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Week 16 - 2018

DAY/DATE Monday 16/04/2018

FORM Remove Class TIME 7.15-7.55am NO. OF SS 23/23

THEME People

TOPIC Making Sentences

LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Write 5 simple sentences about English’s Classroom’s Rules

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 1) Write 5 sentences with guidance.

LEARNING 1) Teacher introduces about herself and explain about the rules.
ACTIVITIES 2) Students write the rules into exercise book.
3) Students read aloud the rules.

TEACHING Exercise book


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication / Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based

REFLECTION Students can write the 5 sentences with guidance. Need longer time to write as they
are not good in spelling the words.
Week 16 - 2018

DAY/DATE Monday 16/04/2018

FORM 5Geo TIME 9.20-10.30 NO. OF SS 27/28

THEME Environment

TOPIC Directed Writing : Formal Letter

LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Write the correct format (address, salutation and sign off)

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 1) Write the address on the left top corner
2) Write the most suitable salutation, Sir or Madam.
3) Sign off the names at the left bottom side,

LEARNING 1) Teacher distributes the notes
ACTIVITIES 2) Teacher explains the format of letter.
3) Students write the correct format.
4) Students hand in the task given.

TEACHING Hand-out and test pad.


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based /

REFLECTION Students able to write the correct format.

Week 16 - 2018
DAY/DATE Tuesday 17/04/2018
FORM 5SSU/ACC TIME 640-755 NO. OF SS 19/21
Set 2

THEME Environment

TOPIC Directed Writing : Formal Letter

LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Write the correct format (address, salutation and sign off)

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 4) Write the address on the left top corner
5) Write the most suitable salutation, Sir or Madam.
6) Sign off the names at the left bottom side,

LEARNING 5) Teacher distributes the notes
ACTIVITIES 6) Teacher explains the format of letter.
7) Students write the correct format.
8) Students hand in the task given.

TEACHING Hand-out and test pad.


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based /

REFLECTION Students write the correct format

Week 16 - 2018
DAY/DATE Tuesday 17/04/2018
FORM Remove Class TIME 955-1105 NO. OF SS 23/23

THEME People

TOPIC Reading Comprehension

LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Fill in the blanks with correct answer.

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 1) Write the 3 most suitable answers out of 5 questions.

LEARNING 1) Teacher gives the reading passages.
ACTIVITIES 2) Students underline the keywords.
3) Students answer the questions
4) Answer and discussion.

TEACHING Exercise book


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication / Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based

REFLECTION Students can underline the keywords an answer 3 questions correctly.

Week 16 - 2018
DAY/DATE Wednesday 18/04/2018
FORM 4A TIME 6.40-7.50 NO. OF SS

THEME People
TOPIC Directed Writing : Formal Letter
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Write the format of the article

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 2) Write the title and name
3) Use the correct format

LEARNING 4) Teacher distributes the handouts.
ACTIVITIES 5) Students listen to the explanation of the format.
6) Teacher explains the meaning of words that found from the text.
7) Students underline the format and label the content points.

TEACHING Handout and writing pad


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based /

Students able to write the correct format.
Week 16 - 2018
DAY/DATE Wednesday 18/04/2018
FORM Remove Class TIME 955-1105 NO. OF SS 23/23

THEME People

TOPIC Reading Comprehension

LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Fill in the blanks with correct answer.

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 2) Write the 3 most suitable answers out of 5 questions.

LEARNING 5) Teacher gives the reading passages.
ACTIVITIES 6) Students underline the keywords.
7) Students answer the questions
8) Answer and discussion.

TEACHING Exercise book


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication / Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based

REFLECTION Students can underline the keywords an answer 3 questions correctly.

Week 16 - 2018
DAY/DATE Thursday 19/04/2018
FORM 5SS TIME 920-1105 NO. OF SS

THEME Directed Writing

TOPIC Informal letter
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Use the correct format of informal letter and elaborate the content points.

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 1) Write the article using the correct format.
2) Elaborate the points

LEARNING 3) Teacher distributes the handouts.
ACTIVITIES 4) Students use the FACTS formula.
5) Teacher explains the content points
6) Students write the closing and elaborate the content points.

TEACHING Handout, dictionary,


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based /

REFLECTION Miss Putri takes over the class and cpmbined with Set 1 students.
**note “ I am involved in public speaking competition district level at SM Visi.
Week 16 - 2018

DAY/DATE Thursday 19/04/2018

FORM 4A TIME 1105-1140 NO. OF SS

THEME Literature
TOPIC Short Story : Tanjong Rhu
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Answer the questions correctly

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 1) Write the most suitable answers
2) Give own opinion

LEARNING 1) Teacher distributes the handouts.
ACTIVITIES 2) Students do the exercises given
3) Discussion of the answers

TEACHING Handout, dictionary,


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based /

REFLECTION Madam Narliza takes over this class and proceed with Accounting lesson.
**note “ I am involved in public speaking competition district level at SM Visi.
Week 16 - 2018
DAY/DATE Friday 13/04/2018
FORM 5Geo TIME 6.55-8.40 NO. OF SS

THEME Directed Writing

TOPIC Informal letter
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Use the correct format of informal letter and elaborate the content points.

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 1) Write the article using the correct format.
2) Elaborate the points

LEARNING 1) Teacher distributes the handouts.
ACTIVITIES 2) Students use the FACTS formula.
3) Teacher explains the content points
4) Students write the introduction and elaborate the content points.

TEACHING Handout, dictionary,


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based /

Week 16 - 2018
DAY/DATE Friday 13/04/2018
FORM 4A TIME 1010-1120 NO. OF SS

THEME Literature
TOPIC Short Story : Tanjong Rhu
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES Answer the questions correctly

SUCCESS Students will be successful if they can:

CRITERIA 3) Write the most suitable answers
4) Give own opinion

LEARNING 4) Teacher distributes the handouts.
ACTIVITIES 5) Students do the exercises given
6) Discussion of the answers

TEACHING Handout, dictionary,


ELEMENTS Collaboration Creativity PBL SS centeredness

Communication Critical thinking / I-THiNK Maps Task-based /


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