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UMU Lesson Plan Template


Name: Brandon Baldwin Date: February 25, 2018

Grade Level: 1st grade Class Period: 2
Subject: Sports/Math Lesson # & Title: 2 Thematice Lesson Plan
Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):
 Introduce New Skill or Content
 Practice
 Review
 Remediation/Re-teaching

Context for Learning and Cultural Responsiveness Rationale:

Lexington Elementary School
Mr. Woods
First grade Classroom
I have 20 students in the class, 11 boys and 9 girls. This is an inclusion classroom, with 4 students on
IEPs and 2 with 504 plans. Within this class we have 1 African American student and 18 Caucasian
students. Several of the students within this class come from financially stable homes, although 12
students are identified as of low socioeconomic levels.

One female student has been identified with high functioning autism. She struggles with oral and written
skills being a grade levels below her fellow classmates in literacy skills

One male student has been identified with a SLD and is reading one grade level below his classmates.
He has many problems with writing sentences and paragraphs on given prompts. He makes errors in
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling making his writing hard to read.

Another male student has been identified with an ID, and he reads nearly 3 grade levels below his peers.
He can copy basic words but has a hard time writing basic words and sentences from memory.

A male in the class, identified as ED has achieved grade level standards in math, reading and other
academic abilities. Multiple behavior interventions, planned ignoring, proximity, and tweaking
assignments to limit his frustrations and emotional overload helps this student.

One student with a 504 plan has poor eyesight and needs to be at the front of the room. She also receives
special accommodations for her learning.

Another student with a 504 plan has a health disability and makes frequent trips to the nurse’s office. He
will need help with assignments if he needs to leave.

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There are four large tables where the students sit and work at. Each chair has the students name on the
back and a bag for them to put away papers and hw during class time. There are lockers on the far left
wall, where students can put away their personal belongings. The back area of the classroom has a
bathroom in the left corner, a sink that is used to wash their hands outside the bathroom area. The
counters in the back have all of the students class work and headphones kept safe and secure in bins with
numbers on them. Each student knows their number and tht number is put on pin for them to clip down
if they are bad. There is a rug in the back with a learning board and chair for Mr. Woods to sit at and
teach the students for rug time. The front of the classroom has a smartboard to use for lessons.

Cultural Responsive Rationale:

What I will do to honor the backgrounds of my students during the lesson, is by taking what the
governement has issued each student with an IEP, 504, SLD, ID, ED, etc. and include those into the
curriculum to honor what they need in order to achieve in the classroom and not fall nehind on their
educational development. The efforts that will be made in order for the lesson to continue toward social
justice by avoiding colorblindness and stereotyped thinking

Content Standards:
1.OA.2 Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or
equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to
represent the problem. Drawings need not show details, but should show the mathematics in the
problem. (This applies wherever drawings are mentioned in the Standards.)

Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to solve sport themed math word problems that sum is less than or equal to 20
with a 80% efficiency.

Academic Language:
Solve, addition, word, problems, efficiency, sport, themed, assessment, check, drawings, objects, 504’s,

Assessment Plan, Formative Assessment:

1. Do a quick understanding to make sure the students can solve sport themed word problems that
sum is less than or equal to 20 with a 80% efficiency. By having the students write their answers
down with showing their work in their math notebook and walk around to check and see who got
the problem right and those who got it wrong write them down for future notice for help.
2. Then show the students how to solve the problem they were assigned, to show how you got the
correct answer and ask the students to raise their hands for a fist to five on how well they
understand what just happened.
3. Do another quick check for understanding to determine if the students are starting to gain
confidence in knowing how to solve the sport themed word problems that are using three
numbers to get to a sum of less than or equal to 20. Do this by asking more questions and
watching the students that take a longer time than others answering the problems. Those students

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are the ones you have to check on and see how they are working out the problem and what seems
difficult to them.
4. For help on this have the students write their name and question on a piece of paper and put into
the basket of questions that I will have in the classroom at my desk and say that I as the teacehr
will answer your questions at the end of class when there is free time or tomorrow I will answer
these questions at the beginning of class after we review the lesson more.
5. Then give the students worksheet #1 as an individualized formative assessment. Have them solve
the ten sport themed math word problems on the worksheet. Encourage the students to look back
at class notes in their math notebook and if they need more help for explanation explain to them
that they can raise their hand and wait patiently for the teacher (me) to come over and help.
6. Worksheet #1 will help determine how well the students were able to correctly answer the ten
questions about sport themed math word problems that use three numbers that equal less than or
equal to 20 with a 80% efficiently. Which means 4 out of 5 problems the students answered
correctly. Those that have an IEP, 504, etc. will get the help they were given to them by the
government in class for them to succeed like all the other students in the class.
7. The formative data will be used to see where I as a teacher need to focus on and improve on for
the students to be able to answer the word problems at an 80% efficiency and not fall behind on
their curricular development.

Assessment Plan, Summative Assessment:

1. The students “Daily Lunch Activity” will be collected. The activity will show how well students
can solve sport themed math word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose
sum is less than or equal to 20, by using drawings, objects, etc.
2. The students should be able to solve the sport word problems with a 80% efficiency on the
summative assessment. They should also be able to use the objects and drawings given to them
for each problem to help solve the problems with 80% efficiency, if they are kinestitic learners
the objects will help them and the drawings will help visual learners and the problems will also
be read out loud for auditorial learners.
3. Students with IEP, 504’S, etc. will be given extra help that was government issued and those
needs will be meet.
4. The summative data will be shared with the class out loud and the assessment will given back to
the students with notes on the sides for help to see me, and or good job keep it up. The students
will get the assessment passed back face down and in their own individual bin for them to check
when they get back home, so that nobody else knows what they got, but the student, the parents
and Me.

Procedures, Lesson Introduction:

1. Gain attention by asking the students, “ what is their favorite sport they watch?”
2. Then ask them what their favorite athlete for the sport they said is.
3. Ask the students how much they know about math word problems and their knowledge of
4. Explain that adding a number to another number increases the value of the number to make it

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5. To activate prior knowledge, have the students do a Turn & Talk to explain to their partners what
addition is and what their favorite athlete is and why?
6. Then talk to the students about how an athlete gets their stats by using addition and subtraction to
see how he/she did for the season. For example if your favorite athelete is a running back for
football and they ran a play for 5 yards and then another play they had they ran for 10 yards and
a third play they ran for 2 yards. You take those values and add them together like : 5 + 10 + 2 =
17 yards they ran for three plays.
7. Then tell the students that today they will be learning how to solve word problems that call for
addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, by using drawings,
objects, etc.

Procedures, Lesson Body:

Review and Presentation- 15 minutes
1. Tell the students that in sports athletes have stats that can be solved using word problems that
include three of their plays added together to a sum less than or equal to 20.
2. Stats are what are the player did in each game that they played in. ex: football player ran 5 plays
and had a total of 20 yards, each play the runner ran 4 yards.
3. Explain to the students that it takes many plays for an athlete to get to a total of 20 or less points,
yards, runs, etc.
4. Next explain to the students what points, yards, runs, etc. are to the classroom, so that none of
the students are confused and everyone is not fallen behind.
5. On the whiteboard draw a sport and write out a word problem that has three whole numbers that
equals less than or equal to 20 and one that associates with the sport. (Highlight/underline the
important info written down on the board for students to see and know what they should focus on
the most from the problem given.)
6. Start with another word problem about a different sport and then when the problem is solved, ask
the class what sport should we use next for an example and call on a student to get his/her
7. Do this multiple times and use scaffolding to your advantage by showing the students how to
solve the word problems on the board and then step back, offering support as much as possible,
and see how the students work through the problems and write down any problems students are
struggling in.
8. After the students are done working on the problems on the board have the students turn and talk
to eachother as a group and once done show the students the answers and show step by step
procedure on how to solve the problems again.
9. Asks the students what sport is their favorite sport and hand them objects that are associated with
the sport and have them solve the word problems associated with the sport by using the objects.
Structured & guided practice – 25 minutes
1. Do a quick check for understanding (formative assessment) to make sure everyone can state how
to solve each problem step for step and how they did it.
2. Review how they solve word problems again by writing a problem on the board and having the
students raise their hand and give the answer. If correct move on to object association with the
word problems given and if not keep reviewing on the board.
3. Next explain how to solve word problems by using objects.
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4. Pass out objects to give to the students to solve the problems by using the objects that are
associated with the sport problem given.
5. Orally state what each object is and what the object goes with what sport. Then show them on
the board a drawing of what that sport lloks like and a visual for students to look at and such.
6. After each sport problem given and shown call upon a student to answer the question from the
daily lunch assignment.
7. Give the students worksheet #1 as an individualized formative assessment after all the review has
been givne and done. Encourage them to ask for help and guidance.
8. Give them tools for them to help them solve the problems at their own pace and their own way of
learning to cooperate with their learning strategies and development.
9. Check on the students as they work on the sheet and give tips and help when arms are raised and
for the students with IEP’S and/or 504’s give them a modified version that fits with what the
government has given them to be used in the classroom.
10. Go over the answers as a class.

Independent Practice – 15 minutes

1. For the summative assesement the students should be able to solve the sport word problems with
a 80% efficiency on the summative assessment. They should also be able to use the objects and
drawings given to them for each problem to help solve the problems with 80% efficiency, if they
are kinestitic learners the objects will help them and the drawings will help visual learners and
the problems will also be read out loud for auditorial learners.
2. The students will be given objects to help them with solving problems and also the problems will
be said out loud for students to listen to and not be mislead by the wording of the problema dnif
they do they can raise their hand up for help.
3. The goal is for the students to solve 4 out of the 5 questions correctly and show their work on
how they solved the problem completely step by step.
4. The purpose of the summative assessment is to show students how to solve word problems that
use three whole numbers that end up being equal to or less than 20.
5. After completing, have a few students share what they decided for their answer choice. Ask them
6. Talk to the class about whether they found it difficult to decide their answer.
7. Discuss that when you solve these problems there are many steps involved and takes time to
solve and don’t get frustrated you are just starting to learn something new and it will take time.

Procedures, Lesson Closure: 10 minutes

1. Summarize by saying, “ Today we learned how to solve word problems that use three whole
numbers that add up to a sum of less than or equal to 20.
2. Say, “that athletes have stats that can add up to 20 or less by the addition of three whole stat
3. Ask students to do a turn and talk for what they learned for the day, and explain how to solve
word problems with the sport associated with it.
4. Say, “Next we will practice subtracting the values next time.”

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Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:
 The students with the 504’s and IEP’s will be with groups and or helped with their teacher
assistant to solve the problems at their own pace and not feel rushed.
 The students that are having difficulties and struggling with the problems will be put with the
students succeeding in parts they are struggling in to stay on track and not fall behind.
 Students will also be given choices to choose the sport they want to work with and have fun with
 For assessments those that need help will be taking their tests outside of the classroom with an
assistant to read the test to them and have a modified test for them in order to not fail, but still
have some difficulty to see where they are at.

Instructional Materials and Support:

 Pencils for the students to use to write down and work out problems to show their work
 Erasers for the students to use to erase mistakes when solving the problems assigned
 Paper to print out the assessment for the students to take individually and to slove at and 80%
efficiency. (Assessment example on a separate sheet at the end of this packet)
 Paper to print out the daily lunch activity worksheet for the students to solve at an 80%
efficiency and to have notes for them to look back at for help by seeing how the examples were
solved out. (Daily lunch activity worksheet is on separate page at the end of this packet)
 Whiteboard for me to wirte on to show how I solved the word problems to get the correct answer
by showing step for step instuction.
 Objects for the students that are kinestitc learners to use such as building blocks, or the object
that is associated with the sport given. For example: footballs, soccer balls, baseballs,
basketballs, etc.
 Paper to print out drawings on for the students who are visual learners to look at and use for help.
(goes with the daily lunch activity worksheet)

Research and Theory Commentary:

Gardner’s research – The use of auditory, and visual learning is used throughout the lesson by giving the
students opportunities to work with one-another, and not only see each problem sloved at the front of the
room, but by each problem being repeatied each step verbally throughout the class. This is done to
accommodate the many different learning styles of the various students in the class, even those that are
kinestitic by having the material in front of them and being able to touch the book also and through
usage of the whiteboards too.

Mary Budd Rowe’s Wait-time – Used throughout the entirety of the lesson, wait-time will be
incorporated as a questioning technique so that students who think slower have time to formulate
responses to given prompts. It is typical that after a question is asked, I will count to 5, then call on a
student who is willing to give a response, or call on a student at random if none volunteer.

Lemov The No Opt Out strategy- is used when the student does not know the answer to the question the
teacher asks. The teacher then goes to another student who knows the answer then comes back to the
student who did not know the answer before and forces them to participate so they learn. This technique

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supports learners because it encourages them to participate in class even if they do not know the answer
and by using this students begin to learn how to get the correct answers.

Bandura's Social Learning Theory- posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation,
and modeling. The theory has often been called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning
theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation.

Use of Technology Commentary (if applicable):

Reflection and Instructional Commentary (if applicable):

Five question Assessment


Solve the problems below

1. A baseball player hit a ball 2miles and another baseball at 3 miles and another ball was hit
1 mile far. Add the miles together and what will it equal? (show work)


2. A football player ran the ball for three plays and the first play was a 10 yard run , the
second run was 3 yard run, and the last play was a 5 yard run. What was the total yardage
the football palyer ran?
A 10
B 12
C 20
D 18

3. A basketball player scored 6 points with three shots. How much was each point on average.

4. A track runner ran a run for 3 miles one day and 2 miles another day and the third day he
ran for 4 miles. What was the total miles he ran? (show work)
3 + 2 + 4 = 9 miles

5. A swimmer swam three laps and each lap was 4 miles. How much did the swimmer swim?
(show work)
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4 + 4 + 4 = 12 miles

Daily lunch activity


Solve the problems below

1. A baseball player hit a ball 5 miles and another baseball at 1 miles and another ball
was hit 4 mile far. Add the miles together and what will it equal? (show work)

5 + 1 + 4 = 10

2. A football player ran the ball for three plays and the first play was a 7 yard run , the
second run was 4 yard run, and the last play was a 8 yard run. What was the total yardage
the football palyer ran?
A 15
B 19
C 23
D 17

3. A basketball player scored 12 points with three shots. How much was each point on

4. A track runner ran a run for 5 miles one day and 3 miles another day and the third
day he ran for 4 miles. What was the total miles he ran? (show work)
5 + 3 + 4 = miles

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5. A swimmer swam three laps and each lap was 6 miles. How much did the swimmer
swim? (show work)
6 + 6 + 6 = 18 miles

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