aspect/manhood bringing integration and incorporation of opposites. She stayed true to her nature of a ‘woman, She could have been the kind of woman that thinks she can do it all by herself, like modern ‘women do because of the current social training and programming. I think she did the right thing to do. She lived as a woman and tied to get closer to her inner Helios” calling. She never forgot her female nature. When Jason who chose to marry Glauce dumped her, she of course acted on her negative side of her lunar aspect. She went to Corinth, where the other woman lived and poisoned her and her father king. Then she killed her own children. It is as if she was trying to stop her solar side from taking over. It strikes me as an odd thing that she did not kill Jason himself though. By killing his children, she is putting a halt to the solar aspect of herself of procreation and she definitely stops the integrational process. After the lunar massacre in Corinth though, she goes back to her hometown, There she finds that the king’s brother and her uncle has = usurped the throne and what does she do? She kills her uncle in order to help her father back to the throne again. She still tries to incorporate the male aspects of her psyche, now in another way. Going back home to become one. The eternal return Jason is a code word for me. It reminds me that I should try to incorporate all the female aspects of my personality in a proactive way that does not harm or degenerate my male aspects. I have Moon in Cancer in partile square to the Nodes. Her first aspect is with Mars in Pisces, a male planet in a female sign. My Sun is in a female sign too ruled by Venus in Aries, a female planet in a male sign and in detriment. My solar degree is in the terms of Venus, which is also the triplicity ruler. Iam in touch with my intuition, I can be helpful, I don’t strive for recognition and 1 am better of when I work collectively But there is still a lot of work to be done. There is still a long way to Colchis and my golden fleece. As you guessed, I am not going to say anything about the Greek Republic chart progressions, What I am going to say though, is that I cannot wait to find the time to read the second book of the trilogy by Deborah Harkness. INFINITY: You speak Italian, among other languages and you told me you were in Rome recently. When I checked the progressions of Ancient Rome for the moment you were born, I found secondary progressed axis MCIIC over very special degrees, 29°Virgo/29° Pisces. In the chart of Ancient Rome we can see retrograde Venus at 29° Pisces, ruler of the 4th (fortune in Ancient Rome). Secondary progressed Venus of Ancient Rome was at 11° Scorpio (the same degree we found for your birthday progressed chart of Greece Democracy). I have read about Janus in Roman mythology. the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, doorways, passages and endings. You may be a “gate keeper... This, axis 29° Virgo/29° Pisces makes me think of transitions, passages and bridges because after 29° Virgo wwe have 0° Libra (West - Endings) and after 29° Pisces we have 0° Aries (Fast - Beginnings) 24] INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 ATHAN;: So, ftom the secret research you did on me, I get that 110 of Scorpio could be important in my storyline, because when I was born the progressed Moon of Greek Democracy and the progressed Venus of Rome activated that degree. OK. My natal Uranus is at 100 Scorpio, so that should be a hint. I am drawn to Italy in a way that does not really makes any sense to me, My first trip was in Florence about fifteen years ago and I can still recall the feeling I had. I felt like I was in a dreamy state, everything was surreal and I thought I was in a theatrical play. After that, [ have visited other cities in Italy and if you asked me which country I want to go next, I would say Italy again, My first time in Rome was not a pleasant experience I might say, but | would visit Rome again. Ancient Rome now, is a different story all together. Venus in 290 Pisces is on my natal Mars. The 29th degree is an anaretic degree: it has to do with tension, endings, necessary and unavoidable change. Maybe that is the reason why Rome was not a pleasant experience for me I do not know whether I am a gatekeeper or not or what a gatekeeper actually does. Our common friend coined this title recently and it is still under consideration and thought. It resonates with something in me, but I need more time to come up with an answer. I must say though that I always hold the door for people. Not only for ladies or for elders, I mean it is not a polite thing I do. I like doors. INFINITY: And what about your family name, Zervas? I tried to find something about it, but I think that the Universe wants you to tell us. Will you? ATHAN: So if whole Universe did not supply you with an answer, then some things about my family name must remain a mystery. I guess when Jason retums home from his quest, Athan will have to die just in order to find out all the secrets in the family and the final answer to the primordial question. It could be a Modem Greek tragedy by my reckoning. INFINITY: From this issue on you start writing for INFINITY (ILA.M) and doing the art & design ‘work for our magazine. How do you perceive IA M? Do you have a good synastry with our magazine? LAM. INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 ATHAN: Lam very excited being a part of Infinity. Your magazine had made a very good impression to me from issue #1 and I can actually remember thinking to myself that this thing here has a big potential for the future. I do not know there was some kind of energy. I was also interested in the unique thing you do, finding special degrees in mundane charts through your research and so 1 sent you a friend request. Sometime later and on the day my progressed Sun conjoined my progressed Jupiter, you popped the question and I accepted. Our personal synastry is interesting. mainly because your Sun turns my T-square to a Grand Cross. So, let us see about my synastry with Infinity itself, There is definitely an intense connection. My Venus is spot on the South Node of Infinity and we share the same nodal axis. That should explain my first attraction to your magazine, Mars is conjunct my Jupiter in Gemini in the 9th house of the magazine and I think that is a good thing for publication ventures. The magazine places a lot of stuff in my eight house, some kind of a big chat happening there for me and the transformational process the magazine is in. Ill give it some time to play out itself. It has already begun when I thought of the A.M. pun. The MC is in a partile trine to my Pluto after all... I can easily transform the magazine’s status. Do not worry; I will not make a black goth cover, unless the readers ask for it INFINITY: You study Hebrew. How did you fall in love with this language? Is there some myth too, regarding your name? ATHAN: I love Hebrew! An ancient language still alive just like Greek is. I am not a religious person but I am drown to religion, the philosophy of it and the magic of it. A used rituals and magic. Hebrew language reflects Judaism, a ritualistic religion, but 1 was drown to Hebrew because of the accent really, just as lam drown to German strology is magic; religion has always In addition, Hebrew letters are just like ancient pictograms, Every letter is holy and it has a meaning of its own, this is fascinating. Hebrew of course has grammatical and syntactical rules that are strange to the west linguistic mind. It is bizarre for instance that the verb to be is not used in the present tense. In Hebrew, you cannot have the Infinity Astrological Magazine-I.A M. pun. My 9th house Moon in Cancer is a sucker for foreign languages and foreign schools of thought and tradition Judaism is tradition more than a religion in my book. It is considered a satumnian religion, full of rules an observing person has to follow on a daily basis. There are specific do’s and dont’s for every aspect of life, the day of Saturn is holy, the food must be kosher and so on. My MC Saturn likes all that. Even the letters have a strict rectangular form. I think everything is holy. not only the Hebrew language. Greek language has a history also and there are special connotations to Greek letters too. 1 probably find Hebrew more mystical, because | already speak Greek as my mother tongue, I guess. My name in Hebrew is Aytan and the word means strong, firm, solid, but I do not think there is some kind of myth around my name. It is certainly nota biblical name, so chances are slim! INFINITY: You have been an editor for the Greek astrological journal ‘“12 Magazine,, and I can see a sign in this number because you join A.M. in its 12th issue. You are doing also numerology, so what might this number mean for Infinity? 16 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 ATHAN: “12 Magazine,, is the official magazine of the Hellenic Friends of Astrology, a non-profit organization for the spread of Astrology in Greece. It is printed quarterly and there is a theme in every issue. The running issue is about Astrology and Art. I thought about the number too, when I realized that Iam in issue #12 and it made sense. Twelve is a number that has to do with a full @ unit of things of the same nature. Twelve sig months in a year. A dozen of things is a unit. Dozen comes from the French word for twelve. There are twelve hours around the clock; twelve has to do with order and time, Hebrew esoteric teachings claim that everything can have up to twelve aspects, functions or attributes but no more, because then it would not be one thing, a unit. In my case, I think that the transition from 12 Magazine to Infinity Magazine #12 is timely and orderly The twelfth issue is also a two-year cycle for the magazine ending. Number thirteen is up next and the transformation that goes with it has already begun showing, me thinks. circl sin the zodiac, twelve INFINITY: If this interview were a Tarot card, which one would it be? ATHAN: I do not know. Many cards come to my mind right now... OK, let us pick one from the deck and let the moment tell. Here you are. The Tower! Go figure now... Thank you a bunch for the interview, I am looking forward to seeing creative, interesting and mind-blowing things in the pages of Infinity Athan is an idiosyneratially sanguine astrologer curtently living in Athens, Greece He studied transation and interpretation but did not wish to go professional since his interest in Astrology gave way to much more insightful tanslations of tke human predicament He speaks Greek, English, Halian, French, Spanish, just a tad of German and he studies Hebrew. He is lazy. A selEtaught astrologer, he defines himself as eclectic, using both traditional techniques and modern concepts in his work. He isa founding board member of the Hellenic Friends of Astrology, a non-profit organization for the dissemination of educated Astrology in Greece through seminars, lectures, publications and symposia. He has been acting vice president in 2016 and editor of “12 Magazine”, the quarterly print edition ofthe organization, A\ lecturer and a consultant with 10+ years of elient-work experience, he is also a radio producer with his own show running ‘weekly since 2013. He has an online presence in Greek astrology sites with monthly columas and he isan active blogger with his blog being of course all Greek to you. He is willing to move to Antarctic just to put on Infinity front cover the tag Astrology not from six but from all seven continents \wneathansstology blogspot gr v7 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 INFINITY INTERVIEW WITH LeAnn Lacy HEALING SOUL, MIND & BODY Smiljana Gavrancié INFINITY: Hello Dear LeAnn! We got an information from one beautiful bird that you can heal our souls. As a clinical hypnotherapist, can you tell us how astrology fits with your profession? In addition, Tam curious about Uranus, Pluto and Neptune — you have told me you use those three planets in your readings. In our past issue, we hosted Sharon Knight (a traditional astrologer) and she shared with us why she does not use Uranus, Pluto and Neptune, it would be interesting now to hear from you how those three planets could heal our Soul. LEANN: Oh, I wish I could heal souls! Ha ha - but I really just help people heal themselves, like a guide or midwife might help people navigate life’s challenges. As a depth psychologist, I use a variety of tools with clients to assist them with their quest to find deeper meaning in their lives. Clinical hypnotherapy is one tool I use to help my clients retrieve parts of themselves that have been split off or buried, usually due to trauma, ‘These fragments are often seen in the birth chart as well, so I also use 18 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 different astrological techniques when working with clients who would like to release old traumas that still haunt thern, Sometimes the outer planets are configured with personal planets, angles, or sensitive areas in the client’s chart indicating that the client may face serious challenges in navigating circumstances in their lives that are linked to these outer planet placements in their charts. Sometimes trauma stories are linked to these outer planet configurations, which often result in clients struggling to see reality through a clear perspective (Neptune), or to liberate from old patterns (Uranus). In the case of Pluto, for example, the client may come to a reading while experiencing a Pluto transit to their Sun, so by including that in the work with the client I feel I would be able to significantly help them navigate the trials and tribulations they would be facing at that time. INFINITY: You have learned from Steven Forrest and from Mark Jones, Can you tell us what kind of teachers they are? Who would be Uranus, Pluto or Neptune? © LEANN: Ha ha, I have not thought of them in quite that way before! Very clever question! I would say as teachers they definitely carry the energy of all three! They are both Uranian in the sense that they are not only master astrologers, but they have carved their own unique paths in the field of astrology. They are both Neptunian in the sense that they recognize we are souls having a human experience, which extends the work of astrology into transpersonal dimensions of life. And they are both trailblazers (Uranus) who navigate the depths of soul (Pluto) in every facet of their astrological work, Aside from these outer planets, they are also very Mercurial in the sense that their workshops are tons of fan! INFINITY: Right now, you are on doctoral studies. You are studying Depth Psychology and psychotherapeutic techniques at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California and your main areas of astrological interest at the moment are family dynamics, ancestral patterns and soul centered astrology. Can you tell us something about this, your plans after finishing studies? LEANN: I am so excited to be studying at Pacifica. This school has a long-standing connection with astrologers from all kinds of backgrounds and philosophies, which is unique for an accredited doctoral program in the States. I could focus on astrology for my dissertation, and conduct qualitative or quantitative research on the intersection between the therapeutic process and astrology. I could also focus on astrological counseling and the healing potential of ongoing astrological therapy. I am excited to discover where this avenue of study might take me after I graduate with my PhD. I would love to continue my client-based practice of therapeutic astrology, and expand my work into teaching counselors and therapeutic practitioners who want to integrate their work with astrology INFINITY: During 2016, you were part of my editorial team in several issues and I am using this as an opportunity to thank you for all of your work and help and moral support! Can you tell us, how do you feel about INFINITY and your synastry with our magazine? LEANN: Oh, it was such a joy being a part of your editorial team! What a great opportunity. Now I get to write about myth and astrology, which makes my soul sing! The synastry between my chart and INF feels like family to me! INF’s Venus is at 12 Cancer, winich squares my Aries Moon — which feels very enthusiastic (Aries) about building (square) and nurturing (Moon) INF as it grows, much like a sister (Cancer) would feel. INF’s Saturn is conjunct my Vertex, so I feel a sense of loyalty and commitment to INF and feel a sense of respect for what INF offers to the astrology community. And I just noticed that INF’s nodes square my nodes! So maybe INF and I are drawn to each other to support each other’s growth! Ha! Love that! a INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 INFINITY: This year you are writing mythology columns for our magazine. Is there a specific myth which you like most of all?” LEANN: Lately I cannot get enough of Psyche and Eros! The idea that Soul needs Love and Love needs Soul really rings true for me. And the way Soul goes through many challenges as she quests for Love, reminds me of how we too, regardless of our backgrounds, go through many challenges as we quest for Love - love with our family, friends, lovers, and even with ourselves it seems the quest for Love is one of the major experiences we all hope to experience during our life time. Love is all we need, ina way INFINITY: What would you say, what is the myth of INFNITY? LEANN: I think many myths live within INFINITY, which makes it a dynamic magazine. But the one that comes to my mind right now is connected to INF’s Moon at 15th degree Gemini, There resides Rigel, the star also referred to as the “great one’s foot,” of course belonging to Orion, the triumphant hunter. So, INF will enjoy what Rigel’s story brings: lasting riches, honors and favor. INF will host astrologers with great teaching abilities who put forth great effort in their profession. Rigel also brings INF a joy for hard work, and after knowing you all this time I know the amount of dedication, commitment and hard work you and your team put into INF, making it clear that the beneficial placement of INF’s moon with Rigel is a great combination, INFINITY: I have cast the composite chart for you and me, because ‘you were my closest associate in the magazine during 2016. What impressed me was the Moon at 29° Taurus, in that place right now there is the progressed Sun of my magazine, what would you say about our composite and why do you think we two have sister feelings for each other, even we have not yet met in person? Can you see some myth for our composite chart? LEANN: That is fascinating with the Moon at 29 degrees, where INF’s Sun now meets! Seems we were meant to work together through INF! And Uranus just transited our composite Sun, which seems to have given us the gift of astrology to deepen our connection! As I glance over our composite, | cannot help but notice Chiron so close to the Sun ~ makes me think of the myth of Chiron playing out in our connection. He was a gifted astrologer and teacher, which seems to fit our connection — maybe we will get to teach together someday! Also, his healing effect is fitting for us, as I feel we have healing influence on each other ~ and with Jupiter and Neptune in the 3rd house, our sisterly connection is quite spiritual and transcendent! Love that! INFINITY: What you would say for your composite with the magazine? Which myth would you choose if you had to describe this interview? LEANN: What a fun interview! When I look at this composite, I feel drawn to the Vertex-Uranus- Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. Feels like INF and 1 have an exciting, spiritual astrological relationship that was ‘meant to be’ (Vertex)! Ha ha, the Capricorn energy is very grounding and potentially long lasting. | feel we will stay connected for many years to come! And my favorite part is that Venus of this chart is exactly conjunct my natal Ascendant — what a lovely connection! Seems like that is a strong sign that I love INF! > INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 LeAnn isan astrologer and clinical hypnotherapist in California, USA. In addition to ‘an astrological counseling practice, sbe is a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), and an apprentice in Steven Forrest’s Apprenticeship Program. She has also studied at Kepler College, and at Mark Jones’ Pluto School Integrating an evolutionary and therapeutic approach to astologieal counseling. LeAnn has a BA in literature and liberal studies, a Masters degree in Teaching and Educational Administration, and is currently a doctoral candidate studying. Depth Psychology and psychotherapeutic techniques at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, California, Her main areas of astrological interest atthe moment are family ‘dynamics, ancestral pattems, and soul centered astrology www 22 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 OE he Bese trict 0) ee Pearle cle ) \ the USA? j ~ Aa | Bia oauriia J LS TaTely A © vA WHY DOES THE CHART OF CAPTAIN AMERICA (AND elas FICTIONAL CHARACTERS) WORK2 22 INFINITY Astrological Maga: e March/April | 2017 Why are astrologers so GHASTLY* to each other? Victor Olliver (Tatler magazine has banned 1 lot more, & la the adorable Princ of “ghastly” because it is a “mean little word”. So 1am using it a Charles. Tatler is a ghastly snob magazine.) The world of astrology can be perilous, as the editor of The Astrological Journal has discovered INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 “Frightening!” ‘This was the first and last word uttered to my face by a total stranger at my first astrology conference. We were alone passing each other in a hotel corridor one early evening — I was making my way to the hotel bar before dinner. His gnomic ejaculation (“Frightening!”) seemed to come from nowhere. The stranger was a fellow astrologer, well-seasoned and highly decorated with assorted academic baubles. In the nano-seconds that followed this gnomic ejaculation (“Frightening!”), I glanced back at him to see if this was a jest, some larky if primordial reach-out to the new editor of The Astrological Journal Seemingly not. He did not turn to reassure or check out the response. He had dropped his little bomb and was now keen to make his getaway, like a spiteful pussy that scampers from your lap the moment it has clawed you Was it my expensive crumpled velvet suit he took against? My gorgeous collar? Or my serious countenance? I can look a bit GHASTLY in repose. Perhaps the warm, woolly leatheriness of my cologne triggered nasal shock and an involuntary vocal, like a hiccup, burp or an orgasm. I could have asked him. I could have just shouted out, “Got a problem, Socrates poppet?” However, it occurred to me that this might not be becoming of my new role at the Astrological Association. ‘My Madame Arcati days were and are behind me/moi. I must be good. No, I must be seen to be good. It could just be me but this was not the first intimation that the world of astrology is no less perilous than any other realm of unreconstructed ego. One first imagines that astrologers are of a high calling, eager to apply cosmic wisdom and insight to daily life, their own in addition to that of others. Not in order to be saints but just to be a little more civilised and ethical (or kind) than many or most. How naive am 1! But then I was always naive. Naive? In my early days of freelance feature writing, 1 deluded myself with the notion that writers were a breed apart and therefore angels. I assumed that the wonderfull dreamscapes of fiction, or the Iyrical narratives of artists (or just the edgy reportage of the sharp-witted), must be the work of “good”, decent people. Why? How wrong was I? In the lovely country house of the late novelist Penelope Mortimer I encountered a thin-skinned, unforgiving, self-pitying neurotic who missed not the slightest slip. And in Gore Vidal, a mean-spirited grouch-boozer from the sexual Cretaceous period. The late horror fiction writer James Herbert was OK: he gave me a lift home once after an interview, and on another occasion sent a car to colleet me from work, but he had a mighty high opinion of himself. He did have cause for self-congratulation but we do not like to observe the sheer nakedness of amour-propre, do we? It is faintly, well, Donald Trump, Ina generalist way (i. crass, prejudiced, intellectually slovenly...) I had not a high opinion of lawyers or journalists - whose worlds I also now know only too well - and I was not disappointed once immersed. In any case, great literature had prepared the way for me in my teens. | already knew from the likes of Dickens’ Bleak House and Waugh’s Vile Bodies that these worlds could be base arenas of horribleness, rendered only a little fragrant by the odd (rare!) fiesh good egg =--------—- INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 Infamy! They've all go! -for-me! And, alas, to these biospheres of professional fart gas we must add astrology, If I told you that in the past year I have had my private email letters posted on Facebook in an attempt to damage my reputation, been subjected to a written physical threat requiring a complaint to the police, received highly offensive letters fed by lies, had to block all my phones from a nuisance caller, suffered a defamation on a blog and had various of my confidences betrayed (as well as enduring the excuse- making fence-sitters anxious not to back the wrong side or “get involved”) you might think me merely unfortunate Or you might think that, through some personality disorder, I am prone to falling out with peers. On this I cannot comment - I leave others to assess. But the fact is, long before these tragi-comic events, I had heard of other unedifying episodes in the annals of astrology. For reasons of law or protocol or mere survival I cannot go into details. Nonetheless 1 am still astonished every time I think of them - of epic lawsuits, lengthy internecine warfare (in various groups, by the way), silent treatments administered at conferences by group bullies and vicious vendettas; of wholesale plagiarism, feuds and sour love triangles and sundry insults tossed out of casual chats over lemon drizzle cake slices. How right was the rightly estimable Wise One who once told me in a Skype convo, “Astrologers can be terrible people. Just don’t get dragged into things” Of course they (we) cannot be all terrible. The Wise One exaggerated in order to make a point. I have some wonderful friendships with generous givers in astrology, some true exponents of kindness and of preached practice. I shall always appreciate the time given me in my early editorship days when I felt at a loss, Almost pathetically, | still cherish the inquiries after my well-being and the sharing of intimacies that reassure that we are all in this life together. But why should astrologers have wings? ‘There is of course another way to look at this topic - of how astrologers deal with each other. We could simply ask: Why should astrologers be different from anyone else? My observation is that a great many of them are highly motivated, highly educated (indeed, some never stop studying), highly principled (in the sense of taking with great seriousness their work and learning and seeking to enlighten themselves and others), and highly competitive Before I took up the horoscope, I could never have imagined a more driven group of people than I have found in astrology. But in the negative expression of this energy, we encounter the terrier “keepers of the flame”-types who champion this or that technique (or ‘guru’ or Facebook notice-moi merchant), or a particular school or academy or nation - or even scientific or “psychic” approaches. Astro-tribes lock horns, often on the interpretation of world events or outcomes. At the level of impersonal scholarship these debates can prove most useful to all; much can be gained from the exchange of information. Too often, however, vitriol flows. Sadly, one too many astrologers (am I excluding myself here?) parade their astrology as a systemic adjunct to their personal opinions, as if the subjective interpretation of the disinterested chart produces the triumph of objectivity. As if = INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 Epic tit-for-tat screeds are poured out on social media between warring astrologers, each a peacock, no one a hen. And if one stands back and simply spectates at all this piffle, hoping to remain unsullied by the unseemly engagement, the corruption of scom soon poisons the soul. There is no mercy 10 be shown here: we're all as bad as each other, it seems. ‘Tsk! Did one astrologer murder another? ‘Was it always this GHASTLY? Have astrologers always basically gone for each other’s jugular in their rivalries and pettiness? One might think so. A relatively benign form of this is recounted by the anthropologist Michael Bloch in his essay ‘Astrology and writing in Madagascar’. Of debates he witnessed between astrologers in that country he writes: “When Iwent to one man of importance and then went to another for information, the second would immediately ask what the first had told me, and would then go on to elaborate further, to the admiration ofall present.” In other words, showing off is the point of the exercise. Tamysn Barton in her book Ancient Astrology relates Bloch’s attendance at a wedding where he witnessed two astrologers in debate. They were actually there to make forecasts about the marriage yet, as Barton writes, “neither of the rival astrologers was much concerned about the answers to the question [of the marriage]. Instead, the competition was about proving one’s knowledge of the most elaborate version.” ‘The drawing of the subtlest of distinctions is all part of a fencing sport in which the nimblest mind is victor. Who has not seen something similar at certain astrology conferences and seminars where great value is placed on preening Professor X’s learned treatise on recently discovered Lost Atlantean asteroid aspects (supported by fifty tables, charts and graphs and a photo of Madonna) or droning Doctor Y's astro-algebra guide to Doomsday via sexy, triends-of-Dorotheus of Sidon? Itall seems civilised but the atmosphere is pure United World Wrestling via St Trinian’s. And all this before we get to the William Lilly/John Gadbury feud of the 17th century. ‘The men had once been friends yet soon enough the bitching started up. “Gadbury was attacking Lilly in print at every opportunity, accusing him of plagiarism, incompetence and fraud and gleefully drawing attention to any of his predictions that went wrong.” [David Plant at http://www. html. It comes as some relief to learn that Lilly at least went to the trouble of helping to save the life of his rival and fellow astrologer George Wharton who in 1648 faced execution for sedition - the two men had opposed each other during the English Civil War and traded ripe insults, There's hope yet! In modem times, famous astrologers continue to routinely slag each other off, privately and publicly. The most ludicrous story I ever got old was of how the late British media astrologer Patric Walker murdered his mentor, the American stargazer Helene Hoskins (by tossing her down a stairease) in order to grab her ‘Celeste’ horoscope column in Harpers & Queen magazine (now Harper's Bazaar). Well, he did succeed Hoskins and become Celeste. I shouldn’t be surprised if mischievous Walker himself dreamt up this tale, but the fact that it got told over and over again - especially among the Soho bohemians he drank with - tells us a little something of how astrologers are perceived and what they might be capable of for money and spotlight. a ee INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 And before female astrologers start to imagine that their sex bestows a kindlier, more accommodating spirit than the GHASTLY male, I would think again. My experience is that women and men share equal billing as potential backstabbers and snipes. Women are just as likely to attach their ego to ideas (hence sm) as men and stir up a load of trouble in their drive to impose their will, or just unsettle the dogm enemy I can recall being quite shocked at the reaction of one friendly, ‘spiritual’, honey-voiced female stargazer; the sort who probably signs off emails with a “love and light”. I had simply foolishly iggested that a bit of scientific testing of a ‘magical” technique might not go amiss, Oh dear. Her eyes batted furiously, lips thinned, her curled hair seemed to jump out like springs from a torn mattress, teeth were bared before her high pitched whinny put me in my place. Never in her days had she heard such a thing, To which the proper response might be: get over yourself! No, this is not a man-woman, whatever-whatever, thing. This is I think an astrology (and the rest) thing. No one ever said that astrology in itself ‘improves’ the practitioner. If the Vatican is a seething stew of wingless plotters, there is absolutely no reason to expect astrology to turn us into angels. The peril, as and with so many other disciplines, is adding mental furniture to the acquired arrogance. As knowle reputation thicken, the skin grows thinner. Frightening! And would I have it any other way? Probably not. The Astrological Journal is available to members of the Astrological Association - here’s the details: itp / . Or you can buy individual copies - email office @astrologicalassociation com. Victor Olliver is the editor of The Astrological Journal, published by the Astrological Astociation, He is also media officer of the Association of Professional Astrologers International. Based inthe UK. he trained to be a barrister before becoming @ magazine feature writer, and then an editor on @ number of publications including magazines, newspapers and electronic media, He has two awards from the Periodical Publishers’ Association for his celebrity and travel journalism. He gradusted with a distinction diploma in natal and mundane astrology fiom the Mayo Schoo! in 2012. Victor is also the author of the annual Lifesurfing series of astrological Forecasting books, usw. viotorolliver coms 27 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 Smiljana Gavranéié Ey INFINITY: Dear Melanie, you were born in Zimbabwe, and the night skies there inspired your vocation of astrology at an early age; you began studying the ancient Wisdom Traditions at the age of ten, Can you tell us something about that? MELANIE: Yes. I have vivid child-hood memories of “constellation watching’ at night with my father, who would point out the stars and the pictures they made. I was awe-struck, feeling a strong sense of connection to the sky. Interestingly, the main one I would look for every time was the "Southern Cross’ (Crux) which lies under the belly of ‘Centaurus’. In the Greek mythology, we are told that this was the very constellation in which Chiron was immortalized. Later in my life, after publishing my book about Chiron, 1 found it eerie, magical and somehow “logical” that 1 had spent so many evening hours looking at the very star pattern associated with Chiron CENTAURUS Picture credit: Starry Night Education Just before my 10th birthday, I fell and broke my arm. The bone would not heal (just like the story of Chiron!) and 1 eventually needed surgery, so 1 missed a lot of school, spending time in the small local 28 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 library instead, There I found an astrology book. Just one, I do not recall the author and title, but my curiosity was engaged, and with no astrological ‘milieu’, and no resources like classes, I studied on my own. I was always asking people about their birthday. trying to see how they resembled what I had read in this little book. (Later, this human observation’ approach became central to my research about Chiron.) I also began doing Yoga and reading about Buddhism, Hinduism, Theosophy, Jung, Freud, the 1 Ching, and so on, All this new learning came just before my first Chiron square to itself, in Sagittarius! Later, at university in Cape Town, I connected with the work of Dane Rudhyar. | still have my original copy of “The Pulse of Life”, which so inspired me and brought a feeling of wanting to deepen my astrological journey. So for me, many years of immersion in astrology came before taking up formal study with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in England INFINITY: I am also sending you the horoscope of Zimbabwe from 1980 (the current state chart), maybe you can see there something important for you and share with our readers MELANIE: T'll be honest, Smiljana. It's difficult for me to look at this chart. Sometimes I feel so sad about what has happened to this beautifull country since 1980. The early years after independence were full of such hope, optimism and goodwill, with people aspiring to make the new-born Zimbabwe into a model of peaceful transition away from colonial rule, But instead — brutality, tyranny, betrayal, suffering, poverty, drought and destruction has occurred on a massive scale. And still now, on-going For many years, President Mugabe enforced a media blackout, and journalists risked their lives trying to inform the world of what was going on. ‘They were banned or imprisoned. Radios were jammed, newspapers closed or censored This is well symbolized by Pluto in the 9th house, opposite Sun in in Aries in the 3rd. Even now, most people have little knowledge of the Zimbabwe situation, unless they have personal connections there,/I/ This year (2017), Uranus in Aries will transit that Sun, followed by the Pluto-Pluto square (2018), which seem to herald ‘radical change’. 29 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 Zimbabwe SWF To my mind, Mugabe's manner bears resemblance to a certain newly-clected President on another continent. Both demonize the media and seem quite delusional at times. Both play the ‘race card’ in disturbing ways, Both are capable of evoking a ‘rance-like adulation and are seen as “saviours’, but also create strong polarization and hatred Incredibly, just this morning (18.2.2017), the BBC reported Mugabe's wife Grace claiming that he is so beloved by ‘his people’ that they would vote for him even if he was dead’ Mugabe is 92 years old on 21.2.2017! This macabre statement stayed with me, generating these associations as I began to write this piece. Because of the synchronicity of this timing, 1 became curious and looked up Mugabe's horoscope, below 2 The Solar Eclipse on February 26th 2017 highlights a significant axis. We see this: a transiting Nodal Return, South Node in Pisces conjunct Mugabe’s Sun, and the eclipse falls at his direct Sun/Uranus midpoint. The next Solar Eelipse, on August 21st 2017, 18.30 GMT, falls near his Neptune. This eclipse has Sun and Moon at 28°53" of Leo, near the fixed star Regulus, accompanied by North Node at 23°51” and Mars at 20°41’ — a Leo stellium, Regulus, “Heart of the Lion’, brings prosperity, glory and success, but also violence, destruction and a possible downfall through vengeful motivation /3/ 30 INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 ow Many ‘wannabe Lion Kings’ roam and roar on the world stage at the moment, fighting over “territory” Yes, the ‘pride’ is on the prowl — various tyrants and Narcissists who are more like “Uncle Scarface” in the movie. Leo is the opposite sign to Aquarius, and we see this shadow polarity arising as we enter the “Age of Aquarius’, The ‘storyline’ is about ‘We, The People” against ‘The Tyrants” This is also an inner dynamic, about geiting lost in ‘group-think’, opinion and propaganda. We may need to ‘call our souls back’ from this Aquarian hazard, perhaps by periodically seeking personal ‘solo retreat’ (Leo). This supports us returning ‘home’ to ourselves in quiet contemplation, to help our inner vision become clearer. Would we dare to see the ‘Tyrant’ within ourselves, which may be exerting negative control over others or ourselves? This definitely takes some ‘Lion-Hearted’ courage Back in ‘the outer world”. 1 was intrigued to find that many of the “political” charts, which currently interest me, have planets within the degree area of this eclipse and stellium in Leo, Zimbabwe (1979, Muzorewa elected. Transition. Same eclipse cycle as 2017! )— Moon 17°51" ‘Zimbabwe (1980, independence) — Mars 26°39", North Node 26°10° Robert Mugabe ~ Neptune 18°39 Donald ‘Trump ~ Mars 26°45" USA — Moon 27°10" (in Aquarius, opposite) UK ~ Saturn 23°22 Theresa May — Pluto 29°33", Venus 24°38" Traq— Sun 29°25" Syria ~ Jupiter 26°32 = INFINITY Astrological Magazine March/April | 2017 In today’s world, those experiencing the “death and rebirth’ of their own culture or country are not alone. There are millions of us who know ‘Homeland Pain’./4/ Sometimes, this ‘rebirth’ takes many lifetimes. And sometimes, it doesn’t happen until archaeologists dig it up centuries later. However, a friend who recently visited Zimbabwe remarked that, “My soul really does come to rest in Zimbabwe. Despite the monumental problems, I found that people still remain kind and infinitely resilient”. 15 These words resonated in my heart, almost like a ‘message’ for our times, May we all remain “kind and infinitely resilient”, INITY: We met at the last AA GB conference (September 2016) in a very strange way, do you remember? I had a problem with my dress and you helped me! Do you think that there was some Chiron on the sky for our meeting? As we know, Venus is about dresses. MELANIE: Yes, what a delightful and unexpected first ‘meeting that was! On that evening, Venus was in Libra and Mercury in Virgo, both ‘dignified’ (in their party clothes)! At 19.29 BST, Chiron was exactly rising: Mercury was applying to an opposition with Chiron, here perhaps symbolizing a successful ‘fix’ for the dress of Madame Venus (you)! IFINITY: You are best known for your book ‘Chiron and the Healing Journey’ and also the Centaurs Nessus and Pholus, In my work I used to look for the Ist Chiron square to natal Chiron, the opposition, 2nd square and the Ist Chiron Retum at about age 50. I found it works so much, usually those years are very important in spiritual sense, What would you say about this? MELANIE: Like you, I find that the major hard aspects of Chiron to its natal place do speak to our journey of spiritual awakening, often linking themes together to form a ‘story-line”. The Chiron Return section in my book “Chiron and Healing Journey” describes the consultation, which taught me about an amazing process, very obvious once you see it in real life, /5/ Namely, after the Chiron Return, every Chiron aspect to follow will be ‘2nd time around’. This “echo” may bring healing to traumas, contractions, memories and familial or ancestral patterns which are stored in our very cells, or energy body. These begin releasing, sometimes in a very literal way, and with precise timing. Try matching your post-Chiron-Return transits with the same ones, from about 50 years before. (If you are not old enough to do this ©, study the life-process of others. The more in tune someone is with their inner soul process, the clearer this will usually show ) INFINITY: You are a prize-winning diploma holder of the Faculty of Astrological Studies in the UK. (Margaret Hone Award 1979), and a patron too. How do you feel as a patron? You were also awarded the prestigious Charles Harvey Award in 2004, given by the Astrological Association of Great Britain for ‘exceptional service to astrology’. How did you feel when you got this award? Can you share with us, now, afier almost 13 years?

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