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Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and
Disintegrating Structures, and Finite
Strain E¡ects: an Overview
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA


2.02.2 ELASTIC STRUCTURES 48 Buckling of Columns, Frames, and Arches 48 Dynamic Stability Analysis and Chaos 50 Energy Analysis of Stability of Elastic Structures, Postcritical Behavior, and Catastrophe Theory 52 Shells, Plates, Thin-wall Beams, and Sandwiches 55
2.02.3 ANELASTIC AND DISINTEGRATING STRUCTURES 58 Elastoplastic Buckling and Shanley’s Bifurcation 58 Stability Implications of Normality Rule and Vertex Effect 60 Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Buckling 61 Thermodynamics of Structures, Inelastic Stability, Bifurcation and Friction 62 Stability Problems of Fracture Mechanics 65 Damage Localization Instabilities and Size Effect 67
2.02.4 NONLINEAR 3D FINITE-STRAIN EFFECTS ON STABILITY 71 Finite-strain Effects in Bulky or Massive Bodies 71 Nonlinear Finite-strain Effects in Columns, Plates and Shells Soft in Shear 72 Discrepancy between Engesser’s and Haringx’s Formulas: New Paradox and its Resolution 73 Shear Stiffness Associated with Second-order Strain 74 Differential Equations of Equilibrium Associated with Different Finite-strain Measures 75 Ramifications 77
2.02.5 CLOSING REMARKS 77 Implications for Large-strain FE Analysis 77 Looking Back and Forward 77
2.02.6 REFERENCES 77

2.02.1 INTRODUCTION stability is the primary cause of failure, the

Stability is a fundamental problem of solid material strength having little or no relevance.
mechanics whose solution determines the Throughout the twentieth century, interest
ultimate loads at which structures fail or deflect gradually expanded to anelastic structures
excessively. It is an old problem which has been where stability loss and material failure are
studied for two and half centuries. The evolu- intertwined due to plastic behavior and creep.
tion of the theory was for a long time focused Since the mid-1970s, the destabilizing effects of
on elastic structures for which the loss of material disintegration caused by damage

48 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
localization and fracture propagation, as well 2.02.2 ELASTIC STRUCTURES
as the finite strain effects on stability of three-
dimensional (3D) bodies, have received en- Buckling of Columns, Frames, and
ormous attention. Thus, as of early 2000s, the Arches
theory of structural stability may be seen as a The primary cause of failure of slender
very broad field which encompasses most of elastic beams or frames carrying large com-
solid mechanics and intersects with most if its pressive axial forces due to gravity loads is not
domains, while resting on the same basic failure of the material but attainment of Euler’s
concepts and utilizing the same mathematical (1744) first critical load,
The present chapter, taking this very broad p2
Pcr1 ¼ EI ð1Þ
viewpoint, will attempt a synthesizing review of L2
the main results in the entire field of stability
theory as it exists today. The rich spectrum of where E ¼ Young’s modulus, I ¼ centroidal
results in the classical theory of elastic stability, moment of inertia of the cross-section, and
including the difficult but beautiful subject of L ¼ effective length representing the half-
shell bucking, can be covered only succinctly in wavelength of deflection curve, which depends
this, admittedly overambitious, review. An on the boundary conditions. For the idealized
enhanced emphasis, out of proportion to the case of a perfect structure, Pcr represents a
scope of existing results, will be placed on state of neutral equilibrium (i.e., a state at
anelastic structures, especially on the challen- which the deflections can increase at constant
ging modern problems of stability of structures load), and a state of symmetry-breaking
losing their integrity because of distributed bifurcation of the equilibrium path in the
damage or localized fracture, and on the finite load-deflection space. The critical stress
strain effects in 3D bodies, an intriguing topic
that has been generating controversies and Pcr p2 E
scr ¼ ¼ ð2Þ
lively polemics for almost a century. The A ðL=rÞ2
discussion will focus on these ‘‘hot’’ topics in
much more detail than other stability studies. where A ¼ cross-section area and r2 ¼ I=A;
While the first two sections are of a review depends only on E and the slenderness L/r,
character, the last section, devoted to 3D finite and exhibits no size effect.
strain effects on stability, will present in The analysis of beam or column buckling
considerable detail a new explanation of the requires that the deflections of the structure be
differences between the Engesser- and Haringx- taken into account in writing the differential
type theories of sandwich buckling, widely equations of the beam or frame based on the
regarded as paradoxical. theory of bending. For reasons of geometry,
To avoid excessive length and to make this the problem is nonlinear at large deflections,
review easily accessible to engineers and but linearization for small deflections leads to a
scientists from other fields desiring to acquaint linear fourth-order ordinary differential equa-
themselves with structural stability theory, tion for the deflections. The critical load is
mathematics will be kept to the bare minimum. found from a linear eigenvalue problem.
The differential equations as well as the Real columns inevitably have imperfections
derivations will be omitted. Nevertheless, to such as an initial curvature, axial load eccen-
enhance understanding, the physical causes tricity, or small lateral loads, and often are
and mechanisms of various types of instabil- subjected to large initial bending moments M 0 :
ities will be discussed, albeit concisely. Because of the imperfections, the deflection
Apart from some selected contributions, only increases rapidly when Pcr1 is approached.
the main literature sources to the vast field of Small deflections w near Pcr are given by
stability can be cited here. Extensive literature Young’s (1807) formula
references and a detailed exposition of most of w0
the material covered here can be found in the w¼ ð3Þ
1  ðP=Pcr1 Þ
book by Bažant and Cedolin (1991). Perspica-
cious reviews of the more classical material on where constant w0 characterizes the initial
elastic and plastic stability, considerably more imperfection or initial bending moments.
detailed and much more mathematical, were While this formula is exact only for initial
given by Hutchinson (1974) and Budianski and sinusoidal curvature, it represents an asympto-
Hutchinson (1972), and a valuable review of tic approximation near Pcr1 for all kinds of
experimental evidence is found in Singer et al. initial imperfections. Therefore it has been
(1998). The earlier works are covered in adopted as a universal basis of design codes
Timoshenko and Gere (1961). (a less simple formula, which was used for steel
Elastic Structures 49
structures, is obtained for an eccentric load but derived by James (1935) and Livesley and
it is asymptotically equivalent near the critical Chandler (1956) and others. Trigonometric
load). The deflection given by Young’s formula expressions for the inverse flexibility matrix
is used to calculate the initial moment magni- coefficients were derived earlier by von Mises
fication by P and w. The magnification has a and Ratzensdorfer (1926) and Chwalla (1928).
factor depending on the initial moment dis- There are two possible approaches to calcu-
tribution along the column, which is given in lating the critical loads of frames: (i) the beam
design codes by approximate formulas. is subdivided into many sufficiently short beam
Although the basic cases of critical loads of elements, in which case the dependence of the
columns with various end conditions were stiffness matrix on the initial axial force gets
solved by Euler as early as 1744 (long before automatically linearized and the critical load
the theory of bending was completed by (or parameter of the load system) can then be
Navier), developments in column theory have obtained from a linear matrix eigenvalue
nevertheless proceeded until modern times. problem; or (ii) the stiffness matrix of the
Simple but realistic design formulas taking entire beam is used. In the latter approach, the
into account geometrical imperfections and number of unknowns is one or two orders of
initial bending moments in metallic and con- magnitude less but the matrix eigenvalue
crete columns or frames were incorporated into problem is nonlinear because the stiffness
design codes by the middle of the twentieth coefficients are highly nonlinear functions of
century. the load. The latter approach is computation-
The curve of finite deflections of very slender ally far more efficient but requires a more
elastic columns of constant cross-section (a complicated iterative solution based on succes-
curve called the ‘‘elastica’’) was solved exactly sive tangential linearizations of the stiffness
(Kirchhoff, 1859) in terms of elliptic integrals. matrix.
Very large deflections of arbitrary elastic Designers sometimes simplify the frame
columns and frames can today be easily buckling problem by considering a column
calculated by nonlinear finite element (FE) within the frame as a separate elastic column
codes. with flexible end restraints, isolated from the
Many extensions of the column buckling frame. However, such a trivialization often
theory have been studied. The basic cases of involves large errors on the unsafe side because
spatial buckling of beams subjected to axial the dependence of the effective tangential
force and various kinds of torque are amenable stiffness of the end restraints on the unknown
to simple analytical solutions. If the column is critical load is neglected.
not slender, or if it is orthotropic, with a low The redundant internal forces in frames can
shear modulus (as in fiber composites), the vary at the critical state while the load is
bending theory must be enhanced by taking constant. This means that the flexibility matrix
into account shear deformations, which can of the primary statically determinate structure
substantially decrease the value of critical load becomes singular at the critical load. Typically,
(note a later comment on the formal equiva- however, the coefficients of this matrix become
lence but different applicability of the Engesser infinite and the matrix loses positive definite-
and Haringx formulas). Consideration of the ness before the critical load is reached. This
effect of pressure in compressed fluid-filled makes the flexibility matrix unsuitable for
pipes, or of axial pre-stress introduced by checking stability and the flexibility method
embedded tendons, is a problem appearing at computationally unsuitable for structures with
first tricky but in fact easy to handle. more than a few redundant internal forces.
The buckling of elastic frames, i.e., assem- Very large regular rectangular frames or
blages of rigidly or flexibly connected beams, is lattices lead to linear difference equations. The
normally analyzed by the stiffness method, on basic cases can then be solved exactly by the
the basis of the stiffness matrices of beam methods of difference calculus (Bažant and
elements. The stiffness matrix relates the Cedolin, 1991, Section 2.02.3). The simplest
increments of the bending moments and shear modes, easily solved by one-line formula, are
and axial forces at the ends of the element to the internal buckling of either sway or nonsway
the increments of the associated displacements type, and the boundary buckling. Approximat-
and rotations. Because of the second-order ing the difference equations as partial differ-
moments of the initial axial force on the ential equations (Bažant, 1971b), one can solve
deflections, the stiffness coefficients depend the long-wave (global) buckling of the frame as
on the axial force. If the beam has a uniform a continuum. Because the rotations f of the
cross section, this dependence can be described joints are independent of the rotations y of the
by simple trigonometric, hyperbolic and poly- chords of the beams, the proper approximation
nomial functions of the initial axial load, (Bažant, 1971b, Bažant and Cedolin, 1991,
50 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
section 2.10), which must be exact up to the special case, a given equilibrium state) of a
second-order terms, is the micropolar conti- dynamic system is stable if all the possible
nuum. (Be warned that several micropolar small perturbations of the initial conditions can
approximations found in the literature are lead only to small changes of the solution (or
incorrect because cross terms such as ff,xx response). (In the case of continuous struc-
are missing yet contribute to the quadratic tures, it makes sense to measure the changes in
terms of energy density (x ¼ spatial coordi- terms of an overall norm of the deflection
nate).) The critical loads of large regular distribution rather than locally.)
frames or lattices with rectangular boundaries Based on Liapunov’s definition, it can be
were thus solved in 1973 analytically (Bažant shown that, under certain mild restrictions,
and Cedolin, 1991). Various types of built-up stability can be decided by analyzing a
or latticed columns can be continuously linearized system. This, for instance, justifies
approximated as a continuous column but the considering only linearized small-strain expres-
shear deformation must be taken into account sions in columns, plates, and shells. Stable
(see later comments on the Engesser and systems, when perturbed, develop vibrations,
Haringx formulas). either undamped or damped. The vibration
An intricate case for which a sophisticated frequency depends on the applied load.
special theory has evolved (cf. Bažant and It is further easily proved that stability is lost
Cedolin, 1991, section 2.8) is the buckling of when the frequency of natural vibrations
high arches and slender rings (or cylindrical becomes complex (Borchhardt’s criterion). In
shells in the transverse plane). Their buckling is conservative systems, the frequency diminishes
described by a fourth-order linear differential with increasing static load and becomes zero at
equation for arch deflections. Its coefficients the limit of stability, which represents the
are not constant but vary along the arch with critical state of neutral equilibrium (Figure
its initial curvature. They also depend on the 1(a)). Stability is then lost through nonaccel-
load in a more complicated way than in the erated (static) motion away from the initial
case of columns. The axial inextensibility of the equilibrium state, called the divergence (for
arch, which is a justifiable simplifying assump- aircraft wings) or (more generally) static
tion for high (or deep) arches, presents further buckling.
restrictions. In the case of hinged arches, the An important property of nonconservative
inextensibility constraint excludes the odd- systems is that the frequency at the loss of
numbered critical loads, which correspond to stability can be nonzero (Figure 1(b)), in which
buckling modes with an odd number of waves. case a static stability analysis is inapplicable.
(Noting this restriction, Hurlbrink (1908) Typically, dynamic instability is caused by
corrected the previously accepted Boussinesq vibrations of ever increasing amplitude, during
solution of the lowest critical value of uniform which the structure moves in such a manner
load.) that it absorbs an unbounded amount of
energy from the nonconservative load (such
as wind or pulsating load). The dynamic Dynamic Stability Analysis and instability, also called flutter, is an important
Chaos consideration for aircraft wings, as well as tall
guyed masts, chimneys and suspension bridges
Up to now, we tacitly implied the loads to be (Simiu and Scanlan, 1986). A famous example
conservative. Such problems can be solved is the aeroelastic instability that destroyed the
statically and do not necessitate the use of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.
general criterion of stability, which is dynamic. Pulsating loads, produced, e.g., by unbal-
However, for structures subjected to noncon- anced rotating machinery or traveling vehicles,
servative loads, stability may, and often is, lost can lead to dynamic instability in the form of
in a dynamic manner. Important examples of parametric resonance (Rayleigh, 1894). The
nonconservative loads are: (i) loads with structure moves in such a way that the axial
prescribed time variation (e.g., pulsating mode absorbs an unbounded amount of energy
loads), (ii) loads generated by the flow of gases from the load. This kind of resonance occurs at
(wind loads) or liquids, and (iii) reactions from double the natural frequency of lateral vibra-
jet or rocket propulsion. An idealization of (ii) tions corresponding to the static (average)
and (iii) are the follower loads, whose orienta- value of the load (Figure 1(c)). The doubling
tion follows the rotation of the structure. of frequency is explained by the fact that the
The fundamental definition of stability that second-order axial (or in-plane) strains due to
is generally accepted in all fields of science is lateral deflections of columns (or plates), on
due to Liapunov (1893) and may be simply which the axial (or in-plane) forces work, have
stated as follows. A given solution (or, as a double the frequency of the lateral deflections.
Elastic Structures 51

Figure 1 (a) Dependence of free vibration frequency o on static load P for conservative systems. (b) Typical
example for nonconservative systems. (c) Strutt diagram for parametric resonance (p ¼ amplitude parameter
of pulsating load; O ¼ forcing frequency; b ¼ damping parameter).

Due to higher-order Fourier components of great interest to find test functions analogous
axial strain history, a milder parametric to potential energy, called Liapunov functions,
resonance may also occur at other integer which make it possible to decide stability
multiples of the natural frequency. An impor- without dynamic analysis. Such functions,
tant aspect of parametric resonance is that the however, have been discovered only for some
structure is stabilized by sufficient damping. In special situations with nonconservative loads.
conservative systems, by contrast, the damping Nonlinear dynamic systems that cannot be
has no stabilizing influence. linearized can exhibit a complex dynamic
In a rotating coordinate system, forces response that is nonperiodic and appears to
resulting from apparent accelerations, such as be random (Figure 2). Such a response, called
the Coriolis force and gyroscopic moments, chaos, shows nevertheless a certain degree of
can stabilize the structure even though they do order and cannot be described by methods of
no work on the motion of the structure. The random dynamics. Great attention has been
Coriolis force, e.g., causes an unbalanced devoted to the trajectories of response of such
rotating shaft to regain stability at supercritical systems in the phase space (a space whose
rotation velocities. coordinates are the generalized displacements
An important consequence of Liapunov’s and their velocities). A typical property of
definition of stability is the Lagrange–Dirichlet damped stable linear oscillators is that the
theorem (Lagrange, 1788). When the total trajectory is attracted, in several characteristic
energy is continuous and all the forces are ways, to a single point, called the attractor. For
conservative or dissipative, the equilibrium is a nonlinear oscillator, the trajectory appears as
stable if the potential energy of the structure as chaotic but, on closer scrutiny, is often found
a function of all the generalized displacements to be attracted to something called the ‘strange
is positive definite (i.e., has a strict minimum). attractor’, which describes a hidden order in
This theorem greatly simplifies the analysis the response and normally has a fractal
of conservative systems, making it possible to structure. Chaotic systems are inherently un-
use static analysis, avoiding the complications stable—very small perturbations produce tra-
of dynamic analysis of a structure with jectories that exponentially diverge from the
symmetry-breaking imperfections. To simplify original trajectory (Figure 2). This makes the
the analysis of nonconservative systems, it is of response over longer periods of time unpre-
52 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects

Figure 2 Chaotic vibration of nonlinear system (divergent response change caused by a very small change in
initial conditions).

dictable (Thompson, 1982, 1989; Thompson

and Stewart, 1986; Moon, 1986). Energy Analysis of Stability of

Elastic Structures, Postcritical
Behavior, and Catastrophe Theory
By virtue of the Lagrange–Dirichlet theo-
rem, stability of equilibrium of elastic struc-
tures under conservative loads can be decided
by checking the positive definiteness (existence
of a strict minimum) of the potential energy P
as a function of displacement vector q near the
minimum point of P. Aside from q, P also
depends on various control parameters includ-
ing load P and, for imperfect structures, also
on the imperfection magnitude a characterizing
the deviation from symmetry.
The Taylor series expansion of the potential Figure 3 Responses of perfect and imperfect
energy in terms of displacement vector q about structures in bifurcation buckling: (a) stable sym-
the equilibrium state (defined as q ¼ 0) begins metric, (b) unstable symmetric, (c) asymmetric, and
with the quadratic term called the second (right) Koiter’s power laws (l ¼ load parameter,
variation, q ¼ lateral deflection, q0 ¼ q at lmax).

qT Kq
d2 P ¼ ð4Þ and shells), the lowest critical load is the first,
for which the buckling wavelength is the
where longest. In conservative systems, the lowest
critical load represents the limit of stability. For
@2P higher loads P, the quadratic form is indefinite
K¼ ð5Þ
@qT @q or negative definite, which implies that con-
servative systems are unstable for P4Pcr1.
which represents the tangential stiffness matrix. The behavior after the critical load is
The structure is stable if d2P (or K) is positive reached, called the postcritical behavior (Fig-
definite. If the potential exists, K is symmetric ure 3), is determined by the term of the Taylor
(and real), and so the structure is stable if and series expansion of P that comes next after the
only if all the eigenvalues of K are positive; or quadratic term. An important aspect is the
equivalently, if and only if all the principal postcritical imperfection sensitivity, which de-
minors of K are positive (Sylvester’s criterion). scribes how the maximum load, Pmax, is
Of main interest is the lowest critical load, affected by the magnitude of small imperfec-
P ¼ Pcr1, for which K becomes singular and the tion a. Despite tremendous variety of structur-
quadratic form d2P positive semidefinite. For al forms, all the initial postcritical behavior can
columns and frames (but not necessarily plates take only a few typical forms.
Elastic Structures 53
For many structures, P can be considered a and in an extreme manner by many shells (e.g.,
function of only one deflection parameter q. spherical shells, or cylindrical shells under axial
Typical are symmetric structures which, in the compression or bending (but not under radial
absence of imperfections, remain symmetric up pressure or torsion)).
to the lowest critical load Pcr : They possess a A famous result of elastic stability theory is
potential energy function P(q) that contains that, for all types of imperfection sensitive
the quadratic and quartic terms but misses the elastic structures, the postcritical imperfection
cubic terms in the Taylor series expansion. sensitivity of bifurcation buckling can be only
Such structures exhibit postcritical behavior of two types, characterized by Koiter’s (1945)
that is symmetric with respect to q, termed power laws:
symmetric bifurcation. Depending on the sign
of the quartic term, the critical state may be DPmax
p a2=3 or a1=2 ð6Þ
stable or unstable, which is called the stable or Pcr
unstable symmetric bifurcation (Figures 3(a)
and (b)). The former (which is typical of where DPmax ¼ Pcr  Pmax : The former applies
columns, symmetric frames, and plates) is to unstable symmetric bifurcation, and the
imperfection insensitive. The latter is imperfec- latter to asymmetric bifurcation. The latter is
tion sensitive (a behavior found is some types generally more dangerous because DPmax is
of frames; Bažant and Cedolin, 1991; Bažant much larger when a is sufficiently small.
and Xiang, 1997a); this means that the Imperfection sensitivity is also important for
equilibrium load value of perfect structure dynamic buckling (Budiansky and Hutchinson,
(a ¼ 0) decreases with |q|, and that Pmaxopcr 1964).
for aa0: Consider now elastic structures that possess
Imperfection sensitivity, i.e. the reduction of no cubic term in P(q) and exhibit no bifurca-
Pmax caused by imperfection, is stronger for tion, due to nonexistence of symmetric deflec-
elastic structures that exhibit bifurcation and tions. In this case, called snapthrough, the
possess the cubic terms in P(q). In that case, deflection curve P(q) has a limit point (peak,
which is called asymmetric bifurcation, the maximum point, Pmax), which represents the
critical state is always unstable and the stability limit (critical state) if the load is a
structure is always imperfection sensitive gravity load (dead load). After the limit point,
(Figures 3(c), 4). Such behavior is typically the response under gravity load becomes
exhibited by asymmetric frames (the classical dynamic; the structure ‘snaps through’, in
example being the G-shaped frame; Figure 4), accelerated motion. Such behavior is typical
of flat arches or shallow (cylindrical or
spherical) shells, in which the failure is caused
by shortening of the arch or in-plane normal
strains of the shell. The postpeak equilibrium
load-deflection curve exhibits postpeak soft-
ening, which is unstable for load control
(gravity load). For displacement control, the
postpeak softening is stable, but only as long as
the slope of the curve is negative. If the slope
becomes vertical, stability is lost despite
displacement control, which is called snap-
down. After snapdown, the slope of the curve
may become positive again but the states are
unstable. Snapdown is exhibited by elastic flat
arches or shallow shells loaded through a
sufficiently soft spring.
In bifurcation buckling, the deflection curves
of imperfect structures exhibit a limit point
with snapthrough rather than bifurcation.
Since inevitably some imperfections are always
present, bifurcation buckling is merely an
abstraction, albeit a very useful one.
When a structure has two equal or nearly
equal critical loads corresponding to different
Figure 4 Roorda’s (1971) experimental verification buckling modes, the modes usually interact in a
of calculated postcritical response in asymmetric way to cause imperfection sensitivity. This
bifurcation of a G-frame. occurs in built-up (latticed) columns if the
54 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
flanges or lattice members buckle locally at the
same load as the column as a whole, in
stiffened plate girders if the stiffening ribs
buckle locally at the same load as the web, in
box girders if the stiffeners buckle locally at the
same load as the plates, or if the plates buckle
at the same load as the box, etc. Disregarding
postcritical behavior, designs with coincident
critical modes would seem to yield optimum
weight, but in fact they represent what is called
the ‘‘naive’’ optimal design, which must be
avoided because it produces high imperfection
The type of buckling of a system governed
by a potential is qualitatively fully determined
by the topological characteristics of the poten-
tial surface. The problem is analogous to
instabilities encountered in various fields of
physics and other sciences and is generally
described by the catastrophe theory. Consider
the potential P as a general function of free
variables q1 ; y; qn ; and of control parameters
l1 ; y; lm corresponding to the load and the
imperfections. If n ¼ m ¼ 1, there exists only
one type of catastrophe called the fold,
equivalent to snapthrough or to asymmetric
bifurcation. If n ¼ 1 and mr2, there exists a
second catastrophe called the cusp, equivalent
to symmetric bifurcation (Figure 5). If nr2
and mr4, there exist seven catastrophes, the
five additional ones being called the swallow- Figure 5 Surfaces of potential P for three buckling
tail, butterfly, hyperbolic umbilic, elliptic um- types. (a) Snapthrough or limit point (fold cata-
bilic, parabolic umbilic, and double cusp (this strophe). (b) Unstable symmetric bifurcation (cusp
remarkable result has been rigorously proved catastrophe). (c) Asymmetric bifurcation (also fold
by Thom, 1975). Examples of elastic structures catastrophe); q ¼ deflection, P ¼ l ¼ load parameter.
that exhibit all these seven catastrophes have
been given, although some have an air of
artificiality. Completely general though the for all qi, which represent equations for qi. If P
catastrophe theory is usually perceived to be, is quadratic, the equations are linear, and if
its present form is nevertheless inapplicable to they are homogeneous one has a matrix
elastoplastic, damaging and fracturing struc- eigenvalue problem for the critical load. The
tures—a very important class. solution converges for n-N if functions fi(x)
The potential energy concept is useful as the form a complete system. For a finite n, one has
basis of direct variational methods of calculat- an upper bound approximation on Pcr1, which
ing the critical loads of continuous elastic is close enough if n is large enough or if the
structures. The deflection field is described as selected functions fi(x) can closely approxi-
mate the deflection shape. The FE method for
wðxÞ ¼ qi fi ðxÞ ð7Þ conservative problems can be regarded as a
i¼n special case of the Ritz variational method.
Often it suffices to use only one judiciously
where fi ðxÞ are chosen as linearly independent chosen function f1(x); the critical load is then
(preferably orthogonal) functions of the co- given by the Rayleigh (1894) quotient
ordinate vector x (1D, 2D, or 3D). In the Ritz
(or Rayleigh–Ritz) variational method, the U
PR ¼ ð9Þ
potential energy P is minimized with respect W%
to deflection parameters qi. This yields the
necessary conditions where U ¼ strain-energy expression (quadratic)
in terms of displacement distribution, w, and
¼0 ð8Þ W% ¼ expression for work per unit load, P ¼ 1
@qi (also quadratic). Analyzing d2 PR ; one can
Elastic Structures 55
prove that PR represents an upper bound on broader context of Koiter’s (1945) postcritical
Pcr1. The Ritz method is equivalent to mini- theory, already discussed). The asymmetry is
mization of PR with respect to f1 ðxÞ (con- caused by the fact that the radial resultant of
sidered as unknown). In mathematics, the the in-plane stresses in a curved shell has a
Rayleigh quotient PR is equivalently expressed deflection-dependent quadratic term which
in terms of the differential operators of the resists an inward buckle and assists an outward
boundary value problem (provided the pro- buckle (this resultant is analogous to a non-
blem is self-adjoint, which is automatically the linear quadratic lateral spring support of a
case if P exists). column; von Kármán and Tsien, 1941).
For statically determinate columns, an upper The buckling of some shells is imperfection
bound that is always closer to Pcr1 than PR is insensitive, permitting the design to be based
given by the Timoshenko quotient on critical loads (e.g., a cylindrical shell
subjected to lateral pressure or torsion; Figure
W% 6(c)). The archetypical cases of imperfection-
PT ¼ ð10Þ
U1 sensitive shells are the externally pressurized
spherical shell and the cylindrical shell sub-
where U1 is the complementary strain energy jected to axial compression or bending. In
calculated from the second-order bending theory, a perfect shell of the imperfection-
moments M caused by a unit load (P ¼ 1) sensitive type exhibits, after bifurcation, a
acting on the deflections w, expressed in terms dynamic snapdown to a postcritical load value
of w. PT can be shown to represent nothing else typically equal to only 15–35% of Pcr1, but in
but the Rayleigh quotient as defined in mathe- practice the imperfections are always so large
matics on the basis of the differential operators that the load cannot exceed these values at
of the second-order differential equation for reasonable deflections (see the curves for
buckling of statically determinate columns. imperfection parameter 0.1 or 0.2 in Figure
From the viewpoint of design safety, it 6(a)). That the critical loads can indeed be
would be preferable to have lower bounds closely approached was experimentally demon-
rather than upper bounds on Pcr1; they exist strated only when Almroth et al. (1964) and
but, unfortunately, in most cases are not close Tennyson (1969) succeeded in fabricating
enough to be useful (Bažant and Cedolin, 1991, cylindrical shells with extraordinarily small
section 5.8). imperfections.
Based on the calculus of variations, from P The critical loads for axisymmetric buckling
as a functional of deflection w(x), one can (Figure 6(d), bottom) represent a 1D problem
derive the differential equation of the problem. which can be solved easily. The 2D non-
This approach, which is useful for more axisymmetric buckling modes (Figure 6(d),
complicated problems such as thin-wall bars, top) are harder to solve. Often the problem
also yields the boundary conditions that are can be simplified by considering the shell as
compatible with the existence of a potential. shallow (which means that the rise of every
They are of two kinds: kinematic (essential) or possible buckle is small compared to the chord
static (natural). of the buckle arc). A famous result for such
shells was Donnell’s (1934) reduction of the Shells, Plates, Thin-wall Beams, and critical load problem to one linearized eighth-
Sandwiches order partial differential equation for shell
deflection. A system of eight linearized partial
The design of shells and plates is dominated differential equations, known as the Donnell–
by stability. Shell buckling is a problem with a Mushtari–Vlasov theory, was obtained for
fascinating history. After the critical loads of general shallow shells. Based on the shallow
externally pressurized spherical shells and shell approximation, critical loads for many
axially compressed cylindrical shells were modes of various shells have been solved
calculated at the dawn of the twentieth century analytically, before the FE era.
(Lorenz, 1908; Timoshenko, 1910; Southwell, Calculation of the postcritical behavior and
1914), they were found to be 3–8 times larger failure loads of shells is a difficult problem,
than the experimental failure loads (Figure sometimes even with FE programs. Although
6(b)). Despite persistent efforts, the discre- verification of an important design by FEs is
pancy remained unexplained until von Kármán imperative, the design is generally based on
and Tsien (1941) (Figure 6(a)) discovered the critical load solutions reduced by an empirical
answer to lie in the extreme imperfection ‘‘knock-down’’ factor f which accounts for
sensitivity of nonlinear postcritical behavior imperfection sensitivity and has been tabulated
which causes the bifurcation to be asymmetric for various practical cases (e.g., Kollár and
(their celebrated result was later found to fit the Dulácska 1984). For instance, for a cylindrical
56 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects

Figure 6 (a) Von Kármán and Tsien’s (1941) postcritical diagrams of axial compression force versus
shortening of cylindrical shell. (b) and (c) Comparison of critical loads of perfect shells with measured failure
loads for cylindrical shells under axial compression (b) or radial pressure (c) (R, h, l ¼ radius, thickness and
length of shell). (d) Critical modes. (e) Yoshimura’s final buckle pattern.

shell of radius R and thickness h, the axial axisymmetric pattern. In postcritical deflec-
internal force at failure is expressed as tions, the buckle patterns may change and the
final one is the diamond buckle pattern
 fEh2 (Yoshimura pattern, Figure 6(e)). When a
Nxx ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð11Þ
R 3ð1  n2 Þ significant lateral pressure is superimposed on
axial compression, the critical loads for differ-
where n ¼ Poisson’s ratio, and f depends on ent modes are no longer close to each other,
R/h (e.g., Budiansky and Hutchinson, 1972; and such a shell ceases to be imperfection
Budiansky, 1974). For combined loadings, a sensitive.
linear interaction diagram may be safely Some nonlinear problems of shells were
assumed in design (as, e.g., between the approximately solved before the advent of
maximum Nxx values due to bending and to FEs (e.g., by variational series expansions).
axial loading of a cylindrical shell). Because the Many older analytical solutions, however, have
imperfections are highly random and have a now lost much of their value because of their
large influence, a probabilistic estimation of the complexity. But those that are simple never-
failure load is appropriate (e.g. Bolotin, 1969). theless remain valuable for the understanding
The reason for the extreme imperfection they convey and for use as checks on FE codes,
sensitivity of shells may be seen in the existence and are invaluable for design optimization and
of many buckling modes with nearly equal probabilistic modeling.
critical stresses. For example, the critical Let us now discuss the simpler problem of
stresses for many nonaxisymmetric buckling plates, which became well understood about
modes of an axially compressed cylindrical two decades earlier than shells. Fourier series
shell are only slightly lower than that for the with Ritz variational methods were used before
Elastic Structures 57
the middle of the twentieth century to solve the the circumference are distinctly separated,
critical loads of rectangular or circular plates which suppresses postcritical imperfection sen-
with various edge conditions and diverse sitivity (Tennyson and Chan, 1990). Micro-
combinations of in-plane normal and shear buckling of fibers due to shear causes
forces (e.g. Timoshenko and Gere, 1961). Like compressive kink-band failure in composites
shells, plates exhibit many buckling modes. (Rosen, 1965; Budiansky, 1983; Fleck, 1997;
Unlike shells, the critical loads are far apart Bažant et al., 1999).
(and thus they cannot interact to cause Long thin-wall girders (e.g., metallic cold-
imperfection sensitivity). In contrast to col- formed profiles, concrete or welded steel
umns and in similarity to shells, the critical girders for large bridges and buildings) repre-
mode with the longest wavelength in one sent long shells that can be approximately
direction is not necessarily the lowest critical treated according to the theory of thin-wall
load for plates. beams. The first important result in this broad
In contrast to shells, the buckling of plates is domain was contributed by Prandtl (1899) in
not imperfection sensitive. This was established his dissertation on lateral buckling of beams of
early in the nineteenth century on the basis of rectangular cross section subjected to bending,
the approximate solutions of the famous von which he obtained in terms of Bessel functions
Kármán (1910)–Föppl (1907) nonlinear equa- and verified by his experiments. His pioneering
tions for initial postcritical behavior (two work, as well as the simultaneous solution of a
coupled fourth-order partial differential equa- special case of lateral buckling by Michell
tions for the deflection and the Airy stress (1899), stimulated rapid further progress.
function of in-plane stresses). If large deflec- The theory of thin-wall beams can in general
tions take place, plates supported along their be regarded as a semi-variational approach
entire boundary show a substantial postcritical (Kantorovich variational method) in which the
reserve. Its source is the ability of a plate to basic modes of deformation in the transverse
redistribute the in-plane compressive forces directions are judiciously assumed and energy
into compressed cylindrically buckled strips minimization then yields ordinary differential
along the boundaries (for compression parallel equations for the deflections and torsional
to supported edges) and into diagonal ten- rotations as well as the parameters of these
sioned strips (for shear loading). When large modes as functions of the longitudinal coordi-
buckles develop and the cylindrically buckled nate. The reduction of the problem to ordinary
strips carry most of the in-plane forces, the differential equations greatly simplifies stability
plate acts essentially as a truss. Ultimately, the analysis. Beside the deformation modes de-
buckled strips yield, which means that simple scribed by Saint-Venant torsion theory and by
limit analysis can be applied to the truss. Such the theory of bending with plane cross sections,
a truss analogy was exploited by von Kármán one must consider for beams of open profile a
et al. (1932) to deduce stunningly simple mode in which the cross section warps out of
approximate formulas for the maximum post- plane. The bimoment produced by the warping
critical load Pmax of plates subjected to mode is an important mechanism in resisting
compression and shear; for simply supported torsion (the resistance being provided by axial
rectangular plates compressed in the direction normal stresses characterized by the bimo-
of one side, ment). In box girders, one must also include
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi modes describing the bending deformation of
Pmax E kh2 EsY ð12Þ the cross section within its own plane. 1D FEs
of thin-wall beams of open or closed cross
which, remarkably, does not depend on the section, incorporating the out-of-plane warp-
plate dimensions (h ¼ plate thickness, ing mode and the in-plane cross-section defor-
sY ¼ yield stress, and kEconstant). mation mode, have been formulated and used
Transverse shear deformations are unimpor- to analyze critical loads and postcritical
tant in thin plates and shells. But they may be behavior.
significant in composite shells, and dominate Solutions based on the warping torsion
the buckling of sandwich plates and shells (e.g., theory describe the important cases of lateral
Plantema, 1966), i.e., plates that consist of stiff buckling of thin-wall beams, in which a
but thin face sheets (skins) bonded to a soft horizontal beam subjected to bending in the
core (a foam or honeycomb). Local buckling of vertical plane twists and bends laterally, and of
the skin, which provokes delamination frac- axial-torsional buckling of an axially com-
ture, is an additional very important mode of pressed column.
instability of sandwiches. In sandwich shells, Limited though the studies of postcri-
the critical loads for axisymmetric buckling tical behavior have been, some FE studies
modes and modes with periodic buckles along indicate that lateral buckling of beams is not
58 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
imperfection sensitive and has a high post- von Kármán and was later generalized to 3D
critical reserve. solids by Hill (1962) and others, the first
bifurcation of the equilibrium load-deflection
path (Figure 7(a)) occurs when the tangential
2.02.3 ANELASTIC AND stiffness matrix Kt of the structure becomes
DISINTEGRATING STRUCTURES singular or, in the case of a discontinuous Elastoplastic Buckling and Shanley’s evolution of Et, when the smallest eigenvalue of
Bifurcation Kt jumps from positive to negative (the reason
will be mentioned later, in Equation (21)). No
Elastic structures fail either by exhausting unloading occurs anywhere in the structure,
material strength or by instability. Structures and the analysis based on Kt is often called
that are not elastic may, and usually do, Hill’s (1962) method of linear comparison
fail by a combination of both. The evolution solid. This is a valuable simplification. How-
of material failure becomes a part of process of ever, the problem of bifurcation load is still
stability loss of the structure. Consideration of nonlinear because Et depends on Pt as de-
inelastic behavior and material failure is today scribed by the elastoplastic constitutive law.
an essential ingredient of a sound assessment of In contrast to elastic bifurcation, the Shan-
stability of structures. ley first bifurcation state does not represent
A salient property of elastoplastic behavior neutral equilibrium; the initial postbifurcation
is the irreversibility at unloading, manifested states are always stable. The symmetry-break-
by the fact that the unloading modulus Eu is ing secondary path (i.e., lateral deflection) is
larger that the tangent modulus Et for further nevertheless the path that must occur in
loading (in absence of damage, Eu ¼ E). This reality. These facts can be proved either by
property causes a type of behavior not seen in analysis of imperfections or, less tediously and
elastic structures: the bifurcation of equili- more generally, by calculating the second
brium path in the load-deflection space can, variation d2S of the entropy increment (or
and in fact does, occur at increasing, rather Helmholtz free energy increment) of a perfect
than constant, load P. This phenomenon was structure and the differences in entropy incre-
discovered by Shanley (1947) in a revolutioniz- ment between the primary and secondary
ing paper which corrected a previous erroneous paths (Bažant and Cedolin, 1991, section
concept that had lasted over half a century. 10.2; Figure 7(b)).
The problem has a complicated history. In In an elastoplastic column, all the (infinitely
two subsequent studies, Engesser (1889, 1895) many) undeflected states between Pt and Pr
proposed two different formulas for the load at represent bifurcation states (Figure 7(a)). They
which a perfect elastoplastic column begins to are stable if the load is controlled, and Pr is the
buckle: stability limit. If the load-point displacement is
controlled, the stability limit is higher than Pr.
p2 p2 The maximum load, Pmax, is in practice usually
Pt ¼ Et I or Pr ¼ Er I ð13Þ
L2 L2 much closer to Pt than to Pr (Figure 7(a)). It is
for this reason that Pt is so important. The
where Pt is called the tangent modulus load, design of metallic columns, frames, thin-wall
and Pr the reduced modulus load (Figure 7(a)); beams and shells is now generally based on the
Et is the tangent modulus of material for tangential modulus, and the concept is also
further loading from the stress level at initial valid for concrete (Bažant and Cedolin, 1991;
unbuckled state, and the reduced modulus Er Bažant and Xiang, 1997b).
(dependent on cross section geometry; Enges- The initial postbifurcation behavior of per-
ser, 1895, 1898) is calculated as the effective fect and imperfect structures near Pt is stable.
modulus for buckling at constant load (for In contrast to elastic structures, the deflections
which Et applies at the side of neutral axis that to the right and left are not symmetric if the
undergoes further shortening, while Eu applies cross section is nonsymmetric, and the Pr and
at the side that undergoes extension (unload- Pmax values for buckling to opposite sides are
ing) during deflection). The reduced modulus different.
theory, yielding Pr, was supported and refined When Et as a function of stress drops
by von Kármán (1910). It had been accepted as suddenly, which occurs for mild steel, Pr can,
valid for five decades, until tests on aluminum and normally does, coincide with Pt. In this
alloys and high strength steels, exhibiting a light, it might seem strange that tests of hot-
slowly decreasing Et, revealed the buckling to rolled steel profiles made of mild steel exhibit a
begin at Pt, which can be much smaller than Pr. large difference between Pr and Pt. The reason
Based on Shanley’s (1947) epoch-making is that very large residual thermal stresses get
discovery, which was immediately accepted by locked in after initial cooling in the steel mill
Anelastic and Disintegrating Structures 59

Figure 7 Inelastic buckling. (a) Shanley bifurcation in plastic structures with a smooth or bilinear stress–
strain diagram. (b) Corresponding surfaces of the second variation of entropy d2S (the negative of potential
d2 F) at Shanley bifurcation (bottom) and at reduced modulus load (top). (c) Reduction of tangential shear
modulus derived from torsional critical loads of axially compressed elastic-plastic cruciform columns
measured by Gerard and Becker (1957), and comparison with (smoothed) results of microplane model for
steel (solid curve, Brocca and Bažant, 2000).

(Osgood 1951; Yang et al. 1952). They cause Young’s formula for the effect of imperfections
the cross-section parts with different residual on the deflection and moment magnification is
stresses to begin yielding at very different load used in design, complemented by an empirical
values, thus rendering the overall force–defor- formula for the effective modulus. The magni-
mation diagrams of the cross section smoothly fied moment M and axial force P are then
curved. Discovery of this phenomenon re- compared to a semi-empirical strength envel-
solved several previous decades of groping in ope in the (P, M) plane. Consideration of
efforts to explain the experiments in terms of perfect columns is avoided by prescribing for
imperfections alone. Thus Shanley’s theory is consideration in design a certain minimum
important not only for alloy steels but also for load eccentricity (Figure 8).
hot-rolled profiles made of low-carbon mild Our discussion so far pertains to small
steel which passes from elastic behavior to deflection behavior. Large plastic deflections
perfectly plastic yielding almost instantly. of columns are of interest mainly for predicting
The buckling behavior of reinforced concrete the energy absorption capability under blast,
columns is complicated by tensile cracking. impact, and earthquake. If the yield plateau of
60 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects

Figure 8 Left: typical failure envelope (interaction diagram) and curves of axial load P versus maximum
bending moment M for a reinforced concrete column of slenderness L/r ¼ 70, loaded at various constant
relative load eccentricities e/h (P ¼ load in 1000 lb., M ¼ maximum bending moment in 1000 lb  in.). Right:
corresponding diagrams of P versus axial displacement u.

the material is long enough, the fully plastic Analysis of plastic localization instabilities is
softening postpeak response of columns and required to understand the bursting of pipes
frames can be determined relatively easily by and other shells caused by internal pressure,
analyzing a plastic hinge mechanism subjected bending failure of tubes due to ovalization of
to axial forces. When the structure is slender cross-section, postcritical reserve in plates and
and has high initial bending moments or large thin-wall beams, etc.
imperfections, which is often the case, the
transition from elastic behavior to the hinge
mechanism is so rapid that it may be con- Stability Implications of Normality
sidered as sudden. A close upper bound for the Rule and Vertex Effect
energy absorption capability of the structure is
then provided by the area under the load- When multiaxial stresses and strains arise in
deflection curves for elastic behavior and for buckling, a strong sensitivity to the multiaxial
the plastic hinge mechanism. The inter- nature of the elastoplastic constitutive law is
section of these curves is an upper bound encountered. A central concept in the formula-
on the maximum load (provided the elastic tion of these laws is the normality rule. This
load-deflection curve is rising up to the rule requires that, in the 9D spaces of the
intersection). In the case of buckling of thin components of the stress tensor and the strain
plastic plates under in-plane forces, one may rate tensor, the strain rate (plastic flow) vector
similarly base a simple calculation on a yield must be normal to the current yield surface. A
line mechanism. special form of the normality rule, in the
Very difficult 3D problems are the plastic context of the J2 flow theory, was proposed by
localization instabilities caused by the geome- Prandtl (1924). Later, the normality rule was
trically nonlinear effects of finite strain (Rud- generalized for any type of yield surface and
nicki and Rice 1975; Bažant and Cedolin, 1991, was derived from certain plausible work
chap. 13). The best known example is necking inequalities (Hill, 1950; Drucker, 1951). It
(e.g., Hutchinson and Neale, 1978)—a narrow- was recognized that adherence to this rule,
ing of the cross section of a bar that is initially originated by Prandtl, is essential (Drucker,
under uniform tensile strain. The narrowing 1951; Rice, 1971) for ensuring stability of the
causes the load to peak and then decrease at material, particularly for preventing spurious
increasing displacement. Finite-strain FE solu- strain localization instabilities (to be discussed
tions (e.g., Needleman, 1982; Tvergaard, 1982) later).
are very sensitive to the precise form of the Various experimentally observed phenomena
plastic constitutive law. Geometric nonlinear- such as the dilatancy of frictional slip were later
ity, however, is not the only cause of necking. found to be in apparent violation of the
A complete analysis needs to take into account normality rule. One such phenomenon, the
also the damage due to the growth of voids or so-called vertex effect, was brought to light by
microcracks (which is discussed in a later Gerard and Becker’s (1957) tests of torsional
section). buckling of short axially compressed thin-wall
Anelastic and Disintegrating Structures 61
cruciform columns (Figure 7(c)). The bifurca- (iv) Taylor-type crystallographic models,
tion load of these columns is proportional to initiated by Taylor (1938), worked out in detail
the incremental material stiffness ‘‘to-the-side,’’ first by Batdorf and Budianski (1949) and later
i.e., the stiffness (in this case the shear modulus) refined by others, (e.g., Rice, 1971; Bronkhorst
for a stress increment vector that is tangential et al., 1992; Hutchinson, 1970; Butler and
to the yield surface in the 9D space of stress McDowell, 1998), and the related microplane
components (top right in Figure 7(c)). Accord- model (Bažant, 1984; Bažant and Planas, 1998,
ing to the classical J2-plasticity theory based on chap. 14; Carol and Bažant 1997; Brocca and
the normality rule, as well as all the plasticity Bažant, 2000; Caner and Bažant, 2000; Caner
theories with a single loading potential surface et al., 2002). Both types of constitutive models
in the deviatoric stress space, the stiffness ‘‘to- are defined not in terms of tensors and their
the-side’’ is equal to the initial elastic stiffness. invariants but in terms of the stress and strain
Thus the critical load for torsional buckling of components on surfaces of various orientations
a cruciform column is predicted by these in the material (called the microplanes for the
theories to be equal to the elastic critical load, latter type). Either the stress components (for
regardless of the axial compressive stress. This Taylor models) or the strain components (for
is grossly incorrect and far higher than the microplane models) are assumed to be the
measured values (Figure 7(c) left). projections of the stress or strain tensor. These
This inadequate performance of the plasti- are essentially multisurface plasticity models,
city models with a single loading potential in though not expressed in terms of tensors and
the deviatoric stress space, which, as of early their invariants. They can separately satisfy the
2000s, dominate the computational practice, normality rules, either on each crystallographic
has not been taken seriously for a long time, plane or on each microplane, yet exhibit the
and has almost been forgotten in research vertex behavior automatically, by describing its
without ever being satisfactorily resolved. Four physical source directly. The microplane mod-
theories that have been used to deal with this el, with efficient (optimal Gaussian) numerical
paramount problem of plasticity may be integration over all spatial orientations of
mentioned. microplanes (Bažant and Oh, 1986), has been
(i) Hencky’s deformation theory of plasti- developed for large-scale computation of con-
city. It predicts the stiffness to-the-side to be crete and metals and has been shown (Brocca
secant stiffness, which can be much smaller and Bažant, 2000) to automatically reproduce
than the initial elastic stiffness and gives a the inelastic buckling data for metals (Gerard
relatively good agreement with Gerard and and Becker, 1957) (see Figure 7(d)) as well as
Becker’s buckling experiments. However, concrete (Caner et al., 2002).
Hencky’s is not a fully consistent theory
suitable for general FE programs.
(ii) Enhancement of the plastic potential Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic
surface with a vertex traveling with the current Buckling
stress point (Rice, 1975; Rudnicki and Rice,
1975; Hutchinson and Neale, 1978; Hutchin- Viscoelastic or viscoplastic behavior dissi-
son and Tvergaard, 1980; Bažant, 1980; Bažant pates energy, which does not destabilize a
and Cedolin, 1991; section 10.7). This ap- structure. Thus, according to the Lagrange–
proach, however, does not seem effective for Dirichlet theorem, the stability limit of a
general FE programs. viscoelastic structure must still be decided by
(iii) Multisurface plasticity, proposed by the loss of positive definiteness of the potential
Koiter (1953). This theory reflects the actual for the elastic part of response. However, the
source of the vertex effect, which is due to an stability limit is often not the issue of main
intersection of several loading potential sur- practical interest. Rather, it is the maximum
faces at the current stress point. An important load for which the deflections and stresses
advantage of introducing multiple loading during the desired lifetime remain tolerable, or
surfaces is that the vertex effect can be modeled the critical time for which the deflections and
even while the normality rule, crucially im- stresses under the given design load remain
portant for the soundness of constitutive laws tolerable.
(Rice, 1971), can be satisfied separately for the The differential or integral equations that
individual surfaces. The multisurface constitu- govern viscoelastic buckling can be obtained
tive model, however, is hard to identify from from those that govern elastic buckling by
test data and has not been developed for large- replacing the elastic constants with the corre-
scale computations, partly because very many sponding viscoelastic operator. This operator
simultaneous loading surfaces would be re- can be of a differential type, based on the
quired for a general model. Maxwell or Kelvin chain rheological model, or
62 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
of an integral type, corresponding to a steel reinforcement. No wonder that crude
continuous relaxation or retardation spectrum. empirical design procedures are still in use.
If there is no aging, a Laplace transform can be Detailed FE solutions that agree reasonably
used to reduce the problem to elastic buckling, well with tests have nevertheless been achieved.
and inversion of the Laplace transform then The design of concrete columns relies on an
yields the time evolution of buckling deflec- empirical overconservative reduction of the
tions. For viscoelastic materials that are solids effective elastic modulus, reflecting creep, aging
(i.e., do not possess a purely viscous response), and cracking (as well as the Shanley effect).
a structure loaded to the stability limit takes an For creep with aging, most effective is the use
infinite time to develop a finite deflection as a of the age-adjusted effective modulus method,
result of an infinitesimal disturbance or im- which is based on a theorem stating that if the
perfection (e.g., Freudenthal, 1950; Hilton, strain history is linearly dependent on the
1952). Therefore the long-time critical load, compliance function, then the stress history is
PcrN, which is obtained by replacing the linearly dependent on the corresponding re-
instantaneous elastic modulus E in the critical laxation function (Bažant and Cedolin, 1991).
load solution with the long-time elastic mod- Since the prediction of lifetime is rather
ulus EN, is normally unimportant. Important uncertain, a statistical approach is appropriate.
for design is the time to reach, for given
imperfections, the maximum tolerable deflec-
tion or the maximum (second-order) stress due Thermodynamics of Structures,
to buckling. This time must not be less than the Inelastic Stability, Bifurcation and
required design lifetime. Friction
Viscoplastic buckling is different. In contrast
to viscoelastic structures, there exists a finite So far our review of inelastic structures has
critical timed t* at which the deflection not dealt with the problem of stability.
triggered by an infinitely small imperfection Stability cannot, in principle, be based on
becomes finite (or the deflection triggered by a elastic potential energy. This does not mean,
finite imperfection becomes infinite according however, that stability would have to be
to the geometrically linearized theory); e.g., analyzed dynamically, according to Liapunov’s
Hoff (1958). The basis of design is to ensure stability criterion. An energy approach to
that t* exceeds the required lifetime. The higher stability, which is much simpler, can be based
the load, the smaller is t*. If the viscoplastic on thermodynamics of structure (Bažant and
material does not have a finite elastic limit Cedolin, 1991) (a subject distinct from the
(e.g., if the viscoplastic strain rate is a power thermodynamics of constitutive equations of
function of stress magnitude), the critical load materials).
according to Liapunov’s stability definition According to Gibbs’s form of the second law
(implying an infinite load duration) is zero. of thermodynamics, a thermodynamic system
Long-time buckling of concrete structures is is stable if the entropy increment calculated for
a very complicated but important phenomenon every admissible infinitesimal change of system
which has caused some slender columns and state is negative. If this increment is zero for
shells to collapse after many years of service. In some change, the system is critical, and if it is
the low (service) stress range, concrete is positive for some change, the change must
viscoelastic but exhibits aging, caused by happen, which means that the initial equili-
chemical processes of hydration and by relaxa- brium state of the system is unstable. This is a
tion of micro-pre-stress induced by drying and general thermodynamic definition of stability
chemical changes—processes going on for of equilibrium, which is equivalent to Liapu-
many years. The consequence is that the nov’s definition (except when dealing with
Volterra integral equation for strain history stability of motion). Its beauty is that the
in terms of stress history has a nonconvolution analysis of the motion caused by initial
kernel, and the discrete Kelvin or Maxwell imperfections, which can be rather laborious,
chain model has age-dependent viscosities and may be skipped. It suffices to analyze the
elastic moduli. The aging makes the Laplace perfect structure, which is much simpler,
transform methods ineffective even in the especially if the structure is inelastic.
viscoelastic range, but a numerical integration An inelastic structure is normally far from a
of the evolution of buckling response in time is state of thermodynamic equilibrium, at which
easy. Simultaneous drying intensifies creep, all the dissipative processes would come to a
and so the problem is coupled with diffusion standstill. In principle, this prohibits using
processes. Furthermore, concrete undergoes classical thermodynamics, which deals only
cracking during buckling. This and the creep with states infinitely close to thermodynamic
cause a gradual stress transfer from concrete to equilibrium. However, the use of irreversible
Anelastic and Disintegrating Structures 63
thermodynamics would cause great complica- The conceptual difference from elastic sta-
tion. It can fortunately be circumvented by the bility is that there are many potential energy
hypothesis of a tangentially equivalent inelastic expressions to consider, each of them valid in a
structure (Bažant and Cedolin, 1991). This is a different sector of the space of q, correspond-
structure characterized by the tangential mod- ing to different possible combinations of
uli, assumed to behave equivalently to the loading and unloading in various parts of the
actual inelastic structure for small changes of structure. The surfaces of second variation of
state. The existence of such a structure is of entropy S (the negative of potential surfaces) in
course tacitly implied whenever the load different sectors of this space are quadratic
increment in a computer program is analyzed surfaces, which are joined continuously and
on the basis of the tangent elastic modulus. At with a continuous slope across the sector
each stage of loading, there are many tangen- boundaries (Figure 7(b)). The eigenvector for
tially equivalent elastic structures correspond- a sectorial quadratic surface may lie inside or
ing to various possible combinations of outside the corresponding sector. Only if it lies
tangential moduli for loading and unloading inside, the loss of positive definiteness of the
in various parts of the structures. In theory, potential surface (or negative definiteness of
they all need to be considered. the entropy surface) in that sector is real and
The deformations of elastic structures are represents stability loss (e.g., in an elastoplastic
reversible changes of state, and thus they do column under gravity load, such a situation is
not change the entropy of the structure. first encountered when P reaches Pr, not Pt).
However, the thermodynamic system must For the basic case of structures with a single
include the load, whose changes are defined load (or load parameter) P and the associated
independently of the equilibrium of the struc- displacement q, the thermodynamic analysis
ture. For example, if the structure is in shows that elastic as well as inelastic structures
equilibrium under gravity loads P at initial are stable as long as
deflections q0, and its deflections q are then
changed by dq away from equilibrium, the dP=dq40 ð17Þ
equilibrium values of the reactions f(q) change
but P does not. The disequilibrium creates The stability limit is reached at the maximum
entropy change (peak) load, and the postpeak states for which
Z dP/dqo0 are unstable. Under displacement
DS ¼ ½P  f ðqÞT dq ð14Þ control, the postpeak states are stable unless
the softening slope (slope of the descending
P(q)) curve becomes vertical; if the slope
Substituting reverses from negative to positive, which is
called the snapback, the structure becomes
f ðqÞEP þ K t ðq  q0 Þ ð15Þ unstable (a stable response can nevertheless be
obtained by controlling some internal displace-
and integrating from q0 to q0 þ dq, one has ments (e.g., the relative displacement across the
damage band or crack)). A structure that
TDS ¼ d2 W ¼ 12dqT K t dq ð16Þ exhibits postpeak softening (dP/dqo0) will
exhibit a snapback when it is loaded through
up to the second-order terms; here p, q, f are a sufficiently soft spring. The snapback in-
column matrices, Kt a square matrix; T is the stability is reached when
absolute temperature; d2W is the second-order
work of the reactions, i.e. the equilibrium load dP=dq ¼ C ð18Þ
values (in the rare case that d2W ¼ 0, the fourth
variation needs to be analyzed similarly, which where C ¼ stiffness of the loading spring. For
we do not discuss here). If the loads vary, the elastic structures, postpeak softening can be
second-order work of loads must be added to caused only by buckling. Otherwise, it can also
the right-hand side of Equation (15). It can be be caused by fracture or damage.
shown that under isothermal conditions, Thermodynamic analysis of bifurcation re-
d2 W ¼ d2 F ¼ second variation of Helmholtz quires decomposing the infinitesimal loading
free energy (or total energy) of the structure- step into two substeps. The first is a change
load system under isothermal (or adiabatic) away from equilibrium, in which the controlled
conditions. These energies represent the poten- loads or controlled displacements are changed
tial energies of the tangentially equivalent without any change in the stress and deforma-
elastic structure expressed in terms of the tion of the structure. The second substep is a
isothermal (or isentropic) tangential moduli restoration of equilibrium at constant controls.
of the material. The equilibrium state approached in the
64 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
second substep may lie either on the primary (1962) linear comparison solid), in which the
(symmetry preserving) path or on the second- tangent modulus for loading applies every-
ary (symmetry breaking) path, depending on where. If the tangential moduli change by a
which approach to equilibrium produces a jump, then the first bifurcation occurs when the
larger entropy increment. In this manner one smallest eigenvalue of Kt jumps from a positive
can prove in general, without considering to a negative value.
imperfections, that the secondary path must The use of the initial elastic stiffness matrix
occur. It is called the stable path. This is a in load step iterations in FE programs may be
different concept than that of stability of deceptive. Convergence is lost if stability is lost,
equilibrium (for inelastic structures, the post- but not necessarily if the first bifurcation state
bifurcation equilibrium states on both the on the primary loading path has been passed.
primary and the secondary paths may be Thus the iterations based on the initial elastic
stable). stiffness may, deceptively, converge for stable
At small enough loads, the eigenvector for states lying on the primary path even if the first
the quadratic entropy surface corresponding to bifurcation state has been missed. Thus, if
the secondary path lies outside the sector of the there is any danger of bifurcation, it is
displacement space in which this surface is important to calculate the tangential stiffness
valid. As the load increases, the eigenvector is matrix and check its positive definiteness.
turning, and at the first bifurcation load this Imperfections in the sense of the eigenvector
sector first moves into the sector of validity of of Kt must be introduced to ensure that the
this surface. At that moment, the incremental bifurcation response be triggered in the com-
equilibrium equations putations (e.g., de Borst, 1987, 1989).
Phenomena such as friction or damage (or
K t dqð1Þ ¼ df ð19Þ violation of the normality rule of plasticity)
may cause the tangential stiffness matrix K to
and be nonsymmetric. If K is symmetric, positive
definiteness is lost when det K ¼ 0, which
K t dqð2Þ ¼ df ð20Þ means that the stability loss under load control
(gravity load) is characterized by neutral
for paths (1) and (2), respectively, must be valid equilibrium. However, if K is nonsymmetric,
simultaneously for the same load increment df. the thermodynamic condition of stability limit
So, by subtraction, one gets a homogeneous (critical state), which reads
linear matrix equation for the difference of
displacement increments: dqT Kdq ¼ 0 ð22Þ
K t dqð2Þ  dqð1Þ ¼ 0 ð21Þ can be satisfied not only when
det K ¼ 0 ð23Þ
Hence, the first bifurcation is indicated by
singularity of the tangential-stiffness matrix Kt i.e., when there is neutral equilibrium,
(Bažant and Cedolin, 1991), chap. 10; Hill,
1958; Maier et al., 1973; Petryk, 1985; Nguyen, Kdq ¼ 0 ð24Þ
1987). This matrix corresponds to loading (as
opposed to unloading) at all points of the but also when the vector
structures. Before the first bifurcation, the
Kdq ¼ df ð25Þ
eigenvector of Kt is inadmissible because, in
the displacement space, it lies outside the sector is orthogonal to df, i.e., when
for which no point of the structure undergoes
unloading. The orientation of this eigenvector dqT df ¼ 0 ð26Þ
rotates during loading and, at the first bifurca-
tion, it lies at the boundary of this sector, thus This means that, for nonsymmetric K̂; dis-
making bifurcated path (2) admissible, for the placements with nonzero load increments
first time during the loading process. After the may occur at zero work. Stability is decided
first bifurcation, the eigenvector for the states by the symmetric part K̂ of matrix K, whereas
on path (1) rotates inside this sector, and so a bifurcation or neutral equilibrium is decided by
continuous series of bifurcation states lies on the singularity of the nonsymmetric
path (1). matrix K.
The first bifurcation for a structure in which According to the Bromwich theorem, the
the tangential moduli are changing continu- smallest eigenvalue of the symmetric K̂ is less
ously can be determined by linear analysis of a than or equal to the smallest real part of the
solid without unloading (known as Hill’s eigenvalues of the nonsymmetric K. This
Anelastic and Disintegrating Structures 65
means that, in the case of friction or symmetry- called frictionally-blocked second-order elastic
breaking damage, positiveness of the real parts energy density. Simple formulations are avail-
of the eigenvalues of the tangential stiffness able for two cases: (i) direct internal friction,
matrix does not guarantee stability. Stability representing the effect of hydrostatic pressure
may be lost before the loading process leads to on deviatoric yielding; and (ii) so-called inverse
a bifurcation or a neutral equilibrium state, friction, representing the effect of stress invar-
iant J2 on the inelastic volume change (Bažant
df ¼ 0 ð27Þ and Cedolin, 1991, section 10.7).

at nonzero dq. Stability Problems of Fracture
An inelastic structure may also be destabi-
lized by load cycles. From the energetic view-
point, stability in the standard sense (i.e., for Plasticity and hardening damage of the
one-way deviations from the equilibrium state) material profoundly affects the stability of
does not imply stability for infinitesimal devia- structures but this does not cause instability.
tion cycles and, vice versa, the latter does not The cause lies solely in the nonlinear geometric
imply the former. If infinitesimal strain cycles effect of deformations. Alternatively, fracture
of a small material element increase entropy and softening damage (such as microcracking
(i.e., produce negative second-order work), the or plastic micro-void growth) can destabilize a
material is locally unstable, which may structure, even in absence of the nonlinear
(although need not) destabilize the structure. geometric effect.
Drucker’s (1951) postulate (equivalent to Hill’s The energy balance condition of crack
(1950) principle of maximum plastic work) propagation is g ¼ R(c), where g ¼ energy
prohibits such constitutive laws. This provides release rate, and R(c) ¼ R-curve ¼ critical value
useful restrictions such as convexity of the yield of g depending in general on the crack
surface and the normality rule for the strain extension c. This condition plays the role of
rate vector in the 9D strain space. It also an equilibrium condition—the crack can grow
prevents the constitutive law from causing statically. For g4R(c) the growth is dynamic,
instabilities such as strain localization. and for goR(c) no growth is possible. Under
In the case of internal friction, however, the load control, the limit of stability of a structure
normality rule needs to be in some way relaxed. with a statically growing crack is reached at
But then the flow rule, called nonassociated, maximum load, which occurs when
typically produces localization instabilities
(such as shear bands, cracking bands) which ½@g=@cP ¼ @RðcÞ=@c ð28Þ
may or may not be real. It appears that the
need for a nonassociated flow rule may often Replacing ¼ with4yields the stability condi-
arise from adopting a single yield surface where tion. The stability limit for loading through a
in reality multiple yield surfaces intersecting at spring, which characterizes the ductility of a
the current state point of the 9D strain space structure, can be determined by calculating the
should be considered. The normal strain-rate load-deflection curve, which can be done on
vectors for all these surfaces may get super- the basis of a solution of the stress intensity
posed in a way that makes the resultant strain- factor. Under displacement control, fracture
rate vector appear not to be normal to the growth becomes unstable when the postpeak
single yield surface defined by the yield limits descending load-deflection curve reaches a
for radial loadings. Such behavior is captured snapback (Figure 9(a)). Some structure geo-
by the slip theory of plasticity of Taylor (1938) metries never exhibit a snapback instability
and Batdorf and Budiansky (1949), as well as (unless loaded through a soft enough spring),
by later generalization and modification in the while others do. The former is the case, e.g., for
form of the microplane constitutive model, notched three-point bend beams. The latter
which implies the existence of as many loading is the case whenever the ligament is subjected
surfaces as there are mircoplanes (Bažant and to a normal force (which is called ligament
Cedolin, 1991; Carol and Bažant, 1997). tearing, occurring, e.g., in notched tensile strip
By extensions of Mandel’s (1964) stability specimens).
analysis of an elastically restrained frictionally The R-curve is the simplest (and crudest)
sliding block, it has been proved that, in way to take into account the finiteness of the
frictional materials, a nonassociated flow rule fracture process zone at the crack tip. This
does not cause instability if the strain-rate property, which is more accurately described
vector lies within a certain fan of directions. by the cohesive crack model or the crack band
The fan is bounded by the normal to the yield model, gives rise to a deterministic size effect
surface and the normal to the surface of the so- on the nominal strength of geometrically
66 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
similar structures with geometrically similar the negative of the second-order entropy, or
failure modes. By measuring the size effect in free energy) is characterized by a matrix that
notched specimens, one can deduce the R-curve involves the partial derivatives @Ki =@aj where
and the main parameters of the cohesive crack Ki is the stress intensity factor of crack i. The
model. potential surface is a patch-up of many
Simultaneous growth of many cracks (of quadratic sectors joined continuously and
length ai, 1 ¼ 1, 2,y) typically produces bifur- smoothly (Figures 11(b) and (d)). In multicrack
cation as well as stability loss (Figures 10 and systems, the advance of one crack tip often
11(a)). The incremental potential d2F (equal to causes unloading of the nearby crack tip, with
the result that only one of the cracks can grow.
This for instance happens for symmetrically
edge-cracked and center-cracked tensioned
strip specimens, in which there are two inter-
acting crack tips.
Another example is the system of parallel
equidistant cracks in an elastic halfplane,
driven by cooling or drying shrinkage (Figure
10(a); Bažant and Cedolin, 1991, section 11.2).
As the cooling front advances into the half-
plane, the cracks first grow while keeping equal
length (primary path). At a certain moment
(Point A in Figure 10(b)), a stable bifurcation
of the equilibrium path is reached. For the
bifurcated (secondary) path, which is the stable
path (i.e., must occur), every other crack stops
growing (Figure 10(a)) and gradually closes,
while the growing cracks gradually open wider.
If the cracks are somehow kept equally long
after the bifurcation, a stability limit (B in
Figure 10(b)) is eventually reached. The
behavior is analogous to elastoplastic columns.
The parallel crack system, however, may be
stable, with no crack arrest, if the cooling
Figure 9 (a) Typical diagrams of nominal stress
versus relative deflection for structures of different
temperature profile is rather flat and has a
sizes, exhibiting strain-softening damage of fracture sufficiently steep front, or if the halfplane is
(with stability limits for loading device of stiffness reinforced by bars near the surface.
Cs). (b) Effect of localization in compressed concrete Similar bifurcations and instabilities are
prisms of various lengths calculated by crack band exhibited by parallel cracks in the tensile zone
model, and test data of van Mier (1986). of beams subjected to bending. Such bifurca-

Figure 10 Evolution of a system of parallel cooling cracks and depth of cooling penetration l versus length
a2 of leading cracks.
Anelastic and Disintegrating Structures 67

Figure 11 (a) Double-edge cracked specimen—diagram of average stress versus displacement, with
bifurcations (solid curve: one crack growing; dashed: both growing). (c) Longitudinal localization of strain
softening in a tensioned bar. (b and d) Corresponding surfaces of incremental potential d2F ( ¼ minus second-
order entropy increment) showing bifurcations and instabilities (02 or 05) under controlled axial displacement.

tions determine the spacing of deep cracks and In 3D, an approximate analysis of the
ductility of the structure. The initial crack entropy increment confirms that a hexagonal
spacing can be determined (Li et al., 1995) by pattern of cooling or drying cracks on a
considering a sudden formation of cracks of halfspace surface (as seen, e.g., on a drying
length a0 and stipulating three conditions: (i) lake bed or a cooling lava flow) should be
the material tensile strength is reached before favored over triangular and square patterns as
the cracks appear, (ii) the energy released from well as parallel planar cracks. However,
the structure caused by a finite crack jump of accurate solutions of the bifurcation and
length a0 is equal to the total energy dissipated stability of 3D cracks seem unavailable.
by the creation of the initial cracks of length a0,
and (iii) the energy release rate for further
growth of cracks of length a0 is critical. The Damage Localization Instabilities and
bifurcations in a system of parallel cracks are Size Effect
important because they decide the width of
cracks, which controls the overall effective Continuum damage mechanics provides a
permeability and the rate of ingress of corro- smeared description of the growth of micro-
sive agents into structures. cracks in brittle materials or voids in plastic
68 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
materials. Of main interest is the damage that temporarily reverses strain softening to strain
causes strain softening—a phenomenon mani- hardening (which explains why ultrasound
fested by a negative slope of the stress–strain can pass through strain-softening concrete
curve and generally by a loss of positive specimens).
definiteness of the matrix of tangential moduli. That the concept of strain-softening is not
Such a material behavior violates Drucker’s mathematically meaningless was demon-
postulate (or postulates of maximum plastic strated by analyzing converging step waves
work, Jirásek and Bažant, 2002) and leads to produced in a rod when the ends are suddenly
localization instabilities and bifurcations, and forced to move inward at constant velocity.
to size effect (Bažant and Chen, 1997; Bažant, After the waves meet, two kinds of responses
1999). Formation of softening hinges in beams can occur: (i) if the strain front magnitude is
and frames also causes bifurcations (Maier less than one half of the strength limit (onset
et al., 1973) and, inevitably, localization of strain softening), the waves get super-
instabilities and size effect (Bažant, 1986, imposed and the stress front doubles; but
2001, 2002a, 2002b; Jirásek and Bažant, 2002; otherwise (ii) the stress drops instantly to zero,
Bažant and Jirásek, 2002), in not only static the bar splits, and unloading waves emanate
but also in dynamic (seismic) loading (Bažant from the split. The dynamic problem is ill-
and Jirásek, 1996), and so does softening in posed (and the solution is unstable) because
friction (particularly the frictional stress drop an infinitely small change in the velocity
from static friction to dynamic friction); see imposed at the ends of the rod can cause a
also Rice and Ruina (1982). finite change in the response. The solution
Although strain-softening stress–strain rela- nevertheless exists. But there is a problem: the
tions have been used in concrete engineering splitting of the bar occurs with zero energy
since the 1950s and in FE analysis since 1968 dissipation, which makes a strain-softening
(Bažant, 1986), until about 1985 most mechan- concept with no characteristic length physi-
icians regarded all strain-softening studies with cally unacceptable (Bažant and Cedolin,
contempt (research into this ‘‘dubious’’ con- 1991). Similar unstable and physically unrea-
cept was even banned in some communist listic solutions have been mathematically
countries), although, curiously, the continuum demonstrated for waves in a rod in which
damage mechanics, which exhibits (without the strain softening is followed by reharden-
regularization based on some characteristic ing, and also for radially converging waves in
length) the same localization instabilities a strain-softening sphere.
as any strain softening model, nevertheless Rudnicki and Rice (1975) and Rice (1975,
escaped condemnation, perhaps because the 1976) pioneered analysis of static localization
strain softening was disguised as a separate of plastic (nonsoftening) strain into a planar
damage variable while the ‘‘true’’ stress ex- band (e.g., a shear band) in an infinite body.
hibited only hardening (a regrettable conse- Such localization is caused by the nonlinear
quence has been that efforts to regularize geometric effect of finite strain and occurs very
continuum damage mechanics formulations near the yield stress value. If strain softening
have been lagging). takes place, its destabilizing effect is normally
Today, however, the strain-softening dam- much stronger than that of geometric non-
age is a well-established and indispensable linearity. Bifurcation of the localization type is
concept—but of course only within the context decided merely by the constitutive law; it
of some nonlocal material model possessing a occurs when the so-called acoustic tensor
characteristic length.
In absence of a characteristic length, one A ¼ ndC t dn ð29Þ
objectionable property of strain softening is
that if the elastic moduli matrix ceases being becomes singular (where C t ¼ fourth-order
positive definite, the material cannot propagate tangential moduli tensor, and n ¼ unit normal
waves and the dynamic initial-boundary value of the localization band). Various damage
problem changes its type from hyperbolic to constitutive laws have been analyzed with
elliptic (Hadamard, 1903). Since the unloading regard to the singularity of A.
modulus is always positive (as experimentally Localization can also be triggered by a lack
discovered for concrete in the 1960s), the of normality of plastic flow (de Borst, 1988;
material can nevertheless propagate unloading Leroy and Ortiz, 1989). In the case of infinite
waves. A strain-softening material can also space, this condition represents the stability
propagate loading waves of a sufficiently steep limit as well. But for an infinite planar
wave front (Bažant and Li, 1997) because, as localization band of finite thickness h located
transpired from experiments (Bažant et al., within an infinite layer of finite thickness L4h,
1995), a sudden increase of the loading rate the stability limit occurs later and is character-
Anelastic and Disintegrating Structures 69
ized by singularity of the tensor physically unrealistic features. The remedy
consists in introducing some form of a
Z ¼ nd½C t þ C u h=ðL  hÞdn ð30Þ nonlocal continuum model possessing a char-
acteristic length (Bažant and Jirásek, 2002;
where C u ¼ material stiffness tensor for un- Jirásek and Bažant, 2002), of which there are
loading. For L=h-N; the condition for the basically three types:
acoustic tensor is recovered. (i) the crack band model,
When a localization band much longer than (ii) the integral-type nonlocal model, and
its thickness cannot develop, because of a finite (iii) the second-gradient model;
size of the body, a more realistic, yet analyti- (the first-gradient or Cosserat-type models did
cally solvable, model is the localization of not turn out to be effective for localization of
softening damage into an ellipsoidal region. tensile damage). The first and third type can be
This has been solved with the help of the regarded as approximations to the second.
Eshelby theorem giving the strain of an The crack band model (Bažant, 1976, 1982;
ellipsoidal plug that has been fitted into a Bažant and Oh, 1983; Bažant and Cedolin,
different ellipsoidal hole in an infinite elastic 1991, ch. 13; Bažant and Planas, 1998), is the
body (Bažant and Cedolin, 1991, section 13.4). crudest but simplest (and thus preferred in
The bifurcations and instabilities are found to concrete design firms and commercial pro-
depend on the aspect ratios of the ellipsoid and grams). Its salient characteristic is to impose a
occur later in the loading process than for an certain characteristic size h of the FE, which
infinite band. must be regarded as a material property,
The usefulness of the bifurcation studies of representing a characteristic length l of the
constitutive laws, however, is rather limited— material; l corresponds to the width of the
they reveal only the onset of localization, while crack band (or strain-softening damage band).
often it is much more important to determine In the case that localization of strain-softening
the postbifurcation behavior of a body con- damage is not prevented by some restraints
taining a damage localization region. In this such as reinforcing bars, the crack band model
regard, the concept of strain softening (or is essentially equivalent to the cohesive (or
continuum damage) requires a characteristic fictitious) crack model, in which the crack
length (or material length) in order to over- opening is equal to the cracking strain accu-
come certain fundamental difficulties. mulated over the width of the crack band.
In a strain-softening bar, a uniform axial Various semi-empirical energy-based numeri-
strain cannot occur. The strain inevitably cal corrections need to be used when the band
localizes into a band (or fracture process zone) does not propagate along the mesh lines
of the smallest possible length. Consequently, (Červenka and Červenka, 1998).
the longer the bar, the steeper is the postpeak In the nonlocal continuum concept, which
curve of stress vs. average strain (Figure 11(c)). was introduced for elasticity by Eringen (1965),
A nonlocalized strain distribution loses stabi- the stress at a given point depends not only on
lity when the softening load-deflection slope the strain at that point but also on a certain
reaches a certain magnitude (Figure 11(a)) average of the strain field in a neighborhood of
depending on the structure size and the the point, whose effective size corresponds to
stiffness of the loading device (the stability the characteristic 1ength l of the continuum.
limit is the only objective and sound approach The average is weighted by a bell-shaped
to defining the ductility of a structure; Bažant, weight function. When the nonlocal concept
1976). was introduced in 1984 for the purpose of
An analytical solution of a tensioned bar limiting the localization of strain softening, the
subdivided into FEs exhibits bifurcations. total strain was averaged over the neighbor-
Their consequence is that the strain softening hood. However, this caused two problems: the
must usually localize into a single FE, no numerical implementation was cumbersome
matter how small the element may be. Numer- (requiring imbrication of FEs), and zero-
ical FE computations of strain-softening da- energy periodic modes of instability developed
mage under static loading may converge, but to and had to be suppressed by an artificial
a wrong solution. They reveal spurious mesh parallel overlay.
sensitivity—the postpeak load-deflection The problems of the total strain averaging
curves of structures with strain softening are were overcome in 1987 by the nonlocal damage
unobjective because very different peak loads model, in which the spatial averaging is done
and postpeak responses are obtained for on the damage variable or the inelastic part of
different element sizes. The energy dissipated strain. With this concept, localization of strain
by breaking the structure converges to zero as to form a displacement discontinuity line is
the FE size is reduced to zero. These are impossible (the reason for this is that if the
70 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
strain profile became a function with C0 In the nonlocal damage model, the need to
continuity (Dirac delta function), the averaging calculate averages over a group of FEs
integral would convert the profile in the next increases the bandwidth, and the use of
iteration to a function with C1 continuity asymmetric averaging near the boundaries
(Heaviside step function)). The nonlocality of makes the stiffness matrix nonsymmetric.
damage can be physically justified (Bažant and Although the asymmetry resulting from non-
Jirásek, 2002) by the smoothing of an array of locality causes does not destabilize computa-
discrete cracks and by crack interactions (the tional simulations, it is inconvenient for some
latter, however, also points to a more compli- types of numerical algorithm. This drawback
cated nonlocal model which distinguishes the can be avoided by second-gradient damage
directions of amplifying and shielding crack model—a weakly nonlocal model in which the
interactions; Bažant, 1994; Bažant and Planas, nonlocal variable is obtained from a linear
1998). FE studies demonstrate that the non- combination of the local variable and its
local damage model is free of zero-energy Laplacian, as proposed in 1984 (Bažant and
periodic modes of instability, eliminates spur- Cedolin, 1991, Equation 13.10.25) for a model
ious sensitivity, effectively limits excessive derived (and physically justified) by Taylor
damage localization, and correctly simulates series expansion of the weight kernel in the
the size effect on the nominal strength as well nonlocal averaging integral and by truncation
postpeak behavior. However, studies (Jirásek, after the quadratic term. The truncation,
1998b) revealed that the nonlocal processing of however, is physically questionable because
inelastic strain does not suffice for simulating crack interactions, from which a nonlocal
complete fracture with a zero stress across the model can be derived (Bažant, 1994), have a
softening band. Rather, an ‘‘over-nonlocal’’ rather slow decay with distance.
inelastic strain, proposed simultaneously and A drawback of the second-gradient approx-
independently in 1996 by Planas and colleagues imation of the nonlocal model is the C1
(cf. Bažant and Planas, 1998) and by Ström- continuity required for the strain field in the
berg and Ristinmaa (1996) is needed for that. FE. This drawback can be circumvented by a
The nonlocal concept makes sense only if the strongly nonlocal formulation of Peerlings et al.
FEs are at least three-times smaller than the (1996) obtained by expressing the local variable
characteristic length l, and this is also required as a linear combination of the nonlocal
to make the propagation direction of a damage variable and its Laplacian. As discovered by
band independent of the mesh layout. If the Peerlings et al. (1996), this drawback can be
number of elements of this size would be circumvented by inverting the nonlocal opera-
excessive, one may use the crack band model, tor—the nonlocal variable is expressed as a
for which the FE size should optimally be l but linear combination of the nonlocal variable
can be much larger. If the number remains and its Laplacian, which provides an addi-
excessive, one may use a variant of the crack tional separate partial differential equation
band or cohesive crack model, the idea of (Helmholtz equation) from which the nonlocal
which is to embed in the FE either a crack variable is solved. De Borst and co-workers
band (a strain-softening strip limited by strain have shown that this approach yields very
discontinuity lines) or a cohesive crack (a line good results.
of displacement discontinuity), (Ortiz et al., The main practical consequence of the
1987, Belytschko et al., 1988). There are two damage localization instabilities and of the
basic simple forms of such models—kinemati- existence of a characteristic length of
cally consistent and statically consistent. But it the continuum is the size effect, both on the
is their combination that is found to be optimal nominal strength of structures and on the
(Jirásek, 1998a, 1998b). The embedded dis- postpeak response. Numerical studies of non-
continuity models are best to model the final local and gradient models of geometrically
stage of damage in which the distributed similar structures of different sizes, exhibiting
cracking coalesces into a distinct fracture. But similar damage band paths, show that the
there is a mesh bias for the propagation maximum loads approximately follow the
direction—when the mesh lines are not laid in simple size effect law proposed in 1984 by
the correct direction of fracture propagation, Bažant (e.g., Bažant and Cedolin, 1991, chaps.
the correct orientation of the crack band or 12 and 13; Bažant and Planas, 1998; Bažant
discontinuity is not obtained, and the error in and Chen, 1997). This law has been amply
orientation can be very large. As shown by verified experimentally, and has been derived
Jirásek (1998a), it is best to use the nonlocal (Bažant 1997, 1999, 2002a; Bažant and Chen,
model at the beginning, in order to capture the 1997; Bažant et al. 1999) from fracture
correct discontinuity orientation, and later mechanics and limiting plastic solutions by
switch to an embedded discontinuity model. applying the technique of asymptotic matching.
Nonlinear 3D Finite-strain Effects on Stability 71
The size effect has been shown important for tensors consists of the Doyle–Ericksen (1956)
the design of large concrete structures, for strain tensors,
assessments of failure and seismic response of
1 m
large bodies in geotechnical engineering and e¼ ðU  1Þ for ma0; e ¼ lnU for m ¼ 0
geophysics, for Arctic ice studies, etc. The size m
effect law provides an important check on the ð31Þ
validity of a numerical model, and the size
effect measurements can be exploited to where U ¼ right-stretch tensor and m is an
calibrate the main model parameters. Large arbitrary real number. These tensors have the
size effects due to damage localization and second order approximation:
stable growth of large fractures are observed ðmÞ
eij ¼ eij  12m eik ekj ð32Þ
not only in concrete (and mortar)—the pro-
blem so far studied most, but also in tensile and where eik is the small (linearized) strain tensor,
compression failures of fiber-polymer compo- m ¼ 2 gives Green’s Lagrangian strain tensor,
sites (Bažant et al., 1999), sea ice (Bažant and while m ¼ 1 and m-0 provide the second-
Kim, 1998), rocks and ceramics (Bažant and order approximations to Biot’s (1965) strain
Planas, 1998), wood, and probably in all the tensor and to Hencky’s (logarithmic) strain
other quasibrittle material including toughened tensor, respectively.
ceramics, polymer and asphalt concretes, par- For beams, plates and shells with negligible
ticulate composites, wood particle board, bone, transverse shear deformations, the choice of m
biological shells, stiff clays, cemented sands, makes no difference because the second-order
grouted soils, coal, paper, various refractories, work of the initial axial or in-plane stresses
some special tough alloys, rigid foams and depends only on the rotations of the cross
filled elastomers (Bažant, 2002a). sections or the normals. However, for massive
bodies, and for slender beams or shells soft in
2.02.4 NONLINEAR 3D FINITE-STRAIN shear (such as sandwich structures), the choice
EFFECTS ON STABILITY of m does make a difference.
Historically, beginning with Southwell Finite-strain Effects in Bulky or (1914) and Biezeno and Hencky (1928), various
Massive Bodies stability formulations associated by work with
m ¼ 2; 1; 0; 1; 2 have been proposed. The
To determine the critical state, the potential differential equations of equilibrium for devia-
energy must be expressed accurately up to the tions from the initial state, the quadratic
quadratic terms. For the strain energy, this variational principles and the critical load
condition is satisfied if the small (linearized) solutions for these formulations seemed to
strain expressions are used. But the potential differ and be in conflict. This generated
energy also includes the work of the initial unnecessary long-running polemics and con-
stresses Sij which are finite. Therefore, the troversies (see, e.g., the preface of Biot’s (1965)
strains on which Sij work must be expressed book, or various comments in works of
accurately up to their second-order terms (the Truesdell). As it turned out, however, all these
subscripts label the Cartesian coordinates formulations are equivalent (Bažant, 1971a;
xi ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3). Therefore, a finite strain expres- Bažant and Cedolin, 1991, chapter 11) because
sion that is correct up to the second-order ð mÞ
the tangential moduli tensors Cijkl for different
terms in the displacement gradient must be m and the same material are not the same;
used. according to the requirement of equality of
Any tensor e satisfying the following three second variation of work, they are related as
conditions can be used as a measure of finite
strain: (i) e must vanish for all rigid-body ðmÞ ð2  mÞ
Cijkl ¼ Cijkl þ
motions; (ii) e must be a symmetric tensor 4
(because the stress tensor, which is symmetric,  ðSik djm þ Sjk dim þ Sim djk þ Sim dik Þ ð33Þ
would do zero work on an antisymmetric part);
and (iii) e must be continuous and continuously (Bažant, 1971a; Bažant and Cedolin, 1991,
differentiable, and its matrix must be invertible section 11.4) where Cijkl are the tangential
(Bažant and Cedolin, 1991; Rice 1993). For moduli associated with Green’s Lagrangian
convenience, a fourth condition is imposed; e strain tensor ðm ¼ 2Þ; and dij is Kronecker’s
must, for small deformations, reduce to the delta (note that in the literature there also exist
standard small-strain tensor. There are many formulations in which the objective stress
finite strain tensors satisfying these conditions increments do not correspond to the same m
(Bažant and Cedolin, 1991; Rice, 1993; Ogden, as the moduli Cijkl ; but this is incorrect).
ð mÞ
1984). A very general class of finite strain Obviously, the differences among the Cijkm
72 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
(iii) continuum approximations of built-up
columns, either battened columns or lattice
columns, the cells of which are normally soft in
(iv) continuum approximations to layered
elastomeric bearings of the type used for
bridges and for seismic isolation of buildings;
(v) helical springs, the shear stiffness of
Figure 12 Basic types of 3D buckling. which is typically quite low.
There has been a long-lasting (but unneces-
sary) controversy between two different for-
values for different m are insignificant if the mulas for critical stress, one derived by
(suitable) norms Engesser (1889), with applications for built-
up columns in mind, and another derived by
Sij ðxÞ { C ðmÞ ðxÞ ðfor every xÞ ð34Þ
ijkm Haringx (1942) for helical springs;

where x are coordinate vectors of points in the PE

Pcr ¼ ðEngesserÞ ð35Þ
structure. 1 þ ðPE =GAÞ
The 3D buckling instabilities and the differ-
ences in tangential moduli corresponding to rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !
different choices of the finite strain tensor are GA 4PE
Pcr ¼ 1þ 1 ðHaringxÞ ð36Þ
important if and only if some of the principal 2 GA
values of the tangential elastic moduli tensor is
of the same order of magnitude as the initial (see also Timoshenko and Gere, 1961); E, G are
stresses at the same point or, in the case of elastic Young’s
 and shear moduli respectively,
slender structures, at the same cross section. PE ¼ p2 =l 2 EI ¼ Euler’s critical load (for a
This can for instance occur for materials that column without shear deformations), l is the
undergo a drastic reduction of tangential effective buckling length, and EI, GA are
stiffness due to plasticity or damage and bending stiffness and shear stiffness of the
develop shear bands, cracking bands or crush- cross-section, respectively (note that, in gen-
ing bands. Simple analytical solutions have eral, A ¼ kA0 where A0 ¼ actual cross-section
been obtained for a number of important area and k ¼ Timoshenko’s shear correction
problems, e.g., periodic internal buckling of a factor, which is greater than, but close to, 1; for
compressed massive orthotropic body, periodic a sandwich kE1). Each of these two formulae
surface buckling of a compressed othotropic can be regarded as a different and equally
halfspace or layered halfspace (folding of plausible generalization of the Timoshenko
strata, in geology), and bulging or buckling beam theory (Timoshenko, 1921), which does
of a compressed thick orthotropic rectangular not deal with finite-strain effects and applies
specimen (Figure 12; see Biot (1965) and a only to beams carrying negligible axial force.
generalization in Bažant (1971a) and in Bažant The discrepancy between these two formulae
and Cedolin, 1991, chap. 11). used to be, before 1971, regarded as a
controversial paradox. Then it was shown Nonlinear Finite-strain Effects in (Bažant, 1971a; Bažant and Cedolin, 1991,
Columns, Plates and Shells Soft in chap. 11) that this classical paradox is caused
Shear by a dependence of the tangential shear
modulus C1212 ¼ G on the axial stress S11 ¼
Another important class of stability pro- P=A; which inevitably is different for differ-
blems where the differences in tangential ent choices of the finite-strain measure, i.e., for
moduli corresponding to different choices of different m. It turns out that Engesser’s
the finite strain tensor are important consists of formula corresponds to Green’s Lagrangian
columns, plates and shells soft in shear. This strain tensor (m ¼ 2), and Haringx’s formula to
important class includes: the Lagrangian Almansi strain tensor (m ¼ –2).
(i) highly anisotropic materials such as Therefore, the shear moduli in Engesser’s and
composites with a soft (polymeric) matrix, Haringx’s formulas (35) and (36) should have
reinforced by stiff (carbon, glass) fibers in only different notations; we denote them from now
one or two directions; on as G ð2Þ and G ð2Þ ; respectively. From (33), it
(ii) composite slender structures with a core follows that
soft in shear, such as sandwich columns, plates
and shells; G ð2Þ ¼ Gð2Þ þ P=A ð37Þ
Nonlinear 3D Finite-strain Effects on Stability 73
The difference in the E-values indicated by (33) which represents the shear stiffness of the
for m ¼ 2 and m ¼ –2 can be neglected because sandwich, b being the cross-section width.
the axial stress is always negligible compared to With these substitutions, the Engesser and
the E value for the skins. Haringx formulas become
Replacing G in Engesser’s formula with G þ PE
Pcr =A and solving Pcr from the resulting Pcr ¼ ðEngesser typeÞ ð40Þ
1 þ ðPE =GbhÞ
equation (Bažant and Cedolin, 1991, p. 738),
one obtains Haringx’s formula, which makes "rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi #
the equivalence blatant and resolves the old Gbh 4PE
paradox. The difference in shear moduli in (37) Pcr ¼ 1þ 1 ðHaringx typeÞ ð41Þ
2 Gbh
is important only if the axial stress S11 ¼
P=A is not negligible compared to G. where PE is the Euler load,
Equation (37) makes it also clear that if the
shear modulus is constant (independent of p2 p2 Ebth2
PE ¼ 2
EI E 2 ð42Þ
stress P/A) for one formula, it cannot be l l 2
considered constant for the other formula.
Similar to (37), one may check that, by making
the replacement Discrepancy between Engesser’s and 2t
Haringx’s Formulas: New Paradox Gcore ’Gcore  sskins ð43Þ
and its Resolution
where sskins ¼ Pcr =2bt and G ¼ Gcore ¼ shear
Though a new kind of paradox has arisen modulus of the core, the Engesser-type formula
from some experimental studies and 3D FE (40) gets transformed into the Haringx-type
simulations of sandwich columns (Kardoma- formula (41).
teas, et al., 2002; cf. Bažant, 2002b). Let l be Although the foregoing replacement works,
the length of a pin-ended sandwich column; h it is, however, purely formalistic, with no
the thickness and G the elastic shear modulus physical basis. It is certainly paradoxical that
of the core. The skins have thickness t and the shear modulus in the core should depend
axial elastic modulus E (Figure 13, left). on the axial stress in the skins. Therefore, the
Young’s modulus of the core is negligible, but reason for the discrepancy between these two
since t{h the entire shear force is carried by formulas cannot be caused by the differences in
the core. Therefore, one may substitute the shear modulus G of the core material, as
EI ¼ R ¼ Ebtðh þ tÞ2 =2 þ Ebt3 =6EEbth2 =2 ð38Þ given by Equation (37). Besides, there is no
reason for the G-moduli associated with
which represents the bending stiffness of the diverse strain measures to differ because the
sandwich ðt{hÞ; and axial stress in the core of sandwich columns is
always negligible compared to the shear
GA ¼ H ¼ Gbh ð39Þ modulus of core.

Figure 13 Top left: buckling of hinged sandwich column. Bottom left: rotation angles and internal forces in
sandwich column. Right: second-order shortening due to shear deformations.
74 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
Realizing these points created a new kind of Kirchhoff stress. Using other m values, one
of paradox and generated polemics at recent could further obtain from Equation (44) an
conferences. To explain it, Bažant (2002b) infinite number of sandwich buckling formu-
noticed that one must not limit considera- las. Curiously, however, no investigators
tion to the material level, as in Equation (43). proposed critical load formulas associated
Rather, one must consider from the outset a with m other than 2 and –2, although many
sandwich column constrained by the hypoth- investigators (e.g., Biot, 1985; Biezeno and
esis that (in slender enough columns) the cross Hencky, 1928; Neuber, 1965; Jaumann, 1911;
sections of the core must remain plane. It may Southwell, 1914; Oldroyd, 1950; Truesdell,
be shown (Bažant, 2002b) that the second 1955; Cotter and Rivlin, 1955—see Bažant
variation of the potential energy P of a and Cedolin, 1991, chap. 11) introduced
sandwich column expressed on the basis of formulations for objective stress rates, 3D
Doyle–Ericksen finite-strain tensors with arbi- stability criteria, surface buckling, internal
trary m can be expressed as buckling, and incremental differential equa-
tions of equilibrium associated with m ¼ 1, 0,
1 and –1.
d P¼ RðmÞ c02
2 0 In analogy to Equation (37) and similarity to
1 2 Equation (43), one may expect the shear
þ H ðmÞ þ ð2  mÞP ðw0  cÞ Pw02 dx
4 stiffnesses for the Engesser’s and Haringx’s
ð44Þ formulas to be related as

where w ¼ w(x) ¼ lateral deflection as a func- H ð2Þ ¼ H ð2Þ þ Ph=2t ð48Þ

tion of axial coordinate x, H(m) and R(m) are
the shear and bending stiffness associated with Indeed, when this relation is substituted into
m, and the primes denote derivatives with Engesser’s formula (46) and the resulting
respect to x. Proceeding in the standard way equation is solved for P ¼ Pcr ; Haringx’s
(Bažant and Cedolin, 1991) according to the formula (47) ensues. However, unlike homo-
calculus of variations, one obtains for m ¼ 2 geneous columns soft in shear, the foregoing
and m ¼ –2 the linear differential equation transformation cannot be physically justified in
the sense of Equation (43), i.e., on the basis of
w00 þ k2 w ¼ 0 ð45Þ the general transformation of tangential mod-
uli in Equation (33) nor its special case in
for column deflections w(x), and the boundary Equation (37). The reason is that the axial
conditions w ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0 or l. The expressions stress S0 in the core is much smaller than the
for parameter k2 as a function of load P are axial elastic modulus E for the core, and in fact
different for different m, and this leads to two negligible.
different critical load formulas analogous to From this viewpoint, the transformation in
those of Engesser and Haringx: Equation (43) appears illogical: why should the
shear modulus of the core be adjusted accord-
for m ¼ 2 :
ing to the axial stress in the skins? This has
PE become a new apparent paradox. To resolve it,
Pcr ¼  
1 þ PE =H ð2Þ we need to take a closer look at the definition
of the shear stiffness H of a sandwich, which
ð2Þ p2 ð2Þ we do next.
with PE ¼ R ð46Þ

for m ¼ 2 : Shear Stiffness Associated with

2sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
H ð2Þ 4 4PE
ð12Þ Second-order Strain
Pcr ¼ 1 þ ð2Þ  15
2 H Let us imagine a homogeneous pure shear
deformation of an element Dx of the sandwich
ð2Þ p ð2Þ column:
with PE ¼ R ð47Þ
It has been shown (Bažant, 1971a; Bažant u1 ¼ u1; 1 ¼ u1; 3 ¼ e11 ¼ 0;
and Cedolin, 1991) that the case m ¼ 2 is u3; 1 ¼ g; e13 ¼ e31 ¼ g=2 ð49Þ
associated by work with Truesdell’s (1955)
(objective) stress rate, and the case m ¼ –2 With these expressions, the second-order small
with Cotter and Rivlin (1955) convected incremental potential energy of the element,
(objective) stress rate or with Lie derivatives corresponding to (first-order) small strains, is
Nonlinear 3D Finite-strain Effects on Stability 75
obtained as (per unit height, Dx ¼ 1). This work must be
Z    added to the work of the shear stresses,
P 1 
d2 W ¼ Dx  uk;1 uk;1  aek1 ek1
A 2bt 2 d2 W ¼ Gg2 =2 bh ð55Þ

1 2
þ Gm g dA ð50Þ in order to obtain the complete second-order
work expression. In the second kind of shear
Upon rearrangements, the incremental poten- deformation (Figure 13, bottom right), the
tial energy (per height of column, Dx ¼ 1) is initial forces F do no work. So, the incremental
second-order work expressions for these two
2 ðmÞ 2 þ m P g2 kinds of shear deformation, respectively, are
d W ¼ bhDx G  ð51Þ (
4 bh 2 
bh Gð2Þ þ S0 g2 =2 ðcase aÞ
d W¼ ð56Þ
In particular, for m ¼ 2 (Engesser type) and Gð2Þ g2 =2 ðcase bÞ
m ¼ –2 (Haringx type),
8   These two cases (Figure 13 right) give the same
bh Dx G ð2Þ  ðP=bhÞ g2 =2 incremental second-order work if Gð2Þ ¼
< ðEngesser type GÞ G ð2Þ  S 0 or G ð2Þ ¼ G ð2Þ þ 2F =bh: We see
d2 W ¼ ð52Þ that these relations coincide with (37).
> bh Dx G ð2Þ g2 =2
> From the foregoing comparisons and the
ðHaringx type GÞ discussion of Figure 13 (right), it is now
obvious that a constant shear modulus G,
Since the foam core in an axially loaded equal to the shear modulus obtained in a shear
sandwich column carries no appreciable axial test of the foam (e.g., a torsional test of a
stresses, we should use that definition of G (m) hollow tube), can be used only in the Haringx-
for which the shear stiffness of the core requires type formula ðm ¼ 2Þ:
no correction for the effect of the axial force P Kardomateas et al. (2002) and others studied
carried by the skins. As we see, that is the the differences between the Engesser-type and
latter, Haringx-type, expression (for m ¼ –2). Haringx-type formulas experimentally and by
In that case, the shear modulus G (–2) is the FE analysis. They concluded that the Haringx-
same as that obtained in a pure shear test type formula gives better predictions. Since
without normal stress, e.g., in the torsion test they tacitly adopted a constant value of
of a thin-wall tube made of the rigid foam. incremental modulus G, this is indeed the
The solutions for ma  2; including the conclusion that they should have obtained.
Engesser-type formula, are, of course, equiva- The present theoretical analysis explains why.
lent. But if they are used, the shear modulus of When can the differences between the
the core must be corrected for the effect of the column solutions for different m, and particu-
axial forces F ¼ P=2 carried by the skins. It larly between the formulas of Engesser and
would be wrong to use in them the G value Haringx, be ignored? When P{H ðmÞ ¼ GðmÞ bh:
measured in a pure shear test of the foam, in
which no normal force acts on the shear plane.
Intuitive understanding can be gained from Differential Equations of Equilibrium
Figure 13 (right), which shows two kinds of Associated with Different
shear deformation of an element (of height Finite-strain Measures
Dx ¼ 1) of a sandwich column. In the first The Engesser and Haringx formulas can also
kind (Figure 13, top right), corresponding to be derived from the differential equations of
the deformation described by Equation (49), equilibrium. This is discussed for a homoge-
the shearing of the element is accompanied neous column weak is shear on p. 738 in
by second-order axial extension of the skins, Bažant and Cedolin (1991), and we will now
equal to indicate it for a sandwich. Figure 13 (right)
shows two kinds of cross sections of a
d2 u ¼ 1  cos gEg2 =2 ð53Þ
sandwich column in a deflected position: (a)
the cross section that is normal to the deflected
(per unit height). If the initial forces F were column axis, on which the shear force due to
negligible, this second-order small extension axial load is
would make no difference but since they are
not, one must take into account the work of Q ¼ Pw0 ð57Þ
the initial forces of F on this extension, which is
  and (b) the cross section that was normal to the
d2 W ¼ 2F g2 =2 bh or  bhS 0 g2 =2 ð54Þ column axis in the initial undeflected state, on
76 Stability of Elastic, Anelastic, and Disintegrating Structures, and Finite Strain Effects
which the shear force due to axial load is or
Q% ¼ Pc ð58Þ P2 þ GbhP
k2 ¼ ð62Þ
From equilibrium, for a simply supported E ðbth2 =2ÞGbh
(hinged) column, the bending moment is M ¼
Pw in both cases. The force-deformation respectively. Setting k ¼ p=l and solving for P,
relations are we find the former equation to lead to
Engesser’s formula (35) and the latter to
M ¼ Ebth2 c0 =2; ð59Þ Haringx’s formula (36). As we see, Engesser’s
formula (m ¼ 2) is obtained when the shear
and deformation g is assumed to be caused by the
Q or Q% ¼ Gbhg or Gbhðw0  cÞ ð60Þ shear force acting on the cross-section that is
normal to the deflected axis of column, and
in case a or b, respectively. Eliminating M; g; c Haringx’s formula (m ¼ –2) when caused by the
and Q or Q% from the foregoing relations, we shear force acting on the rotated cross section
get a differential equation of the form w00 þ that was normal to the beam axis in the initial
k2 w ¼ 0; i.e., the same as Equation (45), where state.
The foregoing equilibrium derivation, how-
GbhP ever, does not show that the values of shear
k2 ¼ ð61Þ
E ðbth2 =2ÞðGbh  PÞ stiffness in both formulas must be different.

Figure 14 Top left: deformation of a helical spring. Top right: deformation of a layered elastomeric bearing.
Bottom left: built-up columns (battened, and pin-jointed lattice). Bottom right: deformations of cells of built-
up columns showing second-order axial strain due to shear (top middle and right).
References 77
Especially, it does not show that the shear of Engesser’s (1889) formula by the design code
stiffness in the direction of the rotated cross of the time was the main culprit in the collapse
section can be kept constant, while the shear in 1907 of the record-span Quebec bridge over
stiffness in the direction of normal to the St. Lawrence, with a great loss of life.
deflected axis must be considered to depend on While there are many examples of theories
the axial force. This has been a perennial that have become complete or almost com-
source of confusion. To dispel it, the work of plete, the theory of stability of structures, at the
the shear forces must be considered, and so, an dawn of the third millenium, has not yet
energy approach is appropriate. reached that point. As far as elastic stability
is concerned, its understanding is now very
good, although even here a rapid progress has Ramifications been happening in certain particular directions,
The present analysis can be easily adapted to for instance those of chaos or general cata-
composites with stiff axial fibers and a matrix strophes. Almost the same could be said of
very soft in shear, as well as to built-up stability of anelastic structures exhibiting
(battened or lattice) columns, helical springs, plasticity, viscoelasticity, and viscoplasticity.
and layered elastomeric bearings (Figure 14). However, as far as stability of structures
The conclusions are identical (Bažant, 2002a). disintegrating because of damage and fracture
For general structures, Equation (34) is only is concerned, this is a challenge for the future.
a necessary condition for making the differ- Major advances are still to be expected.
ences among the finite-strain measures eðmÞ for
different m irrelevant. A condition that is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
sufficient is
Partial financial support under grants from
max Sij ðxÞ { min Cijkm ðxÞ ð63Þ ONR (number N00014-91-J-1109) and NSF
ðxÞ ðxÞ
(number CMS-9713944) to Northwestern Uni-
versity is gratefully appreciated.
With the kind permission of Wiley-VCH
2.02.5 CLOSING REMARKS GmbH, Berlin, and of ZAMM editor, a major
portion of Sections 2.02.2 and 2.02.3, dealing Implications for Large-strain FE with elastic structures and with inelastic and
Analysis disintegrating structures, is reprinted from
The present conclusions about sandwich Bažant’s (2000) article with only minor up-
buckling have profound implications for dates.
large-strain FE analysis in general. The use of
the standard updated Lagrangian formulation, 2.02.6 REFERENCES
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Copyright 2000, Wiley–VCH. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Comprehensive Structural Integrity
First published as Z. P. Baz̆ant, 2000, Zeitschrift für Angew. Math. und Mech., ISBN (set): 0-08-043749-4
80, 709–732. Volume 2; (ISBN: 0-08-044156-4); pp. 47–80
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