WD Turret PLC

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S5/S7 for Windows® - (c) 1993 - 2009 IBH softec GmbH

Segment 1 :



label Instruction
Operand Comment
U E 44.7



E 44.7 E 44.7 =410-006 rewinder A: disassembly position
E 45.0 E 45.0 =420-006 rewinder B: disassembly position
M 65.0 F 65.0 position winder B: in winding position
M 65.4 F 65.4 position winder A: in winding position

Segment 3 : flag stop in position a or b

E 44.7 >=1
M 65.7
E 45.0 &
M 65.6 SR

M 65.7 # S

E 44.7 &
E 45.0 R Q

E 44.7 E 44.7 =410-006 rewinder A: disassembly position

E 45.0 E 45.0 =420-006 rewinder B: disassembly position
M 65.6 F 65.6
M 65.7 F 65.7

Segment 4 : stop in position at jogging

M 66.0

M 65.6 S

E 68.5 &
A 1.2 R Q

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E 68.5 E 68.5 =650-007 turret drive: turret index forward

A 1.2 A 1.2 =650-001 turret drive: on
M 65.6 F 65.6
M 66.0 F 66.0


label Instruction
Operand Comment
SPA PB 177
PB 177 PB 177 -- PB 115 rewinder A: automatic coil change


label Instruction
Operand Comment
SPA PB 178
PB 178 PB 178 -- PB 115 rewinder B: automatic coil change


label Instruction
Operand Comment
A DB 255
DB 255 DB 255 TEMPORARY DB to save and restore temporary flags


label Instruction
Operand Comment
L DW 115
T MW 210


label Instruction
Operand Comment
L DW 212
T MW 212

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E 6.2 &

E 6.3 >=1
E 65.5 >=1

E 64.4 &

E 1.5
M 13.1
E 15.7
M 0.7
M 37.7

M 19.0 &
M 24.0 >=1

E 64.4

M 200.0
M 41.0
M 42.0 =

E 1.5 E 1.5 =650-001 turret drive: no fault

E 6.2 E 6.2 =700-022 turret drive: door of safety box closed
E 6.3 E 6.3 =700-022 turret drive: flap to retract closed
E 15.7 E 15.7 =800-057 carriage is outside of winding range
E 64.4 E 64.4 =310-006 Service
E 65.5 E 65.5 =310-005 winding carriage: scrap[1],manual[0]
M 0.7 F 0.7 machine emergency stop not
M 13.1 F 13.1 pneumatic: mains pressure ok
M 19.0 F 19.0 cones A: chucked and locked
M 24.0 F 24.0 cones B: chucked and locked
M 37.7 F 37.7 winding carriage in rear
M 41.0 F 41.0 material on winder A in unloading posit.
M 42.0 F 42.0 material on winder B in unloading posit.


E 68.5 &
E 68.6
M 200.1
M 9.1
M 200.0 =

E 68.5 E 68.5 =650-007 turret drive: turret index forward

E 68.6 E 68.6 =650-007 turret drive: turret index backward
M 9.1 F 9.1 turret drive: WS at manual

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M 9.1 >=1
M 9.2 &

E 68.5
M 200.2
E 68.6
M 200.0 =

E 68.5 E 68.5 =650-007 turret drive: turret index forward

E 68.6 E 68.6 =650-007 turret drive: turret index backward
M 9.1 F 9.1 turret drive: WS at manual
M 9.2 F 9.2 turret drive: WS at threading operation


M 210.0
E 69.0 &
M 9.1 S

M 200.0 >=1
E 64.6
E 68.7
M 210.2 R Q

E 64.6 E 64.6 =650-005 turret drive: turret index stop

E 68.7 E 68.7 =650-007 turret drive: turret index stop
E 69.0 E 69.0 =650-007 turret drive: turret index start
M 9.1 F 9.1 turret drive: WS at manual


M 210.1
M 65.4 &
M 65.0
M 210.0 S

M 200.0 >=1
E 64.6
E 68.7
M 210.2 R Q

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E 64.6 E 64.6 =650-005 turret drive: turret index stop

E 68.7 E 68.7 =650-007 turret drive: turret index stop
M 65.0 F 65.0 position winder B: in winding position
M 65.4 F 65.4 position winder A: in winding position


M 65.4 >=1
M 65.0 &
T 59
M 210.2 S_VIMP
M 210.1
M 200.0 # SV

KT 100.0 TW DUAL


M 65.0 F 65.0 position winder B: in winding position

M 65.4 F 65.4 position winder A: in winding position
T 59 T 59 turret drive: pulse position reached


M 50.2 &
M 50.3 >=1

M 52.2 &
M 52.3 &

M 200.4
M 9.0
M 200.0 =

M 9.0 F 9.0 turret drive: WS at automatic

M 50.2 F 50.2 WA to unload.pos: start turret
M 50.3 F 50.3 WA to unload.pos: turret drive off
M 52.2 F 52.2 WB to unload.pos: start turret
M 52.3 F 52.3 WB to unload.pos: turret drive off

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M 51.0 >=1
A 64.6
M 53.0
M 3.0 =

A 64.6 A 64.6 =310-008 coil change start

M 3.0 F 3.0 lamptest
M 51.0 F 51.0 WA to unload.pos: active
M 53.0 F 53.0 WB to unload.pos: active


M 64.6
E 46.4 &
M 34.0 S

E 45.0 >=1
E 44.7 &

M 34.0 R Q

E 44.7 E 44.7 =410-006 rewinder A: disassembly position

E 45.0 E 45.0 =420-006 rewinder B: disassembly position
E 46.4 E 46.4 =650-008 turret drive: switchover fast[1]/slow[0]
M 34.0 F 34.0 turret drive: on to n=0
M 64.6 F 64.6

Segment 19 : FLAG TURRET ON

M 200.1 &
M 66.0 >=1

M 210.6
M 200.2
M 200.5 SR
M 200.4
M 210.0 # S

M 210.4
M 200.5 &
M 117.0 R Q S

M 66.0 F 66.0
M 117.0 F 117.0 <- Sim D turret drive: n=0 <- Sim D

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T 64

M 210.6 SE
KT 030.1 TW DUAL
M 210.4


T 64 T 64 turret drive: del. off after brake close


T 61

M 210.6 SE
KT 000.0 TW DUAL
A 1.3

R Q =

A 1.3 A 1.3 =650-010 turret drive: brake open

T 61 T 61 turret drive: delay brake open after on

Segment 22 :

M 210.0 >=1
T 69
M 200.4 &

M 210.6 SV

KT 005.1 TW DUAL


T 69 T 69

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T 100

M 34.0 SA
KT 020.1 TW DUAL
A 16.7

R Q =

A 16.7 A 16.7 =650-011 turret drive: enable n-regulator-> SIM-D

M 34.0 F 34.0 turret drive: on to n=0
T 100 T 100 turret drive: feedback mains contactor


M 200.5 &
M 200.2
E 46.2
A 17.0
E 46.0
A 17.1 =

E 46.0 E 46.0 =602-003 turret disk: brake open operating side

E 46.2 E 46.2 =602-003 turret disk: brake open drive side
A 17.0 A 17.0 =650-011 turret drive: index forward -> SIM-D
A 17.1 A 17.1 =650-011 turret drive: index backward -> SIM-D


M 200.2 &
A 17.0
E 46.2
E 46.0 >=1
A 17.1

T 69 =

E 46.0 E 46.0 =602-003 turret disk: brake open operating side

E 46.2 E 46.2 =602-003 turret disk: brake open drive side
A 17.0 A 17.0 =650-011 turret drive: index forward -> SIM-D
A 17.1 A 17.1 =650-011 turret drive: index backward -> SIM-D
T 69 T 69

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Segment 26 : TURRET FAST

M 200.5 &
M 200.1
M 200.2
A 17.2
M 64.6
A 17.1 =

A 17.1 A 17.1 =650-011 turret drive: index backward -> SIM-D

A 17.2 A 17.2 =650-011 turret drive: index fast -> SIM-D
M 64.6 F 64.6

Segment 27 : E-STOP-NOT -> SIMADYN-D

A 17.3

M 0.7 & =

A 17.3 A 17.3 =650-011 turret drive: e-stop not -> SIM-D

M 0.7 F 0.7 machine emergency stop not

Segment 28 : winding pos. ->sim.-d

T 62
M 65.0 >=1
M 65.4 SI

KT 010.1 TW DUAL
M 135.5

R Q =

M 65.0 F 65.0 position winder B: in winding position

M 65.4 F 65.4 position winder A: in winding position
T 62 T 62

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A 1.2

M 210.4 # >=1

M 3.0

M 3.1 &
M 200.0
A 66.1
M 9.1
E 64.6 =

E 64.6 E 64.6 =650-005 turret drive: turret index stop

A 1.2 A 1.2 =650-001 turret drive: on
A 66.1 A 66.1 =650-009 turret drive: on
M 3.0 F 3.0 lamptest
M 3.1 F 3.1 flash frequency 1
M 9.1 F 9.1 turret drive: WS at manual

Segment 30 : SIGNAL LAMP ON

A 0.6

A 1.2 & =

A 0.6 A 0.6 =650-010 turret drive: flashlamp warning indexing

A 1.2 A 1.2 =650-001 turret drive: on


T 63

M 210.6 SE
KT 004.1 TW DUAL
A 45.4

R Q =

A 45.5

A 45.4 A 45.4 =602-008 turret disk: brake open drive side

A 45.5 A 45.5 =602-008 turret disk: brake open operating side
T 63 T 63 turret disk: brake open delayed

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Segment 32 : TURRET DRIVE ON TO N=0

M 34.0

M 210.6 & =

M 34.0 F 34.0 turret drive: on to n=0

Segment 33 : ENABLE THREAD

M 35.7
M 65.0 >=1
M 65.4 =

M 35.7 F 35.7 turret drive: in threading position

M 65.0 F 65.0 position winder B: in winding position
M 65.4 F 65.4 position winder A: in winding position


M 34.7
M 0.7 &
E 1.5 =

E 1.5 E 1.5 =650-001 turret drive: no fault

M 0.7 F 0.7 machine emergency stop not
M 34.7 F 34.7 turret drive: machine e-stop

Segment 35 : STATUS BITS TO PC

label Instruction
Operand Comment
A DB 230

U E 1.5
UN D 27.1
= D 27.0 ;drive ready to start

U M 34.0
= D 27.1 ;drive on to V=0

UN M 0.7
UN E 1.5
= D 27.2 ;drive fault
E 1.5 E 1.5 =650-001 turret drive: no fault
M 0.7 F 0.7 machine emergency stop not
M 34.0 F 34.0 turret drive: on to n=0

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label Instruction
Operand Comment
A DB 255
DB 255 DB 255 TEMPORARY DB to save and restore temporary flags

Segment 37 : SAVE FLAG AREA (I)

label Instruction
Operand Comment
L MW 210
T DW 115

Segment 38 : SAVE FLAG AREA (II)

label Instruction
Operand Comment
L MW 212
T DW 212


label Instruction
Operand Comment
A DB 230 ;call DB PLC -> PC

U M 34.0
= D 16.2 ;turreting active

UN M 65.0
UN M 65.4
= D 15.4 ;no winder in winding position
M 34.0 F 34.0 turret drive: on to n=0
M 65.0 F 65.0 position winder B: in winding position
M 65.4 F 65.4 position winder A: in winding position

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FX 209


FX 209 FX 209 -- PB 115 user guide and fault evaluation of PB115

Segment 41 :

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S5/S7 for Windows® - (c) 1993 - 2009 IBH softec GmbH

Symbol Operand Comment

E 0.1 =700-007 E 0.1 Supply monitor no trouble
E 0.2 =700-008 E 0.2 control voltage no trouble
E 0.4 =700-011 E 0.4 E-stop not
E 0.5 =700-011 E 0.5 Reset
E 0.6 =700-011 E 0.6 main contactor delayed off
E 0.7 =700-015 E 0.7 control voltage PLC-output
E 1.0 =700-016 E 1.0 KK 3 fan: no fault
E 1.1 =221-005 E 1.1 rewind.A/B: monitoring supply mains unit
E 1.2 =221-001 E 1.2 mains unit AC-servos: no fault
E 1.4 =650-001 E 1.4 turret drive: exess temperature
E 1.5 =650-001 E 1.5 turret drive: no fault
E 1.6 =650-001 E 1.6 turret drive: n=0
E 2.0 =221-002 E 2.0 tension measuring roll: excess temperat.
E 2.1 =221-002 E 2.1 tension measuring roll: no fault
E 2.2 =221-002 E 2.2 tension measuring roll: n=0
E 2.4 =310-001 E 2.4 contact roller: excess temperature
E 2.5 =310-001 E 2.5 contact roller: no fault
E 2.6 =310-001 E 2.6 contact roller: n=0
E 3.0 =600-001 E 3.0 winding carriage: excess temperature
E 3.1 =600-001 E 3.1 winding carriage: no fault
E 3.2 =600-001 E 3.2 winding carriage: n=0
E 3.4 =660-001 E 3.4 x-cut-knife: excess temperature
E 3.5 =660-001 E 3.5 x-cut-knife: no fault
E 3.6 =660-001 E 3.6 x-cut-knife: n=0
E 4.0 =410-002 E 4.0 rewinder A: n=0
E 4.1 =410-002 E 4.1 rewinder A: open brake
E 4.2 =410-002 E 4.2 rewinder A: winder is ready
E 4.3 =410-002 E 4.3 rewinder A: fault actuator
E 4.4 =410-004 E 4.4 rewinder A: monitoring synchronization
E 4.5 =410-004 E 4.5 rewinder A: fan monitoring
E 4.6 =410-004 E 4.6 rewinder A: load circuit on
E 4.7 =410-004 E 4.7 rewinder A: field on
E 5.0 =420-002 E 5.0 rewinder B: n=0
E 5.1 =420-002 E 5.1 rewinder B: open brake
E 5.2 =420-002 E 5.2 rewinder B: ready to start
E 5.3 =420-002 E 5.3 rewinder B: fault actuator
E 5.4 =420-004 E 5.4 rewinder B: monitoring synchronization
E 5.5 =420-004 E 5.5 rewinder B: fan monitoring
E 5.6 =420-004 E 5.6 rewinder B: load circuit on
E 5.7 =420-004 E 5.7 rewinder B: field on
E 6.0 =410-004 E 6.0 rewinder A fan on
E 6.1 =420-004 E 6.1 rewinder B fan on
E 6.2 =700-022 E 6.2 turret drive: door of safety box closed
E 6.3 =700-022 E 6.3 turret drive: flap to retract closed
E 6.4 =301-001 E 6.4 idler roller: exess temperature
E 6.5 =301-001 E 6.5 idler roller: ready to start
E 6.6 =301-001 E 6.6 idler roller: n=0
E 12.0 =700-015 E 12.0 control voltage Simadyn-D chassis
E 12.1 =700-018 E 12.1 KK 3 fan: no fault
E 12.7 =320-001 E 12.7 threading transport drive: motor protect
E 13.0 =611-003 E 13.0 rewinder A chucks ready to start
E 13.1 =611-005 E 13.1 rewinder B chucks ready to start
E 13.2 =624-003 E 13.2 guide roller A/B: no fault
E 13.4 =611-009 E 13.4 rewinder A: chuck is engaged <- SIM-D
E 13.5 =611-009 E 13.5 rewinder A: chuck is synchronize<- SIM-D
E 13.6 =611-009 E 13.6 rewinder A: chuck ds center adj.<- SIM-D
E 13.7 =611-009 E 13.7 rewinder A: chuck os center adj.<- SIM-D
E 14.0 =611-009 E 14.0 rewinder B: chuck is engaged <- SIM-D
E 14.1 =611-009 E 14.1 rewinder B: chuck is synchronize<- SIM-D
E 14.2 =611-009 E 14.2 rewinder B: chuck ds center adj.<- SIM-D
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Symbol Operand Comment

E 14.3 =611-009 E 14.3 rewinder B: chuck os center adj.<- SIM-D
E 14.4 =800-058 E 14.4 Simadyn-D is not ok <- SIM-D
E 14.5 =800-058 E 14.5 DUST 3 fault <- SIM-D
E 14.6 =950-001 E 14.6 Simadyn D is OK <- SIM-D
E 15.0 =800-056 E 15.0 e-stop not stretching line
E 15.1 =800-056 E 15.1 enable drive coil carriage
E 15.2 =800-056 E 15.2 take up -> winder: all drives start
E 15.3 =800-056 E 15.3 take up -> winder: all drives stop
E 15.4 =800-056 E 15.4 take up -> winder: web break
E 15.5 =800-057 E 15.5 carriage is in roll-take-up position
E 15.6 =800-057 E 15.6 carriage is in chucking pos.for new core
E 15.7 =800-057 E 15.7 carriage is outside of winding range
E 30.0 =410-008 E 30.0 rewinder A: os chuck moved out/opened
E 30.1 =410-008 E 30.1 rewinder A: os chuck moved in/engaged
E 30.2 =410-008 E 30.2 rewinder A: os monitoring chuck locking
E 30.3 =410-008 E 30.3 rewinder A: os chucking heads expand
E 30.4 =602-004 E 30.4 rewinder A: os limit oscilation
E 30.5 =611-008 E 30.5 rewinder A: os centring bolt moved in
E 30.6 =611-008 E 30.6 rewinder A: os centring bolt moved out
E 31.0 =420-008 E 31.0 rewinder B: os chuck moved out/opened
E 31.1 =420-008 E 31.1 rewinder B: os chuck moved in/engaged
E 31.2 =420-008 E 31.2 rewinder B: os monitoring chuck locking
E 31.3 =420-008 E 31.3 rewinder B: os chucking heads expand
E 31.4 =602-004 E 31.4 rewinder B: os limit oscilation
E 31.5 =611-008 E 31.5 rewinder B: os centring bolt moved in
E 31.6 =611-008 E 31.6 rewinder B: os centring bolt moved out
E 38.0 =410-007 E 38.0 rewinder A: ds chuck moved out/opened
E 38.1 =410-007 E 38.1 rewinder A: ds chuck moved in/engaged
E 38.2 =410-007 E 38.2 rewinder A: ds monitoring chuck locking
E 38.3 =410-007 E 38.3 rewinder A: ds chucking heads expand
E 38.4 =410-007 E 38.4 rewinder A: e-stop brake
E 38.5 =602-004 E 38.5 rewinder A: ds limit oscilation
E 38.6 =611-008 E 38.6 rewinder A: ds centring bolt moved in
E 38.7 =611-008 E 38.7 rewinder A: ds centring bolt moved out
E 39.0 =420-007 E 39.0 rewinder B: ds chuck moved out/opened
E 39.1 =420-007 E 39.1 rewinder B: ds chuck moved in/engaged
E 39.2 =420-007 E 39.2 rewinder B: ds monitoring chuck locking
E 39.3 =420-007 E 39.3 rewinder B: ds chucking heads expand
E 39.4 =420-007 E 39.4 rewinder B: e-stop brake
E 39.5 =602-004 E 39.5 rewinder B: ds limit oscilation
E 39.6 =611-008 E 39.6 rewinder B: ds centring bolt moved in
E 39.7 =611-008 E 39.7 rewinder B: ds centring bolt moved out
E 44.0 =310-007 E 44.0 winding carriage: contact roller in rear
E 44.1 =310-007 E 44.1 drive winding carriage overload
E 44.2 =320-003 E 44.2 thread-in material
E 44.3 =320-003 E 44.3 Machine jogging
E 44.4 =320-003 E 44.4 thread-in stop
E 44.6 =320-003 E 44.6 thread-in stop
E 44.7 =410-006 E 44.7 rewinder A: disassembly position
E 45.0 =420-006 E 45.0 rewinder B: disassembly position
E 45.1 =600-004 E 45.1 winding carriage in front
E 45.2 =600-004 E 45.2 winding carriage in rear
E 45.3 =602-002 E 45.3 spreader unit: drive side swung in
E 45.4 =602-002 E 45.4 spreader unit: drive side swung out
E 45.5 =602-002 E 45.5 spreader unit: operating side swung in
E 45.6 =602-002 E 45.6 spreader unit: operating side swung out
E 46.0 =602-003 E 46.0 turret disk: brake open operating side
E 46.1 =602-003 E 46.1 pneumatic: total pressure operating side
E 46.2 =602-003 E 46.2 turret disk: brake open drive side
E 46.3 =602-003 E 46.3 pneumatic: total pressure drive side
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Symbol Operand Comment

E 46.4 =650-008 E 46.4 turret drive: switchover fast[1]/slow[0]
E 46.5 =660-005 E 46.5 x-cut-knife: park position
E 46.6 =660-005 E 46.6 x-cut-knife: cut in end position
E 46.7 =660-005 E 46.7 x-cut device: park position
E 47.0 =660-005 E 47.0 x-cut device: slitting position
E 47.1 =660-005 E 47.1 x-cut device: start position
E 47.4 =700-018 E 47.4 KK 3 fan: no fault
E 64.0 =700-008 E 64.0 control voltage on
E 64.1 =310-006 E 64.1 key protect
E 64.2 =310-006 E 64.2 lamptest
E 64.3 =310-006 E 64.3 horn off
E 64.4 =310-006 E 64.4 Service
E 64.5 =700-016 E 64.5 desk fan no trouble
E 64.6 =650-005 E 64.6 turret drive: turret index stop
E 64.7 =650-005 E 64.7 turret drive: light barrier not actuated
E 65.0 =210-003 E 65.0 ionization control on
E 65.1 E 65.1
E 65.2 =310-005 E 65.2 coil change start
E 65.3 =310-005 E 65.3 coil change stop
E 65.4 =310-005 E 65.4 winding carriage: automatic[1],manual[0]
E 65.5 =310-005 E 65.5 winding carriage: scrap[1],manual[0]
E 65.6 =310-006 E 65.6 all drives start
E 65.7 =310-006 E 65.7 all drives stop
E 66.0 =310-004 E 66.0 gap winding
E 66.1 =310-004 E 66.1 contact winding open loop
E 66.2 =310-004 E 66.2 contact winding closed loop
E 66.3 =310-004 E 66.3 contact winding pneumatic
E 66.4 =410-005 E 66.4 rewinder A: off
E 66.5 =410-005 E 66.5 rewinder A: on
E 66.6 =420-005 E 66.6 rewinder B: off
E 66.7 =420-005 E 66.7 rewinder B: on
E 67.0 =600-003 E 67.0 winding carriage: forward
E 67.1 =600-003 E 67.1 winding carriage: backward
E 67.2 =602-001 E 67.2 spreader unit: swing out
E 67.3 =602-001 E 67.3 spreader unit: swing in
E 67.4 =611-007 E 67.4 chuck open
E 67.5 =611-007 E 67.5 chuck close
E 67.6 =611-007 E 67.6 chucks oscilation on
E 68.0 =624-004 E 68.0 guide roller A/B: manual[0],automatic[1]
E 68.1 =624-004 E 68.1 guide roller A: move off
E 68.2 =624-004 E 68.2 guide roller A: move on
E 68.3 =624-004 E 68.3 guide roller B: move off
E 68.4 =624-004 E 68.4 guide roller B: move on
E 68.5 =650-007 E 68.5 turret drive: turret index forward
E 68.6 =650-007 E 68.6 turret drive: turret index backward
E 68.7 =650-007 E 68.7 turret drive: turret index stop
E 69.0 =650-007 E 69.0 turret drive: turret index start
E 69.2 =660-004 E 69.2 slitting section move on
E 69.3 =660-004 E 69.3 slitting section move off
E 69.4 =660-004 E 69.4 x-cut-knife: cut
E 69.5 =310-006 E 69.5 winding carriage: pick-up strip on
E 69.6 =410-005 E 69.6 winder jog backwards
E 69.7 =410-005 E 69.7 winder jog forwards
A 0.0 =700-010 A 0.0 e-stop not PLC
A 0.1 =700-011 A 0.1 machine V=0
A 0.2 =700-023 A 0.2 horn general fault
A 0.4 =700-022 A 0.4 open safety doors
A 0.5 =700-022 A 0.5 open safety doors at insert material
A 0.6 =650-010 A 0.6 turret drive: flashlamp warning indexing
A 0.7 =650-010 A 0.7 turret drive: enable light barrier
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Symbol Operand Comment

A 1.0 =221-001 A 1.0 mains unit: fault acknowledge
A 1.1 =221-001 A 1.1 mains unit: enable
A 1.2 =650-001 A 1.2 turret drive: on
A 1.3 =650-010 A 1.3 turret drive: brake open
A 1.4 =221-002 A 1.4 tension measuring roll: on
A 1.6 =310-001 A 1.6 contact roller: on
A 2.0 =600-001 A 2.0 winding carriage: on
A 2.1 =600-005 A 2.1 winding carriage: brake open
A 2.2 =660-001 A 2.2 x-cut device: on
A 2.3 =660-007 A 2.3 x-cut device: brake open
A 2.4 =410-002 A 2.4 rewinder A: enable statics
A 2.5 =410-002 A 2.5 rewinder A: quick-stop initiated
A 2.6 =410-002 A 2.6 rewinder A: jog backward
A 2.7 =410-002 A 2.7 rewinder A: jog forward
A 3.0 =410-002 A 3.0 rewinder A: enable setpoint
A 3.1 =410-002 A 3.1 rewinder A: en*able
A 3.2 =410-002 A 3.2 rewinder A: on
A 3.3 =410-002 A 3.3 rewinder A: fault acknowledge
A 3.4 =410-003 A 3.4 rewinder A: field on
A 3.5 =410-003 A 3.5 rewinder A: fan on
A 3.6 =410-009 A 3.6 web break winder
A 3.7 =660-007 A 3.7 x-cut is done
A 4.0 =420-002 A 4.0 rewinder B: enable statics
A 4.1 =420-002 A 4.1 rewinder B: quick-stop initiated
A 4.2 =420-002 A 4.2 rewinder B: jog backward
A 4.3 =420-002 A 4.3 rewinder B: jog forward
A 4.4 =420-002 A 4.4 rewinder B: enable setpoint
A 4.5 =420-002 A 4.5 rewinder B: enable
A 4.6 =420-002 A 4.6 rewinder B: on
A 4.7 =420-002 A 4.7 rewinder B: fault acknowledge
A 5.0 =420-003 A 5.0 rewinder B: field on
A 5.1 =420-003 A 5.1 rewinder B: fan on
A 5.4 =301-001 A 5.4 idler roller drive on
A 12.0 =611-010 A 12.0 rewinder A: enable oscilation chucks

A 12.1 =611-010 A 12.1 rewinder B: enable oscilation chucks

A 12.2 =611-011 A 12.2 rewinder A: bypassing ls to open chucks
A 12.3 =611-011 A 12.3 rewinder B: bypassing ls to open chucks
A 12.4 =611-011 A 12.4 chucks on
A 12.5 =611-011 A 12.5 chucks opened
A 12.6 =611-012 A 12.6 rewinder A: drive side chuck brake open
A 12.7 =611-012 A 12.7 rewinder B: drive side chuck brake open
A 13.0 =611-012 A 13.0 rewinder A: oper. side chuck brake open
A 13.1 =611-012 A 13.1 rewinder B: oper. side chuck brake open
A 13.2 =210-002 A 13.2 x-cut device: ionization device on
A 13.3 =210-002 A 13.3 x-cut device: ionisation device on
A 13.4 =320-002 A 13.4 threading transport drive: on
A 14.0 =420-010 A 14.0 rewinder B: active -> SIM-D
A 14.1 =611-013 A 14.1 rewinder A: chuck left moved in -> SIM-D
A 14.2 =611-013 A 14.2 rewinder A: chuck left moved out-> SIM-D
A 14.3 =611-013 A 14.3 rewinder A: chuck right moved in-> SIM-D
A 14.4 =611-013 A 14.4 rewinder A:chuck right moved out-> SIM-D
A 14.5 =611-013 A 14.5 rewinder B: chuck left moved in -> SIM-D
A 14.6 =611-013 A 14.6 rewinder B: chuck left moved out-> SIM-D
A 14.7 =611-013 A 14.7 rewinder B: chuck right moved in-> SIM-D
A 15.0 =611-013 A 15.0 rewinder B:chuck right moved out-> SIM-D
A 15.1 =611-014 A 15.1 rewinder A: enble chuck left -> SIM-D
A 15.2 =611-014 A 15.2 rewinder A: chuck close -> SIM-D
A 15.3 =611-014 A 15.3 rewinder A: chuck open -> SIM-D
A 15.4 =611-014 A 15.4 rewinder A: chuck oscillation -> SIM-D
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Symbol Operand Comment

A 15.5 =611-014 A 15.5 rewinder A:chuck drive to center-> SIM-D
A 15.6 =611-014 A 15.6 rewinder A: chuck start synchr. -> SIM-D
A 15.7 =611-014 A 15.7 rewinder A: chucks engaged -> SIM-D
A 16.0 =611-015 A 16.0 rewinder B: enble chuck left -> SIM-D
A 16.1 =611-015 A 16.1 rewinder B: chuck close -> SIM-D
A 16.2 =611-015 A 16.2 rewinder B: chuck open -> SIM-D
A 16.3 =611-015 A 16.3 rewinder B: chuck oscillation -> SIM-D
A 16.4 =611-015 A 16.4 rewinder B:chuck drive to center-> SIM-D
A 16.5 =611-015 A 16.5 rewinder B: chuck start synchr. -> SIM-D
A 16.6 =611-015 A 16.6 rewinder B: chucks engaged -> SIM-D
A 16.7 =650-011 A 16.7 turret drive: enable n-regulator-> SIM-D
A 17.0 =650-011 A 17.0 turret drive: index forward -> SIM-D
A 17.1 =650-011 A 17.1 turret drive: index backward -> SIM-D
A 17.2 =650-011 A 17.2 turret drive: index fast -> SIM-D
A 17.3 =650-011 A 17.3 turret drive: e-stop not -> SIM-D
A 17.4 =800-061 A 17.4 e-stop not -> SIM-D
A 17.5 =800-061 A 17.5 e-stop not (software) -> SIM-D
A 17.6 =800-061 A 17.6 quick stop -> SIM-D
A 17.7 =800-061 A 17.7 strip pick-up -> SIM-D
A 18.0 =800-059 A 18.0 end of roll
A 18.1 =800-059 A 18.1 winder in thread-in position
A 18.2 =800-059 A 18.2 enable carriage into winding range
A 18.3 =800-060 A 18.3 open chucking heads to unload
A 18.4 =800-060 A 18.4 chucking heads are closed with new core
A 18.5 =624-006 A 18.5 guide roller A/B: on
A 18.6 =624-006 A 18.6 guide roller A: enable on
A 18.7 =624-006 A 18.7 guide roller B: enable on
A 19.0 =660-008 A 19.0 knife in idle position
A 19.1 =660-008 A 19.1 knife in end position
A 30.0 =602-010 A 30.0 rewinder A: oper. side e-stop brake open
A 30.1 =602-010 A 30.1 rewinder B: oper. side e-stop brake open
A 30.2 =602-010 A 30.2 rewinder A: oper. side core radial open
A 30.3 =602-010 A 30.3 rewinder B: oper. side core radial open
A 30.4 =602-010 A 30.4 rewinder A: oper. side core unlock
A 30.5 =602-010 A 30.5 rewinder A: oper. side core lock
A 30.6 =602-010 A 30.6 rewinder B: oper. side core unlock
A 30.7 =602-010 A 30.7 rewinder B: oper. side core lock
A 38.0 =602-009 A 38.0 rewinder A: drive side e-stop brake open
A 38.1 =602-009 A 38.1 rewinder B: drive side e-stop brake open
A 38.2 =602-009 A 38.2 rewinder A: drive side core radial open
A 38.3 =602-009 A 38.3 rewinder B: drive side core radial open
A 38.4 =602-009 A 38.4 rewinder A: drive side core unlock
A 38.5 =602-009 A 38.5 rewinder A: drive side core lock
A 38.6 =602-009 A 38.6 rewinder B: drive side core unlock
A 38.7 =602-009 A 38.7 rewinder B: drive side core lock
A 44.0 =602-005 A 44.0 spreader roller: drive side move off
A 44.1 =602-005 A 44.1 spreader roller: drive side move on
A 44.2 =602-005 A 44.2 spreader roller: operating side move off
A 44.3 =602-005 A 44.3 spreader roller: operating side move on
A 44.4 =602-006 A 44.4 x-cut device: move on
A 44.5 =602-006 A 44.5 x-cut device: move off
A 44.6 =602-006 A 44.6 x-cut device: move on
A 44.7 =602-006 A 44.7 x-cut device: move off
A 45.0 =602-007 A 45.0 guide roller A: move on
A 45.1 =602-007 A 45.1 guide roller A: move off
A 45.2 =602-007 A 45.2 guide roller B: move on
A 45.3 =602-007 A 45.3 guide roller B: move off
A 45.4 =602-008 A 45.4 turret disk: brake open drive side
A 45.5 =602-008 A 45.5 turret disk: brake open operating side
A 64.0 =700-010 A 64.0 general fault
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Symbol Operand Comment

A 64.2 =611-020 A 64.2 chucks opened
A 64.3 =611-020 A 64.3 cones closed
A 64.4 =611-020 A 64.4 cones in middle position
A 64.5 =310-008 A 64.5 all drives on
A 64.6 =310-008 A 64.6 coil change start
A 65.0 =410-009 A 65.0 rewinder A: on
A 65.2 =420-009 A 65.2 rewinder B: on
A 66.0 =650-009 A 66.0 turret drive: light barrier actuated
A 66.1 =650-009 A 66.1 turret drive: on
A 66.2 =650-009 A 66.2 turret drive: horn on, attention coil ch;
F 0.0 M 0.0
F 0.1 M 0.1
F 0.2 M 0.2
F 0.3 M 0.3
F 0.4 M 0.4
F 0.5 M 0.5 machine quick stop
F 0.6 M 0.6 machine emergency stop
F 0.7 M 0.7 machine emergency stop not
F 1.0 M 1.0 fault acknowledge
F 1.1 M 1.1
F 1.2 M 1.2 enable: machine on or jog
F 1.3 M 1.3 enable: machine on
F 1.4 M 1.4 machine jog
F 1.5 M 1.5 machine on
F 1.6 M 1.6 machine is ready to start
F 1.7 M 1.7 machine on up to V=0
F 2.0 M 2.0 machine jog to V=0
F 2.1 M 2.1 control voltage is on
F 2.2 M 2.2
F 2.3 M 2.3
F 2.4 M 2.4
F 2.5 M 2.5
F 2.6 M 2.6
F 2.7 M 2.7 enable operator prompting
F 3.0 M 3.0 lamptest
F 3.1 M 3.1 flash frequency 1
F 3.2 M 3.2 flash frequency 2
F 3.3 M 3.3 flash frequency 3
F 3.4 M 3.4 local flag
F 3.5 M 3.5 reset counter 1
F 3.6 M 3.6 reset counter 2
F 3.7 M 3.7 machine web break
F 4.0 M 4.0 all drives n=0
F 4.1 M 4.1 start turret cycle WB to unload position
F 4.2 M 4.2 start turret cycle WA to unload position
F 4.3 M 4.3 hf for web break counter
F 4.4 M 4.4 hf for web break counter
F 4.5 M 4.5 maintenance chucks A released
F 4.6 M 4.6 maintenance chucks B released
F 4.7 M 4.7 monitor. winder switch-over to automatic
F 5.0 M 5.0
F 5.1 M 5.1
F 5.2 M 5.2
F 5.3 M 5.3
F 5.4 M 5.4
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 5.5 M 5.5
F 5.6 M 5.6
F 5.7 M 5.7
F 6.0 M 6.0
F 6.1 M 6.1
F 6.2 M 6.2
F 6.3 M 6.3
F 6.4 M 6.4
F 6.5 M 6.5
F 6.6 M 6.6
F 6.7 M 6.7
F 7.0 M 7.0
F 7.1 M 7.1
F 7.2 M 7.2
F 7.3 M 7.3
F 7.4 M 7.4
F 7.5 M 7.5
F 7.6 M 7.6
F 7.7 M 7.7
F 8.0 M 8.0
F 8.1 M 8.1
F 8.2 M 8.2
F 8.3 M 8.3
F 8.4 M 8.4
F 8.5 M 8.5
F 8.6 M 8.6
F 8.7 M 8.7
F 9.0 M 9.0 turret drive: WS at automatic
F 9.1 M 9.1 turret drive: WS at manual
F 9.2 M 9.2 turret drive: WS at threading operation
F 9.3 M 9.3
F 9.4 M 9.4 hf for pulse
F 9.5 M 9.5 turret drive: is at automatic
F 9.6 M 9.6 turret drive: is at manual
F 9.7 M 9.7 turret drive: is at threading operation
F 10.0 M 10.0 enable safety doors winder
F 10.1 M 10.1
F 10.2 M 10.2
F 10.3 M 10.3
F 10.4 M 10.4
F 10.5 M 10.5
F 10.6 M 10.6
F 10.7 M 10.7
F 11.0 M 11.0
F 11.1 M 11.1
F 11.2 M 11.2
F 11.3 M 11.3
F 11.4 M 11.4
F 11.5 M 11.5
F 11.6 M 11.6
F 11.7 M 11.7
F 12.0 M 12.0 diameter rewinder A/B larger diamet.max.
F 12.1 M 12.1 diameter monitoring rewinder A/B (alarm)
F 12.2 M 12.2 hf reset run time
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 12.3 M 12.3 pulse reset off after T 38
F 12.4 M 12.4 hf for pulse
F 12.5 M 12.5
F 12.6 M 12.6
F 12.7 M 12.7
F 13.0 M 13.0 hydraulic/pneumatic: pressure available
F 13.1 M 13.1 pneumatic: mains pressure ok
F 13.2 M 13.2
F 13.3 M 13.3
F 13.4 M 13.4
F 13.5 M 13.5 hydraulics: machine off
F 13.6 M 13.6 hydraulics: quick-stop
F 13.7 M 13.7 hydraulics: e-stop
F 14.0 M 14.0
F 14.1 M 14.1
F 14.2 M 14.2
F 14.3 M 14.3
F 14.4 M 14.4
F 14.5 M 14.5
F 14.6 M 14.6
F 14.7 M 14.7
F 15.0 M 15.0 rewinder A: on to n=0
F 15.1 M 15.1 rewinder A: n=0
F 15.2 M 15.2
F 15.3 M 15.3
F 15.4 M 15.4
F 15.5 M 15.5 rewinder A: machine off
F 15.6 M 15.6 rewinder A: machine quick stop
F 15.7 M 15.7 rewinder A: machine e-stop
F 16.0 M 16.0 start send direct to Dornier
F 16.1 M 16.1 fault: e-stop Take-Up
F 16.2 M 16.2 fault: fault Take-Up
F 16.3 M 16.3 Take-Up ready to start
F 16.4 M 16.4 rewinder A: frictiontest not possible
F 16.5 M 16.5 rewinder A: frictiontest finished
F 16.6 M 16.6
F 16.7 M 16.7 rewinder A: enable threading
F 17.0 M 17.0
F 17.1 M 17.1
F 17.2 M 17.2
F 17.3 M 17.3
F 17.4 M 17.4 enable M-regul.from pos.winding carriage
F 17.5 M 17.5 fast up to gap
F 17.6 M 17.6
F 17.7 M 17.7 start roll carr. from length or diameter
F 18.0 M 18.0 cones A: on to n=0
F 18.1 M 18.1 cones A: n=0
F 18.2 M 18.2
F 18.3 M 18.3
F 18.4 M 18.4
F 18.5 M 18.5 cones A: machine off
F 18.6 M 18.6 cones A: machine quick-stop
F 18.7 M 18.7 cones A: machine e-stop
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 19.0 M 19.0 cones A: chucked and locked
F 19.1 M 19.1 cones A: released
F 19.2 M 19.2 cones A: in center position
F 19.3 M 19.3 cones A: chucked by Simadyn-D, stored
F 19.4 M 19.4 cones A: open 2mm
F 19.5 M 19.5
F 19.6 M 19.6
F 19.7 M 19.7
F 20.0 M 20.0 rewinder B: on to n=0
F 20.1 M 20.1 rewinder B: n=0
F 20.2 M 20.2
F 20.3 M 20.3
F 20.4 M 20.4
F 20.5 M 20.5 rewinder B: machine off
F 20.6 M 20.6 rewinder B: machine quick-stop
F 20.7 M 20.7 rewinder B: machine e-stop
F 21.0 M 21.0
F 21.1 M 21.1
F 21.2 M 21.2
F 21.3 M 21.3
F 21.4 M 21.4 rewinder B: frictiontest not possible
F 21.5 M 21.5 rewinder B: frictiontest finished
F 21.6 M 21.6
F 21.7 M 21.7 rewinder B: enable threading
F 22.0 M 22.0
F 22.1 M 22.1
F 22.2 M 22.2
F 22.3 M 22.3
F 22.4 M 22.4
F 22.5 M 22.5
F 22.6 M 22.6
F 22.7 M 22.7
F 23.0 M 23.0 cones B: on to n=0
F 23.1 M 23.1 cones B: n=0
F 23.2 M 23.2
F 23.3 M 23.3
F 23.4 M 23.4
F 23.5 M 23.5 cones B: machine off
F 23.6 M 23.6 cones B: machine quick-stop
F 23.7 M 23.7 cones B: machine e-stop
F 24.0 M 24.0 cones B: chucked and locked
F 24.1 M 24.1 cones B: released
F 24.2 M 24.2 cones B: in center position
F 24.3 M 24.3 cones B: chucked by Simadyn-D, stored
F 24.4 M 24.4 cones B: open 2mm
F 24.5 M 24.5
F 24.6 M 24.6
F 24.7 M 24.7
F 25.0 M 25.0
F 25.1 M 25.1
F 25.2 M 25.2
F 25.3 M 25.3
F 25.4 M 25.4
F 25.5 M 25.5
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 25.6 M 25.6
F 25.7 M 25.7
F 26.0 M 26.0 guide roller A: on to n=0
F 26.1 M 26.1 guide roller A: n=0
F 26.2 M 26.2
F 26.3 M 26.3
F 26.4 M 26.4
F 26.5 M 26.5 guide roller A: machine off
F 26.6 M 26.6 guide roller A: machine quick-stop
F 26.7 M 26.7 guide roller A: machine e-stop
F 27.0 M 27.0
F 27.1 M 27.1
F 27.2 M 27.2
F 27.3 M 27.3
F 27.4 M 27.4 guide roller A:frictiontest not possible
F 27.5 M 27.5 guide roller A: frictiontest finished
F 27.6 M 27.6
F 27.7 M 27.7 guide roller A: enable threading
F 28.0 M 28.0 guide roller B: on to n=0
F 28.1 M 28.1 guide roller B: n=0
F 28.2 M 28.2
F 28.3 M 28.3
F 28.4 M 28.4
F 28.5 M 28.5 guide roller B: machine off
F 28.6 M 28.6 guide roller B: machine quick-stop
F 28.7 M 28.7 guide roller B: machine e-stop
F 29.0 M 29.0
F 29.1 M 29.1
F 29.2 M 29.2
F 29.3 M 29.3
F 29.4 M 29.4 guide roller B:frictiontest not possible
F 29.5 M 29.5 guide roller B: frictiontest finished
F 29.6 M 29.6
F 29.7 M 29.7 guide roller B: enable threading
F 30.0 M 30.0 contact roller: on to n=0
F 30.1 M 30.1 contact roller: n=0
F 30.2 M 30.2
F 30.3 M 30.3
F 30.4 M 30.4
F 30.5 M 30.5 contact roller: machine off
F 30.6 M 30.6 contact roller: machine quick-stop
F 30.7 M 30.7 contact roller: machine e-stop
F 31.0 M 31.0
F 31.1 M 31.1
F 31.2 M 31.2
F 31.3 M 31.3
F 31.4 M 31.4 contact roller:frictiontest not possible
F 31.5 M 31.5 contact roller: frictiontest finished
F 31.6 M 31.6
F 31.7 M 31.7
F 32.0 M 32.0 tension measuring roll: on to n=0
F 32.1 M 32.1 tension measuring roll: n=0
F 32.2 M 32.2
F 32.3 M 32.3
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 32.4 M 32.4
F 32.5 M 32.5 tension measuring roll: machine off
F 32.6 M 32.6 tension measuring roll:machine quick-stp
F 32.7 M 32.7 tension measuring roll: machine e-stop
F 33.0 M 33.0
F 33.1 M 33.1
F 33.2 M 33.2
F 33.3 M 33.3
F 33.4 M 33.4 tens.meas.roll:frictiontest not possible
F 33.5 M 33.5 tens.meas.roll: frictiontest finished
F 33.6 M 33.6
F 33.7 M 33.7
F 34.0 M 34.0 turret drive: on to n=0
F 34.1 M 34.1 turret drive: n=0
F 34.2 M 34.2 turret drive: fault track control FB60
F 34.3 M 34.3
F 34.4 M 34.4
F 34.5 M 34.5 turret drive: machine off
F 34.6 M 34.6 turret drive: machine quick-stop
F 34.7 M 34.7 turret drive: machine e-stop
F 35.0 M 35.0
F 35.1 M 35.1
F 35.2 M 35.2
F 35.3 M 35.3
F 35.4 M 35.4
F 35.5 M 35.5
F 35.6 M 35.6
F 35.7 M 35.7 turret drive: in threading position
F 36.0 M 36.0 transport drive: on to n=0
F 36.1 M 36.1 transport drive: n=0
F 36.2 M 36.2
F 36.3 M 36.3
F 36.4 M 36.4 transport drive:frictiontest not possibl
F 36.5 M 36.5 transport drive: frictiontest finished
F 36.6 M 36.6 transport drive: machine quick-stop
F 36.7 M 36.7 transport drive: machine e-stop
F 37.0 M 37.0
F 37.1 M 37.1
F 37.2 M 37.2
F 37.3 M 37.3
F 37.4 M 37.4
F 37.5 M 37.5
F 37.6 M 37.6 winding carriage in front
F 37.7 M 37.7 winding carriage in rear
F 38.0 M 38.0 cross cutter: on to n=0
F 38.1 M 38.1 cross cutter: n=0
F 38.2 M 38.2
F 38.3 M 38.3
F 38.4 M 38.4
F 38.5 M 38.5 cross cutter: machine off
F 38.6 M 38.6 cross cutter: machine quick-stop
F 38.7 M 38.7 cross cutter: machine e-stop
F 39.0 M 39.0
F 39.1 M 39.1
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 39.2 M 39.2
F 39.3 M 39.3
F 39.4 M 39.4
F 39.5 M 39.5
F 39.6 M 39.6
F 39.7 M 39.7 cross-cutting device: basic position
F 40.0 M 40.0
F 40.1 M 40.1
F 40.2 M 40.2
F 40.3 M 40.3
F 40.4 M 40.4
F 40.5 M 40.5
F 40.6 M 40.6
F 40.7 M 40.7
F 41.0 M 41.0 material on winder A in unloading posit.
F 41.1 M 41.1 material on winder A
F 41.2 M 41.2 winder a jog to n=0
F 41.3 M 41.3 winder a: on
F 41.4 M 41.4 winder a on or jog to n=0
F 41.5 M 41.5
F 41.6 M 41.6 spreader unit: moved on
F 41.7 M 41.7 spreader unit: moved off
F 42.0 M 42.0 material on winder B in unloading posit.
F 42.1 M 42.1 material on winder B
F 42.2 M 42.2 winder b jog to n=0
F 42.3 M 42.3 winder b: on
F 42.4 M 42.4 winder b on or jog to n=0
F 42.5 M 42.5
F 42.6 M 42.6
F 42.7 M 42.7
F 43.0 M 43.0
F 43.1 M 43.1
F 43.2 M 43.2
F 43.3 M 43.3
F 43.4 M 43.4
F 43.5 M 43.5
F 43.6 M 43.6
F 43.7 M 43.7
F 44.0 M 44.0 threading device: enable
F 44.1 M 44.1
F 44.2 M 44.2
F 44.3 M 44.3
F 44.4 M 44.4
F 44.5 M 44.5
F 44.6 M 44.6
F 44.7 M 44.7
F 45.0 M 45.0
F 45.1 M 45.1
F 45.2 M 45.2
F 45.3 M 45.3
F 45.4 M 45.4
F 45.5 M 45.5
F 45.6 M 45.6
F 45.7 M 45.7
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 46.0 M 46.0
F 46.1 M 46.1
F 46.2 M 46.2
F 46.3 M 46.3
F 46.4 M 46.4
F 46.5 M 46.5
F 46.6 M 46.6
F 46.7 M 46.7
F 47.0 M 47.0 rewind handling: automatic mode
F 47.1 M 47.1 rewind handling: manual mode
F 47.2 M 47.2
F 47.3 M 47.3
F 47.4 M 47.4
F 47.5 M 47.5 rewind handling: machine off
F 47.6 M 47.6 rewind handling: machine quick-stop
F 47.7 M 47.7 rewind handling: machine e-stop
F 48.0 M 48.0 rewind handling: in front and top
F 48.1 M 48.1
F 48.2 M 48.2
F 48.3 M 48.3
F 48.4 M 48.4
F 48.5 M 48.5
F 48.6 M 48.6 rewind handling:unloading cycle complete
F 48.7 M 48.7 rewind handling: moved back
F 49.0 M 49.0
F 49.1 M 49.1
F 49.2 M 49.2
F 49.3 M 49.3
F 49.4 M 49.4
F 49.5 M 49.5
F 49.6 M 49.6
F 49.7 M 49.7
F 50.0 M 50.0 WA to unload.pos: enable
F 50.1 M 50.1 WA to unload.pos: winding carriage back.
F 50.2 M 50.2 WA to unload.pos: start turret
F 50.3 M 50.3 WA to unload.pos: turret drive off
F 50.4 M 50.4 WA to unload.pos: wind.carriage forward
F 50.5 M 50.5 WA to unload.pos: cross cutter up
F 50.6 M 50.6 WA to unload.pos: cross cutter forward
F 50.7 M 50.7 WA to unload.pos: cross cutter backward
F 51.0 M 51.0 WA to unload.pos: active
F 51.1 M 51.1
F 51.2 M 51.2
F 51.3 M 51.3
F 51.4 M 51.4
F 51.5 M 51.5
F 51.6 M 51.6 roll change after threading complete
F 51.7 M 51.7 WA to unload.pos: turret cycle complete
F 52.0 M 52.0 WB to unload.pos: enable
F 52.1 M 52.1 WB to unload.pos: winding carriage back
F 52.2 M 52.2 WB to unload.pos: start turret
F 52.3 M 52.3 WB to unload.pos: turret drive off
F 52.4 M 52.4 WB to unload.pos: wind.carriage forward
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 52.5 M 52.5 WB to unload.pos: cross cutter up
F 52.6 M 52.6 WB to unload.pos: cross cutter forward
F 52.7 M 52.7 WB to unload.pos: cross cutter backward
F 53.0 M 53.0 WB to unload.pos: active
F 53.1 M 53.1
F 53.2 M 53.2
F 53.3 M 53.3
F 53.4 M 53.4
F 53.5 M 53.5
F 53.6 M 53.6
F 53.7 M 53.7 WB to unload.pos: turret cycle complete
F 54.0 M 54.0
F 54.1 M 54.1
F 54.2 M 54.2
F 54.3 M 54.3
F 54.4 M 54.4
F 54.5 M 54.5
F 54.6 M 54.6
F 54.7 M 54.7
F 55.0 M 55.0 rewind handling: forward
F 55.1 M 55.1 rewind handling: up
F 55.2 M 55.2 rewind handling: cones release
F 55.3 M 55.3 rewind handling: backward
F 55.4 M 55.4 rewind handling: enable coil unload
F 55.5 M 55.5 rewind handling: cones move to center
F 55.6 M 55.6
F 55.7 M 55.7
F 56.0 M 56.0 rewind handling: forward
F 56.1 M 56.1 rewind handling: cones chuck
F 56.2 M 56.2 rewind handling: down
F 56.3 M 56.3 rewind handling: backward
F 56.4 M 56.4
F 56.5 M 56.5
F 56.6 M 56.6 coil has been removed
F 56.7 M 56.7 core taken-over by crane
F 61.2 M 61.2
F 61.3 M 61.3
F 61.4 M 61.4
F 61.5 M 61.5
F 61.6 M 61.6
F 61.7 M 61.7
F 62.0 M 62.0
F 62.1 M 62.1
F 62.2 M 62.2
F 62.3 M 62.3
F 62.4 M 62.4
F 62.5 M 62.5
F 62.6 M 62.6
F 62.7 M 62.7
F 63.0 M 63.0
F 63.1 M 63.1
F 63.2 M 63.2
F 63.3 M 63.3
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 63.4 M 63.4
F 63.5 M 63.5
F 63.6 M 63.6
F 63.7 M 63.7
F 64.0 M 64.0
F 64.1 M 64.1
F 64.2 M 64.2
F 64.3 M 64.3
F 64.4 M 64.4 pos.turret slow winder A to winding pos.
F 64.5 M 64.5 pos.turret slow winder B to winding pos.
F 64.6 M 64.6
F 64.7 M 64.7
F 65.0 M 65.0 position winder B: in winding position
F 65.1 M 65.1
F 65.2 M 65.2
F 65.3 M 65.3
F 65.4 M 65.4 position winder A: in winding position
F 65.5 M 65.5
F 65.6 M 65.6
F 65.7 M 65.7
F 66.0 M 66.0
F 66.1 M 66.1
F 66.2 M 66.2
F 66.3 M 66.3
F 66.4 M 66.4
F 66.5 M 66.5
F 66.6 M 66.6
F 66.7 M 66.7
F 67.0 M 67.0
F 67.1 M 67.1
F 67.2 M 67.2
F 67.3 M 67.3
F 67.4 M 67.4
F 67.5 M 67.5
F 67.6 M 67.6
F 67.7 M 67.7
F 68.0 M 68.0
F 68.1 M 68.1
F 68.2 M 68.2
F 68.3 M 68.3
F 68.4 M 68.4
F 68.5 M 68.5
F 68.6 M 68.6
F 68.7 M 68.7
F 69.0 M 69.0
F 69.1 M 69.1
F 69.2 M 69.2
F 69.3 M 69.3
F 69.4 M 69.4
F 69.5 M 69.5
F 69.6 M 69.6
F 69.7 M 69.7
F 79.0 M 79.0
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 79.1 M 79.1
F 79.2 M 79.2
F 79.3 M 79.3
F 79.4 M 79.4
F 79.5 M 79.5
F 79.6 M 79.6
F 79.7 M 79.7
F 80.0 M 80.0 frictiontest abort from PC
F 80.1 M 80.1 frictiontest start from PC
F 80.2 M 80.2 frictiontest tens.meas.roll on from PC
F 80.3 M 80.3 frictiontest contact roller on from PC
F 80.4 M 80.4 frictiontest guide roller A on from PC
F 80.5 M 80.5 frictiontest guide roller B on from PC
F 80.6 M 80.6 frictiontest rewinder A on from PC
F 80.7 M 80.7 frictiontest rewinder B on from PC
F 81.0 M 81.0 frictiontest finished -> PC
F 81.1 M 81.1 frictiontest not possible at PC
F 81.2 M 81.2 frictiontest tens.meas.roll act -> from
F 81.3 M 81.3 frictiontest contact roll active -> PC
F 81.4 M 81.4 frictiontest transport active -> PC
F 81.5 M 81.5 frictiontest guide roller B act. -> PC
F 81.6 M 81.6 frictiontest rewinder A active -> PC
F 81.7 M 81.7 frictiontest rewinder B active -> PC
F 82.0 M 82.0 frictiontest transport drive on from PC
F 82.1 M 82.1
F 82.2 M 82.2
F 82.3 M 82.3
F 82.4 M 82.4
F 82.5 M 82.5
F 82.6 M 82.6
F 82.7 M 82.7
F 83.0 M 83.0 frictiontest guide roller A act.from PC
F 83.1 M 83.1
F 83.2 M 83.2
F 83.3 M 83.3
F 83.4 M 83.4
F 83.5 M 83.5
F 83.6 M 83.6
F 83.7 M 83.7
F 100.0 M 100.0 flag logic == 0 ==
F 100.1 M 100.1 flag logic == 1 ==
F 100.2 M 100.2 startup-flag
F 100.3 M 100.3
F 100.4 M 100.4
F 100.5 M 100.5 detection bit, fault message detected
F 100.6 M 100.6 detection bit,prompting message detected
F 100.7 M 100.7
F 101.0 M 101.0
F 101.1 M 101.1
F 101.2 M 101.2
F 101.3 M 101.3
F 101.4 M 101.4
F 101.5 M 101.5
F 101.6 M 101.6
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 101.7 M 101.7
F 111.0 <- Sim D M 111.0 rewinder A: web break <- Sim D
F 111.1 <- Sim D M 111.1 rewinder A: drive is synchronou<- Sim D
F 111.2 <- Sim D M 111.2 rewinder A: n=0 <- Sim D
F 110.1 <- Sim D M 110.1 guide roller A: drive is synchr<- Sim D
F 110.2 <- Sim D M 110.2 guide roller A: n=0 <- Sim D
F 112.1 <- Sim D M 112.1 guide roller B: drive is synchr<- Sim D
F 112.2 <- Sim D M 112.2 guide roller B: n=0 <- Sim D
F 113.0 <- Sim D M 113.0 rewinder B: web break <- Sim D
F 113.1 <- Sim D M 113.1 rewinder B: drive is synchronou<- Sim D
F 113.2 <- Sim D M 113.2 rewinder B: n=0 <- Sim D
F 115.1 <- Sim D M 115.1 tens.meas.roll: drive is synchr<- Sim D
F 115.2 <- Sim D M 115.2 tens.meas.roll: n=0 <- Sim D
F 114.1 <- Sim D M 114.1 contact roller: drive is synchr.
F 114.2 <- Sim D M 114.2 contact roller: n=0
F 114.3 <- Sim D M 114.3 spare
F 114.4 <- Sim D M 114.4 rewinder A: stop, running length reached
F 114.5 <- Sim D M 114.5 rewinder A: stop, diameter presel. reach
F 114.6 <- Sim D M 114.6 rewinder B: stop, running length reached
F 114.7 <- Sim D M 114.7 rewinder B: stop, diameter presel. reach
F 117.0 <- Sim D M 117.0 turret drive: n=0 <- Sim D
F 117.1 <- Sim D M 117.1 spare <- Sim D
F 117.2 <- Sim D M 117.2 spare <- Sim D
F 117.3 <- Sim D M 117.3 spare <- Sim D
F 117.4 <- Sim D M 117.4 winding carr. contact wind. act.<- Sim D
F 117.5 <- Sim D M 117.5 winding carr. gap winding active<- Sim D
F 117.6 <- Sim D M 117.6 spare <- Sim D
F 117.7 <- Sim D M 117.7 spare <- Sim D
F 116.0 <- Sim D M 116.0
F 116.1 <- Sim D M 116.1 x-cut knife: n=0 <- SIM-D
F 119.1 <- Sim D M 119.1 idler roller B: drive is synchr<- Sim D
F 119.2 <- Sim D M 119.2 idler roller B: n=0 <- Sim D
F 120.0 -> Sim D M 120.0 rewinder A: web break -> SIM-D
F 120.1 -> Sim D M 120.1 rewinder A: frictiontest active -> SIM-D
F 120.2 -> Sim D M 120.2 rewinder A: enable diam. calc. -> SIM-D
F 120.3 -> Sim D M 120.3 rewinder A: reset diam. calcul. -> SIM-D
F 120.4 -> Sim D M 120.4 rewinder A: inc.tens. at turret.-> SIM-D
F 120.5 -> Sim D M 120.5 rewinder A: overspeed on -> SIM-D
F 120.6 -> Sim D M 120.6 rewinder A: overspeed analog
F 120.7 -> Sim D M 120.7 rewinder A: overspeed minimal
F 121.0 -> Sim D M 121.0 rewinder A: enable n-regulator -> SIM-D
F 121.1 -> Sim D M 121.1 rewinder A: enable torque-reg. -> SIM-D
F 121.2 -> Sim D M 121.2 rewinder A: start synchronize -> SIM-D
F 121.3 -> Sim D M 121.3 rewinder A: Vset on -> SIM-D
F 121.4 -> Sim D M 121.4 rewinder A: enable tension reg. -> SIM-D
F 121.5 -> Sim D M 121.5 rewinder A: active (winding pos)-> SIM-D
F 121.6 -> Sim D M 121.6 rewinder A: reduced tension on -> SIM-D
F 121.7 -> Sim D M 121.7 rewinder A: increase tension on -> SIM-D
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 122.4 -> Sim D M 122.4 rewinder A: jog -> SIM-D
F 122.5 -> Sim D M 122.5 rewinder A: jog backwards -> SIM-D
F 123.0 -> Sim D M 123.0 guide roller A: enable n-regul. -> SIM-D
F 123.1 -> Sim D M 123.1 guide roller A: enable M-regul. -> SIM-D
F 123.2 -> Sim D M 123.2 guide roller A: start synchron. -> SIM-D
F 123.3 -> Sim D M 123.3 guide roller A: Vset on -> SIM-D
F 123.4 -> Sim D M 123.4 guide roller A: jog -> SIM-D
F 123.5 -> Sim D M 123.5 guide roller A: jog backwards -> SIM-D
F 123.6 -> Sim D M 123.6 guide roller A: frictiontest -> SIM-D
F 123.7 -> Sim D M 123.7 guide roller A: turn direction -> SIM-D
F 124.0 -> Sim D M 124.0 rewinder B: web break -> SIM-D
F 124.1 -> Sim D M 124.1 rewinder B: frictiontest active -> SIM-D
F 124.2 -> Sim D M 124.2 rewinder B: enable diam. calc. -> SIM-D
F 124.3 -> Sim D M 124.3 rewinder B: reset diam. calcul. -> SIM-D
F 124.4 -> Sim D M 124.4 rewinder B: inc.tens. at turret.-> SIM-D
F 124.5 -> Sim D M 124.5 rewinder B: overspeed on -> SIM-D
F 124.6 -> Sim D M 124.6 rewinder B: overspeed analog
F 124.7 -> Sim D M 124.7 rewinder B: overspeed minimal
F 125.0 -> Sim D M 125.0 rewinder B: enable n-regulator -> SIM-D
F 125.1 -> Sim D M 125.1 rewinder B: enable torque-reg. -> SIM-D
F 125.2 -> Sim D M 125.2 rewinder B: start synchronize -> SIM-D
F 125.3 -> Sim D M 125.3 rewinder B: Vset on -> SIM-D
F 125.4 -> Sim D M 125.4 rewinder B: enable tension reg. -> SIM-D
F 125.5 -> Sim D M 125.5 rewinder B: active (winding pos)-> SIM-D
F 125.6 -> Sim D M 125.6 rewinder B: reduced tension on -> SIM-D
F 125.7 -> Sim D M 125.7 rewinder B: increase tension on -> SIM-D
F 126.4 -> SIM D M 126.4 rewinder B: jog
F 126.5 -> SIM D M 126.5 rewinder B: jog backwards
F 127.0 -> Sim D M 127.0 guide roller B: enable n-regul. -> SIM-D
F 127.1 -> Sim D M 127.1 guide roller B: enable M-regul. -> SIM-D
F 127.2 -> Sim D M 127.2 guide roller B: start synchron. -> SIM-D
F 127.3 -> Sim D M 127.3 guide roller B: Vset on -> SIM-D
F 127.4 -> Sim D M 127.4 guide roller B: jog -> SIM-D
F 127.5 -> Sim D M 127.5 guide roller B: jog backwards -> SIM-D
F 127.6 -> Sim D M 127.6 guide roller B: frictiontest -> SIM-D
F 127.7 -> Sim D M 127.7 guide roller B: turn direction -> SIM-D
F 129.5 -> Sim D M 129.5 constant value 1 nip pressure -> SIM-D
F 129.6 -> SIm D M 129.6 constant value 2 nip pressure -> SIM-D
F 131.0 -> Sim D M 131.0 ten. mess.roll enable n-regul. -> SIM-D
F 131.1 -> Sim D M 131.1 ten. mess.roll enable M-regul. -> SIM-D
F 131.2 -> Sim D M 131.2 ten. mess.roll start synchron. -> SIM-D
F 131.3 -> Sim D M 131.3 ten. mess.roll Vset on -> SIM-D
F 131.4 -> Sim D M 131.4 ten. mess.roll jog -> SIM-D
F 131.5 -> Sim D M 131.5 ten. mess.roll jog backwards -> SIM-D
F 131.6 -> Sim D M 131.6 ten. mess.roll frictiontest -> SIM-D
F 131.7 -> Sim D M 131.7 ten. mess.roll turn direction -> SIM-D
F 133.0 -> Sim D M 133.0 contact roller enable n-regul. -> SIM-D
F 133.1 -> Sim D M 133.1 contact roller enable M-regul. -> SIM-D
F 133.2 -> Sim D M 133.2 contact roller start synchron. -> SIM-D
F 133.3 -> Sim D M 133.3 contact roller Vset on -> SIM-D
F 133.4 -> Sim D M 133.4 contact roller jog -> SIM-D
F 133.5 -> Sim D M 133.5 contact roller jog backwards -> SIM-D
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Symbol Operand Comment

F 133.6 -> Sim D M 133.6 contact roller frictiontest -> SIM-D
F 133.7 -> Sim D M 133.7 contact roller turn direction -> SIM-D
F 137.2 -> Sim D M 137.2 winding carriage: backward -> SIM-D
F 137.3 -> Sim D M 137.3 winding carriage: enable -> SIM-D
F 137.4 -> Sim D M 137.4 winding carr.: enable contact w.-> SIM-D
F 137.5 -> Sim D M 137.5 winding carriage: enable gap w. -> SIM-D
F 137.6 -> Sim D M 137.6 enable nip pressure of pulsor -> SIM-D
F 137.7 -> SIm D M 137.7 pulsor regulation -> SIM-D
F 139.0 -> Sim-D M 139.0 x-cut-knife: enable n-regulator
F 139.1 -> SIm D M 139.1 x-cut-knife: start knife slitting
F 139.2 -> Sim-D M 139.2 x-cut-knife: knife backward
F 139.3 -> SIm D M 139.3 x-cut-knife: park position
F 139.4 -> Sim-D M 139.4 x-cut-knife: end position
F 139.5 -> Sim D M 139.5 x-cut-knife: start ->cut position
F 139.6 -> Sim-D M 139.6 x-cut-knife: start backwards to cut pos.
F 139.7 -> Sim D M 139.7 x-cut knife: cut position (initiator)
F 141.0 -> Sim D M 141.0 idler roller enable n-regul. -> SIM-D
F 141.1 -> Sim D M 141.1 idler roller enable M-regul. -> SIM-D
F 141.2 -> Sim D M 141.2 idler roller start synchron. -> SIM-D
F 141.3 -> Sim D M 141.3 idler roller Vset on -> SIM-D
F 141.4 -> Sim D M 141.4 idler roller jog -> SIM-D
F 141.5 -> Sim D M 141.5 idler roller jog backwards -> SIM-D
F 141.6 -> Sim D M 141.6 idler roller frictiontest -> SIM-D
F 141.7 -> Sim D M 141.7 idler roller turn direction -> SIM-D
F 199.0 M 199.0 ET 100 ok in startup-test
F 199.1 M 199.1 ET 100 datablock-error
F 199.2 M 199.2 ET 100 ok in cycle-test
F 199.3 M 199.3
F 199.4 M 199.4
F 199.5 M 199.5
F 199.6 M 199.6
F 199.7 M 199.7
T 0 T0 flash frequency
T 1 T1 pulse change spare faults
T 2 T2 pulse e-stop
T 3 T3
T 4 T4 pneumatic mains pressure ok
T 5 T5
T 6 T6 time after reset emergency stop
T 7 T7
T 8 T8
T 9 T9 e-stop from simadyn
T 10 T 10 monit. time rewinder switch to automatic
T 11 T 11 pulse reset length
T 12 T 12 pulse reset length
T 13 T 13 monitoring drive winding carriage
T 14 T 14 winding carriage overload
T 15 T 15 monitoring oscilation rewinder A
T 16 T 16 oscilation rewinder A overload
T 17 T 17 monitoring oscillation rewinder B
T 18 T 18 oscillation rewinder B overload
T 19 T 19 cones A: open 2mm delayed
T 20 T 20 cones B: open 2mm delayed
T 21 T 21 pulse turret finished
T 22 T 22 winding carriage slow forward delay on
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Symbol Operand Comment

T 23 T 23 winding carriage slow backward delay on
T 24 T 24 winding carriage fast forward delay on
T 25 T 25 winding carriage fast backward delay on
T 26 T 26 M-regula. off from pos. winding carriage
T 27 T 27 M-regulat. on from pos. winding carriage
T 28 T 28 oil filter monitoring hydraulic
T 29 T 29 signal time to crane: roll enable
T 30 T 30 cones A: chuck with delay
T 31 T 31 cones A: release with delay
T 32 T 32 cones A: delayed sidelay on
T 33 T 33 run time winding carriage backward
T 34 T 34
T 35 T 35 cones B: chuck with delay
T 36 T 36 cones B: release with delay
T 37 T 37 cones B: delayed sidelay on
T 38 T 38 reset run time
T 39 T 39 ht reset run time
T 40 T 40
T 41 T 41 rewinder A: delayed F-regulator on
T 42 T 42 rewinder B: delayed F-regulator on
T 43 T 43 reset diameter at threading start
T 44 T 44 enable diameter scrap roll
T 45 T 45
T 46 T 46
T 47 T 47
T 48 T 48 pulse constant value 1 act. contact wind
T 49 T 49
T 50 T 50 rewinder A: delayed x-cut-device up
T 51 T 51 rewinder A: delayed start cut
T 52 T 52 rewinder A: delayed x-cut-knife back
T 53 T 53
T 54 T 54
T 55 T 55 rewinder B: delayed x-cut-device up
T 56 T 56 rewinder B: delayed start cut
T 57 T 57 rewinder B: delayed x-cut-knife back
T 58 T 58
T 59 T 59 turret drive: pulse position reached
T 60 T 60 turret drive: time start-up signal
T 61 T 61 turret drive: delay brake open after on
T 62 T 62
T 63 T 63 turret disk: brake open delayed
T 64 T 64 turret drive: del. off after brake close
T 65 T 65
T 66 T 66
T 67 T 67
T 68 T 68
T 69 T 69
T 70 T 70 time monitoring thread-in material PB-1
T 71 T 71 time monitoring thread-in material PB-2
T 72 T 72
T 73 T 73 time monitoring close cones A
T 74 T 74 time monitoring open cones A
T 75 T 75 time monitoring close cones B
T 76 T 76 time monitoring open cones B
T 77 T 77
T 78 T 78 guide roller A on after winder on
T 79 T 79 guide roller B on after winder on
T 80 T 80 tens.meas.roll: drv.delayed off aft.faul
T 81 T 81 tens.meas.roll: monit.time holding brake
T 82 T 82 tens.meas.roll: feedback mains contactor
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Symbol Operand Comment

T 83 T 83 contact roller:drv.delayed off aft.fault
T 84 T 84 contact roller: monit.time holding brake
T 85 T 85 contact roller: feedback mains contactor
T 86 T 86 guide roller A:drv.delayed off aft.fault
T 87 T 87 guide roller B:drv.delayed off aft.fault
T 88 T 88
T 89 T 89
T 90 T 90 guide roller A: release auto coil change
T 91 T 91 guide roller B: release auto coil change
T 92 T 92 rewinder A: drv. delayed off after fault
T 93 T 93 rewinder A: monitor.time holding brake
T 94 T 94 rewinder A: feedback mains contactor
T 95 T 95 rewinder B: drv. delayed off after fault
T 96 T 96 rewinder B: monitor.time holding brake
T 97 T 97 rewinder B: feedback mains contactor
T 98 T 98 turret drive: drv. delayed off aft.fault
T 99 T 99 turret drive: monitor.time holding brake
T 100 T 100 turret drive: feedback mains contactor
T 101 T 101
T 102 T 102
T 103 T 103
T 104 T 104
T 105 T 105
T 106 T 106
T 107 T 107
T 108 T 108
T 109 T 109
T 110 T 110 rewind.handling unloading cycle complete
T 111 T 111
T 112 T 112
T 113 T 113
T 114 T 114
T 115 T 115
T 116 T 116
T 117 T 117
T 118 T 118
T 119 T 119
T 120 T 120
T 121 T 121
T 122 T 122
T 123 T 123
T 124 T 124
T 125 T 125
T 126 T 126
T 127 T 127
C 0 Z0
C 1 Z1 used for counting web breaks 0999
C 2 Z2 used for counting web breaks 10009999
C 3 Z3
C 4 Z4
C 5 Z5
C 6 Z6
C 7 Z7
C 8 Z8
C 9 Z9
C 10 Z 10
C 11 Z 11
C 12 Z 12
C 13 Z 13
C 14 Z 14
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S5/S7 for Windows® - (c) 1993 - 2009 IBH softec GmbH

Symbol Operand Comment

C 15 Z 15
C 16 Z 16
C 17 Z 17
C 18 Z 18
C 19 Z 19
FB 2 FB 2 synchronization of CP 581
FB 3 FB 3 synchronization of IP 242
FB 8 -- PB xxx FB 8 switch on 6RA24-SIMOREG drives
FB 9 FB 9
FB 15 -- OB 1 FB 15 SEND/RECEIVE communications to MMI
FB 16 FB 16
FB 20 system FB 20 handle STATUS/FORCING of variables PLC
FB 60 -- PB 115 FB 60 detection position of turret disk
FB 61 -- PB 115 FB 61 code changer: GRAY code --> BINARY code
FB 65 -- PB 40 FB 65 rewinder A/B:monitoring diameter(e-stop)
FB 77 -- PB 77 FB 77 pulse with three frequency
FB 101 -- OB 22 FB 101 transfer DB's -> DB-RAM CPU 928
FB 110 -- OB 1 FB 110 length counter
FB 120 system FB 120 handle SEND orders SIEMENS
FB 121 system FB 121 handle RECEIVE orders SIEMENS
FB 122 system FB 122 handle FETCH orders SIEMENS
FB 123 system FB 123 handle CONTROL orders SIEMENS
FB 124 system FB 124 handle RESET orders SIEMENS
FB 125 system FB 125 handle SYNCHRON orders SIEMENS
FB 126 system FB 126 handle SEND ALL orders SIEMENS
FB 127 system FB 127 handle RECEIVE ALL orders SIEMENS
FB 150 -- OB 12 FB 150 SEND/RECEIVE communication CPU <-> MMI
FB 158 system FB 158 parameterizing of counter card IP 242
FB 159 system FB 159 parameterizing of counter card IP 242
FB 183 FB 183 block-transfer of data's
FB 230 -- PB 77 FB 230 reset fault and prompting messages
FX 9 -- OB 1 FX 9 parameterizing of the counter card
FX 13 -- OB 1 FX 13 SEND/RECEIVE communications to Dornier
FX 31 -- FX 31 read friction values to actuator (USS)
FX 32 -- FX 32 write friction values to actuator (USS)
FX 50 -- OB 1 FX 50 communication between CPU <--> MMI
FX 51 -- OB 1 FX 51 communication between CPU <--> MMI
FX 52 -- OB 1 FX 52 communication between CPU <--> MMI
FX 201 -- PB 41 FX 201 user guide and fault evaluation of PB 41
FX 202 -- PB 42 FX 202 user guide and fault evaluation of PB 42
FX 203 -- PB 63 FX 203 user guide and fault evaluation of PB 63
FX 204 -- PB 77 FX 204 user guide and fault evaluation of PB 77
FX 205 -- PB 100 FX 205 user guide and fault evaluation of PB100
FX 206 -- PB 101 FX 206 user guide and fault evaluation of PB101
FX 207 -- PB 102 FX 207 user guide and fault evaluation of PB102
FX 208 -- PB 111 FX 208 user guide and fault evaluation of PB111
FX 209 -- PB 115 FX 209 user guide and fault evaluation of PB115
FX 210 -- PB 120 FX 210 user guide and fault evaluation of PB120
FX 211 -- PB 103 FX 211 user guide and fault evaluation of PB103
FX 212 -- PB 125 FX 212 user guide and fault evaluation of PB125
FX 213 -- PB 130 FX 213 user guide and fault evaluation of PB130
FX 214 -- PB 141 FX 214 user guide and fault evaluation of PB141
FX 215 -- PB 151 FX 215 user guide and fault evaluation of PB151
FX 216 -- PB 152 FX 216 user guide and fault evaluation of PB152
FX 217 -- PB 177 FX 217 user guide and fault evaluation of PB177
FX 220 -- PB xxx FX 220 frictiontest of drive
FX 222 -- PB 10 FX 222 web break counter
FX 225 -- PB 115 FX 225 visualization of turret position
FX 250 -- OB 20, 21, 22 FX 250 startup-test ET 100
FX 252 -- OB 1 FX 252 cycle-test ET 100
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- Symbolic table - Checked:
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S5/S7 for Windows® - (c) 1993 - 2009 IBH softec GmbH

Symbol Operand Comment

OB 1 OB 1 module-call in cycle
OB 2 OB 2 module-call by alarm
OB 10 OB 10 timer-interrupt every 10 msec.
OB 11 OB 11 timer-interrupt every 20 msec.
OB 12 OB 12 timer-interrupt every 50 msec.
OB 13 OB 13 timer-interrupt every 100 msec.
OB 14 OB 14 timer-interrupt every 200 msec.
OB 15 OB 15 timer-interrupt every 500 msec.
OB 16 OB 16 timer-interrupt every 1 sec.
OB 17 OB 17 timer-interrupt every 2 sec.
OB 18 OB 18 timer-interrupt every 5 sec.
OB 20 OB 20 start-up with newstart
OB 21 OB 21 manual start-up
OB 22 OB 22 automatic start-up
OB 23 OB 23 acknowledgement delay periepheral access
OB 24 OB 24 acknowledgement delay actualize process
OB 26 OB 26 overflow cycle-time
OB 31 OB 31 run-time fault
OB 33 OB 33 wake-fault
PB 10 -- OB 1 PB 10 calling the web break counter
PB 40 -- OB 1 PB 40 rewinder A/B: check diameter
PB 41 -- OB 1 PB 41 controlling of rewinder A
PB 42 -- OB 1 PB 42 controlling of rewinder B
PB 63 -- OB 1 PB 63 controlling pneumatics
PB 77 -- OB 1 PB 77 general machine controlling
PB 100 -- OB 1 PB 100 thread-in motor
PB 101 -- OB 1 PB 101 guide roller A
PB 102 -- OB 1 PB 102 guide roller B
PB 103 -- OB 1 PB 103 transport drive
PB 111 -- OB 1 PB 111 contact roller
PB 115 -- OB 1 PB 115 turret drive
PB 120 -- OB 1 PB 120 winding carriage
PB 125 -- OB 1 PB 125 tension measuring roll
PB 130 -- OB 1 PB 130 cross-cut-device
PB 141 -- OB 1 PB 141 spreader rollers
PB 151 -- OB 1 PB 151 rewinder A: cone chucking device
PB 152 -- OB 1 PB 152 rewinder B: cone chucking device
PB 177 -- PB 115 PB 177 rewinder A: automatic coil change
PB 178 -- PB 115 PB 178 rewinder B: automatic coil change
DB 1 I/O-LIST DB 1 list of digital I/O, connecting flags
DB 9 ET 100 DB 9 ET 100 status informations of faults
DB 12 DB 12
DB 13 DB 13
DB 14 DB 14
DB 20 DB 20 working-DB of FB 20
DB 21 DB 21 couple flags save/restore
DB 48 EDITING BUFFER DB 48 editing buffer
DB 58 COUNTER DB 58 counter data's
DB 60 DB 60
DB 70 USS-RECEIVE DB 70 datablock with informations from 6SE42
DB 71 USS-SEND DB 71 datablock with informations to 6SE42
DB 220 FAULT MESSAGES DB 220 datablock with fault messages
DB 221 datablock with user guide messages
DB 255 TEMPORARY DB 255 DB to save and restore temporary flags
DX 0 CPU 928 system information

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