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Statically Determinate Frames.... Ubani Obinna U.



Ubani Obinna Uzodimma

Problem 1:

A statically determinate frame is loaded as shown below. There are internal hinges at B and D, while
member EF is hinged at both ends. Draw the bending moment, the shear force, and the axial force


(a) Support Reactions

Let ∑  = 0 (clockwise positive)


10Ay + MA – (25 × 5) –  + + (15 × 5) = 0

10Ay + MA = 50 ----------------------------------------- (1)

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Statically Determinate Frames.... Ubani Obinna U.

Let ∑   = 0 (clockwise positive)

7Ay + MA – 4Ax – (25 × 2) = 0

7Ay + MA – 4Ax = 50 ----------------------------------------- (2)

Let ∑  = 0 (clockwise positive)

3Ay + MA – 4Ax = 0
3Ay + MA – 4Ax = 0 ----------------------------------------- (3)

From equation (1);

MA = 50 – 10Ay ----------------------------------------- (1a)

Substituting the value of MA in equation (1a) into equations (2) and (3), we obtain respectively;
7Ay – 4Ax + 50 – 10Ay = 50
– 3Ay – 4Ax = 0 ----------------------------------------- (4)

3Ay + 50 – 10Ay – 4Ax = 0

– 7Ay – 4Ax = –50 ----------------------------------------- (5)

Solving equations (4) and (5) simultaneously;

Ay = 12.5 KN
Ax = – 9.375 KN

MA = 50 – 10(12.5) = – 75 KNm
At this point, it is very possible for us to sum up vertical and horizontal forces in order to obtain the
rest of the reactive forces, but let us still obtain them by taking moments (this is very useful since it
can serve as a check for correctness of results)

Let ∑   = 0 (anticlockwise positive)

3Ey – 4Ex – (15 × 8) – (10 × 6 × 3) = 0

3Ey – 4Ex = 300 ----------------------------------------- (6)

Let ∑  = 0 (anticlockwise positive)

7Ey – 4Ex – (15 × 12) – (10 × 6 × 7) – (25 × 2) = 0

7Ey – 4Ex = 650 ----------------------------------------- (7)

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Statically Determinate Frames.... Ubani Obinna U.

Solving equations (6) and (7) simultaneously;

Ey = 87.5 KN
Ex = – 9.375 KN

Equilibrium check;
∑ F ↓ = 25 + (10 × 6) + 15 = 100 KN
∑ F ↑ = 12.5 + 87.5 = 100 KN
This shows that the requirements for static equilibrium is satisfied, including a horizontal thrust of
9.375KN at both supports

Before we go ahead and obtain the bending moment and shearing forces, let us obtain the axial forces
in members DE and DF. Since they are pinned at both ends, they are primarily trusses and will not
develop any bending moment or shear force.

 = tan!  = 53.130°

cos  = 0.6

sin  = 0.8

∑ '( = 0

87.5 + FEDsin  + FEFsin  = 0

0.8FED + 0.8FEF = −87.5 ----------------------------------------- (8)

∑ '* = 0

9.375 – FEDcos  + FEFcos  = 0

−0.6FED + 0.6FEF = −9.375 ----------------------------------------- (9)

Solving equations (8) and (9) simultaneously;

FED = − 46.875 KN (compression)
FEF = – 62.5 KN (compression)

These forces are now resolved into their vertical and horizontal components at the points they are
attached to the beam as shown below;

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Statically Determinate Frames.... Ubani Obinna U.

Internal Stresses

Member AB (0 ≤ z ≤ 5)

Bending Moment

Mz = (Ay. cos  . .) – (Ax. sin  . .) − MA

Mz = (12.5 × 0.6 × .) − (−9.375 × 0.8 × .) – 75 = 15z − 75
At z = 0;
MA = −75 KNm

At z = 5m
MBBelow = 15(5) – 75 = 0

Shear Force
Qz = (Ay. cos ) – (Ax. sin )
Qz = (12.5 × 0.6 ) − (−9.375 × 0.8 ) = 15 KN (constant shear force all through the member)

Axial Force
Nz = −(Ay. sin ) – (Ax. cos )
Qz = −(12.5 × 0.8 ) − (−9.375 × 0.6 ) = −4.375 KN (constant axial force all through the member)

Member BD (3 ≤ x ≤ 7)

Bending Moment

The general moment equation for the member is given by;

Mx = Ay.x + (Ax × 4) – MA – 25(x – 5)
Mx = 12.5x + (9.375 × 4) – 75 – 25(x – 5)

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Statically Determinate Frames.... Ubani Obinna U.

Mx = 12.5x − 37.5 – 25(x – 5)

You can however notice that for section BC, the last term of the general equation will not be involved
since we cannot have a negative distance on the beam. Therefore it is not very wise to expand the
equation yet.

At x = 3m;
MBR = 12.5(3) − 37.5 = 0

At x = 5m;
MC = 12.5(5) − 37.5 – 25(5 – 5) = 25 KNm

At x = 7m;
MD = 12.5(7) − 37.5 – 25(7 – 5) = 0

Shear Force
QBR − QCL = 12.5 KN

You can verify that the valid equation for moment at the section (BR − CL) is given by;
Mx = 12.5x − 37.5

If we differentiate the equation for moment, we obtain the equation for shear;

= Qx = 12.5 KN

You can verify that the valid equation for moment at the section (CR − DL) is given by;
Mx = 12.5x − 37.5 – 25(x – 5) = −12.5x + 87.5

= Qx = −12.5 KN

Hence, QCR – QDL = −12.5 KN

Axial Force
You can verify that for section BR − DL

NB – Ax = 0

Hence NB = 9.375 KN (tension)

Member DF (7 ≤ x ≤ 13)

Bending Moment

(4 ! 6)

Mx = Ay.x + (Ax × 4) – MA – 25(x – 5) + 37.5(x − 7) –

(4 ! 6)

Mx = 12.5x + (9.375 × 4) – 75 – 25(x – 5) + 37.5(x − 7) –

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Statically Determinate Frames.... Ubani Obinna U.

Mx = 12.5x – 37.5 – 25(x – 5) + 37.5(x − 7) – 5(7 − 7)

At x = 7m;
MBR = 12.5(7) − 37.5 – 25(7 – 5) = 0

At x = 10m (midspan);
Mx = 12.5(10) – 37.5 – 25(10 – 5) + 37.5(10 − 7) – 5(10 − 7) = 30 KNm

At x = 13m;
MFL = 12.5(13) – 37.5 – 25(13 – 5) + 37.5(13 − 7) – 5(13 − 7) = −30 KNm

Shear Force

You can verify that the valid equation for moment at section D just to the right (DR) is;
Mx = 12.5x – 37.5 – 25(x – 5) + 37.5(x − 7) = 25x – 175

= QDR = 25 KN

The valid equation for moment at section F just to the left (FL) is;

Mx = 12.5x – 37.5 – 25(x – 5) + 37.5(x − 7) – 5(7 − 7)

Mx = 12.5x – 37.5 – 25x + 125 + 37.5x – 262.5 − 5(x2 – 14x + 49)

Mx = −5x2 + 95x – 420

= Qx = −107 + 95

At x = 13m;

QFL = −10(13) + 95 = −35 KN

Axial Force
For section DL – FR

N – Ax – 28.125 = 0

Hence N = 9.375 + 28.125 = 37.5 KN (tension)

Maximum span moment

The maximum moment at the span can be obtained by considering the bending moment equation
unique for the section.

Mx = −5x2 + 95x – 420

= Qx = −107 + 95

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Statically Determinate Frames.... Ubani Obinna U.

Since the maximum moment occurs at the point of zero shear, let us equate the expression for the
shear force to zero, and then solve for x;

Such that x =  = 9.5m

Mmax = −5(9.5)2 + 95(9.5) – 420 = 31.25 KNm

Member FG (coming from the right for simplicity) (0 ≤ x ≤ 2m)

Bending Moment (clockwise negative)

Mx = −15x

At x = 0;
MG = 0 KNm

At x = 2m
MFR = −15(2) = −30 KNm

Shear Force
QGL - QFR = 15 KN (downward force is positive when coming from the right)

Axial Force
No axial force in the member

Final Internal Stresses Diagram

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