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Burritt 1

Alan Burritt
Mrs. Cramer
Comp 1 Period. 1
15 September, 2017

The Perfect State of Content

The walls are white with a Nascar boarder that I have had since I was little, there is a

faint blowing sound being made by a computer, there is laughter being made at my horrible and

cringeworthy puns. This is a place where I am perfectly content sitting next to some of my

closest friends enjoying the peanut butter sandwich and playing video games on my computer.

While I enjoy my sandwich, I often find my mind being bombarded with different thoughts.

Sometimes I think of my child experiences and what I should've done in those situations, I also

think about the video games I play and how I can fit that into my schedule with doing homework

for some of the time and giving minimal effort required for the work to get an A on it.

When I was young I would eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches pretty much every

chance I got. There is something about the sweet and creamy taste of peanut butter sandwiches

that just forces me to a state in which I can't help but find myself drifting off into my

consciousness just playing my memories in my head where I am at peace and just happy to

experience it again. PB&J is meaningful to me because of it representing my childhood which is

something I cannot let go of.

I have also been on my computer playing video games in my spare time. I couldn't think

of anything else I would rather be doing than eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and

sitting in front of my computer enjoying the world that I observe through my computer and

playing games with my friend online or in real life. Although I do feel horrible that I did miss out

on moments in my childhood because of my computer or my PlayStation, such as I would never

Burritt 2

spend any time with friends or I would not stay after school and get the work I desperately

needed to get done. I missed out on some time I had with relatives who have been lost, but

peanut butter jelly sandwiches help me remind me of them. However, I have learned skills

because of my computer. I learned time management, problem solving, communications, and

teamwork skills. I have learned these skills from playing video games I have had to make sure

that we are working together we can win the game.

When I was asked to describe a place where I was perfectly content I knew that it would

be of me sitting in front of my computer and eating a PB&J sandwich just pondering different

experiences, what they mean to me, what I will do with my life, why hasn't this idea been made

yet or what how can I play my computer for the most amount of time I can. However, from the

chain reaction that peanut butter has caused I have come to grow as a person I am now a

responsible, time managed, problem solving, teamworking young adult capable of getting tasks

done to a degree in which it is perfect or close to it.

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